Why do you need to use a nourishing hand and face cream in winter? Face cream for different seasons.

Autumn is my favorite time of the year. Bright rustling leaves, cool fresh air, warm blankets, pumpkin muffins and coffee. ❤ Autumn is also a great time for intensive care and a lot of cosmetic procedures and products that are not suitable for us in other seasons for one reason or another.

How to care for your face in the fall, what you need to have in your cosmetic bag, and what procedures to sign up for with a beautician, read in this post.

The basic steps of care - cleansing ⇒ toning ⇒ cream - do not change. But autumn face care has important features.

Stage 1. cleansing

For make-up removal in autumn, gentle velvety milk or cream is best. For example, Cleansing milk for sensitive skin.

Certainly, washing should always be as soft as possible. Soap and sulfate free. At the same time, autumn is a great time to change delicate summer foams for more intensive care with therapeutic components. For example - gels for washing with acids.

Stage 2. Toning

If you have normal skin and love it, keep using them.

If you want to correct something (primarily for problem skin), replace tonics with therapeutic lotions. For example - with acids, they are best used in the fall.

Stage 3. Face cream in autumn

How to choose a face cream for autumn?

It is too early to use a dense protective cream for the time being, put it off until the winter frosts. But from summer light cream-gels and fluids, it's time to move on to more saturated textures.

Don't forget the SPF. In the fall, sun protection is just as (if not more!) important than in the summer. Often in the fall we “relax” and put SPF creams aside. Is it dangerous. The sun's rays penetrate through the clouds on a cloudy November day, and through the glass. At the same time, due to active autumn care (peels, acids), the skin can become thinner and more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Autumn cream necessarily contains:

  • lipids (oils, ceramides) - support the epidermal barrier;
  • competent moisturizing ingredients - prevent dehydration from temperature changes, turning on heating, wind and intensive cosmetic procedures (for example, care with acids, retinol or peels);
  • Antioxidants are always needed, and in autumn - especially - to restore the skin after excessive exposure to the sun in the summer months.

If you separate creams into day and night, remember the "golden rule".

    When the temperature outside is above +7 degrees, we apply a moisturizer in the morning, and a nourishing cream in the evening.

    When the temperature outside is below +7 - on the contrary - food in the morning, moisturizing in the evening.

Autumn is the time of active components and intensive procedures. The favorites of autumn face care, of course, are chemical peels, cosmetics with acids and retinol.

acids and retinol

If you've always wanted to try acid or retinol skincare, fall is the perfect time to make it happen. ☺ The sun is no longer so active, the risk of irritation and pigmentation is minimal. And the weather is still comfortable for the skin - not as frosty and windy as in winter.

Start with mild acids, less active retinol derivatives and minimal concentrations. Use a mask, lotion or cream several times a week (depending on the product), gradually increasing the frequency until you find the optimal application scheme.

The main thing - do not rush, add new products gradually and carefully monitor the reaction of the skin. If you feel increased sensitivity, redness, irritation or dryness, take a break for a few days (times).

Important! Be sure to use SPF-protection from 30 when using cosmetics with acids and retinol.

Chemical peels

Nourishing and moisturizing serums

Must-have autumn skin care - nourishing and moisturizing serum. But not on your own. Apply them under a cream or, for example,.

Serums in autumn are comfortable to combine with cream even with oily skin. The main thing is to choose the right products.

In autumn, the skin suffers from temperature changes, heating, wind, cold. It dries, winds, cracks, redness and peeling appear.

The fight against pigmentation

In September, the sun is still quite active. Therefore, it is impossible to start seriously fighting age spots in early autumn. This will only exacerbate the problem. It is best to take active measures against pigmentation in late autumn (from November) and continue in winter.

Complement your autumn face care with cosmetics with acids. Especially - milk and lemon. They gently exfoliate and brighten well.

Use serums, creams and masks with vitamin C, arbutin, kojic acid. They effectively lighten pigment spots and even out complexion.

It is better to develop a “serious” program to combat age spots with a competent dermatologist-cosmetologist. And be sure to find out the reasons.

And don't forget that sunscreen with a high SPF (from 50) is your absolute must-have all year round.


In the fall, replace light powder with a good moisturizing foundation.

Foundation in the fall is not only an even tone and correction of imperfections, but also additional protection for the skin. If you don’t like “layering”, try a 2 in 1 product. Such products work simultaneously as a day cream - they nourish and protect, and as a tonal cream - they mask imperfections and give radiance to the skin.


