Critical days of the lunar cycle - full moon. Lunar and monthly cycle

The Moon is a very important planet in astrology; it is used to evaluate the human psyche and his perception of the world. The moon also correlates with the feminine principle (yin, shakti). If the Sun is light, day, warmth, then the Moon is darkness, night, cold. Lunar energy is initially manifested stronger in a woman than in a man.

Moon Woman

Every woman is closely connected with the Moon and its cycles. The Moon has passive energy; it reflects the light of the Sun. Likewise, a woman has a perceiving nature. If a man is an initiator and is achievement-oriented, then a woman is adaptive and focused on feeling comfortable. Women are by nature more emotional, unstable and intuitive - these are qualities of lunar energy.

It is known that thanks to the Moon we have comfortable conditions for life on Earth: it influences the climate and the surface of the oceans. Thanks to lunar energy, plants and organisms receive nutritional strength. Likewise, in astrology, the Moon represents the principle of the mother, nourishing and nurturing the energy necessary for life. A man gives a seed, a woman accepts it and nurtures it within herself.

Lunar and female cycles

Another close connection between a woman and the Moon is expressed in her menstrual cycle, which lasts on average 28 days. The cycle of the Moon has the same duration: it makes a full revolution around the Zodiac in 27.3 days and goes through a cycle of phases in 29.5 days.

If we look at the process itself menstrual cycle women, then we will see an exact analogy with the phases of the moon:

1) Follicular phase (7-10 days): the formation of a follicle from which an egg will be released for fertilization. It correlates with the waxing phase of the moon. During this period, a woman experiences the energy of upliftment in life, she wants to express herself and prove herself in society. This is a period of new beginnings, projects and acquaintances. It is the easiest time for new neural connections to be created in the brain, so this is the best time for learning and development.

2) Ovulation (3-4 days): the release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization, to the uterus. This correlates with the full moon phase, when feminine energy reaches its maximum. It is at this time that a woman becomes very attractive, she is able to win over her and gain attention. At the same time, she gains emotional depth and experiences a feeling of connection with people. This is the best time for pleasant communication with others and the creation of close connections, as well as the conclusion of beneficial social agreements.

3) Luteal phase (10-14 days): formation of the corpus luteum in the ovary at the site of the released egg. This corresponds to the waning moon. Here, the emotional uplift and strength gradually leave the woman, she begins to want to spend more and more time in the inner space rather than in public. The mind becomes more practical, aimed at solving administrative problems. This is the time to clean the house and optimize life processes. The qualities of observation and calm come to the fore. This phase for many women ends with PMS, when the woman becomes unhappy and irritable. A similar thing happens to people during the killing phase of the Moon, close to the new moon.

4) Menstruation (3-7 days). In fact, it belongs to the first stage, but let's talk about it separately. This is a woman's new moon when she loses her feminine energy through the blood. This time is accompanied by weakness, malaise, when she needs emotional and physical support. However, it is also a time of cleansing and renewal. During menstruation, the most active connection occurs between the left and right hemispheres of the brain (similar to the combination of solar and lunar energy during the new moon). This is a time of introspection and correction of life path. A woman can receive insights; she is ready to make effective planning for the cycle ahead, which corresponds to the first days of the waxing Moon.

Inner and outer lunar cycles

We can notice that the inner lunar cycle of a woman very rarely coincides with the outer cycle of the Moon in the sky. So a woman has to experience ovulation not only on the full moon, but, for example, on the new moon, or her menstruation may occur during the growth of the Moon, corresponding to an energy rise in the surrounding world. This has an important meaning for a woman, since she lives her internal cycle every time in new external circumstances. This gives variety, and therefore development. This is also necessary for a harmonious state of energy of the space in which we exist. Imagine what would happen if all women in the world had the same cycle, coinciding with the phases of the moon. Then the world would plunge into exhaustion and darkness at every new moon and experience hyper-elevation at the full moon. This circumstance of affairs would create strong surges of energy, and men have difficulty adapting to this, because they do not have an internal cycle. Therefore, the diversity of women's cycles has a sacred meaning to maintain balance in the world.

Of course, this makes it more difficult for a woman to synchronize with these two cycles, but she should try to do this for her harmony and emotional comfort. So, according to her internal cycle, a woman knows her state when she is ready to go into society and initiate communication, and when she enters a mode of passivity and isolation. By superimposing this internal cycle on the external one, we can give a general description of the current moment. So, if a woman is at the peak of her energy (ovulation), her need for communication and connections has increased, but at this time the Moon is waning and close to the new moon, then it turns out that the external characteristic of energy is not conducive to such actions. As a result, a woman is able to find a balance: perhaps this will no longer be a public performance and the implementation of a large-scale project of her life, but will become a moment of pleasant intimacy among her family, where she can support those around her who have a decline in energy due to the phase of the Moon with her inner uplift lunar energy.

You can also consider the premenstrual period, when a woman’s internal energy is very low, but at the same time it falls on the phase of the waxing Moon, close to the full moon. This will give her support and additional strength; she will not feel so exhausted if the Moon was also waning and dark at this time.

Thus, by noting her internal cycles and phases of the Moon, a woman can find harmony at every moment of her changing state, choose the best actions for herself and not demand from herself what she cannot give. After all, changeability is an integral female trait that belongs to her by right.

(c) Valeria Zhelamskaya

We feel the lunar cycles in our body. The deep water of the female body feels the Moon and resonates with its ebb and flow. Surprisingly, on the new moon, the menstrual cycle of many modern girls who have experienced the ancient magical effect of power plants is reconfigured and begins its countdown. How does this happen, why witches’ Sabbaths were held on the full moon, where the crescent moon came from in Islam, and what consequences the replacement of the lunar calendar in the modern world with a solar one had for women - let’s try to figure it out in this article.

"Moon Rocks"

Accustomed to modern chronology and counting of days and months, are you sure that it has always been this way? In ancient civilizations, people lived according to the lunar calendar. It was with the cycles of the Moon that ancient people synchronized their lives in both Americas, Asia, the entire Middle East, the Mediterranean and Rus'. The most ancient archaeological evidence of this is lunar calendars found in caves in France and Germany, which are about thirty thousand years old. A lunar calendar eighteen thousand years old was found in the Krasnoyarsk region of Russia. They are incisions on stones or animal bones in the form of a series of crescents or lines in a snake pattern.

Researchers believe that these moon phase calculations were used not by men, but by women, and for the first time by ancient midwives! Indeed, for them, as for any pregnant woman, it was important to know when the child would be born. Anthropologists describe the persistence of these customs in the modern world among some indigenous peoples of Siberia, Australian Aborigines and American Indians - the pregnancy of their women still lasts exactly ten lunar months. Cherokee Indian women kept so-called “menstrual calendars” on “moon stones,” and the Indians strictly followed them to determine the timing of the change of location of the entire community. Many ancient communities also accurately determined from them the timing of the change of seasons and the migration of animals and birds.

Lunar wisdom

Exploring the primordial roots of sexuality and the mythology of the peoples of the world, Irwin Thompson, in his book Bringing Fallen Bodies Back to the Light, quite reasonably notes that “menstruation, lunar calendars and obstetrics became the basis of civilization, not a community of male hunters.” Human culture began precisely with the birth of children, the female experience of pregnancy. Women had no need to conquer nature - they learned about it through their own experience. The female body was naturally attuned to the cycles of nature and was in harmony with them. Geometry and the image of man were originally a reflection of the same divine image - the body of the Universe. For ancient people, “number” was always based on reality and meant concrete human experience, and not something abstract or “objective”, divorced from living reality.

