What color is suitable for green-eyed girls. Hair color for gray-green eyes

Green eyes immediately attract attention - their owner will definitely not go unnoticed in the crowd! At the same time, not all girls prefer the classic look, which includes emerald eyes, red curls and a charming scattering of freckles. When choosing new ideas to update your style, you should first of all take into account the whole image as a whole, for example, skin type, existing haircut and strand structure. After all, what hair color suits green eyes is only part of the whole style.

In addition, green eyes themselves have many shades. They can be light, dark, grayish and even green-brown. And this is also very important to consider when choosing a hair color for green eyes. Using the advice of stylists, you can easily find the perfect palette.

The top hair color 2017 for green eyes is copper, gold, terracotta, mahogany and others. Red hair color and green eyes are a "classic of the genre", on the basis of which you can create many fashionable images. But the ideal hair color for green eyes is not always fiery red.

What hair color goes with green eyes

By choosing a hair color for green eyes, you can change the natural tone quite a bit, or radically change the image. To understand which tone of curls to choose, it is worth evaluating your type. With green eyes, all natural tones and shades of curls look great. Green-eyed girls should not experiment with extreme shades: pink, ashy, green, yellow, blue. At the same time, the most fashionable hair color of 2017 for green eyes is copper-red.

You should also be careful with color highlighting, because it does not always look good. The answer to the question of what hair color goes with green eyes always depends on the “base” type. Before you determine which hair color is suitable for green eyes, you need to decide on their tone. Green eyes can be:

  • warm nuances. The owners of light green eyes with orange dots on the iris can boast of them;
  • cold shades. It will most certainly be magical grey-green, or brown-green. These are very often not very bright, but rather swampy, or almost brown eyes, on the iris of which there are definitely expressive gray, emerald or brown “sparkles”.

When choosing, it is very desirable to take into account the condition of the skin of the face and the natural type of appearance. To determine which hair color is suitable for green eyes, the advice of an experienced stylist will help:

  1. Reddish shades. This is not necessarily fiery red, which is suitable only for girls with emerald green eyes. Copper, terracotta, reddish-blond, copper-brown, yellowish-red, bronze - all this will perfectly emphasize the unusual tone of the eyes and make them more expressive. This is a wonderful option for owners of fair skin.
  2. Black hair and green eyes. The emerald green tone of the eyes is perfectly set off by blue-black curls. Such a bold combination will surely appeal to a girl with dark skin, for example, ivory. But owners of fair skin should be careful with this combination. After all, what colors are suitable for brunettes with green eyes, the natural skin tone also directly depends.
  3. Rusty shades. Gray-green or chestnut-green eye shades go very well with light shades of curls. Ash-blond, caramel, dark blond, ash-pearl, honey and blond shades perfectly set off chestnut-green eyes. But it is not worth repainting in a golden or ashy blond, in combination with green eyes, facial features may look inexpressive. Such an experiment can only be allowed by girls with bronze skin. But honey shades of strands, as if lit by the setting sun, are perfect for owners of green-brown eyes.
  4. Chestnut shades. Bitter chocolate, copper chestnut, ash brown, neutral brown - all these and many other tones are just perfect for green eyes. It is dark brown that makes green eyes bright and expressive.
  5. Reddish shades. Like redheads, they perfectly shade green eyes, making it deeper and more expressive. Tones of ripe plum, mahogany, dark red, burgundy - such a “living flame” will set off green eyes as brightly as fiery red curls. It is important to remember that makeup in this case must be flawless.

Choosing a new tone for green eyes, do not forget about the skin tones of the face. The lighter the skin, the darker the strands should be, and vice versa. After that, it remains only to choose the right color scheme for makeup, and an expressive image is ready. Regardless of what hair color you want to choose for green eyes, this is best done with a salon stylist who will do the coloring. Only then can you get a beautiful hair color for green eyes.

What color is suitable for gray-green eyes

Spectacular gray-green eyes seem to cast with magical silver, attracting attention. It combines two expressive shades at once, thanks to which the eyes subtly change in different light. During the day, in bright sunlight, they may appear light gray, but in the evening they become rich green. But in order to choose the right hair color for gray-green eyes, you need to decide which of the two shades you want to make the main one.

