Recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners - conditions and grounds, submission and consideration of documents. Recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners How and where to recalculate pensions


An opportunity to receive an addition to a non-working pensioner - to recalculate the pension. By law, the employer makes periodic payments to the state fund. Subsequently, pension payments are formed from it. Due to state co-financing, recalculation can be carried out for a number of reasons. For example, a pensioner decided to work after he retired. Since 2015, the norms for accruing points have changed legislatively, so some people have the opportunity to increase their own accruals after 55 or 60 years.

What is a pension recalculation

Indexation when recalculating pensions occurs due to a number of factors. For example, with formal employment, the fixed amount accrued each month may change. This is possible when a person received an experience after 2015, which was not taken into account earlier (since 2015, the rules for accounting for the coefficient of accrual of payments to pensioners have changed). Also, the recalculation of the insurance pension may be associated with a person's high earnings.

In an orderly manner

The supplement to pension payments can be from 5% or more of the monthly amount paid. There are a limited number of cases where such a recalculation is possible, but the total amount will always be less than or equal to the maximum pension payments under the legislation of the Russian Federation. The breadwinner of retirement age can count on recalculation if:

  • he is disabled;
  • he received the status of the breadwinner of the family;
  • the old-age insurance pension was recalculated;
  • the seniority of the pensioner increased, payments were made.

Based on the application

In order for the pension to be recalculated, a number of additional documents may be required, including an application. This is necessary if:

  • the pensioner worked or continues to work in the Far North (due to the northern experience);
  • the number of disabled dependents has increased;
  • a non-working or working pensioner changed his place of registration: he left the countryside for the city or vice versa;
  • the category of pension payments has changed for one reason or another.

Correction methods

There are several ways to recalculate allowances, total payments. The first is a change in payments upon the fact of the submitted application, the second - without an application. The pensioner is entitled to receive an additional payment:

  • when changing the subsistence minimum in the region where he lives;
  • upon reaching 80 years;
  • if his experience was not partially taken into account earlier (for example, for working citizens).

State programs often include changes in the amount of payments, forming the annual budget of the state. How is the application adjusted?

  1. You need to write an application.
  2. Prepare the required documents for recalculation.
  3. Provide everything to the PF employee.

How to calculate the pension for a non-working pensioner

An increase for a number of factors is entitled to receive a non-working pensioner. For example, if a person previously had a “Soviet” work experience, then it is preferable. The maximum increase can be received by those who have two or more minor children or the family contains disabled dependents and cares for them. Disability of the first degree or higher is another factor in which monthly accruals are often increased, even if the pensioner does not have a job, the pension fund does not receive payment.

Who is eligible for the raise

Recalculate, increase the amount of monthly payments can be those people who are entitled to the appropriate amounts by age, after receiving a disability or receiving the status of a breadwinner. It does not matter the very status of a person to receive an increase from the state. In this case, the documents for recalculating the pension will differ, it depends on the reason why the increase in payments became possible. The increase is mandatory for those who have a funded, insurance system of contributions.

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners

An important question is whether the pension is recalculated for a working pensioner? This procedure is carried out automatically every year - it does not require a separate application to be submitted, or a number of documents to be collected. Pension capital is recalculated regardless of social status, period of work. If part of the funds from wages goes to the Pension Fund, this fact is the reason for personalized accounting. Retirement points are automatically recalculated on August 1 every year. In case of informal employment, accruals are not made.

Maximum Retirement Points

The pension points earned allow you to determine for each person the amount of his monthly payments. To do this, factors such as the duration of work during "independence", "Soviet" experience, place of work, residence, position are taken into account. At the moment, you can accumulate a maximum of 8.26 pension points per year, which is equal to 876,000 rubles. This is the maximum amount of pension payments.

To establish the exact value, the total salary (official), the amount of deductions, length of service, and occupation are taken into account. In addition, non-insurance terms play an important role. For example, when a person was called up for military service. Decree or child care are also included in the conditions of non-insurance charges - additional points are calculated for such a period of time.

