Pickup truck for women: tips and tricks. Learn by heart THESE pickup truck lessons

With great regret, we are forced to admit the fact that one reading of articles (even such wonderful ones that are published on our site) will hardly give you anything, since studying dry theory will not make you a pick-up artist and will not teach you how to shoot girls and women correctly. In order to become a pro, you must constantly train by completing various pickup quests for beginners. Namely, we will publish them in this new section of our website.

About once a week we will post an article that will describe tasks for those who decide to put the pickup truck lessons into practice. Moreover, as it should be in a good school, we will start the simplest, in order to eventually rise to the most incredible heights of a pickup truck - to take phone numbers from unknown girls in half an hour, to beat off women from any men, even those who consider themselves the coolest, to achieve sex already after 20 minutes after meeting.

But all this will be a little later. In the meantime, we will start from the simplest, from the first steps, giving tasks for beginner pick-up artists that will be feasible for anyone, even those who have never met girls at all.

All pickup lessons will look like pickup quests for beginners, because in order to complete certain tasks, you will at least need to leave the house. Although from time to time we will send you to practice in front of the mirror, and some tasks for beginner pickups will require the use of the phone.

Be that as it may, we strongly advise you to complete all the pickup quests for beginners that we will ask, because, unlike the same high school, you will not be able to skip pickup lessons and then count on good grades. In our case, success in picking up pretty and interesting girls.

Now about how to do tasks for beginner pickup artists:

1. Always start with the simplest.

2. If for some reason you are unable to do one or another task, do not abandon it in order to take on another. Finish what you started to the end, and only then proceed to the next quest.

3. Constantly repeat the lessons learned, as only this will allow you to fix them at the level of reflexes and instincts.

4. And always remember that all this is just a game, and that you should not be upset if something does not work out for you.

By the way, if something goes wrong, write to us, telling us about your problems in the comments on the pickup quests that you didn’t manage to complete, and we will definitely come to your aid, explaining what you are doing wrong and how best to solve the problem you are having.

With great respect for all beginners and adherents of the pickup truck, the editor-in-chief of the site is Vladimir Karpeev.

