Communication with the girl is decent. How to communicate with a girl to make her like you: psychological techniques

The advent of the Internet, dating sites and social networks has seemingly opened up the whole world to us. But why are so many guys and girls still single? After all, in order to meet someone and get to know a person better, you no longer need to go anywhere. I went to Facebook or Vk, found a pretty girl from my city - meet, chat, date. But many young people simply don’t know how to do it right. And ladies, naturally, very rarely write first, even in such a feminist-minded society.

How to start dating a girl on VK?

“VKontakte” is the most popular network among young people in Russia and the CIS countries. Here you can learn a lot about the tastes, hobbies and views on life of an individual from information from his personal profile. Girls always use this opportunity and carefully study guys' pages. Therefore, in order to evoke a reciprocal desire to get acquainted and respond to a message, first make sure that your VK page attracts attention.

Remember, girls are repulsed:

  • “I came to your page and I had one question for you...”;
  • “Hi, I want to tell you something, but I don’t know how”;
  • “They told me something about you, but I went to your page and realized that it was not true.”

This introduction will intrigue any girl. She will want to find out what you are hiding. The conversation should be playful and lead to an obligatory meeting. For example, let's take the last phrase and build an example dialogue.

You: “They told me something about you, but I went to your page and realized that it was not true.”

You: “Hello by the way”

She: “Who are you? And what did they tell you?”

You: “What difference does it make? I see they are wrong"

She: “Is this one of my friends? What are you talking about?"

You: “Okay, let’s meet today, I’ll tell you something. You'll be interested to hear this."

Believe me, an intrigued girl will run to meet you as fast as she can. After all, she will be sure that behind her back someone is spreading false gossip about her. Even if she has no desire to meet anyone or go on dates, the eternal female curiosity will still lead her to you.

What then? Everything depends on you. Turn on all your charm when meeting in person. Give her a surprise - a bouquet of flowers or a small present. Make an appointment at some nice cafe. And to the question: “Who said what about me?” answer: “They told me you were beautiful, but they were wrong. You are incredibly beautiful." Now you can reveal your cards.

Social networks are the best place to meet people. It’s very easy to flirt here, since you don’t get lost under the gaze of your interlocutor and can calmly think about your answer. Try to behave naturally and joke a lot in personal correspondence. All you need is for there to be a constant spark between you.

What to talk about with a girl on social networks?

No one is interested in texting for hours about the weather or social and political events. But the girl they love is ready to talk about herself for hours. Your task is to find out everything about her:

  • her interests, hobbies, hobbies;
  • whether she has male friends;
  • how many friends does she have?
  • how often does she use VK?
  • what was the last movie she watched, etc.

But don't ask all these questions in order, as if you were conducting a survey. Find out everything smoothly during the conversation. Girls are more emotional, so she will definitely appreciate it if at the beginning of the correspondence you ask: “How are you feeling?” and “How was your day?”

There are topics that are definitely not worth discussing. You also need to watch what you write and avoid the most common mistakes. What is the best way to communicate with a girl online? Remember:

Trying to seem like a popular guy, “don’t go too far.” Often guys try to seem like alpha males who are already used to dealing with many girls. This is even taught in pickup truck courses. Now, don't do this! If you are not one, then your acting is noticeable even to an inexperienced schoolgirl. At best, she will think that you are crazy. So just act natural. A girl will appreciate sincerity more than feigned importance.

Subtleties of SMS correspondence

Communication via SMS is almost the same as correspondence on social networks, with the only difference being that Facebook or Vkontakte make it possible to find out more about a person through his profile. But you can also exchange photos, music, pictures in messages. Don't neglect these useful features!

How to communicate with a girl via SMS? You don't need any special knowledge. Avoid rudeness, profanity and taboo topics. The following recommendations will also be useful to you:

  1. Use emojis.
  2. Ask the girl to send you a selfie.
  3. Did you see anything unusual? Take a photo and send it to her in a message.
  4. Be sure to give compliments.
  5. Don't overdo it, you shouldn't be intrusive.
  6. Be original, do not use template questions, phrases, jokes from social networks, etc.
  7. Be sincere.
  8. Show you care. The girl will appreciate the SMS: “It’s cold today, wear a warm jacket,” “I hope your boss lets you leave work early.”

