Nod preparatory group journey into the new year. The point is set

Summary of GCD in the middle group “New Year is coming soon”


The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that the New Year is approaching - the most amazing, most magical and incomprehensible holiday, loved by both adults and children. Everyone is waiting for it with a special, festive mood, because the New Year brings the expectation of a miracle, amazing surprises and gifts, a trip to the magical land of fairy tales and a meeting with your favorite characters. Do you know how impatiently children look forward to this holiday? And for the New Year to become an unforgettable, emotionally rich event for children of middle preschool age, which will remain in the child’s soul for a long time, depends on us, adults, on those who are not indifferent to the emotional background in which our children grow up.

To do this, it is necessary to diversify the knowledge and enrich the vocabulary of children related to the New Year holiday.

Goal of the work:

1. Creating a positive emotional background, joy, anticipation of the holiday.

2. Formation of the concept of holiday, its characteristic features and meaning in people’s lives using the example of the New Year.

1. Analysis of literature on this topic.

2. Analyze the concept of a holiday - New Year, highlight its characteristic features: attributes, attitude and mood of people, rules of behavior, traditions.

3. Arouse a desire to participate in preparations for the holiday (decorating the group, making manuals, crafts, photo newspapers about the New Year.

4. Exercise children in storytelling, indicating the time and place of action.


Talking with children about the New Year holiday, it turned out that children have little knowledge about this holiday. Children know little about the history of the origin of this holiday, its traditions and customs. Parents do not involve their children in making or choosing gifts, but give everything ready-made. How can children find out how long to wait for the New Year, what gifts to give, how one holiday differs from another? Our preliminary work will help children become direct participants in the preparations for the New Year, and fully immerse themselves in the pre-New Year storm of emotions and impressions.

Preliminary work:

Teacher's story on the topic: "What is New Year?"

Conversations: “What gift do I want for the New Year”, “How to decorate a house for the New Year”, “When does this happen?”

Stories, fairy tales and riddles about winter and the New Year holiday.

Children's games "Who lives where, "Decorate the Christmas tree! "

Word games: “Guess and name”, “What’s in Santa Claus’s bag”, “Say the opposite”.

Compiling descriptive stories based on the plot pictures “New Year tree”, “Santa Claus visiting the children”, “How the children prepared to meet Santa Claus”.

Learning poems for the New Year.

Looking at illustrations about the New Year holiday.

P/games "Freeze", "Freeze".

Group decoration for the New Year.

Drawings and applique on a New Year theme: “It’s snowing, “New Year tree.”

Making joint crafts for parents and children for the New Year.

1. Organizational moment.

A snowman (Santa Claus's assistant) runs in and tells the children that it is necessary to decorate the envelope with an invitation to Santa Claus for the New Year holidays, and only then it can be sent by mail.

To do this we need to complete tasks.

2. Conversation on issues.

New Year holiday, what time of year does it happen?

How do we know that winter has come outside?

Is New Year a fun holiday?

What do we like about the New Year holiday?

Is this a favorite holiday for adults and children?

3. Journey into the forest.

Physical education minute. "Walk in the winter forest."

We came to the winter forest.

There are so many miracles around here!

On the right is a birch tree in a fur coat.

On the left the tree is looking at us

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky,

They lie beautifully on the ground.

Walk in a circle, spread your arms to the sides. Move your hand to the right and look at it, move your hand to the left and follow it with your gaze. Movement (flashlights) and look up, circling and crouching.

4. Decorating Christmas trees.

Children are divided into 2 subgroups.

The first subgroup - hangs 5 ​​red balls (for bunnies);

The second subgroup hangs 4 blue balls (for the dog).

They count, compare them, name the quantity.

5. Game “Find the snowflake”

There are chairs arranged around the group, with snowflakes of different sizes attached to their backs.

Children choose their favorite snowflake on the table, find the same one on the back of the chair and sit down.