To choose the perfect hair color for gray-green eyes, again, you need to start from the type of appearance. They are most often found in girls with fair skin and a natural blond, or reddish tint. Gray-green eyes belong to girls of the "cold" type with ivory skin. Caramel hair color for green eyes looks great here, helping to create a romantic look.

They are best combined with ash-blond, copper, reddish and chocolate shades of strands. Ash or platinum tone will also look great in this case. Choosing a hair color for green eyes is easy, if you are not afraid of experiments. Light hair color for green eyes is most often the choice of girls with light gray eyes, on the iris of which emerald “sparkles” are barely visible.

Owners of the "warm" type are ideal for caramel, honey, and golden tones of the strands. If you have gray-green eyes, what hair color is best to determine by consulting a professional stylist. This is the perfect base for an “angelic” look, which goes well with caramel-colored strands. These can be tones such as:

  • Wheat;
  • Sand;
  • Golden;
  • "Honey";
  • Golden red.

Gray-green is the most “capricious”, so these girls should be very careful to use rich tones. For example, fiery red, copper red, reddish, plum. Against such a background, gray-green eyes of a light tone are simply “lost”. But all the “chocolate” shades are just a godsend for everyone who has dark gray eyes with green “sparkles”. Chocolate hair color and green eyes are another winning theme for everyone who needs to give them an emerald glow.

What color goes with green eyes

The answer to the question "how to choose a hair color for green eyes" always depends on the skin tone. Only then will you get an organic image that advantageously emphasizes natural beauty. To do this, the easiest way is to use 4 main types of appearance:

  1. Winter. For girls of the “winter” type with fair skin and “swampy” shade of eyes, all shades of black, or “bitter chocolate”, are ideal. This will give the eyes an amazing "emerald" glow.
  2. Spring. Girls of the "spring" type are distinguished by light, as if watercolor shades, most often for gray-green, very light eyes. The ideal tone of curls in this case will be golden brown, honey, caramel, silver, pearl.
  3. Summer. Girls of the "summer" type with skin of peach or bronze shades can afford the most daring combinations of shades and rich tones. The best hair color to match emerald green eyes is light blond, chocolate, and all kinds of gold.
  4. Autumn. The "autumn" type of appearance really absorbed all the colors of autumn. Warm skin tones such as peach, apricot or bronze accentuate the beauty of chestnut green eyes. Curls of red, noble chestnut, brick-copper, as well as honey and caramel tones are perfect here.

Another important rule for green-eyed girls is that when choosing a shade of curls, do not forget about the flawlessness of the skin. If it is problematic, you can choose lighter and warmer tones. But when the tone of the face is impeccable, then you can safely dye your hair in the darkest and most contrasting tones.

How to choose a haircut for green eyes

In addition to what hair color to choose for green eyes, it is also important to choose the right haircut. Indeed, on hair of different lengths, thicknesses and structures, the same hairstyle will look completely different. For example, when choosing a hair color for quads and green eyes, it is worthwhile to focus on the cheekbones at the same time. Both rich dark and completely “watercolor” tones will look great here. The length of the strands also matters:

  • on medium and long hair look good, all shades of gold and chestnut. In this case, the emphasis should be on the lips;
  • if the hair is short, the beauty of green eyes will be perfectly emphasized by multi-color coloring. For example, for light brown curls in combination with gray-green hair, “American” highlighting is perfect, giving expressiveness to the eyes;
  • asymmetrical haircuts no longer than the middle of the chin will make the right emphasis on the eyes, drawing attention to their unusual shade. But this is worth doing only if the skin is perfect, because the face is in a bright frame. Particular attention should be paid to makeup, in this case it can be restrained.

After all, what color to paint with green eyes is easy to choose knowing your type of appearance. The final touch will be a properly selected makeup, the creation of which will also help the recommendations of stylists. For this, the same color scheme is used as in the selection of the color scheme of the strands.

Females with green eyes look mysterious and gentle. This color has a lot of advantages over others, having a large number of shades in cold and warm colors. The right hair color for green eyes can reveal the beauty of each shade. A suitable make-up will help to deepen it.

gift of nature

Analyzing the experience of nature, it becomes obvious that the classic version of the green-eyed is a red-haired beast with cheerful freckles on a pale face. This image attracts men and at the same time is a manifestation of innocence. This natural combination will never go out of style.

