Methods for correcting aggressiveness. taking into account the characteristics of the child's social environment in solving educational problems

Consultation: "Methods of correction aggressive behavior in children"

Aggressive behavior is one of the most common disorders among children before school age, as this is the fastest and most efficient way to achieve the goal.

There are many factors that influence its appearance:

a) the style of education in the family (hyper- and hypo-guardianship);

b) widespread demonstration of scenes of violence;

c) unstable socio-economic situation;

G) individual characteristics person (reduced arbitrariness, low level active braking);

e) socio-cultural status of the family.

Causes of aggression in children preschool age:

The desire to take leadership positions;

Desire to own an object that other children own;


Reprimand or punishment;


Increased fatigue;

Boredom, desire to attract attention;

Parental pressure;

impressionability, emotional instability;

Feelings of inferiority.

It can be assumed with great certainty that the family environment and upbringing are of decisive importance in the formation of a child's aggressive behavior. Character emotional relationships, approved forms of behavior, the breadth of the boundaries of what is permitted, typical reactions to certain actions and actions - these are the parameters that need to be clarified in the process of working with an aggressive child. If his parents behave aggressively (verbally or physically), use physical punishment or do not interfere with the manifestations of aggression in a child, then most likely these manifestations will be ubiquitous in him and become a permanent trait of character.

Aggression can be physically and psychologically conditioned;

1) aggressive reactions are typical for children younger and early age(in infants as a reaction to physical discomfort, in young children due to the unformed functions of self-control and arbitrariness, due to ignorance of moral rules and norms);

2) aggressiveness cannot be perceived unambiguously negatively, since it still plays protective function: the function of self-preservation, both physical and emotional.

One of the reasons for the manifestation of aggressive reactions may be the internal dissatisfaction of the child with his status in the peer group, especially if he has an inherent desire for leadership. For children, status is determined by a number of factors:

1. External attractiveness, accuracy, a high level of development of hygiene skills, neatness.

2. Possession of beautiful and popular toys willingness to share them.

3. Organizational skills.

4. Breadth of horizons.

5. Positive assessment of an adult.

If peers for one reason or another do not recognize the child, and even worse, reject him, then aggressiveness, stimulated by resentment, infringement of pride, will be directed at the offender, at the one or those whom the child considers the cause of his plight. This situation can be aggravated by sticking the label “bad, fighter” on the part of an adult.

Another cause of aggressive behavior in preschoolers may be a sense of anxiety and fear of attack. It is stimulated by the fact that the child, most likely, has been repeatedly exposed to physical punishment, humiliation, insults. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to talk with the parents, explain to them possible reasons and consequences of such behavior. IN last resort, taking care of the well-being of the child, you can, together with the administration, apply to the child protection authorities with a complaint about the actions of the parents.

Sometimes aggressiveness is a way to attract the attention of others, the reason for it is an unsatisfied need for communication and love.

Aggression can also act as a form of protest against the restriction of some natural desires and the needs of the child, such as the need to move, vigorous activity. Teachers who do not want to take into account the child's natural need for movement do not know that preschool children cannot do one thing for a long time, that activity is physiologically inherent in them. They try artificially and completely unnaturally to extinguish the activity of children, to force them to sit and stand against their will. Such actions of an adult are like twisting a spring: the more you press on it, the greater the speed of its return to its previous state. They often cause, if not direct, then indirect aggression: damage and tearing of books, breakage of toys, i.e. the child, in his own way, “acts out” on harmless objects for the short-sightedness and illiteracy of an adult.

Regardless of the reasons for the aggressive behavior of the child, there is a general strategy of others in relation to him.

1. If possible, restrain the child's aggressive impulses immediately before they appear, stop the hand raised to strike, and shout out to the child.

2. Show the child the unacceptability of aggressive behavior, physical or verbal aggression towards inanimate objects, and even more so towards people. The implementation of such behavior, demonstrating its disadvantageousness to the child in individual cases works quite effectively.

3. Establish a clear ban on aggressive behavior, systematically remind about it.

4. Provide children alternative ways interactions based on the development of their empathy, empathy.

5. Teach ways to express anger as a natural human emotion.

tasks psycho corrective work with aggressive children may be:

1. Development of the ability to understand the state of another person.

2. Development of the ability to express their emotions in a socially acceptable form.

3. Learning autorelaxation.

4. Learning how to relieve stress.

5. Development of communication skills.

6. Formation of positive self-perception based on personal achievements.

It is important for children to give vent to their aggressiveness. You can offer them:

Fight with a pillow;

Use physical strength exercises;

tear paper;

Draw someone you want to beat and do something with this drawing;

Use "Scream Pouch";

Beat the table with an inflatable hammer, etc.

Ovcharova R.V. proposes to use in order to correct the aggressive behavior of children:

Psychiatry classes;

Etudes and games for the development of behavior regulation skills in a team;

Etudes and games of relaxation orientation;

Games and exercises to develop awareness in children negative traits character;

Games and exercises for the development of a positive behavior model.

In work with preschool children, and especially with aggressive children, the use of isotherapy elements shows high efficiency. Children like to play with water and clay. They must be used with various ways drawing: fingers, palm, feet.

In order to correct aggressive behavior, performances can be staged for children in which problematic aggressive children should be given roles with a positive strength characteristic (heroes, knights).

You can use outdoor games in your work that help neutralize aggression, relieve accumulated tension, and teach effective ways communication.

The development of control over one's own impulsive actions is facilitated by finger gymnastics.

Adults surrounding aggressive child, it should be remembered that their fear of attacks contributes to increased aggressiveness. Labeling also contributes to this: “Oh, since I’m so bad, I’ll show you!” Often adults pay attention to the negative actions of children and take it for granted. good behavior. It is important for children to create “success situations” that develop their positive self-esteem and self-confidence.

After some period individual work an aggressive child should be included in the collective so that the child receives positive feedback, can learn to interact without conflict with others.

Aggression that occurs in the event of a threat from the outside external factors, is normal reaction. If aggressive behavior becomes a personality trait of a person of any age, it requires correction (treatment).

Manifestations of aggressive behavior

In children different ages manifestations of aggression are different. Children of preschool and primary school age may have such signs of aggression:

  • frequent quarrels and arguments with friends, classmates, parents, teachers, etc.
  • loss of self control
  • intentionally provoking anger or other negative emotions in another person
  • refusal to do what a parent, teacher, or other loved one asks
  • often angry, jealous of others, showing anger
  • often blame others if they themselves made a mistake or failed
  • vent their anger when bad mood on inanimate objects and plants around
  • characterized by irritability and suspiciousness
  • remember the offense for a long time, they can take revenge

Children of middle school age and puberty may have such manifestations of aggressive behavior:

  • initiating fights (sometimes using items to harm the opponent)
  • threats towards others (both verbal and physical)
  • achieving goals at any cost, even harming other people
  • cruelty to animals and people, lack of empathy, deliberate infliction of pain in any way
  • disregard for parents, ignoring their requests, prohibitions and established rules
  • , ignoring their requests, skipping school

If at least 50% of the above listed signs are typical for your child, and the duration of their manifestation is at least 6 months, this indicates aggressiveness as a character trait. This condition needs to be corrected.

External causes of aggressive behavior

source of aggression in frequent cases the child's family is speaking. If mom or dad or other family members show aggression, even if physical, the child sees this and copies this behavior. He assimilates aggression as the norm. Parents often show double standards. In words, they teach the child that it is not good to offend others, that it is not good to shout, but they themselves quarrel with each other, shout at the child and beat him, etc.

Aggression in a child may appear due to the influence of peers. For preschoolers, the strength criterion is important indicator. Boys tend to show and respect strength in the main, but to a large extent this also applies to girls. If it is customary in the team where your child is to solve problems with aggressive methods, there are very Great chance that your child will be aggressive in the future and outside of this team. He will form certain attitudes that dictate the need for aggression in dealing with all people.

The next important source of aggression is characters. computer games, movies and series, cartoons, comics. Keep track of what your son or daughter is reading, watching and playing.

