Solcoseryl ointment for the skin around the eyes. Is it possible to apply solcoseryl to the face against wrinkles?

Hello, dear readers. There are many recipes floating around on the Internet that contain one magical ingredient - solcoseryl for the face. There will be a lot of interesting things and one cautious piece of advice.

All means are good

This expression is very suitable for Solcoseryl ointment - the winner of wrinkles. The substances that make up Solcoseryl improve the supply of oxygen to the body's cells, the skin recovers faster due to the formation of collagen. These qualities of the product are widely used in medicine.

What is solcoseryl? This is a drug extracted from the blood plasma of small calves that are still in dairy age. It is during this period that the blood of any animal contains a myriad of useful active substances.

Gels and ointments containing components of the blood of young animals have been used in cosmetology. But before you try the drug on yourself, you need to read the instructions. And it says that first dimexide diluted with water is applied to the face in a ratio of 1:10.

Dimexide itself is a very useful remedy, but it has such a specific smell that someone may not be able to stand it. The gel also has the scent of meat and Vaseline, but to get rid of wrinkles, all products are good.

How to use? You can apply the gel in its pure form, or you can make a mask. First, dimexide, an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent, is applied to the face, and then a fairly thick layer of gel is applied, all this is left for an hour.

Dimexide enhances the effect of the components, ensuring better penetration of beneficial substances into the epidermis. After this procedure, the dermis becomes elastic, smooth, velvety, as if glowing from within, and wrinkles are smoothed out. In a word, the drug works to rejuvenate the epidermis.

Many women recommend applying the mask only 2 times a month, others advise every 3 days. The second technique is more suitable for ladies with dull, sagging skin. The fact that the magic medicines “Solcoseryl” and “Dimexide” get rid of wrinkles is confirmed by many women.

It is better to apply this mask after a bath, that is, on a steamed face, then the effect will be much better.

Be careful, dimexide can cause an allergic reaction! First, apply it to your wrist, leave it for a day, if there is no itching or redness, then apply gel or ointment to the same area, also wait 24 hours. If everything is fine, then you can use this tool.

Use of the drug

This medicine is used to restore tissue in cases of frostbite, first and second degree burns, and atherosclerosis of the arteries. This drug is especially useful in the treatment of weeping wounds, bedsores, and trophic ulcers.

There are practically no contraindications, only childhood, as well as hypersensitivity to the ingredients.

Solcoseryl is also used for injection, providing an antioxidant effect, improving blood circulation, protecting the walls of blood vessels through which blood flows.

But in cosmetology, ointments and gels purified from proteins are used. Purification is of great importance, because it leads to the fact that only stimulators of cell restoration, as well as useful amino acids and trace elements, remain in the composition of the drug.

Solcoseryl for the face instead of Botox

Many fashionistas claim that the drugs can be used in place of Botox, that is, they are good for the face because they remove even deep wrinkles.

After checking for allergies, clean your face thoroughly with gel or soap, preferably neutral. Then, moisten a cotton pad and apply diluted dimexide. After this, apply a thick layer of Solcoseryl gel to your face, sprinkling the skin with water.

You can use ointment, it will tighten the skin less.

Rejuvenating mask

To get a rejuvenating solution, you need to take:

  • Dimexide compound with clean water 1 to 10;
  • drip into it, lubricate your face;
  • apply “Solcoseryl”;
  • Keep the mask on for 1 hour, constantly moisturizing your face to avoid a hard crust. Then wash with water.

Which is better, gel or ointment?

At the pharmacy you will definitely be asked what you need, gel or ointment? What is their difference? Ointment is a greasy product that will clog pores, so it is not suitable for oily dermis; for dry skin it is an excellent product.

And the gel contains propylene glycol, due to which it penetrates better into the epidermis. Therefore, it will be better for the face to alternate the use of ointment and gel.

For healing damaged tissues

For these purposes, adhesive paste is used - a biological substance obtained from the blood of small calves by ultrafiltration. It is used for rapid healing of wounds, cuts, and also in the treatment of herpes. The paste acts as an anesthetic, healing agent and even as a bandage.