    The basic elements of care do not change. It is always - cleansing, toning, cream.

    For make-up remover, choose milk, for washing sulfate-free gels and foams, change the cream to a more saturated one with lipids, competent “moisturizers” and antioxidants.

    Autumn is the time of intensive care, when you can add many therapeutic components, products and procedures - lotions, acids, retinol, peels.

    The end of autumn (since November) is the best time to fight pigmentation.

    Must-have autumn skin care - nourishing and moisturizing serum, especially with lipids in the composition.

How do you take care of your skin in autumn? Share in the comments.

Stay with us and be beautiful despite the season.

See you on the air of LaraBarBlog. ♫

The first cold breath of winter takes over the skin of the face and hands - no matter how much clothes you put on, these parts of the body cannot be completely closed from wind, snow, frost. The most comfortable for all living beings is the warm season of the year. What happens to the skin during the winter months? It turns out that when approaching zero temperature, humidity disappears in the air, and the amount of oxygen decreases. Dry air begins to dehydrate the skin, taking away moisture from the cells. The skin tries to protect itself by thickening the stratum corneum. The renewal of the cellular structures of the epidermis slows down, the productivity of the sebaceous glands decreases - at sub-zero temperatures, the body seems to fall asleep. Let's add here the action of external stimuli in the form of a cold wind, ice crystals of snow pellets. As a result, dryness and roughness of the skin, a rougher appearance, red spots appear. The skin becomes less elastic, easily damaged, prone to inflammation. There is a threat of loss of tone and premature appearance of unnecessary wrinkles.

Preparing your skin for winter

Since winter hardships are ahead, let's take care of the skin in advance. Enriched over the summer with ultraviolet radiation and vitamins, by autumn it should look smooth, supple and soft. If something is not in order, we take measures before the onset of frost and cold weather. With dehydration of the skin, we intensively moisturize it with lotions and serums. Sebaceous glands work at half strength? We use heavy cream. Found signs of skin aging - lethargy, unevenness? We recall vitamin creams and creams with “rejuvenating” ingredients.

Do you need a moisturizer in winter?

For many years, both women and cosmetologists have been debating whether or not to use a moisturizer in winter. Some categorically say “no” and believe that the water molecules contained in such a cream, crystallizing in the cold, adversely affect the skin tissue. Others argue the opposite: the basis of moisturizing creams is not moisture, but substances that prevent it from evaporating from the surface of the skin, and therefore there is nothing to turn into ice crystals. In addition, due to its 36.6 ° C, the human body cannot allow anything applied to the skin to freeze, even in frost.

Which side to believe, let everyone decide for themselves. One thing is undeniably clear: the skin dries out in winter and needs additional moisture, it needs to be moisturized. In order not to experiment on yourself, it is best to do this, for example, in the evening, and not immediately before going outside. This remark especially applies to gels that create a cooling effect, as well as scrubs and masks.

Cream No. 1 - nourishing

As soon as the thermometer outside the window starts to show values ​​​​below zero degrees, the skin needs a nourishing cream and protection. Frost dries the skin, and a rich nourishing cream will protect it from overdrying and frostbite. If there is no special cream for winter conditions at hand, any night cream will do temporarily - it is fatter, more nutritious than day cream. Special "winter" creams have only their characteristic texture. They seem to envelop the skin and thereby relieve the feeling of discomfort from the aggressive action of the cold. Acids, Omega 6, magnesium and vitamin C contained in nourishing creams preserve the vitality of the skin and its radiant beauty.

And what about acne? Perhaps a rich nourishing cream will contribute to an even greater blockage of the sebaceous ducts and an increase in the number of acne? Acne in winter can really worsen, but the reason for this is reduced immunity, thickening of the skin as a reaction to a cold snap. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen measures to clean the skin and do the procedures no later than 3-5 hours before going out the door, but the protection from frosty air and wind is still the same - a nourishing cream.

The skin needs not only protection from harmful ultraviolet rays, but also from frost. Summer quickly gives way to autumn and then winter, which means that you need to gradually change skin care products according to the season. At the same time, there is such an abundance of skin care products that we are often at a loss before choosing. From the article you will learn which face cream to use in winter.

