Low hairline on the pubic area. Why does hair start to grow below the belly?

What unites all humanity? That's right, pubic hair. There are no people whose “charms” are not touched by hair. And whether you shave them or not, the fact is that they were there to begin with.

This place has many names, many stories associated with it. Fierce battles are still being waged about the appearance of the "pussy", so let's study the issue from a scientific point of view, starting with the purpose of pubic hair and ending with shaving it.

Why is pubic hair needed?

Pubic hair may contain pheromones, or chemicals that your body produces. Their mission is very simple - to send subliminal messages to other human “animals”, including potential partners.

One theory is that the scents your pubic area gives off act as a sex trap for that guy who's just passing by. We are all animals, no matter how hard we try.

Many scientists believe that apocrine sweat glands, which are found in abundance in areas of the pubis where there are many hair follicles, do not function until puberty. This idea fits perfectly with another theory about pubic hair: it signals to potential mates that a girl has matured, that she has gone through puberty and is now able to produce offspring. In the most primitive sense, pubic pheromones are a signal of maturity.

However, there is a completely different point of view. Completely different. Radically different. It may seem strange, but scientists and virgins, who clearly have something wrong with pheromones, believe that no pheromones exist.

This uncertainty, however, does not in any way affect the third theory, according to which pubic hair plays the role of guardians of the purity and purity of the virgin. Not in the sense that it is impossible for an ardent young man, inflamed with lust, to break through the bushy jungle; pornography of the 70s proved the opposite, but in the fact that hair protects the vagina from contamination and various infections. Some have gone even further and given them the honorary title of "friction cushions during sex or other physical exercise." It sounds exotic, but it is quite real.

On the other hand, let's not forget about thermoregulation, which affects almost all hair on the body. They fight for your warmth, and you remove them!

To shave or not to shave

Let us declare right away: we are not trying to introduce fashion for extravagant thickets from the pages of PlayBoy from circa 1971. There is simply a theory based on scientific research that says getting rid of the “bushes” leads to bad consequences. From 2002 to 2010, there were approximately 11,700 “grooming injuries” to the genital area. Truly dangerous and bloodthirsty hygiene.

Still, many understand what they are risking, but do not change their habits.

95% of people surveyed in 2015 by the American National Journal of Medicine shave their pubic area at least once every four weeks.

For many, a smoothly shaved pubis is synonymous with cleanliness and increased attention to the body and health. But having pubic hair does not automatically equate to the unflattering term “dirty” vagina! As many gynecologists say, if you wash your pubic area with soap and warm water every day, there will be no difference. Just don’t put soap inside the vagina, this can seriously irritate the vaginal microflora, and everything there is so delicate. It's okay if you personally feel cleaner by shaving your pubic area, but don't feel "dirty" just because you go a few days without shaving.

Men have a different attitude towards female hairiness. The majority (60%) of those surveyed in the same medical journal were in favor of the smoothness of their intimate parts.

Big number. Many people literally force their girls to shave. Of course, there are lovers of “lush exoticism” or simply those who want to understand with whom he is having sex - a woman or a girl. As Hank Moody used to say, “When I'm down there, I'd like to see curls in my pubic area. I’m not talking about the lush 70s PlayBoy bush, but something that will show me that I’m performing cunnilingus on a grown woman.” But be that as it may, no one has the right to force their partner to shave off their intimate hair just because they like it better. “Could you cut a path to your clitoris, otherwise I can’t see it,” sounds no less disgusting than: “Ugh, you have hair there!” This is some kind of idiocy.

And there is only one good reason for shaving, waxing and more

If hair removal makes you feel much sexier, then shave for your health. Do what you think is necessary, if you feel more comfortable, then delete it. Only a feeling of aesthetic purity can justify all the pain and unpleasantness of the process. As we see, there is neither a reinforced concrete “for” nor a monumental “against” - it’s a matter of taste and patience.

There is an ambiguous attitude towards hair in some areas of the human body. On the one hand, Europeans for the most part consider pubic hair an atavism and strive with all their might to get rid of it. On the other hand, Asian countries are currently experiencing a peak in the popularity of operations during which hair from the client’s head is transplanted onto his head. The fact is that Asians have extremely sparse hair in the genital area, and they are confident that they will become more sexually attractive and fertile after such a transplant.

