Summer crafts on the marine theme. Master class "Aquarium from a shoe box How to make a craft for a garden aquarium

They are of great importance for the development of a child of any age. They develop not only fine motor skills, but also imagination, the ability to express themselves and understanding the world around them. And today we will show how to create a small aquarium using plasticine and a matchbox.
Materials: Matchbox, pva glue, scissors, plasticine, colored paper in two colors (one color should be blue or light blue, and the second one of your choice).

Working process:
1. To begin with, we glue each side of the box with colored paper, as in the photo.

2. Roll up small balls from yellow, orange, brown plasticine - these are future stones. From the green color of plasticine we form algae. The fish can be molded in any color and shape. It can be striped, with scales, in a word, do not limit the child's imagination. You will also need a starfish, it can be orange or yellow.

3. All parts are ready and proceed to assembly. Arrange the rocks and seaweed in the box as shown in the photo.

4. It's time to put a fish in the aquarium.

How to make an aquarium out of a box with your own hands for dolls



3. And this is a cat toy - "The Elusive Ball"









Descent for cars or balls

See also others :
- plastic bottles
- egg packaging
- cardboard tubes
- milk and juice bags
- paper plates

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Crafts from cardboard boxes do it yourself

Quote from Kapochka_Kapa Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!
Crafts from cardboard boxes do it yourself

In every house there are many things that seem to be no longer needed, but it’s a pity to throw them away, one of these things is cardboard boxes. Boxes from household appliances, electronics, shoes, dishes, and who knows what else. I present to you a selection of ideas and workshops for crafts that will benefit your home.

1. Convenient box for storing linen, seasonal items, old photos, postcards, Christmas toys. It would be better to make a lid for such a box. To glue the parts, use a wide adhesive tape, and to glue the fabric - PVA glue.

2. Box-chest for storing jewelry. We use PVA glue for gluing. To give the desired color, we use paints and varnish. You can also decorate the chest with the help of decoupage. To do this, dilute the PVA glue a little with water, apply it evenly on the surface to be decorated, take a three-layer napkin, separate one layer with the image and carefully place it on the prepared area. When the surface of the chest dries, cover it with varnish or PVA glue on top (the glue will dry and become transparent).

3. And this is a cat toy - "The Elusive Ball"

Here is such a dense box with a bunch of holes,

where the ball rolls freely. The task of the cat is to catch it.

4. But a sturdy shoe box can be a good storage for accessories, beads and other small needlework items. We prepare small boxes, glue them with napkins (you can also use matchboxes) - you're done. Now everything will be in place.

4. Speaking of matchboxes, they can make a very cute chest of drawers in which you can store chains, rings, and any other small things. It is not difficult to make such a chest of drawers, but the most interesting thing is to decorate it (colored paper, glue, beads and buttons).

5. Please your children. Imagine how fun it will be to make toys from matchboxes with your child - cars, trains, castles, doll furniture. And for the little ones - make a visual alphabet, in each box there will be a miniature object corresponding to each letter.

6. From large cardboard boxes, make the best gift for your daughter - kitchen furniture and household appliances, the little hostess will love it, and also instill good habits and skills.

7. Any child up to middle school age will be delighted with their own house, even if it is made of cardboard. And you can think about the layout and design together, this will unite and allow the child to feel more trust and sympathy for you.

From a large cardboard box, for example, from a refrigerator, you can make a children's house. Make a door, windows in it, lay a rug inside the house, decorate the house with cheerful curtains, paste over the walls with beautiful pictures, stickers or children's drawings.

An interesting idea is to decorate a children's house with an LED garland.

8. Boxes of juice and yogurt regularly fly into the trash, but wait. To make a winter house for birds out of such a box - even five minutes will be a lot - just a couple of movements with scissors. Spend some time in nature on a day off, take the whole family and go to the park to hang feeders with seeds and cereals. This is the best example of caring for our smaller brothers and frugality that you can show your child.

