Why does the mother's fetus often hiccup. A baby in the stomach hiccups: unreasonable fear or a serious cause for concern

Women in an interesting position perceive everything more acutely, especially when it comes to the condition of the baby. Anxiety is also caused by hiccups in the fetus during pregnancy. However, do not be afraid of this natural process, even if it occurs in a child in the womb, most often this does not mean anything bad. In order to dispel all concerns, it is necessary to carefully consider this issue.

Causes and signs of the phenomenon

Hiccups in the fetus during pregnancy are characterized by regular light or stronger tremors that the mother can feel as early as 23 weeks. These tremors do not cause any discomfort or pain. The only exception is psychological discomfort and even stress, when highly impressionable mothers can get scared when they feel them for the first time. Very physically sensitive women can feel the baby's hiccups very early, almost simultaneously with the first shocks, and some never notice it during the entire pregnancy.

To understand how to respond to such a condition of the child, you need to figure out why the fetus hiccups. There are 3 main reasons for this behavior of the baby's body, and to clarify the picture, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.

The first and most common reason is that the lungs are developing and preparing to breathe on their own. The process of breathing during pregnancy in a baby is represented by the ingestion of amniotic fluid. If the baby swallowed a larger amount of liquid, the diaphragm reacts to such an impact with sharp and frequent contractions, which are called hiccups. There is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, the fetus grows and feels good.

The second reason experts consider the natural development of the fetus. Hiccups, along with yawning or blinking, are one of the innate human reflexes, so its presence may indicate the correct formation of the child's body and the well-functioning brain.

And the third reason, the presence of which can cause concern not only for the mother, but also for the doctor, is intrauterine hypoxia. This diagnosis suggests that the uteroplacental blood flow is disturbed, as a result of which the fetus receives less oxygen. The lack of oxygen leads the brain to oxygen starvation, which results in irritation of the nerve endings in the area that is responsible for the work of the diaphragm. It is for this reason that fetal hiccups occur during pregnancy.

Recently, there has been an opinion that the menu of a pregnant woman can affect the regularity of hiccups. The thing is that, supposedly, after eating sweets, the amniotic fluid becomes sweet, and the child swallows it in large quantities, which causes hiccups. However, this version has not yet received scientific confirmation.

The child hiccups - what to do?

In most cases, hiccups during pregnancy in the fetus do not cause much discomfort to the woman. Some pregnant women are even waiting for this moment, listening to the clicks and smiling happily. Since hiccups during pregnancy are often actively felt for long periods, women joke that their baby seems to be counting down the time until birth, since even intervals between shocks resemble the strikes of a second hand of a clock.

However, it happens that a woman is too sensitive, and intrauterine hiccups can prevent her from lying down, sleeping, and doing her daily work. The frequency of such a state can even lead her to a nervous breakdown.

If the need arises, you can try to calm the hiccups. First you need to calm down, watch your favorite show or movie, preferably in a prone position. Very often, the calm state of the mother also has a positive effect on the baby, helping his brain to stop contracting the diaphragm.

If the woman is lying down and the baby hiccups further, you can try to change the position of the body, bend your knees, raise the upper body. This will entail a change in the position of the child, and perhaps he will stop hiccuping. Additionally, you can talk to the baby, gently stroking the stomach.

Night hiccups are the most troublesome, preventing the pregnant woman from fully resting. It is necessary to exclude heavy and sweet food before going to bed, do not drink a lot of liquid. It is necessary to take evening walks in the fresh air, not to watch annoying programs and films. You can compare this behavior of the expectant mother with training to put the baby to bed - the evening is only for peace and quiet.

If you are worried about your child, it is best to immediately consult a doctor. Most often, a conversation with a specialist will put everything in its place, and the expectant mother will be calm about this phenomenon. In those situations where the child hiccups very often, while there is a fairly strong intensity of tremors, their duration is constantly increasing, and the fetal activity practically does not stop, a visit to the doctor is mandatory, since all these signs indicate fetal hypoxia.

Diagnosis and treatment of hypoxia

You can figure out which of the reasons causes hiccups in a baby at a doctor's appointment, for this you just need to voice your concerns. You need to be prepared for the fact that the specialist will ask a series of questions: what is the frequency of hiccups, its duration and intensity.

To begin with, the doctor will listen to the heartbeat with a stethoscope or a special tube. If there are doubts about the normal state of the fetus, he prescribes an examination using ultrasound and a cardiogram (CTG).

