Handmade eye cream. Homemade eye creams and natural oils

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Eye cream at home

Homemade eye creams

Hi all!

I ran out of a good, organic eye cream, but it’s a pity to carry money to the pharmacy, I don’t have any strength, I don’t remember how much it costs, probably 150 kroons, which is 15 EURO, for 15 ml, it seems. In general, I decided to take care of making the cream at home. Liked this recipe. Only I am thinking of reducing the amount of all ingredients to one quarter, and so on. you get a small amount, which is enough for just 7 days, and then a new one! I have all the ingredients. I’m thinking, maybe add some kind of oil, olive or another, to it? Who thinks about this? I also want to make something for my lips at home :))).


"The following nourishing cream will moisturize the skin of the eyelids well. The recipe is quite simple: take one teaspoon of liquid honey, a teaspoon glycerin, the same amount of edible gelatin and add 4-5 tablespoons of mineral or boiled spoons of water to the mixture. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave the container with them in hot water for 10 minutes. Then beat the whole mass or, in extreme cases, just mix. Cooled cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to seven days.

Homemade eye creams, recipes with natural oils All subsequent oils and eye creams will require ingredients that you can purchase at any pharmacy.

The next one is very nutritious, besides it is quite simple to make. Take one tablespoon of pork lard (preferably unsalted) and melt it in a water bath. Then add two tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably olive, apricot or peach) to the melted fat. Mix the mass until smooth and transfer to a jar. With this cream, you should lubricate the skin of the eyelids three times a week at night before going to bed, without washing off until the morning. This home remedy can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20-25 days.

* * * *

The following is very beneficial for the skin. To make it, take one tablespoon of olive oil (you can take peach, almond or rosehip oil instead), three drops of vitamins E and A in oil and mix everything (for example, using a cotton swab) in a small jar. Use the resulting oil in the morning and evening, applying the composition under the eyes with light movements. If after applying the product the skin under the eyes is very shiny, wait thirty minutes after applying the oil, then gently pat the skin with a tissue.

* * * *

This eye cream is very effective. anti-wrinkle which can be stored in the refrigerator for up to seven days. To prepare it, take one tablespoon of softened butter or margarine and rub it with one raw egg yolk. Add 1-1.5 tablespoons of carefully crushed rose petals to the mixture (you can replace them with rosehip, jasmine or lily of the valley petals). It will be even better if you add stamens and pistils of flowers with pollen to the cream, also grinding them in advance. Mix all the ingredients and apply this eye cream daily before bed.

* * * *

In order for the skin of the eyelids not to be dry and to receive good nutrition, it is necessary to apply on it every day before going to bed. wheat germ oil. In addition to it, you can use aevit, olive oil, peach seed oil (as well as grape and apricot), rosehip oil. You can mix all the oils in equal proportions, or you can alternate them, changing one oil for another every week.

* * * *

The following nourishing cream will well moisturize the skin of the eyelids. The recipe is quite simple: take one teaspoon of liquid honey, a teaspoon glycerine, the same amount of nut edible gelatin and add 4-5 tablespoons of mineral or boiled spoons of water to the mixture. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave the container with them in hot water for 10 minutes. Then beat the whole mass or, in extreme cases, just mix. The cooled cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to seven days.

* * * *

This homemade cream has a softening effect, and its regular use can smooth out fine wrinkles. To prepare this eye cream, take one teaspoon lanolin and melt it in a water bath. After that, add two tablespoons of almond oil to the lanolin. Then take half a teaspoon of lecithin powder and dissolve it in rose water or, in extreme cases, two tablespoons of mineral water. Add the dissolved lecithin to the mixture of lanolin and oil and place the container with them in a water bath, stirring the mass for 1-2 minutes. Then beat the mixture with a fork or spoon and leave to cool. The eye cream is ready. Use it daily at night before bed.