9. If your family is a true juice fan, you can make a display rack for children's toys out of empty boxes. On the one hand - everything is in sight and at hand, on the other - everything is in its place.

10. Young children often ask to have pets, but they do not always realize how much care they require, and what a responsibility it is. To get started, you can make a cat, a dog or an aquarium with fish from cardboard boxes. Let him feed imaginary animals, play with them. Soon, according to the behavior of your child, you will understand whether he is really ready for the appearance of another family member, or was it a momentary hobby.

Young children love to carry toys on a string. A simple craft for kids from a cardboard box - a cat or a dog made of cardboard. Read a detailed master class on how to make such a craft from waste material on the website

You can make an aquarium out of a medium-sized cardboard box. For detailed instructions on how to make an aquarium out of the box, read our special article "Summer crafts on the marine theme."

Remember, turning seemingly unnecessary things into something useful, applicable, you learn and teach to take care of things, appreciate what you have, protect nature, and save the family budget. Get creative and enjoy it.

If you have accumulated a large number of small boxes,

then you can make a whole city out of them. Learn more about how to do

beautiful houses made of cardboard boxes, read here.

You can make a garage for cars or a parking lot from cardboard toilet paper rolls and boxes.

Descent for cars or balls

11. A bed for a doll can be made from one box, figuratively cutting out the sides of it, or from two boxes, gluing them together. In the second option, you get a bed for a doll with legs.

12. A large cardboard box can easily be turned into a car, plane or ship by the imagination of a kid who has climbed inside it. Mom and dad can help the kid organize an interesting and useful game by adding the necessary details to the homemade transport. Steering wheel, wheels, headlights - all this can be done from improvised things, the main thing is to show imagination.

If you make a car or an airplane out of a medium-sized box, and then attach straps to them, you get a car / airplane costume. Wearing such costumes, children can play pretending to be cars or planes. Boys will especially like these games.

You can cut out the side of a large cardboard box and make a playing field out of it. To do this, draw roads, bridges, a forest, a river, houses, in general, whatever you want on cardboard with colored felt-tip pens.

See also others waste material crafts:
- plastic bottles
- egg packaging
- cardboard tubes
- milk and juice bags
- paper plates

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Crafts from cardboard boxes do it yourself

In every house there are many things that seem to be no longer needed, but it’s a pity to throw them away, one of these things is cardboard boxes. Boxes from household appliances, electronics, shoes, dishes, and who knows what else. I present to you a selection of ideas and workshops for crafts that will benefit your home.

1. Convenient box for storing linen, seasonal items, old photos, postcards, Christmas toys. It would be better to make a lid for such a box. To glue the parts, use a wide adhesive tape, and to glue the fabric - PVA glue.

2. Box-chest for storing jewelry. We use PVA glue for gluing. To give the desired color, we use paints and varnish. You can also decorate the chest with the help of decoupage. To do this, dilute the PVA glue a little with water, apply it evenly on the surface to be decorated, take a three-layer napkin, separate one layer with the image and carefully place it on the prepared area. When the surface of the chest dries, cover it with varnish or PVA glue on top (the glue will dry and become transparent).

3. And this is a cat toy - "The Elusive Ball"

Here is such a dense box with a bunch of holes,

where the ball rolls freely. The task of the cat is to catch it.

4. But a sturdy shoe box can be a good storage for accessories, beads and other small needlework items. We prepare small boxes, glue them with napkins (you can also use matchboxes) - you're done. Now everything will be in place.

4. Speaking of matchboxes, they can make a very cute chest of drawers in which you can store chains, rings, and any other small things. It is not difficult to make such a chest of drawers, but the most interesting thing is to decorate it (colored paper, glue, beads and buttons).

5. Please your children. Imagine how fun it will be to make toys from matchboxes with your child - cars, trains, castles, doll furniture. And for the little ones - make a visual alphabet, in each box there will be a miniature object corresponding to each letter.