The formula for calculating the insurance part

Each person can preliminarily make miscalculations in order to find out the actual amount of payments that are due to him in accordance with Article 13 of the law on pension accumulation. Knowing what documents are needed to recalculate a pension, you can avoid the bureaucratic process, queues, and delays in the procedure. The exact amount will be named by the employee of the state institution involved in the control of the procedure. Fixed payment is calculated according to the following formula:

C2=C1 + (IPK*SPK);

C2 - the actual amount of pension payments after the supplement;

C1 - nominal value until the moment of miscalculation;

SPC - the value of the pension coefficient on the day of calculation, expressed in rubles.

The procedure for recalculating the funded pension

An application for the recalculation of a pension is not required for this. According to Art. 8 of the Law "On Funded Pensions", on August 1 of each year, an automatic calculation of payments is carried out. Reasons for changing the amount:

  • some income may have been missed earlier (for example, if people work officially, after going on vacation);
  • disability;
  • disability;
  • the presence of minor dependents, etc.

Supplement to pension for children

The supplement is possible when the person had unemployed experience. For example, if a non-working pensioner has been watching a child for at least one year. In this case, one calendar year is estimated at 1.8 points. Employer contributions have been stopped, but the calculation of points continues. This legislation was recently introduced in 2015. The recalculation of the pension, taking into account the additional payment for children, is carried out only if a written or electronic application is submitted. This procedure is not performed automatically, as funded payments are recalculated.

When changing the disability group

If a person has a disability, its group changes, then the procedure for calculating the amount of the increase (if the group increases) is performed automatically. Then do not submit applications in writing or electronically. The reason for the recalculation will be a document that is sent by doctors to the local territorial body of the Pension Fund. A double supplement is possible when a person loses his ability to work. These may be cases such as loss of vision, limbs. Sometimes pensioners receive double payments on the fact of disability, loss of ability to work.

Adjustment of pension when a pensioner reaches 80 years

Regardless of the level of inflation or length of service, reaching the age of 80, a pensioner has the right to recalculate, increase monthly payments. The procedure does not require additional submission of an application - everything is done automatically based on the passport data of the general base of the Pension Fund. According to the date of birth, the age is determined, upon reaching the age of 80, the amount of the fixed payment is doubled. The supplement is relevant when a person has the right to recalculate the insurance pension. Social pension payments are not subject to increase.

Recalculation procedure

The PFR provides detailed advice on the possibility of indexing and recalculating monthly payments. The procedure for recalculating a pension includes two methods of adjustment, according to:

  1. Submitting an application. If the pensioner has determined the need and possibility of recalculation, you should apply to the Pension Fund (territorial office).
  2. State coefficients. The procedure is held annually, every August 1st. This applies to all social groups (for example, those who previously visited the Far North and worked there).

What documents are needed

You can transfer documents for the recalculation of pensions through a relative or friend. This will require the original passport, a signed application from the pensioner himself. There is an alternative - you can send all documents by registered mail. On the government services website, you can find out the status of the application. Important: to get to the civil servant responsible for increasing payments, you will need to queue up, so calculate your time correctly. For registration, you must provide the following list of documents:

  • personal passport with registration;
  • handwritten application (in writing, submitted for declarative recalculation);
  • PFR documents that confirm the fact of receiving insurance pension payments.

How to write an application for recalculation

The application form for recalculation is standard, it can be downloaded on the Internet. If this is not possible, the template is issued free of charge, without registration at the nearest branch of the Pension Fund. For example, in case of disability, a certificate is additionally attached. If a person decides to stop working due to disability, then the fact is confirmed by a medical examination. To be accepted, the paper must contain the following information:

  • contact details, signature;
  • information about the insurance certificate (its number);
  • passport data indicating citizenship;
  • the reason that led to the recalculation;
  • describe the list of documents that are attached to the application.

When they count

The procedure for automatically changing the amount paid out is carried out every year on August 1st. During this period, adjustments are made according to non-declared reasons for the change in the coefficient. The key factors in changing pension payments are additional income to the savings account from the employer, accounting for the receipt of funds for the insurance pension. If a person decides to stop working upon receiving the status of a pensioner, then changes, adjustments are possible during the submission, consideration of applications or an increase in the minimum subsistence level.