Internal causes of aggressive behavior

Aggressive are only those children who, for one reason or another, do not have inner harmony. Children with aggressive behavior high level anxieties who do not love themselves, feel that the world is unfair to them, have too low self-esteem. Aggression in such children helps them to attract people's attention to themselves, because a child can not always solve his problems on his own.

To help the aggressor, you must feel sympathy for him, love him. It is necessary to assimilate the idea that a child, no matter how old he is, is a person. Because of his problems, you need to try to understand and respect his point of view and view of the world. If the methods of normal interaction have exhausted themselves, it is worth trying special games with anxious children.

Correction of aggressive behavior in children

One aspect of correction is dealing with anger. The child needs to be told and shown how anger can and cannot be shown. He may not understand how the manifestations of his anger affect others and himself. You should also teach the little aggressor self-control. It is necessary to consider with the child the skills of self-control in situations that usually give rise to negative emotions.

It is important to teach the child to work with feelings. He must learn to be aware of what he himself feels, and slightly feel those around him with whom he interacts. Teach your child the ability to empathize and trust loved ones. Also, special attention should be paid to the communication skills of the baby. He must be able to act appropriately difficult situations independently resolve conflicts.

Dealing with Anger

In our society, there are certain norms that oblige a person to restrain his emotions in anger. But if an emotion (whether positive or negative) does not find a way out long time, it accumulates inside. And this bomb will explode when - a matter of time. This can negatively affect others, and also cause serious problems with the health of the person himself, who accumulated emotions in himself.

"Unfriendly cartoon". This game technique will allow the child not to show aggression directed at the offender. The child needs to be taken away from the one who offends / angers him. Then seat him at the table and offer to draw a caricature of that person. If the baby does not yet know what a caricature is, how does it differ from regular photo or a picture, show him examples and tell him about the features of this genre. The child does not need to try to draw the person who offended him realistically. On the contrary, it is necessary to distort his features. It is necessary to express a person on paper the way his child sees / perceives here and now.

While the kid is drawing, refrain from criticism, do not correct him. Judgment is strictly prohibited. Show the baby that you understand how he feels now (even if you evaluate the conflict situation that happened differently). When the kid completes the caricature, have him sign it as he wishes. After that, ask him a question: “How do you feel now? What would you like to do with this "unfriendly caricature? Do it!"

"Bag of Screams". Children often in a fit of emotion raise their voices, squeal. For this, they most often receive comments from parents and other adults. If the baby's emotions are very strong, it would be very wrong to demand that he restrain himself. Because psychologists are developing methods to get rid of the negative.

When the child is angry, angry, invite him to use the "pouch of anger." Explain to the baby: when he holds this bag, he can scream as much as he wants and as much as he wants. Then he should put the bag aside and calmly communicate with others, resolve the conflict.

You can sew a "pouch of anger" yourself from any fabric. There must be strings to "close all the screams" that hit him. You can not use the bag in other games, its use should be relevant only for the described practice.

"Leaf of Wrath". Give the child a piece of paper, saying that it is a "leaf of anger." He can take out on him all the negativity that he now feels. You can trample on a leaf with your feet, tear it, tear it with your teeth, etc. This must be done until a feeling of relief sets in. After that, you need to ask the child to collect all the scattered pieces of the sheet and throw them away. The sheet can be not only rectangular. You can ask the child to depict his / anger / irritation on paper, and then cut it out in shape (or not cut it out, but use a rectangular piece of paper with an image printed by the baby).

Pillow for kicking. This technique is relevant for the correction of aggressive behavior in children, who react mainly physical methods and not verbally. At home, such a baby should have a special pillow for kicking. She must have small size and preferably dark shade. When a child feels negative, which he cannot quickly cope with, he can take out his bad emotions on this pillow. This practice is also relevant for controlling anger in adults, it is best to use a punching bag in such cases.

"Cutting wood". This practice is especially relevant if the child for a long time before that he was sitting (for example, doing homework). Ask your child if he knows how to properly chop wood. Where to put the log? What posture should you be in? How to pick up an ax? Next, ask him to depict the process as realistically as possible. It is better to do this away from glass objects and mirrors that the baby can catch.

Let the child cut without saving strength. Advise him to make a large swing amplitude in order to better “cut the log”. Together with each "swing of the ax" you can make a sound on the exhale. You can use some kind of toy that replaces the ax (so that it is similar in shape) or cut an "axe" out of cardboard.

Taking out anger on the figure of the offender. At home for this technique you need to have plasticine. In nature, the material will be clay or wet sand. Invite the child to fashion a figure of the person who offended him from plastic material. Then he can do with her what he sees fit, for example, crush, trample into the ground.

Active water games. negative emotions in children and adults are removed with the help of active games. Races in nature paper boats. You need to put them on the water and blow from the tube, without helping the boat with your hands. It also relieves stress by playing catch-up with douches from sprinklers or bottles with perforated caps.

Self-control training

The practices described below are relevant.

"Signals of Anger". Full version games should be used only for the first time. Use the shortcut in the future. Ask your child to think of a situation in which he was so angry that he wanted to hit another person or injure him in some other way.

Ask how anger manifested before the fight? If the child cannot put it into words, describe how an angry person expresses himself. His fists clench, his face becomes red from the rush of blood into the vessels, a pressing sensation appears in his throat, breathing becomes difficult, etc. These are “signals of anger”. If you do not pay attention to them, then sooner or later anger will find a way out, and we will not be able to control ourselves at that moment. If the signals are noted by us in time, it is possible to control the emerging negative emotions.

In the future, when you notice that the child is angry, ask him about the signals that are currently present in the body. Ask how exactly he wants to throw out the negative, what consequences will the act have? While the act has not yet been committed, and the signals of anger have been noticed, what can be done to prevent sad consequences? Talk to your child about what to do in a particular case.

Anger on stage. This game is also relevant for correcting the aggressive behavior of children. When your child begins to feel angry, invite him to imagine what his anger would look like on a theater stage. Think with him about the image of an actor who would play the role of anger. Discuss it appearance, design and color of the costume, intonation, gestures, pitch and other features of the voice, etc. Also discuss the scenario with the child. How would Mr. Wrath start acting? How would the play end?

Count up to ten. This practice is suitable for controlling aggression in both children and adults. As soon as the child feels that he is ready to commit an aggressive action (even verbal), he should mentally count to ten, doing nothing at this time. Considering, he must relax the muscles. After that, he can already act as he sees fit.

It is necessary to discuss with the child how he began to feel after that. Was the decision made after soothing breathing more optimal and constructive? Try to instill in your child an adult type of thinking in the discussion, with responsibility for their actions, with minimization of impulsiveness.

Working with feelings

There are also a number of practices for working with feelings, some of which will be described below.

"Connoisseurs of Feelings". Invite your child to take part in a senses competition. To do this, you will need a ball that you need to pass in a circle. Other close people can also take part in the game. The one who receives the ball in his hands must pronounce the emotion he knows and pass the ball further in a circle. Repetitions are prohibited. If someone could not name a negative or positive emotion, he immediately loses. You can think about the prize before starting.

So that the baby is not offended by losing, tell him that this is the first attempt. The second attempt of the game can be carried out after some time. The kid will learn new words and use them.

guess the feeling. The last game does not show how well the child understands the meaning of the emotions and feelings that he uttered in the previous game. In this practice, there is the role of the driver and the player or several players. The one who drives thinks of a certain feeling and remembers the situation when he felt it (or invents a plot in which the hero feels exactly this emotion).

The driver tells the story to the player or players without naming the emotion. The end of the story should sound like this: "And then I felt ... (he felt ...". Players must guess the emotion / feeling of the hero of the story. Stories should be short, just a few sentences. It can be difficult for a child to be a leader. Then an adult should start, he tells his story, and then the kid takes the role of the driver.

"Land of Feelings". When the child has learned the emotions and sensations that they provoke, you can begin this practice. Ask the child again, what feelings of a person he knows. Write down the names of the emotions on different pieces of paper. Then invite the baby to imagine these emotions as separate characters living in " inner world". On a piece of paper, he must draw a portrait of emotion. Observe how the child imagines this or that emotion.