Features of winter face cream

The main purpose of the cream to be used in winter is to protect the epidermis from low temperatures and possible loss of moisture. That is why you can not use a cream in winter for summer or spring, because they perform completely different tasks. Even the consistency of the winter remedy will be completely different - much thicker and more oily with a maximum content of nutrients

winter cream properties

Face cream, which is suitable for use in winter, primarily performs the function of protection. This cosmetic product should be dense, nutritious, saturated with vitamins and microelements.

In winter, the skin experiences a certain stress - it is depleted, it experiences the negative influence of winds and frosts. If she does not receive enough care, then she reacts to all external factors with irritations, dryness, redness. Very often you have to deal with inflammation, it takes a long time to treat them. Affected by weather conditions, not only dry skin, but also oily. The task of choosing the right winter cream should also be taken care of by owners of combination and oily skin.

Functions of winter cream

Winter cream should combine the function of protection along with high-quality nutrition and hydration, that is, be universal:

  1. prevent the occurrence of consequences from sudden changes in temperature and frost;
  2. exclude peeling;
  3. prevent weathering;
  4. nourish and moisturize;
  5. prolong the durability of makeup.

The composition of the winter cream

In order to choose the right cream for winter care, you need to carefully read the composition on the package. On the list, you should pay attention to:

  1. silicones - emollients and polymers that create a barrier in the form of a film on the skin;
  2. oils - for proper nutrition of the skin and replenishment of the lipid layer;
  3. panthenol / allantoin - for hydration and recovery;
  4. vitamins - "beauty vitamins" - A and E, which strengthen the skin;
  5. glycerin / hyaluronic acid - for proper hydration;
  6. SPF filters - to protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation, which is active even in winter.
Face cream: protects, nourishes and moisturizes the skin in winter

Criteria for choosing a winter cream

Types of cream for winter care

Protective cream

A cream with a protective function is designed to prevent the negative effects of frost and wind with the help of an external barrier on the skin. It contains substances of synthetic origin - silicones. They cover the skin with a thin film that prevents the skin from rapidly losing moisture.

Nutritious cream

Nutrition for the skin in winter is essential for all skin types. It helps to restore the protective barrier, which in the summer is provided by increased work of the sebaceous glands. Even oily skin can deplete the hydro-lipid barrier under adverse conditions. Dry skin can become dry and dehydrated without support.

Moisturizing cream

It cannot be argued that moisturizing creams are contraindicated in winter, because the ban has not been confirmed. There are several rules for using moisturizers:

  1. do not apply it before going out;
  2. It is better to use it at least an hour before going out.

Winter Foundation

The foundation for winter differs from the rest in that it cannot be light or fluid. It should be much denser to provide additional protection.

Application of winter cream

In order for the winter cream to work effectively, you need to apply it correctly. Many negative reviews about the cream of a particular brand are caused only by its incorrect use. Cosmetologists advise:

  1. Apply the cream no later than 1 hour before going outside. During this time, it will be well absorbed into the skin and begin to act;
  2. excess cream should be carefully removed after 30 minutes with a napkin or cotton pad;
  3. for oily skin, choose a cream with a lighter texture;
  4. for dry skin, winter cream can be very oily;
  5. winter cream should not be applied to the skin of the face before going to bed, it will clog pores and cause irritation;
  6. when you come from the street, wash your face to wash off the remnants of the cream and cosmetics. Then you can moisturize your skin.

Do-it-yourself cream for winter

If you are fond of making cosmetics at home or have not found a suitable cream among those presented in stores, you can try making a winter cream at home. To do this, prepare:

  1. lecithin granules - 3 g;
  2. rose water - 45 ml;
  3. macadamia oil - 20 g;
  4. avocado oil - 20 g;
  5. beeswax - 5 g.

The granules should be placed in a container with rose water for half an hour, then heated. Mix oils and wax in a water bath, combine with lecithin and water. Remove both containers and mix the ingredients. Cool before blending.

It turns out a nourishing protective cream that contains only natural ingredients. You can put it in a glass jar and use it.

Proper facial skin care is the key to its health, youth and beauty. If you listen to the recommendations of experts and carefully study the compositions, you can protect your skin from negative factors in the winter.

4 months ago

To rem with hyaluronic acid, "care", which will replace four products at once, and anti-age in the 30+ category. Editors of BeautyHack - about new products and bestsellers this fall.