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Recalculation of a pension is a change in the amount of a pension due to a change in circumstances or the submission of new documents on which this amount depends. Consider five cases when you need to apply for a pension recalculation and the procedure for applying for a pension recalculation in 2019.

Five cases when you need to apply for a pension recalculation in 2019

The pension is appointed, as is known, from the moment the right to it comes and the application for it. On this date, the Pension Fund calculates the pension, taking into account all the submitted documents.

However, over time, the circumstances that were taken into account when calculating the pension may change or new ones may appear, in connection with which the amount of the pension should be reviewed.

It should be noted, however, that in most cases recalculation of pension in 2019 just a change in circumstances is not enough: it is necessary to apply to the Pension Fund with an application.

On its own initiative, the Pension Fund does not recalculate as a general rule (with certain exceptions - for example, in connection with reaching the age of 80).

Therefore, in order not to miss the right moment and file an application on time, you should know all the circumstances that give entitlement to a pension .

Five cases for applying for a pension recalculation in 2019

So, according to the statement recalculation of insurance pension produced in the following cases:

  1. In connection with the confirmation of "non-insurance periods":
  • child care period up to 1.5 years (up to 6 years in total for all periods),
  • the period of care for a disabled citizen (a disabled person of the 1st group or an elderly person over 80 years old),
  • the period of service in the army or law enforcement agencies, service in which is equivalent to military service, as well as the period of cooperation with law enforcement agencies,
  • period of residence with a spouse abroad or in a military unit, where there was no opportunity to find a job (not more than 5 years in total).

With such recalculation of pension the corresponding periods are deducted from the length of service (if they were taken into account there before). Therefore, you first need to consult with the FIU about how beneficial this recalculation is in each specific case.

You can read more about recalculation taking into account "non-insurance" periods.

  1. Upon receipt of additional documents on experience or earnings before January 1, 2002.

In this case recalculation produced upward pensions if the indicators of seniority or earnings did not initially reach the maximum allowable values.

For example, the maximum length of service that affects the size of the pension is: 45 years for men and 40 years for women.

The maximum ratio of earnings, which is taken into account for pensions, is 1.2. You can read more about the procedure for accounting for earnings for a pension.

  1. When a pensioner has disabled dependents(minor children or children under the age of 23, or full-time students, siblings of the same age who have no parents, as well as disabled parents).

In this case, the fixed pension payment is increased by 1/3 for each dependent.

  1. When submitting documents on the development of the "northern" experience of the required duration(15 years - in the regions of the Far North and 20 years - in areas equivalent to the Far North).

In this case, the fixed pension payment is increased by 50% (if the length of service was worked out in the regions of the Far North) or by 30% (if in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North).

  1. When submitting documents on the development of additional preferential experience for the periods before January 1, 2002 according to List No. 1, List No. 2 or on other grounds for early assignment of a pension. For example, for a pension under List No. 1, men need to work 10 years, and women - 7.5 years.

If the length of service is confirmed in excess of this norm, the pension is increased. But with such a recalculation, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each case, so it may not always lead to a more favorable pension. You should first consult with the Pension Fund.

  • Application for pension recalculation can be submitted both personally to the Pension Fund branch, and electronically - through the Pensioner's Personal Account or the State Services website.
  • Pension recalculation is made from the 1st day of the month following the date of applying to the FIU with all the necessary documents.

In Russia, where the distribution-accumulative system of pension payments operates, it is important to know how to recalculate the pension for a non-working pensioner, taking into account all the nuances of the insurance and funded share. Part of the amount is not spent on financing current pensioners (6%), while the rest (16%) goes to pay current pensions.

How the pension is recalculated for a non-working pensioner is of interest to many citizens of the Russian Federation who have decided to continue their professional activities instead of entering a well-deserved exit. Last year there was a change in the rules for recalculation, as well as the procedure and amount of indexation of pensions. For example, last year the percentage of pension indexation was 4%.

pension system

Currently, pension payments consist of two elements - insurance (16%) and funded pension (6%). If the first is fixed and provided by the state, then the other is accumulated through contributions to a private pension fund. A citizen can refuse to receive a funded pension, which will increase his score to 10, however, at the same time, he loses the opportunity to profit from investments. When it comes to the recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners, it is precisely the insurance part of pension payments that is meant.