If you want to repaint, just use a coloring balm and make the curls brighter or, on the contrary, muted.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the tone of the skin of the face. A lighter red hair color will suit a soft red hair color, which will make the skin radiant. Dark strands will give the face a shade of unhealthy pallor.

Hairdressers often offer red-haired beauties with green eyes to do coloring. It is permissible to combine bright red, red, chocolate. This hairstyle is suitable for perky natures, making the eyes very bright and saturated.

All the eccentricity of green eyes

Every woman has a period in her life when she wildly wants to change her appearance. In this case, you first need to find out which hair color suits green eyes. In order not to break firewood, you should be guided by the advice of experienced stylists.

In this case, one simple rule applies - hair can be any tone A. But given all the diversity of green, consider the ideal combinations for each of its shades:

Don't forget skin color

In addition to the shade of the eyes, skin tone plays a very important role. Therefore, before changing the image, take into account this aspect. If it’s difficult to figure out what you have, then follow two simple rules for choosing the color of curls for green-eyed women:

For those green-eyed girls who know exactly what skin tone they have, there are a number of professional tips for choosing hair color.

Four natural color types

Green-eyed beauties of this category are gifted with light, pale skin of the face, which is distinguished by a creamy, pinkish, golden hue. In summer, such ladies cannot tan, as the skin turns red and burns, and then it still remains white. For light green eyes, rich dark hair dye is suitable. If the shade of the eyes is cold, then the shade of the hair should be the same (light blond, ash, silver). Warm green eyes look great with a reddish-brown hair color.

These are the owners of gray-green cold eyes with light olive or pale pink skin. After sunburn, the face becomes ash-olive. Ideal hair for this type of girl ranges from light brown to rich brown. Any shade of ashy will do.

These beauties with warm green eyes are often covered with freckles. The face can be peach, bronze, a pleasant gray hue. Its distinguishing feature is immunity to the sun. After tanning, redness immediately appears. The ideal hair color is red (it can be both bright and dark), brick and copper.

Boasts a light or dark complexion that has a bluish-pink cold tone. Dark hair with ruby, burgundy, cherry hues will look good with green eyes of this color type. Curls of gray and brown shades are also suitable.

Remember, before you change your hair color, take a closer look at the shade of your green eyes and facial skin. Then analyze which hair color is right for you. Only after that start experimenting with coloring. Well, best of all, put yourself into the hands of experienced hairdressers for the first time, so that the result will please and surprise others for a long time.

One of the most magical colors from ancient times to our time - was considered green. That is why many girls want to focus on the green color of the eyes, thanks to the selection of "their" hair color, which will give their owners zest and charm.

To most effectively choose a color, you can mentally imagine how it will look on you. But before you start directly coloring your hair, it will be useful to consider all the possible options for choosing among the many different colors.

What is possible and what is not necessary

Everyone knows this classic look: red hair, freckled skin and bright green eyes. From such an image breathes attractiveness, passion and at the same time tenderness and innocence. Especially in golden autumn, such a girl looks most spectacular.

Naturalness has always been in fashion - you're in luck your image will always be relevant don't change it!

Rules for green eyes

However, if you are passionate about change, find out what changes are acceptable in choosing a new hair color, and what stylists advise about this.

For green eyes, almost any tone is suitable. To make your whole image more complete and mysterious, it would be preferable to dye your curls in dark colors that have rich shades.

Dark shades emphasize all the charm of green eyes.

But, if you choose reddish shades, keep in mind that you will need to be careful about your makeup, which in this case must be perfect.

Such shades best emphasize the color of the eyes, making it brighter, but at the same time they highlight skin imperfections. Therefore, the skin tone, first of all, should be perfect if you are dyeing in copper or shades of red.

So, here are two basic rules for green eyes:

  • If there are no skin defects- feel free to use dark shades of paint. Black, plum shades will not spoil the beauty of green eyes, but keep in mind that such colors can add a few more years to your age.
  • If the skin is not perfect, choose light, golden tones. However, in order not to discolor your face, avoid very light hair colors and their combinations. Platinum blonde or ash can be combined with pale green eyes, closer to gray.