It is interesting to note here that the Greek word mathesis (mathesis, “science, teaching”) as a definition "universal knowledge" attributed to Descartes actually comes from Ma-thesis"Mother wisdom" or, literally - "Mothers of Wisdom". The biblical theory that our world began in the advent of “our era” significantly loses its stability if we pay attention to the fact that, surrounded by stars, the Christian Virgin Mary, like her prototype the Egyptian Isis, in all images stands on... a crescent. Note also that in English the word month"month" derived from moon"moon". Same as the name "honeymoon"honeymoon. Well, in Russian the name itself "month" speaks for itself. The ancient wise people understood that the flow of life is not linear, but cyclical - like the Moon...

Lunar synchronicity

The convex part of the Earth's equator is the region closest to the Moon. Perhaps for this reason, the women living there usually ovulate during the full moon. All representatives of the fair sex are familiar with the phenomenon when the cycles of women living next to each other are synchronized. Synchronization of ovulation with the full moon means the arrival of menstruation on the invisible phase of the moon preceding the new moon, which during this period is called dark.

In ancient societies, the experience of menstruation was not individual - it extended to the entire community of women living next to each other. It is believed that our ancestors lived for a long time in the equatorial part of the African continent - perhaps this is where the following mythological belief comes from: when women “bleed”, synchronizing with Mother Moon, then at that moment she herself is dark, “bloody”. All astrologers know that in this invisible phase of the dark Moon, when it is not illuminated by the Sun, excessive prudence is swept aside, and the deepest unconscious processes and the strongest emotions and desires that cannot be controlled come to the fore. These days in ancient societies were sacred taboo periods, critical days of the female lunar cycle, in which women were supposed to maintain internal focus and observation - this period was considered days and nights of greatest power, when both good and harm could be generated.

Moon Mind

In the Christian world, such women's nights of power began to be called "witches' sabbaths", although originally it was a women's tradition of gathering together on the dark moon to focus on the lunar power and use it for the benefit of the community. However, during this period women could also retire. In both cases, the power of the Moon became the power of the mind. Words in many languages "moon" And "menstruation" come from the same root. In English "menstruation" derived from menses- Latin word month - “month”, which was determined by the cycle of the moon. Both words have Indo-European roots, and in Old English go back to the word mona ("moon"), which simultaneously means mind - “mind”, And measurement - “measure”. And this is not surprising - after all, it was the “lunar mind” that established measures, measurements, including lunar calendars. Confirmation of this can also be found in the mythology of the ancient Egyptians, where the moon god Thoth was also the god of wisdom, the patron of sciences and the creator of the alphabet. Although Thoth was a male god, he was in divine union with his wife Maat, the goddess of truth and world order, who presides over the stars and seasons.

"Menstruation" also meant "moon change", "change of mind"- it was believed that Mother Moon rests during this period, since she does not grow or decrease. It is noteworthy that the word "sabbath" (sa-bat), having its origin in the ancient Hebrew language, means "rest of the heart". All “witches' sabbaths” of the ancient world were originally held once a month - on the dark moon before the new moon, and then every quarter of the lunar phase, including the full moon. All "witch" celebrations and pagan rituals were acts of recognition of the cyclical nature of Mother Nature - change in continuity, continuity in change, again and again.

Moon drink

The ancient people considered the Moon to be the cause of pregnancy, as well as menstruation. They knew that the child was not only the product of human sex, but they believed that it emerged from the spirit formed by the fusion of the Earth and the Moon. It is an interesting observation by many modern psychologists and healers that if many women who are unable to conceive stand for a short period of time at night under the light of the Moon, they mysteriously conceive. There is no scientific explanation for this amazing phenomenon, but the fact remains. Maybe it’s not for nothing that lovers instinctively love walks under the moon...

In Africa, the most favorable days for conceiving a child are still considered to be the holiday of the Moon Goddess - Yemanji, who has jurisdiction over all the deep waters of the earth and the body. Such lunar goddesses existed among all peoples of the world - for example, Mama Quilla among the American Incas, Annit in Mesopotamia, Chang E among the Chinese, Selene in Greek mythology, etc. But it was the Roman goddess Luna who gave the name to the Earth’s satellite. It is noteworthy that in India, along with Chandra, the god of the Moon is the mystical Indo-Iranian deity Soma, who also gave the name to the ancient ritual drink. Soma is often mentioned in the Rigveda text praising its invigorating and intoxicating qualities. As a drink, it was considered the nectar exuded by the Moon. It was believed that it was with the help of Soma that one could know God and the laws of the Universe. Scientists are still arguing about the possible composition of this drink, believing that it was made from magic mushrooms, ephedra and harmala. Be that as it may, another thing is important - in ancient times this drink was used for initiation, and modern girls who have experienced the effects of power plants, regardless of their name, begin to ovulate on the full moon, and their menstruation, like that of ancient women, comes exactly on the day dark moon before the new moon, as if in an altered state of consciousness they receive subtle adjustments to the ancient rhythms of the Universe.

"Symbol of Islam"

Looking at the most recognizable symbol of Islam today, many modern people do not even suspect how ancient its meaning is. Today, a crescent with a star can be seen on the official flags of many countries - for example, Turkey, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Pakistan and some other Muslim countries. It is noteworthy that this symbol can also be found on the coats of arms of European peoples - for example, the nobles of Poland and Lithuania. Also, a star with a crescent is depicted on the coat of arms of the German city of Grabov and the Ukrainian Ternopil. The crescent moon (tsata) also decorated many ancient Orthodox churches, for example, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (1165) and St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (1197) even before the clash with Muslims. The symbol of the growing moon can also be found in Hinduism - for example, it is worn on the head of Shiva, where the crescent symbolizes the vessel with Soma - the nectar of immortality, and in ancient times it was minted on Indian coins. So how did this symbol arise, how did it get into Islam, and why is it found in Europe?

And its origin is connected with... the Mother Goddess of the peoples who lived in the Middle East before the Prophet Muhammad. In the pre-Islamic era they worshiped the triple goddess Mother Moon, who was called Al-Lat. According to Herodotus, she and her divine son were the only gods worshiped by the Arabs in pre-Islamic times. At the same time, back in the second millennium BC. in Mesopotamia - the “region of the Fertile Crescent”, she was revered under the name Kubaba. Scientists believe that the name of the sacred stone came from this name Kaaba- a Muslim shrine, which, paradoxically, is several thousand years older than Islam. Be that as it may, this sacred black a stone in Mecca, where thousands of Muslims make a pilgrimage every year, is made in the shape female vagina, which is covered with a black blanket called "skirt of the Kaaba", and the male clergy who protect her are still called Beni Shaybah, which literally translates as "sons of the Old Woman"

But how does this relate to the crescent moon symbol in Islam? Initially, the cycle of the Moon is threefold: waxing, full and waning. The crescent symbolizes growing strength, and therefore was borrowed by rulers as a symbol of power and wisdom. For example, in Mesopotamia it can be found on the stele of a Sumerian king from the 12th century BC. e. For the same reason, this symbol can be seen on ancient Indian coins. The crescent was also a symbol of the Sassanid Empire in Persia from the third to the seventh centuries. After the Arab conquest of these territories in 651, the crescent was adopted by subsequent Muslim rulers, and was inherited by the Ottoman Empire, and then appeared on the flags of all countries of the collapsed empire. That is why it has become a symbol of the Muslim community, although Muslims who know history do not accept it, considering it a pagan symbol that came from a pagan goddess.

