Benefits for pensioners to pay for major home repairs. How to get a refund for overhaul

As in the first category, the rule applies to unemployed single citizens and elderly couples. The overhaul fee after 80 is reimbursed by the state in 100% size. The discounts provided by each category differ in size. For example, the renewal fee for pensioners over 70 years of age averages -50% of the amount, while the 80-year-old benefit for major repairs can reach 100%. The program is designed for 30 years, so many payers, unfortunately, may not see the promised renovation of their homes. When asked about the fairness of such payments, many experts justify such a decision with questions of inheritance. Like, people pay for the future of their children and grandchildren, who will inherit the apartment in the future.

Whether or not to pay for overhaul if the age is over 80

If you have been doing this for several months, then attach all paid receipts to the application.

  • Collect the necessary documents and, together with receipts, come to the territorial organization, most often they are multifunctional public service centers.
  • Fill out an application. The registration procedure takes no more than 10 minutes, at least not counting the queue.
  • Get a decision on your grant. Discounts will be valid from the moment the decision is made.

Can you complete the application yourself? If you find it difficult to do it yourself, then do not worry.

With this, social workers can help you, who should explain what the overhaul discount for pensioners over 80 is and how to apply for it. The application shall indicate your full name, address, category to which you belong, and other data.

Payment for overhaul by pensioners over 80: benefits and compensation


Do pensioners after 70 years of age have to pay contributions for major repairs, at what age do they not pay? Do you need help? Consult with our lawyer for free! Laws in our country change very often! Get the most up-to-date information by phone! Just call by phone from any region of Russia: Or contact our online consultant! So, the question arises, should pensioners pay contributions for major repairs? Federal law says that after the age of 70, a pensioner makes payments for major repairs in the amount of 50% of the total amount. The norms of the new law allow for a complete exemption from payment of payments upon reaching a certain age. The question arises, at what age do pensioners not pay such contributions? The law established that in the case when a pensioner over 80 years old lives in an apartment, payments are not collected.

Freedom or illusion? overhaul - benefits for pensioners

Thus, to clarify this issue, you need to contact the social security at the place of residence. According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, there are no age restrictions, which means you have to pay. Article 169. Contributions for capital repairs of common property in an apartment building

The owners of premises in an apartment building are required to pay monthly contributions for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building, except for the cases provided for by part 2 of this article, part 8 of article 170 and part 4 of article 181 of this Code, in the amount established in accordance with part 8.1 of the article 156 of this Code, or, if the relevant decision is made by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, in a larger amount. 2.

Payment for major repairs by pensioners over 80 years old

Only the owner can apply for a benefit. Note! By subscribing to updates on our resource, you can receive new comments by e-mail! Results:

  1. A pensioner lives alone, has no income, has reached the age of 70/80 years - the benefit is valid.
  2. Together with the owner, who is 70-80 years old, disabled family members live - a discount is provided.
  3. A retired beneficiary lives together, owns an apartment together with able-bodied citizens - the benefit will be denied.
  4. A disability pensioner receives a discount only on the condition that he lives in an apartment under a social tenancy agreement. If he is the owner, there will be no discount.

Reader questions

  • The first question: So do pensioners pay after the age of 80? Answer: Yes, these people also pay contributions for capital repairs.

Do I need to pay for major repairs to a pensioner after 80 years?

What is the required package of documents for obtaining a discount? This:

  1. Statement.
  2. A certificate confirming the absence of debts for a communal apartment.
  3. Pensioner's passport.
  4. Documents confirming the right to receive the corresponding benefits.
  5. A copy of the certificate of ownership of the housing.

Drawing up an application First you need to correctly write an application for a discount on the overhaul fee. Benefits for pensioners aged 80 and 70 without this document are not provided. A citizen can write it on their own or seek help from a social service.

Benefits for 80-year-old pensioners for major repairs

The law really provides people of advanced age with 100% discounts, but within the established area standards. And they are provided only under certain conditions. By itself, the eighty-year threshold is not a basis for benefits.