In the photo, in order, the fair-haired owners of green eyes: Amanda Bynes, Kylie Cuoco, Kirstie Alley, Lady Gaga.

Coloring in several tones

Whatever type of paint you choose, try to combine warmer, more natural paint tones. You can combine them in highlighting, coloring, in various color combination schemes.

Use colors like balayage, shatush, flamboyage- all this will allow you to combine the right types of color shades and emphasize all the chic of your image of a green-eyed girl.

Well suited with a difference in paint tones from each other by 1-2 tones.

From warm shades, you can take almost any. Well, if you want a light hair color, you can combine copper or light brown tones with each other.

A green-eyed woman will look feminine with - in this case, the roots can be dyed chestnut and make a smooth transition to golden at the ends of the hair.

Also, an ombre with a “flame effect” on the hair will look attractive: the tips are dyed red or red.

But, above all, the choice of color and its combination with others depends on what shade of green you have in your eyes and what type of skin you have.

Oh what different green eyes

Depending on which color of green prevails in your eyes, you can choose the most spectacular shades for dyeing your hair.

  • If your iris has orange or yellow blotches, choose a coppery red, chestnut, even reddish tint. All eccentric and bright colors- your choice!
  • Bright green or grassy eye color - beautiful colors such as honey, dark red, reddish, golden, medium chestnut will be the most suitable.
  • Swamp color - quite common, in contrast to bright green eyes. There is also an admixture of gray or gray-brown.

In this case, you should not try all the shades of red on yourself. Choose better black, dark blond, neutral brown. In extreme cases, with very light natural tones - wheat ("champagne splash") and platinum. The main rule is not to discolor!

  • Light green eye color - light highlighting and light brown color are perfect.
  • Dull green eyes those eyes need brightness. Black with a blue tint and black with brown will help you find it.
  • If there is a clear admixture of gray in the eyes, brown (“bitter chocolate”) and black (“black tulip”) will do.

In the photo, in order, green-eyed celebrities: Emily Browning, Demi Moore, Mila Kunis, Melanie C.

Don't forget your skin tone

To better determine the ideal color for hair coloring, you need to take into account the type of your skin. For example, a creamy peach tone with golden or yellow undertones is a warm skin tone. Cold tone is represented by a blue or pink skin tone.

Thus, a hair color that is quite harmonious with one type of skin is completely out of harmony with another. Wrong hair color threatens a woman to look unnatural. There are quite a few nuances in this matter. Here's a little guide to guide you in choosing a color.

Olive skin

For women with a slightly yellowish skin tone combined with green eyes, shades darker than their own skin - bronze and caramel - are an excellent option.

If you have no desire to look gray and "artificial", then avoid flashy light tones and defiant blond. For olive skin with green eyes wide range of colors:

  • brown;
  • plum;
  • chestnut;
  • burgundy;
  • black;
  • dark brown.

Read our article about professional and natural dyes (in particular, henna - for red shades).

If you do not like the new hair color, try to wash off the paint from them - in this we tell you how to do it at home.

Everything about home lamination of hair with gelatin is here: - let your hair shine as well as your eyes!

dark skin

Intense chocolate brown shades are the surest option when choosing a color for owners of tanned skin. In combination with this type of skin, all variations of brown, both light and dark, will look great.

Bright skin

If a woman with green eyes has white skin, she is lucky, as her choice in hair coloring will be one of the easier ones. If dark skin did not allow us to paint in light colors, then for a light skin type, stylists, on the contrary, advise choosing hair dye from light colors.

In the photo - the owners of fair skin and green eyes of different shades: Anne Hathaway, Kristin Stewart, Katie Perry, Dita Von Teese.

The main tones of honey color will especially emphasize your eyes. Suitable for you:

  • brown;
  • red and all its shades;
  • black;
  • copper;
  • warm golden colors;
  • dark red.

As we can see, the choice is very large.

Now you, as the owner of green eyes, know what to do. pay attention to two main points:

  • skin tone of your face;
  • shade of green eyes.

As a result, it remains to do the right makeup, choose a stylish hairstyle - and you are irresistible. Do not be afraid of the new, experiment, change, look for yourself!

A girl with green eyes just needs to play with the image, complement it with details, and be exactly that fatal woman that numerous fans remember with bated breath.