Under the influence of this drug, new blood vessels are created, the blood supply to tissues is normalized, and wounds quickly heal without the formation of rough scars. The affected area should be treated with paste 1-2 times a day. The drug can be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For long-term non-healing ulcers and wounds, Solcoseryl is used in ampoules. It is prescribed as an injection when other medications do not help. In cosmetology, ampoules are used to treat inflammation of the skin.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Solcoseryl in the fight against wrinkles leads to the following changes in the epidermis:

  • deep hydration occurs;
  • the production of elastane begins, which helps restore skin elasticity;
  • the dermis is nourished;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • new, healthy fibers are formed;
  • the dermis becomes elastic, the face becomes fresh, free of wrinkles.

Fly in the ointment

A wonderful tool, isn't it? And now - the opinion of a cosmetologist who does not scare, but warns

Well, that's all. Now you know everything about using solcoseryl on the face - both the benefits and the dangers. If you want, try taking a rejuvenation course, perhaps you won’t have to resort to dangerous injections, and then write your reviews under this article. I think everyone will be very interested.

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Do you want to know whether using Solcoseryl ointment for the face helps with wrinkles?

Check out this article. In it you will find useful information about the composition of the product, as well as how to apply it correctly to achieve the expected results.

The main effect of the Solcoseryl group of pharmaceutical preparations, intended for external and subcutaneous use, is aimed at improving cellular metabolic processes.

The production of this ointment is carried out by the famous Swiss company ICN Pharmaceuticals, which occupies top positions in the pharmaceutical market.

The popularity of Solcoseryl is justified by its action. Many of those who regularly use this unique ointment and leave their reviews on the Internet really notice an improvement in their skin condition.

However, there are also skeptics who believe that the promises of the Solcoseryl brand are nothing more than a commercial move.

If you want to understand this issue and find out whether this gel can be used at home to improve the condition of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté and get rid of wrinkles, then read this article.

Reviews from people who have used the product confirm that the composition of Solcoseryl ointment does not contain proteins and various antigenic components that can play the role of strong allergens.

The ointment is enriched with plant extracts and other organic components, but despite this, it cannot be called completely natural.

The main active substance that gives Solcoseryl products their unique effect is the hemodialysate component isolated from the blood of calves.

Hemodialysate is not easy to obtain, so this ingredient is of great value. It is an excellent product that can easily transport various beneficial components into the deep layers of the skin.

Regular use of a product that contains hemodialysate allows you to harmonize the acidity of the skin and saturate its deep layers with moisture and oxygen.

Reviews from cosmetologists who closely monitor the testing of skin care and pharmaceutical products that contain this component indicate its effectiveness.

In addition to hemodialysate, the composition of Solcoseryl includes the following ingredients:

  1. Vaseline - softens the upper layer of the dermis, creates a thin protective barrier that retains moisture;
  2. purified water – moisturizes the skin;
  3. cholesterol is an organic fatty alcohol that stimulates the regeneration processes of the epidermis and heals microwounds;
  4. cetyl alcohol, extracted from coconut raw materials, cleanses and tightens enlarged pores, removes toxins.

The complex action of all the components that make up a product such as Solcoseryl ointment allows you to launch regenerative processes in the cells of the epidermis, activate the production of collagen and elastin, increase the bioavailability of glucose obtained from food, nourish the skin with life-giving moisture and rid it of fine wrinkles and mild forms acne.

Solcoseryl ointment is not the only product in this pharmacy series. In addition to the indicated ointment, it includes gel, tablets, and ampoule solutions for intradermal injections.

All these products are used in cosmetology, but for home rejuvenation of facial skin and getting rid of wrinkles, only ointments and gels can be used.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Solcoseryl

If you notice the appearance of the first wrinkles on your face, then do not hesitate, but start getting rid of them at the stage of their occurrence. The sooner you start fighting age-related changes in your facial skin, the more effective it will be.

Reviews of girls who have ever used Solcoseryl claim that with its help you can really get rid of wrinkles.

Regular application of the product, which can be smeared not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté, shows a real improvement in the appearance of these areas: tightening of skin turgor, appearance of elasticity, smoothing of facial wrinkles and getting rid of other imperfections.

Reviews that talk about negative experiences using this product are extremely rare.

If you want to get rid of wrinkles or other imperfections (acne, post-acne or pigmentation), then apply Solcoseryl ointment or gel directly to the area that bothers you in a fairly dense layer.

To neutralize minor cosmetic imperfections of the skin, improve its turgor and even out the complexion, you should smear Solcoseryl gel over the entire surface of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Both gel and ointment can be applied to the face both in the morning and in the evening. Please note: it will take some time for the product to be completely absorbed.