Why does hair grow in intimate places of the human body?

There is still no consensus on why, during the course of evolution, not all hair on the human body became short and thin. There is a hypothesis that the hair in the groin is an antenna created by nature itself, through which people transmit and receive special information. Another hypothesis states that the hair is not intended to attract the attention of a potential partner to the fact that this individual has reached biological maturity and is ready to mate and bear offspring. Finally, the third common hypothesis is most similar to the truth: hair preserves and enhances the spread of odors, which, again, attract the attention of the most suitable partner of the opposite sex.

So is hair necessary in intimate places?

There is no definitive right answer to the question of whether you should remove hair from your groin and armpits. From a hygiene point of view, it is highly advisable to do this precisely in order to prevent the appearance of the smell of sweat or discharge. Even though from the perspective of a caveman these smells were appropriate and attractive, but a modern person “smelling” of old sweat will be perceived negatively by society in any case.
On the other hand, there are many people who defend their right to naturalness in everything. This also applies to body hair. Moreover, such people are no less developed, educated and clean than those who prefer to remove body hair. This is their opinion, which, in any case, is worthy of respect.
However, the fashion for smooth skin all over the body continues, and thousands of people visit beauty salons every day. They want one thing - to remove hair from places on their body, and to do it as effectively as possible. The modern beauty industry offers dozens of ways for this, each of which has its own pros and cons.

The human body is almost completely covered with hair. Moreover, the main area of ​​the skin will be smooth and hairless. This especially applies to the female body. In fact, in women, hair follicles, like in men, are located everywhere except on the feet and palms. It’s just that for the most part the hairs on the body are light fluff. Under the influence of a number of reasons, hair can become coarser, grow more intensely, appearing where it should not be, causing discomfort to a woman.

But sometimes the reverse process occurs. Hair falls out, and sometimes does not grow at all where it traditionally should be. For example, sometimes women's pubic hair does not grow. The complexes that arise in this case are not the biggest disadvantage. It is important to understand whether there is another, more dangerous problem or disease behind this pathology. Meanwhile, possible causes of this phenomenon include:

All of these causes are quite dangerous and difficult to treat. In some cases, therapy comes down to maintaining the body’s activity as much as possible. If we are talking about congenital pathologies, then a woman’s (girl’s) hair is absent from birth or grows in clumps. Moreover, sometimes this applies to the entire hairline, as, for example, with alopecia, or to the area of ​​the pubic zone and armpits, as with hypopituitarism. Sometimes disorders are acquired. In this case, the hair partially or completely falls out, and subsequently does not grow, or grows weakly and fragmentarily.


This disease leads to loss of hair follicles. As a result, hair on the body, including the head, pubic area and other areas, grows rarely or disappears completely. In this case, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. may be equally absent. Also, with alopecia, the nail plates, teeth and skin are often affected. The main thing you need to know about this disease is that it is irreversible. To minimize the consequences of alopecia, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as the first symptoms are detected. Most often this happens in infancy. This state can be described as follows:

Timely treatment can prevent a significant number of problems. This is what concerns congenital alopecia. The acquired form of the disease manifests itself mainly in the area of ​​the scalp and has an indirect relation to the pubic triangle. Therefore, if in adulthood women’s pubic hair does not grow, while the hair on the head is more or less satisfactory, the cause should be sought among other pathologies. And first of all, the possibility of pituitary dysfunction should be excluded.


This disease can be congenital or acquired. Its essence lies in the disruption of the functioning of the brain appendage - the pituitary gland. As you know, the pituitary gland is responsible for the production of a number of hormones that affect growth, reproductive function, etc. In particular, the hormone responsible for hair growth occurs here. The degree of hypopituitarism depends on the location of the traumatic effect, as well as on its extent relative to the pituitary gland. In other words, the external manifestations of hypopituitarism depend on the strength, area and direction of the damaging effect. Symptoms of the disease include:

  • hair loss in the armpits and pubic area up to complete baldness;
  • lack of sexual desire, frigidity;
  • muscle tissue atrophy;
  • growth of adipose tissue;
  • pain during menstruation.