By the way, in Greece Kubaba was worshiped under the name Cybele. Its cult, which existed in Europe until the twelfth century along with Christianity, can be traced by modern scientists all the way to Britain. Her figurines were also found in Romania, Ukraine and Crimea. Perhaps this explains the fact that its symbol, the crescent, has been preserved on European coats of arms and Orthodox churches. We must not forget about the Russian fairy tale about the Swan Princess, whose “month shines under her scythe, and a star burns in her forehead,” the Egyptian Isis sitting on the month and the Christian Virgin Mary - it was the triple Mother Moon that became the prototype of all these goddesses. It makes us wonder even more how ancient it is when we recognize its symbol on the flag of the American state of South Carolina, in the name of the city of Hilo (“crescent”) in Hawaii, and also that the Crescent City is called New Orleans in America. Perhaps all this is the legacy of the American Indians, who once kept ancient knowledge, the content of which today we can only guess...

Lose lunar settings

As you might guess, the modern “solar” Gregorian calendar was introduced in the 16th century under the influence of the Roman Church - among other things, it did not like the ancient power that women possess. This also explains the “witch hunt” that began in the 14th century in order to eliminate the remnants of female cults in Europe and even Latin America, where the Inquisition was abolished only in the 19th century. The introduction of a new calculation of time, among other things, was intended to disrupt women’s “lunar settings”, depriving women of the opportunity to draw “lunar” knowledge and power on sacred lunar days. Of course, this did not happen in one day - solar calculation was first introduced by Julius Caesar at the beginning of our era with the advent of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

The Julian calendar, which introduced the calculation of the new year from January 1, known in Kievan Rus as the “Church Circle,” replaced the previously existing Roman one, based on the astronomical culture of Ancient Egypt. In Egypt, the calendar, which existed with the Egyptian civilization for more than four thousand years, was solar-lunar: its origin is associated with Sirius (or, in Greek, Sothis), whose galactic ascensions coincided in Ancient Egypt with the summer solstice and preceded the flood of the Nile. Despite the fact that in ancient times people lived only according to the lunar calendar, the realities of agricultural life prompted them to pay attention to the sun - this is what is associated with the appearance of solar-lunar calendars throughout the Middle East, Asia and Rus'. Nevertheless, as in Ancient Egypt, the use of the lunar calendar was preserved everywhere for everyday and religious purposes - and it is with it that all Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish holidays are celebrated to this day, as well as some pagan holidays among the Slavs. And before the arrival of Christianity in Rome, the calendar never became only “solar”.

A terrible crime against female lunar power in Rus' was committed by Peter I, who returned from Europe, who, by his decree of 1699, ordered the beginning of the year not to be counted from the March New Year, accepted by thousand-year-old traditions, but from January 1. Moreover, by this decree, the Tsar ordered the Slavic chronology “from the creation of the world” to be replaced with the chronology from the birth of Christ. Thus, the Slavic year 7208 from the creation of the world became 1700 from the Nativity of Christ, depriving the Slavs of five and a half thousand years of history and interrupting the primordial female traditions of this territory. The same decree contained instructions for people to congratulate each other on the New Year, and not on the New Year - a recognition of the cyclical nature of Nature, as was previously customary...

Lunar power

In ancient times, women's cycles were perfectly aligned with the phases of the moon. Through their bodies and deep intuition, women beautifully knew possibilities of lunar power. Today these ancient traditions have been interrupted to our detriment. Modern women are torn out of their natural lunar cycle - into fear, shame and a rhythm alien to the female body and soul. Under the patriarchal taboos of modern religions, menstruation for women has become a “punishment” rather than a gift. Many men in a patriarchal society are afraid of the primordial wild women - their sexual, mental and spiritual ability to live in conscious harmony with the primordial processes in their own bodies. Initially, the integral nature of modern women was forcibly split in two - into a “good ovulating wife”, designed to be passive and not very sexy, so as not to frighten - white and fluffy; and the “witch” of frantic sexuality, the whore - dynamic, active, menstruating, red (interesting information on this topic in Slavic and Indian culture -). Women began to fear themselves. What should we do now? Where to get knowledge?

But the Moon is still there! And it can be either full or dark. And we can follow this lunar wisdom. Let’s also listen to the ancient wisdom of the Manichaeans, almost destroyed by the Roman Church - a teaching that arose in ancient Persia in the Sassanid state (literally - “state of the Iranian-Aryans”). According to him, in response to the invasion of the forces of darkness, the Father of Greatness of one of the enlighteners created the Virgin of Light. Two “luminaries” were created - the Sun, consisting of the light element of fire, and the Moon, consisting of light water. The Living Spirit settled on the Sun, and the Virgin of Light settled on the Moon, who are called upon to illuminate and purify human souls...

The Immaculate Virgin, or how the text of the Bible was distorted - .

Since ancient times, the moon has symbolized the feminine principle, and ancient people noticed that the phases of the moon very much resemble female regulations. Each woman has her own unique lunar cycle - the menstrual cycle, which is similar to the lunar cycle. Repeating periods have their own special energy, which most women feel.

A menstrual cycle of 21-28 days is not strictly standard for every woman. A long cycle of both 35 and 40 days is possible. But the functional phases remain unchanged. The individual lunar female cycle determines the physiological processes in the body, affects the psyche and sexuality.
"Women's Moons" is a wonderful way to get to know yourself, the characteristics of your body, your energy and sexuality.

1. Ambrosia phase

The Ambrosia phase begins with the arrival of menstruation. The phase is approximately 5 days, and “first blood” will mark the beginning of the female lunar cycle. This is literally retribution for a failed pregnancy, when the woman’s lunar essence is deceived.

The level of the hormone progesterone decreases, eggs die, and bleeding begins. Some women experience a state of fatigue and loss of vitality, others experience a sharpening of all their senses, and still others open up their internal reserves.

In the mythology of the ancient Greeks, the term "ambrosia" meant immortality, as well as a fragrant means for anointing incorruptible bodies. Menstrual blood was attributed miraculous properties in many ancient cultures of different countries. The blood corresponded to certain female archetypes and symbols, for example, the red claret of the Fairy Queen, symbolized the “wise blood of the Great Mother,” the sacred lunar drink, etc.

2. Artemis phase

In ancient times, Artemis was a symbol of nature and purity.
The Artemis phase corresponds to the postmenstrual phase (days 6-10), and in the context of the female lunar world corresponds to the phase of the young moon, when the moon in the sky has the shape of a thin strip and up to the first quarter.
The beginning of the Artemis phase is the female new moon.

At the beginning of the lunar cycle, follicles begin to mature in women's ovaries, and women's activity, both physical and sexual, is at its lowest level.
At the same time, the woman is inquisitive, she is interested in everything new, at this time many women begin to devote more time to their appearance.
The efficiency of absorption of minerals, vitamins and other substances entering the body increases many times, especially calcium, magnesium and iron. The effect of medications and cosmetics also increases.