6. From large cardboard boxes, make the best gift for your daughter - kitchen furniture and household appliances, the little hostess will love it, and also instill good habits and skills.

7. Any child up to middle school age will be delighted with their own house, even if it is made of cardboard. And you can think about the layout and design together, this will unite and allow the child to feel more trust and sympathy for you.

From a large cardboard box, for example, from a refrigerator, you can make a children's house. Make a door, windows in it, lay a rug inside the house, decorate the house with cheerful curtains, paste over the walls with beautiful pictures, stickers or children's drawings.

An interesting idea is to decorate a children's house with an LED garland.

8. Boxes of juice and yogurt regularly fly into the trash, but wait. To make a winter house for birds out of such a box - even five minutes will be a lot - just a couple of movements with scissors. Spend some time in nature on a day off, take the whole family and go to the park to hang feeders with seeds and cereals. This is the best example of caring for our smaller brothers and frugality that you can show your child.

9. If your family is a true juice fan, you can make a display rack for children's toys out of empty boxes. On the one hand - everything is in sight and at hand, on the other - everything is in its place.

10. Young children often ask to have pets, but they do not always realize how much care they require, and what a responsibility it is. To get started, you can make a cat, a dog or an aquarium with fish from cardboard boxes. Let him feed imaginary animals, play with them. Soon, according to the behavior of your child, you will understand whether he is really ready for the appearance of another family member, or was it a momentary hobby.

Young children love to carry toys on a string. A simple craft for kids from a cardboard box - a cat or a dog made of cardboard. Read a detailed master class on how to make such a craft from waste material on the website

You can make an aquarium out of a medium-sized cardboard box. For detailed instructions on how to make an aquarium out of the box, read our special article "Summer crafts on the marine theme."

Remember, turning seemingly unnecessary things into something useful, applicable, you learn and teach to take care of things, appreciate what you have, protect nature, and save the family budget. Get creative and enjoy it.

If you have accumulated a large number of small boxes,

then you can make a whole city out of them. Learn more about how to do

beautiful houses made of cardboard boxes, read here.

You can make a garage for cars or a parking lot from cardboard toilet paper rolls and boxes.

Descent for cars or balls

11. A bed for a doll can be made from one box, figuratively cutting out the sides of it, or from two boxes, gluing them together. In the second option, you get a bed for a doll with legs.

12. A large cardboard box can easily be turned into a car, plane or ship by the imagination of a kid who has climbed inside it. Mom and dad can help the kid organize an interesting and useful game by adding the necessary details to the homemade transport. Steering wheel, wheels, headlights - all this can be done from improvised things, the main thing is to show imagination.

If you make a car or an airplane out of a medium-sized box, and then attach straps to them, you get a car / airplane costume. Wearing such costumes, children can play pretending to be cars or planes. Boys will especially like these games.

You can cut out the side of a large cardboard box and make a playing field out of it. To do this, draw roads, bridges, a forest, a river, houses, in general, whatever you want on cardboard with colored felt-tip pens.

See also others waste material crafts:
- plastic bottles
- egg packaging
- cardboard tubes
- milk and juice bags
- paper plates

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Paper fish aquarium

Quote from Veh07 Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!

The description in the original is in English, but everything is perfectly clear from the pictures. Just in case, I give small comments.

Print the scheme in two copies.

Cut grass or corals, fish. There is coral, but you will have to look for the goldfish yourself. Here is what I found in Yandex.

Glue corals and fish. Only on one side of large and small ovals! Do not seal the cuts, then ovals will be inserted into them. I think that color paper should be double-sided so that the postcard looks good from all sides. The fish must be double-sided!

Let's start building:

First 2 large ovals and 2 large rectangles.

Then 2 small rectangles. Look at the picture on which side the grass should be located.

Add small ovals.

Everything, the aquarium is ready! This is a pop-up postcard. it can fold.


