Methods for determining the sex of a child: female and male chromosomes. Calculate the gender of the unborn child

Every young family wants to have children. Many dads really want sons, since a son is a continuation of the family. But many wish to have a beautiful daughter. Therefore, future parents are trying to calculate the sex of the child. Previously, everyone undertook this business - grandmothers, fortune-tellers, self-styled astrologers. Very often the result did not live up to expectations. It was very sad for those parents who are preparing for the birth of a girl, buy everything pink, and a boy is born. Or vice versa. In any case, the sex of the child cannot be calculated 100%, this has not been scientifically confirmed. In our time, you can try as much as possible to do this, or at least try.

For example, there is a table where the age of the mother is correlated with the month of conception of the fetus. The next way to do this is to follow a certain diet by both parents. For those who want a girl, it is necessary to exclude such products as meat, canned food, cheese, potatoes. Eat more foods that contain calcium and magnesium. For parents who are expecting a boy, milk and dairy products, chocolate, peanuts should be excluded. And eat more of those foods that contain a lot of potassium and sodium, and less of those that contain calcium and magnesium.

You can calculate the gender of the baby also through ovulation. More viable spermatozoa are girls. they can live for a week, waiting for the release of the egg. Boys die early. But if ovulation has already occurred, then they move with greater speed. And in this case, the probability of having a boy is much higher. In order to calculate the sex of the child by this method, there is a special ovulation calendar that can be downloaded on the Internet.

There is also another method to calculate the gender of the child. It depends on the renewal of the blood of future mothers and fathers. And the renewal of blood depends on the age of the parents. renewal of human blood begins at birth. There are such concepts as strength or youth of blood. The power of blood allows you to more accurately calculate the sex of the child.

There is another way to calculate the gender of the unborn child. It is closely related to the age of the expectant mother. This method is only suitable for women whose ovulation falls in the middle of the cycle. If the conception of a child falls on an odd year of the mother, and at the same time the parents really want a girl, then it is better to conceive in January, March, May, July, September and November. In an even year - in February, April, June, August, October. As for the boys, it is necessary to do the opposite. But it doesn’t matter at all who it will be, a boy or a girl. The main thing is that this is your most dear little man. All the will of God. Health, happiness, good luck to you and your children.

Boy or girl? Girl or boy? - this question worries almost every future parent. And even those who do not want to consciously determine the sex of the baby in advance - they mentally ask themselves the same question. Guessing, guessing or reliably determining who will be born to you - an heir or an heiress - is quite realistic, and there are many ways for this.

100% guarantee of determining the sex of the unborn child

There is only one way to reliably determine the sex of the unborn baby after conception - chorion biopsy or amniopuncture. In this case, a genetic study is carried out. Since this procedure is very serious, it is carried out only to detect genetic disorders, if there is evidence for that. But for the sake of curiosity (who is sitting there?), not a single sane doctor will penetrate the uterus to take material for research.

It is considered close to the true determination of the sex of the child. But even here there is every chance of making a mistake or simply not seeing it (the baby can diligently “hide” the “place” by which his gender is calculated). By ultrasound, the sex of the child can really be found out after the 16th week of pregnancy.

But already from the seventh week of the “interesting situation”, those who want to know who settled in the tummy can do this. Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, a very small amount of fetal DNA “floats” in the maternal bloodstream with a “hint” for gender: if a Y chromosome is detected in the blood, then a boy will definitely be born, because girls have only X chromosomes. However, in these methods a mistake is possible, so even doctors do not recommend blindly trusting them.

Chinese and Japanese ways to determine the sex of the baby

The Chinese and Japanese determined the sex of the future baby (and planned it very successfully) since ancient times and trust their methods to this day, and not only the Chinese and Japanese.

For example, more than 700 years. Its original is still kept in Beijing, and copies freely “hover” on the Internet and satisfy the curiosity of future parents.

We encourage you to use this table. It is only important to know how old the future mother is, as well as in what month the conception occurred. Comparing these data - the table will indicate who will be born to you - D (girl), or M (boy).

The Japanese also use a table to determine the sex of the unborn baby. But here she looks a little different. To begin with, we determine the number indicated by the intersection point of the month of birth of the future father and mother.

Month of birth

Then, in the following table, we look for the received figure and the month of conception, and determine the gender of the “turned out” baby.

However, these days, these methods are treated more like a game than a serious way to determine the sex of an unborn baby.