“All you need is love” - these words of the immortal hit of the Liverpool Four are sometimes, probably, sung by every person in every corner of the Earth. Someone sings, just remembering the motive of the song, and someone, being in love, quite meaningfully, thus expressing that stream of emotions, a storm of feelings that overtake any person struck by the happiness of love. Indeed, all we need is love. It is in moments of love that we most acutely feel the beating of life, we understand that there is something that fills our existence with some special meaning, makes it the most complete. There are people who are able to experience the feeling of love almost every day, feeling the love attraction to many people of the opposite sex at the same time. As soon as they were not called at different times and epochs: 1. Casanovas (after the famous Italian adventurer and lover) 2. Don Juan (and this is a reference to the Spanish libertine cavalier) 3. Lovelace 4. Rake 5. Heartworms 6. Well, of course same womanizers. And in these nicknames there was always a certain amount of envy on the part of those men who
alas, they were not treated kindly by female attention - what to do, the ability to please women, which is the basis of the art of seduction, is not given to everyone. In any case, it was previously believed that in order to win the favor of the most charming and inaccessible beauty, one had to possess truly diabolical talents for seduction. The 20th century, with its sexual emancipation, explosive sexual revolution, dispelled this myth with surprising ease. The stormy dashing 60s gave rise to a new era among American hippies.
a methodology for quickly meeting girls, which almost immediately received the name "pickup" (the word comes from the English verb "pick up", which literally translates as - pick up, remove). And no one was embarrassed by the automobile name of the slang term: hippies were simple guys, and for them to pick up a leggy blonde at a party was as easy as a tow truck to pick up a car truck. Pickup as a phenomenon quickly spread throughout the world, and even in the USSR in the 80s of the last century there were many of his followers. The popularity of the new science of seduction in our country was so high that in 1989 the first manual appeared from the guru of the Soviet pickup truck Igor Sergeyev and Mikhail Silin called "The Unified Theory of Sports Glue". A small work in a light literary form outlined the basics of the art of beautifully picking up a woman and became the first written school of seduction and pickup for young people of that time. The second attempt to build a theoretical base for the art of the pickup was not long in coming - in 1991, the work "Strategy and Tactics of Sexual Struggle" by a certain Andrei Kryukov was published, and finally the birth of a new sexual and sociological phenomenon in Russia was announced in the men's magazine "Medved" in an article which was called, of course, "Pick-ups". The further history of the pickup truck is connected with the rapidly developing information technologies and its direct conductor - the Internet. And if the first articles, books and online forums dedicated to the skill of a pickup truck were created largely at random, with an attempt to systematize purely personal observations and experience of certain pickupers, then later, as objective practical developments of completely different people accumulated, the pickup truck began to turn into really already applied psychological science. The lessons of seducing girls were formed in the first pickup school, where the most successful professionals began to open courses on a commercial basis, conduct trainings. A large, accumulated by practice and experience, theoretical base of a pickup truck is today freely available on the Internet. It would seem that any man, after sitting for a week or two studying the basic techniques of seduction, will be able to charm the woman he likes. This, however, is an erroneous point of view. Since the art of pickup is not just memorized rules and methods of behavior, it is the psychology of behavior, and as in any applied psychology, it is important to understand what and why you need to do literally in every step, gesture, word, deed. And only those who have been engaged in the art of a pickup truck for a long time and can confidently call themselves a professional can teach this. Naturally, they did not get such knowledge in the course of simply reading forums and specialized sites - everything was tried on personal experience. And in order not to do stupid things and mistakes when taking the first steps in the pickup field, it is best, of course, to turn to such people: they will not only prompt and guide the true pickup truck on the path, but will also make every effort so that beginners begin to feel confident in women's company. The theory of the art of seduction developed by domestic Don Juans has been formed into special pickup rules, following which in ordinary life leads to the fact that a professional pickup artist changes the model of his behavior towards women purely subconsciously. After all, who is a professional pickup artist? This is not just a person who, having studied a number of psychological techniques, having mastered the basic approaches to communication with women, goes “into the field” and begins to seduce according to a scheme, like a robot. A professional knows that the basis of a pickup truck is, first of all, improvisation. And you have to improvise at every step, as part of the development of the situation of one or another acquaintance. And if you can learn about the basic rules of a pickup truck at any group training or pickup school, then you can learn situational response only in individual lessons with professionals. Professionals who have been honing the art of seducing the opposite sex for years are able to tell a lot of interesting things. Make sure your mentor has practical experience and is not a hardened theorist. Otherwise, he is able to tell only the basics - a stereotyped learned demeanor and banal phrases that no longer surprise anyone. This does not mean that his "tricks" do not work, they just act on a certain layer of the fairer sex. After all, even unearthly beauties have complexes on which you can easily play. But there are other young ladies who require a different approach to themselves. For example, on the street you see a beautiful, well-groomed girl and decide to approach her for an acquaintance. You have prepared a standard set of phrases and armed yourself with “fail-safe tricks” in case of a variable development of the situation. Approach a beautiful stranger and pronounce the text memorized at the trainings, believing that she will give a template answer “A” or “B”. Then you set up "beacons" and circle over your "prey" like an eagle, waiting for an opportunity to finally surprise it. But, suddenly, a sincere girl came across who will smile at your original remarks and pass on. It happens that the lady will simply give the answer “E”, for which you will not be ready, since such a turn of events was not discussed at the trainings. It is worth getting confused for a second and the stranger leaves, and you remain in splendid isolation. This happened because the lady you liked turned out to be an educated and spiritually developed person. Being an intellectually savvy girl, she is easily able to recognize the sincerity of a guy's intentions and put him in a difficult position. Do not think that it is impossible to seduce such a lady. It just needs a slightly different approach. But no theorist can help you with this. Here you need a real guru, the art of a pickup truck, which has been honed to automatism. It does not have pre-made template models with standard questions and answers. His main advantage is the ability to improvise and act in a variety of ways. A true professional can easily simulate a situation in which even the most unusual and impregnable girl, without having time to come to her senses, begins to dictate her own mobile phone number. Such masters are able to teach a lot to people trying to comprehend the art of a pickup truck. Unlike theorists, they will give practical advice, which they themselves have repeatedly applied in practice. Most schools of seduction teach non-standard actions that border on insanity. They say: “Tear the patterns, improvise, girls love ingenuity!”. After listening to such lectures, some negligent students wrap their heads in toilet paper and go to conquer women's hearts. Of course, this approach is able to impress the fair sex, but not at all the way you would like. A professional master will not only teach you how to get to know a girl beautifully, but also tell you how to behave in the future. In any case, practice is needed. Pickup truck art is no exception. You have to hone your skills by constantly contacting new girls. It is not at all necessary to bring every acquaintance to intimacy (unless, of course, you set such goals for yourself). You must learn to behave confidently in the company of beautiful strangers, so that later you can find your one and only girl with whom you want to build a sincere and strong relationship. Another option is also possible - you will get a lot of ladies, from which you will choose one for something more. You will have plenty of time to figure out who is who. Try to master the method of holistic perception of beautiful strangers. He will give confidence to any man. Before meeting a girl, mentally scroll through her life. Imagine how she was a baby, then she ate semolina porridge in the garden, played "daughter-mother". But don't stop there - keep modeling her life. Here she is at school at her desk, pulling her hand above all, then she goes to college and gets married. Wrinkles appear on her face, and gray hairs appear on her head. Gradually, she turns into a mature woman, then into an old woman exhausted by diseases. Using this psychological technique, you can easily get rid of fear while communicating with beautiful representatives of the opposite sex. Soon you will begin to perceive the girls as comrades, swimming with you in a turbulent river called "life".