CTG is carried out quite simply and quickly: a receiver is fixed on the abdomen, which will capture the fetal heart rate, the quality of uterine contractions. The result is printed out as a jumping line, similar to a cardiogram. On a special paper with the result, the boundaries of the norm and the scope for deviation from it are already indicated, so even the woman herself will understand what the condition of the child is. After examining the results of this examination, the doctor can immediately tell if the child is getting enough oxygen or not.

Doppler ultrasound is designed to check the quality of communication between the mother and fetus through the placenta. According to the results of this study, the doctor finds out at what level the fetus is supplied with blood and oxygen, how his heart works. The most common cause of insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus through the placenta is its calcification.

Based on the results of the examination, if fetal hypoxia is confirmed, treatment with medications is prescribed. Most often, pills are prescribed to improve blood circulation and improve vascular function. In severe cases, a pregnant woman is admitted to a hospital for treatment.

Do not be afraid when confirming the diagnosis. Negative consequences are extremely rare, but the condition itself is increasingly common in pregnant women.

To improve the condition of the expectant mother, it is necessary to constantly walk, breathe fresh air, consume a variety of foods, especially rich in vitamins and minerals. This will also have a positive effect on the child.

Stressful situations that directly affect the psychological state of the baby are highly undesirable. It must be remembered that it is recommended to listen to calm music during pregnancy, to avoid conflict situations.

And most importantly - do not be afraid of this common phenomenon, it is better to enjoy every minute of connection with a small life inside.

Many pregnant women in the last 2-3 months before giving birth begin to feel not only the usual, but also his hiccups, which are perceived as rhythmic regular tremors. These sensations can appear at different times: someone hears them already at 26-27 weeks, someone only after 35-36 weeks, some expectant mothers do not even notice signs that the baby hiccups in the stomach. Hiccups can appear at any time of the day, both day and night, and last for various times (sometimes up to 1 hour).


information To date, there is no reliable data on the causes of hiccups in a child during its intrauterine existence. Experts have not yet come to an unambiguous opinion and can only put forward the most likely hypotheses why the fetus hiccups in the stomach.

Most common theories of hiccups in the fetus:

  • Preparation for spontaneous breathing after birth;
  • Ingestion of amniotic fluid;
  • Oxygen deficiency(fetal hypoxia).

Preparing for spontaneous breathing

Many experts believe that the baby's hiccups are due to the fact that he gradually begins to prepare for independent breathing and sucking after childbirth. If this theory is reliable, then hiccups can even be considered a useful procedure that helps the baby subsequently establish the respiratory process and take the first breath. In addition, it is believed that hiccups contribute to the development of swallowing movements, which are so necessary for a child after birth to receive food in the form of breast milk.

Swallowing amniotic fluid

According to another theory put forward, which has found many supporters, the baby hiccups in the womb due to the constant ingestion of amniotic fluid. In fact, the baby constantly swallows amniotic fluid, and it is quite successfully excreted in the urine. According to the proposed hypothesis, if a child swallows more water than can stand out, then he begins an attack of hiccups to remove their excess.

additionally An interesting fact is that the occurrence of hiccups is often associated with the consumption of food by the mother. Many women may notice that after taking certain foods in large enough quantities (most often sweets), the child begins to hiccup intensely.

Scientists explain this by saying that the baby likes the sweet taste, and he tries to swallow as much amniotic fluid as possible, after which he removes its excess volume with hiccups.

Fetal hypoxia

According to another version, the baby's hiccups may occur as a result of insufficient oxygen supply through the placenta and umbilical cord. This condition is dangerous for the baby and can lead to extremely serious consequences in the absence of timely treatment. However, many experts are very skeptical about such a theory, because it is extremely rare to find a combination of hiccups and oxygen deficiency in a child. Nevertheless, such an assumption takes place, because it has not received a reliable refutation, so the expectant mother should be very careful about any manifestations of the child.


In fact, the baby's hiccups are a completely natural process that cannot bring him any harm and does not indicate any violations in his development.

important It is considered normal if the fetus in the womb hiccups infrequently (1-3 attacks per day) and for a short time. In addition, during this period, a woman should no longer be disturbed, and the movement of the child should remain the same as before.

What should mom do

With normal hiccups, in principle, nothing special needs to be done, since the child's condition does not suffer. However, such regular pushes can cause discomfort to the woman herself, especially if the baby began to hiccup intensely at night. Pregnancy is the period when women already often experience problems with sleep, and if the fetus also hiccups intensely at this time, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to fall asleep well. Expectant mother should remember several ways to calm a hiccupping baby a bit:

  • Walk in the fresh air(of course, only during the daytime);
  • Change in body position(lie on your side, take a knee-elbow position);
  • Refusal of sweet food before bedtime, so as not to provoke an attack of hiccups in the child;
  • Talk to the baby, pat yourself on the stomach.