* * * *

This homemade eye oil effectively fights crow's feet. It is best to take as the basis of this tool olive oil, but in the absence of such, grape or peach seed oil can be used. Take two tablespoons of one of the listed oils and mix it with two drops of rosemary essential oil, two drops of geranium oil, and the same amount of verbena oil. Every day before going to bed, use your fingertips to massage the oil into the skin around the eyes.

* * * *

This eye oil recipe is a bit similar to the previous one. Take one tablespoon of the base indicated in the previous recipe (one of the three oils), add to it a tablespoon of avocado oil and two drops each of fennel, mint and orange essential oils. Mix everything. Use the oil in the same way as indicated in the previous recipe.

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When wrinkles appear, the strongest desire of any woman becomes to turn back the clock. And if noticeable age-related changes on the face make themselves felt by the age of forty, then for the skin around the eyes this moment comes much earlier, and most girls after 26-27 years old notice the first wrinkles in the area around the eyes. You need to deal with this unambiguously, care should be daily and targeted, and homemade eye cream is one of the best options for preserving youthful skin.

The easiest recipes

Cream for the skin around the eyes, prepared at home, does not have to be complex and multicomponent. You can start with simple recipes, which, nevertheless, are very useful.


All you need to do to create such a cream is go to the pharmacy for vitamins A and E (Tocopherol and Retinol), get olive oil from the refrigerator and get cocoa butter. Combine the oils in a 1:1 ratio, for example, 1 tsp each, and add vitamins, one capsule each. Mix and apply to the eyes with your finger or apply to the skin with a cotton pad soaked in the resulting cream.

Deep smoothing

This product is ideal for use before bed. The procedure for preparing such an eye cream is as follows:

Butter cocoa 1.5 tbsp. l. melt (preferably in a water bath);

Then cool it down a bit;

Add the contents of one capsule of Tocopherol, 4 drops of essential essences of lavender and rosehip;

Pre-made decoction of thyme herb 1 tbsp. l. pour into the cream and mix everything;

Lastly, add 1 drop (no more!) of geranium oil to the mixture and mix the cream again.

Simple night cream

The most uncomplicated cream for the skin around the eyes is ordinary olive oil. Indeed, this product has such a unique composition that it can be considered as a complete cream. Apply it to the skin with light patting movements, and after a while remove any excess that has not been absorbed with a soft cloth.

Another simple eye cream consists of 1-2 tbsp. l. grape seed oil and 7-9 drops of essential essence of Roman chamomile. Apply this cream should be at bedtime, as well as olive.

Skin Moisture Recipes

Moisturizing eye cream is suitable for girls aged 24-28 years, when there are no pronounced wrinkles, but the level of moisture has already been reduced. To saturate the skin with valuable moisture at home, components such as aloe, glycerin, light cosmetic oils, and herbal decoctions are ideal.

Cream with aloe

Combine equal volumes of aloe juice (it is desirable that the plant is older than two years) and grape seed oil or almond or olive oil. Apply, patting, remove excess with a napkin or cotton pad.

honey recipe

To make a moisturizing repair eye cream at home, take:

Honey 2 tsp. l.;

Glycerin 2 tsp. l.;

Gelatin powder 1 tsp. l.;

Clean water 5-6 tbsp. l.

First, dissolve the gelatin in water, then add honey and glycerin, mix everything. Use daily, and store such a product in the refrigerator for no longer than 5-7 days.

Honey is one of the few universal remedies created by nature, with which you can solve many skin problems: moisturize, smooth wrinkles, brighten the face, and treat any skin defects in the form of rashes or redness.

Lifting Cream

The lifting effect can be achieved not only after visiting a beauty salon or as a result of using products created by cosmetologists, but also at home, with regular use of natural products. One of them combines the unique properties of plants, oils and honey, and to create a lifting cream for the skin around the eyes, you will need:

Solid honey 3 tsp

6 drops of grape seed oil;

4 drops of olive oil;

1 drop of geranium essence;

Parsley juice 3 drops;

A decoction of clover 1 tsp;

Golden root infusion 1 tsp.

