Musical games in the second junior group. Musical and didactic games for children of the first and second junior groups of kindergarten

Babich Anna Petrovna
Musical and didactic games in the second junior group

1. Didactic game "Bird Chicks"

2. Didactic game "Recognize by sound and name musical instrument»

3. Dramatization of a song "Two merry geese lived with granny"

Program tasks: Develop pitch hearing.

Be able to distinguish sounds by pitch.

Develop timbre.

Learn to recognize by sound musical instruments, call them.

To captivate children with the figurative presentation of the song, involving them in the process of dramatization.

Awaken interest in theatrical activities.

Equipment: ladder, two birds, metallophone, chest, bells, bell, wooden spoons, rattle, drum, attributes: goose hats, scarf, skirt,

(Children squat behind the backs of chairs)

B. The children are sitting in the house,

And they look out the window.

Someone is in a hurry to visit them,

Chick - chirp, chick - chirp

Sparrow - mischievous,

He is happy with the bright sun

And he greets the guys - the children go to the middle and jump on two legs.

B. We have funny birds, well done, sit down, please.

The birds have come to us. It's a big bird, she sings in a low voice, listen (I play the lowest note on the metallophone).

D. Low. (2-3 answers)

D. High. (2-3 answers)

V. Now we will play with you, I will play the metallophone behind the screen, and you must find out which bird is singing, big or small. If a big bird sings in a low voice, then it must be placed on a low step of the ladder (showing)

On which step shall we put the big bird?

D. To low. (2-3 answers)

B. If you hear that a small bird is singing in a high voice, then it must be placed on a high step of the ladder (showing)

On which step shall we place the little bird?

D. On high.

(I play the lowest and highest notes on the metallophone alternately, and the children determine and name which bird is singing, small or large, and set the birds accordingly, 2 - 3 times)

V. Well done guys, you were very attentive and correctly recognized and called which bird was singing. The birds really liked to play with you, and they decided to stay with us in group.

B. Look what a beautiful chest we have appeared:

(the teacher speaks on behalf of the chest)

S. I am a wonderful chest.

You guys, I'm a friend.

I really want to know

How do you like to play?

V. Chest, chest, what did you bring us?

S. I brought you toys.

Q. Thank you. What toys did you bring?

S. I have heard that you love to sing, dance and play musical instruments. I brought you musical instruments. (the teacher takes turns taking out musical instrument, children call them, listen to how it sounds musical instrument)

V. Guys, now we will play a game "Recognize by sound and name musical instrument»

(behind the screen, the teacher plays on each musical instrument children call them)

Q. Well done guys, you listened very carefully and called correctly musical instruments.

B. Blow into the pipes,

Hit the spoons.

Grandma came to visit us

And two funny geese.

(a girl and two boys dress in suits: the girl puts on a scarf and a skirt, the boys put on goose hats, the rest of the children take cooked musical instruments, sing a song, play on musical instruments and perform the appropriate movements.)

We lived with my grandmother - they perform a spring

Two cheerful geese

One is grey, the other is white

Two cheerful geese.

Stretched their necks - geese stretch their necks

Who is longer.

One is grey, the other is white

Who is longer.

Washed geese paws - wash one paw with another

In a puddle by the canal.

One is grey, the other is white

Hid in a groove - squat

Here the grandmother screams, - she wraps her head in her hands

Oh, the geese are gone, - shakes his head

One is grey, the other is white

My geese, geese.

The geese came out - they rise and bow to the grandmother

They bowed to the grandmother.

One is grey, the other is white

They bowed to the grandmother - they join hands, they lead a round dance.

Q. What wonderful artists we have. Well done!

Purpose of the game: to teach children to distinguish between short and long sounds, to be able to clap the rhythm.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to listen to who is walking along the path and repeat how the steps sound with their claps. When the children learn to distinguish between short and long claps, the teacher offers to identify “big and small” legs by ear, performing claps behind the screen or behind the back.

Big feet walked along the road: (long claps)

Top, top, top, top!

Little feet ran along the path: (short pops)

Top, top, top, top, top, top, top, top!

In the forest

Purpose of the game: To develop sound-altitude hearing in children, to learn to distinguish between high, low and medium sounds. Develop a sense of rhythm, learn to distinguish between short and long sounds.

Equipment: pictures with the image of a bear, a hare and a bird, chips

Game progress: The teacher introduces children to high and medium sounds, after the children have mastered this well enough, they are offered to play and guess who lives in the forest. To do this, the teacher performs the melody "Bear" in a low register, or "Bunny" in the middle, or "Bird" in a high register. Children guess and cover the corresponding picture with a chip.

fun cube

Purpose of the game: To develop creative manifestations in a feasible emotionally expressive transmission of images.

Equipment: demonstration: a cube, on the sides of which are pictures of animals: a fox, a cat, a dog, a hare, a bear, a horse.