Your task during correspondence is to prepare the ground for a future meeting. The following correspondence is a good visual example.

He: “What did you do over the weekend, Yulechka?”

She: “Cooked, cleaned... In general, nothing special”

He: “What did you cook?”

She: “Pasta with seafood”

He: “Wow, you know how to cook this!”

He: “Will you treat me sometime? I haven’t eaten anything decent for a long time.”

She: “Definitely”

He: “In the meantime, let me treat you to something tasty. What would you like?

She: “Well, I don’t know... Maybe something sweet”

He: “What time should I pick you up?”

In this correspondence, the guy carefully “asked for” a meeting with the girl and prepared the ground for a future date. After all, she promised to treat him with homemade pasta, next time you can play it up and ask to come to her house or buy groceries and invite the girl to your place to give a master class on cooking Italian cuisine.

In any case, do not delay your correspondence. Reciprocal interest will soon fade away if the relationship is not brought to a real level. Be bolder, because this is what flirting on social networks is for, to warm up feelings for each other in real life.

Rules for communicating with a girl on dating sites

Another place for virtual communication on the Internet is dating sites. Girls without complexes and prejudices often register on such sites. Therefore, if you are interested in non-binding meetings, this is the place for you. There are fewer taboo topics and prohibitions here, but still, it is better to wait until the girl herself takes the conversation to a more informal level.

How to communicate with a girl on the Internet on a dating site? First, to avoid disappointment, immediately write down the real purpose of creating a profile on the site. Are you interested in long-term relationships and mutual feelings? Write like that. Then seekers of adultery and light affairs will pass you by. But you shouldn’t write about serious intentions in your profile if you only want minor flirting or intimacy. Be extremely honest, and then communication with beautiful ladies will meet your expectations.

In any situation, the most important thing in communicating with a girl is a positive attitude. If you are depressed, upset, or simply feel out of place, the girl will feel it even from the message. If the reason that it’s difficult for you is internal tension and complexes, first get rid of them. To do this, understand yourself, learn relaxing breathing techniques, and consult a psychologist.

Inga, Moscow

Often guys try to communicate with girls, not understanding what to talk to them about next, after which the girls ignore them. Guys are trying to somehow impress girls, but they don't care. They pretend not to notice their efforts. Therefore, it is important to know how to communicate with a girl correctly? What is the psychology of proper communication with representatives of the fair sex: girls, women in order to please them? What tips will help guys learn how to talk to the woman they like?

To do this, you need, firstly, to determine what type of woman is in front of you when you speak. Secondly, for a girl to freely share her thoughts, feelings, emotions, she must feel safe when communicating with a man. When she is comfortable, then she opens up completely, allowing the guy to take the leading role in the relationship. On the other hand, there is nothing more difficult than dealing with an offended lady because her boyfriend does not understand the sense of communication. Therefore, first we will consider three main types of women. Then, let's look at some rules and tips.

How should you communicate with her, what should you talk about?

Such a lady needs to be shown that the guy is already a fairly successful person who has achieved a lot in this life. He has a certain social status, thanks to which he can easily challenge her. In communication, a guy needs to show that he has no less knowledge and intelligence than his interlocutor. He is even more interesting and smart than his interlocutor.

In other words, try to force or encourage the lady to respect her interlocutor. Such a girl needs to show her strong side, which, undoubtedly, every man has, something she can truly be proud of. When communicating with a similar type, you need to show that you are somehow superior to her. (Find out )

Soulful, warm.
This type is a sweet, gentle, kind woman. She is emotional, capable of being very sensual and sympathetic, although she can be unpredictable. This is an actress who can play a role from a playful girl to an eccentric fury. Often these are ladies of creative professions.