"Feelings on stage". This practice is similar to the Stage Anger practice described above. But the heroes here are emotions and feelings. This game is recommended to be repeated several times a week. Use this practice when you notice an emotion in your child, including a positive one. You can ask the child a question, how would the dance of this or that character look like, let the kid depict the movements.

Photo stories. This practice important for emotional development your son or daughter. Thanks to her, he will learn to understand what other people are experiencing. For this practice game, you need to take a photo of people who express a certain emotion with facial expressions and posture. These can be photos from the Internet, printed on a color printer, or magazine clippings.

Show your child photos one at a time and ask them to tell you exactly how the person depicted in it feels. Ask why he named this particular emotion. Let him describe external manifestations this emotion, which he found in the person in the photo. You can invite the child to come up with what events in life this character could cause such emotions (what happened to him at the moment before photographing).

Constructive Communication Skills

Methods for correcting aggressive behavior from this group will be easy to implement if there are several children in the family. Below we will describe practices that are easy to implement together (child + mom or dad), without resorting to the participation of other family members. But other people can take part in them, it is not forbidden.

Glossary kind words . In aggressor children, vocabulary is often not characterized by richness. Therefore, rude expressions become a habit: they learn a few phrases and constantly apply them. It is necessary to have a special dictionary with the baby, in which words that characterize a person are entered. They can relate to both his appearance and the inner world. These words should be positive, that is, they should be either kind or neutral. Rudeness and obscene expressions cannot be entered in the dictionary.

For example, the following words can be written on the letter K: beautiful, flirtatious, cultured, meek, sociable, sociable. In the dictionary, the letter K should not contain negative characteristics (conflict, treacherous, arrogant, etc.). The recorded words need to be periodically “refreshed” in memory so that they enter the baby’s vocabulary. It is useful to systematically discuss heroes with the child. fiction or cartoons (their characters). Try to find something good in negative characters.

Blind and guide. This game helps build confidence in the child. It is this skill that aggressors often lack. One of the players must be blindfolded, the second acts as his guide. The guide must lead the "blind" across the road. No need to go out on a busy highway. It is necessary to arrange objects in the room (furniture, toys) so that it is impossible to freely walk from wall to wall blindfolded. Other children can also play the role of obstacles if the technique is not practiced together, but with a large number of participants.

The guide must make sure that the "blind" does not bump into and does not hook on obstacles on the "road". When you reach the opposite end of the room, talk to the baby about how easy it was for him to be with eyes closed how much he trusted the guide, what he felt on the way. the child in the next stage of the game should become a guide in order to learn how to take care of another person.

In the process of passing through obstacles, you can silently lead the “blind man”, raising his legs to step over objects. You can also talk about how to go around an obstacle that rises further on the path. Both methods can be used in combination.

Understand without words. Adults are aware of how annoying it is when someone does not understand our ideas and desires. Adults also know that their thoughts need to be properly expressed in order for the other person to understand them. And kids don't get it for the most part. Misunderstanding often offends the child, he does not assess the situation as one in which he himself incorrectly conveyed information to the person.

The leader in this practice comes up with a word (answering the question "who?" or "what?"), And then depicts the meaning of this word with gestures, facial expressions, and movements. But you can’t give clues with words, you need to be silent. The driver can show the situation in which the intended object is used. Or, with his body, he can try to convey the shape of the intended object. Pointing at objects, if there are any nearby, is impossible.

Players must understand what the driver is up to. All options must be spoken aloud. If the guesses are wrong, the driver shakes his head from side to side as if to say "no". If the answer is correct, then the guesser becomes the driver.

There are other practices for correcting the aggressive behavior of children and adults that cannot be described in one material. If you can't resolve your child's behavior problem, make an appointment for a face-to-face consultation with child psychologist. This is not something out of the ordinary. Some children need special approach from a person who knows everything about child aggression.

Being born, the child has only two ways of responding - this is pleasure and displeasure.
When the child is full, nothing hurts, the diapers are dry - then he experiences positive emotions, which manifest themselves in the form of a smile, contented cooing, calm and serene sleep.
If the child experiences discomfort for any reason, then he shows his discontent by crying, screaming, kicking. With age, the child begins to show his protest reactions in the form of destructive actions aimed at other people (offenders) or things valuable to them.

Aggression is inherent in every person to one degree or another, as it is an instinctive form of behavior, the main purpose of which is self-defense and survival in the world.
But man, unlike animals, with age learns to transform his natural aggressive instincts into socially acceptable ways of responding, i.e. at normal people aggression is socialized.

Those people who have not learned to control their aggressive impulses experience difficulties in communicating with people. In more severe cases when aggressive behavior becomes illegal, such people are subjected to criminal punishment and isolated from society in places not so remote.
Here it is important to emphasize that adults should in no case suppress aggression in their children, since aggression is a necessary and natural feeling for a person. The prohibition or forceful suppression of the child's aggressive impulses can very often lead to auto-aggression (that is, harm will be done to oneself) or go into a psychosomatic disorder.

It is important for parents to teach the child not to suppress, but to control their aggression; to defend their rights and interests, as well as to protect themselves in a socially acceptable way, without prejudice to the interests of other people and without harming them. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to deal with the main causes of aggressive behavior.

There are three main sources of destructive behavior:

1. feelings of fear, distrust of the world around, threatening the safety of the child;

2. the collision of the child with the non-fulfillment of his desires, prohibitions on the satisfaction of certain needs;

3. defending one's personality, territory, gaining independence and autonomy.

By the first year of life, a child develops either a basic sense of trust in the world and people, a sense of security, or distrust, fear and anxiety.

Many factors influence the formation of attitudes towards the world.

First of all, This state of mind mothers during pregnancy and after childbirth. Let's imagine a simple example: a child is born at the moment when his mother is experiencing a personal drama, is in anxiety for her own, and, consequently, her future, feels despair and longing.
The kid, for whom there is still no division into I and not-I, is filled with the same feelings, and his first experience of interacting with others tells him that it is not so safe here, there is a lot of pain and unpredictability, anyone can harm.
In the future, this develops into distrust of everyone and everything, for him now any manifestation from the outside can mean an attack. The fear and anxiety that the child experiences when in contact with others leads to the fact that any signal is interpreted by him as the realization of his worst fears. Aggressive outbursts in such children look very unexpected and incomprehensible.

Also, the manifestation of parents influences the formation of attitudes towards the world. unconditional love to your child, or lack thereof. If the parents showed sincere love to his baby in any situation, if the child understood that, no matter what, he was loved, then he had a feeling of trust in others.
If the child is convinced that he is not loved, or even hated, then he decides that it cannot be worse and therefore becomes capable of anything. He does not need to worry that he may lose the object of love. Why does he need someone who doesn't love him? He can become hardened, he can begin to take revenge. Many thrillers about murderous maniacs are built on this, where, digging into his past, they discover a downtrodden, despised, humiliated child.

Quarrels between adults also have a traumatic effect on the psyche of children. When mom and dad quarrel every day, the baby has a feeling of an impending disaster. Despite the fact that the family tries to avoid open scandals, and quarrels occur "for closed door", little man still feels tense. And this is not surprising, because the adults around the baby are his world, one and indivisible, the same as his mother's cozy tummy was. Therefore, any conflict situation perceived by the child as a threat to himself.

The second reason for aggression connected with the fact that adults are forced in some situations to forbid the child to behave in a certain way or with the fact that parents are not always able or willing to satisfy the endless desires of their children. There are two important things to keep in mind here.
First, they must learn to correctly set prohibitions and, if necessary, apply punishments.
And secondly, it is important to remember that main need any child needs to feel loved and appreciated.

If the child begins to have doubts about this, then he will try in every possible way to reinforce his feeling of uselessness. Therefore, the constant whining of children to buy them something is often a provocation on their part. At the same time, the child immediately interprets the refusal of what he wants in such a way that no one loves him, and no one needs him. At the same time, of course, he is terribly angry. After all, a child loves sincerely and does not want to admit that his love is unrequited.

On the other hand, the fulfillment of any whim of your child does not solve the problem either, because his doubts can appear again and again, for example, when he is faced with inattention to his experiences. To prevent such a distorted interaction, it is worth telling the child sincerely that you love him.

