Is it possible to remove the green tint with purple shampoo. Why there is a green tint of hair and how to remove it

Not always coloring in the salon goes flawlessly, inexperienced masters are not able to calculate the final shade, because they do not know the color wheel well. The same applies to the procedure at home. If your hair initially contained yellow pigment, and the applied paint had a blue tint, you will end up with green hair. Now the question "How to remove the greens?" becomes extremely relevant, let's figure it out together.

Reasons for the appearance of a green tint:

  • contact with chlorinated water immediately after the procedure;
  • incorrect staining;
  • the use of expired or low-quality dyes;
  • hair coloring with natural dyes (basma, henna) shortly before the procedure.

How to remove a green tint with cosmetics

If you failed to prevent the consequences, and the pigment got out, use professional cosmetics. Here are some common and well-established drugs:

  1. Estel Love Nuance. The tool is a tint balm, which, in addition to pulling greenery, restores the structure of damaged hair. The product is often used by craftsmen and has gained popularity among consumers because it contains natural oils and esters, liquid protein, keratin. The choice should be approached thoroughly, give preference to a pearl shade marked "10/65".
  2. Cutrin "Anti-Green". Shampoo designed to wash hair dye, eliminate greenery, remove copper, iron and chlorine from the hair structure. Great for girls whose strands have acquired a green tint due to contact with chlorinated water.
  3. Rocolor "Pink Pearl". The tool is similar to Estel products, the product is a tint balm. However, it has a rather saturated shade, due to which it is not always possible to guess the result. In order not to get into trouble, conduct a preliminary test on the lower strand at the neck. If the color is too bright, dilute the composition with water in equal amounts.

Green tint technique

Get a printed color wheel or download it from the Internet. You will see that there is red opposite the green tint, and we will add it with a name. Do not be afraid to use a bright color, the hair will not turn crimson. It is only important to take into account the correct proportions. Get a red mixton in advance, it is also called a corrector.

To correctly connect the components, it is necessary to measure the corrector in centimeters. For example, you decide to repaint in a light blond color that has a shade of 6. You need to subtract this number from the highest number of the pigment range. Let's say this number is 10. Subtract 6 from 10, we get 4 at the output. Therefore, you need to squeeze out 4 cm of the red color corrector. If you are performing the procedure for the first time, reduce the amount by 10-20%, follow the reaction of the hair and build on this.

How to remove the green tint folk methods

Calculate the amount of ingredients for medium length hair. Double or triple the ingredients as needed.

Apple vinegar
Purchase apple cider vinegar at a concentration of no more than 9% in a specialized nutrition store. Read the "Composition" section, it should not contain components that you do not understand. Mix 45 ml. product with 330 ml. warm water, soak your hair in the mixture. Wrap your head in a plastic bag, wrap yourself in a thick cloth. Turn on the hair dryer and heat the composition for 7 minutes. After the expiration date, remove with shampoo and apply conditioner.

Acetylsalicylic acid and grapefruit
Take 4 aspirin tablets, crush them in a convenient way, pour 270 ml. cool water. Mix well. Squeeze the juice from 1 grapefruit, chop the zest in a blender. Combine the compositions, make a mask, put on a plastic bag. Wait about 20 minutes, then remove the mixture with shampoo and conditioner. If the result is insufficient, repeat the procedure after 4 hours.

Tomatoes and lemon
Remove the peel from 3 tomatoes, chop the fruits in a meat grinder or blender. Squeeze juice from citrus, combine with tomatoes. Evenly distribute the composition, rubbing it well into the strands for 5 minutes. Apply balm on top, rub again. Wrap your head with a film or foil, wait about 25 minutes. At the end of the time, wash off the mixture with cool water, make a nourishing mask.

To prepare the solution, it is necessary to pour 30 gr. soda 270 ml. warm water and wait for the complete dissolution of the granules. After that, add to the mixture 100 gr. your regular balm and apply the mixture to your hair. Keep no longer than 20 minutes, because soda makes hair brittle. After the procedure, be sure to use a restoring mask or serum.

Perhaps at the moment it is too late to talk about methods to prevent the effects of staining. However, they are worth mentioning so as not to make mistakes in the future.

  1. If you are a dyed blonde who has decided to switch to her native hair color (light brown, ashy), follow the rules of the color wheel. Add red mixton to the dye, its amount should not exceed 10% of the total mass of the paint.
  2. Do not try to dye greenish hair with blue pigments. Carry out a preliminary staining in copper color, only after that proceed to the second stage.
  3. If you have recently had a coloring and wish to visit the pool, wear the appropriate headgear. Always rinse your hair after contact with chlorine.

