A gift for a woman over 60 years old: household appliances. What to give a woman for her anniversary

On her 60th birthday, a woman should be given something useful and pleasant for her soul. It doesn’t matter who this person is to you: a colleague, a relative, a neighbor, a friend - the choice of a gift should be thoughtful. If there are no ideas at all, we offer you a few.

What to give a woman for her 60th birthday - a hobby

Pay attention to the woman's hobbies and interests. If she is a gardener, give her a hammock, a swing, an umbrella, or a folding gazebo. For those who prefer books, you can give an e-reader or light-up glasses. For those who like to knit, purchase quality yarn.

What to give a woman for her 60th birthday - interior items

An expensive painting will decorate any room. If a woman likes to receive guests, an elegant tablecloth and napkins will come in handy. If you are preparing a gift for a believing woman, give a beautiful icon with her guardian angel or a healing icon. Icons embroidered with beads look beautiful in the interior.

What to give a woman for her 60th birthday - a custom portrait

Order an artist to draw a portrait from a photograph of the hero of the day. This will be an original gift that will greatly surprise the birthday girl. Don't forget to place the picture in a beautiful frame.

What to give a woman for her 60th birthday - jewelry

Jewelry is often given as a gift for an anniversary. If the hero of the day is a relative or dear friend, give her jewelry made of silver or gold. This could be a pendant, chain or earrings. If you have a limited budget, you can choose inexpensive but high-quality jewelry.

What to give a woman for her 60th birthday - technology

In order for the birthday girl to have help in the kitchen, give her kitchen appliances. Options: baking dish, clay pots, good frying pan, multicooker, food processor, spice storage set, coffee maker.

When choosing gifts, remember that giving cosmetics to a woman is risky - without knowing your preferences, you can make a mistake and choose the wrong thing. But we recommend donating equipment, interior items, and certificates to a spa salon. Prepare an original congratulation, because you are giving not only a gift, but also your care and attention.

The choice of a gift for a woman over 60 years old depends entirely on her character and attitude to life. Some women celebrate their 60th anniversary as the beginning of old age, while others are still full of strength, energy and plans, and maintain eternal youth of soul. You should very delicately choose what to give a woman for her 60th birthday, so that the gift cannot offend or injure her in any way.

In any case, the 60th anniversary is a very respectable date. It is impossible to give a woman a cheap trinket and simple flowers for her 60th birthday without damaging your reputation. Therefore, it is worth starting to choose a decent anniversary gift in advance.

A woman of such mature age has already established herself as a specialist, as a wife and mother. She has almost everything she would like, everything she needs. But you can still choose gifts for a woman on her anniversary that will certainly please her and make her forget about the rapidly flying years.


Feel young and beautiful

To do this, you can give the hero of the day a subscription to a spa and massage salon. Pleasant treatments and a good massage restore a woman’s energy, confidence in her irresistibility and a cheerful mood.

And after the spa salon, you can arrange a photo session for the birthday girl with a good photographer. Properly taken photographs reveal all the most beautiful things in a woman, slightly masking the traces of the passing years. The lady will be pleased to see that any age is beautiful, and the light of worldly wisdom in her eyes looks even more attractive than the sparks of youthful enthusiasm that sparkled in her eyes 40 years ago.

For the resulting photos, you can give a stylish hand-bound photo album.

If the hero of the day loves music, you can give her tickets to a concert of her favorite performer - in a box, with an excellent view and good audibility.

Gifts for comfort at home

Gifts from this category can be made by close friends and relatives. This could be new household appliances, paintings, furniture. For example, a cozy rocking chair is the dream of many women, both domestic and more active.

You can give for 60 years:

  • her portrait, painted in oil or embroidered from a photograph;
  • a set of beautiful vases for the interior;
  • expensive bed linen, a set of pillows or blankets;
  • carpet in the living room;
  • kitchen utensils: a set of frying pans or pots of a famous brand, a multicooker, a food processor;
  • cutlery set;
  • dinner, tea or coffee service;
  • a set of tablecloths and napkins;
  • fluffy blanket;
  • soft bathrobe.

If the hero of the day has a dacha plot, you can give something useful or pleasant at the dacha:

  • inflatable pool;
  • swing with awning;
  • folding gazebo;
  • comfortable hammock;
  • set of wicker furniture;
  • large sun umbrella.


Representatives of the fairer sex love jewelry at any age. But at the age of 60, wearing jewelry is no longer customary, so you can give the hero of the day jewelry made of precious metals. This is, at a minimum, high-grade silver. Although more expensive metals are still preferable.

If you expect to spend a relatively small amount, you can give a good chest for storing jewelry, a handmade box.

Jewelry boxes are a universal gift for a woman of any age. You can choose from many models, different materials, more or less complex designs and a wide range of prices.

