Cat translator - application for android. Cat language

The cat and the man have become good friends for a long time. Despite the fact that they speak different languages, this does not interfere with their happy life together. A caring owner understands his affectionate pet without words and is well aware of all his needs. Or does he just think so? What does tail wagging really mean? Discontent, anger, apathy? Everything is much more interesting. Cats can actively swing their tail like a pendulum, in every possible way demonstrating their pleasure and excellent mood. Murchit means love? Not always. This may be a sign of illness or, if the sound is very low, even a "Protect!" call.

To decipher the language of a cat, you need to take into account everything at once: the height of the sound emitted, the position of the body, facial expressions, the condition of the coat and claws. Think it's too difficult? But no! Call your Murka closer, and let's start training.

Pushkin's talking cat: fact or fiction?

“He goes to the right - the song starts, to the left - he tells a fairy tale” ... Did the learned cat really exist? Quite possible. Just imagine: by straining the throat, nasal sinuses and lips, your pet can produce 13 distinct vowels and 8 consonants! He knows how to change the resonance of the sounds made, opening his mouth to different widths. Purring is heard from the closed mouth, calls are received with the cavity open, and straining and wide-opening the mouth, the animal goes almost to a cry. Thanks to the combination of all these sounds, the "vocabulary" of a cat can be much wider than any human language.

What happens? Kesha is a fool, and Murka is a smart one? Who knows. Some experienced cat owners have long taught their pets to relieve themselves while sitting on the toilet. So it is possible that soon one of them will hear the first "mom" from their kitten.

Important! Cats only communicate with people with their voice. Each "meow" means something and is addressed to you. Therefore, remember: by making low sounds, the animal is trying to inform the owner of pain, fear or anger. High ones mean something like this: "Don't worry, I'm satisfied and happy, let's play!".

To communicate with their own kind, cats do not need to meow. They can communicate all the necessary information to each other through body language. By allowing another animal to sniff them, they demonstrate their submission. With friends and buddies, cats rub their noses funny. The exception is heated arguments and fights. Loud and lingering sound like “Waaaow!” means that now for your cat there is nothing but the object of anger. She slightly tilts her head forward and stares at the enemy. You won’t be able to distract her and resolve the conflict amicably, so it’s better to move to a safe distance and give her the opportunity to deal with the villain.

How to understand a cat without words?

1. Look into her eyes.

If all needs are satisfied, she is relaxed and her eyes are half closed. Wide-open eyes indicate the opposite - the animal needs something. Check the food bowl and make sure the cat has access to fresh water and a clean litter box. Wide pupils are a sign of discomfort, something in the environment frightens or annoys her. Point-blank, slightly squinting, cats usually look at the enemy, and obediently looking away, she, on the contrary, demonstrates her respect and submission to you.

2. Look at the mouth.

If it is closed, everything is in order with the cat, he is calm. Slightly ajar - your pet is at the highest level of bliss. An open mouth, and even with a grin, indicates that the animal is ready to defend itself and can at any moment sink its teeth into the offender.

Those who live under the same roof with a fluffy pet for a long time have probably noticed something like a smile or a sly grin on his face more than once. A funny picture, but in fact, it has nothing to do with the arrogance that cats are constantly attributed to. It turns out that representatives of the feline family have a unique analyzer in their throats - Jacobson's organ, which perceives both taste and smell at the same time. Getting into an incomprehensible situation (the appearance of a stranger or animal, danger, uncertainty, confusion), the pet tries to quickly figure out what's what, tasting and smelling the air. At the same time, the lips are pulled back slightly to inhale air and pass it through the upper part of the mouth. This phenomenon is called "Flehmen's smile".

It is interesting! Another sign of confusion and confusion is the rapid licking of the lips. So if you scold your pet for the dirty tricks, and he starts to lick his lips, this does not mean at all that he does not care about your words and at this time he dreams of a juicy sausage. No, he's remorseful. Maybe still reward him for this delicious?