Game progress: The teacher and children stand or sit in a circle. Any simple, cheerful melody sounds, and the children pass the cube to each other. The teacher and children pronounce the text:

You need to take a fun cube,

And pass it around.

What will this cube show?

We need to show the kids!

The child who has a cube throws it on the floor in a circle. The teacher asks who is depicted on the top face of the cube. The children answer.

The teacher invites the child to show the music how this animal moves, the children repeat the characteristic movements. Then the game continues.

magic flowers

Purpose of the game: Develop logical thinking, learn to select flowers that match the nature of the piece of music.

Equipment: Three cardboard flowers (in the middle of the flower a “face” is drawn - sleeping, crying or cheerful, depicting three types of music character:

Kind, affectionate, lulling (lullaby);

Sad, plaintive;

Cheerful, joyful, dancing, perky.


"Sad Rain" D. Kabalevsky;

"Bayu-bye" music by V. Vtilina, lyrics by P. Kaganov.

"Festive", L. Sidelnikova

Game progress: Musical director:

Children, I want to tell you a magical story... In one fairy-tale kingdom of Harmony, there lived a girl named Melody.

She had a magical garden. Unusual flowers grew in this garden, which were very fond of music and even knew how to talk. Each flower has its own character. The red flower was very cheerful, talkative. Blue liked to sleep very much, so he did not talk much. And the orange flower was always sad and was always dissatisfied with something. Each flower had its own music. Only when he heard her, he could blossom. And the girl got up every morning, played their favorite music for her flowers. That's when they dissolved and talked for a long time with their mistress. But once, Melody fell ill and could not come to her magical garden. And the flowers began to fade.
Children, let's not let the magic flowers die, let's help them bloom. And what do we need to do for this? That's right, we have to choose music for everyone.

What kind of music do you think the red flower likes? That's right, fun, perky, fast. What is the orange flower like? Of course, he likes a calm melody, a lullaby. And what does the orange flower like to listen to? Of course, he loves sad, unhurried, sad music.

The music director performs the piece. The called child takes a flower corresponding to the nature of the music and shows it. All children are actively involved in determining the nature of the music.

Where are my kids?

Purpose of the game:

Equipment: bird cards

Game progress: The teacher offers to play and begins the story: “a chicken with chickens, a goose with goslings, a duck with ducklings lived in the same yard, and a bird with chicks lived in a tree in a nest. One day a strong wind blew. It started to rain and everyone hid. Mother birds have lost their children. The duck was the first to call her children (shows a picture): “Where are my ducklings, dear guys? Quack quack". (Sings in D of the first octave). Children who have cards for ducklings pick them up and answer: “Quack, quack, we are here.” (Singing in A of the first octave). The game continues until all the children have found their children.


Purpose of the game: Exercise children in perceiving and distinguishing the nature of music: cheerful, dancing and calm, lullaby.

Game progress: The teacher tells the kids that hares lived in the same house. They were very cheerful and loved to dance (shows the picture "Hares are dancing"). And when they got tired, they went to bed, and their mother sang a lullaby to them (the picture “Hares are sleeping”). Next, the teacher invites the children to guess from the picture what the hares are doing? And portray it with your actions (the children are “sleeping”, the children are dancing), to the music of the appropriate nature.

Who did Kolobok meet?

Purpose of the game: To develop children's understanding of registers

(high, medium, low).

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to remember the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" and its characters (wolf, fox, hare, bear), while he performs the appropriate melodies, for example: "At the bear in the forest" in lower register, "Bunny" in high register, etc. d. When the children learn the sound of which register corresponds to the artistic image of each animal, they are invited to play and determine by ear which character is depicted in the music and select the appropriate picture


Purpose of the game: Development of timbre hearing

Equipment: Three colorful paper caps, children's musical instruments: tambourine, metallophone, bell.

Game progress: there are musical instruments under the caps. The teacher calls the child to the table and invites him to turn his back and guess what he will play. To check the answer, you are allowed to look under the cap.


Purpose of the game: Distinguish the gradual movement of the melody up and down, marking it with the position of the hand.

Equipment: ladder, doll

Game progress: The teacher performs the song "Ladder" by E. Tilicheeva. When repeated, he invites the children to play: show with his hand where the girl (doll, etc.) is moving - up the stairs or down. Then the teacher sings a chant, while he does not sing the last word, first in the first, and then in the second part of the chant, and invites the children to finish it themselves.

Purpose of the game: to teach to distinguish female vocals from male, choral singing - from solo.

Game progress: After listening to music, the child must choose the correct picture and show it.

Birds and chicks


Equipment: a ladder of three steps, metallophone, toys (3-4 big birds and 3-4 chicks)

Game progress: A subgroup of children is participating. Each child has one toy. The teacher plays high notes on the metallophone. The children who are holding the chicks should go out and put the toys on the top step. Then low sounds are heard, the children put the big birds on the bottom step.

How many ladybugs are on a flower?

Purpose of the game: To teach children to hear and distinguish between the number of sounding sounds (one, two or three). Distinguish them from each other.