Make a wish and give the snowflake to a magical place for wishes to come true (a box under the tree)

6. Game "Find the differences"

Comparison of snowmen on an easel. Ask the children how many there are. Please note that all snowmen are similar, except for the last one. Ask to find 5 differences. A snowflake is awarded for the correct answer.

1. One has a nose like a carrot, and the other has a bump;

2. One has a bucket on his head, and the other has a saucepan;

3. One has 3 coal buttons, the other has 2 buttons;

4. One has legs and the other has no legs.

5. One has branches in his hands, and the other has snowballs.

7. Finger game "Snowman"

Come on, buddy, move boldly, buddy.

Roll your snowball in the snow (show how snowflakes are made).

It will turn into a thick lump (show a large lump with your hands in front of you)

And the lump will become a snowman (show 3 lumps with your hands, depicting a snowman).

His smile is so bright! (draw a smile in the air with your fingers)

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom (show 2 eyes with your hands, put your hand straight on your head - hat, touch your nose with your hand, spreading your fingers - broom).

7. Game "Pick a Rhyme"

Ask the children to help come up with winter poems. To do this, you need to try to find a rhyme (a word that matches the sound).

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream,

Falls to the ground.

Not prickly, light blue,

Hanged in the bushes.

And it's freezing outside

It stings the cheeks, it stings.

We didn't eat, we didn't drink -

Snow Baba.

Winter sports are now closer to us -

They help with this.

Oksanka's tears are flowing -

She's broken.

The lights on the ice went out -

I'm taking mine off.

Visible on a winter evening

Yellow in the sky.

Rings are flying from the pipe -

This is smoke from ours.

8. Productive activity "Decorating a New Year's envelope"

Offer to decorate 2 New Year's envelopes neatly and beautifully with stickers that they received for completing tasks.

9. Send an envelope with an invitation by mail to Santa Claus.


As we have already noted, children’s memory long preserves the bright, joyful, vivid impressions with which the holiday is rich. And the task of teachers at this stage is to “link” to these memories those skills, abilities and knowledge that children received in the process of preparing it.

To do this, conversations were held in which the children recalled what they liked, with the help of the teacher, they identified the most important and important things in the holiday, and unclear points were clarified.

The effectiveness of pedagogical work largely depends on a thorough analysis of the quality of the N.O.D., which assessed:

Children’s activities during N.O.D., emotional state, degree of activity and interest;

Drawing up N.O.D, taking into account the age characteristics of children, the degree and nature of interaction with each other and children;

Accessibility, artistry and compliance with the theme of the holiday;

Organizational aspects N.O.D.

It is noted that well-organized preliminary work and high-quality implementation of N.O.D. have a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention. They create an excellent situation for the development of the child’s speech, for consolidating the knowledge acquired in various educational activities, and contribute to his moral education.


1. - "All holidays." L. Yakovlev.

2. - “Notes of kindergarten classes” by V. N. Volchkov.

3. - "Summaries of complex classes with children 4-5 years old" O. A. Novikovskaya.

4. - “Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality” by N. V. Aleshina.

5. - “From birth to school” N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarov, M. A. Vasilyeva.

6. - “Development of emotions of preschool children” Minaeva V. M.

7. - “We play with children - we develop speech” O. S. Rudnik.

8. - “Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten” by E. A. Alyabyev.


GCD "Magic Holiday - New Year"

Introduce children to the history of the holiday;

Consolidate knowledge about winter, clarify the signs of winter;

Activate children's vocabulary of adjectives;

Development of memory, attention, thinking

Develop skills of cooperation, positive attitude towards participation in class, initiative, independence;

“The cold weather has arrived.

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? »

What time of year is the riddle talking about? – (about winter)

What are the winter months called? - (December January February).

What happens in nature in winter? (children’s answers according to the picture-graphic plan: sun, sky, trees, birds, animals, people)

There are many beautiful words that can be said about winter. What words will you choose?