Blood in determining the sex of the unborn child

There are two ways to determine the sex of a child using blood: by blood type and by its renewal. It is believed that human blood tends to be renewed: for a woman every three years, and for a man - every four. And that's whose blood is "younger" at the time of conception, this sex will be the future baby.

They also determine (or even guess with minimal accuracy) the sex of the child according to the following blood group tables and the Rh factor of future parents.

The people claim

And yet the most interesting are the "folk" ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby, as they often say - "grandmother's recipes."

  • The presence of a waist in a woman (behind) during pregnancy indicates that a boy is sitting in the tummy.
  • Boys also kick harder in the stomach.
  • “The beauty is taken away” from the mother, usually girls (“acneous” skin, tormenting, and).
  • Cold feet and cravings for salt indicate that you are having a boy.
  • Grace in a woman appears when carrying a girl, and clumsiness - when carrying a boy.
  • Swollen legs indicate pregnancy as a boy.
  • The darkened areolas of the nipples "hint" at the birth of a girl.
  • Increased hair growth on your legs indicates that you will have a boy.
  • Intense sex life "provokes" the conception of girls.

Such "methods" of determining sex in the arsenal of our grandmothers are apparently invisible. However, none of them has a scientific basis, much less evidence. So believe them or not - decide for yourself. Surely, among our readers there will be those who will say: yes, with my daughter I was terribly ugly, and with my son I had to do depilation on my legs twice a day. Is not it?

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Even from biology lessons at school, each of us knows very well that a pair of chromosomes is responsible for the sex of the unborn child, which enters the female womb with a male spermatozoon: X and Y. If the female chromosomes XX are joined with Y, then a boy will be born, and if with X, then a girl should be expected. Only one thing emerges from this: what a man puts in, then it is born. But bad luck, the probability of having a girl or a boy is 50x50. Is it possible to find out the sex of the unborn child without an ultrasound? Is it possible to clearly see, long before that, who is growing in my mother's tummy?

We hasten to please you: there are several fairly effective methods for determining the sex of an unborn child. Some methods came to us from ancient times and were composed of long-term observations of pregnant women, others are newer and are based on the discoveries of modern scientists. But, despite this, we still do not recommend trusting them all, because Mother Nature is an unpredictable woman and loves to make surprises, keep this in mind.

1. Determination of the sex of the child by the nutrition of the expectant mother

Many grandmothers in villages say that it is possible to determine the sex of a child by the taste preferences of a pregnant woman. If she suddenly began to lean on sweets, cakes and chocolates, then the family should expect the addition of a girl. And if a woman in a position to taste various pickles, pulls on fried potatoes or french fries, that is, she wants various fried and spicy hazards, then this is the birth of a boy.

2. Determination of the sex of the child by the nutrition of a woman before pregnancy

Yes, yes, some argue that a woman's nutrition before conception can have an impact on who she will bear in the near future. Did you prefer dairy products, cucumbers, eggplants, carrots, beets, peas, peppers, sweets and nuts? Did you avoid exotic fruits, potatoes, currants, melons and plums? Then congratulations, with a probability of 80% you will have a girl.

But lovers of potatoes, mushrooms, meat, cherries, apricots, oranges, bananas, peaches, dates and salty foods usually have boys.

3. Determination of the sex of the child by the appearance of the pregnant woman

In ancient times, and even now, many are trying to determine the sex of the baby by the appearance of the expectant mother. You look beautiful, your eyes glow, your hair shines, your face skin just shines - there will be a boy. And if your reflection in the mirror does not please you, age spots appear on your face, your nose is pointed, your hair has become dull - you will have a beautiful daughter. Rumor has it that this girl borrows beauty from her mother. Do not despair - after childbirth your appearance will return to normal.

4. Determination of the sex of the child by the type of abdomen

Omens are omens, but often they turn out to be better predictors than scientific facts. For example, midwives predicted the sex of the unborn child from the belly of the future woman in labor. They argued that a sharp, neat or protruding belly of a pregnant woman indicates that a boy is growing in it. And vague and round - to the girl.

5. Determination of the sex of the child according to the Chinese calendar

This sex determination method was developed by ancient Chinese physicians in order to plan the gender of the country's future monarchs. It is believed that it is one of the most accurate. To determine, it is enough to know the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception, and it will become clear who will be born to her. So, help you.

