Magic quartz: properties and decorations (photo). Field and production

The use of quartz is quite common in various industries. Before you figure out exactly where this gem is used, you should first understand what it is.

Quartz is a very common mineral that can be found almost anywhere in the world. This mineral has even been discovered on the Moon.

Quartz is one of the main components of sand in the desert and on sea beaches. Pure quartz is often called rock crystal.

People have been using this gem for thousands of years. For example, a few hundred years ago, weapons of labor were made from quartz; closer to our time, this mineral began to be used to create jewelry and decorative items.

Ordinary quartz and lighting technology

Due to such useful properties as a high melting point and a fairly wide range of light transmission, this mineral is used in the lighting industry. In this industry, quartz is mostly used in the form of quartz pipes. Conventionally, the scope of application of this gem in lighting technology can be divided as follows:

  1. Quartz is used to create bactericidal lamps for medical purposes.
  2. Clear quartz plays an important role in the creation of high temperature devices (halogen, mercury).
  3. Creation of lighting devices that block ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Ultrapure quartz is used as a structural element in chemical and medical equipment and semiconductor devices.

The quartz lamp is very popular. This device is used to quartz indoor air (to combat many colds), to treat certain skin diseases, to disinfect food, and to prevent and treat oral diseases.

Rock crystal in cosmetology

Many ladies prefer to use this mineral to maintain beauty and health of the body. The thing is that quartz has an excellent rejuvenating and lifting effect. In addition, this mineral has a general healing effect on the human body.

Many anti-aging cosmetics contain quartz water or microparticles of this mineral. If you can’t buy such cosmetics, then don’t be upset, because at home you can infuse water with quartz and add it to your favorite cosmetics. You can also simply wash your face with this water. If you wash your face with quartz water every day, you can say goodbye to acne on your face once and for all.

Water infused with this mineral is quite easy. You just need to place a small piece of quartz (75 g of gem per 100 g of water) in clean water for 2-3 days. When the miracle cure is ready, it can be used to maintain beauty and improve the health of your body. Such a liquid can be compared to the water of the purest mountain springs or the melt water of glaciers. You can drink quartz water, but no more than 2 glasses per day. You can also cook food on it. Such food will contain much more useful microelements than food prepared with plain water.

Quartz and electronics: features

This mineral is widely used in electronics. Quartz is used to create quartz oscillators and resonators. This gem is used to stabilize the frequency grid in phones.

It's no secret that quartz is used in electromechanical watches. Everyone has heard about the excellent quality and relatively low price of quartz watches. Such watches first appeared 40 years ago, and during this time they gained quite a lot of popularity. Quartz watches are in no way inferior to mechanical ones, and in some respects even surpass them. Such a watch does not need to be wound every day so that its mechanism does not stop, which is very convenient.

Where else is quartz used?

It is quite rare to find large sized completely clear quartz that can be used to make a crystal ball, goblet or other beautiful objects. Crystal goblets are used in rituals to create sacred sound and for meditation. The crystal bowl symbolizes feminine energies that give rise to a new life.

Currently, it is difficult to imagine an experienced magician without a huge number of figurines or pendants made of quartz. It is generally accepted that with the help of this mineral you can learn about the past and future.

Quartz is used to create various amulets. Quartz is considered a protector that liberates the spirit, fights anger, brings harmony between the physical and emotional, and reveals lies. Quartz also has a very positive effect on human memory. Astrologers recommend wearing items made from this gemstone to Libra and Scorpio. People born under these zodiac signs are recommended to wear pendants with quartz. Representatives of other zodiac signs are better off having a small piece of crystal and carrying it in their bosom or pocket.

As a talisman, it is better to set rock crystal in silver. Such a talisman will undoubtedly bring good luck, material well-being and success to its owner.

Due to such useful properties as high strength, high melting point, and wide light transmission band, this gem is also used in science. Special dishes are made from quartz glass. More recently, American dentists have learned to use highly dispersed quartz abrasive to grind tooth enamel to such an extent that the appearance of caries after such a procedure is impossible.

This gem is used in the metallurgical industry. In this case, quartz pipes and sight glasses are made from quartz.

