Which washing powder for newborns is better - a control purchase of baby powders. Which baby washing powder is better to choose

Powder for baby clothes must meet a number of requirements: high-quality washing of traces of the child's vital activity, natural composition, absence of a pungent odor. Otherwise, you may encounter allergies. How to choose the very brand that you will have to stick to for months, or even years? Experts advise to focus on the following characteristics:

  1. Composition. Inadmissible components are phosphates, which reduce the body's immune resistance and destroy protective functions, as well as surface-active substances (surfactants) in excess of the accepted norm.
  2. Packing tightness. The loss of useful properties of the powder is possible due to a violation of the tightness of the pack.
  3. Delicacy care. Powder for newborns should not have a pronounced aroma. In addition, the agent should not form abundant foam.
  4. Manufacturer reputation. A manufacturer that cares about reputation invests not only in brand promotion, but also in preliminary research on product quality.
  5. Price. Washing baby clothes, especially at first, can occur daily, or even several times a day. Therefore, the difference in cost in this situation is "on the face."
  • characteristics (composition) of the powder;
  • cost (price-quality ratio);
  • user reviews;
  • recommendations of specialists (pediatricians, dermatologists).

The Best All-Purpose Washing Powders for Newborns

4 Stork

The lowest content of surfactants
Country Russia
Average price: 247 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Among the nominees of the rating, a good price is shown by the children's washing powder "Stork Magic Whirlwind". This is a universal product that is suitable for manual and automatic washing of cotton and synthetics. A distinctive feature of this powder for newborns is the smallest amount of surfactants - no more than 5% against the background of other drugs containing up to 15%. As for the non-ionic surfactant indicator, it is the standard 5%.

The composition indicates that the powder has bleach and enzymes - the necessary components for high-quality cleaning of things from dirt, but phosphates are completely absent in it, which is a big plus of the product. Buyers positively evaluate naturalness, emphasizing the safety of the composition, affordable cost and ease of use in reviews.

3 Eared babysitter

The most popular
Country Russia
Average price: 596 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

According to a user survey, Eared Nanny is a bestseller among washing powders for baby clothes. The manufacturer's slogan "Because there is a child in the house" fully corresponds to the principles of the product - natural composition and high-quality cleaning of synthetics and cotton items. In particular, there is a content of bleach to remove yellow plaque from fabrics and enzymes designed to combat complex protein stains. The key characteristics from the point of view of safety comply with the standards: the content of surfactants is less than 15%, nonionic surfactants - less than 5%.

The hypoallergenic powder is suitable for newborns, as evidenced by the label on the package "From the first days of life." Baby clothes with this product can be washed both manually and in a typewriter. Most users prefer this powder, calling it the best in reviews due to the lack of fragrance, effective composition, high-quality rinsing, and inability to cause allergies.

2 Tokiko Japan

Very economical, keeps the color of things
Country: Japan
Average price: 370 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

We put Tokiko Japan in one of the most worthy places with a special substance that can remove caustic stains. The powder has a slight antiseptic effect, things smell like flowers after washing. The agent softens the fabric, does not wash out the color, does not deform the fibers. There are many components in the composition, but there is nothing harmful or allergenic. It is safe for the delicate skin of the baby, completely rinsing out from the tissues. The manufacturer claims that the powder can be used without conditioner, things will still be soft.

Users say that the funds are enough for many months of regular washing. The manufacturer notes that 2 tablespoons of powder is enough for 5 kg of laundry. Given the price, the tool can be called very budget. The powder is sold in a nice box, but there is no measuring spoon. Enzymes even remove old dirt, coffee stains, traces of children's activities. Some customers don't like the scent, although most say it's pleasant.

1 Meine Liebe

Doctor approved, effective
Country: Germany
Average price: 200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Opens the rating of the most worthy products for newborns Meine Liebe, designed for hand and automatic washing. The tool copes with stains even at low temperatures. The powder comes without phosphates, chlorine, dyes and fragrances. Linen does not cause irritation and redness on delicate skin. The product is perfectly rinsed, does not allow clothes to deform. The consumption of the composition is very economical, enough powder for a long time. The tool is recommended by dermatologists for children from the first days of life. A nice plus is the safety for the environment.

Buyers say that the linen has a very pleasant unobtrusive aroma. It is advised to buy an air conditioner from this manufacturer so that things are even softer. The stains are washed well, although there are no chemicals or bleach in the composition. Dirt leaves any kind of fabrics. There are no traces of powder on black things. The only inconvenience is that in small packages there is no measuring spoon or cup. And there is nowhere to put large boxes, as they are very wide. When falling, the contents will immediately spill out, there is no plug.

