New Year according to the Khakassian calendar. Chyl pazy (in Russian - the head of the year or the beginning of the year) - one of the main calendar holidays of the Khakass people Khakass new year presentation

Purpose: to introduce children to the ceremony of celebrating Chyl Pazy (New Year's Eve according to the Khakass calendar), to instill love for nature, hard work, to be attentive to people, respectful to elders.

Equipment: a tape recorder, cassettes with Khakass songs and melodies, spruce (fir) branches, Bogorodskaya (thyme) grass, matches, bowl, chalam - red, black, white, blue and green ribbons, a table, dishes of Khakass national cuisine, pictures of fire , birch (birch branch), sun.

The class is decorated in the Khakassian style. All participants of the holiday in national costumes. To the right of the board is a sacred birch. In the center on the board is the theme of the holiday: “Chyl Pazy”. Left: “Blessing Feast. Navruz”, “Sakura Holiday”, “Berendey Day”, “Shrovetide”. Right: Thanksgiving Feast, Hospitality Feast, Cleansing Feast. There is also an exhibition of children's works (drawings, crafts).

The course of the holiday

The Khakass melody sounds. Under her sounds, the performance begins.

Presenter 1: Boundless steppes, mountain rivers, ancient burial mounds, marvelous beauty of taiga distances - all this is Khakassia. An ancient people lives here with their ancient and wise traditions and rituals. The main holiday according to the Khakassian calendar is Chyl Pazy - New Year's Eve, which is celebrated on March 22.

Presenter 2: This holiday is also called the “Feast of Thanksgiving, Hospitality, Purification and Blessing.” On March 22, not only the Khakass celebrate the New Year, but also other peoples, only the name of the holiday is different for everyone. The Muslims have Navruz, the Japanese have the Sakura Holiday, the Russians have Berendey's Day, or currently Maslenitsa. Why do many people celebrate the New Year on March 22?

Presenter 3: The Khakases believed that in cold winters the Death of Nature reigns on the earth, that the Deities of the Earth leave it for this time. They return to Earth only when the day becomes equal to the night, i.e. March 22. At the long-awaited dawn of the spring equinox, along with the rays of the sun, people meet the returning gods with a table of respect, reverence and steam from smoking fresh meat. Thus, the good energy of the Sun is charged.

Presenter 1: Let's start our holiday! Rite of Thanksgiving to the Sun.

(Music is heard (the call of the pyrga), announcing the beginning. The Blesser appears, accompanied by 7 girls and 9 boys - a symbol of 7 layers of the sky and 9 creators on it. Girls are on the right, boys are on the left, the Blesser is in the center. In the hands of the girls ritual bowls of milk, the boys have green branches.The blesser approaches the sun (drawn) and holds out a dish of meat.)


Girl 1:

For life

So that she doesn't stop

And for a home

To not collapse!

Boy 1:

According to the custom begun by the elders,

According to the custom, begun by the ancestors,

Welcome Head of the Year

The good people have gathered!

Let's start our celebration!

Girl 2:

For life on earth

For happiness on earth!

We meet the sun

How our ancestors met.

Rite of Thanksgiving Fire


Presenter 2: On this day, they thanked the Goddess of Fire, who gives warmth and food. The first clean fire (on the board are models of two fires). The fire was fed with tea with milk and meat.

Blesser (sprinkling heaven with milk, approaches the fire, feeds the fire with meat and sentences) :

Girls (walk around the Fire along the way, feed it, repeat the words of the Blesser in unison) :

Girl 1: Oh, our Mother is the Goddess of Fire, you have 30 red flame teeth.

Girl 2: Oh, our Virgin - the Goddess of Fire, you have 40 high flame teeth!

Girl 3: We thank you with the white milk of the White Cow.

Girl 4: Blackcurrant tea.

Girl 5: Give happiness to the people!

Girl 6: You guarded us all winter, protected us from the cold.

Girl 7: We thank you, our faithful friend, and worship you!

The hosts bow, then all the participants.

Rite of purification of the soul.

They all go together to the second bonfire - to the bonfire of Purification of the Soul.

Presenter 2: This is how the Thanksgiving ceremony of Fire goes.

On this day, people turn to the supreme Gods for a Blessing, but they turn only when they are first cleansed of the filth of evil both in their homes and in their souls.

Presenter 3: People tie memorable troubles, their sins and illnesses in a knot on black chalams, and then throw them into the second fire, it is called Cleansing.

Blesser (ties three knots on a black chalam and throws it into the fire) : Past, present and future illnesses, misfortunes, sins.

I invite you to perform this ritual.