Equipment: big flower, three ladybugs (family).

Game progress: Play the piano for children one sound at a time - each ladybug has its own sound (buzzes in its own way). Two sounds - two insects gathered on a flower and are talking, three sounds - the whole family is assembled. Ask the children to hear and guess how many ladybugs gathered on the flower - one, two or three. You can complicate the game and offer to hear who exactly flew to the flower dad, mom or baby.

Miraculous Pouch

Purpose of the game: Development of pitch hearing

Equipment: A small pouch, beautifully decorated with appliqué. There are toys in it: a bear, a hare, a bird, a cat, a cockerel.

Game progress:“Children,” says the leader, “guests came to our lesson. But where did they hide? Maybe here? (Shows the bag.) Now we will listen to music and find out who is there. The musical director plays the melodies of works familiar to the children: "Cockerel" - a Russian folk melody, "The Gray Cat" by V. Vitlin, "Sparrows" by M. Krasev, "Bear" by V. Rebikov, etc. Children recognize the music, one of them gets from the bag the appropriate toy and shows it to everyone.

fun sad

Purpose of the game: to distinguish the construction of music

Game progress: Children listen to music and independently choose a card with a picture of a happy or sad clown.

Option 2- listen and mime.

“Disease of the Doll” - “New Doll” by P.I. Tchaikovsky

How animals run

Purpose of the game: Developing a sense of rhythm

Game progress: The teacher taps the rhythm at a different pace, associating it with the images of animals (bear, hare, mouse)


Purpose of the game: Distinguish dynamic shades: loud, quiet.

Equipment: drums

Game progress: the teacher plays a simple rhythmic pattern on the drum, first loudly, then quietly. The child must repeat

Sea and stream

Purpose of the game: teach children to distinguish the tempo of music.

Equipment: sets of pictures depicting waves of the sea and a stream.

Repertoire:"Running" by E. Tilicheeva, "French Melody" arr. A. Alexandrova.

Game progress: When performing a fast paced piece, the children raise pictures depicting a stream, slow - depicting the sea.

2nd option: When a work of a slow nature sounds, the children move, performing smooth movements, depicting waves, fast -

move, improvising the flow of a stream.

forest walk

Purpose of the game: to teach children to distinguish the timbres of the sound of instruments: drum, tambourine, rattle. Develop musical and rhythmic sense.

Game progress: children are divided into three groups and each group is placed in its own house. Squirrels go for a walk to the sound of a rattle, bears - a drum, bunnies - a tambourine. In the forest clearing, the animals give way to each other, and as soon as the instrument changes, those whose instrument is silent stand still. At the end of the game, everyone hides in their houses.


Target: development of pitch hearing.

Equipment: 4-6 large cards - each divided into two parts. A goose is depicted on one half, a gosling is depicted on the other (duck-duckling, cat-kitten, cow-calf, etc.) Chips - two per card.

Game progress: The game is played with a subgroup of children (4-6) at the table. Each player has one card and two chips. The teacher says: “Ha-ha-ha” (sings on the D of the first octave). Children who have a goose on the card must cover it with a chip. The teacher says: “Ha-ha-ha” (sings in A of the first octave). Children close the picture with the gosling with a chip. Etc.

Who lives in the house?

Purpose of the game: development of pitch hearing

Equipment: The card shows a colorful tower on two floors: the lower windows are large, the upper windows are smaller. At the bottom, under each window, there are drawings: a cat, a bear, a bird. Each window opens and closes. Inside it are inserted pockets, where pictures of the listed animals are inserted, as well as pictures depicting the cubs of these animals.

Game progress: the teacher shows the house-teremok, in which a cat with a kitten, a bird with a chick and a bear with a teddy bear live. “Mothers live on the first floor,” says the leader, “mothers live on the second floor. Once everyone went for a walk in the forest, and when they returned home, they confused who lives where. Let's help them find their rooms." Distribute one card to each.

A familiar melody is played in various registers. For example, the melody of the song "The Gray Cat" by V. Vitlin sounds. The child who has the corresponding card inserts it into the window on the first floor opposite the picture shown on the house. The same melody sounds, but an octave higher. A child gets up with a kitten card and places it in the window on the second floor. There is also a game with music about a bird and a bear (“Bird” by M. Krasev, “Bear” by V. Rebikov). It continues until all the cards are inserted into the pockets.

find and show

Purpose of the game: encourage creative improvisation

Equipment: 5-6 sets of paired cards with mothers and cubs of different animals

Game progress: an adult shows a picture of the mother, accompanying the display with onomatopoeia on a low sound. The child finds a card with a cub and answers in a high tone.

Tambourine game

Purpose of the game: Make children happy and want to play a musical instrument

Equipment: Any musical or noise instrument.

Game progress: The teacher plays, the children listen or clap their hands; the teacher offers to play the child who wants to play ( playing goes to the middle). Then the child passes the tambourine to whomever he wants ( development of communication skills)

thread games

Purpose of the game: Give the concept of long and short sounds.