An ointment with a thicker texture will be an excellent alternative to your usual evening skin care.

There are a number of contraindications that limit or prohibit the use of this pharmaceutical drug.

Many allergy sufferers are interested in whether they can get rid of wrinkles with the help of Solcoseryl?

Both the ointment and the gel, created on the basis of hemodialysate, do not contain potentially dangerous antigens in their composition.

However, if you are allergic to any of the components with which the formula is enriched, then it is better not to use it.

In addition, both ointment and gel Solcoseryl for wrinkles are not recommended for use by those people whose skin has herpes manifestations, purulent abscesses, and colloidal scars.

You can find out that Solcoseryl is not suitable for you by observing the following types of problems: the occurrence of swelling, the presence of severe itching and burning, loss of smell and taste when eating.

How to use Solcoseryl?

According to reviews left on the Internet, Solcoseryl ointment really helps get rid of wrinkles.

If you want to get smooth and glowing skin, then learn how to make rejuvenating and sipping masks based on Solcoseryl ointment.

It is important to understand that masks with Solcoseryl are not a panacea for all problems. Of course, they improve the general condition of the skin and make it more beautiful, but, unfortunately, such masks cannot give it drastic changes.

Remember: you can only apply the product you prepared to cleansed and dry skin. All masks whose recipes are contained in this article have a number of individual contraindications for use.

Before experiencing the miraculous effect of any of these products on your facial skin, apply a small amount of the mask to the skin on the bend of your elbow or behind your ear, and observe the reaction of the epidermis.

To enhance the effect of any mask with Solcoseryl, you can apply it to pre-steamed skin.

To prepare a homemade mask based on Solcoseryl, which will fight expression wrinkles, you should take a teaspoon of ointment and mix it with capsule vitamins A and E (or with capsule “Aevit”).

You should smear such a mask on your face not with a cosmetic brush, but with your fingers, so that the product melts from their warmth.

Leave the mask on your face for half an hour or forty-five minutes, then remove any remaining cream and oils using a cotton pad moistened with plain water.

The recipe for the following mask based on Solcoseryl involves the use of a pharmaceutical product such as Dimexide.

To prepare this mask, you should dissolve one teaspoon of Dimexide in ten tablespoons of warm, clean water. The resulting product should be used as a tonic.

Dampen a cotton pad with it and gently wipe your face (avoiding the area under the eyes). After Dimexide, dissolved in water, is absorbed into the skin, apply a thick layer of ointment to it and leave on the face for one hour.

Solcoseryl for wrinkles around the eyes, dark circles and bags has become an alternative option for many women. Instead of expensive and sometimes unsafe procedures. However, there are also “pitfalls” here that should not be forgotten. Today the site will tell you about why this pharmaceutical ointment has become so popular recently.

Why choose Solcoseryl for wrinkles under the eyes? Attention to the composition!

This drug began to be used as an independent remedy or as part of masks due to its composition. The active component is an extract (calf blood). It contains a lot of protein. This substance allows you to accelerate the rate of oxygen transfer to various cells. And this, in turn, activates the production of collagen in the skin. The bioavailability of glucose increases. Another advantage of this ingredient is that it allows you to quickly heal small cracks, wounds, and abrasions.

Solcoseryl allows:

  • moisturize the skin intensively and deeply,
  • saturate it with useful components,
  • enhance the production of collagen and elastin.

After using Solcoseryl, the skin should become more hydrated and take on a well-groomed appearance. The color of the dermis improves and the relief is evened out.

Use in its pure form

What is the easiest way to use Solcoseryl? You should not use ointment for wrinkles under the eyes; it is better to choose a gel form. Why so, read below. It is applied in the evenings. You should first cleanse your skin. Be sure to remove all makeup from your eyelids, carefully and carefully. Apply the cream in a thin layer and leave it on overnight. And in the morning, wash it off with water. It is worth using a cleanser with a mild and gentle composition.

Solcoseryl + Dimexide

You can make a mask for which, in addition to Solcoseryl, you will need to buy Dimexide. Briefly about this drug, the site can say that it is famous for its transport properties. That is, it increases the permeability of skin cells. This effect allows the active ingredients of Solcoseryl to reach the deep layers of the dermis more quickly.

