Underwater world in the 2nd junior group. ECD: Physical education activity

Target: 1.Give an initial idea of ​​the structure of the fish - elongated body, head in front, tail in back, back on top, abdomen below, there are fins; the head has a mouth and eyes. Introduce the functions of the eyes and mouth: the fish sees objects around it, eats food with its mouth. Show that in this way the fish is similar to children.

2.Educate friendly attitude to everything living.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher turns on an audio recording with the sounds of the sea - splashing waves, surf, children enter the hall.

Educator:- Guys, listen. What do you hear?

Children:- The sound of the sea, the waves splashing on the shore...

Educator:- How many of you have seen the sea? Did you swim in it?

Children's answers:

Educator:- Would you like to be at sea again?

Children's answers:

Educator:- Guys, tell me, what can you use to travel by sea?

Children's answers:- On a ship, on a yacht, on a boat...

Educator:- Let’s now get into the boats and sail on a journey across the waves.

Educator:“I’ll press my two palms and swim across the sea.”

Two palms, friends, this is my boat.

I will raise my sails and sail across the blue sea.

And fish swim here and there on the stormy waves.

Children press both palms together without connecting their thumbs. Imitates the movement of a boat.

Children sail to the middle of the “blue sea” to the sound of music. (The hall is decorated with figures sea ​​creatures, on the floor there is an imitation of the sea. Children look at the fish figures and sit on chairs.)

Educator:- Guys, you and I have sailed to the very middle of the blue sea. And we found ourselves in the underwater world. Look, there's someone's house here. I wonder who lives in it? We need to solve the riddle, then we will find out who lives here?

She lives in the water - there is no beak, but she pecks.

Its clean silver back shines in the river.

Now let's see if you guessed correctly. (The teacher picks up the house, there is a fish in it; takes out a fish figurine from the house and attaches it to the magnetic board.)

Educator:- Let's take a close look at her. Here is a fish's body - elongated, long, with a head in front and a tail behind. The fish always has a back on top and a belly on the bottom. There are fins on the back, belly and tail.

Why do fish need fins?

Children's answers:- Swim…

Educator:- To move. And the caudal fin is the main organ of movement; it acts as a rudder, especially during sharp turns.

The fish has eyes on its head. Now we’ll find out why we need eyes. Everyone, close your eyes and don't open them until I say so. Tell me what am I doing? Don't open your eyes. (The teacher waves his hand. Silence.) Now open your eyes. What did I do? Do not know. And this is what I did. (The teacher repeats his actions.) So why do we need eyes?

Children's answers:- To see.

Educator: That's right, if you close your eyes, you can't see anything.

Why do fish have eyes? How do you think?

Children's answers:- To see.

Educator:- That's right, to see. The fish sees everything around it with its eyes, just like you and me. What else is there on the fish’s head?

Children's answers: Mouth.

Educator: Right. Now let's check why you and I need a mouth.

There is a piece of bread in front of you. Eat it. (The teacher offers the children pieces of bread on toothpicks.)

Now purse your lips and, without opening your mouth, say: mom, dad. (Children cannot.) So why do you and I need a mouth?

Children's answers:- To eat, to talk.

Educator:- Why does a fish need a mouth?

Children's answers:- To eat, to talk.

Educator:- That's right, just like you and me, in order to eat and talk. After all, fish can also talk, but very quietly, so no one can hear them.

Guys, tell me, is this a real fish or a toy? Of course it’s a toy, and since it’s a toy, that means we can play with it. Children, what is the name of a person who catches fish?

Children's answers:- Fisherman.

Educator:- Let's now play the game "Fishermen and Fishes." Boys will be fishermen, and girls will be fish.

The outdoor game “Fishermen and Fishes” is being played

“Fishermen” join hands, make a circle and raise their hands up. And the “fish” run freely, running in and out of the circle while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, the round dance must lower its hands together and catch the fish. The “fish” that is caught joins the “fishermen”.

Instead of music, the teacher can pronounce the words:

Fishes walk in the sea,

The fish are wagging their tails.

Be careful, beware!

Don't get hooked!