Of course, not always these methods can lead to the desired effect, in which case the expectant mother can only take it for granted.

Fetal hiccups in the womb Video

An indisputable, understandable fact - during pregnancy, a living little man lives in the mother's body. Naturally, all mothers understand and accept this fact. But not always and not everyone fits into the head that this living little man in the womb has various manifestations of vital activity. Many women, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, learn with surprise and disbelief that an unborn baby is blinking, sucking its thumb, yawning, sneezing, hiccuping, etc.

Women who first felt that their baby hiccups, on the one hand, are happy and touched, and on the other hand, they worry if everything is in order.

Hiccups are a completely natural phenomenon for anyone, even for a person not yet born into the world. But the ambiguous opinion of some doctors about this makes mothers worried.

Today we’ll talk about intrauterine hiccups in a baby, about the reasons for its occurrence. You will learn what questions you need to answer with your gynecologist to make sure that everything is fine, that you can be calm for your baby.

How and when does a baby hiccup?

Hiccups are convulsive jerky contractions of the muscles of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscular-connective tissue septum that separates two cavities in the human body - the abdominal and thoracic.

The contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm is one of the mechanisms for the implementation of respiratory movements. The diaphragm contracts - inhalation occurs. The diaphragm relaxes and exhalation takes place. With hiccups, sharp, short convulsive respiratory movements occur with a protrusion of the abdomen.

Hiccups for the body is a reflex protective process in which excess air is removed from the stomach and intestines - excess gases that got there from the outside or formed during digestion.

In fact, this is an unconditioned reflex that is formed even in the womb, like many other vital reflexes: yawning, blinking, sucking. Therefore, this physiological phenomenon should not frighten a woman who is waiting for her baby.

Usually the child hiccups for a short time. Less commonly, a baby may hiccup for longer than 20 minutes. Attacks of hiccups can be daily. Below I will describe the points on which gynecologists advise to focus on the frequent hiccups of the crumbs.

It is quite natural that with an increase in the duration of pregnancy and with the growth of the child, a woman will feel more intense shocks and movements of the baby. The same goes for hiccups. The child grows, there is less and less free space in the uterus. The baby is pressed closer and closer to the surface of the abdomen. Mommy can not only feel all his movements, but even notice with her own eyes the rhythmic twitches of her stomach.

Most often, a woman can feel baby hiccups after 26-28 weeks of pregnancy. But there are especially sensitive representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who feel the movements of the baby ahead of the generally accepted period, and in the future feel even the smallest touch of the crumbs. Naturally, his hiccups for them will not go unnoticed.

Expectant mothers describe their feelings during the baby's hiccups in the stomach in different ways. Someone describes it as clicks or rhythmic twitches, someone does not distinguish this phenomenon from other shocks, but notes their rhythm.

We are all different in sensitivity, in the ability to listen to our feelings and, moreover, in the ability to describe them. Therefore, perhaps it is you who can somehow describe in a new way the feelings of a mother when a baby hiccups in her womb.

Causes of fetal hiccups

Swallowing amniotic fluid

The baby, starting from 21-22 weeks of fetal development, swallows amniotic fluid. So his digestive tract trains for the need for full digestion of food after birth. Also, this process allows him to receive additional nutrients from the amniotic fluid.

It is impossible to say that the baby receives a large amount of nutrients and calories from the amniotic fluid. But this process of swallowing liquid is so important for the development of the digestive function!

So, by the 25th - 26th week of intrauterine development, the baby is already able to swallow 300-500 ml of amniotic fluid. The necessary substances are absorbed from it - water and trace elements, and the excess is excreted in the urine by the already functioning kidneys of the fetus. Rapid swallowing of a large amount of liquid, for example, when sucking a finger, can provoke hiccups in the crumbs.

It has been scientifically proven that after mommy consumes sweet foods, the baby behaves more actively and swallows more liquid, as it acquires a sweetish taste. Yes, so small, but he already has taste preferences ...

True, there is another explanation for the fact that the baby "wanted to drink" after the mother ate sweets. And this explanation has nothing to do with the fact that sweet is delicious. It's just that after eating sweets, the level of glucose in the blood rises, and water is required to dilute the blood, lower the glucose level to normal.