The basis is honey, without melting it, mix all the ingredients. You want to get a thick viscous mass, so if necessary, add more honey. Apply the product on the skin of the eyes, evenly distributing it, and start patting the skin with your finger, while the honey, sticking, will slightly pull the skin of the face. This creates the effect of micromassage, enhances blood flow, improves skin elasticity.

The optimal area for applying this cream is the cheekbones near the eyes, the skin under the eyebrows and under the eyes. If the product turned out to be a lot, you can use it for the whole face, or leave it in the refrigerator and pamper your skin again in a day. The cream is powerful, so at home it can be used only once every two days, alternating with other means.

Useful advice: before applying this cream, steam your face over a decoction of chamomile or calendula for 10 minutes.

Recipes for noticeable wrinkles

If the wrinkles on your face are visible to the naked eye, use the natural recipes below at home.

Mix a teaspoon each of frankincense and limette oils with two drops of rose oil. Use the product morning and evening, applying a small amount to the skin around the eyes. Pre-test for individual intolerance on the crook of the elbow.

In similar proportions, combine chamomile oil extract, grape seed oil and roses. This cream can be supplemented with two drops of sandalwood essence.

Another cream is also effective against existing wrinkles and in terms of preventing the appearance of new ones. It will require:

Beeswax 2 tbsp. l.;

Jojoba oil 4 tbsp. l.;

Rose water 50 g;

Apricot oil 15 ml;

Borax 1 tsp

Melt the oils and wax, dissolve the borax separately in rose water. Combine both mixtures and stir. Put the cream in a glass container with a lid and use the product daily. You can store the cream in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Nourishing creams

After 35 years, women's skin needs special care, while care products should contain not only moisturizing, but also nourishing ingredients. We have prepared a couple of such recipes for our charming readers.

Yolk cream

Mix two tablespoons of natural butter with the yolk of one small egg. Add half a teaspoon of bee pollen to the mixture, which can be purchased at beekeeping stores or, for example, in the Tentorium catalog. Then add lemon and rose oils to the cream - 4 drops each. Store the mixture in a closed container for up to 5 days.

Very nutritious recipe

Interior fat 1 tbsp. l. melt, add 1.5-2 tbsp. l. olive or peach oil and mix. To enhance the anti-aging effect and for fragrance, add essential essences of your choice: lemon, sandalwood, lavender, 2-4 drops each. Put the cream in a glass jar and use at night every two days.

More complex options

To create a multi-component eye cream, you must first prepare all the necessary components, choose your free time and, most importantly, a good mood. And for this, we offer you two wonderful natural recipes that any of you can appreciate at home.

Candelilla or beeswax 15 g, niccolipid 1 g, cocoa butter and jojoba oil 1/2 tsp each, poppy seeds 1 ml, cupuaçu butter, put half a piece in a bowl and heat in a bath. Heat 15 ml of water separately, add 2 tsp of hyaluronic gel to it. Combine both mixtures and whisk with a spoon or mixer, add 4 drops of essential oils of rose, sandalwood, geranium, lemon and 1 ml of raspberry and primrose oils.

Melt two teaspoons of lanolin, add 3 tbsp. l. almond oil and a solution of 1 tsp. lecithin in 30 ml of mineral or rose water. Continue to keep the bowl in a container of hot water, slowly stirring its contents. After 2-3 minutes, put the cream in a jar, cool it and keep it in a cool place, use it at night.

P.S. Vasilisa

I love to make creams myself, around the eyes I have one secret recipe, I share:

2 teaspoons tablespoons of cocoa butter

1 tsp rosehip oil (CO2 extract)

1 tsp grape oil

2 drops of carrot seed ether (look better on iherb, they have normal quality)

2 drops lemon oil

2 tsp cosmetic beeswax

1 tsp honey

1 drop lavender oil

I make such a cream in small portions in order to spend it in 1-2 months and make it fresh, and store it on a shelf in the refrigerator.