How to start communicating with a girl of this type? The creative world is important to her. That is, the girl is interested in the inner world of a man, his emotions, experiences. Therefore, this category of girls needs to show themselves as real, without pretense or embellishment. It is important to show your sincerity, honesty, and depth of feelings. She should also

Hot, sexy.
These females love sex and pleasure. They like clubs, noise, roar, crazy music, brutal men. Often such ladies look for adventures on their own and find them. They like communication according to their interests, everything is simple here, so there is no need to focus on them.

Rules for communicating with girls

Avoid idle chatter.
Many people hesitate to tell a girl about their intentions for fear of being misunderstood or rejected. Instead of immediately telling the girl about their intentions and views on their relationship, guys delay it, waiting for a better moment. They have to listen to all sorts of primordially feminine topics during conversation, pretending that they are incredibly interested in it.

For example, conversations about fashion, clothes, girlfriends, frills. Instead of fueling the relationship, mutual attraction, the guy, with his flattering assents, forced the girl to label him “my girlfriend.” Even if the lady initially considered him as her boyfriend. Communication devastated the guy only because he was afraid to dare to object to her topics of conversation, believing that such tactics would bring them closer.

What conclusion can we draw? Conducting empty chatter, reducing communication to verbal diarrhea, in order to please - this is a weak type of behavior. Women like to communicate with men who know what they want and who have their own opinions. Which can show what female behavior, communication, conversation is acceptable and what is not. And most importantly, who are not afraid of being rejected.

Remember, nothing kills a relationship more than meaningless communication or empty chatter about nothing. Therefore, try to avoid such topics when talking.

Remember your value.
A guy’s communication with a girl goes something like this: he initiates an acquaintance, introduces boring topics, and they begin to communicate. The girl says something, and the guy listens attentively, assenting to her. For each new round of her words, the gentleman tries to invent a story about how something similar happened to him.

The girl has long since seen through him, so she specifically mocks the efforts and inventions of her interlocutor, talking all sorts of nonsense. The guy assents, as if such nonsense deserves serious attention, remembering every word that comes out of the girl’s mouth. Thus, he ascribes more value to the girl than he possesses himself. As a result, the lady will quickly get tired of such communication, and they will break up.

Therefore, it is better to immediately and honestly say: “I’m not interested in this, I don’t know much about it, so let’s change the subject.” So the young man will interrupt the girl’s chatter, making it clear that he does not intend to listen to any nonsense. Such honesty or tactics awakens in the girl, after which their communication will take a new form.

Avoid testing.
Some guys literally reduce their communication with girls to an interview. They pretend to be a boss who needs an efficient subordinate. For example, they ask “can you cook, do you want children, will you work?” Remember, you should not put pressure on a girl with such tests, evaluate or judge her, wanting to continue a mutual relationship. Just enjoy the process of communication itself.

Awkward moments of silence.
Young people are simply terrified of such moments when talking. Therefore, they nervously start the process of searching for “what to say next,” starting to talk all sorts of nonsense. They forcefully squeeze out some uninteresting, boring stories, stupid jokes just so as not to seem like a boring person. This completely undermines their confidence. Therefore, they mentally immerse themselves even more in soul-searching, looking for the next topics of conversation. So, with all the cells of their body they transmit their nervousness to the girl.

Remember, a lady does not need a guy who is a buffoon or a buffoon who can always entertain her. She will not communicate just because he is able to always find a topic for conversation. The girl continues to communicate with the guy because she is comfortable in his environment. Therefore, avoid panicking if there is a pause while you are talking. Remember: What repels the girl most of all is not the silence, but the nervousness and internal discomfort conveyed by the “gentleman” to his interlocutor.

This does not mean that you now need to sit and be silent. Just be honest and tell her your thoughts. For example, you can say: “listen, such an awkward moment happened when I had nothing to say. I'm going through a bunch of topics in my head, and it seems to me that none of them are interesting. Maybe I look funny in your eyes, but I really don’t know what to talk about. I'm probably speechless because...(insert compliment to girl).