Both one and the other explanation has the right to exist. And both options are in no way a pathology, but they can cause hiccups.

Preparing to breathe

In the third trimester, the fetus begins to perform training breathing movements. There is no need to worry about this. All respiratory movements occur with a closed glottis. Thus, amniotic fluid does not enter the lower sections of the lungs.

This training is also a preparatory moment, thanks to which the lungs are prepared to perform their respiratory function in an anhydrous environment. The baby is learning to breathe. And to perform such training of respiratory movements, the muscles of the chest and diaphragm receive signals from the brain that stimulate their contraction.

Since the processes of muscle contraction are still imperfect, not worked out by the baby's body, they can periodically go into a convulsive mode. Hence, hiccups occur.

The version that hiccups are a way to compensate for the lack of oxygen

Another common version of why hiccups occur is the oxygen starvation of a child in the womb. Why do I call it a version? Because this fact has not yet been confirmed or refuted by scientific research. Whether this is indeed the case remains to be seen. In the meantime, each doctor individually, based on his experience, in each case decides the question of examining a woman who feels frequent fetal hiccups in order to exclude baby hypoxia.

There is a perfectly reasonable theoretical justification for such a version. With oxygen starvation, first of all, the baby's brain suffers, as a particularly sensitive organ to a lack of energy. Energy production without oxygen is impossible. In this regard, the brain gives all sorts of signals to the body that oxygen needs to be found.

The body responds to this by increasing the heart rate (the more blood the heart pumps, the more oxygen the body will receive with the blood). With advanced and prolonged hypoxia, the heartbeat may be rare (bradycardia). Also, there is an increase in the motor activity of the baby, so that the blood quickly brings oxygen to the actively working muscles.

For the same reason, the brain gives signals that stimulate the motor center of the diaphragm to compensate for the lack of oxygen. This is also manifested by the fact that the baby begins to hiccup.


Hiccups due to oxygen starvation of the baby may be accompanied by an increase in motor activity, a rapid heartbeat of the baby.

The expectant mother should pay attention to the too frequent and prolonged appearance of hiccups in the baby. You should definitely tell your doctor about this, and his further tactics will depend on the individual situation of the woman, the gestational age, and the presence of concomitant pathology in the expectant mother.

Thus, hiccups in an unborn baby can be both a manifestation of the norm and indicate a pathology. Moreover, only the hiccups of a baby in the womb cannot indicate oxygen starvation.

To dispel all the doubts of the future mother on this matter, the doctor may recommend a number of simple and affordable research methods to exclude hypoxia of the crumbs.

What examination should be done to rule out hypoxia in a child?

In order to exclude hypoxia of the child, it is necessary to determine the functional state of the fetoplacental system. To do this, the gynecologist may prescribe a fetal cardiotocography (CTG).

This method is safe, affordable, non-invasive. Allows you to evaluate the heart activity of the baby in the womb. Also, based on the results of this test, the doctor can make a conclusion about the baby's ability to endure physical activity, in particular, its own movements and uterine contractions.

CTG can only be performed after the 28th week of pregnancy. After 30 weeks, the results of this method are more informative.

During the CTG, the expectant mother should be prepared for a rather long recording of the baby's cardiac activity, since the baby can rest during the recording. You will have to disturb the baby (walk around, change position during the procedure) so that the baby’s monotonous heart rhythm during his sleep is not perceived as a sign of oxygen starvation.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) allows you to determine the volume of amniotic fluid, including changes in their number in dynamics. A decrease (oligohydramnios) or an increase (polyhydramnios) in the volume of amniotic fluid is considered as a violation of the functions of the placenta. Consequently, the baby's nutrition is disturbed, and he suffers from hypoxia.

At the same time, it is possible to determine the decrease in the thickness of the placenta, to identify its structural changes (heterogeneity, cysts, degeneration, petrificates).

Doppler ultrasound allows you to examine the state of blood flow in the uterine arteries, in the placenta, in the vessels of the umbilical cord. It makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the sufficiency or insufficiency of blood circulation in the uteroplacental pool.

Dopplerometry helps to determine changes in blood flow in the microvessels of the placental villi, as a result of which the blood supply to the baby may worsen and oxygen starvation may develop.

All of the above examinations are routinely carried out for every woman who is regularly observed in the antenatal clinic of a more or less large city. All these are medical nuances that a pregnant woman does not have to understand. But the only thing she must know for sure and fulfill unquestioningly is that a healthy lifestyle is necessary when risk factors in the development of the baby are minimized.