Everyone approaches the second fire and throws black turbans into the fire with the words (in chorus): Oh, Mother Fire!

Cleanse us from the filth of evil,
From all diseases and sins,
So that we don't lie
Didn't envy, didn't hurt!

After that, as people have cleansed themselves, 7 girls with Bogorodsk (thyme) grass in bowls fumigate the house and all participants, and 9 boys fan everyone with green branches with the words:


For life on earth!

For happiness on earth!

Children's performance:

  1. You are everything impure in our souls
  2. Purify with your pure flame!

  3. You are everything bad in our hearts
  4. Burn in your sacred flame!

  5. Yes, protect us from diseases of the body,
  6. Yes, protect us from the sins of the soul,

    Yes, destroy all evil forces,

    Invading purity

    Our thoughts!

  7. Yes, call on all good forces,
  8. Strengthening purity

    Our conscience!

  9. Protect our people
  10. From terrible disasters!

  11. Yes, let the evil spirits burn
  12. irrevocably

    In pure fire

    Yes, let them sweep away

    From our shoulders

    Evergreen branches!

  13. Let them be afraid
    The sharp needles of the sacred tree,
    Yes, let them be afraid
    Sharp needles of pure wood!

Ritual of veneration of the sacred birch.

Presenter 1: Tell me, what would you ask the gods on this day? ( Health, success, good marks ...). Yes, on this day people ask the gods for love, good luck, harvest, health, prosperity, good grades.

All the heroes are heading to the new location of the event - to the birch.

Presenter 2: How many of you know why a chalam is tied to a birch? ( This is a sacred tree among the Khakas.)

Presenter 3: Scientists have proven that only two trees emit positive energy for people - these are birch and oak. What color is the chalam tied to a birch? What does each color mean?

Girl 1: White is the color of purity.

Girl 2: Blue is the color of the sky and the world.

Girl 3: Red is the color of fire and the sun.

Girl 4: Green is the color of the forest.

Participants (girls) come out from a chalam of different colors and tie them to a birch with the words:


Girl 1: Oh, White Birch!

On your white chest - white turbans!

Girl 2: Blue sky - blue!

Girl 3: Sun and Fire are red!

Girl 4: Herbs and leaves are green!

Girl 5: Oh, the lords of the elements: Sky, Sun, Nature!

Give us happiness, health, good luck!

Table of Honor.

Presenter 1: The holiday is in full swing. We invite everyone to the table of Reverence. On this day, dishes are prepared from the best fresh meat and milk. Try it, potkhi, ayran, talkan dishes.

(Ayran - cold drink. It is sour, fermented milk. Ayran quenches thirst and hunger. It is drunk in its pure form or diluted with talkan. This is a versatile drink. They are treated to anyone who enters the yurt. Ayran treated tuberculosis. Ayran is used for ritual purposes.

Talkan - it is prepared from barley seed. Barley is roasted, winnowed, and begged in a manual mill. Talkan is consumed with milk, cream, ayran, frozen with butter, sugar and bird cherry. Frozen talkan is eaten in slices, with tea - this is “Khakas cake”.

Potchy (sour cream porridge) ) – a popular dish of the Khakass, it is prepared from sour cream. Sour cream is boiled over low heat in a cauldron. Then add a little wheat flour, a few raw eggs. This porridge stirs all the time. When the oil is plentiful at the top, it is ready. Potchy is considered an honorary dish. Ready porridge can be consumed with talkan, sprinkling it on top of the porridge.)

Boy 1: We set the golden table! We set the silver table! To our guests: Sky, Sun, Nature

Boy 2: To our guests: neighbors and friends!

Everyone sit down at our table,

Eat meat and milk.

All that the Earth gives us!

Participants form a wide circle around a table festively decorated with traditional Khakass dishes. Each dish comes with a recipe. Everyone tries national Khakass dishes and thanks. Then they take the dishes and take them out of the hall. They sit down again.

Host 2: Thank you. You took away the dishes. This is an ancient Khakass custom: to clean up after yourself, not to leave garbage.

Presenter 3: We must not forget that you cannot quarrel before the New Moon. Try to do something nice for your loved ones, help grandparents.

Boy 3:

Boy 4:

We made

We met Chyl Pazi!

And now all Nature must come to life.

And let the door be open to our happiness!

Boy 5: Yes, let the streams run with the advent of the Sun and Spring.

With the advent of the Head of the Year, the Taskhyls come to life,

Leaves are blooming!

The song "Chyl Pazi" is performed.

Muses. A. Samozhikova

Sl.V. Tatarova

Presenter 1:

Play chatchan!