It is very easy to prepare an eye cream at home. It is enough to know which components will be useful for delicate and sensitive skin and how to mix them correctly.

The technology for making homemade cosmetics includes simple steps that every girl can handle. If you think that it takes a very long time to cook a fresh portion, then you are mistaken. In a minimum amount of time, you can make a safe, effective and natural cream for the skin around the eyes with your own hands.

The skin around the eyes is very thin and prone to irritation. For this area, you need to choose high-quality and safe cosmetics. We offer an excellent alternative to ready-made store-bought cosmetic products - a hand-made eye cream.

The epidermis under the eyes needs sufficient hydration and nutrition. Natural ingredients that are used in homemade creams are able to saturate the cells with the necessary amount of moisture and nutrients. Prepare a good anti-wrinkle, moisturizing or nourishing eye cream using these recipes.

Peach eye cream

Peach oil moisturizes the skin well. Cream with this oil will provide complete care for delicate and sensitive skin. It does not cause irritation and swelling.


  • Peach oil - 4 ml;
  • Beeswax - 1 g;
  • Lanolin - 3 g;
  • Water - 6 ml.

The proposed amount of components is enough for a small portion of the cream, which is enough for several applications.

Wax and lanolin form the basis of the recipe. They are necessary for the formation of a creamy texture. Melt these ingredients in a water bath, stirring occasionally. When the wax melts (it has a solid consistency and takes longer to melt), remove the container from the heat and add the peach oil. Mix the oil substances until smooth and slowly pour in the water. At this stage, it is necessary to mix the resulting mass well and leave it to cool.

When the mixture has cooled, pour it into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Apply the cream with light patting movements on the skin in the eye area.

Chamomile cream

Chamomile officinalis is one of the best ingredients for sensitive skin around the eyes. Medicinal herbs perfectly relieve inflammation, moisturize the skin of the face, give it energy and natural shine.


  • Chamomile color (dry) - 1 tsp;
  • Linden blossom (dry) - 1 tsp;
  • Boiling water - ½ tbsp.;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Castor oil - 1 tsp

First we need to make an infusion of flowers. To do this, pour into a bowl a teaspoon of the color of chamomile and linden, pour boiling water and cover with a lid or plate. They must be infused for 15 minutes. Then we filter the resulting solution.

Mix two tablespoons of infusion with melted butter and a spoonful of castor oil. Mix thoroughly or beat with a hand mixer.

Storage in the refrigerator for 5 days is allowed. After that, you need to prepare a new portion.

Apply the product before bedtime, but at least an hour before bedtime. Chamomile cream fights one of the main problems - wrinkles around the eyes.

Deep anti-wrinkle cream

It is not difficult to prepare a cream for wrinkles, the main thing is to follow the sequence of all actions. It will prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the area around the eyes and reduce their number.


  • Cocoa butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Thyme or St. John's wort - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vitamin E - 1 capsule or ½ teaspoon of oil solution;
  • Rosehip oil - 5 drops;
  • Lavender oil - 5 drops;
  • Boiling water - 250 ml.

Brew herbs: pour two tablespoons of thyme with boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and cool to room temperature.

Cocoa butter, put in a container, which we put in a water bath. Solid butter should be completely melted. Be sure to put the pan on a slow fire so that the temperature does not spoil the nutrients. Remove the oil from the heat and let it cool down to room temperature. When the mass has cooled, add vitamin, rosehip and lavender oils, mix thoroughly. Slowly add 2 tablespoons of the herbal decoction and beat again to get a smooth texture. Cool completely and transfer to a suitable container.

The finished cream is applied to cleansed skin around the eyes in the morning. Apply it correctly, with gentle and gentle movements. The skin under the eyes is easy to injure and stretch. If you use cosmetics incorrectly, then there will be even more wrinkles.