Face cream Water Fuse, Dr.Jart

Tested by BeautyHack Editor-in-Chief Karina Andreeva

You know the state when you walk down the street for a long time in the heat, you are madly thirsty, but there is no water at hand, and, as luck would have it, you don’t come across shops along the way? After the summer, my skin felt exactly like this: the tan was almost gone, the summer was over, the first peeling and dehydration appeared. I did not want to overload the skin with too intense cream - I dreamed of a product with a light texture, but with good moisturizing ability.

I found a "dream" in one of the novelties of the Korean brand Dr.Jart - Water Fuse moisturizing cream. The pale blue gel with a sorbet texture worked like a cooling and refreshing waterfall for the skin - it coped with the task at "5+", nourished it with moisture and helped to cope with peeling in a couple of days of use. It contains an aquamineral complex of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, hyaluronic acid, adenosine, grapefruit oil, aloe extract and peptides. I often use the product in the morning and apply it on the skin around the eyes - it relieves puffiness thanks to the formula based on arnica extract and bromelain.

Price: 4 595 rubles.

Cream Ultralifting Lift-Structure, Filorga

My history with anti-age products is reminiscent of relationships with men - I am regularly in active search, but I am disappointed - most promise more than they can actually do. There was no disappointment with this cream. It's all about the brand - the Filorga laboratory has been offering women products based on research into small invasive procedures for 35 years. That is, this is the notorious "shot", only in the bank. This cream contains a "cocktail" of collagen, hyaluronic acid and cell growth factors. This means that the product can not only moisturize the skin (which is extremely important in the fight against wrinkles), but also tighten it by working with the oval of the face. The issue of elasticity is also resolved - the composition contains plant components responsible for the "baby skin effect".

There is only one fly in the ointment in a huge barrel of honey: just like in a good relationship, be patient. Wow-effect can be seen only in two cases: a) you use the cream regularly; b) you use it for a long time. But the result will not disappoint - the skin will become moisturized, and postpone the injections for “later”.

Price: 5 100 rubles.

Rich deep moisturizing cream Up-Lift 24 Cream, Egia

Tested by BeautyHack editor Daria Sizova

This year I celebrated 5 years of experience in beautyholism - I looked at a huge collection and sighed bitterly. The more I try, the more difficult it is to find the basic, necessary funds. Moisturizer is one of them.
I love the means of the Italian brand Egia with tender love! The "chip" of the brand is not fantastic smells (although they are good), unique texture and other "dances with a tambourine", but compositions that are developed in a laboratory in Switzerland. In this case, the basis of the cream - five fatty oils: avocado, jojoba, sweet almond, shea and nutmeg rose - moisturize and increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The tool also claims an anti-age effect. Hexapeptide (a compound of amino acids) relaxes muscles, eliminating the main cause of expression lines. Without hesitation, I apply every morning - the makeup does not roll off, and the skin receives nourishment for the whole day.

Price: 6 550 rubles.

Universal cream for complex care Universal Cream, Filorga

Tested by BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa

For some time now, versatility has become one of the criteria for choosing cosmetics. If with one cream you can "both in a feast and in the world" - this is my option. I have been familiar with Filorga cosmetics for a long time - it was recommended by a cosmetologist back in those days when I gnawed at the granite of science in a medical office and wore a white coat. My problem skin reacts to it perfectly - even color, lack of rashes and velvety. A universal remedy for complex care is no exception. Universal Cream solves several problems at once: moisturizes - thanks to hyaluronic acid, regenerates - peptides are responsible for this, neutralizes the negative impact of the environment - polysaccharides perform this function and, most importantly, does not provoke shine in the problematic T-zone.

The product has a light consistency and a barely perceptible smell. The cream is friendly with decorative cosmetics - it can easily replace the base. And it is also suitable for children - mommies note.

Price: 2 114 rubles.

Ultra intensely moisturizing cream Ultraceuticals Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream, Ultraceuticals

Of the brand's care products, I tried and really praised the Ultra Protective Daily Moisturiser SPF 30+ Mattifying, which is ideal for oily skin in the summer (more about it -). But Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream was good too!

The cream is dense, spreads slowly on the skin and is not absorbed quickly. From this, by the way, he has a modest consumption, although I apply it on the face, neck and décolleté area. The cream is designed for dry and sensitive skin, but I strongly recommend it to owners of a combined type: it gives four times deeper hydration than hyaluronic acid, maintains an optimal level of moisture throughout the day and nourishes thanks to shea butter.