It should be noted that this mineral is used in the nuclear and chemical industries. The thing is that this mineral is resistant to radiation.

Other uses of quartz

Quartz is used in jewelry as inserts in jewelry. Such jewelry looks very beautiful and expensive. Lithotherapists agree that jewelry made from this gem has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Various quartz pendants and beads can cope with colds.

Gyroscopes and glass for spacecraft can be made from the purest quartz. For example, Kyshtym quartz was used to create protective composite panels for a spacecraft that has been in space more than once.

Quartz is also used in optics.

This is possible thanks to the main feature of this gem (breadth of light transmission, including in the infrared and ultraviolet ranges). Based on quartz, multi-component and single-component glasses are “cooked” to create telescopes, microscopes, gyroscopes, and lenses.

This mineral has a piezoelectric effect. The piezoelectric effect is used to produce ultrasound. Because of this ability, quartz was used during World War II to detect enemy submarines.

Quartz is used to make excellent heat-resistant dishes that can be placed on fire without fear.

Prasem (prasiolite), or green quartz, is a unique green-gray mineral, which is very often used as a fairly inexpensive, but at the same time very original stone for jewelry.

Magical and healing properties of the stone

It has long been believed that the main properties of green quartz are excellent filtration and water purification. A liquid infused with this mineral for a long time can be used for various cosmetic purposes. Today, a huge number of different products are made based on such water. Women are recommended to wash their face with this liquid before going to bed, as it provides the necessary tone to the skin, adding elasticity, which helps maintain youth and beauty.

In addition, this excellent procedure allows you to remove acne. Green quartz also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. If you wear a pendant made of mineral all the time, you can protect yourself from colds.

There is an ancient belief that magicians and sorcerers used green quartz to carry out their rituals. are as follows:

  • The mineral has a calming effect.
  • The stone can improve the psychological perception of life.
  • It has a positive effect on the general condition of the human body.
  • In single people, the mineral increases the desire to start a family.

Green quartz as a talisman

The mineral is an excellent amulet that actually helps with various diseases. Green quartz calms, helps overcome stressful moods and brings a certain harmony to a person’s physical and mental state.

The stone has a beneficial effect on all internal organs and helps strengthen the cardiovascular system. The mineral is effective in combating excessive emotionality. It is believed that due to the direct influence of green quartz, people discover extrasensory abilities. The mineral promotes daydreaming.

Green quartz is a stone whose properties are considered magical. It allows you to find the truth, gain confidence, and helps you achieve great success.

Artificial quartz

Natural quartz is most often used in jewelry, but today there are many substitutes. As a rule, green quartz is created by heat treating yellow and purple minerals. Often used When heated to 5 thousand degrees, it changes its yellow color to green. This method of making artificial stone has long been known to jewelry makers. Ural craftsmen obtained green quartz by baking citrine in loaves of bread. To obtain an artificial mineral, Indian craftsmen used sunlight, which was directed onto the stone using complex systems of mirrors and lenses.

Green Quartz Jewelry

As a talisman, quartz should be used in a silver frame, since it is in combination with this valuable metal that it best attracts financial well-being and success. In addition, the mineral makes it possible to find devoted and faithful love. When a person greatly needs protection and patronage, he should wear this stone in a cross made of platinum or silver. It is in this form that green quartz makes it possible to establish a connection with your guardian angel.

Quartz is a talisman against negative energy and the evil eye. People who want to strengthen their family are advised to choose amulets made from this stone.

Who should wear green mineral?

Prazem likes open, brave and honest people more. Quartz will help a selfless and kind person, but if the owner of the mineral does not have these qualities, the stone can even cause harm. A ring with quartz should be worn when concluding agreements or business negotiations, as it looks beautiful, and at the same time additionally attracts financial status and good luck.

Green quartz has truly miraculous properties and protects its owner in absolutely any difficult situation.

Considering that this stone has a delicate and beautiful shade, you need to choose the appropriate wardrobe for it. Quartz can perfectly complement classic clothes or a sophisticated and elegant dress.

Benefits of Quartz

The main advantage of this stone is that it:

  • looks great;
  • perfectly amenable to processing;
  • has high strength.