Homemade eye cream is safe, natural and gentle on the skin. Home remedy will get rid of wrinkles and moisturize the skin. Follow the rules for applying the cream in the eye area, distributing it with light patting movements with fingertips.

Cream for wrinkles around the eyes works much more effectively if it is prepared at home with your own hands. Such a folk remedy will be much more natural than purchased, and preparing it is a pleasure! If you are afraid that it will take a lot of time or that you will not succeed the first time, then your fears are in vain. We will provide you with some easy-to-follow eye cream recipes.

The most important thing is to use suitable components - essential oils, vitamins, which will properly take care of delicate skin (should be selected according to your skin type), prevent aging.

Cream at home for wrinkles around the eyes

The anti-wrinkle agent provide intense hydration ,have a light texture , be nutritious and take good care of the thin skin around the eyes . Everyone wants to achieve a good result, using natural remedies that have a restorative effect. There is a good alternative that will replace the cosmetic product - handmade eye cream.

Are pharmacy ointments for wrinkles more effective than homemade creams?

Of course, many may argue that homemade wrinkle cream around the eyes, will be less effective than purchased, will not be able to rejuvenate in the same way, will not have the necessary properties. But, a product bought at a pharmacy, not always smoothing, firming and as effective as the one you prepare yourself. After all, the main thing in this business is natural ingredients that fight the problem.

Sure, there are creams that work, but they cost a fortune! Not all of us can afford such an expensive pleasure. And everyone wants to look good, because the appearance of age-related changes on the skin does not please anyone.

What else to take care of the skin around the eyes?

In addition to the fact that you can prepare a cream for wrinkles around the eyes at home (the recipes of which we will describe below), you can start getting rid of “fatigue” today following methods:

How to make an effective face cream for wrinkles at home?

Wrinkles start to appear very quickly . Instead of choosing different creams that are incomprehensible in composition, use our recipes for different ages. Some of them are suitable for correction and against edema (removes swelling), others - for dry and normal skin with a moisturizing effect. Choose a recipe for yourself and advise them to your friends!

Do-it-yourself wrinkle remedy - an analogue of an expensive cream

Cream for wrinkles from 25 years. Gentle moisturizing product peach(oil - 4 ml), water(6 ml), beeswax in the amount of one gram and three grams lanolin. All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass (first melt lanolin and wax in a water bath) and apply to the desired area. How to do it right - see the photo below. Pay special attention to the skin of the eyelids! Don't pull her!

For women over 30 years old. Lanolin mix with almond oil and mix well. Apply morning and evening. Store this eye cream in the refrigerator.
This recipe can be prepared and used by men as well, as they will not be harmed by the moisturizing effect either.

For ages 35+. Composition from facial and eyelids - gelatin cream anti-wrinkle at home contains such components (we take everything in 1 teaspoon), such as honey, gelatin, glycerol and water, preferably boiled(5 tablespoons). Mix everything and put in a bowl of hot water to warm the mixture. Then whisk and apply on the face.

The best day cream for deep wrinkles around the eyes after 40 years t (can also be used for the forehead). Preparing herbal infusion Hypericum(2 tablespoons per 250 ml of boiling water). Leave to infuse under a towel in a closed container with a lid. After it is brewed and infused, which will take about 15 minutes, it must be filtered.
Cacao butter, which forms the basis of our product, melt in a water bath and, after cooling, mix with vitamin E capsule(extract content) rosehip oil and lavender(they can be taken in about 4 drops). Stir the solution and add it in a thin stream St. John's wort. Then you need to find some convenient jar in order to keep the cream in it. Apply as in the recipes above.

Get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home after 50. This night cream margarine(1 tablespoon) and raw yolk. Add to this mixture rose petals, wild rose or jasmine to choose from (1 tbsp). you can add not the petals themselves to the composition, but flowers with pollen and stamens. The cream is applied under the eyes. The most important thing is to store such a composition for a week.