Game "Words on the Palm"

“I open my palm,

I accept your words” (children select sign words: snowy, cold, icy, long-awaited, etc.)

Game “What Winter Can’t Happen Without”

Now tell me, without what does winter not exist? (there is no winter without snow, snowdrifts, icicles, frost, sleds, slides).

What holidays do we celebrate in winter? (someone’s birthday, New Year, Christmas, Defenders of the Fatherland Day)

What is your favorite holiday? New Year of course!

“They say on New Year’s Eve

Whatever you want -

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Even guys can

All wishes come true

It is only necessary, they say,

Make an effort"

History of the holiday.

Do you know how the New Year holiday appeared?

In ancient times, for many peoples, the year began in spring or autumn. In Ancient Rus', the new year began in March. It was greeted as a holiday of spring, sun, warmth, and anticipation of a new harvest.

And more than 300 years ago (on the eve of 1700), Russian Tsar Peter I issued a decree to celebrate the New Year according to a different custom (European) - January 1. Peter invited everyone to decorate their houses with pine and spruce branches. Everyone had to congratulate their relatives and friends on the holiday. At 12 o'clock at night, Peter I went out onto the square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky. Thus began the fireworks in honor of the New Year holiday. About three hundred years ago, people believed that by decorating the New Year tree, they made evil forces kinder. The evil forces have long been forgotten, but the tree is still a symbol of the New Year holiday.

Physical education minute

"Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

(children stand facing in a circle, bow.)

He's passing from the forest

He already brought us a Christmas tree.

(they walk in a circle, pretending to carry a Christmas tree on their shoulder.)

At the top above the branches

(stand facing in a circle, raise their hands - inhale.)

Fired up, as always,

The brightest, hottest light

(raise hands again - inhale.)

Five-winged star"

(they lower their hands and say the phrase while exhaling.)

Game “Which one? Which? Which? »

Guys, look carefully at the pictures and say as many words as possible about this subject.

Garland (what kind) – new, beautiful, shiny, colorful...

Tinsel (what kind) – shiny, New Year’s, silver...

Toy (what kind) - beautiful, glass, round, New Year's...

Santa Claus (what kind) - fabulous, huge, kind, cheerful...

Snow Maiden (what kind) - beautiful, kind, cheerful...

The holiday is (what) fun, noisy, magical, memorable...

New Year tree, festive, p

Popkova Olga

Elena Pilyugina
Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group “New Year in the Family”

Preliminary work: Have a conversation with the children about the holiday « New Year» ; remember how the Christmas tree is decorated.

Target: To form ideas about the New Year as a fun and good holiday.

Tasks: Enrich ideas about the celebration of the New Year, about the symbols and traditions of the holiday. Create an atmosphere of festive mood.

To deepen children's knowledge about New Year celebrations in our country.

Material: Christmas decorations.

Progress of the lesson.

A game “Add a word that matches the meaning”

Father Frost - Snow Maiden, Christmas tree - holiday, holiday - gifts, costumes - children, children - round dance.

Educator: - What holiday do these words refer to?

Children: - For the New Year.

Educator: - Why?

Children: - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden come to our Christmas tree in New Year.

What time of year do we celebrate? New Year?

Children: In winter.

Educator: In what month?

Children: December.

Educator: This is the last month of the outgoing year. What month does it come in? New Year?

Children: In January.

Educator: How people celebrate New Year?

Children: They decorate the Christmas tree, sew carnival costumes, give gifts to each other, have fun around the tree.

Educator: How and with what do they decorate the Christmas tree?

Children: Hanging toys.

Educator: What are the names of the toys that hang on the Christmas tree?

Children:Christmas decorations.

Educator: What Christmas tree decorations do you use to decorate your Christmas tree at home?

Children: Balls and balloons, garlands, etc.

Educator: New year is one of the most joyful holidays. He is always greeted in a good, cheerful mood. Guys, let's play a game called "WITH New Year

An outdoor game is being played "WITH New Year» (N.V. Nishcheva “System of correctional work)

WITH New Year! WITH New Year!