There are no two absolutely identical people in the world. As well as taste preferences, each of us has our own, unique, and sometimes inexplicable. With all the philosophical overtones of these statements, few women do not seek to change their appearance or hair color with the help of cosmetics. Sometimes this desire goes far beyond the bounds of reason, and ladies, in pursuit of fashion, transform into different images, without thinking about whether it suits them or not.

Modern fashion trends dictate many rules to us. For example, the parameters for each time period were different. Women strove for the ideal, but often they were unable to achieve the standards. Or, the perfect face shape. These indicators refer to the structural features of the body, which is given to us by nature. However, fashion trends in hair color, and even in eye color, we follow easily. If in the second case they use lenses that change the color, then with the color of the curls everything is more difficult.

Statistics show that depending on the country, the percentage of women who are satisfied with their appearance ranges from 1 to 16. This explains why there is no such woman who does not strive to change her image. The simplest thing to do in this case is.

Striving for perfection in everything, women choose for themselves a hair color that will be in harmony with the natural shade of the skin and eyes. Based on these characteristics, four color types are derived, which guide the choice of clothing, decorative cosmetics and hair color.

The color type "summer" is characterized by the following features:

They have light eyes - shades of blue and blue, gray, grayish green, honey and hazel;
Skin tones of pale tones - pinkish, porcelain, closer to ivory, soft beige with a hint of olive, milky;
Hair color close to ashy, light brown and light brown shades.

The “autumn” color type includes ladies with the following natural data:

The eyes of these women are blue, light brown, the color of transparent amber, shades of green with small specks;
The skin of these women is of the warmest shades - golden beige, peach, the color of white sparkling wine. The skin of these ladies;

Without exception, all women of the “autumn” color type are born with a redhead in their hair.

The color type "winter" has the following characteristics:

The eyes of these ladies are the colors of heavenly blue, brown (black), green (emerald);
Skin color from pale porcelain to delicate olive;
Hair color is black with a bluish tint, dark shades of chestnut or with an ash tint.

The spring color type is characterized by the following features:

The eyes of people of this type are blue, blue, light brown, honey, greenish-blue;
The skin has peach and pinkish undertones. Often there is a skin color of noble ivory;
People of this type are born with dark blond, reddish or golden hair.

Does the character of a person depend on the green color of the eyes?

Green-eyed girls in all ages attracted the views of people. Probably because this eye color is one of the rarest on Earth. Statistics say that two percent of people have one shade or another. The natural and vibrant green color is so rare that even in terms of percentage it is difficult to express it. Similar shades are more common among representatives of the northern part of the European continent.

Scientists believe that the formation of green pigment in the eyes is influenced by the gene responsible for the reddish hue of the hair. Therefore, it is often the red-haired girls who have eyes of all shades of green. This amazing combination of eye and hair color excited the minds of people in the Middle Ages. These women were considered witches.

The nature of green-eyed people is dominated by diligence, determination and prudence. They are excellent speakers, organizers and visionaries. These people are especially reverent towards the short ones. These are faithful, gentle and reliable partners for the second half. However, do not flatter yourself, these people are extremely negative about treason, even if platonic. Never forgive betrayal. These are principled and self-confident people.

How to match hair color to green eyes

Many red-haired and green-eyed beauties absolutely do not want to give up the status of "witch". By the way, women with green eyes, but other hair colors tend to add a redhead to curls. Blonde and dark-haired ladies are looking for the right color for themselves, which will refresh the image and give it even more mystery.

If you take into account the peculiarities of the color type and color of a person’s eyes, you can easily choose the shade of curls that fits perfectly into the created image.

In addition to the color types already listed, there are two more teams:

Warm. It includes women with delicate pinkish-gold skin, and small dark specks on the iris of the eye;
Cold. It is characterized by gray, greenish or light specks on the shell.

For women whose color type is warm, the following colors and shades of hair are suitable:

Light and rich copper color or hazelnut honey shade. Highlighting with lightening strands by 1-2 tones will look especially impressive. These colors will be in perfect harmony with the eyes of light green shades;
The color of ripe chestnut, copper-red, pure honey, warm blond, copper. These colors are ideal for ladies with emerald green eyes;
Dark blond, magnificent color of dark chocolate, copper with a reddish tint. These colors harmonize perfectly with olive-colored or greenish-marsh eyes.