All these properties make it possible to make a huge amount of exquisite and elegant jewelry from quartz, which will be appropriate at absolutely any time.

There is an opinion that such an unusual stone should be worn only on the left hand, regardless of what kind of product it is - a bracelet or a ring, since this is the only way it can help its owner.

It should be noted that natural stone can fade significantly and become almost colorless during prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

This rather original and magnificent mineral is quite difficult to obtain, since it is rarely found in nature. Most often it is extracted artificially.

Quartz Care

When purchasing items with natural stones or precious metals, you need to know how to properly care for them.

Since green quartz is considered a fairly durable stone, to thoroughly clean it, the mineral only needs to be treated with a soft brush or washed in a light aqueous solution based on washing powder. If the stone is in a frame made of silver, then after cleaning the item must be rinsed well under running water.

Any jewelry with quartz should be stored as far as possible from heating devices and avoid high humidity. It is advisable that every item has its own bag or box, since this is how you can prevent scratches and deformation of the jewelry.

There is no need to leave quartz in the sun for a long time, as this will quickly cause the stone to lose its natural shine and become almost colorless. Green quartz is harmed by strong and sudden temperature changes, so the mineral can also quickly lose its rich tone and even become discolored. You can return the color to the stone using irradiation, but the shade will no longer be the same as before.

In order for quartz jewelry to be shiny and beautiful for a long time, it is necessary to wipe the stone from time to time with a soft sponge, removing various contaminants and small particles of dust.

Rose quartz is a translucent pink crystal. It is used not only as a jewelry material, but also as an ornamental material, making various figurines and figurines. This one its shade is considered quite rare, and the main deposit is in Brazil. But those who know a lot about precious and semi-precious minerals have special respect for rose quartz for its magical, beneficial and healing characteristics that can significantly affect human health and life.

Magical characteristics of the stone

Rose quartz is not a simple crystal, and you should not wear it continuously, because it can immerse a person in an illusory world, depriving him of the ability to adequately assess the surrounding reality. A side effect may be the formation of tumors and growths in the body. Due to these properties of the stone, rose quartz is recommended to be worn only by those for whom it suits energetically, and only on Fridays and Sundays. Rose quartz also has different properties for women and men, giving the former happiness in love, marriage and family affairs, and the latter, the stone enhances attractiveness to the opposite sex and sexual energy.

This soft pink crystal promotes good luck in love and matters of the heart. Thanks to him, unmarried girls can attract love into their lives, and it will definitely be mutual, and they can also get married quickly. It also heals heart wounds well and soothes the soul, granting forgiveness and getting rid of old grievances.

This mineral is also called the “stone of joy”, because those who possess it are always in high spirits and filled with optimism. And if a person wears jewelry with this crystal for some time, he will be able to get rid of stress and irritability.

They say that rose quartz patronizes people of art. Writers, artists and musicians are recommended to have a ball or pyramid made of this crystal on their desk. He able to unleash the full power of talent and gives inspiration, and also makes a person confident in himself and his abilities and attracts success.

If you make a pendulum from a thread and a piece of rose quartz, then its vibrations will indicate those places in the house in which there is a concentration of dark forces and bad energy.

In order not to disturb the magical qualities and beautiful color of the gem, it Don't keep it in the sun for a long time, and choosing jewelry with a minimal frame is best made of silver.

Beneficial and healing properties of crystal

This beautiful pink mineral is considered the guardian of health and longevity for its ability to influence the general condition of the body. If you periodically wear jewelry made from such quartz, then it is possible to reduce the manifestation of diseases:

  • nervous system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • lymphatic system;
  • pancreas.

Surprisingly, this crystal is able to reduce any inflammatory processes in the body and even suppress diabetes at any stage.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Rose quartz also affects representatives of the zodiac signs differently, not all of whom are energetically compatible with the magical properties of this stone. Since, in addition to the pink tint, it has a fairly wide color palette and, accordingly, different magical characteristics, in some cases it is better to prefer quartz of a different shade or purchase another gem.

  • Aries will correspond to a snowy or purple crystal, which will help bring things started to completion, muffle selfishness and give sensitivity in communicating with family and friends.

Agate, -jasper-, tiger's eye, serpentine, crystal, hematite.