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

(Children stand facing in a circle, bow)

He's passing from the forest

He already brought us a Christmas tree

(They walk in a circle, pretending to carry a Christmas tree on their shoulder)

At the top above the branches

(Stand facing in a circle. Raise your hands, say the phrase while inhaling)

Fired up, as always,

The brightest, hottest light

(Raise hands again, say the phrase as you exhale)

Five-winged star

(They lower their hands and say the phrase while exhaling).

Looking at Christmas tree decorations (ball and icicle)

Educator: Name the color, shape, material, purpose.

A game "What is made of what"

Glass ball - what kind? (Glass)

Paper cracker - what kind?

Plastic ball - what kind?

Finger game "Present"(N.V. Nishcheva "Correctional work system"

Santa Claus brought gifts:

(Children walk with their fingers on the table)

Primers, albums, stamps,

Dolls, bears and a car,

Parrot and penguin

Half a bag of chocolate

(For each name of the gift, bend one finger, first on the right hand, then on the left hand)

And a fluffy puppy

(Make a puppy’s muzzle from the fingers of the right hand, bend the middle and index fingers - the muzzle)

A game “Recognize the toy by description”

Children look at Christmas tree decorations. Each child describes a toy without naming it. The rest of the children must guess the toy.

Writing a story

Each child writes a story about how they celebrate New Year in the family.

Publications on the topic:

Topic: “There is a hero in our family” Main direction: speech Form of activity: joint activity of an adult and children Types of activity:.

Notes on FEMP in the preparatory group “Kolobok in a new way” Video presentation summary on FEMP in preg. group “Gingerbread Man in a New Way” Objectives: Educational 1. strengthen children’s ability to count forward and backward.

Summary of the parent meeting in the middle group “A new school year has begun - a new turn in life” Summary of the parent meeting in secondary group No. 13 “FIDGE” on the topic “A new school year has begun - a new turn in life. Average age.

Program content Give children the concept of family. To form in children an idea of ​​the family as an “island of safety” - a guarantor.

Lesson notes on legal education of children of the preparatory group “The right to upbringing in the family, the rights of the child.” Lesson notes on.

Program content:

Expand and enrich children's knowledge about the history of the New Year holiday;

Continue to introduce the artistic word;

To develop the ability to coordinate a noun with an adjective;

Develop the ability to navigate time and space, work with a plan;

To cultivate in children kindness, responsiveness, and the desire to help.

Equipment: multimedia support - presentation “What is New Year?”, logorhythmic exercise “New Year’s Engine”, video projector, winter trees, station model, city plan, letter from Africa, New Year’s toys, photographs for a surprise moment.

Integration of educational areas:“Physical education”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”.

Methodical techniques:

Psychological org. moment, conversation, artistic expression, viewing and conversation on slides, using motivation, working with a plan, using health-saving technologies, TRIZ - creating a problem situation, a surprise moment, noise special effects.

Progress of direct educational activities

Educator: Hello children! You are the best children in the world. These are the good and handsome people I invite today to talk about... and you will find out what we will talk about when you guess the riddle.

Educator: Come in and take your seats.

Listen carefully.

A young guy stood on the first step,

a gray-haired old man came to the twelfth step,

A young guy stood on the first step.

What kind of young guy took the first step?

What kind of gray-haired old man came to the 12th step?

What are these steps?

Educator: What does the riddle say?

Children: About the old and the new year.

Educator: What is the name of the holiday that we celebrate at the time of the change between the old and new years?

Children: New Year.

Educator: Who knows poems about the New Year.

Children read poetry.

(There is a knock on the door, the postman comes and brings a letter.)

Educator: Guys, look what this is?

Children: Letter.

Educator: Let's read what is written here.