So, step-by-step instructions for preparing such a mask that rejuvenates the skin of the eyelids:

  • apply a solution of Dimexide, for which you will need to take water - proportions 1 to 10;
  • saturate the disc or tampon with the resulting water, then walk over the previously cleansed skin of your face;
  • Now, without delay, apply a thin layer of Solcoseryl gel under the eyes, hold it for an hour;
  • rinse off, to do this you should use a cleansing foam of light consistency.

For those whose skin is not very sensitive, you can leave the composition on overnight.

The procedure does not need to be performed daily. A couple of times a month is fine if you use the mask as a preventive measure. Or there are very few wrinkles yet.

If you have aging skin, then it is worth taking a thirty-day course. But between these procedures, also take three days. You will be able to see visible results in about fourteen to twenty days. It all depends on your skin type, its condition and other factors.

Similar masks with Solcoseryl around the eyes can be supplemented with some other products. As they say, such actions will give more effect. Here's what we do step by step:

  • You can drop a drop of orange essential oil into the mask (preferably sweet Sicilian);
  • after the mask we apply;
  • We also rub in Curiosin-gel - but twice a day, and this is in the interval between the use of solcoseryl.

Attention! Warning!

Solcoseryl can be smeared around the eyes, but you should not apply it directly to the eyelids without checking the sensitivity of your skin. After all, especially in this area, the skin is so sensitive that it can cause an allergic reaction.

Firstly, Solcoseryl - ointment - do not apply under the eyes. Use only gel that does not contain petroleum jelly. It is not so greasy and penetrates the skin much easier.

Secondly, before using the gel for thin and sensitive eyelid skin, we recommend allergy test. Apply the preparation to a small area of ​​skin, for example, on the elbow. Now watch the reaction. If everything is fine throughout the day, that is, there is no redness, the skin is not irritated, then you can try applying the gel to your eyelids.


Solcoseryl ointment is not usually used in cosmetology under the eyes. This can only be done at home, as you learned just above, using not even an ointment, but a gel. Although in fairness it should be noted that some cosmetologists use masks with this product themselves and advise some of their clients, since the effectiveness, as they say, is obvious.

Solcoseryl should not be used if there are contraindications:

  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding,
  • you have been diagnosed with kidney or liver diseases, and it does not matter whether they occur in an acute or chronic form at this stage,
  • The diagnosis is cataract or atherosclerosis.

It is no secret that currently many medications are very often used in cosmetology to care for hair, facial skin or body. Solcoseryl, used in various masks, is one of these drugs.


Solcoseryl in cosmetology for the face against wrinkles

Solcoseryl preparations are available in various forms: ointment, cream, paste, ampoules or tablets. The composition of Solcoseryl products is based on an extract from the blood of dairy calves, which contains a number of natural components that easily penetrate skin cells and have a rejuvenating effect. In addition, medications, in particular gel and ointment, contain: petroleum jelly, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin, cholesterol, which improves the regeneration of the skin, cetyl alcohol - protects the skin, retains moisture, removes toxins and harmful substances.

How do Solcoseryl preparations act on the skin? Thanks to the large number of useful substances, Solcoseryl gel and ointment:

  • fights wrinkles, makes the skin firm, elastic, smooth;
  • removes inflammation, pimples, blackheads, restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • gives the face a healthy, fresh, radiant appearance;
  • tightens the facial contour;
  • accelerates skin cell regeneration.

Solcoseryl preparations act as natural activators, thereby significantly increasing the functioning of cells, accelerating skin renewal, and promoting its rapid rejuvenation.

As mentioned above, Solcoseryl preparations are available in several forms:

  • ointment, gel Solcoseryl used in cosmetology as the basis of masks that tighten the skin, remove wrinkles, nourish and moisturize the skin, remove inflammation, make the skin elastic and firm;
  • ampoules or injections (solution for injection)– used to treat inflammation, acne, wounds and severe burns;
  • Solcoseryl tablets designed to improve trophism in tissues, they significantly improve blood circulation, thereby accelerating tissue regeneration and renewal.

IMPORTANT! In cosmetology, Solcoseryl is used for skin care in the form of ointments or gels. The use of tablets or solutions should be supported by the prescription of a professional physician.

Solcoseryl adhesive dental paste and jelly

Solcoseryl adhesive dental paste and jelly can be used for all age categories. This drug is used externally for rapid healing and protection of the wound surface. May also act as a pain reliever. The paste forms a thin film on the mucous membrane, which protects against mechanical thermal damage for a long time.