Daily walks in the fresh air, a balanced diet, an active lifestyle to the extent possible for a pregnant woman, of course - giving up bad habits (including passive smoking) - and you minimize all the risks of oxygen starvation of your baby.

Agree, it is not so difficult to observe these common truths. But this is the best, very effective prevention of many diseases of the expectant mother and her unborn child. Including hiccup prevention.

In the end, I would like to reassure expectant mothers: in almost 90% of visits to the doctor, the baby's hypoxia is not confirmed, hiccups are considered as normal. But to know for sure that everything is in order, for your own peace of mind and for the health of the baby, is very important. Therefore, be careful!

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother listens with trepidation to any, even the most insignificant movement of her unborn child. Various movements, tremors of the fetus make the pregnant woman think about the well-being of the baby: why is he pushing? Is it correct? And sometimes women notice rhythmic movements that repeat during the day, evening and even at night. This is how the contraction of the fetal diaphragm, that is, hiccups, is manifested. Today we will consider one of the most common questions that gynecologists hear: why does a child hiccup in the stomach during pregnancy and is it harmful?

How long does it take for a baby to start hiccuping for the first time?

Expectant mothers, as a rule, notice the first movements of the crumbs after the seventeenth-eighteenth week of pregnancy, but intrauterine fetal hiccups appear from about the twenty-sixth week. Some mothers say that their child began to hiccup only after the thirty-fifth week, and this is not surprising: the longer the period, the easier it is to notice when the baby visits this condition. The frequency of diaphragm contraction - several times a day or once a week - can occur at any time of the day, regardless of what the mother is doing: exercising or resting.

It is impossible to predict the duration of hiccup attacks, as well as the frequency of their occurrence: some mothers talk about measured tapping for two to three minutes, and someone complains about long rhythmic contractions that last longer than half an hour.

The contractions of the baby's diaphragm cause different sensations in mothers: someone notes tremors always in the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, someone feels that the hiccupping fetus shudders noticeably with the whole body, and someone complains of being tickled.


At the first tangible rhythmic contractions of the fetus in pregnant women, a lot of questions arise: what kind of tapping is this? If it's hiccups, what causes it? Is it normal for such a tiny baby to contract the diaphragm?

One of the most common answers to the question "why does a child hiccup in the womb" experts express an opinion about the ingestion of amniotic fluid. In this case, the diet of the pregnant woman is of great importance, since the intrauterine hiccups of the fetus after eating the mother may depend on the composition of the food eaten. From a large amount of sugar, the amniotic fluid becomes sweet, and the baby, who likes it, tries to swallow it as much as possible. Since this often causes fluid to enter the esophagus and lungs, the diaphragm begins to contract rhythmically, pushing it out.

As the second reason for fetal hiccups, experts call its preparation for independent living. Therefore, it is believed that children in the womb hiccup, training to breathe independently and learning sucking movements.

And there is another assumption of the appearance of hiccups in a baby, which scares mothers, especially if the child often hiccups: this is hypoxia - oxygen starvation. It can occur when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck, when the airways are clamped, or when the blood flow of the placenta is insufficiently supplied with oxygen. In this case, you will need the help of doctors who will prescribe cardiotocography, ultrasound, in order to accurately establish and eliminate the cause.

Hiccups are an absolutely safe physiological state, which is a rhythmic contraction of the diaphragm. Periodic intrauterine fetal hiccups are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the main body systems. Neither for the mother nor for the baby, this phenomenon is not dangerous, and some researchers even say that hiccups have a relaxing effect on the fetus.

But sometimes the constant sensations of rhythmic jolts during pregnancy just bother the mother. What needs to be done so that the child stops hiccuping?

  1. Change your body position.
  2. Do a simple physical exercise, such as "kitty"; get on all fours and try to relax completely.
  3. If the room is cool, cover your stomach.
  4. Spend more time outdoors during the day.
  5. Do not smoke or be in the same room with people who smoke.
  6. Gently stroke your stomach, talk to the baby, sing songs to him.
  7. Avoid anxiety and nervous tension.
  8. Do not get carried away with sweet foods, so as not to provoke the baby to swallow amniotic fluid.

If the baby hiccups for longer than half an hour and more than three times a day, you should seek help from your doctor.

Is it possible to determine the position of the child by hiccups?

