Diarrhea in a cat treatment at home. When to sound the alarm

Anastasia Korableva

Any deterioration in the health of a cat is always a tragedy. In this situation, you should not get lost, but monitor all the symptoms of the pet and consult a veterinarian. Delay can be tragic for the animal. For example, diarrhea can be a sign of a serious kidney or liver disease, a tumor, or jaundice.

diarrhea symptoms

Diarrhea is characterized common symptoms:

  • liquid stool;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • flatulence;
  • blood, mucus with feces.

If diarrhea signals a manifestation of the disease, there may be secondary symptoms:

  • decrease or increase in appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • vomit;
  • temperature rise;
  • decrease in pet activity;
  • drowsiness.

Secondary symptoms should be treated as early as possible. To diagnose the disease in time and start treatment.


Loose stools in a cat can be of various durations. Sometimes the sudden onset of diarrhea also ends abruptly. The animal during this time has not changed behavior, appetite. A one-time bowel movement is not a reason for frustration. The manifestation of diarrhea and its continuation for a certain time, divided it into several groups.

  • acute - the duration of diarrhea is more than two days;
  • chronic - more than 7 days;
  • intermittent - up to 30 days.

The first group does not pose a threat to health and is limited to hunger and a decrease in water for the first two days. Apply diet. Within two days, the cat's body will recover.

A chronic group obliges to contact a veterinary clinic. Since it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment.

An intermittent group entails not only a disease, but also dehydration of the body, so the animal must be examined.

The reasons

Diarrhea is caused by:

Cat diarrhea can be caused by external factors:

  • stale food;
  • replacement of feed by another company;
  • reaction to unusual food;
  • wrong diet;
  • food intolerance;
  • too much feed;
  • drug poisoning.

Liquid stools with external factors are disposable, with water or green, and may disappear on their own without treatment. It is enough not to feed for 2 days, limit water.

Types of diarrhea in cats

By the color and consistency of feces, experts often determine the cause of the disease in cats.

A healthy pet has a brown stool of a certain shape and a slightly soft consistency. The frequency of defecation is usually 1-2 times a day. If there is a very soft or mushy emptying, their frequency has increased to several times a day - this is a signal that something is wrong with the cat. Doctors distinguish several types of diarrhea.

diarrhea with water

The appearance of water in the feces during a single bowel movement does not threaten the health of the cat. The pet behaves normally, does not lose its appetite, the color and smell of feces is normal. The reasons for this manifestation may be the following:

  • spoiled products;
  • feed replacement;
  • motion sickness in transport as a result of a long trip;
  • stressful situation (new pet, going to the doctor);
  • reaction to unusual food (raisins, chocolate, nuts, milk);
  • wrong diet.

Prolonged diarrhea with water indicates the development of the disease. In this case, you should not self-medicate and you need to take the cat to the veterinary clinic for examination.

Important! A timely trip to the doctor will prevent the disease at an early stage, which will reduce the risk of complications.

With blood

If this type of diarrhea is detected, you should not take the problem lightly, any delay in visiting a doctor threatens to kill the cat.

green diarrhea

The reason for the appearance of the green color of the cat's feces indicates that the day before the pet ate low-quality food. As a result, putrefactive processes develop in the body. In turn, toxic substances are released from them, which cause irreparable harm to the animal.

Diarrhea should not be allowed to last more than 2 days, but treatment should be started as soon as possible. Since the work of the pancreas is disrupted, the cat loses weight, although her appetite is brutal. During this illness, you will need to put droppers, a trip to the veterinarian is necessary.


Bilirubins contained in bile stain the cat's feces brown. This is the case when their intake is in normal quantities. The slightest deviation from the norm will lead to other shades. When the intestines receive less bilirubin, the color of the urine becomes white.


During normal stomach function, yellow bilirubin turns brown. If digestion occurs very quickly, bilirubins do not have time to turn brown, but come out in a natural color. During diarrhea, the processes are accelerated and the yellow color can be considered normal if it does not get a brighter color, signaling a disease.


In this case, bilirubins, in the process of processing in the stomach, turn orange. This indicates a supersaturation of elements in the blood. The reason for the change in color is liver disease - jaundice. In addition to the primary symptoms, the cat adds secondary signs: yellow eyes and gums, lethargy, weight loss, refusal to feed.