The best children's washing powder concentrates

4 Ecolife

Best for allergy sufferers and the most delicate skin
Country: Belgium
Average price: 1,200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Opens the rating of Ecolife concentrates, created on an enzyme basis. This product is great for washing baby clothes with sensitive skin. The manufacturer claims that stains from food, tea, fat, wine and blood are removed from things. The composition does not contain fragrances, dyes and fluorine, and the particles of the agent are completely rinsed out of the fabric. As stated on the packaging, the dirt is separated from the item, so the fibers are not deformed. The consumption is very economical, 10 grams is enough for a full load (1 kg of powder in a can). Only this company has insured its product in Russia in IC "RESO-Garantiya" against causing harm to third parties.

Users note the absence of chemical odors, so the risk of respiratory irritation is minimal. The skin of the child does not react to the concentrate. The reviews say that clean things do not electrify, they are pleasant to touch. However, stains from branded food, especially from baby purees, are not cleared the first time. Parents recommend adding more powder when washing problematic items. This leads to a disadvantage: the product is very expensive, but it lasts for 2 months with an excess consumption. However, many are willing to spend more for the sake of security. The jar itself takes up very little space.

3 Garden Eco Kids

Odorless, natural ingredients
Country Russia
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Garden Eco Kids is considered one of the most environmentally friendly baby products made from coconut and palm oil. Phosphate-, bleach-, fragrance- and chlorine-free formula safely cleans baby's belongings. Pleased with silver ions, known for their ability to kill germs and viruses, preventing the spread of infection. The concentrate is spent much more slowly than the powder, the funds are enough for several months. Garden Eco Kids can be used for any type of laundry at a temperature of 60°. The tool is considered very budgetary, since the expense is minimal. Pleased with a biodegradable composition that does not harm nature.

Buyers warn that the product is poorly washed out if the instructions are not followed. For example, the concentrate really does not like the quick wash mode. The temperature must be above 35 degrees. The composition contains soda, which means that over time, colored things may lose their brightness. If there was phosphate powder in the washing machine in the past, it must be thoroughly rinsed. Although the smell of chamomile is indicated on the box, it is not felt on the clothes.


Eco-friendly, suitable for all fabrics
Country Russia
Average price: 340 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

In a worthy place, we put BioMio BIO-WHITE from a Danish manufacturer, created specifically for very sensitive skin. The product without phosphates, chlorine, essential oils and chemicals gently washes children's clothes. It contains soap-based ingredients that fight stains, while natural extracts make things softer. The product is suitable for washing both in a typewriter and by hand, the consistency does not irritate the skin. The manufacturer advises using the powder even for natural whimsical fabrics: cashmere, silk and wool. The kit comes with a handy scoop with divisions. It's nice to know that the drug does not harm the environment.

Buyers note the absence of smell, many like it. There is still a floral scent in the box, nothing remains on the clothes. The reviews emphasize the softness of things, although many still add air conditioning. They talk about the amazing ability to remove even old stains from coloring drinks. The only thing that confuses some buyers is the finicky of the laundry detergent. You need to carefully read the instructions and set the correct temperature. Otherwise, the powder will remain on clothes and in the machine.


Best quality natural ingredients. Biodegradable
Country: Germany
Average price: 930 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The best quality of natural ingredients is a nomination in the rating, which was awarded to Sodasan hypoallergenic washing powder for baby clothes. The first thing worth mentioning is the improved formula, enriched with organic herbal oil, silicates, protein polymer compounds, citrates. Phosphate free, fragrance free. It is a biodegradable product, which means almost natural composition, no harmful effects, easy rinsing.

The powder is intended for machine washing of children's clothes, including newborns. Users share positive feedback about the eco-friendly composition, unambiguously recommending it for purchase.

The best baby laundry detergents based on natural soap

4 Our mother

Natural composition, linen becomes soft
Country Russia
Average price: 130 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

This category opens with soap from Our Mom, created on the basis of palm and coconut oil. It has one of the most natural compositions that do not cause allergic reactions. The product can be used in the machine and hand wash. First you need to dissolve the powder in water, and then pour it into a drum or bowl. The composition contains oxygen bleach, which cleans the fabric from stains and plaque. Colored clothes do not lose their brightness even after many washes. The product is completely rinsed out, does not dry and does not deform fabrics.

