Why a woman cheats on her husband - psychology and reasons for female infidelity. Psychology of female infidelity and reasons for cheating

Women are sensual and loving. But the idea that a married woman might want adventure on the side still perplexes many. There is a stereotype that a man cheats more often than a woman. In fact, both women and men are equally unfaithful to each other, but they have different reasons for this.

If women are interested in such intimate relationships, which also imply an emotional connection, then men, as a rule, are aimed only at “expanding” sexual experience. Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher from Rutgers University provides the following data in her study: 34% of women and 56% of men have not cheated on their significant other while being “in a happy marriage.” Consequently, 66% of women felt unhappy in their relationships and sought to find “happiness” on the side. Another study of a British dating site found that 57% of women declared their feelings for their lovers, while only 27% of men affirmed their feelings for their mistresses. This experiment suggests that women cheat more often when they are looking for an emotional connection.

Love on the Internet

Previously, partners for betrayal were sought among friends, neighbors, and colleagues. A lover could be met both in a bar and at a party. Today it is even easier to find a partner - you just need to surf social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Tinder and others). Women are more open online, they search online for men with whom they can find an emotional connection. On social networks, photographs act as erotic stimulation, especially if they are explicit. Ashley Madison has created a website and mobile app that specializes in extramarital affairs. To date, more than 21 million users are registered on the site.

The main reasons for the frivolous behavior of those who “cheat”: for women, divorce is impossible, but there is no relationship with the spouse; for men, life is too short. Moreover, for lovers it is not necessary to be in one place - headphones and a camera are enough.

Why are they doing this?

Despite the fact that female infidelity is most often caused by the desire to find a strong emotional connection, it can also be caused by other reasons, which were identified by the team of psychology professor Lucia O'Sullivan (University of New Brunswick, Canada).

Low self-esteem

Women with low self-esteem, depression, and those who have experienced childhood trauma will try to confirm their attractiveness through romantic activity. This makes them feel “needed.”


Women who have been offended by a man (cheated on, for example) use infidelity as a way to strike back.

Feeling lonely

A woman in a family plays the role not only of mother and wife, but also of nanny, maid, laundress, breadwinner - anyone but her beloved. Then she cheats to fill the emotional void.

Lack of gushing emotions

For some women, regular relationships seem boring due to the lack of “spark.” They are chasing new, thrilling sensations.

The question of why women cheat on men is as relevant as the question of why men cheat on women. There are only three categories of people, the first category believes that both partners cheat on each other in equal amounts. Another category of people believes that men cheat more often, and only a third category of people believes that female infidelity is more common than male infidelity. Is it so? Why do girls cheat? What are the reasons for female infidelity?

Before we begin to understand the main reasons for female infidelity, it should be noted that all women cannot be lumped together with the same brush. Also, one should not assume that everyone is ready to commit treason. Every girl and every woman is a person, an individual, with her own views on life, with her own moral values, life situations and life experiences. There are girls who consider treason a terrible crime; such ladies will never be led by their emotions and will not betray their bright feelings for their beloved man. But there are also girls who have cheated and are cheating on their men. Why is this happening? Why do women cheat on men?

The reasons for female infidelity are not always a deliberate act; often female infidelity is a kind of “cry” for help, an attempt to escape from oneself and from reality through sexual relations behind the back of an existing partner. And there are psychological explanations for these actions. But also, female infidelity can be a woman’s personal desire, thought out, planned to satisfy her personal goals and sexual appetite.

To understand why a woman cheats, you need to find the reason that pushed her to this act. The reason for such actions is sometimes not a “sweet” life. So what then pushes a woman to cheat?

Monotony and habit

Over time, any relationship in a couple moves into the “calm and habit” mode. Passion is replaced by warmer and more friendly relationships; a husband and wife can become like brother and sister over the years. As you know, relationships like brother and sister are most often without sex, there is also no emotional charge in them, everything is ordinary, familiar and calm. Even sexual relationships (if any) become very insipid, as if this is the fulfillment of a marital duty and there is no longer any passion. In this rhythm, relationships can last a very long time, but a moment comes when one of the partners gets tired of such family life and goes “to the left.”

If a woman is trying to somehow change the situation, but the man doesn’t want to change anything, then she is looking for another man on the side who will bring novelty, interest, courtship, beautiful dates and just something new into their relationship.