Use the professional series of products that are in every line of bona fide manufacturers. Give preference to products used in the work of craftsmen. Do not neglect folk methods, they eliminate the green tint no worse than cosmetics.

Video: how to remove green from dyed hair

With each hair coloring, the result can be unpredictable. Sometimes an unexpected shade appears due to an error by an unskilled master, but sometimes a problem arises due to the reaction of the reagents of the past and present staining. As a result, the color may not appear or be slightly noticeable, but it is worst when the hair turns green. Of course, no one expects such a reaction, and the question immediately arises: how to remove the green tint after hair coloring? This article is devoted to this topic.


In fact, in practice, such situations arise quite often, but not everyone knows why this happens. So, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Mixing inappropriate shades. For example, when cold and warm tones interact, a reaction almost always occurs, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.
  2. The use of different dyes. If for a long time you dyed your hair with one dye, and then decided to change it to another, then you should not expect the declared result. Even if the shade was chosen the same, the result can still be unpredictable.
  3. An attempt to transition into a cold shade with a warm color scheme of natural hair. In drawing lessons, we were told that green is obtained by mixing blue and yellow. The first refers to the cold scale, as a rule, to the ashy palette. The yellow color is warm, its notes are present in the "caramel blonde" and in the "chocolate" shade. If you mix them, then the probability of getting a green tone is very high.
  4. The use of low-quality In no case should you save on paint. If you purchased an unknown brand or expired composition, then be prepared for surprises.
  5. Interaction with chlorinated water. Chlorine can interact with dyes remaining on the surface of the hair; owners of bleached strands should be especially careful.
  6. The use of natural colors after artificial and vice versa. Do not apply to hair dyed with synthetic dye, henna or basma. And also these dyes are forbidden to cover with compositions of unnatural production. Their interaction can lead to unexpected reactions.
  7. Applying natural masks (according to grandmother's recipes) on dyed hair, especially bleached ones. When exposed to herbal decoctions, some oils and products, unexpected color tints may appear.
  8. Hair coloring after perm, straightening and lamination. After these manipulations, particles of agents remain on the surface of the hair, which can interact with the coloring pigment.


Do not know how to remove the green tint after dyeing your hair? There are two methods for this: correcting the situation on your own or visiting a professional. Of course, it is better to choose the second option, since a qualified master has encountered similar situations more than once and knows exactly what to do. But you will have to pay for his work. Most often, in a beauty studio, the question of how to remove a green tint from hair is dealt with quickly and efficiently. If the hair structure is very damaged, the master will recommend applying a special mask. It will not only help to remove the hated marsh tone, but also nourish the hair with vitamins and minerals. The composition of this mixture includes a reddish or copper coloring pigment that neutralizes the green tint. If you decide to cope on your own, then there are several methods for this too.

Special funds

The most obvious way to remove the green tint from the hair is to re-color. To avoid additional trouble, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Purchase the composition of the same brand that you used for the first time.
  2. It is recommended to choose a warmer shade, as it is stronger and appears brighter.
  3. If you want to remove the green tint from your hair with paint, then pick up dark tones. Lightening even more injures the hairline and, most likely, will change the color for the worse.

natural remedies

Thinking about how to remove a green tint from your hair without harming it? Most girls, faced with this problem, panic, thinking that getting rid of the "green" will be very difficult and it will completely ruin the hair. If you follow the recommendations and use natural products, then there will be no consequences.

Not sure how to get rid of the green tint in your hair? There are several folk recipes that can eliminate this unwanted shade. Before applying the composition to the hair, you need to perform an allergy test. To do this, the mixture prepared in advance must be applied to the forearm and wait a few hours. If the reaction does not appear, then the balm can be applied to the hair.

In addition, to better remove the green tint, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Hair must be clean. The presence of styling products and other cosmetic substances on them is unacceptable.
  2. After the procedure, you can not expose the hair to thermal effects (drying with a hairdryer, straightening with an iron, etc.).
  3. At the end of the process, it is recommended to apply a vitamin mask or balm to the hair.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Do not know how to remove the green tint from the hair? Use aspirin, this is an effective tool in combating the adverse effects of staining. The procedure will require:

  1. 250 ml of purified water.
  2. Tablets of acetylsalicylic acid in the amount of three pieces.