Scatter sounds across the steppe!

Look, admire

How they sing, play and dance in Khakassia!

Creative performances of children.

  1. Songs about the Motherland, about the rain in the Khakass language.
  2. Dance with bowls or "Khakassian shawl".
  3. Scenes based on Khakass fairy tales.

Presenter 2: “Don’t like it - don’t listen, but listen - wind it on your mustache.” Watch scenes based on Khakass fairy tales:

a) "The Frog and the Ant",

b) “Bear and Chipmunk”,

c) “Adychakh and Kechokh”,

d) “Singer and chatkhan”.

What proverb fits this story?


  1. You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
  2. Came to work - do not stand.
  3. Go visit an evil person with your reserve ... The reserve is never a burden.
  4. You can't fight the truth with force.

“Frog and Ant”

Frog: So small, but it bites so painfully. Let me teach him! ( Suitable for Ant) Hello, Ant!

Ant: Hello!

Frog: Ant, let's go visit me.

Ant: Thank you. Now. ( Collects food in a bag)

Frog: ( Looks at him and then says) Where is it heard that they go on a visit with their products?

Ant: (I quit collecting the bag, left it.) Okay, let's go.

They leave. They go near the swamp. Stop.

Frog: Do you want to watch me dive, Ant?

Ant: I want.

The frog dived into the swamp. The ant walks around the swamp, looking for the Frog, and then says:

Ant: Where is the Frog? I got really hungry. It looks like the belly is attached to the back.

(Go visit an evil person with your supply ... Stock is never a burden.)

“Bear and Chipmunk”

(Bear meets Chipmunk, greet).

Chipmunk: There are 31 days in January.

Bear: No, 30!

(They argue with each other several times, and then ...)

Bear (bass): 30, 30…

Chipmunk (shouting): 31, 31…

(Chipmunk turns around and walks away).

Bear (angry): 30!

(And paw grabbed Chipmunk on the back).

Presenter 1: But his back has remained striped since then, and in January there are still 31 days. No wonder people say: ... And what do they say?

(You can't argue the truth with force.)

“Adychakh and Kechokh”

Adychakh: My father is very brave. I went all into it. You, Kechoh, will not be lost with me.

Somehow they walked through the taiga. A bear comes towards them. (A bear comes out.) Adychakh instantly found himself on a tree. Kechoh fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear approached him, sniffed his face and hobbled into the taiga - dead bears do not touch. Adychakh waited until the bear left, got down from the tree and asked his friend: ...

Adychakh: What did the bear tell you?

Kechokh: He said: never go to the taiga with a friend who thinks only of himself.

("You will not get to know your friend without trouble".)

"Singer and Chatchan"

In one of these yurts lived a mother with her son Sankai. Mother Tardan came home from Bai work tired, but she never refused to tell her son fairy tales. Once she told Sankai a story about how Khara Khan, which means Black Khan, punished the young man because he fell in love with his daughter. The enraged Khara Khan lowered the young man into the pit, threw him a huge stone and said:

Hara Khan: If you manage to throw this stone, I will give you life!

Hara Khan: Are you still alive?

Youth Sankai: Alive! The love for your daughter keeps me alive.

Khara Khan: I give you life! Just don't be a man anymore, but be a spider!

Having told the tale, the mother noticed that Sankai became sad, began to disappear in the taiga, looking for a spider.

Mother: My son! I told you a story. But if you take a few hairs from my long braids and stretch them along the spruce board, you will hear wonderful sounds, you will hear the song of a spider.


And to this day, on the land of the Khakass, the people listen with love to the enchanting sounds of the chatkhan.

(The melody sounds - the sounds of chatkhana).

Presenter 3:

Earth, beloved, dear,

You become more beautiful every day.

You, my Khakassian land,

Live and hello, my Motherland!

Sergey Nedozrelov
Entertainment scenario "Khakass New Year - Chyl Pazy"

Target: To form children's ideas about spring rites and customs Khakassia.


Show originality Khakassian folk culture on the example of Chyl holiday grooves- meeting of the New Year;

To see the inner similarity in the customs and rituals of the Chyl holiday Grooves and Shrovetide;

Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other cultures, respect for culture and traditions Khakass people.

Equipment: birch, ribbons: red, green, white and blue; audio recording flags Khakassia and Russia, bonfire.

vocabulary work: Chyl grooves, ancient burial mounds.

The hall is festively decorated. To the music of P. M. Borgoyakov, children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Leading: Irresistible steppes, turbulent rivers, ancient mounds, Sayan mountain ranges, vast taiga distances, healing lakes - all this Khakassia.