Misunderstanding of genders

Misunderstanding and inability to reach an agreement become not only the cause of divorce, but also the cause of female infidelity. The fact is that every relationship is built on trust and mutual understanding. But when a marriage comes with frequent disputes, scandals, showdowns, accusing each other of various sins, this can cause a woman to seek psychological protection in the hands of someone else’s man. It is very important for a woman to feel that her husband supports her and understands that he is ready to compromise and negotiate with her for the benefit of their relationship. But if there is no basic calm and understanding on the part of the husband in the relationship, then she becomes completely defenseless. On a moral level, she feels lonely, although she is next to her husband. Such a vicious circle pushes a woman to cheat. I would like to note that misunderstanding brings great tension to a family, and tension often becomes the cause of scandals, and the negativity from scandals pushes people to do very crazy things, including treason.

Early marriage

Many girls strive to get married immediately after graduating from school or during their first years at university. This desire is largely due to the girl’s first love. Very often, after marriage, a young woman “opens her eyes” to family life, because she comes face to face with everyday problems, and also gets to know her man better. When the passion subsides, ordinary everyday life begins and in them the real character of a man is revealed, which often does not meet the expectations of a woman. Falling in love quickly passes and disappointment comes in its place; after a couple of years of such a marriage, a woman can understand that she got married early, that love has already passed, that this family life is a waste of time. From this moment on, a woman can commit adultery, and even file for divorce.

Male rudeness

It is no secret to everyone that a happy woman will never run away from a happy marriage. But if there are unresolved problems in the marriage, she may not withstand moral pressure and leave for another man. Sometimes the culprit of such escapes is the man himself. There is a certain type of man who behaves very rudely with his beloved. Men of this type allow themselves to treat the woman they love very rudely: constant humiliation, insults, swear words, reproaches and even the use of force. Life with such a man becomes a terrible test, the girl may even get sick and give up due to such a rude attitude towards herself. As a rule, a man's rudeness is a common reason why women cheat on men.

New love

It happens that a woman is married and everything is smooth with her husband and family. But then, out of nowhere, he appears, the man of her dreams. The woman herself may understand that she is making a mistake when she follows passion for another man, but more often than not she cannot be stopped. After all, feelings and emotions absorb her completely, even the fear of losing her loving husband and destroying her family does not stop a woman from cheating. Usually such novels end quickly and very sadly. A woman tries to hide her emotions from her husband so that he does not notice anything suspicious.

Husband's unattractiveness

Sometimes men stop taking care of themselves; they can gain a lot of weight, not exercise, lead an unhealthy lifestyle, and fail to follow basic hygiene rules. If a woman's requests to change do not work on her husband, the woman may decide to become romantically involved with another man. The problem of faded attractiveness is very relevant. In marriage, not only men stop caring for themselves, but also women. Interesting fact: 20% of infidelity occurs because wives stop taking care of themselves after the birth of a child and men seek sexual relations on the side. This point is a common problem for men and women.


This reason is a deep psychological problem. After all, self-affirmation through betrayal leads to even more severe complexes and problems. The fact is that some women are too afraid of losing their attractiveness and beauty. Therefore, the only chance to prove your youth and sexuality is to have a lover. In this situation, women themselves do not consider other men as objects for relationships. Most likely, men in such a situation will use this means to assert themselves. The saddest thing in this situation is that self-affirmation never comes, the effect of the new man quickly wears off and the woman again becomes dissatisfied with herself.

Material side

The material side plays an important role in all relationships, and if a man’s material capabilities do not suit a woman, she can take a rich lover. There is such a thing as commercialism. Mercantile girls excessively strive for material values, even transgressing moral principles. Such ladies choose rich men who can cover all their expenses and buy the desired gifts. Usually a woman does not leave her beloved man, but continues to meet with her sponsoring lover.


To climb the career ladder, the most crazy things are done, including even sexual contacts. Unfortunately, in our modern world this situation is quite common. The initiator of intimate intimacy is not always the woman; most often this happens at the request of the manager, but there are exceptions to the rules. Such relationships are quite beneficial for a woman, because she can not only have high bonuses and promotions, but also acquire good business connections.

Sexual dissatisfaction

This reason is common in relationships that are over 7 years old. The fact is that a lot of responsibilities appear in the life of a husband and wife, people get used to each other in bed, sex is rare, and the woman begins to lack attention. And the woman compensates for it through sexual relations with another man. When a lover appears, the girl blossoms before her eyes, because she again receives passionate sex and complete newness in the relationship.