6. Determination of the sex of the child by ovulation

If you clearly monitor your female health, know the date of ovulation and remember what day conception could have happened, then this can also tell you who will be born to you. Intercourse took place 3-5 days before ovulation? There is an 80% chance that you will have a girl. If after ovulation - there will be a boy.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Would you like to know exactly the gender of the unborn child and even plan the pregnancy by “ordering” a son or daughter? Are there reliable forecasting methods in such a delicate area and how to find out the sex of a child without ultrasound?

It turns out that there are such methods, some of them are quite ancient, others are based on modern scientific data. Let's get acquainted with the main methods of calculation.

How to find out the gender of the child: the main ways

Many parents are not averse to calculating the gender of the child in advance. someone already has, say, two daughters and really wants to have a successor to the family name. Others have more complicated problems: there are, say, a number of diseases that are transmitted only through the male or exclusively through the female line. Here, the very life of the baby, or at least his health, will be tied to his gender.

Boy or girl, how do you know? This question is often asked by future mothers and fathers. What does science say about this? One thing is known for certain: sex chromosomes are responsible for the birth of a son or daughter.

Women have two identical X chromosomes, while men have an unpaired set: an X and a Y chromosome. It is clear that the pregnancy calendar depends on the combination of these combinations: it is easy to calculate the sex of the child, knowing the initial data of the connecting chromosomes of a man and a woman.

In theory, it's understandable. But in practice, how to understand which of the male chromosomes will come into contact with the female and, accordingly, is it possible to conduct a certain test for the sex of the child, or is everything decided by chance, fate?

There are many different methods, including pseudoscientific ones, there are also so-called folk signs and recommendations, sometimes very curious. For example, the ancient Germans advised how to find out the sex of the unborn child: you just need to set it according to the weather.

In rainy weather, girls are most often conceived, and boys are born after a night of love in clear weather. The ancient Chinese were sure that in order to give birth to an heir, a woman should be put to bed on the night of intercourse with her head to the north, respectively, in a pose with her head to the south, a girl will turn out.

But today we will still talk about other planning options that are more scientifically based or at least proven by centuries of practice. You can calculate whether a boy or a girl is in several main ways:
  • According to the ovulation algorithm;
  • According to the Japanese and Chinese table;
  • By renewing the blood;
  • Gender of the child by date of birth of the parents;
  • According to the prevailing diet;
  • According to the lunar calendar, etc.

Gender of the child by date of conception and age of the mother: the ancient Chinese calendar

In a number of calculations, the same criterion is present, which is quite logical, because one of the main decisive factors really becomes the very moment of the merger of male and female principles. Therefore, the sex of the child by the date of conception is determined by several methods, although each uses this element in its own way, in combination with other initial data.

For example, in a very ancient Chinese table, the link is made to the age of the mother. Historians claim that the original document was found in the catacombs, where it was kept for 700 years. But there is one caveat: the mother's age is needed not at the moment of conception, but at the expected date of birth. That is, 9 months of the gestation period must be added to the day of pregnancy.

This is a very simple table: a boy or a girl, we find out using just two numbers: the month of conception of the baby and the age of the mother at the time of the future birth. At the intersection of the corresponding rows of the table, we will see the desired letter: M or D.

How to find out the gender of the child according to the Japanese table

A little more complicated is the Japanese calculation algorithm. This will require two interdependent tablets and three numbers (months of birth of both parents and conception).

How to find out the gender of the child using tables of this format? In the first table, the months of birth of the father and mother of the baby are encrypted. At the crossroads of these two introductory there is some figure. We remember it (write it down) and look for it in the “heading” of the columns of the second plate. In this column, select the line with the month of conception of the baby. Opposite this date, we look at the results of forecasts for the sex of the unborn baby.


The mother-to-be was born in May and the father-to-be was born in September. The child was conceived in December. To determine the sex of the unborn child, we look in the first table for the number that stands at the intersection of May horizontally and September vertically. This is number 9.

We find the number 9 in the upper first row horizontally. This is our desired column. In this column, we are looking for the month of conception of the unborn child - December. Opposite December there are many crosses in the "boy" column. So, according to the Japanese table for determining the sex of a child, a boy should be born. And if the child was conceived in May, then most likely it was a girl.