Note - this is a lifesaver for restoring the skin after any aggressive procedures. Ideal softening, elimination of peeling and moisturizing. And the last beauty hack from me: if your other half has irritated or inflamed skin after shaving, then Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream will quickly restore the situation. But I advise you to turn to this advice in emergency situations, because you get used to good things quickly - let your inner greedy beef control the situation).

Price: 6 500 rubles.

Pink Smoothing Moisturizer, Weleda

Tested by BeautyHack SMM manager Alexandra Grishina

The main task of the Weleda rose mosquito series is to minimize the first wrinkles (category 30+). I am not yet 30, but I wanted to get acquainted with the brand's products for a long time, because everything that Weleda creates is absolutely natural!

This soft, well-absorbing day cream with a melting texture is actually suitable even for night use. Moreover, for both normal and oily skin.

I apply the cream on cleansed, damp skin: it contains a lot of oils that penetrate deeper layers better thanks to moisture. For these purposes, you can use thermal water.

One thing: I do not advise you to replace them with a base for makeup - the consistency of the cream is dense, it is fully absorbed in 5-7 minutes. Makeup can't be done in a hurry. And as a separate daily remedy on its own - quite!

Price: 1 380 rub.

Perfect cream Peony, L "Occitane

It's nice when your favorite flowers are enclosed in a jar of cream of an equally favorite brand! Having tried the remedy, I found a real companion in the fight against autumn peeling of the skin. Moisturizes, evens out complexion, and, importantly for me, tightens pores. The product has a delicate, velvety texture, smells amazing and adapts to any type of skin: it can be applied both in the morning and in the evening.

I use it in the morning: it qualitatively prepares the skin for applying makeup without the effect of a mask and oily sheen!

Price: 4 150 rubles.

Intensively moisturizing cream for face and body, Himalaya

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Arina Zarudko

The main association with Himalaya is the refreshing facial wash and lip balm with wheat germ oil. The products of the Indian brand have never disappointed me, and on the contrary, they encouraged me to try something new from the series. For autumn, I choose creams with a denser texture or even butters - intensive moisturizing is above all.

The main components of the new cream are wheat germ and sweet almonds. Together, they fight dryness, flaking and soften the skin well, protecting it from any external factors, whether it be temperature changes and pollution! I also use it as an SOS remedy to get rid of peeling - I always apply it in the morning, an hour before leaving the house, so that the cream with a dense texture has time to be absorbed.

Price: 240 rubles.

Day Cream "Absolute Hydration", Swiss Image

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Arina Zarudko

Swiss Image brand products are made from natural biologically active ingredients, contain Alpine glacier melt water, Swiss herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals.

Cream "Absolute Hydration", which I had a chance to try, adequately moisturizes the skin and serves as an excellent base for make-up. It saturates skin cells with oxygen and maintains an optimal level of moisture for 24 hours. The cream does not contain parabens, but it has SPF filters (UVA / UVB), panthenol and vitamin E, which is important for any product that starts the day with.

Price: 380 rubles.

Moisturizing cream for dry and very dry skin of the face and body, CeraVe

For the first time, CeraVe heard about the French brand from Adele Miftahova (read the interview with the blogger on). With her light hand, I tried my first brand cream. Who will like this makeup? Those for whom the concept of “price” is important, who do not like fragrances and do not pursue super technologies, but are used to using an ordinary, but high-quality cream that will solve all the stated tasks. CeraVe has a relatively small line of cleansing and moisturizing products. The cream is stated for dry to very dry skin, but it fits my normal skin perfectly. Dense, but non-greasy, leaves no shine and tightening film, has no smell. I mix it with a drop of foundation and apply it every day - the skin glows, and the visible moisturizing effect lasts until the evening. There are few active components in the composition, but all are valuable: ceramides (they are in all CeraVe products), hyaluronic acid, glycerin.

Price: 334 rubles.

Light cream for intensive moisturizing Botanical Kinetics Intense Hydrating Soft Crème, Aveda

Tested by BeautyHack editor Julia Kozoliy

The cream belongs to the basic series of the American organic brand. In his portfolio is the Ecocert certificate, which confirms that 90% of the essential oils and 89% of the raw ingredients in all Aveda products are of plant origin. And the basic series is cleansing and moisturizing creams and lotions that skin (of any type) needs every day.