Equipment: A ball of bright, thick, woolen threads. Scissors.

Game progress: The teacher pulls the thread and sings: “Oooh.” The sound breaks off, the thread is cut with scissors and placed on the table. Thus, threads of different lengths are cut and laid out in any sequence. The teacher, running his fingers along the threads, sings either long or short sounds. In the intervals between the threads, the sound disappears.


The teacher lays out the threads, the children run their fingers along them and sing the sound “oooo”; several children hold threads in their hands, the rest, passing by, move their fingers along the threads and sing sounds; children themselves lay out the threads and sing their rhythmic pattern.

Quiet and loud calls

Purpose of the game: to teach to distinguish the dynamics of sound

Equipment: Rattles or noise toys according to the number of children.

Game progress:

1. You ring, bell, quieter,

Let no one hear you. 2 times

2. You ring stronger, call,

For everyone to hear! 2 times

On the 1st verse, the children ring softly, on the 2nd - loudly.

Learn to dance

Purpose of the game: developing a sense of rhythm

Equipment: Large matryoshka and small ones (according to the number of players).

Game progress: Children sit around the table. The teacher has a large matryoshka in his hands, the children have small ones. The teacher beats the rhythmic pattern with his nesting dolls on the table, the children repeat it with their nesting dolls.

Decorate the music

Purpose of the game: encourage the child to musical improvisation, develop skills in playing instruments

Equipment: Recordings with vocal music familiar to children; musical instruments (triangle, pipe, bell, tambourine, maracas, etc.)

Game progress: The child listens to a piece of music, determines the mood in the music and chooses a musical instrument that matches the character of the piece in terms of timbre. Plays along with the chosen instrument, decorating the sound.

Loud quiet

Purpose of the game: development of dynamic hearing

Equipment: Two cards with the image of a large accordion and a small one. Colored cards: red - loud, gray - quiet.

Game progress: Children are invited to sing a song or listen to a song in the recording, after listening, the children lay out a dynamic picture of the song on the cards.

2nd option: Loudly or quietly say your name, meow, grunt. The teacher performs loudly the 1st part and quietly the 2nd. On the fort, children clap their hands, on the piano they perform “lanterns”. Any movement can be used.

Who sings

Purpose of the game: To develop in children the ability to distinguish between registers (high, medium, low).

Equipment: Three cardboard cards depicting dad, mom, son.

Game progress: The teacher talks about the musical family, shows the appropriate pictures and says that all family members love music and songs, but they sing in different voices. Dad - low, mom - medium, son - high. The teacher performs three pieces that sound in different registers. Explains that the play, which sounds in a low register, is called "Dad's Story" (dad talks about a military campaign); a piece that sounds in the middle register is called “Lullaby” (mother sings a song to her son); a piece that sounds in a high register is called "Little March" (a boy sings and marches to the music). After the repeated performance of each of the pieces, the children guess whose music sounded, choose the right picture and show it to the teacher, explaining their choice.

Musical repertoire: "Papa's Story", "Lullaby", "Little March" by G. Levkodimov.

Learn a fairy tale

Purpose of the game: Distinguish the contrasting nature of the parts in music in connection with its content and the development of the musical image.

Equipment: Two cards with the image of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. Two green and orange cards each.

Game progress:

1st option: After listening to a piece of music, in which there are three parts (of different characters), the children lay out the cards in the order in which the parts of the piece of music sounded.

2nd option: Children perform almost the same task, but the nature of the parts of the music is indicated by squares of different colors. Little Red Riding Hood - orange square, Wolf - green square.

Musical repertoire: "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf" G. Levkodimova.

Song - dance - march

Purpose of the game: develop an understanding of the main genres of music, the ability to distinguish between a song, a dance, a march.

Equipment: On the squares of a large card are depicted: a singing girl, a dancing girl, a marching boy with a drum.

Game progress: Children take turns listening to three plays of different genres. After listening, they take a square with a picture (corresponding to the genre) and put it on one of the empty squares of a rectangular card or cover the corresponding picture with a chip.
Who went out for a walk?

Purpose of the game: present an appropriate image to the music and convey it in motion.

Game progress:

Animals came to the forest clearing for a walk. And which ones - the music will tell you. Listen, guess and pretend who went out for a walk.

Musical repertoire: Galynin "Bear", Zhilinsky "March of the Bunnies", D. Kabalevsky "Hedgehog".

Bunnies walk and jump

Purpose of the game: To teach children to distinguish between even movement in quarters and eighths, to celebrate this with calm walking and light jumps.

Game progress: the teacher reproduces a uniform rhythm on the instrument in quarters and eighths, the children convey this with the appropriate movement.

Day and night

Purpose of the game: distinguish contrasting music and convey it in motion.

Game progress: children move in scattered jumps (day). Change of music - squat down (night).

musical material: a cheerful polka and a lullaby at the choice of the teacher.