Customers talk about a pleasant, gentle fragrance that does not irritate or linger on clothes. The consistency of the soap is gel-like, soft. It is very slowly consumed, but foams little. At first it seems that it is poorly washed off, especially when compared with concentrates. A little depressing is the need to accurately measure the amount of funds. In case of an overdose, a soap film will remain on the fabric. Before use, the solution must be diluted with water, not everyone likes it.

3 Tobbi Kids

Preserves the structure of the fabric, washes gently
Country Russia
Average price: 70 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

As part of this tool there is laundry soap and soda, which clean things. No phosphates, chlorine or chemicals. Only mild hypoallergenic surfactants without dyes and fragrances. The product is consumed slowly, washes clothes efficiently. The manufacturer has developed 3 lines designed for children of different ages. They differ in active ingredients that clean different types of dirt. Buyers warn that there is practically no foam, this is a feature of the soap. There is also no smell, for most this is a plus. Temperature instructions are given on the package.

The reviews say that the product does not clean up old stains immediately, it may not be able to cope with coloring substances. It is difficult to determine the dosage, there is no measuring cup. Having poured a little more, plaque will remain on the fabric. The tool is very dusty, and the excess sticks together in lumps (the soda in the composition is to blame). Therefore, you will first have to experiment with the dosage. But many people like a convenient pack with a special spout, the powder does not crumble. To clean stains from mashed potatoes, juices and cereals, it is recommended to look at other products.

2 Umka

The best soap powder from domestic
Country Russia
Average price: 389 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Umka children's washing powder based on natural soap is one of the best on the Russian market. Indicators of the content of surfactants correspond to generally accepted standards - no more than 15% of surfactants and no more than 5% of surfactants. The composition of the domestic powder does not contain phosphates, which unscrupulous manufacturers add to further soften the water.

The soap is completely suitable for washing clothes of newborns. On the package there is a mark indicating this - "0+". In the reviews, buyers share the advantages of this powder - it washes well, is suitable for various types of fabric, has no smell, and is economically consumed.

1 baby line

best stain remover powder
Country: Germany
Average price: 739 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

BabyLine laundry detergent based on natural soap is one of the best for newborns. A distinctive feature in comparison with other nominees of the rating is the inclusion of an oxygen stain remover in the composition for better washing of specific contaminants from the life of a child. The manufacturer claims that the concentrate powder is enough for about 1.5 months - about 20 uses. And most importantly - customer reviews about the cost-effectiveness of the product confirm this.

Washing powder is suitable for all types of fabrics - cotton and synthetic, colored and light. The content of surfactants does not exceed the approved standards - up to 15% surfactants and up to 5% nonionic surfactants. Additional pluses are an activator of washing at low temperatures, as well as substances that prevent the formation of scale.

The best disinfectant baby laundry detergents

3 Nordland Laundry powder ECO

Multifunctional, long lasting
Country: Spain
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Opens this category Nordland Laundry powder ECO without phosphates and artificial dyes, which is suitable for washing any fabrics except silk at a temperature of 30 to 90 degrees. The tool can be used for white and colored things, synthetic and natural fibers. It works great with children's outerwear. The manufacturer claims that the powder is rinsed out, does not leave marks on black linen, and does not smell. A pack of 1.8 kg is enough for several months. Pleasantly pleased with a measuring cup and detailed instructions with temperature conditions for each type of fabric. Unlike chemical bleaching powders, where the granules are blue, here they are gray and made from laundry soap.

Buyers warn that the solution foams very poorly, this is normal for its composition. However, they object that the consumption is not as economical as indicated on the packaging. It is noted that the tool may not cope with coloring matter without additional help, but most problems go away. Linen after washing becomes soft, conditioner is optional. However, it is difficult to find it in a regular store. It is important to observe the temperature regime specified in the instructions. Then the powder will cope with the greasy sleeves of a down jacket, and with the baby's soiled clothes.


Makes things soft, gently removes dirt
Country Russia
Average price: 130 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

In second place, we put natural PURE WATER powder without dyes, flavors and chemical bleaches. It has an antiseptic effect, does not cause irritation. The manufacturer claims that the powder copes with any contamination on most fabrics. The tool is designed to preserve the appearance of clothes, maintain a bright color. The powder gently displaces dirt, so the fibers of the fabric do not lose their original quality. The product itself comes in a cute box with a cardboard dispenser and washing instructions. The main condition is that the water temperature is from 40 degrees, otherwise the powder will not wash out.