The substance must be crushed on a solid plane and the powder dissolved in water. Apply the solution to all hair or only to problem areas. Duration of exposure - 15 minutes. At the end, rinse your hair with boiled water without the use of detergents.

tomato juice

The composition of fresh tomato juice, in addition to useful substances, contains acidic compounds. They can neutralize the effects of dyeing, while the main hair color will not be changed. For the procedure, you will need two fresh vegetables (the amount may vary depending on the length of the hair). Take the tomatoes and squeeze the juice out of them or make a slurry with a blender. Apply the resulting composition to the entire length of the hair. After 20 minutes, the gruel should be washed off with warm water without the use of shampoo and other detergents. For the final washing of curls, several approaches may be required.

lemon composition

Lemon juice is quite often used in the beauty industry as it has a whitening effect. Therefore, if you need to remove the green tint after dyeing your hair, then hurry to the store for a lemon. To make the composition, you will need 110 ml of water and about 140 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in a glass jar and apply the composition to the problem area. The holding time is half an hour.

If the result is unsatisfactory, then the procedure should be repeated, after adding another 50 ml of lemon juice to the container. After washing the hair with a lemon composition, it is not recommended to use shampoos, masks, balms and other products.

soda solution

Professionals working with hair recommend using soda not only in the kitchen, but also for hair care. For example, this substance will help remove the green tint from light brown hair. To do this, mix 200 ml of pure water and soda in an amount of 30 g. Apply the finished composition to problem areas of the hair and hold for 25 minutes. After that, rinse the curls with clean water several times.

Important! It should be borne in mind that soda acts on the skin as an irritant, respectively, can cause an allergic reaction. Before applying the composition to the hair, it is necessary to do an allergy test. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to treat the strands with plenty of balm.

Doubt that you can remove the green tint from your hair with soda? Reviews posted on the Web confirm this. Of course, situations are different, and this method may not be suitable for everyone. But you can find out about this only after you try it yourself.

Oil wrap

This method involves the use of olive oil. Before applying to the hair, it must be heated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. To do this, the oil is poured into a thermal dish and heated over low heat. After reaching the desired value, the composition should be removed from the stove and cooled to room temperature. Further, throughout the week, the oil must be rubbed into the strands daily. Experts consider this method the most effective and gentle. This is a really working way to help remove the green tint from the hair, the reviews posted on the Web confirm this.

If none of the above methods suits you, then you can not remove the green color from your hair, but shade it with a tinted shampoo. This is possible only if the shade is very light. You need to choose a tinted detergent with a purple tint and wash your hair with it. In no case should it be applied like paint, only washing or rinsing.

Preventive measures

The following preventive measures will help to avoid the formation of hair color with a green tint:

  1. Never mix cold and warm tones.
  2. Buy coloring compositions only of well-known and proven brands.
  3. In the pool, always wear a cap, and use purified water to wash your hair.
  4. If you want a radical change in image, it is recommended to contact a professional, since independent manipulations rarely lead to the desired result.
  5. It is not recommended to mix different shades, even if they are of the same brand, line and belong to a certain range. The process of obtaining complex colors is very complex, it can only be done by a trained and highly qualified master.
  6. When performing re-staining, it is advisable to use the same tool that was the last time. This approach will reduce and even eliminate the likelihood of unforeseen situations.
  7. When using natural coloring compositions, permanent coloring (with synthetic paints) will have to be postponed for some time.
  8. Do not use basma and henna after staining.
  9. After carrying out procedures that involve exposure to the hair, you can not paint for some time. According to the rules, this period is from two weeks to a month.

And also to avoid the appearance of unwanted shades on dyed hair, washing them only with purified water will help. The fact is that the quality of water in our taps leaves much to be desired. Owners of bleached hair are recommended to use only filtered or boiled water for washing. Rusty running water can give an unwanted shade to the hair.

If you decide to dye your hair, then be prepared for unexpected surprises. For example, real results can be very different from the declared ones, this happens quite often. But this is not the worst thing that can happen, the appearance of a green tint is much more unpleasant. But it is quite possible to get rid of it, and in several ways.

Why does the green tint appear?