It so happened that the popular word "pickup" is first of all identified with the male art of seducing women. This "prejudice" was, at least until recently.

Today, women are more confidently taking over the baton in this simple matter, developing their own ways of easily seducing men and developing and improving the technique of the female "pickup".

Long gone are the days when, seeing a handsome man, women waited for him to dare to approach and speak. Now the fair sex, without hesitation, is increasingly taking this initiative into their own hands.

Women's pickup truck: goals set

What is a women's pickup truck? Whereas the men's pickup only aims to seduce more and more members of the opposite sex, the women's pickup is aimed at "collecting" dating men with the prospect of further developing more serious relationships.

A female pickup rather involves creating conditions for dating. After all, seeing a beautiful girl, a man does not always dare to approach because of self-doubt or, for example, a previous unsuccessful experience of dating. This is where female pickup methods come to the rescue.

To become a "successful" or "pikaper", a woman does not need to have chic external data. Naturally, you need to adhere to a neat, well-groomed look, but the most important role in success is played by a rather feminine look addressed to the man you like.

Learning the technique of a female pickup truck, you need to develop a sense of self-confidence. Do not be afraid not to please a man, because the essence of a pickup truck comes down to seducing as many of them as possible.

Female pickup truck: tricks and techniques of seduction

As already mentioned, a women's pickup does not imply direct acquaintance with a man who is interested in a woman, but rather the creation of conditions for this. A man must subsequently be sure that he was the initiator of the acquaintance. There are a huge number of secrets and tricks for any occasion of life and for any circumstances.

The look of a woman

The first signal that can interest a man is a look. It does not imply constant monitoring of a person. It is enough to throw a few slightly lingering glances. This will indicate that the woman is interested in the man, and will give him self-confidence to take the next step.

If a man, having caught the eye, began to actively show interest, without taking his eyes off the woman, then other methods can be introduced into the game.

Having met a man's gaze, you do not need to start drilling him. Men are scared off by women who are too self-confident, so it’s better, a little embarrassed, to look away. The appearance of a light blush in this case will serve as an indisputable plus.


Don't be afraid to show yourself. You can do this, for example, by slightly playing with your curls or by slowly putting your foot on your foot, while not forgetting that the actions being played do not look vulgar.

In addition to the latter, it should be noted that for seduction it is also not necessary to use too revealing sexual outfits, because the girl should remain a mystery, and not give the impression of an easily accessible person.

Style should be neat and restrained. It is better to focus on one detail, for example, a slit on a skirt or neckline. Any reproducible movements should be free and not create the appearance of a constrained woman playing learned roles.


To make it easier for a man to decide to approach, a woman can show that she is bored and not busy with anything. So he will not be afraid that his attempt to get acquainted will be out of place and at the wrong time.

More experienced and self-confident women can also use cardinal methods and, without waiting for the first man to decide to finally approach, talk to him. This, again, does not imply a full-fledged acquaintance, but only the creation of prerequisites for it.

Start of communication

So, one of the most popular and easiest ways is to ask for help. This technique is very successful, because rarely any man refuses to help a pretty girl and, for example, show her the way or carry heavy bags to the car.

Moreover, this is an open path to further acquaintance without much effort on his part. If the action takes place in a store, you can ask for advice on buying male attributes for your brother / dad / grandfather.

All women are actresses to one degree or another, and this means that they can use their acting skills for the purpose of dating. One way is to make a name for yourself and then immediately sweetly apologize. From the same series and the question: “Tell me, have we met anywhere before?”.

The car will help to fall in love with a man

As practice shows, women driving a car are given a greater choice of men and higher chances of meeting the person they like. In a competition with female pedestrians, autoladies undoubtedly win, because they can choose their own goal from a huge number of applicants and actively get to know each other, and not be chosen. For brave women, there are a number of tricks and tricks for the implementation of such a road pickup.

When it comes to finding your chosen one, most women act stereotypically. Many mistakenly believe that you can find your love in a nightclub, restaurant, shop, at work. Of course, many couples met in these places, who later were able to create a stable serious relationship, but sometimes you need to spend a lot of time and spend more than one night in nightclubs before a fatal meeting with the man of your dreams.

But after all, if you look, then most often men go to the same nightclubs with a girl or friends, and simply with a specific goal - to relax and have a good time. Therefore, luck can often smile only in the form of meeting a drunk visitor looking for a girl for one night. Such a search tactic is wrong, because the place of hunting for men should be their usual “habitat”.