For hundreds of years, the ancient Khakassian people with their customs and customs.

Today we will celebrate the main holiday Khakassian people - a meeting of the new year. It's called Chyl grooves- the head of the year and falls on the day of the vernal equinox - March 22, this day in the Slavic calendar, which falls on March 22, is called Magpies. On this day in Rus', spring was celebrated for the second time.

The Khakas believed that in the long frosty months all earthly deities leave the earth, and on the day of the vernal equinox with the first rays of the sun they return back. Rejoicing, people arranged a holiday, where they treated each other, thanked the fire that gave warmth and food.

Children, tell me, what Slavic holiday with its rites helps the sun to turn for the summer, to win over the period of cold?

Children: Maslenitsa!

Leading: Of course, it's Shrove Tuesday. Getting acquainted with the traditions and rituals of the Chal holiday grooves, we will try to find something in common that unites these two holidays, which is significant for the peoples of Russian and Khakass.

Earlier new the year in Rus' was celebrated in March. This is the rolling of burning wheels, round dances and songs, funny games, burning a stuffed Maslenitsa at the stake, asking for forgiveness.

Here, all the actions of the holiday Chyl grooves associated with fire and the sacred birch, so the holiday is held in the bosom of nature. At Khakass There is an ancient custom - the rite of honoring the fire.

Children stand in a circle and walk in a circle around the fire (fire) along the course of the sun, sprinkled milk on the wheels and threw pieces of meat into the fire (fed the fire). This is how the rite of thanksgiving of Fire took place.

Child (is reading) two, three children do

Leading: For Khakass birch has been a sacred tree since ancient times. On the day of Chyl grooves a birch tree is circumvented three times in the direction of the sun and Chalam ribbons of white, red, blue and green colors are hung.

They are tied to a tree, a person puts into each of them a wish for himself, his family, his family - health, love, prosperity, a good harvest.

Let's hang the chalami on the tree.

(one by one, children with a colored ribbon come out, talk and hang on a birch)

White color - truth, purity, fidelity, devotion.

Red is the color of Fire and the Sun

Blue - blue sky, peace, harmony.

Green is the color of vegetation.

A dance is being performed - round dance: "There was a birch in the field"

(Three children exit)

Leading: And now, dear guys, I propose to listen to the poems of M. P. Borgoyakov "Pai Hazyn", "Sacred Birch". see application

Children sing a song "Our land" see application

Leading: And now we will play funny Khakass national games:

"The kite and the mother hen", "Khozan Dryh"

Leading: Chyl Holiday grooves also called Thanksgiving, Hospitality, Cleansing and Blessing. He teaches love for nature, hard work, to be attentive to people, respectful to elders.

(Children of the preparatory group leave)

Our created earth

On the way to the sun floats and moves

Heaven given name Khakass

The immortal is written in the necklace.

In the rapids of the burl, the Abakan river

May the vein of life be eternal

Carrying their waters into the blue ocean

It will fill you with the power of friendship.

In the immortal burning of the star of the night -

Yes, let them sparkle forever in the sky.

Oh mother Khakassia, the light of love

You always shone on the way to me.

(T. M. Bargoyakov)

Leading: May your nights be strong!

May your arms be strong!

Let your thoughts be pure!

Let the road ahead be open!

And the road behind will be closed!

On this holiday Chyl The grooves are over.

Goodbye! Before new meetings!

(To the music of T. M. Burgoyakov "Charykh kuppig Khakassia» children leave)

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On Saturday, March 24 at 12:00 at the Republican Hippodrome, a big national holiday "Chyl Pazy" - Khakass New Year will be held. There will be six different venues for residents and guests of Khakassia: the central one - “On Algay”, “Skillful Hands” - “Us Hollar”, the play area - “Oiynnar”, “National Cuisine” - “Khan, hyima, myan”, sports - “ Sportkha charydylgan oryn” and the fair one “Sadig oryny”.

According to tradition, representatives of municipalities, people of various professions, artists, musical groups of the republic will gather at the holiday and show their talents, the press service of the Ministry of Culture of Khakassia reports.

On the central platform "On algai" at 12:00 a theatrical opening of the holiday "Tus tegilegi" - "The Wheel of Time", dedicated to the Khakass chronology, will take place. At 12:20, according to tradition, officials of Khakassia will congratulate the inhabitants of the republic on the holiday, and at 12:30, representatives of the Republican Council of Elders of the Khakass people will present awards to the best workers of various professions “Person of the Year” and “For Good Deeds”.