Eye wrinkle cream - rating of the best

Choosing such a tool, women and girls ask themselves: “What is the most effective eye cream?” We will help you choose the best purchased cosmetic product.

  • Vichy lifting - cream from "Vichy Liftactiv Yeux"
    They will disappear literally after the first application (and in a month they will be completely smoothed out). Gets rid of dark circles and "bags", protects against early aging.
    Price: 1200 rubles.

  • Preparation "Healthy" for lifting
    Skin maintenance hydrated, saturation nutrients and vitamins. This action gives the skin the opportunity to smooth wrinkles a little. But this remedy can be easily replaced with a cucumber mask.
    Price: 990 rubles.

  • Solcoseryl gel and dimexide: effectiveness on the face!
    The use of these drugs in combination gives an incredible effect to your skin, enhance collagen production, activate skin cells. It is better to use these two means together in order to carry out the necessary oxygen supply to cells, accelerate recovery processes.

  • Anti-wrinkle cream with hyaluronic acid "Doliva"
    cleans up puffiness and irritation, contains hyaluronic acid, the properties of which are known to all. Also, it restores the water balance in the cells.
    Price: 500 rubles.
  • Instant anti-wrinkle cream "Instantly ageless"
    This gel has a lifting effect, acts instantly upon application - 2 minutes and wrinkles no. Well, it has a price to match. About three thousand rubles. And all because the effect is instant and it lasts 10 hours.
    Price: 2997 rubles.

  • L'Oreal product line
    L'Oreal has lines +35, +45, +55 - all of them perfectly reduce wrinkles, give and return elasticity, moisturize, pull up contours, face oval.

  • Means "Lefery acr"
    Defence from UV rays, hydration, decrease sagging, stimulation cellular recovery, reduces puffiness.

“These eyes are in front of a kaleidoscope of lights, These eyes are brighter and warmer in front of them…” Valery Obodzinsky once sang. Hundreds of songs are dedicated to the charm, depth and magic of women's eyes. Everyone knows that the eyes are the window to the soul. To preserve their youth and beauty is the natural desire of any woman. We offer another collection of natural recipes. This time we will talk about how to make your own eye cream at home.

Care for the delicate skin around the eyes

Eyelids have sensitive and thin skin, which loses its youth and elasticity before anything else. The fact is that they are not supplied with subcutaneous fatty tissue, an abundance of sebaceous glands and muscle fibers. Under such conditions, they are subject to premature aging. This happens also because the eyes are in a state of tension for most of life, and with them the tissues surrounding them. Let's name the main factors of eyelid aging:

  • lack of moisture;
  • daily stress;
  • improper care;
  • the impact of decorative cosmetics.

Moisturizing is a basic factor in proper care. Various cosmetic products, including those created at home, help with this. Extend the youthfulness of the eyelids allows massage and special exercises. Many women use the same product to moisturize their face and eyelids, and this is wrong. Your eyes deserve to have a cream on your dressing table, designed specifically for the care of the skin of the eyelids. Great, it will be prepared by you at home.

What should be a homemade eye cream?

A homemade eyelid formula will bring maximum benefit if you follow the accuracy of the recipe and prepare the remedy in small portions. The shelf life of natural cosmetics is limited, so you can make a portion of no more than 20 g at a time.

Why is the attention of modern women focused on homemade creams?

  • Firstly, they do not carry any harm - they do not contain paraben, propylene glycol and other potentially dangerous compounds.
  • Secondly, the natural ingredients of homemade products are much more beneficial.
  • Thirdly, it is easy to make them, you can use the most necessary components to create it.
  • And finally, you will be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the resulting product, which is very important in today's environmental conditions of life.

Nourishing and softening recipes

Nourishing eye care is optimal if your skin is prone to dryness and irritation. You can use any of the proposed home recipes.