Male persistence

Women cheat for another reason: they are conquered by constant attention from other men. Imagine a situation where a man appears in a woman’s life who doesn’t give her permission, he is always beautifully dressed, his wonderful manners win her heart, he is a true gentleman, always in a good mood, with her favorite candies, gives her her favorite perfume and takes her to the cinema. to the films that this particular woman loves. After such courtship, a girl cannot resist such a persistent suitor, especially if she likes this man.

Unloved man

Sometimes women live with men they don't love because there are a lot of "becauses." For example: because I'm afraid to be alone; because there is no place to live; because we have common children. Such women tolerate an unloved man for a long time only because there is some dependence on the man, but there has been no love for the man for a long time. Therefore, she finds love and passion in cheating with other men.


In those families where a man has cheated at least once, another betrayal is possible, but on the part of the woman and to spite the man. It is difficult for a woman to go through with a divorce, because divorce is a complex process that deals a heavy blow to adults and children. The reason for betrayal is only the desire for revenge in order to drown out one’s inner pain and disappointment. Although, as a rule, such betrayals do not strengthen the marriage, but only add even more melancholy and mistrust to it.


A married girl can change her sexual partners as often as she wants, and, as a rule, such a woman wants often. This increased desire for sex occurs due to a woman's increased sex drive. Nymphomaniac is a psychological diagnosis.

How and why women cheat

There is a good quote: “Women cheat with their hearts, but men cheat with their bodies.” There is a lot of truth in these words. After all, most often a man cheats on his woman for the sake of pleasure, for the sake of carnal pleasures, but without feelings. But a woman cheats on a psychological level, they awaken sympathy, tenderness, and affection towards their lover.

Men can and do cheat in public in many situations. But women disguise their betrayal this way. That even her best friends may not know about her for many years.

A man can come home after a date and even forget to wipe off traces of lipstick, but a woman disguises herself as a super agent, she always has an alibi and a couple of friends who supposedly had her.

  • How often do women cheat on their husbands? It is impossible to answer this question accurately.
  • Why do unmarried girls cheat on their men? The reasons for unmarried women cheating are no different from married women cheating. The reasons are the same.

In relationships where people just meet, new men can come, and in this case, nothing prevents a woman from starting relationships with them on the side, since in her soul she considers herself completely free.

Also, unmarried women do not have an exact definition of who they want to be with in the future. Such uncertainty will allow you to experiment and continue to search for your ideal.

A woman’s age plays a very important role in female infidelity. If she is very young, this can become a reason for cheating due to the girl’s frivolity.

Bottom Line: Why Women Cheat

In order to avoid betrayal in the future, you should trust each other and discuss even the most difficult situations, learn to trust each other and be able to listen to each other.

Women's infidelity is not only a reflection of relationships, unresolved psychological problems. It could be anything: past grievances, revenge, self-interest, envy, etc.

It should be noted that no girl deserves condemnation, because relationships are a personal matter for each couple. If a woman cheated and a man found out, partners should hold back negative emotions and discuss the problem some time after the emotions have subsided.

In order to protect your partner from female infidelity, you need to love your partner with all your soul, try to please, try to do everything so that the woman you love sees all your most positive qualities and so that the thought of cheating does not even cross her mind. Women must be loved!

Male infidelity hardly surprises anyone, and in some cultures polygamy is even considered acceptable. Fewer and fewer representatives of the weaker half of humanity believe in the devotion of their spouses. Society treats female infidelity in a completely different way, and yet today this phenomenon is gaining momentum. Why do wives cheat on their husbands? We will look at the reasons for this in this article.

Sex and love

So why do wives cheat on their husbands, what makes them commit such immoral acts? There are two main reasons for this: new love and the desire to take revenge on the husband. Moreover, in most cases, female infidelities occur in dysfunctional families, while men tend to “go to the left” even when they consider their marriage to be quite successful. For a man, love and sex are not the same thing, but for the fair sex these concepts are inseparable.

By and large, women cannot imagine sex without love and commitment. Married ladies, all the more, will not behave inappropriately, unless they have a sufficiently compelling reason for it. Sex for a woman is not just a process of intercourse, but something very significant, one might even say spiritual.

What is cheating for a woman?