3. How to understand a cat by the ears?

The ears are a very sensitive place and one of the main organs of communication. Frightened, the animal presses them to the head. If the animal is aggressive and preparing to attack, you may notice that the ears will be slightly lowered on the sides. Being satisfied and relaxed, the cat turns its "locators" rook forward. Nervous twitching of the ears indicates irritation or uncertainty.

In general, it is easy to determine the character of a cat by the tail: strong dominant individuals constantly walk with their tail up, subordinates with their tail down. Source: Flickr (Mary_Louise_Good)

4. Cat language of touch.

What could be more pleasant than stroking your beloved Murka on soft fur? You will be surprised, but she thinks exactly the same and that is why she rubs her head and sides against your leg, showing a sincere feeling of affection. Well, if she likes to jump on your knees and butt (that is, rub her forehead against your forehead), then know that you are the chosen one. For cats, this is a very intimate gesture, and not everyone is honored with such gentle caresses - only their beloved owner.

Another way to “reach out” to a person and convey your request to him is to touch his face with your paw. This means that the cat needs something from you. If you lie under the covers, let your pet in - he lacks tenderness and warmth. When he begins to purr and move his paws to the beat, releasing his claws a little, you know that he is pleased to be near you.

By the way, with soft paws, cats can express not only pleasure, but also irritation. Being worried or alarmed by something, the pet will immediately inform you about it by sharply hitting with its front paw.

5. Cat translator of postures and body movements.

Lying on its side or back and spreading its paws, the cat demonstrates a state of rest and satisfaction. If at the same time she also squeezes the pads of her paws, and her eyes are half closed, then this means that Murka is completely satisfied with life and is in a state of bliss.

It is interesting! Licking is not only a hygiene procedure, but also something akin to meditation for cats. The more active and faster the animal acts with its tongue, the more difficult the task is considered. Licking its own fur, the cat relieves stress and fights irritability.

Threatening posture: straight back, fluffy hair on the withers and tail, staring straight into the eyes. If your pet froze in this position and remains motionless for a long time, this means that he has come face to face with the enemy and is trying to suppress his fighting spirit with his imperturbable menacing appearance. Started to beat the tail on the sides? Get ready, the fight will start any minute.

Trying to decipher the language of cats, one cannot ignore the tail. Upturned, it means interest and friendliness. It is in this position that he is always in little mischievous kittens who are just learning the world. If the animal is frightened, then lowers the tail and hides it between the paws. When the tail moves quickly from side to side, the cat is aggressive and ready to attack, and if the tip only sways slightly, then you don’t have to worry - the animal simply shows excitement and interest. In general, it is easy to determine the character of a cat by the tail: strong dominant individuals constantly walk with their tail up, and subordinates with their tail down.

Possessing these simple knowledge, you will live soul to soul with your pet. And if not, follow the example of the Japanese: they are helped to understand the cat language by the dictionary-translator "Myaulingwal". The device records, recognizes and translates cat language into human through a microphone. The dictionary of the program contains more than 3000 cat words!

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We all have pets (and some have virtual pets) that we love very much. Cats hold a special place in our hearts. No wonder there are so many games about cats - Talking Tom, Talking Angela and others. We love to play with them, take care of them, but sometimes it's so hard for us to understand what exactly they want. Lacks . Probably, every person, at least once in his life, wanted to understand their language. But until recently, this was just a fantasy. Now, thanks to the development of computer technology, we can communicate with our pets using the application on the phone. How to do it, how to say something to your cat? You will learn about this by reading this article.

Cat translator - what is it?

Cat Language Translator is an Android application with which you can communicate with your pet. It's so peculiar to animals. Just do not forget that this is a fictional language, and was created for you and your pet. A big plus of it is that the application can be downloaded for free on your phone. With the Internet, this is easy to do. The program will diversify your daily life.