When the gestation period is already significant, more than twenty-five weeks, many mothers may notice how the baby's heel or elbow sticks out under the stretched skin of the abdomen. That is why some pregnant women are wondering if it is possible to determine the position of the fetus by hiccups. In fact, it is useless to focus on the sound in this case, because with a sharp contraction of the diaphragm, the child shudders with his whole body and rests against the skin of the abdomen, pulling it. Therefore, sensations of tremors can be in a variety of places: under the mother's ribs, in the navel area, at the bottom of the back. And only a doctor can accurately recognize where the baby's head is.

Thus, if the attending physician has ruled out hypoxia and other negative causes that cause the diaphragm to contract in the fetus, then enjoy communicating with your baby, since the usual hiccups are an unconditioned reflex that signals the good development of the child.

Pregnancy in a woman is a special state where everything undergoes cardinal changes, this is a period of happy expectation of the birth of a new newborn life. All pregnant women bearing a child are sensitive to the slightest changes in their biological rhythms and daily routine. Hiccups in the fetus during pregnancy, it appears as a result of its hypoxia, that is, the lack of oxygen in the body of the unborn child. We note right away that hiccups in a future baby in the womb are not a cause for alarm and concern.

The hiccups themselves are rhythmic contractions of the “respiratory” muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity. It's called the "diaphragm". Uncontrolled contraction of the diaphragm occurs due to irritation of the nerve center in the brain, which is responsible for the motor activity of the diaphragm. Hiccups are an inborn reflex, which quite naturally occurs in a mowed fetus.

The fetus hiccups in the stomach

Baby hiccups in the womb

A pregnant woman may experience intrauterine hiccups in the abdomen, usually normal from the 28th week of pregnancy. But fetal hiccups can also be noticed at: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 weeks of pregnancy. And this will also be the norm! Everything here is different, purely individual, you can compare your two pregnancies and they will differ from each other in terms of observations of hiccups in the fetus. There are especially sensitive women who notice fetal hiccups in the early stages of pregnancy - up to the 3rd trimester.

In practice, it happens that the expectant mother feels the periodic hiccups of her child from the moment of his first movements - 16-18 weeks - this is a very "popular" period for the mother to feel the first movements of the fetus.

The hiccups themselves are always correctly recognized by a pregnant woman. At an unconscious level, a woman understands that the child hiccups. Fetal hiccups can be felt as systematic rhythmic short jolts (some even say clicks) that do not cause discomfort to the woman.

When hiccups last often or for a long time, it certainly interferes with the pregnant woman, does not allow her to fall asleep, worries, and interferes with concentration. The process of hiccups in the fetus is individual. Who hiccups five minutes, someone and 25 minutes. And someone does not hiccup at all (or maybe the mother simply does not feel the hiccups in the fetus?).

But for anyone, the presence or absence of hiccups is not a cause for concern.

Causes of hiccups in the fetus during pregnancy


The fetus swallows large amounts of amniotic fluid during active thumb sucking. The vagus nerve is stimulated and the diaphragm begins to contract rhythmically. This cause of fetal hiccups for a pregnant woman should not cause any cause for concern. Here, hiccups show that the fetus is active, has a good appetite and vitality.


Fetal hypoxia or the manifestation of any of its symptoms. One of the nerve centers in the brain, which is responsible for the motor function of the diaphragm, is irritated. Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen in the fetus. It is accompanied by other signs: increased motor activity of the child - an attempt to extract the missing oxygen; bradycardia - a decreased heart rate in the fetus; too frequent occurrence of hiccups; a sharp increase in hiccups (contractions) and an increase in its duration. These signs should alert, but not scare the expectant mother. Just see a gynecologist.

The doctor examines (CTG procedures - cardiotocogram and Doppler ultrasound) to detect or exclude fetal hypoxia. Here, uterine contractions and fetal heartbeats, its motor activity are evaluated. All this is painless and safe for the mother and her child. The specialist will determine the speed and nature of blood flow in the vessels of the "mother-placenta-fetus" system. Predicts the efficiency of blood supply to fetal vessels. Dopplerometry shows whether there are disturbances in the work of the placenta, whether it supplies the fetus with oxygen well.

The presence or absence of hiccups in the fetus is neither bad nor good, but individually for any woman. Gynecologists say that in more than 90% of cases, fetal hypoxia is not confirmed. Therefore, walk more often in the fresh air, move - the placenta will better supply the fetus with oxygen. Eat right, get enough rest, and get a good night's sleep.

hiccups during pregnancy

In the body of a woman in position, many changes occur. The nervous system becomes more sensitive and excitable due to the increasing concentration of hormones, while the growing fetus props up the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. Most importantly, remember that hiccups during pregnancy are absolutely safe.