The search for men needs to be moved to the very environment where they feel most comfortable. This is a kind of men's paradise, consisting of football, weapons and, of course, cars. Attending football matches is not difficult, but it takes time and patience, especially if football is in the last place of a woman's possible interests. With the purchase of a gun and further full involvement in the world of hunting on weekends, the situation is much more complicated. But as for cars, we need to talk about this in more detail.

Where and how to look?

You need to start with gas stations, because it is here that a woman can, leaving the car, show herself in all her glory. Of course, the presence of natural data does not solve the issue of guaranteed dating. In addition, you still need to be able to interest a man and pretend to be stupid in the right situation.

But after all, everyone knows that every woman is essentially an actress, so there should be no snags with the latter at all. And some women do not need to play any role at all, since nature endowed them with such characteristics from the very beginning. But that's a completely different story. The main thing is that men do not really like smart women and often bypass them. And if a man observes the manifestation of the female mind in automotive matters, then it is rare that further acquaintance can be discussed.

So, the situation with the gas station. You need to remember one little rule: before you stop at the gas station, you need to stop and touch up your makeup, because no one knows who you can meet in line at the checkout. Here you already need to turn on all your acting abilities to the fullest, using shooting eyes and innocent smiles, which can quickly interest a man who likes you. You can get used to the role of a lost girl and, coming up with a map in your hands, ask to show the route.

Or ask to listen to the rumble of the car, which seems disturbing to a woman who does not understand these matters, or to see if the tire really went flat, or it just seemed. Men tremble in the knees love to feel needed and useful, especially when it comes to an attractive stranger in trouble. These are just general ideas, but intricate ladies can create and act out a variety of scenes, as long as acting skills allow.

But if you don’t have your own car, this is not a reason to be upset, because no one has yet canceled an acquaintance in a taxi. You can write whole stories about the predilection of drivers for talking about bad roads, car brands and the difficult situation in the country. Here it is enough just to start a casual conversation, showing genuine interest.

Again, one should not forget about the need to pretend to be a fool, because with a woman who gives out advice and teachings all the way, the driver will only want to leave as soon as possible. But a girl who asks questions on automotive topics and listens carefully to the answers of an experienced driver who is ready to talk about it at least for hours, on the contrary, is able to interest him very much.

Of course, the above does not mean that all girls should only get acquainted with taxi drivers. After all, you can catch not only taxis, but simply passing cars. But in our time of criminal rampage it is not entirely safe - you can run into some kind of maniac or madman. Men are different after all.

But dating in a traffic jam is not only the easiest way to start communication, but also a way to pass the slowly dragging time. Again, it all depends on the woman and her initiative. It can be smiles, and the same request for help, as in a situation at a gas station. The easiest way is to just start a conversation, complaining about standing in a traffic jam.

In any case, success depends only on the woman and her ability to interest a man, regardless of the situation and mode of transportation.


Today, this area of ​​dating and seducing men is so popular that there are many trainings where every woman who wants can learn the technique of a female pickup truck. But visiting the latter is not at all necessary, because all that is needed to successfully seduce men is a little self-confidence and possession of the above simple techniques.

And you need to remember one thing: no matter what method is used, a man must be sure that the acquaintance is his idea. Men choose not women they like, but those who sent the necessary signals to make this choice.

In other words: the choice is always with the woman.

« Pickup. Antidote” is a project that brings understanding, with the help of which a woman gains awareness of what is being done to her and how, and freedom of choice is born in awareness.

After reading the articles Why does the pickup work? ” and ““, you might be thinking, “Okay, I figured out that all he does is show off the False Alpha suit. But after a while, rose-colored glasses will fall off ... ".

Of course they will fall! Because the higher the status of a woman, the higher the intelligence. In order for the "rose-colored glasses" to remain in place, the pick-up artist introduces additional techniques into the Game. I call them "training" techniques.

What's the point? A pickup artist needs to force a woman invest as many resources as possible into a relationship. This is how our psyche works, no matter if it is male or female: the more we invest in something, the more expensive it is for us! And when a man is able to evoke the full range of emotions in us, then the attraction becomes even stronger. From hate to love is one step. Therefore, the pick-up artist begins to artificially stimulate emotions in order to tie a woman to himself. And, instead of giving only "positive" emotions, Player stimulate the whole range, including curiosity, jealousy, resentment, indignation, sadness, fear of loss.

Let's look under a microscope pickup truck tricks, forcing to see in the False Alpha a man of all life, for the sake of which a woman becomes capable of anything. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the techniques can be used in a light version or a heavy one - you can just touch it with a hammer, or you can bang your head. The strength of the blow depends on who holds the hammer in his hands. But the fact that in relations with a pick-up artist, “blows” are present- definitely.


One of the most important tools of the pickup master - keep waiting. In the Engage and Get Close phases, he showed up to meetings on time, so a sudden change will lead to conflict, so he lengthens his lateness gradually. How he does it?