Application Description

The cat translator application contains a lot of sounds that these cute animals make, namely the voices of 25 cats and cats that make more than 175 different sounds. It is to these sounds that the animal will respond. The program automatically analyzes the intonation of your voice and selects the necessary animal sounds. The Cat Language Translator includes a soundboard with sixteen varieties of cat meows and very fast access to the most common animal calls, making it easier for you to communicate.

Main characteristics:

  • three different cat voices (expandable to 6);
  • eight cat calls (expansion to 16);
  • examples of the voices of 25 mustachioed pets;
  • the application analyzes voice input;
  • ability to recognize all languages ​​(with the exception of Swahili).

The application has an easy-to-manage interface with voice input. When the game opens, on the screen you can choose the voice of the cat that will voice the translation of the words. In order for the application to work, you just need to click on the "record" button. After finishing your sentence, click on the button one more time, and you will already hear the finished translation. It's like Yandex Translator, only for animals.

Application Features

What needs to be done to make it clear to the fluffy what you told him. There is nothing complicated, you just need to launch it on your phone and say any phrase in Russian, and the application will automatically translate it into cat language. Perhaps this is due to the soundboard of the program, which contains a recording of eight cries of the animal. The game's vocabulary includes many cat sounds, from purring to an angry voice, that will always attract the attention of your pet, as well as recordings of bird and mouse voices.

Pros and cons of the game program

Positive sides:

  • a huge number of animal voices that are included in the game dictionary and attract the attention of pets;
  • ease of program management;
  • the application works even on low-performance phones;
  • The game can be downloaded for Android for free.

Negative points:

  • this is a voice simulator and cannot translate your language into cat language 100%;
  • the available sounds in the game can scare the cat;
  • fully functional game is available only in the paid version

If you see that after using the program the animal has become restless or very aggressive, you should urgently stop using it in order to avoid harming the pet and the people around him.

Do not forget that a cat-to-human translator is a game, and with its help you will be able to communicate with a kitty only in the form of a game.

Download the cat language translator game app on your phone, and thus diversify your life and the life of your pet.

If you have downloaded the cat translator for Android and you liked everything, then please share your feedback and impressions about it so that someone else can diversify their lives and be able to chat with their four-legged friend. You can also download an interesting one - this is also about cats, and will interest you.

When testing the application of the stimulant translator to the cat, the test animals were not injured, but only received a charge of positive energy.

Love your cats, give them more affection and lively communication.

If people communicate with each other mainly in a verbal way using oral speech, then the cat's language is much more diverse and therefore not always understandable to us. In addition to the sounds made by a cat, it includes postures, gestures, facial expressions, movements of the tail, ears and whiskers. And this is only what is noticeable to a person with his senses. It is possible that cats distinguish between themselves in communication with an even greater number of various signals that are simply inaccessible to us. For example, many cat smells that they use to communicate with their relatives are inaccessible to humans. So how do you understand a cat and its feline language?

Distinguish sounds. The well-known "meow" may not mean at the moment what it seems to you at first glance. Scientists have determined that cats can make this cat sound in at least two dozen different intonations. As a rule, low-pitched sounds express irritation and anger, and high-pitched sounds are responsible for the area of ​​​​pleasant emotions, or requests. Here are some examples.
A short meow in a high tone. Standard greeting in cat language.
Several short high meows in a row. An excited and extremely joyful greeting.
Meowing in a medium tone. Call for something.
Long thin meow. A request for something or a complaint.
Loud consistent meow. Emotional expression of anger, fear, or intense pain.

The famous cat purr is also many-sided. It really most often means that the cat is now experiencing very pleasant emotions, but there may be an exception. A cat can purr not only when she is well, but also when she is sick in order to calm herself. At the same time, the owners will assume that their pet is doing well, while she will need their care and care. A very short single murmur in a low tone can mean irritation, or a sudden fright. Watch your body language.
A lot of information about the mood of the cat and what she feels at the moment can tell her tail.
An upturned tail with a waving tip indicates that the cat greets you.
A sharp wagging of the tail may indicate that the cat is irritated.
Moving the tip of the tail when the cat is resting means that it is in harmony with itself and the world around it.
Cats with upside-down U-shaped tails cavort during games that combine extreme excitement on the verge of fear.