As for the types of security, it can be fixed, public and private. Fixed pensions are paid under one of the following conditions:

  • reaching retirement age (minimum pension);
  • the presence of a certain disability group (I-III);
  • death of the family's breadwinner.

When calculating a fixed pension, such indicators as the length of service and the number of points do not play a role, because the provision is fixed at the same level for everyone. It is only necessary to find out in the Pension Fund what documents are needed for recalculation.

Before you understand how to recalculate a pension for an already non-working pensioner, you need to find out who belongs to this category of citizens. As the name implies, a non-working pensioner is a person who went on vacation after reaching retirement age without continuing his work activity. As for self-employed citizens, if they still have the status of an insurer in the FIU, then it will already be classified as employed.

The termination of any activity must be notified to the specialists of the pension fund by writing an appropriate application. Payments will be credited to the pensioner's personal account from the next month, taking into account the current indexation percentage.

If a citizen decides to go back to work after receiving an insurance pension, then the PF employees have no legal grounds to reduce its size. In addition, there is no need to submit any additional information about re-enrollment in the pension fund.

When can you recalculate your pension?

In connection with the change in the level of inflation in the pension fund, indexation of insurance pensions is carried out annually. It is worth noting that the non-working pensioner himself can be the initiator of the recalculation of state assistance - it is enough for him to show the authorized person documentary evidence that he really deserves an increase. In addition, there are groups of persons who can apply for an extraordinary recalculation of a pension without presenting additional documents. These include:

  • citizens over 80 years old;
  • disabled people (I-III groups);
  • retired women caring for children (points are awarded for each child);
  • working pensioners.

Important! Upon reaching the age of 80 or receiving a certain disability group, the recalculation takes place automatically. The provision of the above persons is increased by 50%.

The minimum pension for retired citizens cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum established at the legislative level. Otherwise, you can demand an additional social allowance from the local budget.


The last indexation of insurance pensions of non-working pensioners took place on 04/01/2017, which was first reported to media representatives by D. Medvedev. Then the state increased payments to senior citizens by 3.8%. At the same time, it should be noted that the last increase was a measure provided for by law, and not a government decision. If we talk about the indexation of the previous year, it amounted to 5.4%, which corresponded to the level of inflation in the country. Next year, the pension fund of the Russian Federation plans to index by another 4%, however, this figure may change, depending on the economic situation.

Indexation of pensions for non-working citizens takes place 30 days from the moment when they terminate the employment contract and continue to fulfill their labor obligations. However, already in 2019, amendments regarding the recalculation of pension payments come into effect. It is planned that the period will be extended from one to three months. But at the same time, during this period, the retired pensioner will be paid monetary compensation.

Example: A pensioner left work in January. In February, the manager submits a notice to the local department of the pension fund that a particular employee is still on the staff. Already in March, the manager's reporting documentation will indicate that the employee was fired. In April, at the initiative of the PFR, the pension is recalculated in connection with the care of children, while the pensioner will be able to receive full support only in May. The person is additionally paid the difference (compensation) for February, March and April.

Welcome to website. In order for a non-working pensioner to receive a supplement to a pension payment, it is necessary to recalculate the pension. By law, every employer is required to pay contributions to the state fund. It is there that the formation of the future pension provision takes place.

Due to the fact that state co-financing is carried out, the recalculation of pensions in 2019 can be carried out for a number of reasons. For example, if a pensioner decided to continue working after he retired. Under the new law, pension points began to be calculated in a different way, and many citizens have the opportunity to increase their pension after reaching retirement age.

The recalculation of a pension is a change in the amount of the amount of the pension payment to be paid after the pensioner provides new documents, when certain circumstances change or when the legislative framework changes.

An increase in the amount of pension provision can be made for recipients of various types of pensions - these are:

  1. Old-age pension and early retirement.
  2. disability pension.
  3. Survivor's pension.

In addition, if a person independently chose which part of the pension the contributions will be deducted for, for the insurance or funded part, then both payments can be recalculated, but only if contributions are received on them.