Users say that a pack of 800 grams is enough for several months, but silk and wool cannot be washed. Clean things do not smell of anything, do not irritate the child's respiratory tract. Contrary to the assurance of the manufacturer, the reviews complain about problems with washing juice, compote, fat and complementary foods. But with lighter tasks, the tool copes perfectly. The powder has an unusual consistency, more like soap shavings. It lathers surprisingly well and leaves things soft. Air conditioning is optional.

1 Burti Hygiene Plus

Excellent rinsing, prevents infections
Country: Germany
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Closes the top three of the best Burti Hygiene Plus, designed to disinfect baby clothes. The manufacturer claims that the powder kills 99.9% of bacteria, infections and viruses. The product without phosphates and chemicals is safe for the child, it does not leave marks on the linen. With the right temperature, the powder is completely rinsed out. The packaging says that bleach returns things to their original color, does not deform them. The tool is recommended during the spread of infections, as it can also be used for cleaning rooms, toys. The manufacturer recommends disinfecting the drum of the machine. The price is quite high, but it is spent economically.

Buyers note that the powder washes things well, removing even old stains and dyes. The product has a slight fragrance, but it is not felt on the linen. I am glad that it can be used at low and high temperatures, wash any fabric. The manufacturer strongly advises using the drug for white linen, as the ingredients in the composition remove yellowness. One pack should be enough for 18 washes. There is no measuring cup inside, although for such a price I would like to see one.

Since the appearance of a small child in the house, the usual rhythm and lifestyle of all family members has changed dramatically. In addition to the main worries that have arisen related to feeding, sleeping, walking and bathing the baby, parents have a lot of related troubles. However, seemingly familiar tasks that previously did not cause any particular difficulties now require a more careful and scrupulous attitude. For example, how to dress a baby for a walk so that he does not freeze, but also does not overheat, or what kind of baby powder to wash the baby's clothes and things.

The product with which you wash both your own and the child’s things has a direct effect on the condition and well-being of the baby. Long-term use of baby powder that is not suitable for the baby can cause great harm to his health and cause many diseases and allergies.

Composition of baby powders

The shelves of all shops and supermarkets are full of all kinds of care products for clothes of adults and children. In such a variety of bright packaging and tempting offers, it can be very difficult to choose a really worthwhile product. The first and most important thing to pay attention to when choosing a baby washing powder is the composition and components included in it. In no case should you buy a product that contains:

  1. Phosphates. When interacting with the body, phosphates lead to skin degreasing, destroying its protective barrier function, thereby lowering the body's immunity.
  2. Surfactants or surfactants for short. Surfactants not only can provoke skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema or irritation, but also can affect the internal organs of a person.

Always pay attention to the composition of the washing powder

It is better not to buy powders that have a short list of ingredients on the packaging, since any chemically active products usually consist of a large number of individual components. The acquisition of such baby powder is unsafe and can adversely affect health.

Choosing the Right Laundry Detergent for Children

How not to make a mistake when choosing baby powder and other household chemicals? First, never be lazy to read the composition of baby laundry detergent on the package. Secondly, do not chase after a profitable promotion or colorful unusual packaging. Thirdly, when making control purchases, do not rely on the advice and feedback of others, even if they are your friends who have been using this or that powder for a long time. Such a tool, being of high quality, may simply not suit you or your baby.

  • Packing tightness. Always look at the condition of the package. If the pack is crumpled, crushed or wakes up, this means that its storage conditions have been violated, and this can lead to a decrease in useful properties and affect the quality. In the case of soft packaging, no hard seals resembling stones should be palpable in its contents.
  • natural composition. The best and harmless baby powder is one that is based on extracts of only plant origin and baby soap. Such a tool not only effectively fights dirt, but is also well washed out, and grains that can still remain in the fabric fibers will not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Delicate care. A product intended for washing baby clothes should not foam much and have a sharp, pronounced aroma.
  • Hypoallergenic. The last point is especially important for children of the first year of life. Hypoallergenic children's washing powders are always marked "ECO" or "without chemically active components."

A brief overview of children's care products

Of course, the delicate and sensitive skin of babies from birth requires more careful handling, and baby powders play an important role in this. In addition to the fact that children's laundry detergent must be safe for the child, it must also effectively cope with its main task - removing stains and dirt.

In infancy, most of all goes to diapers and bodysuits, which the newborn smears more than once a day. Then comes the period of spilled juice and an inside-out spoonful of applesauce, and the older child masterfully finds dirt that he will fit into, regardless of the weather. For comparison, below is the top 5 most popular and trusted by mom brands of care products for children.