Purpose of the game: learn to identify the nature of music

Equipment: soft small toys (hare, bird, dog, horse, cat, chickens, etc.). A small doll table with chairs, tea utensils, small bright boxes are gifts for the Bunny.

Game progress: "Look, guys, what an unusual Bunny today, even tied a festive bow." ( The bunny is doing housework. Putting toy dishes on the table.)

I guessed that Bunny has a birthday today, and he invited guests. Here's someone coming! I'll play music for you, and you guess. Who goes first?

The musical director performs the work, the children express their opinion about the nature of the music, recognize the musical image.

After that, a toy appears - a "guest" with a gift and gives it to the bunny. Then the toy is put on the table. Thus, all works are performed sequentially. At the end of the game, the leader asks the children: “What will the children give the bunny?” It can be a song or dance familiar to children.

Find a toy

Purpose of the game: fix program material

Equipment: toys corresponding to the content of the songs: bunny, bear, kitty, cockerel.

Game progress: children sit in a semicircle near the table on which the toys lie. The teacher offers to listen to the melody and choose the appropriate toy.


Purpose of the game: development of pitch hearing, enrichment of musical impressions

Equipment: a box on which Pinocchio is drawn. Cards with illustrations for familiar songs and plays

Game progress: the teacher explains to the children that Pinocchio came to visit them and brought songs with him, and which ones the children themselves must guess. The music director plays the piece, the children guess. To check the answer, the corresponding picture is taken out of the box.

Our guests have come

Purpose of the game: Encourage children to play musical instruments

Equipment: bibabo toys (bear, bunny, bird), tambourine, metallophone, bell

Game progress:

Children, toys should come to visit us today

A knock is heard at the door. The teacher comes to the door and quietly puts a bear on his hand: “Hello, children, I came to visit you to play and dance with you. Polina, play the tambourine for me, and I'll dance"

The arrival of other toys is played out in a similar way. The bunny jumps to the fast beats with a stick on the metallophone, the bird flies to the sound of a bell


Purpose of the game: Developing a sense of rhythm

Game progress: The musical director performs various rhythmic patterns on the tambourine, which convey the movements of a clumsy bear, a fast bunny and a swift bird. Children guess riddles and put the corresponding toy on a certain step of the musical ladder (bear - on the bottom, bunny - on the middle, bird - on the top). With slow strokes of the palm of the right hand on the tambourine, they convey the rhythmic pattern of the melody of a bear, the image of a bunny - by quickly tapping with the index finger, birds - by lightly shaking the tambourine above the head

bird concert

Purpose of the game: The development of pitch hearing.

Game progress: Children learn to play sounds of different heights: in the range of seconds, thirds, fifths. Children sit in a semicircle. The host sings, and the children answer.

On the top of a birch

The cuckoo sings all day long:

Children: Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo!

Leading: And the tit all day long

Singing loudly:

Children: Shadow-shadow, shadow-shadow!

Leading: The woodpecker echoes them:


Pecking the old bough with its beak.

"Guess the Tool" (A screen is installed, behind it are musical instruments: bells, a drum, a rattle, a tambourine. The teacher reads the quatrain, naming the name of any child from the group, the Katya doll plays any musical instrument, the children guess)
We play with the guys
Let's find out what sounds now
Doll Katya play!
Quickly, Olya, call!

"Quiet and Loud Hands" (Depending on the sound of the music, the children clap their hands either loudly or softly)
We will play with our hands
Loudly, loudly we strike,
One, two, three, don't yawn
Loud, loud blow!

We will play with our hands
Quiet, quiet, hit.
One, two, three, don't yawn
Quietly, quietly strike.
"Rhythmic Legs" (Children step to the rhythm of the music, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly; at the same time, along with the steps, they knock with sticks)
We walk slowly
We raise our legs
We play sticks
We strike together.

We're walking fast
We raise our legs
We play with sticks.
We strike together.

"Children and Bear" (Children walk around the hall, play rattles to cheerful music; when the bear appears, the music changes to marching, the bear plays the drum; all the children hide from him - squat)
The children went out for a walk
play rattles,
That's how fun we walk
We play rattles.

A bear came out with a drum,
Boom-boom-boom, tram - there-there,
All the guys hid
Here and there, here and there.

"Musical Mosaic" (Children are shown a picture with an image, a verse is told, the child chooses an instrument and depicts the one who is drawn in the picture.)
Here is a frog in the swamp
Very fun life
You guys listen
Kwa-kva-kva she sings!

The bear came out of the den,
Take your feet faster
How did he start crying
That's so bear-bear!

Rain dripping on the roof
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock
Barely audible, barely audible
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

The sparrows rejoiced
The grains began to peck,
Do not lag behind others
Everything is pecking, pecking, pecking.

Here is a stream flowing
It looks like his way is long.
So murmuring, splashing,
Trying to run away!