This method of eliminating awkward pauses in communication works better than stupid jokes or boring stories to brighten up the silence. If a girl is friendly with her head, then such tactics will not repel her; on the contrary, she will like her interlocutor.

Stay positive by avoiding buffoonery or clowning.
Are you wondering how to learn to communicate with a girl? Then think about making your words positive for her. Show yourself to be educated and useful to her as a husband, friend, good friend, business partner or just a positive person. If you manage to prove your usefulness, then the girl is guaranteed to be willing to communicate with you. After all, every woman wants to see a confident guy next to her, and not a “rag.”

Girls automatically like guys who are able to take the initiative in communication and make decisions. For example, “I bought tickets and we’ll go to the movies.” But ladies can’t stand it when a boyfriend tries to turn everything into a joke, making himself a clown. They quickly get bored with such communication.

Learn to be frank in conversation.
Communication is not only jokes and gags, but also the ability to correctly express your dissatisfaction and negative opinion. If you constantly hide such feelings, it is unlikely that you will be able to build strong mutual relationships. Also, this will not help the girl correct her shortcomings or improve in anything. So when something makes you feel negative, talk about it.

How, then, should you communicate to make her like you?

Avoid attacking. In other words, refrain from making accusations. Use "we" instead of "you". For example, instead of the phrase “you are avoiding me” you can say “it seems to me that recently, when communicating, we have not been so close and frank. Perhaps we somehow offended each other.”

Or in another way: “Yes, I think you are beautiful, but I don’t like the way you dress or are dressed.” “Your figure is very attractive, but you could emphasize its attractiveness with decent clothes.” Such tactics will make you stand out from the thousands of flatterers who tell a girl the same cheesy phrases just to get her into bed. This will show the girl that the guy is not a flatterer, hanging around a woman's skirt, who does not depend on her reaction like most men.

Avoid talking about your personal problems and failures.
It is unlikely that any woman will like a loser, a whiner, for whom everything falls out of his hands, who in a relationship is not a leader, but a follower. Every next lady will consider such a person in precisely this form. Therefore, when communicating, you need to show your confidence, but without arrogance and foppishness.


The most memorable, the greatest influence on a person is the opinion of others about him, both negative and positive. Therefore, when talking to a girl or woman, try to stand out from the hundreds of guys who have already communicated with her before. Communicate easily, approving some topics and not being afraid to tactfully criticize others. Intrigue, and sometimes show indifference. Stand out from hundreds of guys like you without fear of rejection. (Do you want to please her? Then).

Also, when you are wondering how to start communicating with a girl, always remember that communication with her should be productive. To do this, analyze what your communication was like before? Should you change anything about your approach? Remember, communication and listening is a two-way street. So learn to be a good storyteller and a great listener.

Sincerely, Andronik Oleg/Anna/Elena.

Watch the video where you will additionally learn some tips for proper communication between a guy and a girl.

I will touch on the hot topic of the day. Many guys, seeing me approach girls on the street or in a club, come up to me and ask: “What were you talking about with this girl?”

And I have to explain, again and again, that it doesn't matter what you say, what matters is your inner state.

1. Concentrate on your condition

Girls pay attention not to words, but to meta messages, which stand behind the words.

These are the emotions behind the words, the tone of your voice, your body movement, non-verbal expressions, facial expressions, your perception of the world and people.

Speaking even deeper, your inner state is important, not the way you say it.

Your state generates your words and actions!

2. Communication with people is an interaction of sensations

Interaction with peopleEmi is the interaction of sensations.

A woman feels a man perfectly, it is so inherent in nature.

If you are confident and feel great, the girl will also feel comfortable with you.

She always feels you.

No matter what system or method you have - if you act like an insecure wimp - no woman will be interested in you as a man.

You need more practice in order to learn how to communicate with girls confidently and easily.

3. Forget about templates

Some guys who use templates still believe that it is supposedly very important what words to say to a girl.