The leader in the ranking is the hypoallergenic concentrated remedy "Our Mom". You can buy it quite at an affordable price of about 350 rubles. Moreover, since it is a concentrate, it lasts longer. Many parents prefer it for the following reasons:

  • antibacterial and disinfectant properties;
  • the content of decoctions of chamomile and string, which allows the use of "Our Mom" ​​for newborns whose skin is hypersensitive;
  • this liquid is a concentrate, does not cause allergies in a child and does not dry the skin on the hands when hand washed;
  • effectively removes dirt during machine washing;
  • plus "Our Mom" ​​is enriched with silver ions.

Due to the fact that the Mir Detstva children's washing powder is made on the basis of natural soap for children, soap powder is written on its packaging. Since it does not contain dyes, fragrances and other synthetic detergents, such a product is harmless and will never cause allergies. In addition to being hypoallergenic, World of Childhood has antibacterial properties and does not dry out hands if washed by hand.

However, it also has its drawbacks and features. Effective in dealing with stains on newborn diapers, Childhood World will be completely useless in the presence of stains from grass or orange juice. So its possibilities are very limited. Plus, like any soap product, it is quite difficult to rinse out.

400 grams of such a product will cost about 140 rubles.

"Stork" rightfully won the love of parents.

  • Despite the discreet and unobtrusive design of the packaging with a bird painted on it, its contents perfectly wash off any stains, whether it is a baby's discharge or traces of grass, fruits, juices or milk.
  • In addition to versatility, the advantages of "Aistenka" include hypoallergenicity and softening effect, due to the aloe vera extract in its composition. Linen after washing with it will be soft, delicate, without residual smell of powder, plus it will retain its original properties.

However, it is not perfect either - they can no longer wash wool or silk. A 400-gram package "Aistenka" costs 50-60 rubles.

"Tide" for children

The world-famous brand Tide, in an advertisement for its children's laundry detergent, claims that it was developed exclusively for sensitive skin. In confirmation of this, on the packaging in the composition, you can find extracts of chamomile and aloe vera.

However, just for the delicate skin of a newborn, this remedy is not suitable. Many parents who have tried "Tide" complained about the appearance of a rash in a child. Also, it is not intended for washing silk and woolen items. True, it also has advantages: Tide will protect your washing machine from scale. For a package of 3.1 kg, you will have to pay 300 rubles.

"Children's myth Tender freshness"

Another not the most reliable assistant in washing things for a small child.

  • Mild synthetics, enzymes, optical brighteners and fragrances in this baby powder can cause allergies (we recommend reading:).
  • Also, it is not suitable for silks and wool, but it will perfectly cope with washing white linen.

Packing 400 grams costs 36 rubles.

(2 rated for 5,00 from 5 )


The best gel or washing powder for newborns. How to wash things for a newborn? Which washing powder or gel is safer for newborns. Comparison table of gels and powders with a safe composition without phosphates. We choose the best gel for washing children's things with me.

How to choose the right detergent for children's clothes can be read here How to choose a detergent for children's clothes ".

For the lazy

We look at the composition, it should not contain at all or at least: anionic surfactants, phosphates, phosphonates, zeolites, optical brighteners and chlorine!

Below is a table with some popular laundry detergents for children's clothes. I draw your attention to the fact that the relevant at the time of writing. Before buying, just in case, look at the back of the package and read the composition!

Some powders or gels with a non-standard composition should be added directly to the drum when washing. This is especially true for soap-based gels and powders.

If you did not find safe products in the stores in your city, you can order them through the ozon website or any other online store.

"BabyLine" gel

Ingredients: deionized purified water, natural surfactants not more than 10%, cotton extract not more than 2%, skin care additives.
Manufacturer: Israel

Pigeon "Act'z"gel

Ingredients: water, LAE7, LAS, ASCO 28, entran, edenor C1298, EG, DEA, NaOi - boric acid, tronat M400, savinase 16L, natural extracts. PH 9.20-9.70
Composition according to INCI: water, ( Anionic surfactants 5% or more but less than 15%), alkyl benzene sulfonate, diethanol amine, lauric acid, myristic acid, sodium hydroxide, citron extract
Manufacturer: South Korea

"Our mother" powder

Ingredients: enzymes< 5 %, перкарбонат натрия, функциональные полимеры, цитрат натрия, биоразлагаемые неионогенные тензиды >5% but< 15 % , карбонат натрия;натрия сульфат >15% but< 30 %.
Manufacturer: Russia

"Frosh concentrated"powder

Ingredients: 15-30% zeolites, 5-15% non-ionic surfactants, soap, enzymes, fragrances (limonene, linalool), Aloe Vera extract, darkening inhibitor (CMC), paint transfer inhibitor (PVP), cosmetic colors.