Recalculation of the pension is carried out on application and without it

Recalculation of the pension payment occurs under a number of significant factors. For example, if a pensioner works officially, and the approved amount of wages is constantly changing. This can happen if a person received insurance experience after 2015. Also, recalculation can be made if a person has a high salary.

The pension supplement after recalculation can be from 5% or more. But there are several cases when the recalculation is made without a statement, but the amount received may be lower or equal to the maximum payout. Such cases include:

  • The person is disabled.
  • The person has the status of a breadwinner.
  • The old-age insurance pension was recalculated.
  • The seniority of the pensioner has increased and payments have been made.

Also, for the recalculation, it is necessary to provide a package of documents and write an application. This is required in the following cases:

  • The pensioner worked in the Far North.
  • The number of dependents has increased.
  • The pensioner changed his place of registration, went to live in a city or a village.
  • The category of pension payment has changed.

The recalculation of allowances occurs in several ways - this is the recalculation after the submission of the relevant application, and the recalculation in an automatic manner without submitting an application. A pensioner is entitled to a pension in the following cases:

  • Change in the subsistence level in the region in which he lives.
  • Upon reaching the age of 80 years.
  • If the record of experience occurred partially.

State programs often make changes in the size of payments, thereby adjusting the annual budget of the country. The application is adjusted as follows:

  1. Writing the required application.
  2. Collection of documents required for recalculation.
  3. Providing a package of documents to the pension fund.

The recalculation of pensions for working pensioners is a change in the amount of the pension payment in connection with the continuation of labor activity, and hence the transfer by the employer of mandatory contributions to the pension fund. The increase is made every year on August 1, otherwise it is an adjustment and is made without submitting an application, as it depends on the salary of a particular pensioner.

The first such recalculation was made on August 1, 2016, based on the assessment of contributions for the full year.

The increase in the amount of the pension is made by the value of pension points, that is, the IPC. But the maximum value of the IPC, which is included in the recalculation, is set by the state:

  • No more than 3 points for pensioners whose pensions are formed in the current year.
  • No more than 1.875 points for pensioners who have a funded part of their pension.

This recalculation is made in accordance with the law "On insurance pensions". The calculation of the pension increase is deducted according to a special formula - SP2=SP1+(IPK*SPK), where:

  • SP2 is the amount of the pension after the recalculation.
  • SP1 is the amount of the pension before the recalculation.
  • IPC is an individual pension coefficient.
  • SPC is the value of the pension coefficient at the time of the recalculation.

For example, you are a recipient of an old-age insurance pension and continue to work at the same time. Every year, on August 1, you must recalculate. Suppose your salary is 15 thousand rubles, therefore, you earn 180 thousand a year.

The employer transfers 16% of your annual earnings, that is, the amount of deductions will be 180,000 * 0.16 = 28,800 rubles. To convert the resulting amount into points, it must be divided by the amount of annual contributions from the maximum salary in the previous year (the maximum salary for the year changes every year and needs to be specified) and multiplied by 10.

In our example, the amount of annual contributions from the maximum salary will be calculated as follows:

870000 (this is the maximum salary for the previous year) * 0.16 = 139200

The amount of annual contributions was obtained from the maximum salary of the previous year. Now we divide our amount of deductions by the amount of annual contributions received, and multiply by 10:

28800/139200*10=2.068 points

In 2019, one point is equal to 87.24 rubles. Suppose that the pension received will be 10,000 rubles. Therefore, after recalculation, we will receive the following pension:


How will pensions be indexed for working pensioners after the termination of work

In 2017, a law began to work, according to which there was a change in the period for recalculating pensions after the dismissal of a pensioner. Working pensioners will recalculate the indexation of pensions immediately after dismissal, and they will receive a new amount the next month after leaving work. In addition, the pensioner does not need to apply to the pension fund, since the recalculation will take place on the data submitted by the employer.

Previously, after a pensioner retired, indexation was carried out taking into account the last three months, that is:

  • The first month is the submission of reports by the employer.
  • The third month is the decision by the pension fund to recalculate.

For pensioners who stopped working in 2019, the recalculation will be made taking into account all missed indexations.