At 12:50 among the representatives of the municipalities of the republic there will be a contest "Tus tegilegi" - "The Wheel of Time", where theatrical performances will be shown in two languages ​​- Russian and Khakass, dedicated to the days of the week of the Khakass calendar of the twelve-year animal cycle.

At 15:00, a festive concert of masters of arts - the leading artists of the Khakassian Republican Philharmonic named after. V.G. Chaptykov, and at 15:30 in the youth program "Chiit kulukteri" - "The best of the young" the members of the Khakass Folk Song and Dance Ensemble "Zharki" under the direction of Dmitry Safyanov and the soloists of the Khakass pop studio "Haiji" under the direction of the People's Artist of Khakassia German Tanbaev will perform .

At 15:40 there will be a solemn rewarding of the participants of two republican contests: "Tus tegilegi" - "Wheel of time" and "Adai haryndazym" - "The dog is my friend".

At the site "Us Hollar" - "Skillful Hands" from 11:00, masters of arts and crafts of the republic and public national organizations will present the best national souvenirs.

From 12:40 p.m. near the yurts of the municipalities of the republic, a contest of the plot-game program "Aday haryndazym" - "A dog is my friend" will be held at the "Oiynnar" playground. Everyone will be able to take part in games and competitions dedicated to the Khakass New Year.

From 11:00 a.m., it will be possible to taste dishes of the Khakas national cuisine at the Khan, Khyima, Myan site.

Sports competitions and national games will be held at the "Sportkha charydylgan oryn" site from 12:30.

Fair "Sadig oryny" will begin its work at 10:00. Peasant farms and private farmsteads from all over the republic will offer products of their own production at affordable prices.

The founders of the holiday are the government of Khakassia and the Ministry of Culture of Khakassia, the organizer is the Center for Culture and Folk Art. S.P. Kadyshev.

Already this Saturday, March 25, the celebration of one of the main Khakas holidays - Chyl Pazy - will be held at the republican hippodrome. An interesting concert program awaits residents and guests of the republic.

Recall that according to the Khakass calendar, the new year begins with the day of the spring equinox. This is due to ancient ideas about the cyclical nature of time, according to which the year is “born”, “lives” and “dies” along with the change of seasons. This holiday is also called the "Feast of Thanksgiving, Hospitality, Purification and Blessing."

- As the head and resident of the republic, I am convinced that there is no better place on earth than our Khakassia. It is the national culture, language, traditions, character of the Khakass people that attract attention to us, arouse genuine interest from other regions and even countries, make us ourselves truly proud of our small Motherland,- repeatedly emphasized the Head of Khakassia Viktor Zimin. - Stylized national rituals, costumes, cuisine, national holidays are becoming really popular among the inhabitants of the republic of any nationality, organically woven into the fabric of events held in the region. This is an important step in solving a set of issues related to the preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage of Khakassia.

The celebration will begin the night before with a rite of purification with the burning of black chalams in a sacred fire. The second important Khakas rite - the feeding of the goddess of fire will take place on the day of the holiday. Residents and guests of Khakassia will be able to "feed" chayaans themselves - spirits returning to earth, and take part in the ceremony of worshiping the sacred birch.

At the end of the ritual part, the traditional annual presentation of the "Person of the Year" award of the Republican Council of Elders of the Khakass people will take place. This year, the honorary title was awarded to 10 citizens of the republic.

Then the cultural program will begin. On the main stage will perform amateur art groups of the Center for Culture and Folk Art. S.P. Kadysheva, leading soloists of the Khakassian Republican Philharmonic. V.G. Chaptykova, winners of republican festivals and competitions, public youth associations.

Particular attention is paid to the theatrical performance of the delegations of regions and cities. Municipal formations of the republic will prepare colorful guest yurts.

Also on the territory of the hippodrome will work several sites at once: sports, games and children. By tradition, an agricultural fair will be held, where peasant farms and private farmsteads from all over the republic will offer products of their own production.

In addition, from March 24 to March 26, the Republican Museum and Cultural Center will host the “Sun in the Sleeve” festival dedicated to the celebration of Chyl Pazy for the first time. During three days, festival guests will be able to touch the culture of Khakassia, taste national dishes, learn about the traditions of their preparation and serving, as well as the peculiarities of receiving guests, get acquainted with the traditions of the Khakass people. In the program of the museum holiday: national music from the Khakassian Republican Philharmonic. V.G. Chaptykov, quest "The Stolen Sun" for children from 7 to 12 years old and national games, a large children's area, workshops for children and adults, excursions in the hall of stone sculptures, an ethno market, a film premiere of films shot by the laureates of the "Location of Khakassia" competition, evening "Sacrament of words" from young writers of Khakassia.

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