Third reason- This setting personal boundaries. A child is born completely dependent on his parents, and his main task throughout his life is to gain independence (primarily from his parents) and self-sufficiency.
Very often this process is very painful for both parties and can have sad consequences. It is important for parents to understand that their children are not their private property, and they do not belong to them. The child is called to become an equal and equal human being. There are the most important periods when the child solves this problem: it is 3 years old, the beginning school life and adolescence.
During these periods, children react especially sharply to being introduced into their lives, which finds expression in protest reactions. Wise parents must take this into account and provide the child with reasonable freedom and independence.
But at the same time, children should not feel abandoned, the child should feel that parents are always ready, if necessary, to provide support and assistance.
It is also desirable that the child has his own room (or at least a corner). He must know that his boundaries are respected and not violated without his knowledge.

The main causes of aggression in children have been sorted out.

Now we need to say a few words about how parents should behave if their children show aggressive behavior or to prevent such undesirable behavior. Something we have already mentioned above, when describing the reasons. So,

What to do with aggression?

1. First, requires parents to show unconditional love for the child in any situation. Statements like the following should not be allowed: "If you behave like this ... then mom and dad will not love you anymore!". You can not insult the child, call him names. It is necessary to show dissatisfaction precisely with an action, an act, accepting the personality of the child as a whole.

If a child asks you to play with him, pay attention to him, and you this moment if you can’t do this, then don’t dismiss the baby, especially don’t get annoyed with him for being importunate. Rather, show him that you understand his request and explain why you cannot fulfill it at the moment: "Do you want me to read a book to you? Baby, mom loves you very much, but I'm so tired at work. Please play one today."

And one more important point- no need to pay off the child expensive toys, gifts, etc. For him, your direct attention is much more important and necessary.

2. Parents, if they do not want their children to be fighters and bullies, must control their own aggressive impulses. We must always remember that children learn the techniques of social interaction, first of all, by observing the behavior of the people around them (primarily their parents).

3. As mentioned at the beginning of the work, Under no circumstances should a child's aggression be suppressed., otherwise suppressed aggressive impulses can cause serious harm to his health. Teach him to express his hostile feelings in a socially acceptable way: in a word or in a drawing, in modeling or with toys, or in actions that are harmless to others, in sports.

Translating a child's feelings from action into words will allow him to know that they can be said about them, and not necessarily immediately given to the eye. Also, the child will gradually master the language of his feelings and it will be easier for him to tell you that he is offended, upset, angry, etc., rather than trying to attract your attention with his "terrible" behavior.

The only thing that cannot be abused in this case is the confidence that an adult knows better what a small person is experiencing. An adult can only guess, based on his experience, on self-observation, on observation of others, what the child's behavior means. The child should be an active narrator about his inner world, an adult only sets such an opportunity and provides the means.

4. If the child is naughty, angry, screaming, rushes at you with his fists - hug him, hug him. Gradually he will calm down, come to his senses. Over time, it will take less and less time for him to calm down.

In addition, such hugs perform several important functions: for a child, this means that you are able to withstand his aggression, and, therefore, his aggression can be restrained and he will not destroy what he loves; the child gradually learns the restraining ability and can make it internal and thus control his aggression himself.

Later, when he calms down, you can talk to him about his feelings. But in no case should you read moralizing in such a conversation, just make it clear that you are ready to listen to him when he feels bad.

5. Respect the personality in your child, consider his opinion, take his feelings seriously. Give the child enough freedom and independence for which the child will be responsible. At the same time, show him that if necessary, if he asks himself, you are ready to give advice or help. A child should have his own territory, his own side of life, the entrance to which adults are allowed only with his consent.

The opinion of some parents that "their children should not have any secrets from them" is considered erroneous. It is not permissible to rummage through his things, read letters, eavesdrop telephone conversations, spy on! If a child trusts you, sees you as an older friend and comrade, he will tell you about everything himself, ask for advice if he deems it necessary.

6. Show your child the ultimate ineffectiveness of aggressive behavior. Explain to him that even if at the beginning he achieves benefits for himself, for example, takes away a toy he likes from another child, then later none of the children will want to play with him, and he will remain in proud loneliness. It is unlikely that such a prospect will seduce him. Tell us also about such negative consequences of aggressive behavior as the inevitability of punishment, the return of evil, etc.

If you see your pre-school child hit another, approach the victim first. Raise the offended child and say: "Maxim did not mean to offend you." Then hug him, kiss him and escort him out of the room.

Thus, you deprive your child of attention, transferring it to a playmate. Suddenly your child notices that the fun is over and he is left alone. Usually it is required to repeat this 2-3 times - and the fighter will understand that aggressiveness is not in his interests.

7. It is necessary to establish social rules of behavior in a form accessible to the child. For example, "we don't beat anyone, and nobody beats us." For children aged four and older requirements may be more detailed. You can say, "We have a rule in our house: if you need a toy and another child is playing with it and won't give it to you, wait."

8. Remember to praise your child for diligence. When children respond appropriately, do what you can to reinforce those efforts. Tell them, "I like what you did." Children respond better to praise when they see that their parents are really pleased with them.

Don't say " Good boy" or: " good girl". Children often do not pay attention to this. It is better to say:" You gave me great pleasure when you shared with your younger brother instead of fighting him. Now I know that I can trust you to look after him." Such praise has great importance for children. She makes them feel like they can make a good impression.

9. It is necessary to talk with the child about his act without witnesses(class, relatives, other children, etc.). In a conversation, try to use fewer emotional words (ashamed, etc.).

10. It is necessary to exclude situations that provoke negative behavior of the child.

11. In the fight against aggression, you can resort to the help of fairy tale therapy. When Small child begins to show signs of aggressiveness, write a story with him in which this child will be the main character. Using pictures cut out from magazines or photographs of the child himself, create situations in which the child behaves with dignity and deserves praise. Talk to him at a time when the child is calm, not nervous. When a child has an emotional crisis, it is not easy to calm him down.

12. It is necessary to provide the child with an opportunity to get emotional release in the game, sports, etc. You can get a special "angry pillow" to relieve stress. If the child feels irritated, he can beat this pillow.

In conclusion, we note that it is important for parents to remember the following:

aggression is not only destructive behavior that harms others, leading to destructive and negative consequences, but it is also great power, which can serve as a source of energy for more constructive purposes, if you know how to manage it. And the task of parents is to teach the child to control his aggression and use it for peaceful purposes.

Being born, the child has only two ways of responding - this is pleasure and displeasure.

When a child is full, nothing hurts, the diapers are dry - then he experiences positive emotions, which manifest themselves in the form of a smile, contented cooing, calm and serene sleep.

If the child experiences discomfort for any reason, then he shows his discontent by crying, screaming, kicking. With age, the child begins to show his protest reactions in the form of destructive actions aimed at other people (offenders) or things valuable to them.

Aggression is inherent in every person to one degree or another, as it is an instinctive form of behavior, the main purpose of which is self-defense and survival in the world. But man, unlike animals, with age learns to transform his natural aggressive instincts into socially acceptable ways of responding, i.e. normal people socialize aggression.

Those people who have not learned to control their aggressive impulses experience difficulties in communicating with people. In more severe cases, when aggressive behavior becomes illegal, such people are subjected to criminal punishment and isolated from society in places not so remote.

Here it is important to emphasize that adults should never suppress aggression in their children, since aggression is a necessary and natural feeling for a person. The prohibition or forceful suppression of the child's aggressive impulses can very often lead to auto-aggression (that is, harm will be done to oneself) or go into a psychosomatic disorder.

It is important for parents to teach the child not to suppress, but to control their aggression; to defend their rights and interests, as well as to protect themselves in a socially acceptable way, without prejudice to the interests of other people and without harming them. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to deal with the main causes of aggressive behavior.

Can be distinguished three main sources of destructive behavior:

1. feelings fear, mistrust to the outside world, threatening the safety of the child;

2. the collision of the child with the non-fulfillment of his desires, prohibitions to meet certain needs;

3. defending one's identity, territory, independence And independence .