Thus, if we are talking about the fact that pubic hair and armpit hair have stopped growing, then most likely there is a disruption in the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

A variety of reasons can provoke such a failure. One of the most dangerous is malignant formation or metastases in the pituitary gland. In this case, treatment prognosis is very ambiguous. First of all, it is necessary to determine whether the existing tumor is operable. If possible, the tumor must first be removed. Then undergo long-term treatment aimed at suppressing the signs of cancer and compensating for the consequences of pituitary dysfunction.

If pubic hair does not grow after childbirth, then the cause of hypopituitarism may be excessive blood loss during the process of resolving pregnancy. This process can lead to poor circulation and damage to the pituitary gland. It should be noted that these consequences are irreversible, therefore, compensatory drugs are prescribed as treatment to replenish the missing hormones. Unfortunately, this measure is prescribed to a woman for life.

Over the past few decades, a body free of excess hair has become fashionable. Both women and men are actively engaged in fighting nature - destroying even the smallest hints of hair in unwanted places. And especially a lot goes to the pubic area and armpits. Some people struggle with hair at home, while others systematically visit special salons, leaving them with “a lot” of money. At the same time, both men and women wonder why pubic hair and armpits are needed?

Why do we need hair under the armpits and between the legs??

In both the groin and armpits there are not only ordinary sweat glands, but also large sweat glands. They actively produce pheromones. Many scientists are confident that hair in these places on the body is necessary in order to increase the area of ​​evaporation - so that pheromones evaporate not only from the skin, but also from the hair.

What are pheromones and why do we need them??

There are long- and short-range pheromones. The first of them are small and highly volatile substances, they are exactly the same for all of us. Such substances can attract individuals of the opposite sex. But they do not provoke sexual desire, but only inform the body about the presence of other organisms nearby that are capable of mating.

As for short-range pheromones, they are heavier and poorly flying substances. Such particles can be transmitted from person to person during close contacts and kisses. Short-range pheromones provide information to other people about your personal genetic profile. Thanks to this, the body is able to calculate the likelihood of biochemical (genetic) compatibility. If the likelihood of compatibility is particularly high, and the body is ready for this, interest in a representative of the opposite sex may well arise.

The sensitivity of women to the influence of pheromones largely depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. After all, sensitivity becomes highest during the period of ovulation, when the likelihood of fertilization is most possible.

Scientists say that if a girl is asked to choose a man's T-shirt with the most pleasant smell from a heap of things, the choice will be made in favor of the man who is most suitable for her in terms of compatibility.

Why do people need pubic hair??

It is believed that nature cannot create anything superfluous. So there really is a point to pubic hair. If we talk about pubic hair from a biological point of view, then it is not only an indicator of the onset of puberty, but also performs other quite important functions. The hair in this area is designed to protect the genitals from the effects of cold, forming a kind of air cushion. Hair is necessary for complete thermoregulation of the groin area, both in the heat and in the summer.

Also, pubic hair in women helps prevent the penetration of aggressive bacteria and infectious particles, and they also help maintain a good microclimate in the vagina. In addition, hair helped our ancestors protect themselves from small insects that could get inside. After all, not all the time people wore panties... By the way, you can read. This information is right on topic. Many gynecologists recommend not shaving off all the hairs, but removing them only in the bikini area, while it is better to carefully trim the rest.

Hair as protection for lymph nodes

It is known that in the groin area and in the armpits there are several quite important lymph nodes. And some scientists are confident that vegetation in these areas of the body is necessary to protect the organs of the lymphatic system from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, you should not try to tan as much as possible in the armpits and bikini area.

Why else do we need armpit hair?

Do modern people need armpit and pubic hair??

Today, each of us has access to daily hygiene procedures. And the hair under the arms and on the pubis ceases to perform such important functions. Therefore, their importance for modern man is not very noticeable. And sometimes the abundance of hair in such places can, on the contrary, do harm. Indeed, in extreme heat, bacteria actively multiply in them, which, in the presence of additional factors, can lead to the development of a number of unpleasant diseases. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend shortening the hair, but there is no need to rush to get rid of it completely.