The Artemis phase also has a negative side. Due to the double absorption of substances in female body Fats accumulate, and harmful substances can be absorbed along with vitamins. A woman gains weight these days, and the risk of poisoning also increases.
A woman can be overly restless and impulsive.

3. Selena phase

The next phase is associated with the period of consecration of the moon from the first quarter to half. Corresponds to the end of the postmenstrual phase and the beginning of the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle (days 11-13). This phase is called the period of the lunar goddess - Selene or Mene. Myths say that this deity is the daughter of the Sun or Helios.

A woman’s intuition becomes more acute, she begins to flirt with men, she likes to attract attention and charm. The behavior shows secrecy and concentration. A woman is inclined to chat, dream and philosophize. Along with this, the tendency to carefully plan and weigh increases. Despite the fact that thoughts are in the clouds, the level of adaptation to the real world increases. This is the time to gain practical benefits, make new contacts, and do household chores. In general, put things in order everywhere and in everything.

Further, with the growth of the female moon, Selena, the level of estrogen increases. This causes the lining of the uterus to grow. At the same time, sexual activity increases. As her moon grows, a woman gradually becomes more attractive, trying to look more beautiful and desirable.

4. Aphrodite phase

Corresponds to ovulation (days 14 - 15 of the female cycle).
In this phase, the Sun seems to illuminate the Moon in the individual female sky, and also occupies half of the lunar disk. The lunar virgin - Artemis, the romantic enchantress - Selena move into the stage of the goddess of beauty and sex. This process is very important, since ovulation occurs when the membrane of mature follicles ruptures, from which eggs emerge, ready for fertilization.

Of all the phases, this period is the most mysterious and inexplicable. The erotic power of girls and women is increasing, which, like champagne, can turn the head of any frigid prude. This time is intended not only for conception, but also for obtaining sexual pleasures and pleasures. The sensations during sexual intercourse become enchanting, the onset of orgasm occurs faster and easier, the orgasm is brighter and more intense.
By the way, it is better to make a love date in this phase, since during the Aphrodite period a woman is especially irresistible and radiates a lot of sexual energy.

5. Demeter phase

After the follicle bursts, it turns into a yellow body, the Demeter phase or the Female Full Moon begins.
The Demeter phase is comparable to the postovulatory phase (days 16 - 20). The corpus luteum is capable of secreting the hormone progesterone, which creates favorable conditions for pregnancy. The fertilized egg will be easily accepted by the uterine lining.

This condition is the most contradictory in a woman’s body. Hormonal changes cause tearfulness, nervousness, irritability, the emotional state worsens, and insomnia often occurs. Some women already experience PMS symptoms during this period. Others have them in the next Hecate phase.

6. Hecate Phase

The waning stage of the Moon takes place under the guidance of Hecate, the Goddess who personifies female maturity.
After the postovulation processes are completed, the woman enters the premenstrual stage (days 21–28).

The activity of the gonads at this moment is quite weak. There is a decrease in female sexuality, love flirting fades away, and the woman does not particularly need attention from the opposite sex.
When the last phase of the waning moon of a woman’s cycle begins, massage, as well as procedures for removing harmful substances from the body, are of great benefit.

During this period, there may be symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS does not affect all women. But most of them are able to feel the approach of menstruation.
On such days, a woman needs to give up many things, habits and actions that she allows herself at other times, reduce food and liquid intake, physical activity, smoking, increase sleep and rest time.

7. Gorgon Phase

The Gorgon phase is also called the Old Hag phase. This is the state of the moon between the last quarter and the new moon. This is the time of the end of one and the beginning of the next lunar cycle. A very short period covers one or two days of the previous period and one day of the next (from the 27th, 28th to 1 day), but it is worth highlighting separately.

This is a very curious transition, during which the thin crescent of the moon turns in the opposite direction. This moon is also called the Black or Balsamic Moon. From an astrological point of view, the ominous days of the Gorgon are a time of mental disorders, fears and depression. It is not surprising that during this period a woman can resemble the mythical Gorgon Medusa, only instead of snake hair, fangs and teeth, the most negative traits of her character appear. She becomes intolerant, touchy, dissatisfied, angry, grumpy, and sometimes just tired and indifferent to everything.
If the existence of PMS can be rejected, then the phase of the Old Hag is familiar to many ladies, or rather to those around her.

The phase can also be called the phase of death and rebirth. At the border of cycles, female energy is freed from everything bad. These days are good for relieving negativity, preventing and treating damage and the evil eye.

Then everything returns to normal, repeating itself again...

Synchronicity of the lunar and menstrual cycles

It is known that the influence of the Moon on humans is enormous. So how does synchronization of the lunar and monthly cycles affect women's health?
Of course, the phases of the real Moon and the Female Moon may occur almost synchronously, or they may not coincide. For example, while the full moon shines in the sky, the female Moon can be young or, on the contrary, very old.

The more the dates of the phases of the menstrual cycle coincide with the actual lunar rhythms, the more harmonious the woman is in both health and character. For example, when the first phase of the moon (new moon) and Ambrosia (menstruation) coincide, bleeding is not as painful as with a full moon.

But menstruation during the full moon (Ambrosia in the Demeter stage) means more heavy bleeding, and all the negative symptoms of the full moon will intensify: pain, cramps, psychological imbalance, fears, phobias, irritability.

It’s not difficult to guess what will happen if the Balsamic Moon coincides with the female phase of the Gorgon... Yep... You should stay away from such a woman!

Menstruation on the waning moon in the last quarter, that is, Ambrosia in the Hecate phase. Painful symptoms and the amount of bleeding are alleviated;

Coincidence of the phases of Aphrodite (half moon). Promotes conception. Gives maximum female sexual attractiveness, the ability to charm with one gesture, look... Such a woman attracts men like a magnet;

Aphrodite phase under the Balsamic (Black) Moon. Makes it difficult to conceive. Therefore, a woman who wants to conceive a child has a reduced chance of becoming pregnant.
In general, conception during the Black Moon is not recommended at all, so as not to provoke problems in the fate of the unborn child.

  • < Действительно ли Луна влияет на женщину?
  • Moon without course (updated!) >

In folk wisdom there are a lot of all kinds of signs that can be associated with the most ordinary life conditions.

Even sneezing and scratching some part of the body necessarily means something. Girls have a lot of acceptances and beliefs associated with critical days. Every month they delight you with their appearance, and every month they can reveal something new to you.

Popular signs associated with menstruation

The number of folk signs and beliefs associated specifically with menstruation is simply enormous. Thus, it was previously believed that a girl whose period began early could later become a mother of many children.

Another superstition says that if a girl gets her first period, her mother or other female relative should slap her. This should be a woman who is currently not having her period.

It was believed that this could save the girl from all further problems associated with menstruation - abdominal pain, weakness, fainting.

It was also believed that a woman should not look at naked people, otherwise the bodies of the latter will suffer from a rash. You cannot visit places where you need to undress. Although this sign has a completely logical justification related to hygiene.

Since a woman who had her period was considered unclean in the old days, she was usually not allowed to have any homework. Thus, it was forbidden to even approach the place where some dish or drink was being prepared, since it was believed that everything would definitely be spoiled.