You agreed to meet at a restaurant at eight in the evening, you left in advance, at this time you receive an SMS with the text: "I'm late for half an hour." There is no point in returning home, so you come to the appointed place. At 20:30 the phone rings - he is in a traffic jam or he was kidnapped by aliens, but he will be in fifteen minutes. He usually arrives in half an hour. Pick-up artists try to keep the waiting time in the restaurant less than 1 hour. You don’t even notice, because this is the first time and he warned, so you wait.

The next round of development − waiting time increase.

"I'll come by tonight!" When asked to indicate the exact time, you receive a vague answer: “As soon as I get free, I will immediately.” Evening is a flexible concept, you are already ready for seven, it is not there at eight, and at nine, and even at ten. At first you don’t call or write - he’s busy, why bother him, but after ten you break down, an SMS comes in response: “I’ll be there soon.”

You started preparing for the meeting at six, he arrived at eleven, What are you doing those five hours? Right! Thinking about him. That's why they keep you waiting! They make you wait even with a phone call. You call, he doesn't answer, he calls back in ten minutes. What is happening at this moment? The thought involuntarily runs through: what is he doing? And you wait for the call back. It turns out that when he is late, you think about him and put emotions into it. When he doesn't call, you think about him. When he picked up the phone and said that he would call back - you think again! Why would he? The more we think about someone, the more emotions, the more we become attached to him.

The question arises: why is he not afraid of being sent? Answer: because there is a technique by which irritation disappears: appear unexpectedly. Sorry. You are giving a compliment.

Therefore, when he suddenly appears on the threshold with the words: “Forgive me! You're so beautiful! I miss you! ”, instead of giving him a brazen, you rejoice - like a dog. Sorry for the harsh comparison, but it's true, this technique suppresses to the state of an animal waiting for the owner. And some pickup masters have reached such a “level” of confidence that they don’t even say “sorry”, instead they jokingly bow their knees or look with a plaintive look. Enough compliment and the very appearance of the owner.

The next training method is lowering self-esteem.


Already expectation affects self-esteem, but in the arsenal of a pickup truck there are harder tricks. We have already talked about the Minus-Plus technique in the article “ Pickup basics. quick seduction". Negative compliments remain in the arsenal, but at the stage RELATIONSHIP they add a new version. The player chooses something in you that he does not like, and constantly focuses on this:

If you lost five kilos, you would be perfect.

If you cut your hair (dye your hair, start wearing short, wear long, quit smoking, do fitness).

The list is endless!

He cares control your self-esteem. For what? If you try to please him, then he is above you. The main indicator of the effectiveness of technology: desire to meet the requirements. And when you lose weight or cut your hair or start wearing short, you get something like this in response:

Short dress? It suits you very well! But you look even better in a little black dress, hope to see you in one!

The second frequent trick for a pickup artist: intellectual pressure. He constantly uses words in his vocabulary that you do not understand:

Do you have haptophobia?

I have dystinia today.

You give me a frisson.

I'm a deviant.

After such words, you hang out and agree with his opinion. He is so smart! But the aftertaste remains he is smart, and you are the antonym of this word. In fact, in most cases this memorized phrases- a technique for lowering the victim's self-esteem and for raising one's own in the eyes of the girl.

Next reduction method − comparison with former.

Masha cooked better! And what a figure Lena had! Here Ira was much more liberated than you! But you are a good person.

You are trying to be better!

And one of the toughest types of demotion is the presence of a third party. By the way, it is far from a fact that he chooses between you and her, but he creates an appearance.

I can not decide. I see myself with you today, but I don’t see myself in my old age ...

He turns himself into a "prize" to fight for.

After applying such techniques, the victim's self-esteem drops over time, while a song from his own lips sounds in the background:

How lucky you are with me, how smart, beautiful and in demand I am.

By the way, many of them are very far from “beauty, intelligence and demand”. Along with a drop in self-esteem, the importance of the presence of this man in life grows, and the pick-up artist connects more powerful tricks. And all your friends are very surprised: “How do you meet such a strange guy?”.


You are in a relationship, but their status is not defined. And when you try to talk about it, the response is something like:

I thought it was clear!

You are so smart! What questions!

You're so beautiful! What a bright blouse!

I thought you were different!

Do you want to ruin the evening?

Could such a great woman be bothered by this?

The last one is tearing me apart. That is, if you continue, then you are no longer great and, of course, you will fall silent. You never manage to discuss your relationship and come to certainty. As a rule, such conversations Player reacts with a different method of education - includes techniques cancellation. So that you know your place!


All technicians cancellation are a kind of quintessence of "Closer-Further". We have already talked about the near-far technique in previous article. At the beginning of the "Convergence" stage (the first long communication), he did the maximum "Closer". He came to the meeting on time, joked, read, told, while he did not show too much interest. But in relations the Closer-Further technique in different variations takes on a different meaning.