  • Taurus It is worth paying attention to the green and gray mineral. It will give temperamental representatives of this sign success in love affairs and endow them with self-confidence. It will make Taurus wiser and more reasonable, and will also warn of danger.

Suitable stones: aventurine, agate, cacholong, lapis lazuli, onyx, zircon, jasper, spinel.

  • Gemini It is better to give preference to red and yellow minerals. They will help smooth out bad character traits, give success in matters of the heart and help develop intuition. It is believed that these gems can bring good luck in business.

Suitable stones: cat's eye, opal, chalcedony, citrine, chrysoprase, jade, alexandrite, pearl, emerald.

  • Cancer It is better to wear a smoky or purple crystal. It helps to reach heights in the field of spiritual growth, make important decisions, while maintaining endurance and vigilance. It will also bring good luck in love and help relieve nervous tension and stress.

Suitable stones: aquamarine, belomorite, hematite, emerald, pearl, cat's eye.

  • Leos It is ideally favored by rose quartz, which enhances insight, attracts prosperity, protects against poverty and gives a carefree life. This crystal is also a talisman against all sorts of troubles.

Suitable stones: ruby, diamond, sardonyx, amber, sapphire, topaz, peridot.

  • Virgos you need to purchase jewelry only with sugar, purple, red and rose quartz. It is these minerals that bring Virgos luck and luck in all matters, eliminate suspiciousness and give clarity of mind. In addition, they contribute to the accumulation of positive energy and serve as a good talisman against evil forces.

Suitable stones: jasper, carnelian, amethyst, lapis lazuli, aventurine, jade.

  • Libra It is better to have jewelry with a smoky or yellow crystal, which enhances love spells, assists in amorous affairs, gives spiritual harmony and promotes speedy healing from any illness.

Suitable stones: rock crystal, lapis lazuli, diamond, amethyst, amber, jade.

  • Scorpio you need to choose brown, smoky quartz and hairy quartz. They can bring good luck in gambling, help in achieving goals and reveal the gift of clairvoyance.

Suitable stones: alexandrite, apatite, jet, garnet, topaz.

  • Sagittarius, like Leos, rose quartz corresponds very well, attracting good luck into their lives, preventing them from committing rash acts. And with this gem they will find peace of mind and harmony.

Suitable stones: opal, peridot, topaz, garnet, agate, turquoise.

  • Capricorns We advise you to pay attention to a smoky or milky crystal, which will protect them from the evil eye and diseases, and will also help develop intuition, charge them with optimism and help in all matters.

Suitable stones: sardonyx, chalcedony, opal, chrysoprase.

  • Aquarius It is worth choosing a golden crystal that will reveal sensuality and give vitality. This crystal will attract joy and a positive attitude like a magnet, and will also bring good luck in travel.

Suitable stones:, obsidian, serpentine, pearls, jasper, jade, aventurine.

  • Fish I am also among the lucky ones for whom rose quartz is energetically suitable. It will bring this sign success in business, protect against negative energy, give peace of mind, improve health and help in love.

Suitable stones: coral, opal, emerald, belomorite, spinel, jet.

If this unusually beautiful mineral suits you, then be sure to add a piece with it to your jewelry collection. Wear the pink crystal correctly, love it and believe in its power, and then you will definitely feel its positive influence on yourself. What characteristics of rose quartz can you confirm from your own experience? Tell us about it in the comments.

Quartz is a stone that makes a great addition to any piece of jewelry. It should be noted that almost 50% of the earth’s crust consists of this gem. In its pure form, quartz is a completely transparent, solid, hexagonal crystal with a pointed tip. This stone is distinguished by its exceptional hardness. According to this indicator, it is second only to diamonds, corundum and topaz.

Pure quartz without impurities is often called rock crystal. Another distinctive feature of this gem is that it has very high thermal conductivity, which is why the surface always remains cold. This property of the stone has been used since ancient times. For example, in ancient Rome, special bowls were made from quartz, in which noble people washed their hands during the hot season.