It will be provided only when age is combined with other factors, which we will discuss below. Legislative confirmation Art. 169 of the LCD, in part B, paragraph 1, assigns to local authorities the right to regulate the issue of granting benefits in their region. The article also defines the categories of recipients of such a discount, these include the disabled, families with children, as well as elderly pensioners.
Individual subjects of the Federation themselves set the standard for the area for which the discount will apply. For example, in the Chernozem region, a single beneficiary is assigned 33 square meters. m, two family members of 21 sq.

On payment for overhaul from January 2016 to people over 80 years old


Please note: if a person who has not reached the specified age lives together with a pensioner and this person is the owner of the premises, then the provision of benefits is not carried out! How the benefit for pensioners works in different regions Since the process of collecting funds is carried out directly by the local authorities of the relevant subjects, it is possible to analyze the effect of the provided subsidy in the regions. So, in the Belgorod region, the law on the provision of subsidies came into force in July 2016. Based on its norms, compensation for overhaul to persons over 70 years of age is expected in the amount of 50%, over 80 - in the amount of 100%.

Refunds are made only for the area of ​​​​the dwelling, which is provided for by regional regulations.

Benefits for overhaul for pensioners after 70 and 80 years

They need to be paid in any case, and only after some time the money spent will be returned in the amount of 50 or 100% to a bank card or by postal order. Should pensioners over 80 pay for capital repairs? We have already mentioned above that payment is made in full, and later compensation is made in the amount of 50/100%. But once again we would like to clarify an important point. The refund does not take place for the entire area of ​​the apartment, but for the square meters established by regional services (33 for a single tenant, 21 for each of a married couple).

If the property has, for example, 60 sq.m., then you must pay in full for the “extra” squares, and there will be no compensation. How is a refund processed? Benefits for major repairs to pensioners over 80 years old can be obtained by contacting the social security authorities.
Accruals of compensation for capital repairs begin to be carried out in April-May. Refunds to the pensioner are received by postal order or credited to the card. Documents for registration:

  • application (a standard form is filled out on the State Services portal or written according to the model in the department);
  • an extract on the absence of debts for utility bills;
  • a receipt for the payment of the first installment for major repairs (these payments are assigned only years after the house is put into operation);
  • passport;
  • papers that confirm the ownership of the object;
  • a document that confirms the right to a benefit;
  • certificates, documents confirming the disability of other citizens living with the pensioner (if the residents are registered, they live with the applicant in the same area, they own real estate with him).

Documents for obtaining a discount Collecting documents is the most time-consuming process of obtaining assistance, especially when it comes to privileged categories of citizens. For major repairs, benefits for pensioners over 80 years old, as well as for all other beneficiaries, can be issued by a trustee. To do this, you must provide several documents, including:

  • Passport;
  • Certificate of absence of debts for housing and communal services;
  • Receipt of payment for major repairs;
  • Housing document;
  • Certificate of ownership of the apartment;
  • income statement;
  • Documents confirming the right to a subsidy, for example, a pension certificate, etc.

It is difficult for many citizens of retirement age to collect documents themselves, fill out an application and go to service centers. Moreover, many do not know if they pay overhaul after 80 years or if it is not legal.

Repair fee. Do I need to pay for overhaul, in what cases is it necessary to do this, are there any benefits for pensioners? These are questions that have been worrying Russians since a new column appeared in utility bills.

Should I pay for overhaul and are there benefits for certain categories of citizens? These are questions that Russians have been worrying about since a new column appeared in utility bills. It should be noted right away that overhaul contributions are classified as mandatory payments. For what purposes are they intended, what works are carried out at the expense of these funds, where and on whose accounts are they accumulated? Contributions collected from homeowners go to the established overhaul fund or to a bank account opened for these purposes, and does not depend on the decision made by homeowners.

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Do I need to pay for repairs

What work is done with overhaul fees:

  • basement renovation;
  • roof repairs and maintenance;
  • if necessary, work is carried out to reconstruct the foundation of the building;
  • repair of elevators and their replacement with new ones;
  • restoration facade work;
  • repair and replacement of communications, including sewer, ventilation, water supply systems, etc.

Renovation fee for new buildings

Many people are concerned about the question, but do you need to pay for major repairs in new buildings? There are some nuances that must be taken into account without fail.