At the same time, the process of additional accrual may take several months for technical reasons. But after that, the payment will be made for all the months that have passed since the dismissal.

Such a recalculation of pensions for working pensioners after the termination of work will affect only pensioners who were dismissed from January 1, 2018. If a pensioner stopped working in December 2017, then the recalculation will take place according to the old laws, and the new pension amount will be paid only in April and without taking into account the three months that have passed since the dismissal, that is, they will simply be lost.

Recalculation of pension for children born before 1990

After the new pension reform began to work in 2015, when calculating pensions, they began to take into account not only working periods, but also others, that is, non-insurance periods. One of these periods is caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, 1.8 points are awarded.

Before the new law, these periods did not affect the size of the pension, but now women can recalculate the pension for children. This recalculation will be made only after the applicant writes an application to the branch of the pension fund.

But most often, in order to have the right to account for pension points for such a non-insurance period. The woman will have to give up the previously assigned pension and apply to the pension fund already to assign a new pension, in which all periods will be taken into account - this will be the recalculation of the pension for women for children. But recalculation by points can reduce the amount of experience. More details are discussed in the article at the link provided.

On the recalculation of pensions for a non-working pensioner

Recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners can also be made. For example, if a pensioner has a “Soviet” seniority, then it becomes predominant.

Pensioners who have more than two children and are dependent on disabled citizens can count on the maximum increase.

In the presence of a disability group, the pension payment may increase, even if the pensioner does not work and contributions to the pension fund are not made.

On the recalculation of the funded part of the pension

Often the question arises whether it is possible to recalculate the pension after its appointment. Recalculation of the funded part of the pension payment is made on the basis of the law "On funded pensions". It takes place every year on August 1 for citizens who are recipients of a funded and urgent pension.

This recalculation is made in certain cases, these include:

  • Receipt of income from investing pension savings.
  • Receipt of payments that were not taken into account when assigning a pension payment, that is, if the pensioner continued to participate in the co-financing program.

Such a change in the size of the pension payment is simply an adjustment, as it is individual in nature and is made only if contributions are received.

An application for such a recalculation is not required; in accordance with the law, it is carried out automatically every year on August 1. There are a number of reasons why the amount may change:

  • Not all receipts were taken into account.
  • Disability.
  • Disability.
  • Having minor dependents.

How pensions are calculated for pensioners from 80 years old

Recalculation for a pensioner who has reached the age of 80 is due to an increase in the amount of a fixed payment. For this category of citizens, the increase is doubled based on the passport data that are in the pensioner's personal file.

Citizens who receive a survivor's pension must first switch to an insurance pension, and only after that write an application for a recalculation.

If a pensioner receives a social pension, then he does not have the right to recalculate.

How does the pension change when changing the disability group

The recalculation of the pension payment when changing the disability group is carried out, as well as the recalculation of the pension upon dismissal of a working pensioner, that is, automatically from the moment the group is changed, you do not need to write an application for this. The recalculation will be made on the basis of an extract from the medical examination report, which the medical and social examination sends to the pension fund independently.

It is worth knowing that an increase in the fixed amount occurs both when receiving an insurance pension and when receiving a disability pension. For pensioners with the first group of disability, the rate is doubled.

We write an application to the FIU for the recalculation of pensions

The pensioner has the right to write an application for the recalculation of the pension and apply with it to the pension fund at the place of residence.

The fixed amount will be recalculated on the following grounds:

  1. Change in the number of dependents.
  2. Moving to the far north or areas equated to it.
  3. When the right to receive an early pension arises, with a worked period in the Far North.
  4. Changing categories of beneficiaries to a survivor's pension if the other parent has died.
  5. Moving from the countryside to another place of residence.

The insurance pension is recalculated in the following cases:

  • Increase in points.
  • Increase in the amount of pension coefficients.

The application can be submitted either in person or through a representative. An application must be submitted to a pension fund, or a multifunctional center, or via Russian mail by registered mail.

The application requires the following information:

  1. Passport data of the pensioner.
  2. The reason on which the recalculation should be made.
  3. List of attached documents.

You will also need to collect the necessary documents for recalculating the pension - this is a passport, SNILS. If any documents are missing in the pensioner's personal file, they will be requested additionally.