(Children sit on chairs.)

Educator:- Guys, you were so noisy that you didn’t hear the fish talking. And she just told me in my ear that she was very sad.

Why you so sad? What happened to you?

Guys, it turns out that fish love to swim and visit each other. Blue fish swam to visit her sister, the red fish, and got lost. Because the waves rose and a storm began.

What kind of waves do you think there are?

Children's answers:

Educator:- Sometimes they are small and calm, and when there is a storm: high and foaming, huge. Come on, now you show me what waves there are.

Exercise “Wave” is carried out

The teacher names the nature of the waves: calm, lazy, and now cheerful, and now angry, and now a storm, huge. Children show waves with their hands and arms (to the music - “The Sound of the Sea”).

This is what waves are like.

Educator:- What huge waves rose, stirred up all the water and brought a whole bunch of shells. (The teacher takes out a container with shells.)

Guys, maybe the waves brought something else besides shells. Let's check.

Children take turns putting their hand into a container with shells, finding parts of a blue fish and calling them: head, back, tail...

The game “Bring the Fish to Life” is being played

Educator:- Guys, you found parts of the fish’s body, and now you need to revive the fish. Build a whole from parts. (Children come out at will and assemble a puzzle fish on the table.)

What great guys! We found a sister for the red fish. The fish are very happy and now they can play together. And the kids can play too.

A physical education session is being held

The fish swims in the water,

(Imitation hand movements)

The fish have fun diving.


Fish, fish, respond!

(Two palms together - to the ear)

We want to catch you.

(Clapping left, right)

Educator:- Now let’s sit down and repeat what we learned today.

The teacher names an object of living nature, and the children must name the method of movement of the object. For example, a bunny jumps and runs, a bird flies, and what does a fish do? - floats. What does a fish have to

swim? - fins.

The teacher asks, what else does the fish have?

The teacher shows the fish, and the children name the parts of the body: back (where? - top), abdomen (where? - bottom), head (where? - front), tail (where? - back). What does the fish have on its head? Children call: eyes (for what? - to see), mouth (for what? - to eat and talk).

The teacher names the animal, and the children must correctly determine the place of the object’s “home”: a hollow, a den, a kennel, the sea... For example, a bear lives in a den, a bird in a nest in a tree, and where does a fish live?

Children call: in the river, in the sea, in the lake...

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Slide captions:

UNDERWATER WORLD Compiled by: Pakulina Vera Vladimirovna Educator 1 qualification category MBDOU d/s "Joy" Asbest

Relevance of the problem: today, environmental issues are very acute. One of the reasons for this is the lack of environmental awareness and culture among people. Basics ecological culture are also laid in preschool age. Our country is washed by seas on all sides. And in order to preserve their beauty and wealth, it is necessary to instill in children careful and conscious behavior towards native nature. But, unfortunately, from conversations with children it follows that they know very little about the flora and fauna of the seas. In order to understand the uniqueness of these natural objects and educate environmentally literate behavior, the “Underwater World” project was developed. The goal of the project: to create conditions for the education of environmental culture and the development of cognitive and creativity children in the process of implementation creative project"Undersea world". Introduce children to sea creatures. Project objectives: 1) To form children’s ideas about marine life; 2) Improve verbal communication skills; 3) Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy; 4) Develop search skills; 5) Develop communication skills, independence, initiative; 6) Educate careful attitude to nature. Expected result: initial skills of environmentally conscious behavior in nature have been formed;

SEA STAR A star fell from the sky and ended up in the ocean. And now there all year round Slowly crawling along the bottom. (V. Moroz)

MEDUSA A transparent jellyfish floats quietly. If you touch a jellyfish, it will burn you like an electric shock! (N. Migunova)

SEA TURTLE The shell protruding from the water plays with gold gloss. What kind of animal or bird is this? Without a doubt, a turtle. (N. Kindness)

WHALE A whale spends its entire life in the water, although it is not a fish. He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea, For which we thank him: It would be cramped on land from the huge carcass! (B. Zakhoder)