The Housing Code has undergone some changes in matters relating to which residential buildings should be considered new buildings. Now, buildings that have been put into operation since July 2016 are recognized as such.

According to the new legal norms, payment for major repairs in a new house by "new settlers" is not paid for 3-5 years. The exact grace periods are determined by regional authorities.

Commissioned residential buildings before the specified period, over the next 5 years, are often under warranty service from the developer, who must fix the problems found at his own expense.

But in any case, at a general meeting of residents (whose houses have been in operation for less than 5 years), a number of issues related to further actions are resolved, including:

  • with the order of collection for overhaul;
  • with their size;
  • with a list of priority tasks.


Payment for major repairs in new buildings will be collected sooner or later in any case, this also applies to residents, even temporarily exempted from such, so that fees can be made in advance, for the future.

Please note that when buying an apartment in shared construction, there is a risk factor - and where to turn?

Is it possible not to pay for overhaul

How not to pay for overhaul and is it possible? Contributions of this kind are now mandatory, although more recently their payment was voluntary. However, even now there is an opportunity to save the residents of high-rise buildings from such a “duty” on completely legal grounds. In particular, the legislator exempts the following groups of owners from mandatory contributions:

  • living in residential premises officially recognized as emergency, and all the money paid by the owners for major repairs (after the housing was declared unsuitable / dangerous for living) must be returned to them;
  • those who rent out their housing, and pay contributions from the income received from tenants, of course, in this case, part of the profit will have to be lost;
  • those who want to take over the responsibility for the overhaul without creating any funds, then the owners “discard” and hire a repair team to carry out certain work that is necessary at a certain stage, but the issue of savings in this case is rather controversial;
  • those who decide to provide the facade of their house for the placement of advertising banners / billboards, other devices of a similar nature, and the resulting funds, the tenants have the right to use to pay off contributions for overhaul.

Unfortunately, some Russians do not choose the most correct path, simply refusing to pay contributions, but in the end they will not be able to save money, rather, on the contrary. So the answer to the question, whether to pay contributions for overhaul or not, is unambiguous, it is better to do this, and within the allotted time, because the accumulated debt for overhaul is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

By the way, if you have noisy neighbors, find out both day and night?

Benefits for overhaul, pensioners do not pay for overhaul?

Penalty for non-payment of overhaul

What happens if you don't pay for the overhaul? Debt reminders will be sent to non-payers. You should not wait until the issue of payment of contributions is resolved in court, because in such a situation you will have to give detailed explanations for what reason the payment was not made. And if the court considers the arguments presented to be insignificant, then the legal costs will be recovered from the defendant, and these are additional costs, because the resulting debt will also have to be repaid. Moreover, the costs are also increased due to sanctions, since it provides for the payment of a penalty for overhaul, in case of late contributions to such. In addition, unscrupulous owners face the suspension of payments of other benefits and subsidies.

If a citizen, for some reason, does not know the amount of the fee, where can he get the necessary information? For example, how to find out the debt for major repairs at the address?

For these purposes, you can contact the overhaul fund or the management company serving a particular house. This can also be done via the Internet, since most funds and management companies have their own websites where the necessary information is indicated.

Based on the foregoing, everyone can draw conclusions regarding the overhaul contributions to pay or not to pay them, and whether it is worth waiting for the onset of negative consequences for oneself, which someday will definitely come.

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In 2015, a bill was passed that abolished capital repair fees for the elderly population. Benefits for pensioners are provided on special terms. The change took place gradually and eventually covered all regions of the Russian Federation. So who is entitled to these privileges and how not to pay for major repairs?

Privileges for pensioners to pay for overhaul

Not so long ago in our country, collections began from residents of apartment buildings for major repairs. The duration of this program is 30 years, which is a long time. Many pensioners can no longer wait for such a grandiose transformation of the house, so the State Duma deputies decided to cancel the payment for major repairs for them. Benefits for pensioners over 80 are provided without exception.

Later, this bill came into force and gradually the regions began to cancel this line in the receipt. It should be noted that the benefit applies only to non-working pensioners or to single people.

The privilege is valid if the elderly person is the owner of the property. In this case, the overhaul fee will be waived. Benefits for pensioners over 80 years old are also provided only if they have at their disposal no more than 33 sq.m or 42 sq.m for two. However, the footage is set individually in each region.