Light-skinned girls with pale green eyes are great shades of blond hair. Warm shades of blond or highlights with honey curls will look great.

It is advisable not to use cold tones for a warm color type. These include ashen, mother-of-pearl, platinum. Even worse would be jet black paint for women with green eyes.

The following hair shades are suitable for the cold color type of green-eyed beauties:

Ash, pearl, mother-of-pearl. These truly cold colors will add extra gloss and charm to the image;
From dark colors, you can advise deep plum, rich shades of chocolate, brown, ebony or tulip.

As already mentioned, the red color for a green-eyed lady is a universal option, and a win-win. However, shades must also be selected individually.

Additional nuances to the image

For green-eyed girls with porcelain skin and dark curls, the following colors can be advised to use in decorative cosmetics:

Shadows. The main colors that can be combined at your discretion, or used separately - gray, gold, purple. Of all the varieties of green, opt for marsh shades;
Blush. For delicate porcelain skin, soft pink blush is more suitable;
Pomade. From the whole variety of colors and shades, choose the most delicate and natural ones. For going to a party, use scarlet shades.

Brunettes with green eyes and dark skin can be advised:

Shadows. Mostly brownish and peach, apricot shades;
Blush. Shade of sand, beige;
Pomade. All variations of beige and pale pink.

For blondes with green eyes, we can advise you to use the following color palette for decorative cosmetics:

Pencil. For a warm color type, brown; for a cold one, gray;
Shadows. Light golden, swamp green, gray, ripe olive color. Also, these girls can be advised to use a rich plum shade or the color of shiny bronze to create an evening look;
Blush. Pale beige or tinted pink;
Pomade. It is advisable to use cold shades of pink lipstick. Scarlet is suitable for makeup for going out.

The upper eyelid, emphasized by a feathered arrow, looks very advantageous in combination with bronze-colored shadows.

In combination with pink shadows, it is better not to draw arrows. It creates a feeling of sick, inflamed eyes.

Brown-haired women with green eyes can use the following colors in makeup:

Shadows. From brown to soft beige, cherry or ocean wave;
Pencil. The eyelids outlined in green pencil look favorably;
Ink. Traditional colors for brown-haired women are black or dark brown;
Pomade. Intense pink with purple hues.

Do not use pink or blue eye shadow. This image looks defiantly vulgar.

Green-eyed red-haired "witches" no one orders! But for them there are recommendations in choosing a color palette for:

Shadows. These ladies will suit shades of any shade of green. In addition, purple and brown tones look great. Shades of the color of buckwheat honey, caramel or apricot;
Ink. Traditional black and brown colors;
Blush. It is better to use beige or milk chocolate blush;
Pomade. Shades of light lipstick for daytime makeup, bright and saturated - for going out.

Based on these recommendations, you can choose a palette of colors both for hair and for the correct placement of accents in makeup. Experiment with your image, follow the latest in fashion, follow the advice of stylists and you will definitely find exactly your image and unique style.

April 22, 2014

The unusual green color of the eyes has a mysterious and magical appeal. Guys and girls, whom nature has awarded with such a feature, need to know what hair color will suit green eyes in order to emphasize their charm and mystery.

Suitable blond sweetheart
brunette makeup
ginger blond

When choosing colors for painting curls or when choosing the color of shadows, stylists advise taking into account the natural color of their hair and the features of the green shade of the eyes. The green color of the eyes differs in saturation and natural pattern into warm and cold shades.

Trait definition

To choose the right brightening or tinting hair dye for green eyes, you need to understand what type you are:

  • a warm color type is determined by green eyes with dots of yellow, red or orange;
  • the cold color type has a characteristic marsh shade with dark dots of gray and brown.

In addition, you need to decide on your seasonal color type. This is necessary in order to correctly choose a hair color that suits your green eyes. Stylists define four groups that differ in skin tones, eyes and hair.

  1. Summer: these are light-skinned people with green-blue eyes, light brown, ashen or light chestnut color of curls.
  2. Autumn: pale skin, golden-red freckles, green-amber eyes and bright red curls.
  3. Winter: light skin with a porcelain sheen, gray-green eyes and dark, even black hair color, you can see the type in the photo in the gallery.
  4. Spring: dark skin, amber-green eyes, honey, caramel or red-wheat curls.