DOLPHIN From sea water, dolphins show their backs to us. How beautifully they swim - Very quickly and playfully! (N. Migunova)

SHARK Don't look at the fact that the shark's cheekbones are invisible from the side. There are three rows of teeth in its mouth. It will eat anyone without difficulty. (Yu. Parfenov)

OCTOPUS He lives at the very bottom, At a terrible depth - Many-armed, Many-legged, Legged, Armed. Sprut Kalmarych Octopus goes to sea without boots! (G. Kruzhkov)

CORAL Corals live at the bottom of the ocean, and they invite various fish to visit. Corals are proud of their beauty. The outfit of corals is not at all simple. And there, under the water at great depths, I imagined seeing corals. Who hasn't seen in the waves sea ​​flowers, He had never seen such beauty in his life.

FISH The fish was catching up with the fish, The fish was wagging its tail, It poked itself in the abdomen - It caught up! - Hey, girlfriend! How are you? T. Vtorova

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

In some preschool institutions an elective on basics has been introduced Orthodox culture. I think this is correct. And all the arguments about our multi-religious country sound mocking. That's how you want it...

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Completed by: Kuznetsova M.E. Program content: 1. Form the simplest techniques visual arts, mastering a variety of working techniques (bristles...

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Program content.

Training tasks. Create a favorable environment of equal cooperation between participants in the gaming session. Help parents stimulate children's desire to be active during a play session. Introduce children to a new fairy tale, learn to perceive action in the plot, act independently in improvisation. Encourage children to expressive onomatopoeia. Teach children to compare, establish the identity and difference of homogeneous objects by color. Continue to teach children to draw with their palms, develop interest and positive attitude to drawing.

Developmental tasks. Develop fine motor skills hands, expressiveness of movements, tactile sensations, coordinated movements of both hands, attention, imagination, coordination of movements. Develop and enrich children's vocabulary.

Educational tasks. Educate children and adults friendly relations, mutual assistance, organization. To evoke in children an emotional response to the game session and a desire to participate in it.

Preliminary work. Showing pictures depicting sea creatures, transport, reading poems “Sea”, “Octopussy”, finger exercise “Steamboat”, reading the fairy tale “Steamboat”, didactic game “Octopussy”.

Vocabulary work. Nouns denoting natural phenomena: sun, sea, denoting sea inhabitants: fish(s), octopus, denoting water transport: steamboat (hums, floats), adjectives denoting color, taste, temperature differences(yellow, blue, salty, warm, cold).

Methods and techniques. A surprise moment, a gaming device, a literary word, a display of actions.

Equipment. A pipe, a container with water, a toy steamer, sports bumps, finger paint, rag ( wet wipe), didactic game "Octopus", tape recorder, TV, DVD, wide blue tape, bath of water, disposable cups.

GCD move.

Children with mothers, a teacher, stand in a circle and greet each child in turn, leaning forward and calling his name in a diminutive form. The sea is depicted on the screen, and the audio recording “The Sound of the Sea” is turned on.

Educator. Dear children and adults, what do you hear?

Children. Sea Sea.

Educator. That's right, you hear the sounds of the sea. Would you like to go to the sea now?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Okay, we are all children and adults a little bit magicians. Let's make some big magic?

Children. Fine.

Educator. Let's close our eyes and all together, imagine a big, warm sea, gentle playful waves splashing near the shore and all together, let's say, Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh... (The teacher uses a wide blue ribbon to outline the coastline.)

Educator. Open your eyes. You and I found ourselves on the seashore. The sea is already roaring next to us. Our magic worked. Let's take a walk along the shore and remember the poem about the sea.

Educator. Sea, I'm running to you! I'm already on the shore!

I run to your wave, and the wave runs to me!

Educator. We walk one after another, raising our knees high. We come across large pebbles in the sand. Let's walk through them. (Walking over bumps is a balance exercise).

Educator. Hot! Let's get our hands and feet wet in the sea.

1. I.P.: legs apart, arms to shoulders, hands clenched into fists.

1. Hands up, palms together, look, stretch.

2. I.P. (Repeat 3-4 times).

2. IP: legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows, palms down, fingers touching each other.

1-3 – perform 3 breaststroke movements (stretch your arms forward, spread them to the sides, return to the jump position);

4 – I.P. (Repeat 3-4 times).