When describing the most significant properties of quartz, one cannot fail to mention its resistance to chemicals. This stone can only be dissolved in molten alkali and hydrofluoric acid. And to melt this gem you will also have to try very hard. This can only be achieved at a temperature of at least 1700°C. Thanks to all these positive qualities, it is almost impossible to spoil quartz jewelry under normal conditions.

Quartz stone: primary colors

This gem can have many colors and shades. As mentioned above, rock crystal is absolutely transparent, since it does not contain any impurities. Almost the same can be said about milky white quartz. There are no impurities in its composition, and the opacity is easily explained by the large number of bubbles of liquids and gases inside. The milky tint may appear due to many tiny internal cracks.

Quartz crystals of bright colors are most often used to create jewelry. For example, pink, yellow (citrine), black (morion), brown (aventurine), blue (ice quartz), purple (amethyst), green (prazem), golden, bright red (hematite) and blue are very popular gems.

This stone may have a cryptocrystalline structure. In this case we are talking about chalcedony. These include agates, chrysoprase, onyx, and carnelian.

Healing properties of the stone

Since ancient times, various medicinal properties have been attributed to this gem. For example, with the help of quartz you can cope with such ailments as:

  1. Respiratory diseases.
  2. It is generally accepted that if you constantly carry a piece of a crystal of this gem with you, you can get rid of a cold quite quickly.
  3. Crystal quartz has a positive effect on the frontal and crown chakras.
  4. Many lithotherapists agree that this gem will bring great benefits if placed in water for a while. If you wash your face with this water every day, you can soon forget about many skin problems. Thanks to this water, the skin on your face will become firmer and more elastic.
  5. Baths with such water can rejuvenate the skin of your hands in a very short time.
  6. Quartz water can be used for compresses for various wounds, bruises, cuts and burns.

Magical properties of the mineral

Many people choose to buy quartz crystals because of their magical properties.

In ancient times, it was believed that through this gem the fire of the gods reached our planet, so it was quartz that was used to create lenses and balls, thanks to which altars were lit in temples.
Young people who could not find their soulmate for a long time bought any jewelry with quartz. It was believed that thanks to such a purchase, a person would very soon have an object of sympathy.

Describing the magical properties of this stone, one cannot help but say that it calls for success, luck and material well-being.

Quartz also improves imagination and helps activate thought processes.

  1. With the help of this stone, the priests learned everything they wanted about the past and future. However, only a true specialist can use quartz to look into the past or future. If an amateur tries to do this, then there is a high probability that he will confuse everything and begin to wishful thinking. It is not for nothing that this gem is often called the stone of illusion.
  2. The mineral quartz improves memory and makes the speech of its owner more vivid.
  3. Pink gem increases male potency and protects women during pregnancy.
  4. The milk mineral helps with meditation, as it helps clear thoughts.
  5. Smoky quartz is best worn by business people. This stone will help businessmen make the right choice in difficult situations.
  6. brings peace.

Almost every type of this gem relieves fears and helps fight stress.

A description of the magical properties of this mineral will be incomplete without noting the fact that it quickly clears the entire space of bad energy.

As a talisman, this mineral is best worn with silver. It is with this semi-precious metal that quartz will help attract good luck, lasting love relationships and material wealth. If a person wants to strengthen the connection with his guardian angel, then this gem is best worn in a platinum or silver cross.

Stone deposit

As mentioned above, there is a lot of this mineral in the earth’s crust, but you can’t find a gem-quality stone everywhere. For example, a beautiful pink gem can be obtained in Ukraine and Karelia. Expensive smoky quartz can be found in the Urals.

Purple quartz stone is found in large quantities in Sri Lanka, Brazil and Uruguay.

More recently, amethyst deposits have been found in Chukotka, Kamchatka and Central Asia.

Rhenish, Arkansas, Bohemian and Alaskan rock crystal, which in its purity and incredible brilliance is comparable to diamond and looks simply magnificent, is of great interest among buyers.

Quartz and zodiac signs

No professional astrologer can say for sure which zodiac sign this mineral is most suitable for. The thing is that all varieties of quartz are so different from each other that it would be a big mistake to generalize them.