Diarrhea with mucus

The presence of mucus in the stool is observed for many reasons:

Secondary symptoms may be weight loss, loss of appetite, general malaise.

Diarrhea + vomiting

The digestive system of cats can not cope with food. The result is diarrhea and vomiting. Also, the causes of vomiting can be diseases:

  • pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas;
  • tumor;
  • thyroid disease;
  • obstruction of the esophagus or intestines;
  • kidney disease.

In most cases, cats suffer through the fault of the owner when foods that are incompatible with the pet's digestive system get into the food.

diarrhea after vaccination

A healthy cat does not respond to vaccination. But there are cases when a cat has diarrhea. The vaccine caused an exacerbation of a sluggish disease. In this case, you need to seek help from a veterinarian. A correctly delivered injection reduces the risk of complications; read on how to carry out this procedure yourself with less risk.


Diarrhea treatment at the vet

Important! Keep track of all changes in your pet, not only in behavior, but also for the quality, smell, and color of the discharge. This will make it easier for the doctor to diagnose.

Then, the doctor performs a physical examination. Based on the medical history and external examination of the animal, the veterinarian determines:

  • form of diarrhea (acute or chronic);
  • site of injury (small or large intestine);
  • pet's condition (mild or severe).

Based on the findings, the animal is given first aid and treatment. If the cat's diarrhea is mild and does not last long, the doctor may prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Diarrhea treatment at home

Diarrhea caused by malnutrition is treated symptomatically. The animal is prescribed a starvation diet for 2 days. Drinking is reduced if the disease is accompanied by vomiting, if not, the pet should consume as much fluid as possible to avoid dehydration.

Loss of fluid is replenished with salted chamomile broth, mineral water without gas. To do this, every hour from a pipette or syringe, it is necessary to forcefully drink the pet, since he will most likely refuse to drink.

On the third day, you need to start feeding the cat in small portions, gradually increasing them. The body responds well to oatmeal, rice broths. After treatment, adhere to a diet and avoid complementary foods that are prohibited for a cat.

If the cause is more serious, such as diarrhea with blood and mucus, it is highly undesirable to treat the cat at home. Wrong methods of treatment can aggravate the disease. Diarrhea is accompanied by dehydration, in order to compensate for supplies, the veterinarian will prescribe saline droppers, antibacterial drugs to relieve pain and spasms, and hemostatic medications.

What medicine to give a cat

After all examinations, treatment is prescribed for each animal individually. These may include the following medications.


Accepted in the fight against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. While taking the drug, you should follow the instructions. Since in case of violation, side effects are possible: dermatitis, skin rash, kidney damage.


The drug helps in the treatment of salmonellosis, dysentery, colitis. Has an antimicrobial agent. The tablet is divided into 4 parts, one of them is dissolved in water and injected into the pet's mouth with a syringe. Do not use the medicine in animals, with liver disease, kidney disease, pregnant cats.

Important! Tablets are used only as directed by a doctor.


Broad spectrum antimicrobial agent. Appointed by a doctor. It is applied three times a day with meals.

Smecta and activated carbon

Enterosorbents free the body from toxins. It is used in the event that diarrhea is of a short duration.

The therapist, depending on the severity of the disease, may prescribe:

  • intravenous injections for dehydration in the following composition: ascorbic acid, glucose, sodium chloride;
  • antihelminthic drugs;
  • general strengthening complex for the body.


The best treatment for diarrhea is hunger. But it should last no more than 2 days. In the following days, it is necessary to force-feed 4 times a day, in small portions, usually the total dose is halved.

Water must always be filled. Dishes must be disinfected.

From the diet you need to exclude all milk, carbohydrates, starch contained in foods, smoked meats, sweets. Limit fatty foods. Use easily digestible foods: rice, boiled yolk, boiled chicken meat.

Cats accustomed to dry food will have to give it up for a while. To do this, purchase special canned food in the store that spares the digestive tract. You can switch to your usual diet after complete recovery.