By the first year of life, a child develops either a basic sense of trust in the world and people, a sense of security, or distrust, fear and anxiety. Many factors influence the formation of attitudes towards the world.

First of all, this is the state of mind of the mother during pregnancy and after childbirth. Let's imagine a simple example: a child is born at the moment when his mother is experiencing a personal drama, is in anxiety for her own, and, consequently, her future, feels despair and longing.

The kid, for whom there is still no division into I and not-I, is filled with the same feelings, and his first experience of interacting with others tells him that it is not so safe here, there is a lot of pain and unpredictability, anyone can harm.

In the future, this develops into distrust of everyone and everything, for him now any manifestation from the outside can mean an attack. The fear and anxiety that the child experiences when in contact with others leads to the fact that any signal is interpreted by him as the realization of his worst fears. Aggressive outbursts in such children look very unexpected and incomprehensible.

Also, the manifestation of unconditional love for their child by parents, or the lack thereof, influences the formation of attitudes towards the world. If parents showed sincere love for their baby in any situation, if the child understood that, no matter what, he was loved, then he had a sense of trust in others.

If the child is convinced that he is not loved, or even hated, then he decides that it cannot be worse and therefore becomes capable of anything. He does not need to worry that he may lose the object of love. Why does he need someone who doesn't love him? He can become hardened, he can begin to take revenge. Many thrillers about murderous maniacs are built on this, where, digging into his past, they discover a downtrodden, despised, humiliated child.

Quarrels between adults also have a traumatic effect on the psyche of children. When mom and dad quarrel every day, the baby has a feeling of an impending disaster. Despite the fact that the family tries to avoid open scandals, and quarrels occur "behind closed doors", the little man still feels a tense atmosphere. And this is not surprising, because the adults around the baby are his world, one and indivisible, the same as his mother's cozy tummy was. Therefore, any conflict situation is perceived by the child as a threat to himself.

The second reason for aggressiveness is related to the fact that adults are forced in some situations to forbid the child to behave in a certain way, or to the fact that parents are not always able or willing to satisfy the endless desires of their children. There are two important things to keep in mind here.

First, they must learn to correctly set prohibitions and, if necessary, apply punishments.

And, secondly, it is important to remember that the main need of any child is the need to feel loved and appreciated.

If the child begins to have doubts about this, then he will try in every possible way to reinforce his feeling of uselessness. Therefore, the constant whining of children to buy them something is often a provocation on their part. At the same time, the child immediately interprets the refusal of what he wants in such a way that no one loves him, and no one needs him. At the same time, of course, he is terribly angry. After all, a child loves sincerely and does not want to admit that his love is unrequited.

On the other hand, the fulfillment of any whim of your child does not solve the problem either, because his doubts can appear again and again, for example, when he is faced with inattention to his experiences. To prevent such a distorted interaction, it is worth telling the child sincerely that you love him.

The third reason is the establishment of personal boundaries. A child is born completely dependent on his parents, and his main task throughout his life is to gain independence (primarily from his parents) and self-sufficiency.

Very often this process is very painful for both parties and can have sad consequences. It is important for parents to understand that their children are not their private property, and they do not belong to them. The child is called to become an equal and equal human being. There are the most important periods when a child solves this problem: these are 3 years old, the beginning of school life and adolescence.

During these periods, children react especially sharply to being introduced into their lives, which finds expression in protest reactions. Wise parents should take this into account and give the child reasonable freedom and independence.

But at the same time, children should not feel abandoned, the child should feel that parents are always ready, if necessary, to provide support and assistance.

It is also desirable that the child has his own room (or at least a corner). He must know that his boundaries are respected and not violated without his knowledge.

The main causes of aggression in children have been sorted out.

Now we need to say a few words about how parents should behave if their children show aggressive behavior or to prevent such undesirable behavior. Something we have already mentioned above, when describing the reasons.

1. First, it requires the parents to show unconditional love for the child in any situation. Statements like the following should not be allowed: "If you behave like this ... then mom and dad will not love you anymore!". You can not insult the child, call him names. It is necessary to show dissatisfaction precisely with an action, an act, accepting the personality of the child as a whole.

If a child asks you to play with him, pay attention to him, and you cannot do this at the moment, then do not dismiss the baby, especially do not get annoyed with him for being annoying. Rather, show him that you understand his request and explain why you cannot fulfill it at the moment: "Do you want me to read a book to you? Baby, mom loves you very much, but I'm so tired at work. Please play one today."

And one more important point - do not pay off the child with expensive toys, gifts, etc. For him, your direct attention is much more important and necessary.

2. Parents, if they do not want their children to be fighters and bullies, must themselves control their own aggressive impulses. We must always remember that children learn the techniques of social interaction, first of all, by observing the behavior of the people around them (primarily their parents).

3. As already mentioned at the beginning of the work, in no case should a child’s manifestation of aggression be suppressed, otherwise suppressed aggressive impulses can cause serious harm to his health. Teach him to express his hostile feelings in a socially acceptable way: in a word or in a drawing, in modeling or with toys, or in actions that are harmless to others, in sports.

Translating a child's feelings from action into words will allow him to know that they can be said about them, and not necessarily immediately given to the eye. Also, the child will gradually master the language of his feelings and it will be easier for him to tell you that he is offended, upset, angry, etc., rather than trying to attract your attention with his "terrible" behavior.

The only thing that cannot be abused in this case is the confidence that an adult knows better what a small person is experiencing. An adult can only guess, based on his experience, on self-observation, on observation of others, what the child's behavior means. The child should be an active narrator about his inner world, an adult only sets such an opportunity and provides the means.

4. If the child is naughty, angry, screaming, throws himself at you with his fists - hug him, press him to you. Gradually he will calm down, come to his senses. Over time, it will take less and less time for him to calm down.

In addition, such hugs perform several important functions: for a child, this means that you are able to withstand his aggression, and, therefore, his aggression can be restrained and he will not destroy what he loves; the child gradually learns the restraining ability and can make it internal and thus control his aggression himself.

Later, when he calms down, you can talk to him about his feelings. But in no case should you read moralizing in such a conversation, just make it clear that you are ready to listen to him when he feels bad.

5. Respect the personality in your child, consider his opinion, take seriously his feelings. Give the child enough freedom and independence for which the child will be responsible. At the same time, show him that if necessary, if he asks himself, you are ready to give advice or help. A child should have his own territory, his own side of life, the entrance to which adults are allowed only with his consent.

The opinion of some parents that "their children should not have any secrets from them" is considered erroneous. It is not permissible to rummage through his things, read letters, eavesdrop on telephone conversations, spy! If a child trusts you, sees you as an older friend and comrade, he will tell you about everything himself, ask for advice if he deems it necessary.

6. Show your child the ultimate ineffectiveness of aggressive behavior. Explain to him that even if at the beginning he achieves benefits for himself, for example, takes away a toy he likes from another child, then later none of the children will want to play with him, and he will remain in splendid isolation. It is unlikely that such a prospect will seduce him. Tell us also about such negative consequences of aggressive behavior as the inevitability of punishment, the return of evil, etc.

If you see your pre-school child hit another, approach the victim first. Raise the offended child and say: "Maxim did not mean to offend you." Then hug him, kiss him and escort him out of the room.

Thus, you deprive your child of attention, transferring it to a playmate. Suddenly your child notices that the fun is over and he is left alone. Usually it is required to repeat this 2-3 times - and the fighter will understand that aggressiveness is not in his interests.

7. It is necessary to establish social rules of behavior in a form accessible to the child. For example, "we don't beat anyone, and nobody beats us." For children aged four and over, the requirements may be more detailed. You can say, "We have a rule in our house: if you need a toy and another child is playing with it and won't give it to you, wait."

8. Do not forget to praise the child for diligence. When children respond appropriately, do what you can to reinforce those efforts. Tell them, "I like what you did." Children respond better to praise when they see that their parents are really pleased with them.

Don't say "Good boy" or "Good girl". Children often do not pay attention to this. It's better to say: "You gave me great pleasure when you shared with your little brother instead of fighting him. Now I know that I can trust you to look after him." Such praise is of great importance for children. She makes them feel like they can make a good impression.