I've met guys who communicate with girls using patterns, and it's very funny.

They are kind of strange, tight. Templates do not know how to open up, they cannot communicate freely both with girls and with people in general.

These template guys don't know how to provide value., but they just take her away.

They irritate me. Communicating with them, I feel them unnaturalness and attempts to turn on buttons for my reactions.

They do not know how to communicate relaxedly on abstract topics and express themselves fully.

I immediately break off communication with such people! Next to me there are only natural, natural, sincere and interesting people.

If you choose templates, you will remain the same boring for many years and will not develop!

If you chose to use templates, then goodbye and this article will not help you!

Templates and other prepared material are designed to impress, please a girl, and gain her approval.

And when you try to get a girl to like you, you only make things worse.

Read more about the uselessness of templates and techniques and routine in seduction .

4. There are no strict restrictions

There are no strict rules on how to properly communicate with a girl.

Only you make these rules yourself and decide in what manner to conduct a dialogue with a girl.

Your game is your rules. Nobody limits you.

The main thing is that the topic of conversation is interesting to you.

Even if you said the wrong thing while communicating with a girl, the conversation can always be resolved. There are no serious errors.

5. The more attraction you have, the more your words don't matter.

You don't need to communicate logically with girls.

Communicating logically with girls only ruins everything.

The words you say are very rarely remembered by women.

Especially when she feels attracted to you.

The more attracted a girl is, the more the words you say are not important..

To create a strong attraction to yourself, you should be attracted to her!

The woman you really like is not only the woman who is simply pretty, but who initially creates attraction towards you!

When there is comfort and trust, attraction appears

Therefore, if you don’t want to worry anymore about how to communicate with a girl, remember these points:

  1. A woman should be attracted to you sexually from the very beginning. You should feel it. It's not just her appearance.
  2. A woman's attraction towards you is not built on words or the number of words. It doesn't matter whether you speak at all or not.

6. If there is attraction, communication happens spontaneously and without effort.

If some pickup school teaches you what beautiful words to say to a girl and how to communicate with her correctly, then it’s the school that doesn’t know how attraction is built!

If you don't want to regret wasting your time, watch out for that what kind of attraction comes initially, what kind of reaction the girl creates towards you.

You should feel it. It won't be all women.

Girls who are “well, it will go like this” - we are not attracted to them. Communication with them will not be the same.

Example of my communication

How my communication usually goes.

The right words are born out of nothing.

I see an unfamiliar girl in a club, I like her, and she likes me too.

I understand this because I see it in her eyes.

I can immediately tell her: “Glad to see you!” and smoothly hug her around the waist, holding her hand in my other hand.

I feel it.

If I want to kiss her right away, I do it! I take it and suck it in.

I can just talk about everything to my heart's content the main thing is that I feel comfortable.

And she feels that I'm so confident in myself that I don't care what I say.

And that's cool! I am sincere at the same time.

You can talk about what you do, talk about yourself, tell her what you think about her, what you like about her.

I have no problems with how to conduct a dialogue with a girl.

I don't worry or think about it.

7. Don't react to her looks or put her on a pedestal.

Whether the girl in front of you is beautiful or not, you should communicate with everyone the same.

If you communicate with beautiful people differently than with others, then you are putting them on a pedestal. Then you've lost.

Communicate on the same level with her, regardless of appearance.

Read more about why a girl’s appearance is not the most important thing, and how a girl’s beauty overshadows the minds of guys.

8. Entertain yourself, not the girl.

I usually I entertain myself first, when I communicate with a girl, and I don’t worry whether the girl will accept it or not.

If I like it, I’m interested in it and I talk about it, then the girl will a priori like it too.

9. Your voice and the right tone

There are three types of tonality

  • Needy tonality. When your key rises at the end. This is the most unattractive tone. Never communicate like that.
  • Normal normal tone. This is the most neutral and standard communication. When the tone scale goes in a straight line.
  • Ragged tonality. This is the coolest tone for proper communication with a girl. Usually it goes from top to bottom. That is, initially you speak on a higher note, but then towards the end you lower the pitch.