What's happened " Closer-Further"? Imagine that our emotions in a relationship can be measured on a scale: plus a hundred− maximum positive up to minus one hundred- the biggest negative: gap. When a pickupper does "Closer" it's plus fifty, when it does an advanced "Closer" it's eighty. Now imagine that there is a sharp drop in emotions, for example, from fifty to thirty - this is “Next”. Variations of the fall of the scale of emotions are used to keep a woman on her toes.

Their use begins, as a rule, immediately after sex. For example, he comes to you and you communicate without intimacy. More calls and SMS: used to call and send messages, now - no, or - may not answer them. That is, it lowers emotions from fifty to thirty. This change in behavior suggests: what's happening? And you do “Closer”: you call, write, pester - you start to catch up with him. Naturally, if you invest more emotions, then these relationships become more important for you. A woman is like a cat, it is difficult to make her hunt, but you can captivate her. And even if you didn’t take your relationship seriously at first, after these techniques it seems to you that you need it.

The second option, the most common use, I call training. That is, every time you try to find out something or bring up a topic that he does not like, he makes a sharp “Further”, increasing the gap from fifty to zero. You have an unconscious desire to avoid an uncomfortable situation, and you do “Closer” - you smooth out the conflict yourself.

AND the toughest undoing technique is called"And gla". The “needle” is used to create a long-term relationship in order to “calm down a presumptuous girlfriend” a little (quote from the guru). For some time, the pickup artist plays the advanced “Closer” - his relationship with you consists only of positive emotions, he brings emotions to a maximum - to 80, and sometimes 90. And at the most unexpected moment, a “needle” injection follows. Moreover, the injection occurs suddenly - and the more unpredictable it is, the stronger the effect of this technique is manifested. The technique is to make a concentrated "Further", and with the greatest possible intensity for this woman. This is a technique of a sharp drop in emotions. The greater the gap in the shortest period of time, the harder the hammer blow on your psyche.

Is it true, the use of the "needle" is risky: the girl can immediately leave. Therefore, the pickup artist prepares for this. At first, in order to insure, a technique is used, which I call this: donkey carrot«.

We'll go on vacation.

I need time to decide.

Everything will change tomorrow.

We knights are strange at first, but then we change.

He puts a "carrot" that gives hope for change. You don’t notice her, but at the moment when you want to break off relations, you remember her.

Second take- preparation for the "minus". For example, he says that he is afraid of losing you or that you are the most important thing in his life.

Third - input in « minus«:

You'll be mad at me again, but...

I don't know how to tell you, but...

I'm letting you down again, but...

I know we agreed, but...

In real "needle" occurs as follows: everything is good in your relationship. You meet, have fun, nights of love and joyful prospects. You agree that in the evening after work he will come and you will spend the weekend together. And then bam! At best, a phone call is heard, which begins with the words: "I know we agreed, but ...". At worst, the pick-up artist disappears for no reason. He does not answer calls and SMS, he is not there, and if he answers, then to the question: “What happened?”, You get something like: “Everything is fine.” And from his answer breathes such a cold that the withers stand on end. You are brought into the zone of non-existence. That is, from plus eighty» you were sent to « minus fifty“and sometimes minus eighty.

The larger the gap, the worse the condition. There is a feeling that every cell in your body is on fire from irritation and misunderstanding. Really shakes. And suddenly the next day he appears with the word: "I'm sorry." You are hysterical! But he presents evidence that you made it all up for yourself. You come up with different things, depending on the prepared scenario: from treason to he was killed.

When you experience such a range of emotions - from the maximum plus to the maximum minus - it works like a binding to a man! We forget about negative emotions, only the memory of the strength of these emotions remains in the unconscious. Therefore, it is difficult for a woman to leave such a man. They are trying to explain to her that it is necessary to break off the relationship, but she cannot - she is emotionally attached. And when the relationship ends the women lie "in the fetal position on the couch". This - result application of this technique.


The next stage in the development of "relationships" − cultivating unhealthy feelings of guilt. I want to draw boundaries right away. Guilt is our subconscious reaction to actions that violate our “right or wrong”. If I did something wrong in my understanding, then feeling guilty is a normal reaction. I am convinced that a healthy psyche should have the “guilt feeling” option and, conversely, its complete absence signals an unhealthy one. But in a relationship with a pick-up artist, it is precisely an unhealthy feeling of guilt that develops.

After applying the technique cancellation for a normal person, this behavior is illogical, so we start looking for reasons. We think: “How did I offend him?” and after a few days of such reflections, we come up with what, and make ourselves guilty.

The illogicality of his behavior introduces a sense of guilt. Time after time passing you through the circle of hell "plus-minus", "closer-further", you lose your orientation in space. More and more often the thought comes to you: “I am wrong,” and his behavior assures this. “He is calm, does not apologize, leaves with his head held high, so something is wrong with me.” You start to blame yourself though did nothing wrong!!! The boundaries of a healthy psyche are destroyed, your "right-wrong" is no more. From now on, he can ask for everything.