"Funny balls" (To determine the contrast in music. On the first part of the music, the “balls” roll one after another or loosely, on the second part they bounce in place.)
Rolled, rolled
ball on the track,
We run like balls
Here are the legs!

Suddenly our ball jumped
Fun so jumping
We are like balls now
Let's all jump together!

"Little Musicians" (For the first, fast part of the music, children play on spoons, for the second, slow part they play on tambourines).

"Hen and Fox" (Chickens come out, peck grains, clean feathers. Then a fox runs out, catches chickens: whoever it hits, he squats)
This is how I peck the grains.
This is how I peck the grains.

Yes Yes Yes Yes,
I'll clean the feathers.
Yes Yes Yes Yes,
I'll clean the feathers.
(fox runs out)

Card file of musical and didactic games in the second junior group

Junior group

1. Where are my kids?

2. Birds and chicks

3. Hen and chickens

4. Guess

5. Who lives in the house?

6. Find a toy

8. Pinocchio

9. Walk

10. Guests came to us

11. What are the children doing?

13. They brought us toys

14. Caps

15. Our orchestra

1. Where are my kids?

game material. Four large cards and several small ones (according to the number of players). On large cards, a goose, a duck, a chicken, a bird are depicted; on small ones - ducklings, goslings, chickens, chicks in the nest.

Game progress. Children sit in a semicircle opposite the teacher, each with one small card. The teacher offers to play and begins the story: “In the same yard lived a chicken with chickens, a goose with goslings, a duck with ducklings, and a bird with chicks lived in a tree in a nest. One day a strong wind blew. It started to rain and everyone hid. Mother birds have lost their children. The duck was the first to call her children (shows a picture): “Where are my ducklings, dear guys? Quack quack!" (sings to re first octave).

Children who have ducklings on their cards raise them up and answer: “Quack, quack, we are here” (singing at the sound la second octave).

The teacher takes the cards from the children and continues: “The duck was delighted that she found her ducklings. The mother chicken came out and also began to call her children: “Where are my chickens, dear children? Ko-ko! (sings to re first octave). The game continues until all the birds have found their children.

2. Birds and chicks

game material. Ladder of three steps, metallophone, toys (3-4 large birds and 3-4 chicks, Fig. 8).

Game progress. A subgroup of children is participating. Each child has one toy. The teacher plays low and high sounds on the metallophone, for example, before second octave. The children who are holding the chicks should go out and put the toys on the top step. Then the do of the first octave sounds, the children put the big birds on the bottom step.

3. Hen and chickens

game material. House, Masha doll, metallophone. Everything is laid out on the table. Children have toy birds (chicken and chickens) in their hands.

Game progress. The children are seated around the table. The teacher takes the doll and says: “Masha's doll lives in this house, she has many hens and chickens. It's time to feed them, but they fled. Masha, call your chickens. Listen, guys * who Masha is calling, ”plays the metallophone re second octave. Children with chickens in their hands stand up and put them in front of Masha. The doll feeds the birds. The teacher asks the children to sing in a thin voice, like chickens, "wee-wee-wee." Then the doll Masha calls the chickens - the teacher plays the metallophone re first octave. Children put figures of chickens on the table in front of Masha and sing on the same sound “ko-ko-ko”.

4. Guess

game material. 4-6 large cards - each divided into two parts. On the first half, a goose is depicted, on the second - a goose (duck - duckling, cat - kitten, cow - calf, etc.). Chips - two per card (Fig. 9).

Game progress. The game is played with a subgroup of children (4-6) at the table. Each player has one card and two chips. The teacher says: “Ha-ha-ha” (sings on re first octave). Children who have a goose on the card must cover it with a chip. The teacher says: “Ha-ha-ha” (sings on la the first octave), the children close the picture with the caterpillar with a chip.

5. Who lives in the house?

game material. The card shows a colorful two-storey tower: the lower windows are large, the upper windows are smaller. At the bottom, under each window, there are drawings: a cat, a bear, a bird. Each window opens and closes. Inside it are inserted pockets, where pictures of the listed animals are inserted, as well as pictures depicting the cubs of these animals (Fig. 10).

Game progress. The teacher seats the children in a semicircle and shows the house-teremok, in which a cat with a kitten, a bird with a chick and a bear with a teddy bear live. “On the first floor,” says the teacher, “mothers live, on the second floor (with small windows) their children live. Once everyone went for a walk in the forest, and when they returned home, they confused who lives where. Let's help them find their rooms." Distribute one card to each. A familiar melody is played in various registers. For example, the melody of the song "The Gray Cat" by V. Vitlin sounds. The child who has the corresponding card inserts it into the window on the first floor opposite the picture shown on the house. The same melody sounds, but an octave higher. A child gets up with a kitten card and places it in the window on the second floor.

There is also a game with music about a bird and a bear (“Bird” by M. Krasev, “Bear” by V. Rebikov). It continues until all the cards are inserted into the pockets.