Consideration of the application will take place within five days from the date of receipt of the full package of documents or from the date of submission of the missing document.

When is the amount of the pension calculated?

  • When taking into account receipts for the insurance part of the pension.
  • When taking into account receipts for the funded part of the pension.

Adjusted based on the increase in the amount of the pension coefficient for the past year. Other pension increases are made in the following periods:

  • On the 1st of the next month, if the amount of the pension is reduced.
  • On the 1st of the next month, if the amount of the pension increases.

But there are other cases related to the dates of the recalculation - these are:

  • Upon reaching the age of 80 years - from the date of birth.
  • When changing the disability group - from the moment a new disability group is established, unless the change of disability entails a reduction in the amount of the payment, then the recalculation will be made from the 1st day of the next month.


Recalculation is made for recipients of all types of pensions. The change in the amount is made on the basis of the data that is in the FIU or upon submission of the relevant documents. In the pension fund, you can find out what documents are needed to recalculate the pension.

Unlike indexation, the recalculation is made individually and takes into account all the features of each pensioner at a certain point in time.

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners The only procedure through which working pensioners will go through in the New Year (except for the increase in pensions in the capital) is the recalculation of pensions according to the deductions made to the Pension Fund of Russia. In just a whole year, pensioners can get an increase of only 3 points. This is 245 rubles at the rate of one point, approximately equal to 81 rubles (according to other estimates, it is 78 rubles). For every 6 thousand rubles, there is approximately one point. The increase is calculated as follows:

  1. The amount of pension contributions for the entire year is taken (16% of the monthly salary). Only the size indicated by the employer in the calculations is taken into account.
  2. The entire amount of deductions received for the year is divided by the maximum possible amount of deductions for 12 months (127,000 rubles).
  3. The resulting coefficient is multiplied by 10.

403 forbidden

  • Muscovites who have lived in the capital for at least 10 years will receive increased pensions. For some citizens, the increase will be 2 times. This is a record increase in pension payments in recent times, which will allow residents of the capital to cope with rising prices for food, utilities and medical supplies.
  • Low-income pensioners will continue to receive a pension increase up to the subsistence level, but now the amount will be increased due to indexation.
  • Non-working pensioners can count on recalculation and an increase of up to 3 points to pension payments.
  • A new category of support for pensioners has been introduced - for cultural figures within Moscow, the pension is 30 thousand.
  • Most of the changes relate to Moscow and are caused by the increase in the social budget of the capital on the initiative of Sobyanin.

Recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners in 2018

Those pensioners who live less in Moscow can receive a pension of 11 thousand, regardless of the length of service, because. this amount of payments is a living wage. A new category of support for cultural figures Among other changes, Sobyanin prepared a project to support creative people of retirement age who, before retirement, served their homeland by participating in cultural activities. The pension is intended only for Muscovites with a registration of at least 10 years.
The allowance is exactly 30 thousand rubles. Such financial support is due to those persons who have special merits in the field of creativity - the title of "Honored Artist" of the USSR or the Russian Federation, as well as some other titles. Advice! More information about the conditions for receiving a pension can be found in the social protection authorities at the place of residence, by calling the information office of the Pension Fund.

Latest news on pension increases for non-working pensioners in 2018

However, independent experts talk about such figures as 4% and even more. The official view is positive: the government says that the indexation is 0.5% more than the increase in the cost of living. During the year, the wealthiest pensioners, thanks to indexation, can receive up to 14,000 rubles.

These are disabled veterans of the Second World War, cultural figures with merits in the creative field, former military men. And people with a minimum pension will receive at least 3,500 rubles a year thanks to the increase. But this should not be regarded as a real increase: 3.2% cover the rise in prices and do not improve the standard of living.
And only the remaining 0.5% is considered a real increase in pension, based on an inflation rate of 3.2%. Recall that working pensioners cannot receive an increase due to indexation. The government believes that they can cope with inflation anyway thanks to increases from employers.