9. It is necessary to talk with a child about his act without witnesses (class, relatives, other children, etc.). In a conversation, try to use fewer emotional words (ashamed, etc.).

10. It is necessary to exclude situations that provoke the negative behavior of the child.

11. In the fight against aggression, you can resort to the help of fairy tale therapy. When a small child begins to show signs of aggression, write a story with him in which this child will be the main character. Using pictures cut out from magazines or photographs of the child himself, create situations in which the child behaves with dignity and deserves praise. Talk to him at a time when the child is calm, not nervous. When a child has an emotional crisis, it is not easy to calm him down.

12. It is necessary to provide the child with an opportunity to get emotional release in the game, sports, etc. You can get a special "angry pillow" to relieve stress. If the child feels irritated, he can beat this pillow.

In conclusion, we note that it is important for parents to remember the following: aggression is not only destructive behavior that harms others, leading to destructive and negative consequences, but it is also a huge force that can serve as a source of energy for more constructive purposes, if you know how to manage. AND the task of parents is to teach the child to control his aggression and use it for peaceful purposes.

As mentioned above, primary school age is associated with significant psychological changes. One of the most important of these changes is the transition to conscious and voluntary behavior. A child at this age learns to set goals in his activities and follow them, learn to manage his emotions and make decisions independently. The emergence of new forms of behavior is directly related to the school, that is, with educational activities that become mandatory in school environment. At the same time, the mere fact of entering a school does not ensure the emergence of these qualities that need special organization and development.

The ability to act voluntarily develops gradually, throughout the entire primary school age. Like all higher forms of mental activity, voluntary behavior first arises in joint activity with an adult and only then does it become the child's own mode of action. The adult gives the child the means of organizing required behavior. Teachers and parents should know and understand that the goals of children's activities are set by adults. It is adults who determine what a child can and cannot do, what rules to obey, what tasks to perform, etc. One can give such an example - the execution of instructions. Those students who undertake to carry out the assignment willingly do not always cope with the task, because they do not understand its essence and quickly lose interest in the task or simply forget to complete it.

Such difficulties can be avoided if certain rules are followed when giving assignments to children. Firstly, it is necessary that the child, having received the task, immediately repeat it. This will help the child to mobilize and better understand the content of the task. Secondly, invite the child to plan his actions in detail, determine the exact dates, outline the sequence of actions and distribute the work by day.

Psychologists have identified favorable conditions that allow an adult to form in a child the ability to independently control his behavior. First of all, the child has a strong and long-acting motive. Before setting certain goals for a child, it is necessary to take into account the content of the child's motives at this age. Motives that can give the child's actions a personal meaning, encourage better fulfillment of the adult's instructions and coincide with the needs of the child, contribute to the achievement of the set goals. Finding out the needs and motives of the child is important not only for the effective organization of activities, but also for the ability to introduce new motives. For example, at first the child does homework for the opportunity to play with friends, and then, after some time, he does the tasks without coercion, because he liked getting good grades.

Second, the introduction of a restrictive goal. An example here is the experiment of L.S. Slavina, in which students in grades 1-4 were offered monotonous and uninteresting work. When completing the experimenter's tasks, the children perceived it as necessary and important, but after some time the children refused further work.

Cause in this case was in a mental state. When the child refused to continue with the task, the experimenter set a specific goal for the child, and this decisively changed the child's behavior: he began to cheerfully complete the building at a faster pace and significantly exceeded the amount of work previously done. Thus, the introduction of a restrictive goal when performing a task that is unattractive to the child becomes of great importance. It allows you to fulfill the instructions of an adult, which is extremely important for a child of this age, and at the same time stop an uninteresting activity. The goal has the greatest influence at the very beginning, that is, before the start of the task. Therefore, the goal for the child must be set in advance and as clearly as possible.

The interest of the adult, his approval of the actions of the child and Active participation in mastering the necessary skills and abilities.

A big goal, even if it is initially perceived positively by the child, should be specified and divided into small sub-goals, so the achievement of the goal will become more real and accessible. The same can be said about the organization of complex forms of behavior. In addition, specific goals must be set immediately before it is to be fulfilled. For example, setting a goal before the lesson, which will be more effective than remarking during the lesson, when the child is already behaving aggressively.

You must first set a goal for a short time, and as you master new form behavior to increase time. In addition, constant monitoring of the implementation of the intended goals is necessary. In this case, it is recommended to keep a special diary in which the child could set goals for himself and record an assessment of his success.

Along with all of the above, external means are an important condition for the successful mastery of behavior. Such tools help the child to control their actions, they are needed for clarity, and also help not to be distracted from the tasks.

In one experiment, the following technique was used: the experimenter agreed with the child that he would help him complete his homework without distractions. For this, the experimenter used a stopwatch, and so that the child could see it. This method allowed to sharply reduce the frequency of drives and their duration. As a rule, the child, 5 seconds after turning on the stopwatch, continued the interrupted work. Thus, the use of a stopwatch made it possible to achieve a steady, repetitive day-to-day work without distractions.

It is important to note that the use of verbal reminders did not give such results.

Another external means, contributing to the fulfillment of the task of the demon of distractions, can be considered hourglass. They visually show the passage of time and help the child regulate the pace of activity.

From all of the above, we can draw conclusions.

Under certain conditions, children of primary school age are able to learn to organize their behavior in accordance with given goals and their own intentions. An important role in the development of voluntary behavior is the participation of an adult. The adult directs the efforts of the child, reveals their meaning and provides the means of mastery. So the child learns to set goals in his activities and follow them, learn to manage his emotions and make decisions independently.

In psychology, various methods are used to help correct emotional disorders in younger students. These methods can be conditionally divided into group and individual, but this division does not reflect the main goal of psycho-correctional influences, but only reflects the form of conducting correctional classes.

There are two approaches to the correction of the child's mental development in world psychology. The first approach is called psychodynamic. The main task of psycho-correction within the framework of this approach is to create conditions that remove external social barriers to the resolution of internal contradictions. Games and art contribute to the successful resolution of these contradictions. therapy, as well as psychoanalysis and family psychocorrection. The second approach is behavioral.

Behavioral therapy is considered to be the main and most effective method psychological correction in world practice. Behavioral therapy is most effective in working with children, because it makes it possible to control the child's social environment and influence the mechanisms of maladaptive behavior. The main advantages of this approach are its practical nature, the focus on changes in behavior and the clarity of the concept.

Corrective classes within the framework of the second approach help to learn new reactions, form adaptive forms of behavior. Assimilated reactions are consolidated through various behavioral trainings and psycho-regulatory trainings.

Psychological correction of behavior in younger students is an organized system of psychological influences aimed at alleviating discomfort, increasing activity and independence, eliminating secondary personal reactions caused by emotional disorders, such as aggressiveness, excitability, anxiety, and consolidating adaptive forms of behavior.

Correction methods directly depend on the level of education, the level of mental and intellectual development, the lifestyle of the child and his environment.

Ultimately, the methods of correction are always associated with the methods of education. For example, such methods as persuasion, encouragement and punishment are both psycho-corrective and educational.

In recent years, such a direction of correction as the organization of children's activities based on their interests has become widespread.

Pedagogy has always defended the idea of ​​the relationship between methods of education and correction. A.S. Makarenko condemned the practice of "solitary means", that is, the isolated application of a single method. Together, the methods of psycho-correction are designed to encourage the child to take active actions aimed at combating bad habits and negative qualities.

Currently, there are many techniques and directions in corrective work with behavioral disorders. The system of corrective measures includes psychohygienic, medical and pedagogical, corrective, general health measures, as well as psychopharmacology and psychotherapy. This takes into account individual medical and biological characteristics, the nature of mental pathology, the level of social adaptation, the structure and form of aggressive behavior, the ratio of biological and socio-psychological factors.

Successful correction of behavioral disorders is possible with the coordinated work of a number of specialists, understanding and participation of the child's parents. Behavior correction should take into account the uniqueness and originality of the child, it should be based on an individual approach. Individual approach implies the identification of the cause of destructive manifestations in this particular case and the choice of appropriate methods of correction.