3. I.P.: legs apart, arms down.

1 – bend forward, perform two swing movements with both arms forward and backward;

2 – I.P. (Repeat 3-4 times).

Educator. Extend your palms forward. Are they still dry?

Children. Yes.

The teacher puts a wet glove on his hand, and the adult strokes each child’s palm.

Educator. Give me your palm, my little one, I will stroke your palm.

Our palms became wet. Let's say together: wet! (Children repeat).

Educator. What makes everything wet?

Children. Water!

Educator. Look around, find where the water is? (basin of blue color filled with water). It's like the sea. Look what lies at the bottom?

Children. Pebbles, shells.

Educator. Well done, right, let's try to get them and throw them back into our little sea. (Children are experimenting).

Educator. Guys, pebbles and shells fall to the bottom because they are heavy. Do you want to try real sea water? (Children taste the disposable cups slightly salted water).

Educator. Guys sea ​​water which?

Children . Salty.

Educator. Correctly salted. Let's all say it together: salty! (Children repeat).

Educator. Look who lives in the sea. (Children approach the basin and see that a fish is swimming there)

Children. Fish.

Educator. That's right, fish. She can swim. Do you want to launch your fish into the sea?

Children. We want.

Educator. Come to me, I have magic fish As soon as they get into the water, they immediately begin to swim and play with each other. (Children with their mothers take the toys apart and lower them into the water.)

Educator. Well done, we hung our fish.

Finger exercise"Steamboat"

Educator. Look, steamboat

Floats forward on the waves.

The teacher places slightly rounded palms on the ribs. Connects the tips of the index, middle and ring fingers. Thumbs lifts up - this is the steamer's chimney. A steamboat appears on the screen.

Educator. The steamboat whispered in my ear that he wanted to tell us a fairy tale called “The Steamboat.” Dear children and parents, sit down on the chairs, let's watch and listen to the fairy tale. (Using the presentation “The Tale of the Steamboat”).

Educator. The steamboat sailed on the sea. One day he got sad and forgot how to buzz. He swam along the shore, met a puppy and asked:

“No,” said the puppy. - I bark. Do you want me to teach you? Bow-wow!

Educator. How did the puppy bark? Tell. (Children complete the task).

- What are you, what are you! - said the steamboat. “If I say ‘Woof – woof – woof!’, all the passengers will run away.”

-You don’t know how to buzz?

“No,” said the piglet, “I can grunt.” Do you want me to teach you? Oink - oink!

Educator. How did the pig grunt? Show and tell! (Children will complete the task).

- What are you, what are you?! - the steamboat was frightened. “If I say “Oink, oink!”, all the passengers will laugh.”

The puppy and the pig never taught the steamboat to whistle. The steamboat began to ask others.

The red foal said: “Yoke-go-go!”

Educator. How did the foal neigh? Tell. (Children complete the task).

And the green frog: “Kwa – kwa – kwa!” (Children repeat.)

Educator. The ship was completely depressed. I buried my nose in the shore. And suddenly he sees: sitting on the shore a little boy and is sad.

- What happened to you? - asked the steamboat.

“Yes, I’m sad,” said the boy.

The steamboat was about to sail away when suddenly he heard:

- Doo-doo-doo! (Children repeat).

Does something seem to be buzzing? - asked the steamboat.

“Yes,” the boy answered, “when I’m sad, I play the pipe.”

- I think I remember? – the boy was surprised.

- I know how to buzz! Doo-doo-doo! You taught me this!

And the sad boy laughed merrily. And the steamboat hummed:

- Doo-doo-oo-oo!

Educator. And now, guys, you and I will sound our horn like little ships. Do as I do. (Each child makes a pipe and plays it.)

Educator. And now you and I will sail like steamboats and hum: doo-doo!

Children walk and hum to the music, saying “Doo-doo-doo.”