There is evidence that systematic plucking, shaving and epilation of hair in intimate areas indirectly leads to excess weight gain. And some scientists argue that complete elimination of pubic hair can cause an accelerated onset of menopause and. These data have not yet been confirmed by many scientific studies, and the editors of Popular About Health draw your attention to this, but perhaps they are still worth paying attention to.

Ekaterina, www.site

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Sexual hair growth (hair growth in androgen-dependent zones) serves as an indicator of the sexual development of girls and boys. There are certain timing for the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, and changes in these timing indicate pathology. In the article we will look at which localizations should sexual hair normally begin from, at what time period pubic hair should appear, and also consider variants of pathologies.

Normally, in girls, signs of sexual development appear in the following sequence: enlargement of the mammary glands, then sexual hair growth, starting with pubic hair, followed by accelerated growth, and menstruation appears.

Pubertal hair growth in boys begins at 12-13 years of age with pubic hair growth. At 13-14 years old, hair growth appears in the armpit, and at 16 years old - on the face.

Isolated premature pubertal hair growth

Androgens, which are precursors to testosterone, stimulate axillary and pubic hair growth. Sexual hair growth in a girl, before the mammary glands enlarge, is not the norm. This may be a pseudopubertal symptom. Premature isolated pubertal hair growth can be caused by hydrocephalus, meningitis, and adrenal tumors.

Premature sexual development

Premature isolated sexual hair growth must be distinguished from premature sexual development, when in children the early appearance of secondary sexual characteristics is accompanied by the development of the genital organs, as well as accelerated growth. True prepubertal development is caused by an increased release of hormones due to damage to the hypothalamic region.

Puberty is early, which occurs in girls before the age of 8, and in boys before the age of 10. In boys, growth accelerates noticeably, and then slows down and stops, which leads to short stature. The accelerated growth of the genital organs is accompanied by pubic and axillary hair growth, a change in the timbre of the voice and the development of skeletal muscles. At the same time, an erection may appear. In girls - accelerated growth and its early cessation, enlarged mammary glands, pubic hair growth, and the appearance of menstruation. Early menstrual cycles are often irregular.

Pubic hair growth in women. Photo

Pubic hair growth in girls goes through several stages: absence of hair, the appearance of single hairs along the labia, sparse hair in the center of the pubis, thick and long hair throughout the “triangle”.

If we look at pubic hair in girls by age, it will look like this:

  • 11-12 years - sparse, slightly pigmented hair appears on the labia.
  • 12-13 years old - pubic hair looks like pigmented long hair that occupies part of the pubis.
  • 13-14 years old - pubic hair occupies the entire pubic area, but is absent on the inner thighs.
  • 14-15 years old - pubic hair, like in women: in the form of a triangle, which faces downwards. A moderate amount of hair appears, extending to the thighs. If you noticed, hair growth in girls begins with hair growth on the labia.

Rice. Pubic hair growth (photos of stages of pubic hair growth)

Women have a smaller area of ​​pubic hair than men. Hair rarely extends beyond the bikini area.

However, brunettes tend to have more hair on the inner thighs, while blondes tend to have hair that extends beyond the bikini area. Pubic hair is a different color from the hair on your head - it is usually darker. The growth of pubic hair has a direct connection with the functioning of the ovaries, so in women during menopause, pubic hair decreases.

Pubic hair growth in boys

At the age of 11, boys first experience an enlargement of the testicles, and by the age of 12, pubic hair appears. Pubic hair growth is a long process that goes through several stages. Initially, there is no hair growth, followed by the appearance of single hairs on the base of the penis, then straight hair, unevenly distributed over the surface of the pubis (in the form of a triangle), curly, thick hair, unevenly distributed over the entire surface of the pubis (in the form of a triangle), and finally curly hair extending to the navel and also to the inner thighs.

Pubic hair growth in boys is initially of the female type (in the form of a triangle), but by the age of 16 it gradually turns to the male type - the area “overgrown” with hair takes on a diamond shape. At the age of 18, hair appears on the inner thighs. Pubic hair growth ends by age 25.