Text of the letter: Dear children from Russia, we live in Africa. In Africa it is always warm and there is no snow. For the New Year, we have this tradition: you need to touch the elephant that is being led along the street, because it gives people strength, courage, and wisdom. We heard that this is not how you celebrate New Year. They decorate your Christmas tree, and some kind of Santa Claus comes to visit. Why is he coming and who is he? We know what a Christmas tree is, but we don’t know how you decorate it. We'd really like to know. Please tell us, respectfully African children.

Educator: Guys, what should we do? Children from Africa don’t know how we celebrate the New Year.

Educator: You want to help them, tell them how we celebrate the New Year in Russia.

Children: Of course we do.

Educator: In order for you to help African children, you yourself must learn a lot about the history of this holiday, so pay attention to the screen.

Educator: Take your seats in the auditorium.

View the presentation “What is New Year?”

Educator: Now, if you find yourself in Africa or somewhere else, you can tell us where this holiday came from and how we celebrate it. I propose to send this presentation to African children. Do you agree.

Children: Certainly.

Educator: We will send them the film, but they don’t know how we decorate the Christmas tree, let’s show them. Where can we get it?

Children: In a store, at a market, in a forest.

Educator: Well done, I want to invite you to visit the Christmas tree in the forest.

And we will go there on a New Year's train. Do you agree?

Educator: Who knows where the locomotive departs from?

Children: From the station

Educator: Is there a train station in our city?

Children: There is a train station in our city of Barabinsk.

Educator: Who knows where he is?

(Children's answers)

Educator: A map will help us get to the station.

(Working with a map.)

Educator: Let's take a look at it and hit the road.

We figured out the map, in order to hit the road you need to get dressed.

Educator: We quickly get dressed and get to the station quickly, otherwise we’ll be late for the train.

Children put on clothes (imitation of movements).

Educator: Is everyone ready? Let's get up in pairs and hit the road.

Logorhythmic speech:

We first go straight, and then go left, at the pharmacy we turn right, then another right, and now left, we approached the crossing bridge. The bridge is a high-risk zone, so everyone must be careful, we walk one after another slowly, and do not push each other.

Educator: Here is the station.

The New Year's train departs from the first track to the forest; we ask passengers to take their seats (special noise effect).

Educator: We are invited to board, take your seats in the carriage.

Logorhythmic exercise

"New Year's Engine"

Educator: So we reached the forest. Guys, look how beautiful it is, and how fresh and clean the air is.

Let's breathe with you. (Breathing exercises.)

It’s easy to breathe, but it’s frosty, my hands are a little frozen, and yours? Let's warm them up. (Finger gymnastics.)

Educator: Look, there's a Christmas tree. What is she like?

Children's answers.

Educator: She really is a beauty, it’s a shame to chop, but what could happen if everyone comes into the forest with an ax?

Children's answers.

Children: You can decorate a Christmas tree in the forest.

Educator: It’s a good idea, and I also brought some toys, I knew that you wouldn’t want to chop down the tree. Here's a chest with toys, let's decorate the Christmas tree.

Educator: Guys, I suggest taking a photo near the tree and sending the photo to Africa along with the disk, let the guys see how elegant the tree can be. Do you agree?

Children take pictures near the Christmas tree.

Educator: There is so much snow in the forest, let's play in the snow.

Simulation of a snowball fight. (Physical minute.)

A locomotive whistle sounds (special noise effect)

Educator: It's time to head back.

They return to kindergarten.

Logorhythmic exercise “New Year's train”

Educator: Here we are at the station. You and I visited a magical forest, and I learned a little how to do miracles, if you close your eyes, I will make it so that you find yourself in kindergarten, do you want it? Close your eyes. Open it up. Look where we ended up?

Children: In kindergarten.

Educator: Take off your clothes. Has everyone undressed? (Imitation of movements)

Educator: And while you are undressing, I have prepared a surprise for you, look at these photos from our trip.

Educator: You enjoyed today's trip, you were satisfied, we did a good deed, this is very good. Now we need to send the film and photograph to Africa. Let's go to a group to write a letter to African children.