Educator. Look, octopuses have appeared in the sea. (Shows educational toy"Octopus")

- I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and many legs -

I'm a funny octopus!

(Children look at the octopus. The teacher asks to show their head and legs - tentacles.)

Educator. Our octopus Yasha has kids, look, they are still small, but there was a small problem, they mixed up their tentacles - legs. Please help them find them, the tentacles should be the same color as the head.

The teacher gives each child a silhouette of an octopus; the box contains clothespins different color. Children find clothespins of the same color as the silhouette of an octopus, name the color, and parents help the children. The teacher, together with the mothers, encourages the child to find the necessary clothespin “of the same color”, orienting the children to the primary colors (yellow, red, blue, green).

Didactic game with clothespins “Help the kids”

Educator. Octopuses tell us: “Thank you! Now we want to go back to the sea!” Guys, let's help our octopuses get into the sea?

Children. Fine.

Educator. A poem is recited with the children.

Hands stomp on the paint.

Was once Blank sheet.

I will leave bright traces,

No need for a brush today.

(He takes out a tinted piece of paper - this is the sea. Shows how to make handprints - draw octopuses.)

Children draw on a large Whatman paper with their palms, dipping them in paint. Mothers help children dip their palms in paint and wash their hands in water after drawing.

Educator. Well done guys, thanks mom for your help.

Educator. Today we went to the sea, helped the steamboat, the octopuses, but it’s time to return home, let’s close our eyes and say Sh-Sh-Sh together. (Everyone does the exercise)

Sound of the Sea music sounds

Educator. Open your eyes, look, here we are in our group. It's time to say goodbye. Teachers approach each child, and each child touches the teachers’ palms.

The teacher says to the children “Goodbye!”

Used Books.

1. Kazina O.B. The best sports activities, holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2009. – 160 p.

2. Miklyaeva N.V. First steps into the world. Play sessions for children 2-3 years old. – M.: TC Sfera 2014. – 128 p.

3. Naibauer A.V. Creating conditions for children's adaptation early age To kindergarten. M.: TC Sfera, 2013. – 128 p.

4. Yanushko E.A. Drawing with young children (1-3 years old). – M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2011. 64 p.

Summary of the lesson "Aquarium and its inhabitants." Second junior group

Target: To introduce and expand children’s understanding of the fact that fish, snails, and plants live in an aquarium;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the functions of fish, the purpose of aquarium plants (fish swim, snails crawl, clean the walls of the aquarium, plants grow, decorate the aquarium, serve some fish as food or shelter)
Develop a sense of empathy and emotional responsiveness to the inhabitants of the aquarium.
Expand children's vocabulary.
Cultivate interest and love for nature, caring for it.

Material and equipment: an aquarium in a corner of nature, a fish model, plasticine, a modeling board, stacks, a recording of music “sounds of the sea”, an easel.

Progress of the lesson:

(children sit in a semicircle in front of a table on which there is an aquarium covered with a scarf; we have an aquarium screwed to the wall and next to it is an easel with magnets for displaying photographs of fish)

Educator:- Guys, try to guess my riddle:
- Look, the house is standing,
It's filled to the brim with water.
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides.
Residents in this house
All skilled swimmers (Aquarium)
(children's answers)
:- That’s right, an aquarium, and what kind of residents live in the aquarium (Fish, snails)
-Let's get acquainted with fish and look at what fish have.
Game "Aquarium and its inhabitants"
(the teacher reads a poem about fish and draws the children’s attention to these fish)
1. It came to us from a fairy tale,
There was a queen there
This fish is not simple -
This fish is golden
Wears a long pointed ponytail
And it's called (sword bearer)

2. Predatory fish with mustaches
We call...(gourami)

3. Who has a house under the stone?
He is mustachioed, motley (catfish)

4.Like the moon is silvery and sad in appearance,
A mysterious fish sits in an aquarium (angelfish)

5. Beautiful in a glass house,
All the fish are like on the screen,
But a fish named (Guppy)
Dreams of the ocean!
G. Maksimova