If you also pay attention to the ears and eyes while observing the tail, you will get a more informative picture. Here are some typical conditions.

Pleasure and peace.
Eyes. They are open or half closed. Pupils of normal or constricted size in the light.
Ears. Turned forward and slightly outward.
Tail. It is lowered down, motionless and slightly bent at the end.
In addition, the positive mood of the cat, as mentioned above, is often accompanied by purring. If you stroke her at this time, then she seems to be telling you that the cat feels good, is glad for you and likes what you are doing.

Eyes. Wide open, with a playful expression.
Ears. Stand straight and point forward.
Tail. Set parallel to the ground, or slightly raised and curved.
If a cat wants to play with you, it will use all available means to get your attention. He will touch you with his paw, call with his voice, or use other methods.

Anxiety, anxiety.
Eyes. Wide open with enlarged pupils.
Ears. Twitch.
Tail. Set low, often hanging over the hind legs. There may be twitching at the tip of the tail.

Anger, aggression, resentment.
An angry mood in a cat is difficult to confuse with some other, as it is often accompanied by hissing and other obvious manifestations of an irritated state, such as waving a paw with extended claws, the desire to scratch or bite the offender.
Eyes. They may cover slightly during hissing, or extracting guttural sounds.
Ears. Pressed to the head and turned back.
Tail. It is lowered back and increased in volume due to the hair standing on end.

Excitement, excitement.
Eyes. The pupils are wide open.
Ears. Pressed to the head.
Tail. Dropped back.
A frightened cat may also try to sit down, or run away.

It should also be noted that some breeds of cats may have behaviors that differ from others. For example, if a cat moves with its head and tail lowered, this means that it is submissive. But, the same habits, in principle, are characteristic of the Bengal breed and do not mean anything. The following picture will help you more accurately determine the mood of your cat.

Respect the wishes of the cat.
Cats are self-sufficient animals and like to be left alone from time to time, especially when they are sleeping or hunting. Do not forcefully hold the cat in your arms when she does not want to. Your cat should be given the opportunity to express its natural behavior and instincts. Let her spend time alone and make sure your home has the right space for it. They especially like matching cardboard boxes, or special cat houses.
The main hunting time of cats is at night and one should not be surprised if it is at this time that she shows increased activity. These are her instincts that you need to adjust to.

Play with the cat.
Cats are born hunters and your task is to organize a "hunt" for her. Play with the cat with special fishing rods. Let her periodically win the game so that she can feel a sense of satisfaction and pride.

Cats communicate with each other through smells, leaving special marks with their urine, or special glands. They leave similar messages by scratching something with their paw, touching objects with their chin, or spraying their urine. When a cat rubs against furniture, doors, walls, it marks its territory. Rubbing wool on your legs, she seems to be telling you that you are her person.
The process of scratching, in addition to smell and visual messages, allows the cat to maintain its main weapon, the kogi, in the right condition. You should equip your home with a special place for this in the form of a suitable scratching post that will protect your furniture from damage.

Cats are constantly learning to communicate with us. The more you interact with your cat, the faster it will learn and understand you better. They achieve much better success in this than we do in the question of how to understand a cat, or its language.
Be consistent if you want to teach your cat anything. A very common mistake of many owners is that they forbid their cat to do anything and immediately start petting it. Your four-legged friend will have great problems in this case with interpreting your reaction to his actions, and you will gradually become annoyed by a naughty animal.

If the cat suddenly began to go to the toilet in the wrong place, then this means that for some reason she began to feel some kind of threat. Consider if you brought any items into the house that could be marked by other cats. It can be a children's bicycle, or a stroller standing in the entrance. Since smells play a big role in the relationship of cats, she tries to assert herself through the strengthening of her own smells and regain the lost confidence in her territory.