Individual assistance to a child in the classroom is a special activity. Carried out directly in interaction with the child or indirectly, through the family and the class, aimed at assisting in solving age-related problems of socialization and individual problems.

Another form of correction of behavioral disorders is also effective - group. We consider the advantages of this direction. First of all, the possibility of interaction between the participants, developing the necessary skills and constructive forms of behavior.

The origins of this direction are the ideas of Carl Rogers and his principle of "here and now", thanks to which the child can analyze his behavior, put himself in the place of another. In the group, attention is focused on direct experience and involvement in it, through the principles of partnership and equality of group members.

Speaking about the correction of aggressive behavior, specific and non-specific ways of interacting with a child are distinguished.

The group of specific methods includes relaxation training and game exercises.

Relaxation training can be used both in the classroom and during remedial classes. This method involves a "journey" in the imagination and is used to reduce the prerequisites for aggressive acts, such as internal tension and hyperactivity.

This group also includes gaming exercises. This method consists in repeating the studied action in game form in order to secure it. With the help of this method of learning, children develop the skills of practical use of the acquired knowledge.

The group of non-specific methods includes the "golden rules" of pedagogy.

The first rule is not to fix attention on undesirable behavior and not to get angry at the child yourself. The prohibition and raising the voice will only lead to an increase in aggressive impulses, while surprise, bewilderment and disappointment form only restraining beginnings, but do not solve the problem.

The second rule is to react and respond to positive changes in behavior, even the most minimal, as the child wants to feel understood, accepted and appreciated.

These modes of interaction are suitable for all children.

How to behave with an aggressive child of primary school age in order to reduce the level of his aggressiveness?

In some cases, when aggression is manifested, emergency adult intervention is required. Such intervention is aimed at reducing or avoiding aggressive manifestations in conflict and tense situations. At the same time, aggressive behavior is often just a way to attract attention to yourself. In this case, aggressive behavior is adequate and harmless and does not require outside intervention. If a child of primary school age shows anger within acceptable limits and according to objective reasons you need to listen carefully to the child, and then switch his attention to something else.

In aggressive manifestations, it is necessary to use the technique of objective description of behavior. This technique allows you to draw a clear line between a person and an act. After the child has calmed down, you can discuss with him his misconduct and the reasons why the child considered doing this and not otherwise. At the same time, it is advisable to describe how he behaved, what words he said, what actions he performed, without giving an assessment of his actions. If critical remarks are made, backed up by strong emotions, then this will cause a protest on the part of the child and lead him away from solving the problem. When analyzing behavior, it is important to discuss only specific facts, that is, what happened "here and now", and not to recall past mistakes and misdeeds of the child. Otherwise, resentment will arise on the part of the child, and he will not be able to evaluate his behavior critically. Instead of “reading morality”, it is necessary to convincingly demonstrate to the child that non-constructive aggression harms him most of all and show the negative consequences of such behavior. The next step is to demonstrate to the child possible constructive ways of behaving in a conflict situation.

It is not necessary to analyze behavior at the moment of aggressive behavior, it is worth waiting until the child calms down, but at the same time, discussion should be held as soon as possible, and not postponed until later. It is best to conduct a discussion in private, without witnesses. Public condemnation and negative assessment is the worst thing for a child of primary school age. In addition, a bad reputation and a negative label can cause further aggressive behavior.

Giving feedback to the aggressive behavior of a younger student, an adult must show interest, goodwill and firmness. During the conversation, you need to remain calm and objective. It is necessary to clearly explain to the child that his parents love him, but against how he behaves.

When interacting with an aggressive child, the main task of an adult is to reduce the tension of the situation. Incorrect actions of an adult, such as raising his voice or aggressive postures, only increase tension and aggression in a child. The possible negative effect of such a reaction on the part of an adult can be much more harmful than the aggressive behavior of a child.

It is important to carefully control your negative emotions when interacting with an aggressive child. When a child demonstrates aggressive behavior, an adult develops anger, irritation, indignation, helplessness and other strong negative emotions. In this case, it is necessary to recognize that such negative experiences are natural and normal, to understand their nature and strength.

By managing their negative emotions, an adult does not reinforce the aggressive behavior of the child, but maintains a good relationship with him and demonstrates a positive pattern of behavior.

With aggressive behavior, both sides lose their self-control, and the question arises - to resolve the situation peacefully or to fight for their power. An adult needs to behave constructively, not aggressively, such a condition for educating “controlled aggression” in a younger student. An adult's response to a child's aggressive behavior should be peaceful. Children quickly adopt non-aggressive behavior patterns, provided that the adult is sincere and his words correspond to non-verbal reactions.

The technique of non-reflective listening is a technique aimed at reducing tension in a conflict situation.

Non-reflective listening is listening without analysis and involves only silent and attentive insight into the essence of the speaker's monologue. What gives him the opportunity to speak and allows you to trust.

The ability to be attentively silent is the main component of non-reflective listening. Silence is necessary. Because the interlocutor is least of all interested now in our comments and he wants to be listened to and heard. Attention is necessary, because otherwise communication will turn into new conflict and communication will be interrupted due to resentment on the part of the child. All you need to do with reflective listening is to keep the interlocutor willing to speak out.

With non-reflective listening, it is important to give the child the opportunity to calm down, inspire calm through non-verbal means, acknowledge the feelings of the child, clarify the situation with leading questions and use humor.

In his work, the educational psychologist uses various methods and forms of work with aggressive manifestations.

We will consider in more detail some methods of corrective influence in the work of a teacher-psychologist.

Logotherapy. The founder of this method is Viktor Frankl. The method of talking therapy is a conversation that is aimed at verbalization, that is, verbal expression emotional states and description of emotional experiences. The child tells the psychologist about his feelings, thoughts and desires. Verbalization of emotional experiences allows the child to self-actualize, since during the conversation there is a coincidence of verbal argumentation and internal state.

Recognition of the value of the child's personality, readiness for empathy allow the child to reveal, trust the psychologist and causes respect from the child to the adult.

Psycho-gymnastics is a method that allows you to express yourself and communicate without the help of words. The purpose of this method is self-knowledge and personal change. Psychogymnastics is based on the methods of the Czech psychologist Yunova.

Psycho-gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at the development and correction of both the cognitive and emotional spheres of the child. This method belongs to the group of non-verbal methods of group psychotherapy.

Within the framework of this method, the interaction is based on motor expression, facial expressions and pantomimics. The child realizes that there is a relationship between thoughts, feelings and behavior and learns to manage it.

The purpose of the exercises is to overcome barriers in communication, develop empathy, become aware of one's feelings and emotions, develop the ability to express one's feelings, and reduce emotional stress. The combination of facial expressions, gestures and pantomime creates favorable opportunities for expressing and conveying feelings and emotions without words.

Music therapy is a method of psychological correction, which involves the use of musical works and instruments. Music therapy is widely used around the world for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of disorders, including emotional instability.

Analyzing the basics of psycho-correctional work with children, we come to the conclusion that this method is most effective in working with preschool children.

The psychological mechanisms of the correctional impact of this method are catharsis, that is, emotional release, which allows you to adjust your emotional state, increase social activity and learn new ways of expressing your feelings and emotions.

Music therapy is based on the selection of melodies that have positive influence on the psyche, and improve the emotional state. This method is used as a means to relieve stress, increase emotional tone, correct deviations in personal development, emancipation, concentration, improve mood and overall harmonization of the child's condition. For example, fast and cheerful compositions cheer up and activate the attention of the child, and dance compositions should be used as physical exercises to relieve fatigue in classes with high mental fatigue and low mobility. For children showing anxiety and anxiety, experiencing fears and tension, a simple listening to calm music is carried out as an accompaniment to the task.

Music therapy orients the teacher to cooperate with the child and integrate various types of artistic activities. This method of psychological correction is creative. Due to this quality of the method, it can be used not only on music lessons but also in all other activities. Music therapy exercises are used not only for the development of musical and motor abilities, but also as a means of developing cognitive processes: attention, will, memory, imagination and fantasy as a game training.

There are two types of music therapy - receptive and active.

Receptive music therapy is a simple perception of music without any special exercises.

Active music therapy involves active activities, such as dancing or other exercises accompanied by music. This form of music therapy is remedial-oriented.