Educator:- We admired the fish, and now let’s look and name what fish have and why they need it:
(draws the children’s attention to the fish model)
- The body of the fish is oval shaped
- Fins on the back and abdomen (help the fish swim in the water)
- Tail (helps to swim, steer and turn)
- Eyes (fish sleep with with open eyes, because there are no eyelids)
- Mouth (to eat)
- Gills (with the help of them fish breathe under water)\
- The body is covered with scales.
Educator:- Let's see, guys, who else lives with the fish in the aquarium, we show pictures of snails and plants and shells, you can also show shells visually (children's answers)

That's right - these are snails, shells, aquarium plants.
Educator: What do you think, are fish and snails alive or not? (children's answers)
Educator:- That's right, fish and snails are living creatures.
- What kind of water would they like to live in? (children's answers)
Educator: B clean water. You know, guys, aquarium plants are also needed for the aquarium, for beauty, for the release of oxygen, and some fish will hide there and can feast on blades of grass. The fish eat special food that is sold in pet stores. Well, are the guys tired? Let's get moving.
Physical exercise "Five little fish"
Five little fish were diving in the river
(imitation fish).
A large log lay on the sand
(spread your arms to the sides).
The first fish said: “It’s easy to dive here.”
(imitation diving).
The second one said: “It’s deep here.”
(they shake their index finger).
The third said: - I want to sleep
(hands cupped under the ear).
The fourth one began to freeze a little
(Rub shoulders with brushes).
The fifth one shouted: “there’s a crocodile here.”
(hands imitate the mouth of a crocodile).
Swim quickly so you don't swallow it
(run away).
Educator: - Look, guys, we have fish, but for some reason they have no scales. Let's decorate them.
(There are fish on the table and plasticine next to them. We roll small balls and press them with our fingers onto the body of the fish) (while sculpting we turn on the sound of the sea music)

Educator:- Well done boys! Your fish are very beautiful and will definitely please our aquarium inhabitants.
Today we met the inhabitants of the aquarium and learned that fish love clean water and special food. The inhabitants of the aquarium are alive and they need our attention, and in return they will delight us with their beauty.

Tatiana Litvinenko
Open integrated lesson in the second younger group"Undersea world"

Target: Creating conditions for nurturing environmental culture and developing children’s cognitive and creative abilities.


Introduce children to marine life, give the simplest ideas about some of the structural features of the body in connection with their life in water, their methods of movement (swims, the uniqueness of each species;

Learn to solve riddles; enrich children's vocabulary;

Develop logical thinking, the ability to draw simple conclusions and conclusions based on a comparison of facts, results, observations;

Develop aesthetic perception of the world around us, the ability to see beauty;

Develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature;

Develop cognitive interest, Creative skills;

Use various non-traditional artistic skills;

Learn to protect environment; begin to develop in children the initial skills of environmentally literate behavior in nature;

Create a positive psycho-emotional background in group.

Dictionary: sea, sea animals, scuba diver, scuba, whale, shark, starfish, sea urchin, seahorse, jellyfish.

Equipment: projector, screen for viewing the presentation, pictures depicting sea creatures, plasticine, boards for modeling, silhouettes of sea creatures, a poster with an imitation of the seabed, magnets, cereals for decorating products.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part:

The teacher calls the children to to myself:

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Children hold hands and smile at each other.


Now smile at our guests and say hello to them.

Children say hello.

2. The sound of the sea. Educator: Today, children, we are going to cruise. We walk along the shore, stop, breathe in the fresh cool air, listen to the sound of the waves and the cries of the seagulls, bending down, touching the water with our right hand, our left hand, straightening up - with our right foot, our left foot. We put on scuba gear, mask and snorkel. Let's breathe correctly. Slowly. We go into the water slowly. Slowly we dive deeper and deeper... (Children sit on chairs) And here we are at the very bottom of the sea. Marine life swims around us. Who do we see?

Children's expected responses.

