Consultation for parents “New Year's toys with their own hands. Consultation for parents “What toys do children need?” The most common questions parents ask about toys

Svetlana Rakova
Consultation for parents "Developing toys with their own hands"

Educational toys and allowances can be made do it yourself from waste material. Yes, yes, from the same material that we throw into the trash every day.

For toys will come in handy and corks, and capsules from kinder surprises, and plastic bottles, and discs and much more.

Toys can be used as a trainer development fine motor skills of the hand, tactile perception, touch development, thinking.

You can make a dry pool. The filler can be corks or capsules from kinder surprises. In the pool you can touch hands objects. This exercise can be used as a relaxation. You can throw a small one to the bottom toy and look for it with your fingers.

Also, corks can be used to collect them and put them in buckets. In this case, corks and buckets must match in color.

You can make a hole or several holes in a plastic bucket with a lid and throw corks into it.

You can make holes in the corks and string them on a cord.

You can take a cell from under the eggs and paint it in 2 colors. From capsules from kinder surprises, make testicles and arrange them by color into cells.

In fact, you can come up with a large number of games. If only there was a desire to occupy the child, to spend time for the benefit of him development.

Some Tips:

If the allowance and bring in the toy for the first time, it is necessary to interest the child.

It is necessary to play for a short time so that the child does not get tired and does not lose interest in toy and aid.

Praise your child for a job well done.

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Lacing toys help to develop fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movement, dexterity and ingenuity in kids. The toys are done.

Hello, dear friends and comrades! Tatyana Sukhikh is glad to welcome everyone who came to visit me on the page of the pedagogical blog. My old friends who are interested in pedagogy know, and I want to tell new readers that, as an educator, I have to do some work with moms and dads on various issues. For example, in the near future I have planned a consultation for the parents of a toy. We'll talk about this.

I plan consultations for the entire academic year, so I decide in advance on topics and select material for conversation. Of course, I look for information in my favorite online store "UchMag".

We have the following tutorials on our topic:

  • “Interaction with the child's family. Planning interaction with the families of pupils for the year. Senior group from 5 to 6 years old: parent meetings, consultations, reminders for parents, family holidays. Set of 16 double-sided cards";
  • “Interaction with the child's family. Planning interaction with the families of pupils for the year. Preparatory group (from 6 to 8 years old): parent meetings, consultations, reminders for parents, family holidays.

It would seem, what problems can arise because of children's toys? But no, inquisitive and thoughtful moms and dads understand that this is a very serious question that needs clarification.

The most common questions parents ask about toys

So, what parents of my pupils ask me:

  • Why does the baby quickly lose interest in fun?
  • How to teach to clean up your toys?
  • Do I need to make do-it-yourself doll cars for the baby?
  • What to do if a preschooler constantly requires new expensive fun?

Of course, there are many more questions on this topic, but these are the main ones. We all know, literate, that the game is the main and most important occupation of the baby before school. With its help, he comprehensively develops and learns the world. But it is not enough to give a child a doll in his hands and hope that he will be able to come up with interesting educational games on his own. But this is my sore subject, I digress a little ...

So, I will answer the questions in order. I want to note about the first problem that it is quite natural for children to lose interest in something, even after 5 minutes. The kid is disappointed in the toy, he is used to the fact that everyone buys him on demand and therefore does not know how to truly rejoice and appreciate the doll car, does not know what interesting games to come up with with a new toy.

We, adults, can also experience disappointment and loss of interest, but we know how to hide it from ourselves and others. For children, on the contrary, it is unnatural to hide feelings. So it turns out: they bought an expensive or not very teddy bear, the little one squeezed it for exactly 10 minutes and forgot about it. We are perplexed, offended by the child, appeal to his feeling of gratitude ...

But a fact is a fact: not interesting. The advice is this: do not foresee the desire of the baby and at his first desire to buy fun. Let him really want to and ask him to tell what he will do with her, how to play. It is necessary that preschoolers from an early age develop the ability to listen to their true desires: are new cars (dolls) really needed or can they do without?

How to teach a child to put away toys?

The second question is burning for most of us. But everything is simple: initially, as soon as toys appear in a child’s life, a habit should immediately appear after the game to put them in separate boxes by type: figures from kinders - one box, cubes - another large one, designer - another container. Soft comrades can be planted on a shelf, etc.

If you haven’t taught it from a young age, you can correct the situation: together with your child, we go and choose containers, boxes, baskets for each type of toy in the store. And then in the evening we establish once and for all an inexorable rule - played, removed. You can help the baby, of course, but do not get carried away and praise after cleaning necessarily.

Believe me, children need rules, they need them! This makes their life calm, protected, orderly. But if the mother herself is a slob, is it worth hoping that the child will be neat?