Botanical Kinetics cream is light, reminiscent of an emulsion (there is a slightly denser product for dry skin in the series). It is instantly absorbed (I apply it in the morning and evening), removes signs of fatigue and retains moisture for 24 hours - visually this is expressed in even skin in the morning (without shine in problem areas) and a healthy glow in the evening (when fatigue swept away all traces of cosmetics from the face).

And for me, Aveda is a beauty therapy - it's about the most delicate textures that seem to soothe the skin, and herbal light aromas (slightly similar to each other, but each time special). Aromatherapists and perfumers of the brand are working on the latest!

Price: 4 440 rubles.

Moisturizer with radiance effect Top Secrets Moisture Glow, Yves Saint Laurent

Tested by BeautyHack senior editor Anastasia Speranskaya

Why do you think Yves Saint Laurent called Moisture Glow a “remedy” and not a “cream”? Its versatility is to blame - as many as four options for use. Firstly, it is a moisturizing cream - it is unlikely to cope with serious peeling, but normal skin will be well smoothed and prepared for makeup. Secondly, this is an excellent radiant primer: apply a thin layer all over your face and wait a couple of minutes - the product will be absorbed very quickly, and the foundation will lie perfectly evenly on top of it. Thirdly, Moisture Glow can also be used as a highlighter, and if you add a drop to your most dense and bulletproof foundation, the finish will become more natural. It contains a hydro-active complex that moisturizes the skin, and a special innovative powder that evens out the tone - and millions of microscopic light-reflecting particles will give a delicate “glow from within”. What you need in autumn is when the complexion turns gray, like an overcast sky.

Price: 2 340 rubles.

Bio-reinforcing anti-aging day face cream SPF15 Mezolux, Librederm

Tested by BeautyHack editor Julia Kozoliy

Mezolux is an anti-aging series of the Russian beauty giant. 15 products generously flavored with six active anti-aging skin concentrates (anti-aging, muscle relaxant, anti-stress, lymphatic drainage, detox and brightening) - all based on microalgae from the Iroise Sea. Despite the “anti-age” mark, the brand does not define a clear age limit, so I took a chance to try it at the age of 29. The texture of the cream is thin. Plus, it comes in a 30 ml bottle and only needs two to three pumps per application. That is, overdoing it will not work, the product does not lay down with a dense film. I distribute the cream with massage movements - it helps to cope with morning swelling and signs of fatigue. You know, when it seems that the phrase “floated contour” is not about you yet, but the skin no longer seems so elastic. I like to use a cream when I need a solid make-up base. The foundation glides on like butter!

Price: 2 009 rub.

Face cream Nutritic Intense Riche, La Roche Posay

Tested by BeautyHack project manager Anastasia Lyagushkina

The skin on my face constantly throws surprises at me. Either it becomes oily and shiny, or it turns red even from plain water, and sometimes it is so dry that it becomes covered with a “crust”. With the onset of cold weather, as a rule, it is the latter that occurs. This fall, I will follow a well-established pattern and apply Nutritic Intense Riche cream from everyone's favorite pharmacy brand. The product is thick and therefore economical. Fragrance-free fragrance, as natural as possible, but at the same time it can smell, for example, in a spa. Despite the dense texture, the cream is well distributed, as if melting on the skin. It is absorbed quickly, does not roll, the lipids in the composition immediately cope with peeling, but the skin is not greasy and does not shine.

Price: 1 803 rub.

Regenerating cream Regen Ceutic, Dermaceutic

The Dermaceutic Laboratoire brand is from France. The company started with chemical peels, and now produces professional and home care lines. All products are approved by thousands of dermatologists around the world!

Regen Ceutic cream contains two types of hyaluronic acid: molecules with a low molecular weight penetrate deep into the skin, and with a high molecular weight they provide moisture to the surface of the epidermis. Also among the components there are stabilized vitamins C and E, which fight the first signs of aging and inflammation, and shea butter, which moisturizes the skin. I use it to soothe my skin and moisturize while I sleep. Absorbs quickly, does not leave a greasy sheen and sticky film in the morning.

Special thanks to the Dermaceutic team for the dispenser!

Price: 3 930 rub.