When working with children of primary school age, it is advisable to use both receptive and active types of music therapy.

Art therapy is a simple and effective way to psychologically correct the emotional and behavioral spheres of a child's personality. This method motivates a child to work, which is very useful, since a child, unlike an adult, is not ready to discuss and solve his difficulties. This method allows you to captivate and interest the child, help him open up and trust the psychologist. Within the framework of this method, the discussion of psychological problems takes place in the background. And the main activity is visual or creative. It turns out that the child simultaneously overcomes his psychological difficulties and enjoys

This method is based on the development of basic psychological abilities - the symbolic function of thinking and imagination and the creative processes of self-expression.

The psyche of the child is very vulnerable and requires a careful attitude. Art therapy is a method that is especially suitable for children, as it allows you to work with even the deepest psychological problems of a child without injuring the psyche.

The term "art. therapy" was introduced in 1938 by Adrian Hill. The art therapy method was proposed by psychoanalysts in the 1930s and the main task is the development of self-expression and self-knowledge.

Children enjoy being creative. In addition to fine art art. therapy involves making masks, modeling clay, writing and many other types of creativity.

Everyone has a need for self-expression and creative self-realization. By creating something, a person feels satisfied and finds harmony in himself.

Psychologists in their research have long noticed that the drawings of children are not only indicators of the level of mental development and individual personality characteristics of the child, but also reflect the projection of his personality. A child's drawing is a means of expressing the child's feelings and his emotional states, contributing to self-knowledge and awareness of his abilities.

E. Kramer and R. Alshuler types of images that reflect the age dynamics of the development of the picture and the individual personality characteristics of the child. All in their research, they deduced four types of images - these are scribbles, diagrams, pictograms and works of art.

initial stage children's drawing- it's a scribble. At an older age, the image of a doodle can express loneliness and a sense of helplessness.

Schemes and pictograms that are depicted at an older age may indicate a need for protection and repressed desires.

Particular importance in art therapy is given to color schemes. The predominance of black and gray colors, for example, they talk about a depressive state and a feeling of depression. The presence of bright and saturated colors in the drawing is an indicator of optimism and an active life position.

A.I. Zakharov used the method of art therapy in the correction of neuroses in children and developed the stages of corrective work within the framework of this method. The most effective will be a group form of work, since the child will be able to show his drawing not only to an adult, but also to his peers, which will arouse interest in drawing and a desire to improve their skills.

In the first lessons, the children themselves choose the topics of their drawings. In the second lesson, children are offered themes of drawings, which depend on that. what needs to be corrected. Then, the psychologist, together with each child, analyzes the drawing. In the process of analysis, it is important to express your approval, causing the child to feel proud of his creation.

Of particular importance in the psychological correction of children of primary school age is the method of play therapy. This method is considered the most effective method of correction in the world psychological practice.

Play therapy is effective when working with children of different diagnostic categories, except for schizophrenia and autism. This method is effective as a means of improving the emotional state of the child after the divorce of the parents, to improve the "I-concept" of the child, as a means of reducing fears, stress and anxiety, in correcting difficulties in reading and writing, correcting aggressive behavior, in treating stuttering and lagging behind in speech development.

main goal game exercises is to help children of primary school age express their experiences, feelings and emotions in an acceptable way.

In the gaming process, as experts have long noticed, it is much easier for children to express their experiences, dreams and needs.

Game therapy - the best way to mental stability. At the heart of the methods play therapy lies the recognition of the game an important factor personal development .

Play is a natural form of a child's life. It is a special activity that blossoms in childhood and accompanies throughout the life of an adult. During the game, a person controls the situation when the real situation contradicts this.

The game is a kind of means of exploring the world around us, one's capabilities and a way of expressing feelings. It represents the child's attempt to gain real life experience and build his own world. Since the game is free from the influence of adults, it gives the child freedom of action, freedom of self-expression and self-exploration of feelings and experiences, allows you to displace emotional stress and cope with frustration. During the game, the child actively interacts with the outside world, develops intellectual, strong-willed and moral qualities.

The game performs diagnostic, therapeutic and educational functions.

The diagnostic function consists in the ability to observe during the game the features of the child's character, his ways of interacting with the surrounding people and objects. During the game, the child demonstrates his feelings and what he has ever experienced, and such a connection is obvious. In the game, children express their experiences more freely than in words. Therefore, to demand from the child that he would tell about himself means to erect a barrier between himself and the child.

The therapeutic function of play lies in the possibility of emotional and motor self-expression, in responding to fears and fantasies, as well as the ability to organize one's experience. For children, the game itself is important - its process, not the result. During the game, children play out past experiences and dissolve them in a new perception, in new forms of behavior.

The educational function of the game is an opportunity to expand the range of communication and outlook on life, rebuild relationships with others and allows you to better socialize. Here the game appears before us as a way to learn what no one can teach a child. This is a way to explore the real world, time and space around, plants and animals.

The game as a correctional honey began to be used at the beginning of the 20th century. The ancestor of this method is Jacob Moreno, who developed the psychodrama technique in 1922 to correct the relationship of patients.

In the 1920s, Anna Freud used the game in her work with children as a method of psychotherapy. She proposed two forms of play therapy - directed or directive and non-directive, that is, non-directive play therapy.

Directed play therapy is a form of play therapy in which a psychologist takes an active part in the game. He directs the activity of the child and interprets it.

This area is characterized by a clear distribution of roles and structured plans.

Non-directional play therapy passes in a free form without intervention and control by a psychologist, which contributes to greater self-disclosure and self-expression on the part of the child.

Foreign psychologists have developed many methods of non-directive play therapy. Among these methods are sand play and water play, which are widely accepted and used in the correction of emotional discomfort in children. The method of "world-building" is also known, in which the child creates his "world" with the help of various objects. For example, figurines of animals, people, houses, cars, etc. This technique was proposed by M. Lowenfeld for working with children. Her methodology is of diagnostic and corrective value, since in the process of playing the child processes his mental conflicts.

The tasks of non-directive game correction are the child's self-expression, the removal of emotional discomfort and the formation of self-regulatory processes.

When using the method of non-directive game correction, the psychologist empathically communicates with the child, empathizes with him. In directive game correction, the psychologist is the organizer of the game and analyzes its symbolic meaning.

Role-playing games are related to directive game therapy. They contribute to the correction of self-esteem and improve relationships with others. Preparation for the beginning of the game involves drawing up a plan or plot of the game, choosing game material and group formation. During the game, the emotional manifestations of the child are fixed. An important condition for correction is the child's ability to get used to the image. It is useful to play such games together with the parents of the children and when exchanging roles.

The method of game psychological correction in the form of a role-playing game is used in work with interpersonal conflicts and behavioral disorders, while modeling new experience behavior in stressful situations.

The group form of playful psychological correction is both a psychological and a social process in which children interact with each other and acquire new knowledge about themselves and others. Within the framework of this method, the game is understood as a means of correcting neuropsychiatric disorders and psychosomatic diseases. Besides this method can also be used as a means of psychological prevention.

The tasks of group acupuncture are to help the child realize his real "I", increase self-esteem, develop opportunities, resolve internal conflicts, reduce anxiety, fight fears and guilt, reduce the level of aggressive manifestations.

During the game, children interact with each other, influence each other. The group form of work allows children to identify with other forms of behavior, as well as better simulate the real conditions of interaction. By observing other children, the child learns to take responsibility and gains the courage needed to try something new for himself.

Of no small importance for the success of psycho-correctional work is the composition of the group. The composition of the correctional group is a powerful integrative or disintegrative factor. Participants should be recruited on a complementary basis, including children with a variety of disabilities to enable identification with alternative patterns of behaviour.

In the correctional group, an atmosphere of acceptance must necessarily reign. Each participant should be given the opportunity to express themselves freely without judgment. The group should not include more than one child with delinquent behavior. The age difference should not exceed 12 months. Primary school age groups should include children of different sexes. It is desirable that the group members do not know each other before the start of the remedial session.

Game therapy as a method of psychological correction of aggressive behavior in children of primary school age is considered the most successful today.