When communicating with a girl, use a ragged tone.

10. Don't make the following common mistakes

The most common mistakes guys make that happen when communicating with girls:

Video clip of my approaches

My dating video and excerpts from my one-on-one training on seduction and social dynamics.

Here my client is giving me a ride on a cart. Yes, I sit, get acquainted and ride at the same time.

This compilation and cutting of moments from seduction in a store where I show a client how to do warm-up sets.

I don’t even attach importance to how to communicate with a girl and where to start dating. I focus on other subtle things.

We pass women's tests: witty responses to a girl's insults -.

First words when meeting a girl

If you approached her to meet her and the first words were spoken a little crumpled or squeezed, then there is nothing wrong with that!

She won't turn her back on you or run away.

A girl will never say something like this: “Hmm, at first you were shy about something, so I won’t get to know you.”

A girl never attaches importance to the first words she says when she meets her. Only you yourself can worry too much about this.

Never worry about how to start communicating with a girl correctly.

Communication with a girl can always be smoothed out. It doesn’t matter that at first communication with her was constrained.

All these first words do not matter. You don't need anything fancy to start communicating.

If you read this article and think that you can do everything, you are mistaken.

It’s not enough to know, you also need intensive practice in communicating with girls! The bigger, the better.

It is practice that gives you ease and ease in communication.

Don't limit yourself with words and approach the girl. Even if you are not a master of interactions, tell her so directly.

You can also get even more advanced material on the topic of seduction and meeting girls in my individual training program on social dynamics. See you!

Do you want to know how to talk to a girl correctly to make her like you? We offer 10 basic rules + 5 topics to avoid when communicating with her.

It’s not for nothing that psychologists say that women love with their ears.

And it’s not just about guys’ ability to give flowery compliments (although this is a very useful skill), but also about being an interesting conversationalist.

How to talk to a girl correctly to interest her in your person, to win her favor, to build a strong couple with her?

It seems to us, girls, that the answer to this question is extremely simple and we cannot understand why guys are so shamelessly stupid on dates and during acquaintances, why they cannot choose suitable topics for conversation, why they either chat incessantly or remain silent.

But, as it turned out, men have completely different views on this problem, considering it practically insoluble.

Yes, this problem can be solved!

Especially if you try a little.

“Teach me how to talk to a girl like you!”

Before I found happiness in my personal life, I, of course, went on dates with different guys.

Sometimes they were successful, sometimes they were mediocre, and sometimes they were simply disastrous.

One day I went for a walk in the park with a handsome guy Misha.

He studied at the same university as me, only at a different faculty, played on the university KVN team, led a fairly active social life, and was liked by the girls.

Let's say you saw a beautiful girl and decided to ask her out on a date.

How to talk to her correctly so as not to get rejected?

There are a few simple rules:

  1. Walk up and say “Hello” or “Hello.”
  2. Be sure to smile.
  3. Give a compliment, such as: "Sorry, but I couldn't resist, I just had to tell you how beautiful you are."
  4. If you were encouraged (they smiled back, thanked you for the compliment), then proceed to introducing yourself to your loved one.

    There is no need to retell your entire autobiography, just say: “I am Petya, I work as a sales manager, I am 24 years old.”

  5. If the girl is ready to talk to you further, then she will introduce herself; if she is confused, then you can encourage her with the question: “What is your name?”
  6. Now you already know each other and you can ask for her phone number.
  7. Or you can (if the young lady is not in a hurry, of course) immediately invite her to have a cup of coffee in a cafe nearby.

From the video below you will learn how to learn to flirt with a girl:

How to talk to a girl on the first date?

Naturally, the most difficult thing is the first date, when you still don’t know what she will be interested in and what she won’t.