Naturally, if a woman receives only negative emotions, the relationship will end very quickly, therefore, in parallel with all this, he includes demonstration techniques. I call it that! Because it only words without action.

pickup artist demonstrates interest: constantly asks what you think about.

pickup artist demonstrates jealousy. Jealousy for a woman is an indicator of feelings.

Where were you today? Doesn't sex with an ex count? sounds periodically from his lips.

pickup artist demonstrates desire to start a family

I dream of a normal family. I would like children.

pickup artist demonstrates false sense of guilt. Sometimes from his lips sounds:

I am a beast! How could I do that!

And your naive female heart whispers to you: “But he understood everything!!!”. In fact, this is the technique he uses when he goes too far with " training«.

pickup artist demonstrates serious attitude towards you

I take our relationship seriously! hear from his mouth.

It turns out that, on the one hand, you get a lot of “Further”, but on the other hand, there is “Closer”. His words keep you from making a decision at critical moments. Why? Because all these techniques “turn on” emotions and “turn off” logic. While emotions are “on”, you yourself are looking for an excuse for him!

Confirmation of the effectiveness of the pick-up technique is blind pursuit. And over time, a woman is ready for anything in exchange for his presence alone! All acquaintances say: "Break up with him!". But you think it's love. Although in reality this feeling has nothing to do with love. This adrenaline pseudo love. In one of the articles we will talk about this.

In two articles, pickup tricks» we have covered the steps described in the guru's books. For a pickup truck, they sound like this:

Find → Get Acquainted → Attract → Get Close → Sex → Relationships

And for the victims of the Game:

"Turn on" → "Demonstration" → "Sex" → "Training".

Therefore, the pickup truck and its techniques are much more than a one-night stand. This is a traumatized psyche that will take much longer to get rid of hammer blows than the period of the relationship itself. And the consequences of these blows are horrendous - low self-esteem, nervous exhaustion, health problems, professional degradation and, as a result, taking antidepressants or alcohol. That is why it is important to be attentive in a world where such knowledge has been received by many.

I think you can imagine how an ordinary, average guy who somehow miraculously managed to win the girl of his dreams, will run around in a panic if his girlfriend suddenly falls out of his sight even for a couple of days!

And then she suddenly appears as if nothing had happened, and now our loser is already jumping around her with gifts, flowers and so on! But you and I are not like that. It is so? So let's use insidious female tricks against them. After all, when suddenly, having achieved your devotion to her, she calms down, and you suddenly tear all the networks of her seduction that she so diligently wrapped around you, confusing you, as it seemed to her, this will be a complete surprise for her.

Carrot and stick
We are moving on to one of the most basic and popular pickup laws - the carrot and stick method. This method, the idea - as you like it - permeates our life simply through and through and is found in one way or another in all manifestations of our life. Even, we can say that these ideas are found in our culture and the culture of any state. There are similar concepts. The method of carrot and stick, division and domination, yin and yang is a manifestation of one law.

The carrot and stick method is a favorite female model that women use almost every day. That is why he helps them maintain a balance in relationships and attract a man to him, increasing his importance and popularity.

How does the carrot and stick method work? Gingerbread means any action that is comfortable for a person. Starting with a pat on the head and a smile and ending with sex. Accordingly, a whip represents any negative impact on a person, ranging from a gloomy face to complete disregard, for example.

Zoom in and out
Favorite female technique. But this does not mean that the female sex has immunity to this technique. The essence of this technique is very simple: having interested a young man, keep him with you. For what purpose they keep the guy with them is not important now. The technique is used as follows: first, the woman brings the admirer closer to her. It can be both hints at the bed, and flirting that does not go beyond the bounds of decency. This creates a man's attraction to a woman, a kind of binding. As soon as a man begins to think that he has achieved this woman, distance follows.

The method of application further is very different. In the most extreme case, outrage can be played out, turning into "righteous anger." Other options are possible. If a woman is interested in a man (and these games are played only with the right people), then after a while a new stage of approaching the “body” follows. Usually, in the second stage, the man is asked to perform some minor or major service. The essence of this technique is simple: to keep a person useful to her around you, giving him nothing but advances, and pushing his imagination to self-deception.

Use the pendulum method
The main purpose of the pendulum is to seduce women using their own passion for this method. First, a man is interested in a woman or makes her think that she is interested in him. The point is not important. It is important that at first there is a period of acute interest in a woman.

Let's say one week. This is quite enough to understand the further need to continue the game. Then the man becomes colder towards the woman. Realization can be different - from a complete disappearance for a week from her field of vision to a visible cooling of this woman by 50 degrees. At this point, the woman will try to approach the man using the carrot and stick method, using the carrot - because she also plays this game, and, according to her plan, the time for the stick has not yet come.