Composition:<5% лимонная кислота, >=30% natural soap (salts of fatty acids), >=60% soda


Composition:< 5 % - энзимы, перкарбонат натрия, функциональные полимеры, цитрат натрия, больше или равно >5% but< 15 % - биоразлагаемые неионогенные тензиды, карбонат натрия; >(greater than or equal to) 15%, but< 30 % - натрия сульфат. Заявление производителя: Продукт НЕ содержит фосфатов, анионных и катионных ПАВ, цеолитов, силикатов, красителей и других токсических веществ. Новый состав!

"Babyline" powder

Ingredients: soap, less than 5% ionic surfactants, phosphonates, polycarboxylates, 5 to 15% anionic surfactant, oxygen stain remover, low temperature wash activator, anti-scale agents.

"Eared nannies" powder

Composition: Sulfates (15-30% ), phosphates (15-30%! ), oxygen bleaches (5-15%), anionic surfactants (5-15% ), carbonates (5-15%), silicates (5-15% ), nonionic surfactants (<5%), пеногаситель (<5%), энзимы, optical brighteners, perfume.

"Tide baby" powder

Composition: 15-30% phosphates, 5-15% anionic surfactants, oxygen bleach,<5% ЭДТА, неионогенные ПАВ, поликарбоксилаты. Optical brighteners, enzymes, fragrance, chamomile extract.

Today my choice is gelBabyline. I've been using it for over a year now and I'm very satisfied.
+ availability in stores, in Samara it is sold in the Children's World and the Karusel supermarket;
+ washes well;
+ has a slight pleasant smell (for those who cannot stand the smell of the powder at all);
+ The child has never had an allergy, although the skin is sensitive.
+ I manage to use it very economically, one large bottle for 3-4 months.

The skin of a newborn baby is delicate and vulnerable. Therefore, a natural question arises before the mother of washing children's things: diapers, vests, sliders. Traditional detergents can cause allergies. Therefore, one has to be careful when choosing washing detergents (hereinafter referred to as SMS). Sometimes choose empirically.

The answer to the question: How to wash baby clothes for newborns? asks for itself. Of course, baby soap. It is natural and contains a minimum of fragrances and surfactants. For the first months of life, it is recommended to use only it. And only then move on to washing powders. New things before the first use must be washed in a basin, and then ironed.

How to wash your little one's clothes

The arrival of a new family member will require parents to change their traditional laundry routine. Some don't hoard dirty things and do the right thing. Otherwise there should be a special basket for children's dirty things.

The washing machine makes the washing process much easier.

But there are rules here too:

    Before laying the laundry in the drum, pieces of food and feces are removed from it.

    Stains of organic origin are pre-washed by hand. Used baby (household) soap.

    The linen of a newborn is washed separately from an adult, as well as preschool and teenage.

    Mandatory extra rinse.

Of course, the safest wash is by hand with soap. But does mom have the strength and time to constantly wash with her hands? Only selectively. The washing machine comes to the rescue. The final stage is ironing, which kills bacteria and makes linen soft and pleasant to the body.

The better to wash things for a newborn

What powder to give preference when washing baby clothes? In stores, the choice is quite large, and each manufacturer assures the safety of their products. But even if the SMS contains safe ingredients, this does not mean that the detergent is ideal for washing diapers and baby clothes. The baby may be allergic to one or another component. Will have to buy another powder. And at the same time pay attention to the composition.

Requirements for baby washing powders:

    good solubility in water (it is preferable to use a liquid agent);

    age match.

It is advisable to smell the packaging. Sometimes this is enough to refuse a purchase due to a strong chemical smell. You don't want your baby to inhale the rest of the fragrance, do you?

It is not necessary to increase the dose of powder in order to enhance the washing effect. The instructions for use are written on the packaging. They must be adhered to.

Rating indicators of washing powders for babies

The high price of washing powder does not at all mean its high washing power and safety. What do manufacturers offer us? What is the quality, price?

  1. In the first place is the washing powder "I was born" from the Kazan company "Nefis Cosmetics" (brand AOS). The main plus is the absence of water-softening phosphates, which are strong allergens.. But even without them, the clothes after drying are very soft. There are no dyes, there is a slight pleasant smell of perfume - freshly washed linen, nothing more. Removes food stains. But it can’t cope with berries and vegetables without pre-soaking. There is a choice of two options: for white linen and color. Parents who are forced to carefully monitor the composition of the powder may be alerted by some numbers on the package: it contains up to 15% surfactants - zeolites and polycarboxylates. In addition, there is an optical brightener. How the baby will like it all, you can only find out in practice.

