Lolo where. socialite ida lolo

Last week, rumors about the divorce of Ida Lolo with her second husband Alexei Kiselev were confirmed. The son of journalist Yevgeny Kiselev told the press that, despite the breakup, they will always be good friends. I must say, the second husband of Ida Lolo speaks very warmly about her and, apparently, the couple disperses peacefully and without too much fuss. By the way, the socialite herself for some time preferred to remain silent and not inform the general public about some changes in her personal life. True, pretty soon the beauty nevertheless decided to talk about what had happened.

Ida did not name any specific reasons for the breakup with her second husband. The famous it-girl only hinted that she considers the former chosen one to be irresponsible. In addition, Lolo very vaguely explained what exactly prevented them from building a happy family with Alexei Kiselev. “With Lesha, the problem was mainly that he was trying to increase his speed, I tried to slow down a little to come to a common denominator with him,” Ida said in an interview. “In fact, Alexei did a lot in this marriage, overtook himself at the turn, but did not catch up with me.”

Interestingly, Lolo takes this situation quite calmly and prefers not to dramatize. The girl made it clear that she gradually began to sell expensive gifts that she once got from her husbands, friends and admirers. But even this cannot make the socialite sad. Ida Lolo got a job with Gennady Goldin, an experienced attorney at Golgen Group. Now the beauty is studying the peculiarities of family law and encourages future couples to pay great attention to the marriage contract. Ida willingly shares her own experience in this matter with others and claims that parting should be done peacefully. “I carefully put all the rings from all marriages in a box,” the celebrity said in an interview with Tatler magazine. “I’m not overwhelmed by emotions - I can’t imagine a situation that I just take someone and throw them out of my life.”

We will remind, earlier Ida Lolo was married to the ex-president of the film company “Central Partnership” Mark Lolo. It-girl lived with the film producer for six years, after which he announced his intention to leave. Pretty soon, Mark Lolo remarried, and Ida Lolo found her happiness in the person of Moscow restaurateur Alexei Kiselev. By the way, the celebrity's second marriage lasted only a year and a half.

The court of the French city of Grasse seized the apartments of the artistic director of the Mikhailovsky Theater and the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater located in Cannes Vladimir Kekhman. This decision was made at the request of the Bank of Moscow, to which the theatrical figure owed more than 11 billion rubles when he was the head of JFC, a supplier of bananas to Russia. Previously, Mr. Kekhman, who did not return loans to banks for 20 billion rubles in total, was a defendant in a criminal case, but was released from liability due to the statute of limitations. He was declared bankrupt, but banks continue a real hunt for the assets of the former "banana king".

According to informed sources, representatives of the Bank of Moscow (JSC BM-Bank), which is part of the VTB Group, filed an application with the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Grasse on November 20 to arrest Mr. Kekhman's apartment in Cannes. As the interlocutors specified, this appeal was made as part of the process for the recognition by the French authorities of the April decision of the Commercial Court of the Queen's Bench of the High Court of Justice of England and Wales. Recall that then the Honorable Judge Brian actually recognized Vladimir Kekhman as a fraudster at the suit of the same Bank of Moscow. It was about the fact that it was Mr. Kekhman who played the leading role in the fraudulent scheme, according to which his structures received two loans for $ 140 million and more than 300 million rubles from a credit institution in the fall of 2011. They were never returned by the structures of the JFC group of companies, which was the main supplier of bananas and other fruits to the Russian market.

As Ruspres reported, the High Court of London ruled to recover more than $150 million from Vladimir Kekhman. He himself, speaking in court, tried to shift the responsibility to his subordinates, but the court considered him an "unscrupulous, dishonest and unsatisfactory" defendant with a tendency to "invent facts" and "inconceivable explanations." When searching for the assets of Mr. Kekhman in the Bank of Moscow, they noticed that in recent years he often visited Cannes, where he lived in luxurious apartments.

This apartment, located in one of the most famous resorts on the Cote d'Azur, has an area of ​​190 sq. m, it has a kitchen, living room, three bedrooms, three bathrooms, four wine cellars and two parking spaces below.

Officially, the premises belong to the Lit Estate company, registered in Monaco, one of the owners of which, according to some sources, is Vladimir Kekhman's ex-wife Tatyana Litvinova. The businessman lived with her for many years, and in marriage, the couple had three children. He played a magnificent wedding with socialite Ida Lolo, and in April of this year, the 49-year-old theater director once again became a father - the couple had a daughter, Anastasia. Interestingly, the newlyweds often rested in Cannes. And perhaps in the very apartments officially owned by the ex-wife of the current artistic director of two leading theaters in Russia, whose cost, according to the most conservative estimate, is at least €2.5 million.

In their statement to the Grasse court, representatives of the Bank of Moscow indicated that it was Mr. Kekhman who was the real owner of the apartments. According to bankers, Vladimir Kekhman himself purchased the premises in a prestigious area of ​​the city near the beach and access to a private pool back in 2010 for €2.2 million. And for this he allegedly used funds that were previously fraudulently withdrawn from JFC.