The topic is vast and worthy of a separate article. I find it strange when educated people ask me about this. After all, it is not from our poverty that I propose to start making amusements from rags, cardboard, matchboxes, etc. Such a joint activity is extremely enriching for both the child and the parents.

In addition, motor skills, dexterity, the ability to work with different materials, creativity, in the end, are being developed. By the way, if there is no time at all to craft, you can buy such blanks: a kit for creating a toy box made of paper “Chicken”. Also, children's fingers will be perfectly stretched if you buy a set for creativity "Sea Sand for Modeling".

I remember the son of my friend asked me to buy a toy character from the computer game "Worms", or something. This, of course, was not on sale, but my mother sewed a worm out of an old sock. What do you think: this toy was the boy's favorite for at least six months! And the family is not poor, my mother would buy that worm ready if she found it. After all, the very first toy on earth is folk, home-made. Do not disdain the legacy of millennia...

What to do if the child constantly requires new toys?

Here, blame yourself, dear moms and dads: oversaturation is fraught with the fact that the desire will increase, but at the same time, the pleasure from what you receive will proportionally decrease. If the situation cannot be resolved by persuasion, if the baby is hysterical when he hears a refusal to buy a new doll, you will have to ask for help from a child psychologist.

DIY sensory toys

Having shown imagination and making efforts, having spent a little time and money, you can make useful toys for your children with your own hands.


For manufacturing, you need to take small jars from under any cream, thoroughly washed. Pour any filler into them (cereals, buttons, coins, and in general everything that is enough for imagination). Well close and - you can play! You can change the sound of such toys by pouring a different filler.

Developing mat

Very useful, multifunctional toy! It is not necessary to spend money on a “store” rug, you can make it yourself. The main thing is the observance of the principle of a developing mat - the maximum of all kinds of "irritants". In other words, this toy should stimulate the training of vision, hearing, touch. And in order to stimulate speech development as well - speak with the children all his and your actions!

As a base, you will need a piece of strong and thick fabric measuring a meter by a meter (or at your discretion). Choose shreds of different colors and textures for the rug (you can use pieces of fur, suede, leather). The main thing is that the shreds are bright, aesthetically designed, and attract the attention of children. Find several large buttons of different colors and shapes, laces or satin ribbons, bells with different tones (rattles can be used), a small mirror in a solid frame - and everything that your fantasy tells you. Sew all these items in random order onto the base. Everything, the toy for children is ready!

Training boots

Many children have an unhealthy craving for parental shoes - they drag dirty shoes around the apartment and even try to taste them. During this period, special training shoes can be made for the child. You can take old sneakers, wash them with baby powder, and then decorate the toy to your taste - sew on large buttons, additional laces, paint in bright colors.

Tactile pouch

The game is based on the well-known game "Magic Bag", in which you need to touch objects of different shapes by touch. In this game, you need to guess objects not by shape, but by texture. Materials for manufacturing: identical caps from plastic bottles, cardboard, sandpaper, carpet, fabric (velveteen, leather, fur, silk, denim), corrugated cardboard. For the game, you can sew a bright red bag.

Clay stringing beads

Roll out even balls of clay. Make a hole with a toothpick. The beads take a few days to dry. Then cover them with PVA glue. After drying, paint the beads with gouache or watercolor, varnish. It turned out to be a guide to the development of fine motor skills.

soft book

Cut out and cut out squares of fabric of the same size for the sheets of the book. Decorate the squares with applique, various figures. For softness and thickness, add a layer of synthetic winterizer to the page. On each page, you can make zippers, laces, pockets.

Box with inserts

Take a cardboard box and make different holes in it - for large and small balls. The toy is suitable for the development of fine motor skills and for getting to know the size of objects - large and small. You can make holes not only round, but also square, triangular, oval.

I wish you success in such an important matter - the upbringing of the younger generation!

What toys do kids need

Author: Timoshenko Natalya Viktorovna, educator, Lipovsky branch of MBDOU Child Development Center-kindergarten, r.p. Umet Tambov region.

Description of work: This publication will be useful to psychologists and educators for consultations in their work with parents.

Consultation for parents "Toys in children's lives"

Target: enriching knowledge and attracting the attention of parents on the correct selection of toys for preschool children.
Issues for discussion:
1. What is a toy? The role of toys in child development.
2. Recommendations and advice on choosing toys for preschool children.

The development of a rich emotional world of a child is unthinkable without toys. They allow the child to express their feelings, explore the world around them, teach them to communicate and know themselves. Think back to your favorite toys! These are not necessarily expensive and chic dolls and cars. For some, this is a nondescript bear, inherited by his mother, a tiny baby doll with a huge number of unthinkable tulle outfits, etc. The choice of toys for a child is a very important and serious matter.