Souvenir shops can offer you:

  • boxes made of genuine leather, painted or embossed;
  • wooden boxes with inlay or carvings;
  • boxes made of natural stone;
  • painted boxes from Palekh, Khokhloma;
  • multi-tiered boxes and chests, optimally suited for storing and carrying jewelry.

Clothes and accessories

As a rule, a woman aged 60 is allowed to give items of clothing only to her closest relatives. This could be a fur coat, a stole made of natural fur and expensive brand accessories:

  • handbag, clutch;
  • umbrella;
  • custom-made designer shawls, scarves or stoles;
  • expensive gloves.

You can give a beautiful home suit. Ladies prefer to choose the remaining items of clothing for themselves, so it is better to present the birthday girl with a certificate for purchase in a good store of a well-known brand.

Handmade gifts

The 60th anniversary is a serious and somewhat pretentious date. Therefore, you can give gifts made with your own hands only if you know how to create high-class, excellent quality things. Otherwise, in order to avoid embarrassment, it is better to order the making of a gift from craftsmen: the quality will be at its best, and the gift will turn out to be unique, handmade.

You can give a lady her 60th birthday:

  • a picture embroidered by hand or by machine, painted with paints and always framed in a beautiful frame;
  • a book or photo album in handmade binding;
  • bedspreads or capes made with high quality patchwork technique;
  • a knitted or crocheted shawl or stole;
  • crocheted lace tablecloth;
  • hand painted vase;
  • tapestries on the wall;
  • handmade bag;
  • designer jewelry made of stones, metal and beads.

However, if the holiday is celebrated at home, in a relatively narrow circle of the closest people, you can somewhat expand the list of possible gifts.

Flowers for the anniversary

It is impossible to imagine a woman's anniversary without flowers. If you are going to celebrate your 60th anniversary, order flowers in advance in the floristry salon, collected in an original composition. Flowers can be in a bouquet or in a basket; it is important that they are fresh and retain their beauty at least until the end of the banquet.

The most appropriate flowers for floral arrangements:

  • roses of all shades: most women like these flowers, they look solemn and, with proper preparation, can remain fresh for a long time;
  • orchids: exquisite exotic flowers are distinguished by their longevity and bright colors;
  • calla lilies: cool, formal flowers are great for ceremonial arrangements;
  • gladioli: majestic, multi-colored flowers for ceremonial bouquets, perfect for anniversaries;
  • tulips and daffodils are amazing for a spring bouquet for a 60-year-old woman;
  • delicate fragrant freesias can also be included in a festive composition.

A floristry specialist will tell you which form of bouquet to prefer and advise which flowers are best to choose for making the composition. You just need to go to a well-known, well-established salon.

Birthday is an important event once a year for everyone, everyone tries to celebrate it by inviting close friends and relatives, especially if it is a round date. Often, choosing a gift becomes a real headache: you don’t know how much the hero of the occasion will like it, whether this item is needed, especially if the hero of the occasion is a woman.

You start frantically rushing around souvenir shops with the only question in your head: what to give a woman for her 60th birthday? Here are some tips of win-win ideas on how to solve the problem with .

Gift ideas for a woman on her 60th birthday

An anniversary in a person’s life is a special number of years lived, behind which certain heights, universal respect, and honor are achieved. On such a holiday, it is customary to give not just useless souvenirs, but truly significant gifts, sometimes even not counting money. There are a lot of ideas on how to beautifully congratulate a 60-year-old woman on her birthday. Browse below for illustrated gift ideas you can give a woman for her 60th birthday:

Expensive gifts

If you have a high budget, then the variety of ideas and possibilities increases manifold and there is already room for your imagination to run wild:

  • Choose the most beautiful earrings with diamonds - an incredibly noble gift that shows how much you love the birthday girl;
  • If you want to give expensive cosmetics, then simply give a certificate for a tidy sum so that she can independently choose everything she needs;
  • The ideal option would be a vacation trip to a warm country. Make sure that the country to which you are sending the hero of the day is not too exotic and has a moderate climate. People of this age already have an extremely difficult time with climate change, extreme heat, and long flights for their health.

Inexpensive gift with taste

Inexpensive and tasteful - this is just such a gift that is practical to use and useful in everyday life. Vivid examples of what can be given to a woman for her 60th birthday in an inexpensive but useful option can be found below:

  • A useful household appliance, for example, a multicooker, convection oven, bread maker, etc.;
  • A good inexpensive souvenir would be an elegant thin gold chain with a pendant in the form of an icon of the Mother of God;
  • A beautiful tableware set, or a large ceramic vase on the floor or table will never lose popularity;
  • Give a good leather women's wallet (just don't forget to include a couple of banknotes so that the gift will last a long time);
  • A souvenir that shows your care for the birthday girl - a soft, warm blanket of interesting colors;

  • If this is your grandmother or mother, it is very appropriate to give just an envelope with money.