On November 26, the Grasse court granted the petition of the Bank of Moscow, ruling to seize the apartment by registering an encumbrance on real estate in favor of a credit institution until the process of recognizing the English decision in France is completed. The reason for this was the guarantee of at least partial recovery by the decision of the English court against Mr. Kekhman.

We welcome this decision of the Supreme Court of the city of Grasse of the French Republic,” the press service of VTB Group said, noting that the work to return the debt will continue “by all available methods in accordance with the law.”

Thus, the search for the businessman's assets abroad will continue. Declared bankrupt both in England and in Russia, Vladimir Kekhman officially has nothing. He had to leave the posts of the head of the theaters, remaining only an artistic director, since by law he does not have the right to occupy managerial positions. However, this does not prevent Mr. Kekhman from living with his young wife in a big way, driving around in luxury limousines and regularly visiting abroad.

Sources in banking circles suggest that most of the assets of Vladimir Kekhman can be taken abroad and hidden.

It should be noted that, simultaneously with the trial in Grasse, the litigation in the case of Vladimir Kekhman in St. Petersburg continues. On Tuesday, the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District dismissed the cassation appeal of the former head of JFC against the decision of lower courts, which, having declared him bankrupt, nevertheless refused to release him from liability for all his multibillion-dollar obligations to creditors. Recall that the largest of them are the Bank of Moscow, Sberbank and several other credit institutions, to which he personally and his structures owe a total of about 20 billion rubles. In their complaint, representatives of Vladimir Kekhman insisted that he was not released from liability for loans, including because the Russian courts recognized one of the decisions of the English court, which recovered 11 billion rubles in favor of the Bank of Moscow. The lawyers of the artistic director of the two theaters argued that it was illegal, as it was issued in violation of the rights of creditors and the norms of Russian law. But, in turn, representatives of the Bank of Moscow indicated that the London court carefully examined the evidence in the case, heard all the witnesses and came to the unequivocal conclusion that Mr. Kekhman hid property offshore and provided deliberately false information when obtaining a loan.

We also recall that earlier Mr. Kekhman and a number of his JFC subordinates were defendants in a criminal case on especially large-scale fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), but a year ago it was reclassified by the investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to a lighter article, and terminated due to the expiration statute of limitations, albeit due to non-rehabilitating circumstances. Mr. Kekhman himself did not answer questions.

The Ruspres agency cited the banana theatergoer's confession about the connection of his company with drug cartels:

Kehman imported bananas from Latin America. Along with fruits, Kehman's ships carried Colombian cocaine. The channel was considered one of the most reliable, as it was connected to a number of influential security officials. In 2010, several members of the federal elite decided to shut down the scheme. And in Kehman's container, which arrived from Ecuador, they found 120 kg of cocaine. Ida Lolo's husband explained:

- Is it true that drugs are often imported with fruit?

The entire drug trade is completely related to bananas.

- But 120 kg of cocaine came with your bananas?

I think there were a lot more.

(René Zellweger), ex-wife Mark Lolo(former President of the Central Partnership).

Biography of Ida Lolo

Ida Lolo(now Kekhman) was born in the summer in Novosibirsk, in the family of hockey player Marat Valeev. Since childhood, the girl devoted all her free time to sports, and as a result she got the position of a coach in one of the first fitness clubs in Belarus. Then Ida Lolo moved to Moscow after her lover, and got a job as a secretary, in between completing a diploma in banking.

When Ida Lolo ended up in a domestic television company, then with the light hand of a mutual friend-producer, she met Mark Lolo, head of the Central Partnership. A month later, he proposed to the girl within the walls of the Sky Lounge restaurant.

Ida Lolo appeared before a hundred guests in a snow-white dress by Christian Lacroix in the "Pavilion" on the Patriarch's Ponds. And then she sang the song “Love, love, buy a red dress!” from the painting "The Bride from the North", the characters of which were very similar to the newlyweds: a Siberian beauty and an Armenian.

Lolo means "big breasts" in French slang. In general, the surname is Assyrian, it has princely roots. All surnames ending in "lo" were of noble origin.

Ida Lolo divorced six years later. They parted peacefully, without scandals and mutual reproaches in gossip columns: she left the keys to the apartment on Ostozhenka and moved to a mansion in the suburbs.

Ida Lolo remains the same charming and athletic girl who inspires instagram with her swimming, equestrian sports, kitesurfing and snowboarding. In addition, now she takes part in advertising campaigns, which she could not afford before because of her serious status.

I'm not going to sink into the shadows. When I was married, I was called more than once to become the muse of designers and the face of their brands, but I refused: for my wife, this is somehow undignified. Why not agree now? In addition, I have a major PR project brewing. Which - I will not say, I'm afraid to jinx it. But I won’t sit in the office - I’ve sat enough already.

Personal life of Ida Lolo

Ida Lolo admits that he cannot appreciate all the delights of shopping. Her stylist is Igor Garanin, and her favorite designers are friends Aizel Trudel (Aizel), Anastasia Ryabtsova (Beryozka showroom) and Alexander Terekhov.

constant companion ida lolo at all events is her pug Zak, who has no less fans than the hostess.