Some signs associated with critical days are downright scary. Thus, it was believed that a woman who sprinkles the entrance to her house with menstrual blood using a broom or a bunch of hay will thereby provide the most reliable protection from the evil eye, damage and simply negative influence from those who enter your house. Another sign advised sprinkling the same liquid on pets. It was believed that in this case they would be protected from death as a result of the evil eye.

A lot of superstitions were associated with the “bloody” period in ancient times. And ancient witches often made numerous love spells and hexes. It is not known for certain whether they worked, as well as signs, but, of course, in our time we will not repeat these frightening rituals. As for signs, if they are positive, why not believe in them?

Menstruation by day of the week

It is believed that the day of the week on which your period begins is a harbinger of what will await you in the coming month. So:

  • Monday is considered a difficult day and among the people too, because it is believed that the critical days that began on this day can bring you a series of troubles. But these concerns will not always be negative. Perhaps the troubles will be pleasant. For example, preparing for some holiday.
  • Tuesday symbolizes upcoming changes. If your period began on the second day of the week, then the next month will be a wonderful time for making serious decisions into reality.
  • Menstruation starting in the morning is not considered a good sign. Wednesday. They portend trouble. You should be careful and not put too much trust in those you don’t know well.
  • Critical days in Thursday they talk about what's coming to you guests will come. Or perhaps you yourself will become someone’s guest. But the nature of the meeting will depend solely on you.
  • A girl whose period started in Friday, can prepare for the news. A sign does not indicate whether they will be good or bad. Well, all that remains is to wait.
  • A good day to start your critical days is Saturday. This tells you that everything you wish will come true. The main thing is to sincerely believe in it.
  • IN Sunday is waiting for you fun and joy. In the next month, your mood will be wonderful, and nothing can ruin it.

What time of day did your period start?

Some signs are also associated with the time of day when menstruation begins. Here's what folk experts say about this:

  • If bleeding starts early morning, they promise you pure and sincere love. This can be love not only for a man, but also for a child, family members, and good friends. Be that as it may, you are guaranteed good and loving relationships with those whom you consider your family.
  • If your period starts from 10 am to 5 pm, the sign promises that the next month will be joyful and pleasant. During it you will forget about what sadness is.
  • If your period starts on evening time, then the sign promises you tears and melancholy. Moreover, people say that the later they start, the worse the coming month will be.
  • It is believed that if menstruation has begun at night, it's a sign upcoming separation. You must be prepared to spend some time alone.

Fortune telling by starting number

Even the date on which your period began, according to signs, speaks volumes.

  • 1. If your period started on the first day of the month oh, that's a sign promises you happiness throughout the next period.
  • 2. The second number is not so pleasant. It foretells that this month you will learn what contempt is and will experience it throughout the next thirty days. You should be a little colder in your expressions of emotions, otherwise a serious conflict is possible.
  • 3. The period is expected on this date quarrels and conflicts. You need to try to do everything to avoid them or at least reduce them.
  • 4. If your period began on the fourth, the next month will be very cheerful and happy.
  • 5. Coming soon nice gifts. And they will probably be unexpected.
  • 6. Sixth number indicates that you will be mired in rumors and gossip. It’s just important not to take them too seriously, because there have always been and will be envious people.
  • 7. Seven is a lucky number. Therefore, the onset of menstruation during this period is a harbinger of sincere and pure love. This may be a feeling that will last a lifetime, so try to preserve it.
  • 8. If you are jealous, try to control yourself, otherwise the consequences can be dire.
  • 9. Beginning of the cycle on the ninth warns you what to do act calm. Troubles are possible in the near future, and if you do not panic, you will be able to overcome them with dignity.
  • 10. Tenth number indicates that falling in love is soon possible. And not necessarily new. Perhaps you will fall in love with your boyfriend or husband with renewed vigor.
  • 11. This number means that you can be confident in your other half.. At any moment this person will screw you over reliable shoulder, after all, his devotion to you is limitless.
  • 12. Life promises that you will be fascinated by someone. He could be new to your life or someone you already know. But this will probably only be a temporary hobby.
  • 13. The thirteenth in accordance with popular beliefs, it says that in the near future will be very unfortunate. But don't worry. This period will soon be replaced by a white stripe.
  • 14. Good news is expected, which you will be very pleased to receive.
  • 15. But the fifteenth number is the opposite of the fourteenth. It just promises bad news.
  • 16. This date suggests that in the coming month your tongue will be your enemy. It’s worth a little restraining your desire to gossip and comment on your opinion about what is happening.
  • 17. Waiting for you separation from someone you care about very much. But don't worry, because it will probably be short-lived.
  • 18. Soon you should fall in love. Only you yourself can understand whether your feeling will be real.
  • 19. If your period starts on the nineteenth day, then have no doubt that you will soon be swallowed up by happy and mutual love.
  • 20. But the twentieth number is popularly associated with unrequited love. It will be quite difficult to cope with it, but you will have to do it.
  • 21. This number warns you that you will soon need to be vigilant. Deception can come from places you don't expect, so be prepared.
  • 22. The beginning of your period on the twenty-second promises you financial success. This could be a serious bonus or even winning the lottery.
  • 23. This number promises you happiness in all areas, which will accompany you for a month.
  • 24. And in this case, you should be ready for the arrival of guests at any time, and those you didn’t expect to see on your doorstep.
  • 25. The twenty-fifth speaks of new pleasant acquaintances. Soon you will have to expand your circle of friends.
  • 26. Soon to you will need help. But you can be sure that you will get it if necessary. If you need to be pitied, rest assured that there will be someone to do it.
  • 27. Twenty-seventh promises you the fulfillment of all your desires.
  • 28. And in this case, a popular sign says that your whole life will seem exceptionally prosperous to those around you.
  • 29. Something soon may upset you, even to tears.
  • 30. The thirtieth promises mutual infatuation, which will delight you for at least the next month.
  • 31. Start of menstruation on the last day month indicates that soon something awaits you that you did not expect. By the way, this could be some kind of long road to which you are about to go.

On your birthday

Many people perceive the onset of menstruation coinciding with their birthday as an omen. Some consider this to be the happiest sign, while others, on the contrary, are a harbinger that the whole year will be too unhappy.

For some, this is a reason to abandon the celebration altogether. In fact, among popular beliefs there is no sign associated with menstruation on a birthday. Folk sages pay more attention to the date, number and time of day of the beginning of this feminine phenomenon.

What should you not do these days?

In the old days, there were many superstitions about what a woman should not do during her period. Almost all of them were based on the fact that during menstruation a woman is unclean before God, and certain of her actions can provoke great trouble.

So, during her period, a woman should not go to church, since this state and Faith did not combine in any way, according to folk healers. Cooking and doing housework were also prohibited. Probably, many women are not averse to using this sign today.

You cannot plant a crop and harvest it, since in the future this will cause its complete absence. Some signs are downright scary. So, if a woman’s onset of menstruation coincided with the full moon, she was considered a witch, and she was forbidden to look at both people and livestock.

To believe or not to believe in omens - It's everyone's personal business. But do not forget about more serious things that you should not do on critical days, namely, swimming in open water, doing hard physical work, getting hypothermic and overheating. All this can also have negative consequences, but they will directly affect your health.

In the old days, people noted a variety of phenomena and connected them with subsequent events. They did not ignore women's cycles. This is how folk signs for menstruation were born.