If a pensioner occupies a large territory, then a capital repair fee will be charged on the extra square, it does not fall under the benefit.

Where does the law apply and what privileges does it provide?

In general, the law is valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, that is, it should be abolished throughout the country. Benefits for pensioners are declarative in nature. If you have any questions, please contact Social Security.

As a result, an elderly person who has become eligible for such a subsidy can count on:

  • reduction of payment for overhaul, the benefit for pensioners of 70 years provides for a reduction in the contribution by 50%;
  • full exemption from contributions - provided only for citizens whose age has exceeded 80 years;
  • compensation - a pensioner still has to pay for the overhaul of an apartment building, but then these funds will be returned to him on a card or account in any bank.

What category of pensioners can count on a discount?

All pensioners who can count on privileges regarding major repairs from the state are divided into two categories.

1. Married couples or single pensioners over 70 years of age. They must meet the following requirements:

  • housing must be owned;
  • the pensioner should not be officially employed;
  • a citizen should not have debts to pay for a communal apartment.

If all the requirements are met, then such a category of citizens is provided with a discount on contributions for major repairs in the amount of 50%.

2. Married couples or single pensioners over 80 years old. For such people there are also requirements:

  • lack of an official place of work;
  • housing must not be rented;
  • the pensioner should not have debts on KU.

If all requirements are met, the overhaul fee will be canceled for the citizen. The benefit for pensioners over 80 is provided in the form of a refund of the amount paid. That is, a person pays for major repairs on an equal basis with everyone else, but after that the money is returned to his account.

How to get a benefit?

If a person falls under the selected categories, then in order to receive the privilege, he needs to declare. There are three methods you can use to claim your capital repair fee discount. Retirement benefits can be obtained through:

  • social protection;
  • Multifunctional Center;
  • Portal "Gosuslugi".

It is worth noting that before this, the pensioner must pay off his debts for the KU and indicate the account where the funds will be returned monthly.

What is the required package of documents for obtaining a discount? This:

  1. Statement.
  2. A certificate confirming the absence of debts for a communal apartment.
  3. Pensioner's passport.
  4. Documents confirming the right to receive the corresponding benefits.
  5. A copy of the certificate of ownership of the housing.

Drawing up an application

First you need to correctly write an application for a discount on the overhaul fee. Benefits for pensioners aged 80 and 70 without this document are not provided. A citizen can write it on their own or seek help from a social service.

It is mandatory to write in it:

  • your data (full name);
  • personal account number where you can transfer money;
  • what privileged category does the pensioner belong to;
  • date;
  • signature.

It is worth noting that the regional authorities can independently change the amount of the contribution for capital repairs, however, its amount per 1 sq.m does not differ much in different regions. The state has set a minimum of 6 rubles per 1 sq.m.

Do not put off writing an application and collecting papers. In some areas, the conditions of the program are slightly different, but it works throughout the Russian Federation.

What is the danger of arbitrarily refusing to pay?

Many senior citizens hoped that the authorities would completely abolish the payment for major repairs, and benefits would be provided to pensioners without additional documents. However, for several years the situation remained at the same level.

So, lawyers warn that if a pensioner still wants to get his discount on capital repairs, he must pay this line in the receipt without fail.

If an elderly citizen arbitrarily decides to refuse to pay for overhaul and does not apply for the benefit due to him, then he loses the right to receive such a privilege. Moreover, the contribution to the capital improvement of housing is the same payment as for electricity or heating, penalties will begin to accrue on the debt over time.

If this does not help to reason with the pensioner, then the regional operator has the right to sue the citizen, and the court, in turn, will decide to collect the debt from the pensioner. In addition, if the court takes the side of the regional operator, the pensioner will also have to pay all the costs incurred by the plaintiff due to the proceedings.

As you know, at the end of 2015, deputies of the State Duma adopted a law allowing pensioners to receive a refund of contributions for major repairs. See below for information on who may qualify for this benefit.