Oil based product contains the following components:

  • olive oil 1 tsp;
  • vitamins A and E, one capsule each;
  • cosmetic jojoba oil 4-5 drops.

This is the simplest composition that prevents aging and eliminates the appearance of mimic wrinkles. Use it, applying in a circular motion, and remove the remnants of the mixture with a regular napkin or cotton pad.

Herbal softening cream easy to prepare. Ingredients:

  • castor oil ½ tsp;
  • decoction of chamomile with lime blossom 2 tsp;
  • natural butter 1 tsp with top.

Mix everything, after which the mixture can be used immediately.

Super Nourishing Cream for eyelids, created at home, contains pork interior fat (without salt!) And any of these vegetable oils: olive, apricot, jojoba, peach, in a ratio of 1: 2. Fat should be melted using a water bath or at medium power in a microwave oven, and then add the second component. Place the mixture in a tightly closed glass jar.

Optionally, the composition can be supplemented with a few drops of orange or rosemary essential oil. Shelf life reaches 3 weeks. And it is applied no more than 3 times a week. However, remember that with very oily skin, it is better not to use such a recipe.

Home care for mature skin around the eyes

This recipe is useful for ladies of Balzac age or older. This is a rather complex multicomponent composition, but the effectiveness will exceed all your expectations. Prepare no more than 20-30 g of the product. Here are the ingredients:

  • parsley;
  • essential oils of nutmeg, sandalwood and carrots - 2, 4 and 6 drops, respectively;
  • castor and cosmetic pomegranate oil - 1 tsp;
  • emulsifier;
  • half a capsule of aevit;
  • hyaluronic acid 2-3 drops;
  • rose hydrolat 10 ml;
  • sericite - 5 drops;
  • cornflower hydrolat 15 ml;
  • extracts of grapes and seaweed - ½ tsp each;
  • jojoba oil - 2 tsp

Cooking algorithm:

  • Chop parsley and mix it with jojoba oil. Let it brew to get an extract. Strain the mixture after a couple of days. This will be an infusion of parsley.
  • Separately, mix hyaluronic acid and half of cornflower hydrolate, wait until the mixture swells.
  • After that, add extracts of grapes and algae to the resulting mass.
  • Preparing the water base. In a glass or porcelain bowl, combine cornflower and rose hydrosols.
  • In another container, mix the emulsifier, parsley extract, pomegranate and castor oils.
  • Heat both mixtures in a water bath and combine together. To do this, intensively mix the composition by immersing the container in cold water. This is necessary for a speedy thickening. Foundation received.
  • Now we introduce a mixture with hyaluronic acid into the base, then the remaining components, and at the very end - sericite.
  • Mix thoroughly again. Ready!

Such a cream, prepared at home, will successfully replace expensive anti-aging products.

Light moisturizing of the skin around the eyes

This recipe is suitable if you have oily or combination skin. To create a light moisturizer, use:

  • glycerol;
  • gelatin;
  • 1/3 cup warm water.

Each ingredient will require one teaspoon. All components are mixed, and the mixture is heated in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. After thoroughly beat the resulting cream and cool it. The amount of funds should be obtained based on the week of use, since it should not be stored longer. Therefore, if after 7 days there is still cream left in the jar, throw it away, and make a new portion using fewer ingredients.

There is another good recipe for moisturizing care. Here are the components:

  • lanolin 1 tsp;
  • lecithin powder ½ tsp;
  • almond cosmetic oil ½ tsp;
  • cold water 1-1.5 tbsp.

The recipe is as follows: first you need to melt lanolin in a small bowl in a water bath, then add almond oil and remove from heat. Gently mix the composition with lecithin, then start adding water until a mixture of the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

How to use homemade eye cream correctly

So, you have coped with the task of a home beautician and created the best eye cream. Of course, you do not use it at a time and the tool must be stored somewhere. A cosmetic bag, a dressing table or a shelf in the bathroom are not suitable for this. The best place for natural cosmetics is the refrigerator.