3. Finger gymnastics. "Sea".

Educator: The sea is calm and calm. High waves (show both hands smooth movements "waves"). A ship is sailing at sea (hands in front of you, right on left). Seagulls fly above it (waves hands). And underneath - sharks swim (fingers spread like jaws). Jellyfish (clench your fist and straighten it sharply). Fish (smooth movements of the hand up and down). whale swims by (hands together, palms facing each other and slow movements to the sides). And at the very bottom there were crabs hiding (clicks). Seahorses swim quickly. Beautiful corals grow there (elbows rest on knees, move fingers).

4. Show presentation "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans"- slide 1

Look guys, this is our Earth. Most of the Earth is covered by seas and oceans. There are four great oceans and many seas - slide 2

Who's that in the water? Yes, guys, this is a scuba diver. This is a man who swims underwater in a special suit - slide 3

Let us also plunge into undersea world and we'll see, who lives there?

It's like a huge house,

But calm, modest.

He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea -

This is how he lives in the world... (whale)- slide 4

The whale is the largest animal on our planet. Whales look like huge fish, but they are not fish. They feed their young with milk. Whales for a long time may be underwater. They swim out to get air.

This fish is an evil predator,

It will swallow everyone wholeheartedly.

Showing her teeth, she yawned

And sank to the bottom... (shark)- slide 5

A shark is a big fish. She is a predator. She has a very sharp teeth. Sharks are different and very large, and even small.

She's deep at the bottom

As if visible in the sky.

But it doesn’t shine and doesn’t warm,

Because he can't (Starfish)– slide 6

This sea animal looks like a star, it has five or six rays. In case of danger, the starfish can be painfully pricked by protruding thorns. She is a predator, feeding on mollusks and sea urchins.

Above starfish victory,

Competing, won:

In a minute I'm two meters

Ran on pins and needles (sea urchin)– slide 7

The sea urchin's body is covered with a shell from which needles protrude. The needles are very thin and sharp. With the help of needles they protect themselves from enemies and move around. Small fish hide in its needles. Sea urchins very poisonous.

A transparent umbrella floats.

“I’ll burn you!” - threatens. “Don’t touch me!”

She has arms and a belly.

And her name is... (jellyfish)- slide 8

Jellyfish have a translucent, umbrella-shaped body. They look like jelly. There are jellyfish different sizes both very small and very large. They can glow in the dark like flashlights. The umbrella and tentacles glow yellow-orange. If a lot of jellyfish rise to the surface, it seems that the sea is burning with red fire.

It looks so much like a horse.

And he lives in the sea too.

Like that, fish, hop, hop, hop –

The sea jumps (horse)– slide 9

A seahorse is also a fish. He swims very fast, and almost no one can catch up with him.

Glistening in a clean river

The back is silver...slide 10 – clown fish, slide 11 – butterfly fish

And also underwater the world is very rich in different vegetation - slide 12 - corals

Slide 13 – coral reef

5. Physical exercise: "Fish"

The fish swims in the water,

(children walk along group)

The fish have fun playing.

Fish, fish, mischief,

(they shake a finger)

We want to catch you.

(catch a fish)

The fish arched its back

(again depict how the fish swims)

I took a bread crumb

(make a grasping movement with both hands)

The fish waved its tail

The fish quickly swam away.

(children run away)

6. A poster with an imitation of the seabed hangs on the board.

Educator: Look, guys. Here we have the seabed, but something is wrong here. There are pebbles, there is algae, but our sea animals are missing. Which ones? (children's answers)

7. You have silhouettes of sea creatures on your tables, but they are not colored. Let's go to the tables and decorate our sea creatures with plasticine, and then decorate them with the cereal that is on your plates.

Children do the work on the tables and then decorate the poster with them using magnets.

8. Final part:

Educator (pointing to the poster):

Here are the fish swimming in the sea,

And whales swim

And the stars are colorful,

And also me and you.

Only we are at the shore,

And the fish are in the depths;

We grew up in the sun

And the fish are all in the water.

But we are similar to them:

We love to play

But we just can't

Like fish, keep quiet.

We want to frolic

And I want to scream

We want to have fun

And sing songs.

9. Educator: And now we will play interesting game"Ocean is shaking" (to music). And we will invite our guests to play with us. We’ll also treat everyone to sweets - "Sea pebbles".