The appearance of a green tint on the hair is a fairly common problem. But why does it occur? The reasons for this trouble can be different:

  • The interaction of different shades. For example, if you try to mix a cold tone with a warm one, then for sure they will react, which can be quite unexpected.
  • Interaction of different colors. If you previously dyed your hair and decided to repeat the procedure, but purchased a product from another manufacturer (albeit in the same shade), then do not wait for the declared result, it can be the most unpredictable.
  • An attempt to dye hair in a cold shade, the natural color of which belongs to a warm range. If you remember the drawing course, you can come to the conclusion that green is obtained by merging blue and yellow. Yellow is warm, and its notes are present in many shades, such as "chocolate", "caramel blond". But blue or purple is available in cold colors, usually ashen. Accordingly, when mixed, a green tone may occur.
  • Use of poor quality paint. In no case should you save on this tool. Therefore, if you purchased paint of an unknown brand or expired, then be prepared for unpleasant surprises.
  • Exposure to chlorinated water, especially on bleached strands. Chlorine can react with dyes remaining on the surface of the curls.
  • The use of natural dyes after dyeing with artificial ones or, on the contrary, the use of basma or henna after specialized paint. They can also react.
  • The use of some folk remedies, especially their application to blond hair. Unexpected low tides can give decoctions of herbs, some oils and other products and components.
  • Coloring immediately after other procedures performed, such as perm, lamination. On the curls, particles of the products used by the master will probably remain, and they can react with paint pigments.

How to solve the problem?

What to do if a green tint of hair appears? How to get rid of it? You can go in two ways: try to fix the situation yourself or seek help from a specialist. The second option is more preferable, since an experienced master has probably come across similar cases more than once and knows how to proceed. But for such services, of course, you have to pay.

If you decide to rely on yourself, then you have two options at your disposal.

Specialized funds

The most obvious way to solve this problem is to re-stain. But how to choose the right color and avoid other troubles?

  • First, purchase the same brand of product that you used during the last procedure.
  • Secondly, it is advisable to give preference to a warm range, since it is usually stronger and more pronounced.
  • Thirdly, choose dark tones, as lightening will either completely ruin the hair, or change the color even more, and probably not for the better.

If you want to maintain the health and structure of your hair (although they have already suffered enough), then use gentle tint products. But in order not only to achieve the result, but also to keep it, you need to apply tonics regularly, because the soft pigments contained in them are quickly washed off.

home remedies

You can also remove the green tint with the help of some folk remedies:

  • Lemon juice. Dilute 150 ml with a glass of warm water, apply the solution to the hair and rinse after fifteen minutes.
  • Use "Aspirin". Crush three to five tablets, dissolve in 200-250 milliliters of warm water. Apply the product on curls and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse.
  • Tomato juice can also get rid of the green tint. It must be mixed in equal proportions with warm water. The acid partially neutralizes the pigments, and the red natural tone will make the color warmer.
  • Soda can help too. Dilute a tablespoon in 150-200 ml of heated water. Use the solution to treat curls, leaving it for twenty minutes.
  • Apply vinegar, namely two tablespoons per glass of water.

Tip: in order to achieve a noticeable result, it is advisable to carry out the procedure several times, but using one tool.


The following preventive measures will help to avoid the appearance of a green tint:

  • Do not mix cold and warm tones.
  • Choose and use only high-quality paints of popular brands.
  • In the pool, swim in a rubber cap, and use high-quality purified water to wash your hair.
  • If you decide to radically change the color, then entrust such experiments to a professional, because independent manipulations rarely lead to the expected results.
  • You should not mix different shades, even if they belong to the same brand, to the same line and to the same range. Getting a complex color is a very difficult and painstaking job that can only be done by a trained and highly qualified master hairdresser.
  • If you are re-staining, then it is advisable to use exactly the same product that was used last time. This minimizes and even eliminates the risks of unwanted reactions.
  • If you use natural dyes, then you will have to wait a little with staining with permanent products.
  • Do not use basma or henna after staining.
  • If you have recently undergone some kind of procedure that involves affecting your hair, then do not dye them for at least two weeks, and preferably a month (the master will give you more accurate information).

It remains only to wish all the girls to achieve the desired result without harm to their hair.

Sometimes re-coloring presents unpleasant surprises, making you think about how to remove the green tint of hair. Professional and folk remedies for color correction can save the situation. And so that in the future there will be no such metamorphoses with the hair, it is worth knowing the reasons for the appearance of greenery in the hair.

Often hair with a green tint is the result of improper coloring.

Why does the hair turn green?

When stained with natural dyes, basma gives green color. To get a natural dark shade, indigo leaf powder must be mixed with henna. The ratio of pigments in the composition determines what the color of the curls will be: light brown, chestnut, bronze or black. Greens also come through when they lighten hair previously dyed with basma or henna.