  2. Silver for Amway washing powder for newborns. There are also no phosphates. The powder does an excellent job even with old stains. He could well claim the first place, but the price is too high. It goes off scale, like the rest of the Amway products.

    "Stork" with the addition of Aloe Vera is approximately in third place (and someone puts it in first). Enjoys well-deserved love from many parents for its excellent washing ability, good rinsing (based on baby soap) and no smell. All "popular" stains disappear already when washing at 35 0 C. Oxygen-containing bleach does its job. Baby's skin is protected from allergies and dryness. Another plus is that it will not ruin an expensive washing machine. Wool and silk are not recommended for washing.

    Baby powder "Our Mom" ​​based on soap shavings. There are no synthetics here, and the hypersensitive skin of a newborn is protected by chamomile and string. It has good bactericidal and disinfectant performance, it is not necessary to iron baby clothes. This liquid concentrate is economical to use, its consumption is low, it fully fulfills its price. Mom's hands do not dry out when hand washed. It is used both for soaking and for washing in the "machine".

    "World of Childhood" is a very popular powder for children from 0+. It contains only natural baby soap, there are no synthetic fillers, dyes and flavors in it. It does not have an irritating effect, but the antibacterial qualities are on top. Minus - requires a super rinse. Perfect for newborns. For active children, whose diet is more varied, it may turn out to be weak - will not take fruit stains and herbal stains.

    "Eared nanny". Bright attractive packaging, positioning of washing abilities as “outstanding” and ... a lot of complaints from parents in view of the development of skin allergies in children. If the child does not have hypersensitivity to it, then it can be used. It cleans stains from milk mixtures and feces really well. Contaminants from cereals, juices and fruit purees are also amenable. And yet, for newborns, the remedy is dangerous.

Here are the six most rated representatives of detergents for linen and clothing for newborns. The range of powders for children of this age group is much wider. But most modern moms and dads prefer these. Grandmothers, of course, are ready in the old fashioned way for their beloved grandchildren to wash everything with baby or laundry soap, and with their hands. But having a high-quality safe powder and an automatic machine in the arsenal, such self-sacrifice is hardly justified.

Video study: is what is written on the packaging always true?

What are the reviews?

Svetlana, 32 years old.

I use “I was born” powder for washing baby clothes. Suitable for hand wash, machine wash. Foam is not abundant. It dissolves and rinses out well. Adapted for babies, harmful phosphates are replaced by gentle phosphonates. Washes well, but only at temperatures above 60 degrees.

Marina, 25 years old.

For me, cost doesn't matter. The main thing is quality and safety. For washing children's things I use Amway powder for newborns. I can say with confidence that all other detergents pass before him. Yes, the cost is not democratic. But great Tackles all stains regardless of water hardness. The product is concentrated and lasts a long time.

Elena, 22 years old.

Son is 3 months old. Lots of dirty linens. Painfully chose the powder. She settled on the Russian "I was born." He inexpensive and economical. No harsh odor. I wash stubborn and old stains by hand, the rest is done by the machine. Powder for 4+.

Caring for a newborn baby requires attention, both to the choice of hygiene items and SMS for his clothes. Do not buy into the catchy label on the packaging of washing powder. The main selection criteria are safety, hypoallergenicity. In this case, the baby will be in clean and safe underwear. And bactericidal powders and powders will be needed only in exceptional situations.

Baby's skin is sensitive to the action of various chemicals. He comes into contact with them primarily through food and clothing. A young mother is faced with a problem. I want the clothes for the baby to be clean and beautiful. This can be done by synthetic powders created from the so-called "chemistry". But they are harmful to the skin. Natural remedies seem to do no harm, but there is little benefit from them. The appearance of products suffers from such washing. Now on sale there is a large number of washing powders. Each manufacturer claims that it is his washing powder that is environmentally friendly. The rating of user sympathies tells about the priorities of a certain circle of consumers. How to find the golden mean, and is there one?

Harm from powders

Through the skin they enter the body of the child and poison him. Rashes or atopic dermatitis may appear. The metabolic process may be disrupted.

Sometimes there are problems with the kidneys. They do not cope with cleaning the body of harmful substances that contain washing powder. The rating compiled by parents allows you to find the safest remedy.

The harm caused to the child's body by powders can be reduced by following simple recommendations.