The cat will always remain proud, independent and self-sufficient. But, if you learn to understand your cat and master its cat language, then it will be much easier for you to understand this amazing and mysterious creature, as well as enjoy coexistence next to it.


Find out about the sympathy, goodwill of your pet by the contented “smiling” muzzle, purring that begins when you approach, rubbing your forehead against you. Express your love for a cat in the same way: smile, say something affectionate in a low voice, stroke the cat's forehead. You can be sure that the pet will understand you correctly.

Recognize interest, curiosity by the raised ears of a cat, a gaze, a muzzle extended towards the object, animal or person that interested her. You can express interest in a cat by sniffing your pet's face.

Learn to understand the bad mood of the pet and her indignation. The main indicator in this matter is the tail. If the cat "wags" them, this is a sign of incipient irritation. At this moment, it is better not to stroke it, limit yourself to calm, friendly words, the intonation of which will have a calming effect on the cat. The extreme degree of feline anger is expressed by the tail with which the cat beats on the floor. At the same time, she, as a rule, sits down with her back or half a turn to a person or animal - a source of negative emotions. If you try to touch the animal at such a moment, sharp teeth or claws will instantly dig into your hand. The cat will then jump to the side.

When making eye contact with your pet, avoid direct, unblinking eyes. It is tantamount to a threat. In order not to create tension, squint slightly and blink 2-3 times. “Everything is fine,” the cat will say in turn, covering its eyes.

Be able to recognize the signs of trust from the cat. The cat shows the deepest degree of affection for a person by opening the abdomen and allowing it to be stroked. Sometimes she can, turning over on her back and closing her eyes, invitingly “purr”, as if saying “Pet me!”. During stroking, all the muscles of the animal's body are relaxed, the muzzle expresses bliss. Trying to touch the cat's abdomen without an invitation should not be, if you do not want to run into a furious attack of sharp claws.

When you want to get your pet to perform certain actions, say the command out loud, for example, "Murka, bring the newspaper!" or "Ginger, catch a mouse!". Then clearly visualize the animal doing what you asked it to do. Many scientists involved in the study of the behavior of cats are sure that they can pick up information using telepathic communication. The mental image that has arisen in the head of the owner is transmitted to his pet, and often the cats do fulfill the requests of the owners, unless, of course, this is in conflict with their independent character.

Helpful advice

Know that the more you practice, the finer your language with your cat will become.


  • how to talk to a cat

Cats love communication. They have developed supersenses that enable them to lead an intense social life by communicating with us in non-verbal languages. If you are observant, you can quite understand what the postures and some positions of the cat's body signal. Quite realistically, you can learn to understand the intonations of their sounds, meows and rumblings. Remember that for cats, the sense of smell is an important function, and smells are an integral part of their lives.


Zoologists have counted 25 visual cues from feline body language. In addition, they can be combined in sixteen ways. Learn to understand the basic signs of sign language - you will know what your pet wants to say to you.

The blind will always find their way to the mother's nipple. He has a developed sense of smell, touch and the ability to feel heat from birth. By smell, he distinguishes maternal, to which he returns for each feeding. The mother cat also recognizes her own by their personal smell. Thus, the most important information is laid down, how to communicate in the language of smells.

A sound combination reminiscent of the human "meow" cannot convey the huge variety of sounds that make up the lexical stock of cats. There are 16 basic voice signals, and even more - indistinguishable to your hearing.

Among the sounds there are even signals of ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound is accessible to the cat's hearing, which is more sensitive to a wide range of frequencies. Do not treat like deaf animals. It's even ridiculous from the point of view of a specialist. Because of your loud voice, they will constantly be in nervous tension. Remember that a normal tone is enough to be heard.

The cat perfectly remembers your individual words. Just say them clearly and without repetition if you want to achieve a consistent reaction. If a smart cat has learned the command "Walk" and is ready to go to the door, then do not repeat this word several times in a row. For her, three lexical units will merge into one complex, completely alien “walk, walk, walk”.