At the end of the game, the teacher encourages the correct answers. If one of the children made a mistake, he explains that the bear will not fit in the kitty's bed and will not be able to sit at her table when he suddenly gets into the wrong room, etc.

6. Find a toy

game material. Toys corresponding to the content of the songs: bunny, bear, kitty, cockerel, etc.; player with records of software works.

Game progress. The toys are on the table. The children sit in a circle. The teacher offers to listen to the melody and choose (calls the name of the child) the appropriate toy. The game ends when there are no toys left on the table.

The game can be held in class to consolidate familiar works and in free time (preferably in the afternoon).

7. In the forest

game material. The tablet depicts a forest; 2-3 trees, a stump are glued to the picture with its middle part in height. This, as it were, creates volume and, in addition, a pocket is glued to one half of the Christmas tree (tree, hemp), in which a bunny figurine (cockerel, cats, bears, etc.) is placed. A cardboard figurine of a girl is placed next to the forest.

Game progress.“Children, look what a beautiful forest,” the teacher says. “There are birch trees, Christmas trees. The girl Tanya came to the forest to pick flowers and berries. And behind the tree someone hid, probably some kind of animal. Let's help Tanya guess who is sitting there. Listen to the song and guess. On the piano or in a recording, for example, "Zainka", a Russian folk melody in the processing of N. Rimsky-Korsakov, is performed. To check the answer, the child is allowed to look behind the tree where the bunny figurine is located (the picture of the tree is bent along the center, there is a pocket).

The game is played with all children and can be used in a music lesson while singing and listening to music.

8. Pinocchio

game material. Box with Pinocchio painted on it. From the side, the box opens, cards with colorful illustrations for various program songs and plays (herringbone, steam locomotive, car, sledge, doll, flag, etc.) familiar to children are inserted there.

Game progress. The teacher explains to the children that Pinocchio came to visit them and brought songs with him, and which ones the children themselves must guess. The music director plays pro-works, the children guess. To check the answer, the corresponding picture is taken out of the box. For example, the song “Yolochka” by M. Krasev is performed, the child takes out a card with the image of a New Year tree, or the melody of the song “Steam Engine” sounds 3. Companion - a picture of a steam locomotive is taken out of the box, etc.

The game can be held at a music lesson in order to consolidate program musical works.

Games for developing a sense of rhythm

9. Walk

game material. Musical hammers according to the number of players.

Game progress. Children are seated in a semicircle. “Now, children, let's go for a walk with i, but it is unusual, we will walk in a group, and musical hammers will help us. Here we are going down the stairs, ”the teacher slowly hits the palm of his hand with a hammer. Children repeat the same rhythmic

drawing. “And now we went out into the street,” the teacher continues, “the sun is shining, everyone was delighted and ran. That's it! ”Run conveys frequent blows. Children repeat. “Tanya took the ball and began to slowly hit it on the ground,” the teacher again slowly hits with a hammer. Children repeat. “The rest of the children began to jump quickly. Skok, skok, ”quickly strikes with a hammer. Children repeat. “But suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky, covered the sun, and it began to rain. At first it was small rare drops, and then a heavy downpour began, ”the teacher gradually speeds up the rhythm of hammer blows. Children repeat. “The guys got scared and ran to the kindergarten,” he strikes with a hammer quickly and rhythmically.

A subgroup of children and the whole group can take part in the game. It is advisable to play the game during leisure hours.

10. Guests came to us

game material. Bibabo toys (bear, bunny, horse, bird), tambourine, metallophone, musical hammer, bell.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to come up to him: "Children, toys should come to visit us today." A knock is heard at the door. The teacher comes to the door and quietly puts a bear on his hand: “Hello, children, I came to visit you to play and dance with you. Lena, play me the tambourine, I'll dance. The girl slowly strikes the tambourine, the bear in the hands of the teacher rhythmically steps from one foot to the other. Children clap.

Similarly, the teacher plays with the arrival of other toys. The bunny jumps to the fast beats of the hammer on the metal phone, the horse jumps to the clear rhythmic beats of the musical hammer, the bird flies to the sound of the bell.

The game is played with all children in their free time.

11. What are the children doing?

game material. Cards (according to the number of players), one half of which depicts children (they sing, march, sleep), the second half is empty; chips (Fig. 12).

Game progress. Children are given one card each. The teacher performs familiar pieces of music (you can record them): A. Grechaninov’s “Lullaby”, V. Vitlin’s “Bye-bye”, E. Parlov’s “March”, any song (which children know and sing). The one who recognized the piece of music closes the empty half of the card with a chip.

The game is first played in class, and then in free time.

12. Hares

game material. The tablet depicts a forest, a clearing in the center made cuts where pictures can be inserted -

"Hares are sleeping", "Hares are dancing", fig. 13).

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to go for a walk in the clearing drawn in the picture: “Little bunnies live here, and you will find out what they do when you hear the music.”