Abstract of the GCD for the preparatory group on the formation of a holistic picture of the world “The New Year is moving around the world” using ICT.

Rudaya Maria Yuryevna is a teacher at Compensatory Kindergarten No. 400.
Subject: The New Year is going around the world.
Target: form ideas about the New Year holiday,
Enrich ideas about the celebration of the New Year, about the symbols and traditions of the holiday;
Continue teaching how to solve riddles;
Learn to give complete and detailed answers;
Develop children's play activities.
Types of children's activities: social and communicative activities, cognitive activities, reading fiction.
Materials and equipment: presentation “The New Year is going around the world”, pictures on cardboard depicting Christmas tree decorations and other items.
1. Organizational moment.
2. Conversation about the advent of the New Year.
3. Finger gymnastics “New Year”.
4. Conversation about how New Year is celebrated in different countries.
5. Conversation with children about the New Year tree.
6. Game “Dress up the Christmas tree.”
7. Guessing riddles.
8. Summary.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Guys, now I’ll tell you a riddle, and when you guess it, you’ll find out what the theme of our adventure is today.
“Everything on the Christmas tree is toys:
Beads, balls, firecrackers.
The kids are waiting for gifts.
What kind of holiday? (New Year)
(Slide 1)

Educator: That's right guys, soon our favorite holiday, New Year, will come to us. Are you all waiting for him? Really, guys? Why are you waiting for this holiday?
Children: answer questions.
Educator: Now let's listen to the song “What is New Year.”
The teacher plays a song.
(Slide 2)

2. Conversation about the advent of the New Year.
Educator: What do you guys think, what is the New Year?
Children: answer the question.
Educator: Well done guys, it turns out you know so many interesting things about this holiday.
Educator: Do you know that on New Year's Eve at exactly 12 o'clock at night we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year? Therefore, it is customary to celebrate this holiday at night. And not during the day, for example.
Educator: It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t love the New Year. Since early childhood, the New Year has been the most beloved, homely and warm holiday for each of us. Meanwhile, everything has its beginning. The tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 appeared in Russia only three hundred years ago. Peter I (Slide 3) issued a decree stating that the New Year should be celebrated on January 1.

By order of the Tsar, Muscovites for the first time decorated their houses for the New Year with branches of pine, juniper and spruce (Slide 4).

Initially, trees were decorated with sweets, fruits, nuts and even vegetables for the New Year. But Father Frost and Snow Maiden did not exist at that time. There was Frost - an old man with a white beard who commanded the winter cold. It was this character that became the basis for the birth of the fairy tale about New Year's Santa Claus (Slide 5) who brings gifts.

The traditional Santa Claus costume also did not appear immediately. At first he was depicted wearing a cloak. Santa Claus skillfully cleaned chimneys through which he threw gifts to children. The Snow Maiden also appeared a little later. They first learned about her from the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden,” but there she was simply sculpted from snow. Everyone remembers the moment in the fairy tale when she jumps over the fire and melts. Everyone loved the character so much that gradually (Slide 6) The Snow Maiden has become an invariable symbol of New Year's celebrations.

This is how the New Year appeared, which we have been accustomed to celebrating since childhood.
Educator: Now guys, let’s rest a little and do some finger gymnastics.
3. Finger gymnastics “New Year”.
New Year is coming! clap
Children dance in a circle. hands clasped with fingers, arms extended, hands in and out
Balls hang on the tree, alternately connect the fingers on both hands to form a ball
The lanterns are shining. flashlights
Here are the pieces of ice sparkling, clench and sharply unclench your fists in turn
Snowflakes are spinning. move your brushes easily and smoothly
Santa Claus is coming to visit, his fingers are walking on his knees or on the table
He brings gifts to everyone. three palms together
To count the gifts,
We will bend our fingers: clap our knees or the table, one hand with a palm, the other with a fist, and then switch
1,2,3,4,5,b,7,8,9,1O. bend each finger in turn

4. Conversation about how New Year is celebrated in different countries.
Educator: How the New Year is celebrated in different countries, I’ll tell you now. English Santa Claus
(Slide 7), travels on a sleigh pulled by six reindeer.