Causes of hiccups in pregnant women

The following reasons can cause hiccups in a pregnant woman:

  1. hypothermia. When the ambient temperature drops, the body tries to conserve heat. The muscles contract, this stimulates the contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle and stimulates the nerve endings of the phrenic nerve. The excitation is transmitted to the brain and from there the hiccup command is sent in order to relax the diaphragm.
  1. Full stomach. Sometimes mothers eat for two. The stomach is stretched and presses from below on the diaphragm, the vagus nerve is pinched. In order to unload the work of the lungs and relax the diaphragmatic muscles, the body reflexively reacts with hiccups.
  2. Drinking carbonated drinks. All carbon dioxide bubbles come out of the consumed soda and are concentrated in the upper part of the stomach. The stomach swells, the fibers of the vagus nerve, which runs along the surface of the stomach, are irritated. Then the brain causes hiccups in order to free the stomach from the air bubble. Belching will pass - hiccups will be eliminated.
  3. Irritation of the esophagus. Poor chewing of food, as well as cold, hot and spicy foods, irritate the wall of the esophagus. Along the way, irritation causes the contents of the stomach mixed with digestive juice. All this rises up when belching. Woman experiencing heartburn. Braiding the esophagus, the vagus nerve is very sensitive to such stimuli.
  4. Big fruit. Somewhere in the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus becomes large enough, the uterus takes up a lot of space in the abdominal cavity. The internal organs are shifted upward to the lungs. The pressure on the diaphragm increases. The endings of the phrenic nerve are clamped and transmit signals to the "diaphragm control center", this causes hiccups.
  5. Experiences. All kinds of stress, strong emotional experiences, anxiety accompany pregnancy. These loads interfere with the central nervous system to properly control the internal organs. The diaphragm, instead of smooth respiratory movements, begins to contract at a fast pace.

In rare cases, hiccups in pregnant women are a symptom of the disease. This is possible with:

  • Pathologies of the nervous system: falls with concussion, meningitis, encephalitis, neoplastic diseases. Intervertebral hernia in the cervical spine. All this disrupts the work of the respiratory center and can cause prolonged bouts of hiccups.
  • Respiratory diseases: tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. The vagus and phrenic nerves pass through areas of inflammation, the nerve pathways are compressed and irritated.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12PK, cholelithiasis. These pathologies activate hiccups due to irritation of sensitive nerve endings.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction), myocarditis. In adverse cases, swelling, inflammation is further transmitted from the heart to the vagus nerve.

Treatment of hiccups in pregnant women

Apply reflexology and traditional methods of treating hiccups. The use of drugs when carrying a child is highly undesirable. Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription.

What not to do

  1. You can't scare a pregnant woman. This struggle with hiccups can result in an involuntary termination of pregnancy (miscarriage).
  2. Don't get carried away with exercise. Strength exercises during pregnancy are contraindicated, especially: rocking the press and push-ups.
  3. Breath holding is contraindicated, especially women, with the threat of premature termination of pregnancy. When you hold your breath, you tense your abdominal muscles, and this leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus, and possibly to fetal hypoxia.
  4. Don't overeat, don't drink soda. This helps prevent hiccups.
  5. Don't drink alcohol. Low alcohol drinks can also harm the fetus, cause intoxication with fetal hypoxia.

What to do

  1. Have a cup of tea. Let it be moderately warm and sweet. The slow pace of drinking in small sips favors the vagus nerve, which is closely attached to the esophagus. Well calms the nerves and relaxes the smooth muscles of chamomile, mint or lemon balm tea. Calming herbal infusion suitable for treating hiccups after stress.
  2. Drink some water. While holding your breath, drink 12 small sips of water at a time. Experiencing a lack of oxygen, the respiratory center will take full control of the work of the diaphragmatic muscular septum. And drinking water will improve the function of the vagus nerve. When a few ice cubes are added to the water, cold water stimulates temperature receptors in the pharynx and esophagus, which will positively affect the activity of the vagus nerve. This method will help to cope with hiccups when the nerve fibers are irritated.
  3. Cover the glass with a cloth. Now try to drink water directly through the cloth. It will take some effort, but this distraction will help break the signal path along the reflex arc.
  4. Sing a rhythmic song. Singing can normalize breathing, calm you and your baby.
  5. Rafinade. Dissolve sugar without drinking water. The sweet taste and hard sugar crystals irritate the receptors on the tongue and extinguish irritations in the lower parts of the vagus nerve trunk.
  6. Eat small portions. Fractional nutrition will help to avoid overflow of the stomach and its pressure on the diaphragm.