For example, rock crystal for any zodiac sign will be a good amulet against unpleasant situations. Yellow or golden quartz is recommended for Aries and Leo. Citrine can bring great luck to these zodiac signs. But Scorpios better refuse to buy a yellow gem, otherwise they will not be able to avoid troubles. This stone is also not suitable for Gemini and Virgo.

This purple mineral is ideal for Aquarius. It will help in any life situations.

Quartz, like any other stone, should be cleaned from time to time. Fortunately, this does not require spending a lot of time and effort. As mentioned above, this mineral is durable, so it is almost impossible to scratch or damage it. To clean a gem from impurities and foreign energy, you just need to rinse it under running warm, clean water. After this, you can continue to wear your favorite stone.

Which zodiac sign is suitable for jewelry with quartz?

Quartz is an amazing mineral that can take on different forms. In its pure form it is either colorless or white. However, there are a great variety of multi-colored species with impurities. Each has a special connotation and equal value to the others. Depending on the appearance and structure, different properties are attributed to stones. The power of influence on the owner may differ depending on the zodiac signs.

People born under the constellation Aries are best suited for purple and snow quartz. For a not-too-insightful and persistent Aries, the gem will help to believe in their own strengths, force them to complete the work they have begun, and ignite those around them with positivity. Purple quartz extinguishes selfishness and makes you treat your neighbors with sensitivity.

Friendly but stubborn Taurus will suit quartz in green and gray shades. The first will add prudence and wisdom, warn of impending danger, and maintain high spirits. With smoky quartz (rauchtopaz) it is easy to find the right solution to the problem that has arisen. This mineral instills optimism in the heart, gives good spirits, and helps in love relationships. With the help of the mineral, the indecisive Taurus gains confidence in his own abilities.

Changeable and charming Geminis should choose red and yellow varieties of gemstones for jewelry and amulets. With red, bad character traits are smoothed out. Geminis can count on success in romantic relationships; the stone attracts good luck. Golden quartz protects against the evil eye and develops intuition. Recommended for wearing when doing business.

Cancers are suitable for purple and smoky quartz. The first helps to achieve heights in the spiritual sphere. Gives the owner endurance and awakens vigilance. Long contemplation of the processed mineral relieves nervous tension. Smoky, on the other hand, relieves stress, helps in solving important issues, and supports in matters of the heart. This type of stone is not recommended to be worn in combination with other gemstones.

Fire Leo is constancy and ambitious. Rose quartz suits him best. The stone enhances insight, protects from various troubles and attracts well-being. Healing properties are also attributed to him. Wearing rose quartz will relieve headaches, improve skin color and blood circulation. The mineral also protects against poverty and promises a long, carefree life.

Virgo, symbolizing purity, prefers sugar quartz. Rose and purple quartz are ideal for her. Red also has a beneficial effect. The stone brings good luck, luck, and helps in solving problems. Accumulates positive energy in the owner. A purple crystal will be good as a talisman. He will protect ill-wishers from bad thoughts. The red-hued mineral eliminates suspiciousness and brings clarity of mind.

Jewelry with smoky and yellow quartz is suitable for Libra. The mineral enhances the owner’s love spell and helps in resolving issues of the heart. Yellow quartz brings harmony to life and has a healing effect.

Opaque crystals are suitable for Scorpios: brown, smoky and hairy (rutile). The first one makes Scorpios lucky; it is worn by gamblers and gambling people. The second patronizes the female sex more. Rutile quartz is a talisman for soothsayers and helps in achieving their goals.

A talisman with rose quartz will bring good luck to Sagittarius. It helps to navigate subtle matters and brings peace to the soul. It prevents you from committing rash acts that could harm the health of its owner.

Capricorns are better off choosing jewelry with smoky and milky quartz. Rauchtopaz protects the owner from illness and the evil eye, and develops intuition. The stone teaches you to draw strength from communicating with people. The milky mineral is a good helper in business and gives its owner optimism.

The most beautiful golden quartz enhances the creativity of Aquarius. It develops sensuality and fills with vitality. Golden-colored quartz attracts joy, provides a positive attitude, and brings good luck to travelers.

Blue, green and pink stones are suitable for Pisces to wear. Rare blue quartz brings success in business. Green will protect against negative energy and bring peace of mind. A pink gem will improve health and help in love endeavors.