"The melody of lullaby or dance music sounds. Children determine it and, at the request of the teacher, insert the corresponding picture into the slots on the tablet. If the child recognizes the piece of music, the children applaud.

Games for the development of timbre hearing

13. They brought us toys

game material. Musical toys: pipe, bell, musical hammer; cat (soft toy); box.

Game code. The teacher takes a box tied with a ribbon, takes out a cat from there and sings the song “Grey Kitty” by V. Vitlin. Then he says that there are more musical toys in the box, which the cat will give to the children if they recognize them by their sound.

The teacher, imperceptibly from the children (behind a small screen), plays musical toys. Children will recognize them. The cat gives toys to the child, he rings a bell (tapping with a musical hammer, playing the pipe). The cat then passes the toy to another child. The same pipe is not transmitted, it is desirable to have several of them.

The game can be played at a festive matinee or during leisure hours.

14. Caps

game material. Three colorful paper caps, children's musical instruments: harmonica, metallophone, balalaika.

Game progress. A subgroup of children sits in a semicircle, in front of them is a table, on which musical instruments lie under caps. The teacher calls the child to the table and invites him to turn his back and guess what he will play on. To check the answer, you are allowed to look under the cap.

The game is played during free time.

15. Our orchestra

game material. Children's musical toys and instruments (domras, balalaikas, pipes, bells, tambourines, coals), a large box.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children that a package has arrived at the kindergarten, shows it, takes out musical instruments and gives them to the children (a preliminary acquaintance with each instrument is carried out at a music lesson). Everyone plays these instruments the way they want.

This game situation can be used on a matinee. After the "creative" game of children, the teacher offers to listen to how the orchestra of the children of the older group plays

Methodical development. Music games for younger preschoolers

Author: Zemlyomerova Nadezhda Veniaminovna, musical director of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 6" Malachite "of the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic.

This development will be useful for music directors and kindergarten teachers. It can be used both in music lessons and in leisure activities with younger preschool age.
Target: Formation of motivation for musical activity;
- development of musicality of children of primary preschool age.
- educating a child's interest in the world of musical and non-musical sounds, elementary music making;
- development in children of perception of musical and non-musical sounds;
- Enriching children's musical experience;
- activation of children's emotional reactions to music;
- development of musical and game improvisations, performing skills and creative abilities in children.

Junior group

"Guess the Tool"
(A screen is installed, behind it are musical instruments: bells, a drum, a rattle, a tambourine. The teacher reads the quatrain, naming the name of any child from the group, the Katya doll plays any musical instrument, the children guess)
We play with the guys
Let's find out what sounds now
Doll Katya play!
Quickly, Olya, call!

"Quiet and Loud Hands"
(Depending on the sound of the music, the children clap their hands either loudly or softly)
We will play with our hands
Loudly, loudly we strike,
One, two, three, don't yawn
Loud, loud blow!

We will play with our hands
Quiet, quiet, hit.
One, two, three, don't yawn
Quietly, quietly strike.
"Rhythmic Legs"
(Children step to the rhythm of the music, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly; at the same time, along with the steps, they knock with sticks)
We walk slowly
We raise our legs
We play sticks
We strike together.

We're walking fast
We raise our legs
We play with sticks.
We strike together.

"Children and Bear"
(Children walk around the hall, play rattles to cheerful music; when the bear appears, the music changes to marching, the bear plays the drum; all the children hide from him - squat)
The children went out for a walk
play rattles,
That's how fun we walk
We play rattles.

A bear came out with a drum,
Boom-boom-boom, tram - there-there,
All the guys hid
Here and there, here and there.

"Musical Mosaic"
(Children are shown a picture with an image, a verse is told, the child chooses an instrument and depicts the one who is drawn in the picture.)
Here is a frog in the swamp
Very fun life
You guys listen
Kwa-kva-kva she sings!

The bear came out of the den,
Take your feet faster
How did he start crying
That's so bear-bear!

Rain dripping on the roof
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock
Barely audible, barely audible
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

The sparrows rejoiced
The grains began to peck,
Do not lag behind others
Everything is pecking, pecking, pecking.

Here is a stream flowing
It looks like his way is long.
So murmuring, splashing,
Trying to run away!

"Funny balls"
(To determine the contrast in music. On the first part of the music, the “balls” roll one after another or loosely, on the second part they bounce in place.)
Rolled, rolled
ball on the track,
We run like balls
Here are the legs!

Suddenly our ball jumped
Fun so jumping
We are like balls now
Let's all jump together!

"Little Musicians"
(For the first, fast part of the music, children play on spoons, for the second, slow part they play on tambourines).

"Hen and Fox"
(Chickens come out, peck grains, clean feathers. Then a fox runs out, catches chickens: whoever it hits, he squats)
This is how I peck the grains.
This is how I peck the grains.

Yes Yes Yes Yes,
I'll clean the feathers.
Yes Yes Yes Yes,
I'll clean the feathers.
(fox runs out)