Female infidelity rarely occurs spontaneously. Most often, ladies decide to do this only after they have carefully thought and weighed everything. At the same time, we can say that cheating on her husband for a representative of the fairer sex is in some sense a desperate step. Usually, only when family well-being is not visible and there is no faith in a happy marriage, a woman is able to decide to cheat. This is why wives cheat, because sometimes this scenario seems to be the only way out of the current situation for a woman.

And if a man who has acted in the same way can return home to his family as if nothing had happened, then for a woman, as a rule, there is no turning back. From the moment of betrayal, she is seized by new feelings, and there may no longer be room in her heart for her once beloved husband. The world she is used to is collapsing, everything becomes different, different - for real.

Lack of attention from husband

The answer to the question of why wives begin to cheat on their husbands can be found in the depths of female psychology. One of the reasons for unsuccessful marriages may be cooling in the relationship between the spouses. This often happens when over time they get tired of each other and begin to move away. When a husband does not pay enough attention to his wife, she feels abandoned, unhappy and unloved.

Loss of mutual interest, reluctance to give in, or find a compromise - these are not all the possible options for the deterioration of relations in a couple. Over time, in such a family the situation may become tense, the spouses will quarrel and conflict over various trifles. Eventually, the husband becomes so distant from his wife that he simply stops noticing her. He does not pay attention to her, spends more and more time with friends, prefers to work on his car or play computer games. Unfortunately, a man simply ceases to be interested in his wife as a woman. It’s understandable why wives cheat in such an environment.

Is it the woman's fault?

Many women, when they get married, forget about their belonging to the fair half of humanity. Previously, they tried to be beautiful and charming, but now, when the marriage has already taken place, they turn into nondescript housewives, and their outfits are aprons and dressing gowns. However, there is nothing wrong with this, especially since family life requires its sacrifices, but nevertheless, a man may be little attracted to the curlers on the head of his chosen one. As a result, a woman becomes less desirable to her man, which leads to many disagreements that occur in married couples.

In fact, all of the above, rather, may be the reason for male betrayal or even leaving the family. But if you are looking for an answer to the question of why wives cheat on their husbands, these factors should also be considered. The prerequisites for such female behavior lie precisely in the lack of attention of husbands to their other halves.

Constant absence of husband

Sometimes it happens that a woman seems to take care of herself and looks quite attractive, and her man loves her and idolizes her. But even in such families, not everything always goes smoothly. So why do wives cheat on their husbands, what is the reason for this behavior? In this case, a woman may lack the attention of her beloved husband due to the fact that he is constantly absent from home. He tries to provide for his family, earns a living and is often forced to go on business trips, attend business negotiations, or simply stay late at work. The woman understands that this is necessary and appreciates her caring husband, but she still feels lonely.

At such moments, another man may appear in a woman’s life, one who can be nearby, who will be able to give what she lacks: warmth, care and love. Cheating occurs because this other man is nearby and with him the woman feels needed by someone.

Revenge on husband for cheating

In the modern world, women quite often betray their husbands in retaliation for the betrayal they committed. They act on the principle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” thinking that this is the best way to punish a traitor. It often happens that an offended lady can cheat on her husband with the first man she comes across.

Revenge is a dish best served chilled. But why do wives cheat on their husbands in response to their betrayal, if by doing so they only aggravate the situation and, in addition to their spouses, also harm themselves? Of course, not everyone will take such a step, because a man is able to forgive his soulmate anything, but not betrayal. Even if he says that everything is fine, or does not find out about the betrayal at all, the woman will no longer be able to remain the same. She will always remember her betrayal, for which she will blame her husband, and will also despise both him and herself for this.

Looking for new sensations

Unfortunately, the relationships of many married couples eventually reach a dead end and become somewhat gray and monotonous. Both men and women may lack drive, that feeling that captured them at the very beginning, when they first met and realized that they loved each other. But each new day becomes more and more similar to the previous one, and the fire of their feelings gradually fades away. Such a family is held together by children; the spouses are already accustomed to each other and are even sure that their love is mutual. But something is missing.

A woman who knows her husband like the back of her hand, when her husband becomes predictable, seeks new sensations. This is the answer to the question of why wives cheat. Scientists' opinions on this matter boil down to elementary physiology. As feelings weaken, the body's production of certain hormones, the presence of which makes a person happy and content, also decreases. Sometimes, in search of thrills, a woman can cheat on her husband.