Cream for the face, neck and skin around the eyes Multi-Active 3 in 1, Lundenilona

Tested by editorial assistant Anna Khobotova

The Russian brand Lundenilona is seven years old and named after its founder, Ilona Lunden. The brand began with one product - an elixir for hair and skin. Now the range has expanded to products for hair, skin and teeth, and Lundenilona has representative offices in Belarus and Kazakhstan. I got a cream for the face, neck and skin around the eyes, which should perform three functions at once: moisturize, nourish and restore. To do this, the manufacturer has created a "shock" composition: extracts of red algae, arnica flowers, roses, licorice root, chicory leaves, swertia, ash bark, hyaluronic acid - all this for tone, freshness, radiance and protection from external influences. Vitamins E and B7 restore the integrity and increase the density of the skin. The texture of the cream is very soft and gentle, lies on the skin evenly, without leaving a greasy sheen. I use it in the morning as a make-up base and in the evening just to moisturize. During use, the skin became smoother, and dryness and peeling in the T-zone were gone. Bonus - SPF 10!

Price: 2 950 rubles.

Cream Aqualia Thermal light moisturizing 24h, Vichy

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Anya Khobotova

Did you know that the French brand Vichy is 80 years old? Despite its advanced age, the company continues to develop and invent new recipes. The Aqualia Thermal line is based on an "isotonic cocktail" of thermal water, which is designed to restore the water and mineral balance of the skin. Simple effective results are hidden behind loud phrases: the skin looks saturated with moisture (there is hyaluronic acid in the composition), and due to this, creases are smoothed out (which are more noticeable on dry skin).

The consistency of the product is light, almost gel-like, so it is easy and pleasant to distribute it - the skin eagerly absorbs the morning portion of moisture!

Price: 1 456 rubles.

Yuzu Sorbet Moisturizing Day Cream, Erborian

My absolute favorite this fall with a magical texture. Imagine a light white citrus scented sorbet with tiny yellow granules that dissolve on the skin upon application - it looks like someone decided to extend the summer!

The main ingredient is the Japanese yuzu lemon, rich in vitamin C and used in cosmetics to combat skin fatigue. Moisturizing sorbet is ideal for daily use even for my oily skin: it does not clog pores, moisturizes and gives radiance!

Price: 3950 rubles.

Face cream with hyaluronic acid and collagen, Roland

Tested by Beautyhack Special Correspondent Daria Mironova

Roland is one of the Japanese brands that not only residents of the Land of the Rising Sun have access to. Its advantages: affordable price, large volumes of creams and lotions and pleasant formulations at the same time. For example, this cream contains hyaluronic acid, squalane and soluble collagen. It turns out that the product works simultaneously as milk, serum and cream - it nourishes the skin as much as possible and helps it retain moisture.

The product has a light consistency - it is absorbed without problems. No fragrances, dyes and alcohol in the composition. My resume: a solid cream for daily evening or morning care - in both cases, the product will work perfectly!

Price: 1160 rubles.

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© Clip

Not every girl takes care of her face as much as her skin needs. Often there is one moisturizing cream on the shelf, perhaps even a night cream - that's all. Such care is unlikely to help make your skin perfect, and it will become less elastic and beautiful.

Choosing a good nourishing cream is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You need to pay attention to 5 options:

  1. purpose (nutritious, moisturizing, protective);
  2. age;
  3. skin type (normal, oily, dry);
  4. time of day (day or night);
  5. season.

"And what is difficult?" - you ask. With age, time of day, skin type, everything is really simple, but with the rest it is more difficult.
How to understand which cream is for winter, which one is for autumn, etc.?
In a nutshell, this can be explained as follows: in winter - moisturize, in summer - protect from UV rays, in spring - provide vitamins, in autumn - give nutrition.

Why is a nourishing face cream needed in autumn?

The transition from summer to autumn, from heat to cold, is stressful for the body. The skin becomes dry and dull. The body weakens, in addition, hormonal changes and changes occur.

Autumn nourishing face cream should not be instantly absorbed. It creates a so-called film on the face, thereby protecting it. Thus, the skin retains softness, elasticity and radiance.

The composition of the nourishing face cream should include:

  1. vegetable fat. It protects against drying and cold in an amount of at least 70% of the total composition. If there is less fat, then it is more likely a moisturizer. Avocado oil, wheat germ oil, shea butter, almond oil, grape seed oil, etc. are used;
  2. waxes for nutrition and softening (jojoba, bee, mink oil, spermaceti);
  3. fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic);
  4. herbal extracts to relieve irritation (green tea, calendula, lavender, chamomile, aloe vera);
  5. vitamins.

A good nourishing face cream may also contain sea minerals, coenzyme Q 10), collagen, thermal water, essential oil.