If you want to do everything right, then adhere to the following rules:

  1. Tell us a little about yourself: your age, family, profession, place of work/study, hobbies.
  2. Encourage the girl to share the same information about herself.
  3. Find topics that bring you together, for example, a love of books, a passion for cinema, a healthy lifestyle, etc.
  4. Questions that work well include: “What is your favorite movie/band/song/book/program/singer/color/dish, etc.?”
  5. If you need to fill a pause, you can talk about:
    • a funny incident from your life (not worth it if it puts you in a negative light);
    • best friends;
    • travel.

It is very important not to prolong the first date.

If you had a good time together, talking to the girl was easy and interesting, but you see that she started looking at her watch, it’s time to call it a day.

Thank her for a wonderful evening and invite her to your next date.

Here are the basic rules, knowledge of which will help you not to worry about how to talk to a girl correctly.

Your conversations will flow naturally, interestingly and effectively.

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A lot of guys get into trouble just because they have no idea there is such a thing as psychology of communication with a girl. If a young man has certain problems with speech, and sentences that consist of more than three words are not easy for him, then his chances tend to zero. He won’t be able to invite you on a date or get to know each other at all. The girl will instantly get bored in the company of such a prince. Even if you are well dressed and have an attractive appearance, learn how to carry on a conversation. Below we will try to clearly explain all the essence of the psychology of communicating with girls.

1. It is important to be able to establish contact

Connection - This is the most important moment; it determines how close you are. This is the connecting link between you; the girl should feel like you have known each other for several days. After communication has already begun, you need to make sure that it does not suddenly stop. One of the old proven methods is flirting, since the basis of the psychology of communication with a girl is emotions. What is the difference between flirting and casual conversation? Flirting is more intimate communication, and humor, within reason, won’t hurt. Carefully, unobtrusively weave compliments into your speech. She should feel that you are showing interest in her, but this must be done in a veiled manner. You definitely need to let her know that you are not interested in friendships, that you need her as a woman. If she understood everything correctly and agrees, then the girl will always find a way to let you understand this. On a date, you don’t just need to talk about something, you need to show the girl signs of attention all the time.

2. Learn to find the key points correctly!

It is important to find the right clue. Select an important phrase from everything she said and, starting from it, build a further conversation. Be sure to listen to everything she says and think through the further conversation. When you talk to a girl, be sure to use the information you received from her. She will definitely notice this and make sure that you are listening to her, this is important to her. After all, she wants you to perceive her as a person, and not just as a sexual object. Be sure to tell her about yourself so she understands that you are establishing a deeper connection. There must be a strong emotional connection between you. Women value receptive and interesting interlocutors.

Another important point in the psychology of communicating with a girl. Be sure to add your own clues so that the girl has the opportunity to continue the conversation herself. Well, for example, talk about something without going into details so that she can ask questions.

3. Availability of interesting topics for conversation

This point is important. If you see that a girl is bored and is only pretending to listen, then you urgently need to pick up a new topic for conversation. When a girl becomes uninterested in you, you will immediately understand it. She will stop looking at you, start looking at the walls, passers-by, fiddling with her phone, glancing at her watch. If even one sign appears, do something immediately, otherwise you will be a complete fiasco.

4. Prepare some interesting questions!

If there is something wrong with the conversation, it means she is not interested in you. After all, you are the leader in maintaining the conversation. Something urgently needs to be changed. You should always have a few interesting questions in reserve that you can ask the girl, regardless of the general topic of conversation.

5. Collect information!

Try to find out as much as possible about her so that you understand what your new passion is like. You should know what she is interested in, what she strives for, how she lives in general.

6. Don’t even think about lying!

If you don’t want to talk about something, it’s better to say so or change the subject. Even if you are a master at lying, this lie can later play a cruel joke on you. Especially if you're hoping for a long-term relationship.

7. Learn to listen!

Don’t even think about interrupting her, you must listen carefully to everything she says. Girls always subtly sense when you listen to them and when you just pretend.

Well, that’s basically all that can be said on this topic. These are the basics of the psychology of relationships with girls. If you manage to put all this into practice, then there shouldn’t be any special problems in communication.

What to talk about with a girl? - video