In this situation, the main thing is to withstand the character and not be tempted by her promises, playing in her coldness. That is, your stick stage should approximately coincide in time with her carrot stage, for example, in a week. The second swing of the pendulum again begins with a carrot, but this stage lasts, for example, 5 days. It is followed by a five-day whip phase. Then again swing with, for example, three-day stages. Then one day.

And then the game can be stopped. On the last swing of the pendulum, the woman will be in complete dissonance, because the man, on the one hand, is with her, on the other, he does not play her games. She will try to bring a man closer to her while he will move away from her. So this is the moment for which the pendulum is activated. It is necessary to catch the maximum desire of a woman to approach and, accordingly, use it. Like sleeping with her.

tear off the mask
This technique is often used in many pickup movies. First, getting acquainted with a girl, we show ourselves in the form of a professional seducer, impregnable, slightly cynical, cold-blooded and free from any obligations. And then we take off this mask. We show ourselves - fluffy, kind, understanding and three hundred and thirty-three other very, very useful qualities.

I guarantee the girl's round eyes and a strong state of shock. Please note that in order to achieve the desired effect, at least several hours must pass between stage A and point B. This will fix the patterns of your behavior in her head. Then these patterns will explode with loud smoke, leaving spectacular memories of you, and as a result, an acute desire to meet such a non-standard and versatile person (that is, with you). Note: You can put on the mask again after a week. Not for long.

Disrupt her emotional state
This method is useful at the beginning of a relationship. For example, you like a girl. She wants to be impressed. The easiest way is to compliment her. You can enter it into a positive state, a state of cheerfulness, euphoria, elation. But how can you win more likes than other compliment squanderers? Option one: be with her for a long time, tedious and fun every day.

Boring. The second option: this is a way to get much more vivid impressions from a girl, which will be closely tied to her attitude towards you. First, you put her in a negative state, such as anxiety, fear, insecurity about your feelings. And only then - in the positive, nothing else. What do we get? A sharp contrast between her emotional states, a transition from insecurity in your love to positive and joy, which is valued much higher than the simple pleasure of a compliment, which she is probably used to, especially if she is very beautiful, and it is difficult to surprise her with this.

negative surge
The technique is used as a means of shaking up long-term relationships that become boring. Your girlfriend thinks she can spin you however she wants. It's time to put her in her place! What is this technique? For example, a man and a woman have some kind of relationship that has gone beyond sexual.

So, for some time a man takes care of a woman in every possible way, and his relationship with her consists only of positive moments for her. After, for example, three months, when the relationship seems to the woman to be established and flowing in the right direction for her understanding, the so-called negative surge from the man follows. Moreover, it should be absolutely unexpected, and the more unexpected it is, the better the effect of the splash is manifested.

The essence of a negative surge is to suddenly make a woman, accustomed only to a good and attentive attitude from you, feel that she can lose you. A surge can manifest itself in different ways: a harsh word addressed to her, when her whims went off scale beyond all permissible limits, active flirting with another, or maybe a break in relations (or rather, she will think so). For each woman, the intensity is selected individually. But it is important that the surge be as accurate as possible for each woman and not cause irreparable harm to her psyche. The negative surge should be on the verge of a foul. Moreover, it should be located in the minimum short period of time, for example, 2-3 hours.

The amplitude of the negative surge should rise from nothing to a peak, then fall just as sharply. A sufficient condition for reducing the amplitude of the surge to zero is the complete confusion and disorientation of the woman. Immediately after this reception, after a maximum of 48 hours, you must apologize to the woman for your "improper actions" and "make amends" to her. The best option would be to call the next morning after the evening negative surge. As a result, the woman understands that she has not yet fully recognized you and it is too early to put the stigma of her property on you. She understands that you can give her more surprises in the future. She shakes herself and begins to think about improving your relationship or finally leaves if the negative surge was too strong.

The amplitude of the surge should tend to a minimum with the minimum time of your relationship. This is due to the general inertia of the human psyche. Thus, the more time you have gratified her ego, the stronger your negative outburst can be. The total resulting line of your relationship will return to a positive direction very quickly.

Yes, that's right, you read everything correctly. What is the main principle of training a woman? The basis of this principle is simple. Now, an ordinary person does what he is praised for, or what he enjoys, much more willingly than what he is kicked and put in jail for.

What happens? If you transfer this principle to life, then, ignoring the actions of a woman that are “bad” for you and approving the actions that are “good” for you, you will very soon make the woman do in your presence only what is “good” for you.

Simple, but very, very effective. For more details, see the description of this principle in books on dog training, pardon the irony. But there this method is described incredibly well, it is enough to replace the word “puppy” with “woman”, and you get a ready-made guide to action.