Medical treatment for hiccups during pregnancy

Remember!!! That the independent use of drugs is unacceptable and can affect the formation of the internal and external organs of the fetus and harm it. This also applies to synthetic drugs and medicines based on medicinal plants. In fact, during pregnancy, drugs are prescribed not for hiccups, but to overcome diseases that cause prolonged bouts of hiccups. The doctor will select exactly those drugs that will not cause harmful consequences for the expectant mother and fetus, determine the required dose of the drug.

I give information about the group of drugs for hiccups, the mechanism of their therapeutic action, representatives of the funds and how they are prescribed for informational purposes only!

Treatment of hiccups associated with inflammation of organs near the vagus nerve and diaphragm :

Antibiotics(allowed during pregnancy: Amoxiclav, Cefazolin, Vilprafen). They destroy the bacteria that cause inflammation. Thus, it is possible to relieve irritation of the nerves passing nearby. The drugs are taken orally or injected intramuscularly. The doctor selects the method of application and dose individually, depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment for hiccups associated with stress :

Magnesium deficiency remedy (Magne B6). Reduces the excitability of neurons and the transmission of nervous excitation to the muscles. Take 3 tablets 2 times a day with meals with a glass of water.

Muscle relaxants (Baclofen). By acting on the centers in the spinal cord, involuntary muscle contractions are prevented. Helps to relax the skeletal muscles, which include the diaphragm. Reduces the excitability of the diaphragm. Apply inside 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day.

Treatment for hiccups associated with overeating and disruption of the digestive organs :

Antiemetics (Cerucal). They reduce the sensitivity of nerve cells to stimuli, block the passage of a nerve impulse to the brain centers and to the diaphragm. Accelerate the emptying of the stomach, prevents the throwing of food from the stomach into the esophagus. They have an antiemetic effect. Assign 1 tablet (10 mg) 3-4 times a day. Take 30 minutes before meals with plenty of water.

Gastrointestinal motility stimulants(Cisapride, Peristil). They speed up the movement of food through the intestines, help food to empty faster, the stomach, relieve the feeling of fullness. Prevent the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus and heartburn.

Cisapride take 5-10 mg 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals and at bedtime.

peristyle take 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day. Efficiency increases if washed down with grapefruit juice.

Histamine receptor blockers (Omeprazole). Reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, reduces inflammation in gastritis and reflux esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus). Assign 0.02 g once in the morning (before breakfast). The duration of treatment depends on the state of health.

How to stop hiccups

Proven methods allow you to quickly stop hiccups.

  • Without closing your mouth: fill your mouth with water and try to swallow it (do not choke!!!).
  • While taking a deep breath, tighten your abdominal muscles strongly and freeze in this position for 15 seconds. If possible, you can sit down, wrapping your arms around yourself under the ribs.
  • Take a deep breath. Close your ears with your thumbs, placing them on the cartilaginous protrusion in front of the auricle. Now close your nostrils with your little fingers. Close your eyes tightly. Don't breathe for as long as possible.
  • With prolonged hiccups of nervous origin, you can do this: brew tea from gray hiccups (one tablespoon of raw materials pour one glass of boiling water). Insist, wrapped for 10 minutes, drink one tablespoon every 30 minutes.

Why does hiccups occur after eating

There are many reasons for hiccups after eating.

  • Excessively cold, hot and spicy food irritates the stomach;
  • Food is not chewed enough.
  • You swallow a little air along with portions of food.
  • You have eaten more than necessary and the stomach is full.

After eating, especially when overeating, the stomach increases in size, it compresses the vagus nerve in the hole passing through the diaphragm and further stretches the branches of the vagus nerve lying on it. This irritation turns into a nerve impulse, similar to a weak current discharge.

Through sensitive nerve fibers, as part of the vagus nerve, impulses are transmitted to the "hiccup centers". One of the centers is located in the cervical spinal cord, and the other in the brain stem. Here a response nerve impulse is formed - a command to contract involuntarily and rhythmically for the diaphragm. The impulse is transmitted from top to bottom along the nerve motor fibers of the vagus nerve.

Therefore, the diaphragmatic muscle receives a command from the central nervous system and contracts. The hiccups last as long as the full stomach irritates the sensitive endings of the vagus nerve.

Do not forget that hiccups are an attempt by the body to protect the nerve trunks. Even if she finds us in the most inappropriate place.