Signs associated with the onset of menstruation

The main part of the signs for menstruation is related to the day they begin. If the bleeding started on Monday, it promised anxiety and troubles, which could be either pleasant or not very pleasant. The onset of menstruation on Tuesday means changes in life, pleasant acquaintances or resumption of relationships. When the first day of the cycle is Wednesday, this means unpleasant events, which, however, should end with the beginning of the next month. If your period began on Thursday, the signs predicted a visit. Menstruation began on Friday - this means receiving news, on Saturday - for the fulfillment of desires and declarations of love, on Sunday - for fun and good luck throughout the month.

Popular superstitions and signs of menstruation

In villages, menstruating women were considered “unclean.” They were forbidden to go to church, swim in the river, plant and water plants, or look at undressed people, because... this threatened various misfortunes for other residents of the village. A woman during her menstrual period was often freed from household chores, since household members noted that on these days she cooked less well and was more absent-minded and sloppy. Although logically over-salted and peppered dishes can be explained by the fact that a woman’s taste sensations change during menstruation.

If the bride began to menstruate on her wedding day, it was a bad omen, since children born in this marriage were doomed to a hard life and troubles. To eliminate the unfavorable influence, the bride had to go to the chicken coop in the evening, stand under the roost and say: “The chickens got married without blood, and I got married with blood. Go, trouble, not at my guys, but at the chickens. Let it be so".

The villagers were afraid of a woman whose period began on the full moon, because the sign said that she had the “evil eye.” Hidden from her sight were children, husbands, livestock, and anything else she could jinx.

In some cases, menstrual blood served as a talisman for villagers, for example, during a fire. If there was a threat of fire spreading from one house to another, they looked for a woman who was menstruating and told her to run around the burning house three times. It was believed that after this ritual, evil forces could not fan the fire and transfer the fire to neighboring houses.

To protect her home from evil spells, the housewife was instructed to sprinkle the door frames of the front door with menstrual blood. But one had to be careful, if another menstruating woman stepped on the owner's blood, the latter could experience severe bleeding.

Our ancestors were constantly consumed by anxiety about the future. Wars, robbers, wild animals, pestilence and loss of livestock made life dangerous and unpredictable; Almost every new day threatened to be a turning point, to destroy or plunge into poverty. Therefore, they tried to interpret every somewhat significant event as a warning, tensely wondering: what is this for? What does it promise?.. “Critical days” also fell into the category of signs. The appearance of menstruation seemed too mysterious to the ancestors, so that they could attribute everything to a boring physiological feature of the female body.

Folk signs according to the start time of “critical days”

  • The onset of menstruation, falling in the morning, was considered a good sign and a sign of joy. This is explained simply: in the morning the sun rises, the rays of which drive away the evil spirits of the night, a new day begins and everything living and pure awakens to life. Naturally, any event that happened at this time automatically fell into the category of favorable ones. In addition to a good mood, the signs promised a new romantic hobby, a meeting with beloved relatives, or warm communication with a pleasant interlocutor.
  • The time from noon to evening is neutral - it does not bring great joy, but it does not predict disasters either. Life will flow smoothly, calmly, in harmony with loved ones and without quarrels with neighbors. However, there is still a possibility of small troubles occurring, so you should listen more carefully to your intuition before making decisions.
  • Evenings, especially long and winter ones, were a rather dull time for our ancestors. The day's work is done, it's early to go to bed, and all entertainment is spinning, singing and boring conversations with family or friends, because the peasant women knew neither books nor television. That’s why the belief didn’t give a good prediction: for the next month the woman had to be sad and languish from boredom.
  • The darkness of night often brings fear even to people with strong nerves. And menstruation, which occurred during this dark time, brought bad news to the mistress about separation from her beloved and loneliness. However, it does not have to become protracted and painful! You may have to go to another city for a few days or go through an emergency at work, during which you simply won’t have the strength to communicate. Nevermind! In any case, after a month the prediction will completely lose its power.

If the “critical days” fell on the night of the full moon, the woman could well be suspected of being a witch and began to look at her with caution. And the victim of superstitions himself had to look less at other people and livestock: no matter the hour, the evil eye will come!

What day of the week is the start of menstruation?

The attraction is also a kind of shake-up. But it's nice!

The hour when your period starts is one thing, but the day is another. Those who wanted more accurate predictions checked the calendar: is it a lucky Saturday, or at least Thursday?

  • Monday. It is not known whether our ancestors were familiar with the saying about “Monday is a hard day,” but it probably did not evoke delight in the old days. The series of routine tasks, from which it was so good to escape on the weekend, seemed twice as difficult, the mood was somewhere in the underground region, and the signs did not please with good predictions. The young ladies who happened to experience the onset of menstruation on the first day of the week were faced with worries, worries and nervous shocks. True, there was still a chance that the promised troubles would be pleasant. For example, preparing for a wedding or a trip to a fair - why not joy?
  • Tuesday is a time for new beginnings. If you've decided to change your life, it's time to turn your plans into reality. There is a chance to meet you, don’t refuse. And any purchase or new thing made during this period should be a successful acquisition.
  • Wednesday is one of the treacherous days. Double-check any offer you receive this month, and don’t rush to open your heart to new friends. Give yourself time to get to know them better.
  • Thursday is associated with rich feasting and communication. Either you will be invited somewhere, or you yourself will welcome guests in your home. But no matter how the circumstances turn out, they will turn out favorably for you.
  • Friday predicts a month generous with a variety of events. One bad thing: they can turn out to be both happy and unpleasant. What you definitely won't get is boredom.
  • Saturday. An excellent omen, no matter how you look at it! And a wedding, and an engagement, and a declaration of love for those who have not yet acquired an admirer - all this is prophesied by menstruation, which reminded itself of itself on a day off. And if you haven’t met a worthy person on your life’s path yet, take advantage of the moment and make a wish. They say it will definitely come true.
  • Sunday's prediction is vague. There is no doubt that good events await you this month. But what they will be connected with is a mystery. The more interesting it is to wait!

According to the date on which the menstrual cycle began

And that is not all! In order not to miss the events of the future, the beginning of menstruation was associated not only with the hour and day of the week, but also with the date. And then they tried to combine the resulting predictions:

  • Are all three the same? The probability of execution increases many times over.
  • Are you promised different but not mutually exclusive events? This means that one, and the other, and the third can happen.
  • Have you received exactly the opposite predictions? Contrary to the strict laws of mathematics, “plus” and “minus” will add up to zero, and no special changes will happen this month. Or the promised events will happen one after another within 30 days.

For those who know how to enjoy life, “critical days” are not a hindrance

1 - there is a wide light strip ahead, on which you will succeed in any planned projects.

2 - someone will cause negative feelings in you.

3 - discord and squabbles are on the heels! It is important not to allow yourself to be provoked into a showdown, as the consequences threaten to be extremely serious. And if the date falls on Wednesday or Friday, there is a risk of a huge quarrel with loved ones over sheer nonsense.

4 - you are “threatened” with joy and a good time.

5 - expect a pleasant present from friends. Perhaps from life itself! Let's say that a lottery ticket accidentally bought at a bus stop turns out to be a winner. Or a person will show up, contact with whom was lost long ago. Or you will be unexpectedly approved for a new prestigious position.

6 - life will be complicated by people’s gossip. And here it is best to correlate the prediction with the day of the week. For example, menstruation, coming on a difficult and problem-filled Monday, can mean dirty gossip that will be spread about you and your loved ones, and on a frivolous Thursday - empty and gentle “scratching of tongues” at get-togethers.