Sexual dissatisfaction

Often the reason for a woman’s infidelity lies in her husband’s inability to satisfy her sexually. However, the reasons for this may be due to other factors. For example, certain living conditions do not allow spouses to be alone when they want. Also, a similar problem can arise in a large family. In the end, a woman may decide to cheat in order to diversify her sex life and fulfill unrealized sexual fantasies. It’s banal, but this happens too.

What's the point of looking for someone to blame in such cases? It is more correct to think not about why wives cheat, but about how to prevent it. If a married couple has any difficulties sexually, then they need to look for ways to solve them, because cheating will not solve these problems, but will only aggravate them and add new ones.

A woman who believes she deserves better

This reason for betrayal is perhaps the most inexplicable. However, here, rather, all of the above factors are at play - a little of everything. These are cases in which a woman is not satisfied with the marriage for various reasons, but she is also not ready to get a divorce. A woman may have a psychological attitude that she deserves better, consider herself in some sense free, so she provides herself with almost unlimited opportunities for maneuver. For her, marriage is just a social status. When trying to understand why wives cheat on their husbands on vacation or on a business trip, you should not lose sight of this factor.

Having cheated, such a woman does not feel guilty and even considers her behavior to be completely natural. Such an emotional attitude is initially dangerous, because a man, feeling that he is not appreciated, can also begin to behave accordingly.

Why wives cheat on their husbands. Scientists' opinions

Finally, it is worth citing here a few excerpts from the results of various studies on the topic of betrayal. Thus, it is quite obvious that women who are unhappy in marriage cheat more often - compared to prosperous families, in such couples, affairs on the side occur 2.6 times more often. The likelihood that a sexually unsatisfied wife will betray her husband increases by 2.9 times. From these statistics it is clear why wives cheat on their husbands, the reasons are always the same. And here are the statistics about those men with whom unfaithful wives have affairs:

  • 12% - a guy who made advances in a public place;
  • 20% - old friend;
  • 13% - former;
  • 10% - colleague;
  • 1% - one of her man's friends;
  • 44% - someone else.

British scientists surprised us by saying that women cheat more often than men. However, representatives of the fairer sex value their reputation as a “good wife” and also prefer not to brag about their adventures. They are much more careful and sophisticated both in the betrayals themselves and in hiding their tracks.


Unfortunately, people face all sorts of difficulties in their family life. Both husbands and their significant other cheat. But if everything is more or less clear with men, then why do wives cheat? The psychology of human relationships, which has been formed over the centuries, has established a woman as a faithful guardian of the family hearth. Betrayal itself contradicts her essence, because by betraying her husband, she betrays her family, her children and even herself.

After cheating, there is no turning back for a woman. She will always remember her action and is unlikely to be able to look her husband in the eyes as before. Obviously, both men and women need to work on marriage and relationships. Married couples should solve all problems and difficulties that arise together, together, and then, perhaps, no one will have a reason to cheat.

A woman is the keeper of the home. Nature pushes her to start a family, have children and maintain order in the house. A man is a hunter, a breadwinner, a male. Therefore, he cheats on his woman more often than she cheats on him.

This is a common belief. It is also a delusion. In connection with freedom of morals in modern society. The wife also cheats on her husband quite often. What pushes her to cheat? Why do women cheat?

The sad statistics of infidelity

Approximately every third family experiences betrayal. Moreover, cheating on women is not uncommon: the statistics are not encouraging. About 75 percent of men cheated on their wives at least once. Women are practically not inferior to them. Approximately 60 percent of wives had affairs on the side.

Psychologists are sure that spouses begin to cheat in their sleep. Other partners persistently appear in their dreams. In reality, various factors can push someone to cheat. Lovers and mistresses are more often found at work or while on vacation.

The consequences of external communication may be different. Casual sex happens to both husband and wife. Both spouses are capable of falling in love with a new passion. But wives go to their lovers more often than husbands go to their mistresses. Every woman thinks about cheating at least once in her life. Men are more persistent in this regard. Approximately ten percent of men have never even thought about cheating.

It turns out that our polygamous husbands are able to remain faithful throughout their lives. And we, at least in our thoughts, are capable of treason.

Emotional dissatisfaction

The candy-bouquet period is far behind us. Life has become a series of responsibilities. Washing, cleaning, cooking, children. Some kind of vicious circle. And the loved one became stingy in expressing emotions. Often refuses household chores. Practically does not help in raising children. Affection, attention, support... All this somehow smoothed out. It became invisible.