The Japanese do not give guarantees, their table gives a probabilistic forecast, that is, it shows how great the chances of having a son or daughter are. In this original calendar, a girl or a boy is indicated by several crosses. The more of these icons, the more likely the conception of a baby of this sex in a given month.

How to determine the sex of the unborn child according to the ovulation schedule

The most reliable way to determine the sex of the unborn child was proposed by the Polish doctor F. Benedo, there are also similar calculations from French scientists. It is believed that the accuracy of such forecasts is up to 80 percent.

As we already know, it all depends on which of the male chromosomes will connect with the female - X or Y. In the first case, the code XX will be obtained, that is, a girl will be born. In the second, with set XY, the newborn will be a boy. But still, how to find out who will be born, what will be the combination of chromosomes in our particular case?

Helps in the calculation of the different behavior of male spermatozoa. The one that has the X chromosome is larger, but slow and can stay in the female body for a long time, up to 5 days, waiting for the egg. And the sperm carrying the Y-chromosome dies quickly, in a day or two. They are small, weak, although quite nimble.

Who will be born: a girl or a boy, depends on which one has time to merge with the female egg. For the birth of a boy, fertilization must occur a day before ovulation or even earlier. A girl will be conceived if intercourse occurs 3-5 days before ovulation.

It remains to calculate the date of ovulation. For this, there are special pharmacy testers. Another option is to measure your basal body temperature. It rises slightly at the time of ovulation, by about half a degree. Finally, you can determine the sex of the child by the last menstruation or by the menstrual cycle. The boy will appear if fertilization occurs 11-13 days before the next menstruation. Girl - with effective sexual intercourse 14-15 days before menstruation.

And one more little secret: if a woman has an orgasm, the chance of giving birth to a boy is higher. It is believed that deep orgasm promotes the survival of sperm Y.

Gender of the child by date of conception of the baby and mother

The theories of the Budyansky spouses are another way to calculate the sex of the child by the date of conception of both the baby and his mother. The last figure is derived based on the woman's birthday, 9 months are subtracted from this date and the desired moment is obtained.

According to Budyansky's theory, the parity or oddness of the mother's menstrual cycle plays a significant role in the process of forming the sex of the baby. From here it is concluded how to find out the sex of the child by the date of conception. Only the emphasis in the calculations is on the date of birth. A woman with an odd cycle will give birth to a boy in an even month, and a girl in an odd month of the year. A mother who has an even cycle of menstruation has every chance of giving birth to a son in an odd month of the year, and a daughter in an even month.

We determine the sex of the child by updating the blood

Finding out the sex of the child by blood renewal is the next common method. Numerous medical observations and studies undeniably show the frequency of blood renewal. For beautiful ladies, this happens once every three years. Men are more stable, their renewal process has a cycle of four years.

On this interesting property, the determination of the sex of a child by blood renewal is based. Whoever has fresher blood, that sex is stronger at the time of conception, so will the heir. You can also count the periods from the date of birth of the parents, but it must be borne in mind that the cycles go astray after a serious blood loss, for example, if there was some kind of operation, including an abortion. Then this date will become a new reference point for cycles.

How to calculate the sex of a child by renewing blood, if both parents have approximately the same quality of blood at the time of conception, that is, the cycle coincided? It is in this case that the birth of twins is most likely! Statistics assures that the forecast for this system gives a 50 percent hit.

And even more interesting and more about this method, see the video:

How to determine the sex of the unborn child by diet

If you are not convinced by the theory of how to calculate the sex of a child by blood renewal, or you think that a 50 percent chance is not enough, you can add "points" using a certain diet. The Dutch have experimentally developed a diet that promotes the birth of a baby of a certain gender.

Everything is extremely simple: there is no need for complex combinations of numbers, factors, there is no need for such calculations, for example, how to find out the date of birth or in solving other “tasks”. It's just that for about three months, both parents need to adhere to certain preferences in the daily menu. The percentage of luck in the forecast according to this principle is very high - from 70 to 80.

So, in order for the heir of the stronger sex to be born, you need to consume foods rich in proteins and fats, and even flavor them with salt. It is also important to have foods high in potassium and sodium in the diet. There are even special lists of products: who will be born, the table will tell, based on the preferred set of dishes. To conceive a boy, experts advise to lean on meat and fish, seafood, vegetables (especially potatoes), cereals, beans, mushrooms, testicles, bakery products.

For girls, food with a predominant content of magnesium and calcium will be required. Specifically, this is an abundance of dairy products, fruits, colored vegetables, nuts, chocolate, honey, and other sweets.