7 - you should pay attention to the needs of your significant other, or you will face problems in the relationship. Especially if your period began at night, at a time of melancholy and loneliness.

8 - the number of jealous people who are inclined to see vile betrayal in every carelessly thrown word. The morning hour and weekends mean a slight pang of jealousy, after which your feelings will only surge with renewed vigor. Evening, especially if it falls on one of the unlucky days, means the danger of a breakup. Don't provoke your pet Othello.

9 - problems and difficult decisions that you will have to make all month. However, if the number falls on a favorable day of the week, there is nothing to fear. Difficulties come and will go.

10 - luck in love. If you already have a partner, fortune telling predicts that the relationship will develop easily and smoothly. If not, a new feeling is about to come.

11 - this day symbolizes fidelity. Business partners do not let you down, friends and relatives are ready to lend a shoulder at any moment, and your loved one only looks at you, ignoring your unlucky rivals.

12 - new hobby. On a good day and hour, the omen means a slight outburst of feelings that will soon pass, leaving behind pleasant memories. And in a bad one, it predicts: passion will turn your head so much that you will allow an unworthy person to seduce you. Don’t rush headlong into the pool, take a closer look at your admirer.

13 - it’s easy to guess that this number does not promise pleasant events. There are continuous troubles in either one or another area of ​​life.

Check your mail - is there a letter there?

14 - lead from afar with a bold “+” sign. Something good is ahead!

15 – ...and vice versa. There will be news, but it’s unlikely to make you happy.

16 - keep your mouth shut. One careless word from your lips can destroy a long-standing friendship, love or affection. Especially if the date falls on Monday, Wednesday or Friday!

17 - separation. If menstruation begins in the morning, the separation will be temporary. An unlucky hour predicts a serious misunderstanding in a relationship: be careful so that it does not destroy your union! But if the “critical days” fall on Saturday or Sunday, separation may be a harbinger of great changes. For example, you both throw yourself into things to earn money for your upcoming wedding.

18 - a successful combination of circumstances will force your personal life to take a sharp turn towards happiness.

19 - love, ardent and mutual.

20 - alas, your feelings will remain unanswered. Maybe the one you like is not really what you need?

21 - deceit and betrayal. Double your caution, especially if this day falls on Wednesday. Hold your purse tightly on the subway, don’t open the door to strangers, and don’t make deals until you’ve read the contract down to the smallest print.

22 - financial success. But it is unlikely to be associated with quick ways to get rich, casinos and lotteries. But if you have been cherishing a new project in your heart for a long time, are thinking about improving your skills, or are going to have the courage to ask your boss for a raise, do it now.

23 - success, joy and general rejoicing! This is how we can briefly describe this day. Feel free to move forward in life and achieve your goals, luck favors you.

24 - unexpected but pleasant visits.

25 - meetings with interesting people and new, promising acquaintances. Both romantic and friendly. And even business ones.

26 - Tense times await you, but friends will always be there to provide support in times of need.

27 - there is a high probability of the plans and hopes that you have been thinking about for a long time and reverently coming true. If the day falls on Saturday, it is better not to waste time, but to immediately begin to act.

28 - no significant changes are expected, but new financial income into your wallet is possible.

29 is a difficult date. On bad days it promises adversity, on good days it promises a loss of strength and mood. Don't give in!

30 - a new friendship or love will begin with a worthy person.

31 - something very good will come into your life soon.

In addition to the usual “solar” calendar, it would be nice to check the lunar calendar. It is believed that predictions made on the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 26th and 29th days of the night star are not very accurate and should not be trusted.

What superstitions say you shouldn’t do during menstruation

Even looking at cherries meant risking the future harvest!

In Rus', they tried to exclude a woman during menstruation from most household chores. The “bleeding” young lady was supposed to spend time in the women’s quarters, doing unhurried work that was not too significant for the well-being of the family, and it was undesirable to even communicate with her unless absolutely necessary. But not because the lady was considered unclean, as they came up with later! The Slavs believed: during menstruation, a special, incredibly powerful energy passes through a woman, which can cause harm to an outsider. Especially the representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, the lady herself these days was considered less protected from the attacks of evil spirits, and therefore was forced to exercise increased caution. Funny? And look at this belief with a modern look, supported by scientific and medical data! It turns out that the wise ancestors acted very correctly, giving their girlfriends the opportunity to rest during this difficult period.

  • Both young girls and married women were strictly forbidden to climb trees for fruit and work in the garden, so that the fruits would not dry out and rot from the unknown force raging within the young ladies. Agree, so far everything is reasonable: physical activity for abdominal pain is contraindicated.
  • It was not worth taking on the task of cooking; it will still taste bad. Which is also due to physiological reasons: on the one hand, absent-mindedness and fatigue, on the other, a change in taste sensations that women sometimes note during menstruation.
  • It was impossible to slaughter chickens and cattle - the blood would not subside for a whole month. The promised consequences, of course, now make me smile. But overall the ban is correct. Why expose yourself to unnecessary stress?
  • You shouldn’t knead dough, bake bread, or appear next to a barrel in which wine is fermenting or vinegar is stored: everything will turn rancid, fizzle out, and spoil. Here, as they say, no comments. Pure superstition.
  • Superstition also includes the prohibition of looking at a naked person. It was believed that the skin of anyone on whom a woman's gaze fell during menstruation would become covered with ulcers and rashes. However, it may turn out that this is how the ancestors tried to justify the ban on intimate relationships at the wrong time. And later it spread to the entire family as a whole: for example, the woman tried to delegate even the bathing of the child to someone else, less “dangerous.”
  • With the advent of Christianity in Rus', another one was added to the numerous prohibitions - on visiting church. And again, this is not at all connected with the supposed “uncleanness” of the young lady, but with the general prohibition of shedding blood in the temple, regardless of its origin. Ideally, even if you cut your finger on the edge of a candle stand, you should try to go outside as soon as possible. And even more so, a woman should not be present in church in the midst of “critical days.”

With a rather careful attitude towards a girl during her menstruation, the ancestors invented a very strange way to relieve her of illness. The mother or another married woman, who herself was “not bleeding” at that time, had to seize the moment and unexpectedly give the young lady a resounding slap in the face. It was believed that the pain should immediately subside and the state of health should improve... Oh, what a lot our ancestors suffered from such “treatment”!

Of course, not using the mysterious power that boils around a relative would be an irreparable omission for the ancestors! Menstruation blood was used to smear the threshold of the house to protect the family from illness and accidents. They sprinkled it on cattle to ward off the evil eye. And as soon as a woman during her menstruation walked around the house three times, there was no threat of fire, even if the whole village went up in flames. It is doubtful that the sign was effective, but they used it actively.

Some signs about menstruation successfully resonate with modern ideas - such as the ban on hard work during menstruation. Some look extremely ridiculous. And some are simply neutral. If you are also inclined to believe that everything in this world and in the human body happens for a reason, try remembering the hour and day of the “significant” event several times in a row. In practice, see how much you can trust the observations of your ancestors.

Since ancient times, the moon has symbolized the feminine principle, and ancient people noticed that the phases of the moon are very reminiscent of feminine regulations. Each woman has her own unique lunar cycle - the menstrual cycle, which is similar to the lunar cycle. Repeating periods have their own special energy, which most women feel.