Conversations with my husband boil down to discussing the next purchase or planning home renovations. Such relationships suit the woman less and less. She needs emotions. But she doesn’t receive them from her husband. There are two ways here: resign yourself and continue to live in a routine, or look for a partner on the side.

Noticing attention to her person, the woman is transformed. I like her again. She is desired. Romance and interest appear in her life again. And most importantly - emotions. A new relationship allows a woman to regain faith in herself. The genuine interest of men always transforms the fair sex.

What is the way out of this situation?

For men . Don’t forget that you love your wife, ten, fifteen, and twenty years from now. Don't skimp on affection. Give gifts. One interested look from you can make your wife put on an evening dress and have a candlelit dinner. Instead of evening gatherings in front of the TV, invite your spouse to the theater, cinema, or just for a walk.

For women . Remember that in the family you are the neck. Wherever the neck wants, the head will turn. I mean, your husband. Have occasional spontaneous romantic evenings. Have sex in the car. Invite your husband to take a bath with you. Go to the sea together. Just the two of us, no children. Discuss not only household chores, but also your feelings and emotions. Encourage your man to express his thoughts. It is in your, feminine power to revive dormant feelings. Why, when a person dies, does his wristwatch stop? His time on earth is over. Don't let your relationship stop. Give impetus for development, then time will continue for your family.

Sexual restlessness

In an era of free morals, a woman is not ready to simply satisfy a man. She wants to enjoy herself. What if this doesn't happen? The wife begins to accuse her husband (to herself, of course) of lack of sensitivity to her needs. And not every man recognizes this dissatisfaction.

Going to bed? It's coming. Shows emotion? Manifests. Having an orgasm? Seems Yes. He doesn’t even know that women can imitate. Well-established life, constant sex. What else is needed?

And the woman is silent. And at one point he solves the problem with a new partner.

How to find a way out?

For men . Be considerate of your partner. Experiment. It's easier for you to go for it. You are a man. A woman may be shy.

For women. Do not be silent. Talk about your desires, your problems. There is a loved one next to you. He will understand. Problems in sexual relationships need to be solved, not hushed up. And you cannot do without the help of your loved one.

Desire for revenge

Fortunately, there are few vengeful women. But they exist. Having learned about their husband's betrayal, they hide the resentment deep in their hearts. They continue to be nearby, sleep, raise children. And when an opportunity presents itself (the attention of a handsome man, a drink, company), the woman decides to cheat.

She is driven by unsatisfied resentment, a desire to rehabilitate herself in her own eyes, to restore her significance. After all, a husband’s betrayal is a blow to one’s pride and feelings.

Which exit?

For men . Never cheat on your loved one. For you, this could be an affair on the side. And for her - betrayal. If this happens, then do everything so that your wife doesn’t find out.

For women . Did you find out about the affair, but still live together? It means you love your man. Find the strength to forgive. Revenge is a low feeling. In forgiveness lies wisdom and love.

For both . If you can’t cope with the situation, but want to save your family, go to a psychotherapist.

Unfounded accusations

There are very jealous men. They literally see betrayal in every step of their woman. A trip to a restaurant or a get-together with a friend turns into a real nightmare. There seems to be no reason. And the wife tries to give all her free time to her husband. But no. Still jealous.

The unreasonable jealousy of some wives unsettles them. I'm tired of the constant nagging. She is tired of proving her loyalty. It's better to change it. Then there will be something to endure scenes of jealousy for.

A woman is not looking for a lover on purpose. It happened. A worthy man was nearby. He takes care of her for a long time. Why not justify your husband’s jealousy with him?!

How to find a way out?

Unfortunately, you will not be able to convince your partner not to be jealous. Jealousy is in a person's blood. Its main reason is lack of confidence in one’s own attractiveness, one’s own sexuality, one’s own strengths. If you cannot convince your husband of this yourself, then contact specialists. Explain to the man that you can no longer tolerate unreasonable scenes of jealousy.

Fell in love

No one is immune from this feeling. It can strike at any age. I know a woman who fell in love for the first time at fifty-five. She was married for more than thirty years. Not without changes. But she stayed with her husband for the sake of the children. Widowed. And a year later I found my soul mate. When a new feeling burst into life, she realized that she had not loved until now. There was affection, there was respect, there were children, but there was no real love.

Some women leave their family for new love. Some remain.

In such a situation, he probably isn’t. Every person experiences love in their own way. For some, their duty to family and society outweighs, while others go ahead.