And here we have described and .

Tone selection

After you have decided on your color type, you need to understand the color scheme.

Styling tips for choosing a tone for a warm color type:

  • for light green eyes: honey-blond and light copper tone;
  • for bright green eyes: cognac, honey and dark shades of red;
  • for green eyes with marsh, brown and gray tint: bright red, chocolate and dark chestnut tones;

If there is any doubt in which tone to paint the curls for the owners of green eyes, then there is an ideal option: highlighted or colored strands are suitable for absolutely everyone. Moreover, it meets the latest fashion trends.

Pearl-ash gamma and black curls, according to stylists, are completely unsuitable for green-eyed beauties of a warm color type.

Styling tips for choosing a tone for a cold color type:

  • in the presence of blond strands and light skin, it is recommended to tint them with a wheaten tone or any tone from the ashy range: platinum, pearls, mother of pearl;
  • if the natural color of the curls is dark and dark skin, then shades of chocolate color are suitable: rich brown, burgundy, plum, bronze, copper.

Taking into account the fashion trends of 2018, almost all owners of green and hazel-green eyes are recommended to use all shades of red, this can be seen in the trend photos. The exception is the owners of swamp-colored eyes, for whom redhead is contraindicated.

For green eyes, the following shades of wheat and golden tones are suitable:

  • super light blonde
  • natural blond;
  • intense gold;
  • golden copper;
  • dark gold;
  • golden chestnut;
  • wheat and honey;
  • wheat-caramel;
  • wheat-pearl;
  • dark and light wheaten.

All these tones are ideal for ladies with green eyes and fair skin, photos are shown in the gallery.

The trendy trend of this year are all shades of ashy scale. Especially for green-eyed fashionistas of the oriental type are suitable:

  • ash-violet fog;
  • ash brown mother-of-pearl;
  • ash blond metallic;
  • ash-copper sugar.

Ladies with natural copper hair color and green eyes look very impressive and may not change color, see photos in the gallery. But for a change, you can try highlighting or coloring. It is not recommended to dye strands in super white and black.

In order to bring changes to your image, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon, you can paint yourself at home. Today there are no problems for purchasing any professional coloring products in specialized stores.

Fashionable hair colors in 2018 for owners of green eyes can be seen in the photographs.

First you need to decide what exactly you want. For example, toning is enough to saturate the color. To enhance the brightness, you will need a stronger dye. If you decide to highlight, then you will need a brightening powder.

Consider the option for a square - the most trendy model of this season. The most difficult coloring at home is highlighting. In fact, there are a lot of techniques for such painting, you just need to choose which one suits you personally.

See the photo gallery for the latest fashion trends for squares in 2018 for owners of green eyes.

Useful Instruction

There is highlighting under a hat, under foil, but for self-coloring it is better to choose Californian highlighting, especially since this technique is considered super fashionable this season.

You will need:

  • brightening powder;
  • tinting dye;
  • comb;
  • gloves;
  • plastic bowl;
  • tassel.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • select small strands (the number is selected individually);
  • dilute the powder and oxide (instructions are included with the purchase);
  • apply the prepared mass to the strands;
  • so that the clarifier does not stain the rest of the hair, place napkins under the strands;
  • keep the allotted time, but no more than 30 minutes;
  • rinse thoroughly with a moisturizer;
  • dry the curls with a towel.

Start the toning process. Choose a shade based on your color type. For example, ash-pearl tones are ideal for gray-green eyes.

  • dilute the dye according to the instructions;
  • apply tinting dye to all hair;
  • soak exactly as much as indicated in the instructions;
  • wash off with shampoo and conditioner.

There are cases when, when using ashy tones, a green tint appears after staining. The main thing is not to panic! There are some simple but sure ways to remove green after dyeing your hair.

  1. Take ordinary tomato juice and soak the strands thoroughly. Leave on for half an hour and wash off. Tomatoes contain an oxidizing agent that will remove unwanted tone.
  2. Take a pack of aspirin, dissolve it in a glass of water and apply it to your hair. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off.