Other methods to find out the sex of the child

We already know how the sex of a child is determined by the date of conception and by other factors and signs. For example, the use of the lunar calendar is gaining popularity. The Moon, bypassing the Earth, crosses all 12 zodiac signs every month.

Half of them are considered male: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Accordingly, the remaining six signs are female: Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus. Who will be born a boy or a girl: a table is not required, it is enough to have a lunar calendar and keep track of which sign the Moon was in on the day of conception. If in the male, expect a son, and in the female, logically, a daughter.

Another method is to take into account the blood type and Rh factor of both parents. True, it is impossible to reveal exactly the sex of a child by blood, one can only talk about the predisposition of a given couple to the birth of children of one sex or another. After all, both Rh and blood type are constants, that is, unchanging indicators. However, there are also tables showing the chances of a daughter or son being born to a particular couple.

A number of researchers claim that it is possible to predict the sex of a baby based on the age of the mother and father. This is partly true, because it is on age indicators, as we said above, that blood renewal depends. And we have already considered how to determine the sex of a child by blood renewal.

Of course, the most reliable method of diagnosis is ultrasound. Although, babies sometimes hide their obvious signs of gender, turning around so that even smart equipment will not see them. Yes, and a number of parents do not really want to make such calculations and deliberately refuse even ultrasound.

They want the sacrament of birth to remain so, despite the latest means and ancient signs. Moreover, none of the methods gives a 100% guarantee. It is better to wait for the decision of fate than to count, tune in to one result, and then worry if the forecast does not come true.

That's all for now, dear friends. The main thing is that any newborn should be desired, loved, regardless of his gender. On this today we will say goodbye. Be happy with your kids!

Each person in his life plans fatherhood and motherhood, wants a child of a certain gender, makes plans for his future. But nature has its own plans, its own calculations. And who exactly will be born in the family, only a higher power knows. Although, as long as humanity has existed, people have been trying to bypass nature, or at least look ahead, into the future, to find out who will be born: a boy or a girl. What methods for this have come up with mankind and how is the sex of the child determined?

Why do you need to know the gender of the expected baby?

Every family that is expecting a baby has the need to prepare the necessary diapers, sliders and vests for his birth. In the modern world of "personal" things, the little man who just came into this world has become much more. Among them are a crib, and a stroller, and a bath, and much, much more. What will they be: flowered pink or blue? It depends on the gender of the baby. The sex of the child also matters when there are genetically transmitted diseases in the family. It is for this purpose that parents want to know the answer to their question: “Who will be?”

How to determine the sex of the child, what methods are known? Old, folk, emerging from observations. Modern, scientific, which came along with the development of medicine. Let's consider the most common ones in more detail.

1. What kind of sex determination tables did scrupulous Chinese prepare?

There are several planning tables and finding out the sex of the unborn baby. The most popular on the Internet today is the so-called Chinese table, as it was tested by the Beijing Institute of Family Planning and received an accuracy of 98%. Chinese men, armed with it, are trying to order the sex of their heir.

How does this table work? Everything is elementary: the sex of the baby is calculated based on the age of the mother and the estimated month of birth of the crumbs. If you are only planning motherhood / fatherhood, you should take into account the age of the mother, choose the sex of the heir and the possible month of his birth, count nine months ago, and you will get the date of conception of the child. Try it.

2. How is the gender of a baby predicted in Japan?

The Japanese did not lag behind in this matter. They presented their table of planning the sex of the child. It has some difference and is based on the date of birth of not only mom, but also dad.

So, there are actually two tables. In the first, you are looking for "your" number, which is at the intersection of the male birthday and the corresponding woman.

Having determined your number, you continue to work according to the following table. "Your" number is in the upper horizontal line. Gender is determined from the month in which the baby will be conceived. The number of pluses in the "boy / girl" column, opposite the given month, determines the chances of having a child of this gender: the more there are, the more likely a miracle will happen. Thus, parents have only 2 chances per year.

3. Blood group of parents and sex of the child

But these are not the only possible ways to “order” a girl or a boy. You can do this based on the blood type and Rhesus of the future parents, as well as by calculating when their blood was renewed.

So, in order to “order” a child of exactly the gender that you so want, you should think about it while meeting your soulmate, otherwise, based on some observations and practices, you have the opportunity to have only a girl or a boy, depending from the fact that Rh blood and its group allows you.