A similar effect may appear after applying chemical paint. Often, a green tint is acquired by hair repainted in an ashy tone of honey, red and golden chestnut shades. The unusual color is the result of a blue pigment (found in any gray paint) superimposed on a pre-existing yellow. Another reason for green hair is the use of low-quality clarifier.

Sometimes the shade that appears is not associated with staining. The hair of both dyed and natural blondes can turn green with prolonged contact with chlorinated or sea water, under the influence of sunlight. In some cases, rinsing with nettle decoction, frequent application of masks with olive oil gives a toning effect.

How to remove the green tint of hair?

In order not to become a victim of a coloristic experiment, it is better to entrust a cardinal change in the color of the hair to a professional. To neutralize unwanted shades, masters, as a rule, add a mixton to the paint. For example, green suppresses red corrector. However, even experienced hairdressers rarely take on coloring after henna and basma, since it is difficult to etch the plant pigment without damaging the hair structure.

You can lime the greens that have appeared after painting with cosmetics - a tint balm of the “pink pearl” tone or a special shampoo of the anti-green series. Re-staining with red paint will also help. To rid hair with a green tint from chlorine, thereby returning the original color, you can:

6% soda solution;

aspirin (5 tablets per liter of water);

Tomato paste or juice

Most girls love to experiment with their appearance, which do not always end up with the expected effect. How to remove the green tint of hair after dyeing and return a beautiful and pure color to your hair?

Causes of greenery

Why does hair color turn green? Experts identify several factors that lead to the appearance of this serious problem:

  • Frequent clarification - hydrogen peroxide is present in the bleaching compositions, which negatively affects the structure. The hairs become thinner to such an extent that it becomes impossible to foresee their reaction to the next lightening;
  • Staining after bleaching - in this case, the reason again lies in the peroxide and the reaction it enters into with the coloring matter. If something goes wrong, then instead of a beautiful hair color you will get swamp. The same applies to lightening curls after the staining procedure;
  • The effect of chlorinated water is another important nuance that should never be forgotten. Chlorine, coming into contact with peroxide, can give a green color. You can get such a “surprise” after a shower / bath and swimming in the pool without a special rubber cap;
  • Perm + coloring. Not all women adhere to one simple, but extremely important rule - you can dye your hair no earlier than 2-3 weeks after chemistry and vice versa;
  • The use of expired paint;
  • The transition from "blonde" to "ash";
  • The use of henna or basma before painting with permanent dyes;
  • Repeated staining in blond tones;
  • Rinsing strands with nettle decoction.

Advice! To avoid a problem, follow all the recommendations, use only high-quality and proven cosmetics, and conduct all experiments with appearance only in the salons of good masters.

Folk remedies to neutralize the green tint

To get rid of the green tint on the hair, you can safely use these natural remedies. With their help, you can, if not completely remove the greens, then at least muffle it a little.

Tomato juice

One of the easiest and most effective recipes. The composition of tomato juice includes an active acid - it is completely harmless to both strands and skin, but it can remove the shade.

  1. Take 2 tomatoes - their number depends on the length of your hair.
  2. Grind them in a blender or squeeze the juice.
  3. Strain through a sieve to remove the pits and remaining skin.
  4. Saturate the strands with juice.
  5. Wash off after 20 minutes with warm water without shampoo.
  6. Repeat until you get the expected result.

Lemon juice

To correct the situation with green hair, feel free to use masks with lemon. Due to its acid, the juice will not only remove the unwanted shade, but also reduce the fat content of the strands.

  1. Wash the strands with shampoo - you can repeat 2 times.
  2. Combine 100 ml of lemon juice (freshly squeezed) with 1 glass of water.
  3. Apply the mixture to your hair.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse with warm water.
  6. Repeat the process after a few days.

Advice! To achieve a quick effect, the solution can be more concentrated. But remember, lemon juice has a strong drying effect, so after each use you will need to make a mask (moisturizing or nourishing).

Oil wraps

After dyeing your hair light brown and the appearance of greenery in the strands, you can use olive oil. It will solve an unpleasant problem, and at the same time strengthen and moisturize the hair.

  1. Warm up 100-150 grams of olive oil to 40-50 degrees.
  2. Cool it down to a comfortable temperature.
  3. Rub well into the strands.
  4. Wait about an hour.
  5. Wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo.
  6. Repeat several times a week.
  7. Combine 45 ml of vinegar with 350 ml of warm water.
  8. Soak your hair with this mixture.
  9. Wrap it in a regular plastic bag, and wrap it with a towel on top.
  10. Now turn on the hair dryer and warm your head for about 7 minutes.
  11. Wash the strands with running water and apply a balm or conditioner.