A menstrual cycle of 21-28 days is not strictly standard for every woman. A long cycle of both 35 and 40 days is possible. But the functional phases remain unchanged. The individual lunar female cycle determines the physiological processes in the body, affects the psyche and sexuality.
"Women's Moons" is a wonderful way to get to know yourself, the characteristics of your body, your energy and sexuality.

1. Ambrosia phase

The Ambrosia phase begins with the arrival of menstruation. The phase is approximately 5 days, and “first blood” will mark the beginning of the female lunar cycle. This is literally retribution for a failed pregnancy, when the woman’s lunar essence is deceived.

The level of the hormone progesterone decreases, eggs die, and bleeding begins. Some women experience a state of fatigue and loss of vitality, others experience a sharpening of all their senses, and still others open up their internal reserves.

In the mythology of the ancient Greeks, the term "ambrosia" meant immortality, as well as a fragrant means for anointing incorruptible bodies. Menstrual blood was attributed miraculous properties in many ancient cultures of different countries. The blood corresponded to certain female archetypes and symbols, for example, the red claret of the Fairy Queen, symbolized the “wise blood of the Great Mother,” the sacred lunar drink, etc.

2. Artemis phase

In ancient times, Artemis was a symbol of nature and purity.
The Artemis phase corresponds to the postmenstrual phase (days 6-10), and in the context of the female lunar world corresponds to the phase of the young moon, when the moon in the sky has the shape of a thin strip and up to the first quarter.
The beginning of the Artemis phase is the female new moon.

At the beginning of the lunar cycle, follicles begin to mature in women's ovaries, and women's activity, both physical and sexual, is at its lowest level.
At the same time, the woman is inquisitive, she is interested in everything new, at this time many women begin to devote more time to their appearance.
The efficiency of absorption of minerals, vitamins and other substances entering the body increases many times, especially calcium, magnesium and iron. The effect of medications and cosmetics also increases.

The Artemis phase also has a negative side. Due to the double absorption of substances, fats accumulate in the female body, and harmful substances can be absorbed along with vitamins. A woman gains weight these days, and the risk of poisoning also increases.
A woman can be overly restless and impulsive.

3. Selena phase

The next phase is associated with the period of consecration of the moon from the first quarter to half. Corresponds to the end of the postmenstrual phase and the beginning of the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle (days 11-13). This phase is called the period of the lunar goddess - Selene or Mene. Myths say that this deity is the daughter of the Sun or Helios.

A woman’s intuition becomes more acute, she begins to flirt with men, she likes to attract attention and charm. The behavior shows secrecy and concentration. A woman is inclined to chat, dream and philosophize. Along with this, the tendency to carefully plan and weigh increases. Despite the fact that thoughts are in the clouds, the level of adaptation to the real world increases. This is the time to gain practical benefits, make new contacts, and do household chores. In general, put things in order everywhere and in everything.

Further, with the growth of the female moon, Selena, the level of estrogen increases. This causes the lining of the uterus to grow. At the same time, sexual activity increases. As her moon grows, a woman gradually becomes more attractive, trying to look more beautiful and desirable.

4. Aphrodite phase

Corresponds to ovulation (days 14 - 15 of the female cycle).
In this phase, the Sun seems to illuminate the Moon in the individual female sky, and also occupies half of the lunar disk. The lunar virgin - Artemis, the romantic enchantress - Selena move into the stage of the goddess of beauty and sex. This process is very important, since ovulation occurs when the membrane of mature follicles ruptures, from which eggs emerge, ready for fertilization.

Of all the phases, this period is the most mysterious and inexplicable. The erotic power of girls and women is increasing, which, like champagne, can turn the head of any frigid prude. This time is intended not only for conception, but also for obtaining sexual pleasures and pleasures. The sensations during sexual intercourse become enchanting, the onset of orgasm occurs faster and easier, the orgasm is brighter and more intense.
By the way, it is better to make a love date in this phase, since during the Aphrodite period a woman is especially irresistible and radiates a lot of sexual energy.

5. Demeter phase

After the follicle bursts, it turns into a yellow body, the Demeter phase or the Female Full Moon begins.
The Demeter phase is comparable to the postovulatory phase (days 16 - 20). The corpus luteum is capable of secreting the hormone progesterone, which creates favorable conditions for pregnancy. The fertilized egg will be easily accepted by the uterine lining.

This condition is the most contradictory in a woman’s body. Hormonal changes cause tearfulness, nervousness, irritability, the emotional state worsens, and insomnia often occurs. Some women already experience PMS symptoms during this period. Others have them in the next Hecate phase.

6. Hecate Phase

The waning stage of the Moon takes place under the guidance of Hecate, the Goddess who personifies female maturity.
After the postovulation processes are completed, the woman enters the premenstrual stage (days 21 - 28).

The activity of the gonads at this moment is quite weak. There is a decrease in female sexuality, love flirting fades away, and the woman does not particularly need attention from the opposite sex.
When the last phase of the waning moon of a woman’s cycle begins, massage, as well as procedures for removing harmful substances from the body, are of great benefit.

During this period, there may be symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS does not affect all women. But most of them are able to feel the approach of menstruation.
On such days, a woman needs to give up many things, habits and actions that she allows herself at other times, reduce food and liquid intake, physical activity, smoking, increase sleep and rest time.

7. Gorgon Phase

The Gorgon phase is also called the Old Hag phase. This is the state of the moon between the last quarter and the new moon. This is the time of the end of one and the beginning of the next lunar cycle. A very short period covers one or two days of the previous period and one day of the next (from the 27th, 28th to 1 day), but it is worth highlighting separately.

This is a very curious transition, during which the thin crescent of the moon turns in the opposite direction. This moon is also called the Black or Balsamic Moon. From an astrological point of view, the ominous days of the Gorgon are a time of mental disorders, fears and depression. It is not surprising that during this period a woman can resemble the mythical Gorgon Medusa, only instead of snake hair, fangs and teeth, the most negative traits of her character appear. She becomes intolerant, touchy, dissatisfied, angry, grumpy, and sometimes just tired and indifferent to everything.
If the existence of PMS can be rejected, then the phase of the Old Hag is familiar to many ladies, or rather to those around her.

The phase can also be called the phase of death and rebirth. At the border of cycles, female energy is freed from everything bad. These days are good for relieving negativity, preventing and treating damage and the evil eye.

Then everything returns to normal, repeating itself again...

Synchronicity of the lunar and menstrual cycles

It is known that the influence of the Moon on humans is enormous. So how does synchronization of the lunar and monthly cycles affect women's health?
Of course, the phases of the real Moon and the Female Moon may occur almost synchronously, or they may not coincide. For example, while the full moon shines in the sky, the female Moon can be young or, on the contrary, very old.

The more the dates of the phases of the menstrual cycle coincide with the actual lunar rhythms, the more harmonious the woman is in both health and character. For example, when the first phase of the moon (new moon) and Ambrosia (menstruation) coincide, bleeding is not as painful as with a full moon.

But menstruation during the full moon (Ambrosia in the Demeter stage) means more heavy bleeding, and all the negative symptoms of the full moon will intensify: pain, cramps, psychological imbalance, fears, phobias, irritability.

It’s not difficult to guess what will happen if the Balsamic Moon coincides with the female phase of the Gorgon... Yeah... You should stay away from such a woman!