Dental paste is indicated for:

  • damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth, lips, gums;
  • gingivitis, stomatitis, periodantosis;
  • jamming near the corners of the mouth;
  • complicated eruption of baby teeth in children.

The jelly is intended exclusively for external local use in the area of ​​the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The paste is applied to a previously cleaned and slightly dried area in a thin layer using your fingers or a cotton swab. Then lightly moisten with plain clean water. The procedure is carried out 4-5 six times a day, until the symptoms disappear completely.

Solcoseryl ointment and gel - Instructions for use

Solcoseryl ointment or gel is a plasma filtrate obtained from the blood of healthy dairy calves and completely purified from proteins. Regardless of the form of release Solcoseryl:

  • has a stimulating effect on tissue growth;
  • increases the production of natural collagen;
  • enhances skin regeneration and its rapid renewal;
  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • improves cellular “respiration”.

Indications for the use of ointment or gel are:

  • skin wounds;
  • various types of rashes and redness of the skin;
  • thermal and sunburns of mild to moderate severity;
  • mild frostbite.

It should be noted that the indications for the use of ointment or gel are the same, except that the gel is used at the initial stage of epitheliation, that is, to treat fresh, wet wounds, and the ointment is applied after epitheliation, on non-wetting wounds.

The drugs also have contraindications:

  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • individual intolerance to individual components.

Directions for use:
Solcoseryl ointment/gel is used exclusively topically; apply it in a thin layer to the wound after preliminary cleansing of the wound surface. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is until the wound is completely healed.

In rare cases, side effects after using Solcoseryl may include allergic reactions, urticaria or marginal dermatitis. Cases of drug overdose have not been established.

In cosmetology, only Solcoseryl anti-wrinkle ointment is used as part of anti-aging face masks, since the gel strongly tightens the skin. Today there is only one recipe for a mask with Solcoseryl with the addition of Dimexide. It is the combination of these two components that has an amazing rejuvenating effect.
1. Dimexide must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, and then wipe the resulting solution onto the skin of the face.
2. Then, apply a thick layer of Solcoseryl ointment to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.
3. During the duration of the mask, that is, one hour, regularly (necessarily!!) moisten your face in order to prevent the mask from drying out.
4. Rinse off the mask with water and apply nourishing cream to the skin.
For the desired anti-aging effect, it is necessary to carry out a course of ten procedures 2-3 per week.

Of course, the prices for Solcoseryl ointment and gel cannot but rejoice. These drugs are available in any pharmacy in the city and cost: Solcoseryl ointment in a 20 g tube will cost you approximately 80-120 rubles, and gel in a 20 g package will cost you from 90 to 130 rubles.

Analogues of solcoseryl

As a rule, the drug Solcoseryl is widely distributed in pharmacies in our country and is inexpensive. However, if for some reason you have not found this tool, then you can always use its analogues, among which the most famous are:
— actovegin– has the same biological composition, helps restore skin, improves blood circulation in cells, renews skin;
— levomikol– has an antibacterial effect, used to treat wounds, burns, ulcers, boils.

Solcoseryl for wrinkles - reviews

Victoria, 32 years old
“I first learned about the benefits of Solcoseryl last year from a television program. I decided to try it because I already had expression lines on my face, on my forehead, near my mouth and eyes. Conducted a course of procedures for Solcoserial and Dimexide masks. I liked the effect, the skin became fresher, more elastic, wrinkles almost disappeared. I will be teaching a new course again soon, I do it once a year. Try it, you will definitely like it."

Tatyana, 44 years old
“I have been using Solcoseryl ointment for a long time, applying it to my heels and rough skin on my elbows, after which the skin in these places became smooth and velvety. I read that you can use anti-wrinkle ointment, I tried it - the result pleasantly surprised me, the skin was renewed, it became soft, smooth, the wrinkles were almost smoothed out, the oval of the face was noticeably tightened. I would like to recommend it to everyone who wants to rejuvenate their skin, because it is inexpensive, fast and effective. The main thing is to check for allergic reactions before applying, so as not to harm yourself.”

Elena, 39 years old
“To be honest, when I read about Solcoseryl, I didn’t believe in its miraculous effect, so I decided to try it on myself. I did the procedure at night, 2 times a week, and after a month of use I saw the result: the skin tightened, became elastic, wrinkles noticeably decreased, and signs of fatigue on the face disappeared. I’m very pleased, and besides, the drugs are accessible and very inexpensive.”