Everyone is looking forward to it, especially the children. They hang a stocking on the edge of their bed, into which a gift should fall through the chimney.
In France (Slide 8) The children are waiting for the French Father Frost (Pere Noel).

He divides gifts for children into two parts: he leaves some gifts on New Year's Eve, and puts the more valuable ones in prepared shoes (the children hang them in the house in the evening) on ​​Christmas Day.
In Germany, he gives gifts for the New Year. (Slide 9) German Santa Claus (Weinachtsman). He holds gifts in one hand and rods in the other.

As expected, those who behaved well receive a gift. Anyone who behaved badly during the year and played a lot of pranks will not see a gift.
In Japan, every child on New Year's Eve puts a drawing of their “dream” under their pillow and they believe that then their dreams will definitely come true.
In Russia, the New Year always means a decorated Christmas tree, a festive dinner, chimes, the Snow Maiden and, of course, Father Frost, who puts gifts for children under the Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve. What gifts to give children for the New Year? (Slide 10) Santa Claus learns from the letters he receives from children just before the holiday.

Educator: New Year is coming soon in our country. How do you guys usually celebrate the New Year?
Children: children's answers.
5. Conversation with children about the New Year tree.
Educator: Guys, who already has a decorated Christmas tree at home?
Children: Children's answers.
Educator: Tell me guys, how can you decorate the Christmas tree? What toys and decorations?
Children: Children's answers.
(Slide 11)

6. Game “Dress up the Christmas tree.”
Educator: Now we guys will play the game “Dress up the Christmas tree” and find out who can decorate the New Year tree correctly and quickly.
The teacher divides the group into 2 teams and opens a board on which 2 Christmas trees are drawn. In front of the teams on the tables are pictures cut out of cardboard with images of various objects. Team No. 1: balls, stars, icicles, fox, bunny, stool, nail, skates. Team No. 2: balls, stars, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, candy, hammer, plate, trousers.
Educator: Your task, guys, is to decorate the Christmas tree as quickly as possible. Pictures need to be attached to the tree with magnets, which you will see on the board next to the tree. The winner is the team that not only decorates the Christmas tree faster, but also correctly. Not all objects that you see in front of you are suitable for decorating a Christmas tree. Be careful.
The game is being played. The guys sum up the results of the game themselves.
7. Guessing riddles.
Educator: Well done guys, you all did a good job, I see you all know how to decorate a Christmas tree. Now let's see if you are also good at solving riddles?
“Name it, guys,
A month in this riddle:
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year."
(month of December) (Slide 12)

“What kind of stars are there?
On the coat and on the scarf,
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand?
(snowflake) (Slide 13)

“The hedgehog looks like her,
You won't find any leaves at all.
Like a beauty, slim,
And for the New Year it’s important.”
(Christmas tree) (Slide 14)

“In the snow - standing on the street,
In the rain it disappears instantly,
From the paths of white suites,
Very fat."
(Slide 15)

“What lies under the Christmas tree?
In a bright holiday wrapper?
They only happen once a year
New Year gifts)".
(Slide 16)

"It hangs on the Christmas tree
And the lights blink,
Then suddenly it goes out for a while,
It will shine brightly again.”
(Slide 17)

8. Summary.
Educator: Oh, what great fellows you are, and you are also very good at solving riddles. Why do you think the theme of our today's adventure is New Year's Eve going around the world?
Children: Because we found out what Santa Clauses are like in different countries of the world.
Educator: What other interesting things did you guys learn today?
Children: How the New Year holiday appeared in Russia.
Well, our New Year’s adventure has come to an end. Happy New Year to you all!
(Slide 18)