Rules for washing children's things

  • Children's clothes are washed separately from adults.
  • Powder for washing children's things should not have a smell. It is good if it is phosphate-free or has a small amount of them in its composition.
  • Children's clothes should be washed at a temperature of about 40 ° C.
  • You don't need to starch.
  • After washing, the clothes are ironed with steam on both sides. This is especially true for clothes for the little ones.
  • Stains must first be washed with powder or laundry soap. But be careful. On poorly dyed things, not only the stain is removed from the soap, but also the paint.
  • It is better not to use bleaches at all, especially for the first six months.
  • Conditioner to give softness can only be used for children, use it only if your water is very hard.
  • Children's clothes need to be rinsed very carefully. If you do this with a washing machine, then you need to repeat the rinse once or twice.
  • If the child does develop skin problems, it is possible that they are caused by chlorine, which is both in the water and in the composition of the powder. In this case, the clothes after rinsing should be dipped in boiling water. Chlorine under its influence will evaporate and will not harm the skin of the baby.
  • It is better to divide all the clothes of the child into home and smart, for the exit. It is better to feed him at home. If the child spills the juice, quickly remove the blouse and pour boiling water over it until the stain disappears. When it becomes very bright, you can leave the clothes in hot water for a while until they disappear completely. Do not use laundry soap.
  • Spots on sliders are boiled in a solution of laundry soap with the addition of a small amount of soda ash.
  • If there is a stain left on a home blouse after washing, there are two options: ignore it or throw it away. It's not worth the risk of using a strong stain remover. Especially if the child already had skin problems.
  • Smart clothes, on which there are no stains, are washed with a minimum addition of powder.

Harmful substances in laundry detergents

We live in an age of chemistry. She crawls everywhere. When consuming food products, you can never be sure of their complete ecological cleanliness. And there is no need to talk about household chemicals. But it's one thing when you wash the closet door with such a product, and quite another if you wash clothes for your beloved child. Therefore, washing powder is chosen with such attention. Rating, prices can help you choose a quality one. It cannot be said that the most expensive is the best. But still, the cheapest one definitely cannot be the best.

Anionic surfactants are especially dangerous. They stay in the child's body for four days. At the same time, phosphates help surfactants to penetrate the skin and accumulate on the fibers of various tissues of the body. And the washing powder is to blame for this. The rating of this product says that people are afraid of phosphate products. Phosphates are now being replaced by phosphonates. They are considered less dangerous to the body. Or less explored.

Feedback from some buyers suggests that it is better to bring high-quality washing powder from Germany, since more than any norms are added to the products of the joint production of phosphates.


  • "DAKOS" phosphate-free powder.
  • Amway baby. American powder without phosphates. Contains less dangerous phosphonate, hypoallergenic. Can be washed by hand and machine.
  • Persil sensitive is unscented. Washes well, hypoallergenic.

Rating of children's washing powders for newborns

  • "Mir detstva" with soap has no phosphates. Works well for stains characteristic of newborns. But it does not cope with traces of greenery and bright juice. The price of a package weighing 400 g is 140 rubles. You need to rinse in the “super rinse” mode. Ecological washing powder.

  • The rating continues "Stork", which collects good reviews from parents. faith softens things like an air conditioner. The price is 50 rubles for 400 g. Producer - CJSC "Aist", Russia. This washing powder has practically no smell.

  • The rating is completed by "Karapuz". Presumably it is intended for washing clothes for newborns. But the reviews of parents indicate that even dry powder causes allergies. It causes sneezing and itching in the nasopharynx. He completes the rating of washing powders for newborns.

Liquid products

  • Luxus concentrated by Yanki Polish is recommended from birth and up. Washes in warm water things of different colors.
  • Concentrated Balance product, which does not have phosphates, flavors. Produced by Ringuva. Splits easily.
  • "Our mother" with soap shavings. Concentrated, with silver ions, decoction of chamomile and string. Price - 350 rubles.

  • There is a liquid form of the Eared Nanny detergent.

When buying laundry detergent for children's clothes, look for the mark of international organic certification organizations on it.

Soap nuts

More and more young mothers, frightened by the presence of phosphates in powders, use Indian soap nuts for washing - the fruits of the soap tree, which have a large amount of natural saponin foaming agents. They are completely harmless. They have a bactericidal, healing, anti-inflammatory effect. Of the shortcomings - they need to be brewed.

Features of washing in phosphate-free powders

If after washing in the usual powders you decide to use phosphate-free ones, you need to soak the laundry in this powder for 12 hours for the first five washes. Then it won't fade.