Apple vinegar

To remove greens from hair, buy high-quality apple cider vinegar in the store, the concentration of which is no more than 9%. This tool has a lot of useful properties and is often used in home cosmetology.

Advice! When choosing apple cider vinegar, be extremely careful - among this product there may be a fake. Be sure to read the composition of the product - it should not contain incomprehensible components. Never replace apple cider vinegar with table cider vinegar. High concentrations of this agent are fraught with burns.


To eliminate the green tone that appeared after an unsuccessful painting or as a result of exposure to chlorine, ordinary baking soda will help.

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. soda in 200 ml of warm water.
  2. Saturate the strands with the mixture.
  3. Wait 20 minutes.
  4. Wash off with running water.

Important! Soda is the same alkali, so after using it, the hair can become dry and brittle. To avoid these problems, be sure to soften the strands with serum, oil, mask or balm.

Tips to help you get rid of the green tint on your hair after dyeing:


Do not know how to remove the green tint from the hair after dyeing? Try to make a mask based on acetylsalicylic acid! Perhaps this is one of the most effective means.

  1. Grind 4 aspirin tablets into a smooth powder.
  2. Fill it with warm water - 200 gr is enough.
  3. Soak your strands in this solution.
  4. Wait 20 minutes and then rinse.

Advice! This solution is also acidic, so be sure to soften your hair with a balm.

There is another recipe based on aspirin and grapefruit juice:

  1. Crush 4 aspirin tablets.
  2. Pour this powder 270 gr. water.
  3. Grind 1 grapefruit in a blender.
  4. Connect all components.
  5. Apply an aspirin-grapefruit mask to dry strands.
  6. Warm your head with a cap.
  7. Wash off after 20 minutes.
  8. If necessary, repeat the procedure after 4 hours.

How to paint over a green shade of hair?

What color to paint green hair color? You can shade it with a tint balm with a bias in purple, pink or red, which does not contain hydrogen peroxide! You need to apply it according to this instruction:

  1. Mix tonic with shampoo (1:1).
  2. Apply this paste on your head.
  3. Leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Wash off with running water.
  5. Dilute in 1 liter of warm water 50 gr. tonic and rinse the strands.

You need to repeat this procedure at least 3-4 times a week.

Important! Having decided to use a tint balm, forget about coloring and styling your hair for a week. Give her a break and restore the structure.

The following brands help to paint over the green shade of the strands best of all:

  • "Estel Love Nuance" pearl 10/65- a tint balm that is in great demand among both professionals and ordinary consumers. Contains natural oils, keratin, essential oils & liquid protein. Eliminates unwanted color and improves the condition of damaged hair;

  • "Cutrin Anti-Green" - a special shampoo for washing off dye, chlorine residues, copper and green tint from hair. Perfect for those whose hair turned green after contact with chlorinated water;

  • "Rocolor Pink Pearl"- An effective tint balm with a fairly saturated color. It is for this reason that it is far from always possible to guess the result of the final staining. In order not to get into a mess, test on a thin strand that is easy to hide. If the shade is too bright, mix the tonic with water (the proportions should be equal).


Now you know how to get rid of green hair after dyeing. It remains only to figure out how to prevent its occurrence in the future. To do this, check out these simple but effective recommendations.

Tip 1. If you decide to go from dyed blonde to your natural shade (ash or light brown), follow the main rule of the color wheel - add a small amount of red mixton to the coloring composition (10% of the total mass).

Tip 2. Do not use blue pigments to paint greens.

Tip 3. After contact with chlorine, always rinse your hair with clean water.

Tip 4. Regularly use a tint balm not only for correction, but also to maintain a pure color.

Tip 5. Use only professional cosmetics from trusted manufacturers.

Tip 6. Do not neglect the instructions for a particular tool.

Tip 7. Limit the use of hair dryers and flat irons - exposing bleached strands to high temperatures can also cause greenery. If you can’t do without a hair dryer, select the airflow cooling mode and apply thermal protection to your hair.

Tip 8. The first 3 days after dyeing with permanent paint, you should not wash your hair with shampoo.

Tip 9. For 7 days after exposure to the dye, avoid getting chlorinated or rusty water on your hair.

Tip 10. Drink a course of vitamins - group B or E. Repeat twice a year.