After first marriage to Mark Lolo, Ida married the son of TV presenter Evgeny Kiselev Alexei.

With Lesha, the main problem was that he was trying to increase his speed, I tried to slow down a little in order to come to a common denominator with him. In fact, Alexey did a lot in this marriage, overtook himself at the turn, but did not catch up with me.

Since 2016, Ida has been married to the head of the Novosibirsk State Opera and Ballet Theater Vladimir Kekhman. In April 2017, Ida Lolo gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia. The girl was born prematurely, and Kehman was forced to leave his job to care for the baby. In October 2018, Ida gave birth to her second child, a son whom the couple named David. In an interview, she admits:

“I was the mother of one child, and now two at once. I have a feeling that not twice as many worries, but three. Or maybe I just haven’t learned how to properly plan my life to deal with it.”

Ida spent her pregnancy in Moscow, St. Petersburg and France. Ida gave birth to a daughter in Nice, and decided to give birth to her second child under the supervision of the same doctor, Quassier Tran, whom she completely trusts.

“I haven’t given birth to anyone in Russia yet. But I like that in Nice they take everything calmly. No matter what happens, they say: “Everything is fine. It happens. It's OK". They will never scare you: “But here you have a serious problem.” And you are in a permanently calm state - no matter what actually happens. ”

The child was baptized in the same place, in Nice, in St. Nicholas Cathedral. Vladyka Nestor, Bishop of Korsun, who flew there on purpose, baptized the boy, who also became David's godfather.

The newly-minted director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater lives with an undivorced metropolitan it girl

While avid theater-goers discussed the prospects of the versatile passionary Vladimir Kekhman as director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, the 47-year-old owner of the bankrupt JFC company managed to restore not only the walls of the temple of art, but also his personal life that had fallen into decay. Six months later, an unfinished break with his wife Tatyana, which crossed out 24 years of marriage, the head of two leading Russian theaters found solace in the arms of the radiant blonde Ida Lolo. The ubiquitous metropolitan it girl and carefree adventurer have been sharing with Kekhman both the Siberian exile and the taste of the first victories of the new lover for several months now.

At the premiere of the ballet Spartacus, which opened the 71st season of the renovated NOVAT theater on November 13, Ida and her mother Irina took pride of place in the front row. In just a chair from a 37-year-old girlfriend, Kekhman himself settled down, who did not dare to light up in numerous lenses of photo and television cameras next to a companion just as undivorced as himself.

The couple does not make an open secret out of their tender friendship, but they are in no hurry to flaunt it either. “And here is the director: he shows his retinue the renovated hall of the theater,” the guests talked about the new head of the Siberian Opera on the opening day. The graceful figure of Lolo was not seen in this retinue. However, not finding his beloved in the hall after the third call, outwardly self-satisfied Kekhman immediately grabbed the phone: “Where is Ida? Have you seen her? She is not in the hall, where is Ida?

I don’t go anywhere for a long time to rest, the car is state-owned, the hotel costs five thousand rubles a day. San Sanych (Karelin. - Approx. ed.) feeds, - Kekhman recently complained about the life of a bankrupt in an interview with Tatler magazine.

However, Ida, who ate the dog on the mistakes of past relationships and marriages, does not seem to be afraid of such revelations of a new boyfriend. In her lifestyle, as well as during her life with Mark Lolo, who did not skimp on any of her whims, and Aleksey Kiselyov, though not so generous, but entering the best houses in the world, nothing has changed. Is that the geographic latitude.

The carefree beauty shares a room with Kekhman in the Novosibirsk Marriott hotel overlooking the theater that belongs to him. The officially married lady leaves the room only by noon for a walk in the cold with the pug Zach. After a light meal - a mandatory visit to the most expensive beauty salon in Novosibirsk - Aldo Coppola.

By the time they manage to wind her golden curls, Ida is already waiting for a car to drive Kekhman's chosen one to the theater's service entrance. Life in Siberia for Lolo is no less eventful than in the capital: private dinners with ballet star Ivan Vasilyev, wrestler and statesman Alexander Karelin and several other friends of the new “family” are the minimum program in her schedule. After the premiere, the company arrived at the restaurant of the latter - "Goodman" closer to midnight, before closing, having occupied, to the annoyance of the waiters and cooks who had gathered at home, a large VIP room.

On the day of the premiere, Vladimir and Ida parted separately. But already on Saturday, when the hype in the press around the theater and its new director subsided, the couple calmly settled down on the neighboring chairs of the same first row. The stories of the banana king that Siberia is the only place where he gets enough sleep are readily believed when Kekhman falls asleep right in the middle of the first act. But already at the end of the ballet, Vladimir energetically fluttered into the car in which his beloved was waiting for him. A farewell dinner was already served for them at the Good Year restaurant.

The next day, Lolo and Kekhman were packing their bags - having opened the theater season in Siberia, the couple went to St. Petersburg. It is from the banks of the Neva that a friend of an entrepreneur who has suddenly grown thin to size 48 reports on social networks about the unbearable lightness of life.