For inspiration - another goldfish, but using the Quilling technique. Really, beauty? Found here.

Good luck, happiness and fulfillment of desires!


Watch the video: How to make an aquarium out of cardboard? (January 2020).

Do-it-yourself aquarium to create a developing object-spatial environment. Master class with step by step description

Vasilyeva Evgenia Viktorovna, teacher of MBDOU No. 110, Irkutsk
Description: this master class is intended for educators to create a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool institution.

Aquarium with fish - a corner of the underwater world in kindergarten. It can be used in educational activities to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the underwater world.
The underwater world for kids is a real underwater adventure, a journey full of natural wonders and magical sea creatures.
Target: Teach colleagues how to make an aquarium with their own hands from improvised means.
- to develop in children a cognitive interest in the world around them, in natural phenomena
- use for environmental education of preschoolers
- to instill a love for the animal world
- to form in children activity, curiosity, the desire for research and experimentation
Materials for the aquarium:

- shoe box
- yellow and blue paper
- a piece of fabric to create a sea space (you can use a picture printed on a printer, you can just stick blue paper)
- shells
- stick (size - slightly larger than the aquarium in length)
- toothpaste caps - 2 pcs.
- glue stick
- glue "Moment"
Step-by-step description of making an aquarium
Step 1
We glue one inner side of the shoe box with yellow paper - this will be the bottom of the aquarium

Step 2
The rest of the inner sides and all the outer ones are glued with blue paper. At the bottom of the box we glue a piece of fabric to create a marine space.

Step 3
We glue shells on the bottom of the aquarium using Moment glue

Step 4
On the sides of the aquarium we make holes for the stick, on which the inhabitants of the underwater world will be attached.

The inhabitants of the underwater world are made in the technique of "facing". Facing is one of the types of paper needlework. This technique is based on the creation of images and objects using three-dimensional paper elements. The volume element of trimming is called "trimming". It is a piece of soft paper compressed in the form of a funnel or cone. From such elements, the intended product is created.

Materials for the inhabitants of the underwater world:

- paper napkins in white, blue, blue, orange, yellow, pink and red colors
- PVA glue
- plastic jar for PVA glue
- scissors
- a rod from a pen or a stick from a brush
- packaging cardboard
- stationery knife
- templates of the inhabitants of the underwater world (pictures taken from the Internet)
A step-by-step description of the manufacture of the inhabitants of the underwater world using the example of a starfish
Step 1
Cooking starfish pattern. We transfer the template to the packaging cardboard. Using a clerical knife, cut out a starfish

Step 2
From paper napkins of red color we cut squares with a side of 2 cm. (The larger the size of the square, the higher the pile)

Step 3
For further work, it is necessary to prepare a tool for trimming. In this master class, we use a brush stick. Put the end of the stick in the center of the square

Step 4
We crush the square and roll the rod between the fingers. We will get a three-dimensional element "trimming"

Step 5
Apply PVA glue to the end of the stick. We press the trimming on the base and remove the rod

Step 6
We glue each next “trimming” next to the previous one. We try to put the "trimming" tightly to each other so that there are no gaps. From squares of blue and pink colors we make trimmings for the eyes and mouth, respectively. Got a starfish.

Using the example of making a starfish, we make the rest of the inhabitants of the underwater world:

After all the inhabitants of the underwater world are ready, we string them on a stick for the ropes. We insert the stick into the holes made in the aquarium. We fix the stick with toothpaste lids. The aquarium is ready.

Thank you for your attention. I wish you creative success.

Interesting voluminous crafts made of colored paper and cardboard

Materials and tools

■ Colored, corrugated, packaging cardboard

■ Colored and white paper

■ Round box

■ White threads

■ Scissors

■ PVA glue, glue stick

■ Thin wooden stick

Making an aquarium

1. From orange corrugated cardboard, cut out the body of a goldfish using a stencil - 2 pcs. (Fig. 1).

2. Cut out a circle head from yellow cardboard - 2 pcs.

3. From yellow paper, cut out the fins according to the stencil (Fig. 2). For a fluffy tail, take a yellow strip 10 cm wide and make cuts along the entire length. Cut the fins too.