A common opinion states that a woman by nature is a monogamous creature; her purpose is to maintain a family, give birth and raise children. However, adultery also occurs on the part of women. Why do women cheat?

And really – why? It would seem clear that betrayal does not contribute to the harmonization of your relationships, but will only confuse them even more, although, perhaps, you will receive some temporary satisfaction for your problems. So what pushes women to cheat, forcing them to go against their natural destiny to be a wife and mother?

Why do women cheat on men?

Sometimes a woman's infidelity occurs because she begins to receive increased attention from her boss at work.

This happens quite often if the woman is young and beautiful. And it can be very difficult to sacrifice a good position and a high salary, because if a woman does not accept her boss’s advances, all she can do is quit. Such betrayal can be called forced and, as a rule, it is very painful for a woman.

A completely different type of infidelity occurs when a woman is looking for a new boyfriend or lover because she cannot satisfy her craving for a luxurious life with you. She dreams of being showered with flowers and taken to Paris for the weekend, and you give her a stunted rose on the weekends and the most you can offer is a trip to your grandmother’s dacha.

At the same time, she may really love you, but... She likes Paris more. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

Sometimes a woman cheats because she wants revenge on you. Perhaps you cheated on her and she holds a grudge. Or maybe you're just not giving her the attention she thinks she deserves. As a result, the woman cheated.

· But most often women cheat because you cannot or do not want to satisfy her sexually. Have you ever tried to talk to your woman about this topic? What do you even know about her sexual preferences and fantasies?

Many men would be quite surprised if they knew how much their girlfriends think about sex, where and how they would prefer to have it, and what exactly turns them on. Men don’t even think about why a woman herself never approaches them with these proposals. But it’s very difficult for her to step over the invisible border and open up. Some husbands don't even think about whether their wife really experienced an orgasm or just faked it.

In general, if you recognize yourself in this paragraph, it’s time for you to think about it.

Why did a woman cheat on a man?

How accustomed we are to the idea that betrayal is the lot of men, and a married woman does not need outside relationships. Many psychologists confidently say that women cheat for two reasons. The first is that she fell in love. The second is that she wants her husband to be jealous. It’s strange that women themselves sometimes cannot clearly answer the question of why their wives cheat.

Anonymous surveys, as a rule, do not give clear and, most importantly, correct results. Following the answers from this type of survey, both married women and married men, many experts can conclude that men cheat more often. During their family life, about 7-9 novels happen. Women in their anonymous profiles note that during their life together with their husband, 1-3 third-party affairs happen.

But who said that a survey, although anonymous, is a way to find out the truth? Interesting studies were carried out in England, using ultra-precise and sensitive equipment. They were able to reveal that every ninth child does not belong to the woman’s legal husband. As it turned out later, more than half of these casual relationships took place during the period of ovulation.

In these few days, the attraction of lovely ladies reaches its climax. This is how nature intended it, probably so that the human race does not become extinct. And no one explained to her that it would be advisable for the attraction to extend only to her husband. And some scientists claim that women have an “infidelity gene.” And it is during the period of ovulation that it is activated. Well, it's something like when alcoholics claim that they have the vicious gene of alcoholism.

Why married women cheat

I also want to cite the results of a study by one scientist that seemed surprising to me. About five years ago, this scientist decided to investigate whether it was true that the microflora of the genital organs of married women is much healthier than that of unmarried women. He also conducted his research using ultra-sensitive equipment, which helped him discover that in the genitals of every fourth person examined, in addition to her husband’s sperm, there were “alien” sperm that were older.

The equipment made it possible to determine the ingress of “foreign” sperm a hundred days before the experiment, with great accuracy, up to 2-3 days. Again, these hits occurred during the period of ovulation. A fourth of the women studied had two or three types of “foreign” sperm. In general, besides her husband, she came into close contact with several other men.

Unfortunately, what is very interesting to us, namely, intra-family relationships between spouses, is not described in these experiments.

So what does this mean? We women, regardless of our relationship with our spouse, can we calmly “ventilate” on the side? And just because we are ovulating? Probably every woman is her own controller. And I believe that even a strong excited state can be controlled, be it ovulation or alcohol intoxication, if love reigns in your family.

A completely natural question: why do women cheat if a happily married woman enters into a dubious relationship on the side, and even more so, starts an affair? This means that not everything is going smoothly in the family.