How to congratulate your beloved mother on her anniversary?

Mom is a very close person, so when she has such a memorable event in her life, you want to make her the happiest for the umpteenth time and give her the best gift. In addition to the right gift that you choose from what mom needs, you will definitely want to give her an experience, so below check out some tips on how to congratulate the most special person in your life:

Business gift for a colleague

Often everyone is faced with the question of what souvenir to choose for their boss’s anniversary birthday. I would like my colleague, having received such a gift for her 60th birthday, to be sincerely happy, appreciate and approve of the choice of her subordinate. It is important to please, because the work is obligatory and this can directly affect future relationships. There are several ideas on how to successfully congratulate your dear boss on her anniversary:

  • Great idea for an organizer or notebook in leather binding, an exotic fresh flower;
  • Also, when you gather with your team, order a huge cake, perhaps with a portrait of the hero of the day;
  • An envelope with money is also a very successful gift from the whole team;
  • If you have a large team, then put together a gift such as a huge grandfather clock - a wonderful decoration for any interior.

How to make a gift with your own hands

Another great gift option for all occasions is a handmade souvenir. This is one of those few options that shows how much this person means to you. By making it, you invest your love, soul, time, attention, your energy, it will undoubtedly become the most special gift for a woman on her 60th birthday.

  • A good example of a homemade gift would be a delicious several kilogram cake, baked and decorated by you personally;
  • Knit a warm fluffy scarf;
  • Give a hand-embroidered towel and embroidered shirt.
  • Alternatively, watch an interesting video that shows an example of another handmade gift: https://youtu.be/Hk_bUeXZ1J
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Choosing a gift is always a difficult task, which can be successfully solved by knowing the birthday person well. Let's think together about how to choose a gift for a woman who turns 60.

To make the process of choosing a gift easier, imagine how a woman at 60 sees the world. Over these more than half a century, there was a lot of good and bad in her life, the woman loved and suffered, laughed and cried. This generation of women has very clear ideas about beauty, decency and doing the right thing.

60-year-old women most often will not be delighted with some creative gifts, but many will appreciate memorable gifts that warm the heart and soul.

Gift ideas for a woman's 60th birthday

Many 60-year-old grandmothers live on the successes and successes of their grandchildren. Give a nice gift to your grandmother for her 60th birthday - give a photo album with a selection of bright colorful photographs of your family. Instead of a photo album, there may be a painting depicting your relatives. At the age of 60, everyone comes to the understanding that the most important thing in life is your family. Therefore, an excellent unusual gift for a woman’s 60th birthday would be a genealogy book in a beautiful gift binding.

A woman at any age strives to take care of and care for herself. If you want to please your mother or mother-in-law, give her a set of expensive luxury cosmetics that match her age and skin type. She might appreciate a spa membership or a relaxing massage. Or buy the birthday girl a ticket to a sanatorium, where she will receive treatment and have a wonderful rest.

So that your mother or grandmother can warm up in the cold, give her a soft blanket or a beautiful warm robe: the woman will remember you with gratitude in warmth and comfort. The birthday girl loves to spend time at the dacha - give her a comfortable rocking chair in which she will rest from her dacha work. A useful and practical gift would be original textiles, for example, towels folded in the shape of an apple or a cake.

Mature women especially value home communication with their family. Buy a beautiful tea set or as a 60th birthday gift for your mother or mother-in-law. And gatherings over a cup of aromatic tea or coffee with pie will bring many pleasant and touching moments to your family.

If your hero of the day does handicrafts, you can give her a beautiful, roomy box for various little things. For those women who love to cook, buy a practical and useful gift: a steamer, bread maker or juicer that will make the process of preparing healthy and nutritious food easier.

The birthday girl will also appreciate a gift made by your own hands, for example, an embroidered picture. After all, you didn’t just go and buy something, but you put a piece of your soul into a homemade gift.

A good gift for your grandmother for her 60th birthday would be a new device that measures blood pressure, a device for home massage or physiotherapy. If a 60-year-old woman is constantly taking expensive medications, it would be a great idea to give her several of these packs. And the grandchildren can give their beloved the “Best Grandmother” medal.

And at 60 years old, many women lead an active lifestyle and play sports. For them, a great gift would be, for example, a home exercise bike, which will help the birthday girl keep herself in great shape for a long time.

For a theater lover, going to a concert, play or opera together would be an excellent gift. And after that you can celebrate your anniversary in a restaurant.

Well, an indispensable gift for a woman at any age should be flowers in the form of a bouquet, growing in a pot, or even an original bouquet made from sweets.

Whatever you choose as a gift for a 60-year-old woman, the most important thing for her will be warm words and congratulations, because, as you know, it is not the gift that is valuable, but the attention.