4. Glue the fins, tail and thin white thread between the body halves of the fish.

5. Glue small pieces of packing cardboard to the body of the fish, in the place where the head will be. Glue the head of the fish on them on both sides. Glue eyes on both sides.

6. Cut out round lips from red paper and glue to the head.

7. Using a thin stick, curl all the stripes of the tail and fins.

8. Make 2 more fish, red and yellow.

9. From the blue corrugated cardboard, cut out the bodies of 2 fish (scalar) using a stencil - 2 pieces, and from the red one - 2 tails (Fig. 3, 4).

10. Glue the halves of the fish and the tail together, glue a long white thread inside. Glue on the eyes.

11. Take a round or square box and cover it inside with white paper. This is an aquarium.

12. Cut out strips from blue paper and glue them inside the box. Got water. Make sand out of yellow paper.

13. Stencil out algae from several shades of green paper and stick them into the aquarium (Fig. 5).

14. Make holes in the top of the box and thread the threads that are glued into the fish through them. It turns out - the fish swim in the water.

For a long time, my daughter and I were going to finish the children's aquarium out of the box with our own hands, the production of which began in 2011. The child has already played in a home-made aquarium, she has changed the fish in it apparently-invisibly (many of them, also home-made, have been lost forever), even managed to damage it a little. Therefore, we decided to complete the aquarium craft and seal it with tape. Let it decorate the shelf in the hallway, complementing all kinds of marine souvenirs.
Where did it all start? My daughters got a Zoobles set for their birthday.

The toy began to live its own life, and the packaging from under it simply gathered dust on the floor (it was planned to remove the “creatures” there). But suddenly the idea came to my mind to make a homemade aquarium, since we can’t get a real one. Especially in the box one side was transparent.

From a children's magazine about animals, a page with marine life was immediately pulled out. We cut it to fit the box format, and later glued the inscription with a fish from the cut page edge.

How to make an aquarium out of a box with your own hands? Very simple!

The aforementioned picture becomes the background of the toy - aquarium. The walls on the sides are pasted over with green colored paper, and the "bottom" - with brown velvet paper. We subsequently glued multi-colored pebbles on it.

And not just glued, but laid out a pattern. There is even a fish made of stones, but I did not photograph it, it seems.

They seated a plasticine snail in one corner of the children's aquarium, in another.

Seaweed cut out of colored paper. So that they do not fall to the bottom, they were attached to a wooden skewer, and one of the leaves - petals was glued to the side wall of a home-made aquarium. They also cut out the image of a clown fish from the magazine, gave it volume and seated a new character among the stones.

As I already said, we have made a lot of fish over the years, but not all of them "survived" in the games. Therefore, the final version of the fish that inhabited our aquarium from the box was pink dolphins (the stripes on them had to be painted with nail polish, but the color was only light, so almost nothing is visible).

We attached them to the strings, which we pulled out into small holes at the top of the aquarium, tied around the half of the match. The matches were placed in the lids and turned so that the fish looked at each other with their faces.

Then buttons of the appropriate size were placed in the caps, and ladybugs were glued to them. We remembered about the shells too late, but it was possible to put them.

We closed the box, or rather the aquarium out of the box, completely, securing the movable side wall with adhesive tape from the outside. Here's what we ended up with.

They carefully transferred the craft to the closet shelf in the hallway, surrounded it with sea trifles and left it alone.

And today I was honored to tell you how to make an aquarium out of a box with your own hands together with a child. I am sure that you have planned to create something similar more than once, but put it off for various reasons. I hope that now you will definitely arrange a bright box in your own house - an aquarium, because it does not take up much space like a real one, and it will be pleasant for children to supplement it with all sorts of attributes.