Moreover, we know our abilities, right? And since we know that on the days of ovulation we are like wild ostriches looking for a mate, so why not sit at home and find pleasure where it should be - in a husband? If this does not happen, then something is wrong with the husband. I don't mean impotence, but an emotional connection with him. And if you have ever had sexual intercourse on the side, answer yourself, was it when there was a storm in the house? Many patients at appointments with psychotherapists say that they have a strong desire to get into bed with another man when her husband seriously offends her.

Emotional wounds do not heal quickly. It is during this painful period that a woman can commit adultery, after which she will greatly repent. But the next time, when her husband allows her to be offended again, he will repeat the “move to the left” again... A woman always strives for a family. Nature created her as the keeper of the hearth. And this instinct comes over the years to any representative of the fair sex. Therefore, whether it is ovulation or menstruation, she will definitely be near her husband if he loves and appreciates her.

Why do women cheat on their husbands?

Over the years, sex in marriage fades. A couple, having enjoyed each other, enters into an intimate relationship with each other quite rarely. Our body, together with our mind, cools down and lives in harmony. Of course, when you fall into the hands of something new, your sexual potential increases, but not for long.

Also, over time, having enjoyed the new individual, the body will say: this is enough, thank you. This means that it is impossible to spend your entire life in active sexuality (although there are exceptions to the rules here). And it is normal that a couple does not make love eight times a day, as in the first year of marriage. And the fact that such a connection occurs rarely cannot be the reason for betrayal.

I believe that there are still no such physical or physiological indications of infidelity. All betrayals occur first in the head. This may be a long-forgotten grievance, or it may be fresh. This is some kind of misunderstanding, or complete rejection by the spouse. This could be the husband’s infidelity, which falls under the section of grievances. Someone even thinks that if my husband cheated, then I should cheat on him too. So that everyone is even.

But if you respond with evil to evil, you end up with evil in the equation. I don’t know how you can forgive an unfaithful husband, but each person decides for herself. Some people forgive, some don't. And yet, lowering the bar just to take revenge is a blow to oneself. Still, if you do have sex, then only for pleasure, and not for revenge.

Will you then feel proud and confident? I think no. And the pain in my soul will not decrease.

To summarize, I want to say to jealous men: if you are afraid of your wife’s betrayal, then love her and let her see it. After all, sometimes love lives so quietly next to us that we don’t even notice it. And you need to show it to your significant other more often. A beloved and loving woman has no need to look for someone for herself. Well, there's just no need.

How to tell if a woman is cheating

Yes, it happens that women cheat on their husbands. And her betrayal is much more serious than a man’s, because if a woman has already decided to cheat, then with a 50% probability she will leave her husband and leave the family. But how do you know if a woman is cheating?

Psychologists believe that there are certain types of women whose betrayal is very likely. These include girls and women who were greatly spoiled by parental love, but who, on the contrary, lacked parental attention. Women who are careerists and women who are constantly searching. As you can see, there are quite a lot of such types and it is far from a fact. That your wife will turn out to be an exemplary wife and mother.

Pay attention to whether she mentions a man's name too often in conversations. Due to her emotionality, a woman cannot always restrain her emotions, and if every now and then it comes out of her mouth: Petya said or Sasha did, then you should think about it. It is not a fact that betrayal has already occurred, but such an enthusiastic attitude can turn out to be very fertile ground for it.

If your wife began to pay increased attention to her own appearance. No, it’s clear that women already pay a lot of attention to her. But here we are talking about something even more elevated. She tries to change her hairstyle or clothing style, constantly asks you how she looks, perhaps she is starting to look younger. This all suggests that she has an object for seduction, and this object, alas, most likely is not you. Most likely, for now this is being done without far-reaching plans and even on a subconscious level. However, be vigilant.

Your wife began to go out more and more often, either to the shops, or to a friend’s birthday party, or to visit her sick aunt. Traffic jams have become a real nightmare for your family, and buses and trams, including the metro, are experiencing a deep crisis? And all this mysteriously began to happen after meeting this mysterious Petya? It seems your woman is cheating and you will soon have horns.

To find out if a woman is cheating, pay attention to her behavior in bed. If you notice obvious changes in him, for example, does she constantly push you away or, on the contrary, has she begun to show truly delightful sexuality, which was not observed before? This probably means that something has changed in her sex life, and, apparently, you have absolutely nothing to do with it. It looks like it's time for you to think seriously.