Most people associate childhood with toys. Every child should have such a toy that he can complain about, scold and punish, pity and comfort. It is she who will help him overcome the fear of loneliness when his parents leave somewhere, the fear of the dark, when the lights turn off and you need to fall asleep, but not alone, but with a toy girlfriend. They are sometimes angry at them, they are punished and even broken, thrown into a far corner, but they are remembered in moments of childhood grief, they are taken out of the corner, repaired, the worn out eyes and lips are finished, new outfits are sewn, ears and tails are sewn on. Therefore, at least adults need to take the choice of toys very seriously. So let's start with the smallest ones.

In the first days and months life, the child's ability to learn about the world around him is limited. The whole world for the baby lies in the mother of her smile. And through communication with her, the child gets acquainted with the first objects and toys. During this period, the baby needs all kinds of rubber rings, rattles, pendants. They should be bright and be in the field of view of the child, as the toy should attract the attention of the child. A little later, with the development of grasping, the baby should be able to act with the object: knock it, throw it. It's good if the toy is sounding.

At 6-9 months you can add the so-called toys - inserts that allow the child to develop intellectually. Gradually, animals and baby dolls made of rubber can be introduced into the baby's objective world. They should have large components and well-drawn facial details.

At 9-12 months you can please your child with clockwork fun toys: pecking chickens, drumming hares.

At 10-12 months the child needs pyramids of 3-5 rings and cubes. Many parents are alarmed by the fact that during this period the child literally pulls everything into his mouth. Do not be afraid: firstly, the baby is just teething, and secondly, the mouth is the same means of knowledge for the child as hands and eyes, you only need to remember the hygiene of toys.

At the age of 1 year to 3 years the baby becomes more independent, he has the opportunity to move independently. But the joy of the baby is the problem of the parent! So that your favorite vases, sets and books continue to serve you, remove them from the eyes of the child, do not provoke him to "exploits". During this period, you can already buy a fur toy for your child, with which he will fall asleep wonderfully. A large box and your help will help the baby remember that the toys need to be put away.

By the age of 3 the baby begins to learn the functional purpose of objects. And where, if not in the game, can he most sensitively learn that they are sitting on a chair and eating from a plate? Therefore, it is necessary to expand the set of children's toys with dishes and furniture. It should be close in size to the child, but be lighter. The child strives to live an adult life, so help him. A toy display of real life will allow the child to easily get used to the group of peers and fully develop both emotionally and intellectually. By the age of 3, the toys that a child has should grow in size: a big doll, a big car, a big toy animal. The set of toys must include all kinds of pyramids, designers. These toys themselves tell the child how to act with them.

By 4-5 years All sorts of sets of families, soldiers, animals begin to arouse the liveliest interest in the child. The child begins to invent various options for games with them. Game preferences begin to be divided by gender: boys choose cars and weapons, and girls choose dolls and everything connected with them. But both of them continue to develop interest in various types of mosaics and lotto.

By the age of 6 the child wakes up interest in modeling, designing, that is, in those games that allow him to make something with his own hands.

All of the above toys can be attributed to the so-called "ready-made forms", i.e. these toys are made in a factory way and they already have a functional purpose. But there is another, no less important group - substitute objects. It includes, from the point of view of an adult, completely unnecessary things, or rather, garbage, but for a child it is the most valuable material for the development of imagination and creativity. These are all kinds of shreds, rags, boxes, stumps of planks or sticks, circles, fragments of something, etc.

The introduction of these objects is expedient from 2-3 years, since it is during this period that active speech develops, and substitute objects put the baby in front of the need to name them with a word that actually exists and is accepted in relation to this or that object.

At school age children learn to play without toys. They are starting to like outdoor games with their peers more and more with the help of balls, jump ropes, shards, knives, etc. In games, the child learns to win and lose, to obey the rules, to recognize the victory of another child, to communicate and work together with adults and peers.

Remember that everything except your favorite toy needs to be changed and updated periodically. If you notice that the baby does not pick up some toy for a long time, it means that he simply does not need it now. Hide it away, and after a while, its appearance will cause a new emotional or cognitive interest in the child. And one more piece of advice. Don't take your child too often to a toy store full of tempting but very expensive toys. How many tears and sufferings of kids were seen by newfangled dolls, cars and animals sitting on the shelves! These experiences, when a child cannot get what he really wants, he does not need at all. Only when you yourself are ready to give the child joy, take him to the store and make him a holiday.

If you want to buy your child a new toy, follow these 4 rules.
The toy must be:
(check the quality of workmanship, the material from which it is made)
aesthetic in appearance
Age appropriate
Multifunctional(the more actions the child can perform with the toy, the better; of course this does not apply to rattles for babies)

There is a saying, "You can't play with toys all your life." This is true, but you must admit, adults, how nice it is sometimes to get a funny souvenir from a nice person! Give your children joy not only on birthdays and New Year, but also just like that, from a good mood.