Pension increase in 2018


The size of the increase in pension for non-working pensioners If you have been on vacation for a long time, do not work anywhere, and you are interested in the increase in pension for non-working pensioners in 2018, the latest news takes the main data on the average old-age insurance pension at the level of 13,657 rubles and states that payments will be increased by 0.5%. The social pension is much lower and amounts to no more than 8,742 rubles. The planned increase in pensions for non-working pensioners will add an average of 400 rubles to each type of payment.

It is this amount that all older people who do not work, but rest after their many years of work, can count on. Note! If your pension is below the minimum subsistence level, then you should take advantage of additional social benefits that are available in the regions.

Social supplement to pension for non-working pensioners in 2018


As noted in the Ministry of Labor, the forecast inflation for 2017 is 3.2%. That is, the indexation of pensions in 2018 will be 0.5% higher than the forecast inflation for the current year. The head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin announced that other social payments will be indexed from February 1, 2018.

There will be no indexation of pensions for those who continue to work after reaching retirement age in 2018. But in the summer, the authorities promise to recalculate the pensions of working pensioners, taking into account the years worked after retirement. An increase in pensions in 2018: a forecast for the future As noted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, from 2018 pensions will begin to increase by 4% per year.

This will be facilitated by the growth of wages. Therefore, according to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, even in the absence of indexation of pensions of working pensioners, their income will still grow due to an increase in wages.
The decision of the Ministry of Labor to increase the pension of non-working pensioners According to the Minister, the Ministry of Labor is doing everything possible to increase the pension of non-working pensioners ahead of the existing inflation. To do this, we study the growth of the economy and the reserves of the state budget. Already from January 1, 2018, you can count on indexation. It was decided not to increase pensions on February 1, as was usually done, but a month earlier.

The increase in pensions for non-working pensioners will be carried out according to the plan. In the spring and summer, the government plans to index monetary relief twice more. If everything goes well, then pensions will be increased constantly and this will gradually improve the lives of those pensioners who, after going on vacation, could not or did not want to continue working.

If everything goes well, then the next indexation should be expected in April. The third increase is planned for August 2018.
However, in connection with updating the list of what awaits pensioners in 2018 (latest news), information has appeared about the main change in social support in the new year - an increase in the minimum pension to 17,500 rubles. Interesting! The increase in funding was due to lower costs for the My Street project. The increased amount of pensions in the capital was introduced for several reasons:

  • part of the budget of the capital region was released, and it was necessary to direct it to the development of Moscow as well;
  • in the capital, prices are the highest - both for food, and for utilities and housing.

In connection with these reasons, Sobyanin increased support for pensioners by 20-30%, which is especially important in the context of the economic crisis.

When will the recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners in 2018

Assignment of a regional social supplement to non-working pensioners in 2018 for the provision of the state service “Assignment of a regional social supplement to a pension for non-working pensioners” (original, 1 pc.) From January 1, 2018, the federal social supplement will be recalculated place of residence with a passport and a document confirming the fact of not carrying out labor activity (work book, employment contract).
When calculating the total amount of material security, the amounts of cash payments established by the pensioner both by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Rostov region are taken into account. Attention! Establishment of the federal social supplement to the pension is declarative in nature. Pension in Moscow in 2018: what additional payments and allowances to the minimum pension await Muscovites

My friend, on the contrary, lived in Moscow, the experience was small for 15 years. These years she went to work in the Moscow region and paid taxes there. But he will receive a pension (in 2018) in Moscow with all social and regional allowances, of course, more than me.
Got a new apartment in Moscow, because. The five-story building was resettled due to demolition. So it turns out that our legislators have not finalized any logic.

Will there be a recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners in 2018

This will allow older citizens to feel the real care of the state even on New Year's holidays. Indexation will take place in all regions of the Russian Federation and all beneficiaries will be able to receive an increase in state or private banks at their place of residence. You do not need to provide additional documents or references to receive it. The process will be simplified as much as possible so as not to cause unnecessary worries and misunderstandings. Recalculation of pensions of non-working pensioners As stated in the government, the recalculation of pensions has already begun, so all pensioners who do not work can be calm and have no doubt that they are waiting for indexation and increase. All recalculations will be made by employees of the social service. Senior citizens only need to choose the bank in which they want to receive their money. Inflation and indexation The level of indexation depends on inflation.