Who is entitled

It should be noted right away that benefits providing for the return of funds for overhaul to pensioners after 70 years are provided only if they are the owners of the apartment. This requirement is indicated in the regulations adopted in various subjects of the federation and is contained in the Housing Code of Russia, and specifically in its 169th article. In other words:

  • only persons over the age of 70 who are sole owners of housing can apply for this benefit;
  • the rule does not apply to those pensioners with whom younger citizens also own an apartment;
  • it will not be possible to use this preference for the elderly, on whose living space people under 70 years old are registered;
  • continuing to work.

In fact, the legislation clearly limited the circle of people who will be granted this benefit. In other words, only single pensioners who own an apartment make sense to apply for it to government agencies.

The regulatory framework of the Russian Federation also defines the concept of "cohabitation" quite precisely. It covers, in particular, citizens:

  • registered at a specific address;
  • owning a share of the apartment.

The procedure for calculating contributions

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that contributions accrued for overhaul must be received from each apartment owner on a monthly basis. All this money is stored in a dedicated account and can be spent exclusively for specific purposes.

At the same time, money from residents is not collected for major repairs in such cases:

  • the building will not be repairable;
  • the house is called emergency;
  • it should be demolished in the near future;
  • the building is going to be removed and transferred to the disposal of the municipality.

All such issues are resolved at the level of local authorities. Federal legislation has determined only the general directions of the preferential policy. The amount of this fee is determined by the authorities of a particular subject.

Several parameters affect the amount of the overhaul contribution:

  • building type;
  • its number of storeys;
  • number of entrances, etc.

For example, in Moscow, the average payment in the city is 15 rubles per square meter of housing. At the same time, in the Russian regions, citizens pay from 2 to 9 rubles.

Who pays less for overhauls

In general, exemption from this fee - both full and partial (50 percent) - received:

  • WWII veterans;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation;
  • invalids of war;
  • Chernobyl, etc.

In addition, as noted earlier, this list also includes citizens whose age has exceeded 70 years. However, the benefit for them will be relevant if they:

  • lonely;
  • does not work.

In this case, they can count on 50 percent compensation. Those over the age of 80 are completely freed.

Half the fee is paid and:

  • disabled people, both the first and second groups;
  • families with disabled children.

How to apply for a benefit

The overhaul fee is charged in full by default. In order to reduce its size, you must first find out if your apartment building appears on the list of buildings to be overhauled. Data of this kind will not be difficult to obtain from the management company or from the HOA. In addition, you can also contact the district administration.

After that, you will need (if any) to pay all outstanding utility bills. Without this, the benefit will not be awarded. The corresponding requirement is given in Article 60 of the LC RF. As a result, quite often citizens who are unable to pay for communal services in a timely manner due to difficult circumstances are deprived of the right to a benefit. Despite the certain absurdity of this rule, it should still be taken into account.

Then the beneficiary will need to go to the multifunctional center at the place of residence, having the following documents with him:

  • passport of the Russian Federation (age will be determined on it);
  • statement;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate confirming the absence of debts;
  • certificate of ownership of the apartment;
  • an extract on the composition of the family from the house book;
  • personal data of persons living together with the pensioner;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • income statement;
  • applicant's account number.

In addition, it is allowed to contact the social security authorities with a similar question. It is also quite convenient to resolve the issue through a website that provides public services. If all the necessary papers are in order, then the benefit will be assigned within 10 days.

In a situation where an elderly citizen is not able to take care of business on his own due to poor health, representatives can do this for him. They must have a power of attorney for these actions, certified by a notary.

The law specifies, in particular, that the benefit is provided in two ways:

  • partial refund of previously paid funds;
  • a special subsidy.

Thus, the possibility of direct repayment of the contribution is not provided, which often causes complaints from beneficiaries.

How are things in Moscow

In the Russian capital and the Moscow region, on the basis of housing legislation, the highest tariff rates for contributions for major repairs have been put into effect.

In 2016, a fairly large number of residents were forced to apply to the authorities for benefits. At the same time, all citizens living here and over the age of 70 are automatically charged a fee of 50 percent of the total rate. Other categories defined by law receive compensation on a declarative basis.

In Moscow, the preferential groups of citizens designated in the federal legislation also include persons who have awards for the defense of the city from the Nazi invaders.