There is also the so-called theory of child planning, based on the time of renewal of the blood of the parents. What is its essence? There is an opinion that supposedly the blood of a man is completely renewed every 4 years, while that of a woman is 1 time in 3 years. So, it is believed that a baby will be born, respectively, of the gender of which of the parents has younger blood: if mother, then a girl, if father is a boy. How to calculate? The age of the man, the future dad, is divided by 4 and we get the approximate date of blood renewal. For example, he is 33, then 33:4=8 and the remainder is 1. His blood is 1 year old. Mom is 27, then 27:3=9. Her blood has only been renewed, and therefore younger. So it will be a girl. It is difficult to say how accurate this result is, if we do not take into account such factors as blood transfusion, its loss during operations, abortions, and donation. Then the renewal of blood begins to be counted not from the date of birth of the parent, but from the date of the event when he/she last had a loss of blood. Some scientists do not believe this method and give only 1-2% probability, while some, on the contrary, confirm its accuracy of 65-88%.

4. Determination of the sex of the child by age

Some practices show that the age of the parents affects the sex of the first child. If a woman is older than her husband by 1-9 years, then a girl will be born first in the family. If the husband is older (by 5-15 years), then a boy will be born. This data applies only to firstborns.

5. Ultrasound and sex of the crumbs

In the modern world of technological progress, when you can look inside the body without harm, a common method for examining an already formed fetus is ultrasound. You can accurately determine the sex of the baby as early as the 20th week of pregnancy, provided that the baby turns to you exactly in the place where the sex is determined. Often, even in the mother's womb, the child spins, closes and does not allow to examine its intimate places. So there is always a possibility of error. At earlier dates, for example, at week 11, it is possible to consider the sex of the baby only in 30% of cases. At this stage of development, the umbilical tubercle in the male embryo is slightly higher than in the female. Further, the signs become more and more distinct, and the probability of the forecast increases: at 12 weeks - this is 46% reliability, and at 13 weeks - 80%.

6. Planning the sex of the baby by ovulation

It is believed that one of the most accurate in determining the sex of the crumbs even during planning or pregnancy itself is the method of ovulation in a woman. This is the most scientifically based way to provide for children. What is its essence? Fertilization occurs from sperm that carry male XY chromosomes and an egg that has XX chromosomes. What connection will occur, such a sex of the baby will be: X-male and X-female set of chromosomes - we are waiting for a girl, X-female set and Y-male - there will be a boy. It is known that Y-chromosomes are the fastest and most active, but they die quickly. And if they did not immediately meet the egg, they died. While the X chromosomes still waited for the appearance of the egg and fertilized it even after 24 hours. That same egg is produced during ovulation, 13-16 days before your period. This happens every 25 days. There are some of its signs: pain in the lower abdomen, pulling in the chest, mood swings, increased basal body temperature. After ovulation has occurred, all subsequent days before menstruation there is an opportunity to become pregnant with a boy.

7. Folk signs for determining the sex of a child

Well, how to get around folk signs? They took shape over thousands of years, were tested over the centuries, and many have survived to our time. Here are some of them:

  • if a woman suffers from severe toxicosis during pregnancy, then she is expecting a boy;
  • if a woman feels chills, then there will be a girl, if a fever, then a boy;
  • if the expectant mother becomes more beautiful during pregnancy, then a boy will be born;
  • if new hair appears on the body of the expectant mother, then most likely this is the influence of the male hormones of the baby;
  • when pregnant with a girl, a woman tends to hide her pregnancy for a long time;
  • if a woman becomes more capricious, then she is expecting a baby;
  • if a man suffers from baldness, then most likely he will become the father of a boy;
  • with more frequent sex, boys are born, with less frequent sex, girls;
  • mothers pregnant with boys are drawn to salty, and they want more meat, with a girl - for sweets and fruits;
  • the stomach of a woman who is carrying a girl is more streamlined and located higher; with a boy, he is more accurate, is lower.

There are many more different signs and ways to plan a child of the desired gender. But how effective are they? It's worth trying. According to the reviews of already successful parents, no method gives you a 100% guarantee. This is more a game for you, because nature has everything already provided. And happy are those parents who rejoice at the arrival of a baby in this world, and not his gender.

Watch a video about planning and determining the sex of an unborn child according to some other signs