Diarrhea is better prevented than treated. During illness, the cat suffers physically and psychologically. Follow certain requirements:

  1. Keep the cat's house or place clean. To do this, change and wash the bedding once a week.
  2. After eating, toss in leftover food and wash dishes. Sour food will cause poisoning of the body.
  3. Buy dry food of the highest class, from a well-known manufacturer. If you want to change its brand, do it gradually. So that the animal's body can adapt to the new food.
  4. Disinfect toilet trays.
  5. As soon as a kitten has appeared in the house, it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian about timely vaccinations. This will prevent many diseases.
  6. Make it a rule to periodically do preventive treatments for worms (2 times a year).
  7. Do not keep chemicals that can cause poisoning open and accessible to cats.

This problem is encountered not only in cats, but also in cats, as well as kittens. Owners of these pets need to know what medications and pills to give and visit the veterinarian regularly to reduce the chance of green, greenish, or other-colored impurities in the stool, which indicates a health problem in the pet.

Only the main problems are considered and recommendations are given on how to deal with them at home, but this does not mean that you do not need to visit a veterinarian, because the problem can be more serious than it seems at first glance.

Diarrhea in cats and cats is it possible to give activated charcoal

It is possible to give activated charcoal to animals for poisoning and diarrhea. A single dose is, as for a person, 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. The medicine is dissolved in water and injected with a syringe (without a needle) into your pet's mouth. In this case, food intake should be sharply limited, and water, on the contrary, should be increased.

Diarrhea in a cat after taking antibiotics

Sometimes diarrhea in cats occurs after taking antibiotics, because the drugs disrupt the intestinal microflora. Diarrhea of ​​this nature may go away on its own after discontinuation of the drug. Lactobacillin helps to restore the balance of microflora. From folk remedies, animals are recommended to give yogurt.

Diarrhea in a cat of white, yellow, green, dark, black, gray, red

Changes in the usual color and consistency of feces in cats are not always associated with the food taken. So with gastrointestinal bleeding, a cat may experience diarrhea and its feces will become dark, almost black with red impurities. White loose stools indicate problems with the intestines due to bile obstruction. Yellow stools are a signal of poor digestion of food, orange ones - problems with the liver. Gray feces - the pancreas is not working properly. Green diarrhea is a consequence of poisoning with rotten foods.

If a pregnant cat has diarrhea during pregnancy, what to do at home

Diarrhea a day or two before lambing is a natural phenomenon that should not cause much concern. Diarrhea at an earlier stage of pregnancy can trigger a miscarriage. At home, to eliminate diarrhea, a pregnant cat can be given rice water or a lightly beaten quail egg. Of the medicines, activated charcoal is the most effective and harmless for the expectant mother.

How to treat diarrhea in a cat during pregnancy in the last week of pregnancy

Diarrhea in a pregnant cat can be fraught with miscarriage. In mild cases, the animal should be put on a diet and given plenty of fluids. You can persuade the patient to drink more water using a syringe without a needle, injecting a 5% glucose solution into her mouth. Of the drugs, the most harmless during this period of a cat's life is fthalazole, a tablet of which is divided into 8 parts and given 1 part 4 times a day.

From folk remedies for diarrhea, a cat is drunk with a suspension of powder dissolved in water from the walls of chicken stomachs. A decoction of pomegranate skins, oak bark, yarrow and chokeberry also has a fixing effect. Diarrhea may be due to the preparation of the animal's body for the upcoming birth.

Causes of diarrhea in pregnant cats before childbirth

Pregnant cats may experience diarrhea before giving birth. If the animal does not show much anxiety, and you are sure that the cat could not be poisoned by anything, then there is no need to worry about diarrhea. In this way, the body is cleansed, and the cat is prepared for childbirth. In a day or two, expect replenishment in the cat family.

If a cat has diarrhea with blood and mucus and vomiting, what to do and how to treat

Diarrhea with blood and mucus, accompanied by vomiting, is a sign of severe chemical poisoning or a disease of the internal organs. The animal needs an urgent examination by a specialist veterinarian who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Diarrhea in a cat and a cat, which antibiotic to give and which antibiotics can be given at home

With mild diarrhea without complications, it is not recommended to give the cat antibiotics, since in some animals the antibiotic itself provokes indigestion. In severe cases, baytril is prescribed. The drug is prescribed to animals older than 1 year at the rate of 1 kg of weight 5 mg, a course of 5 days.

Cat has diarrhea and vomiting

Diarrhea and vomiting of foam in a cat can occur for many reasons. Usually, these symptoms occur against the background of poisoning with low-quality food, but the same reaction occurs in the animal and on benign products with their excessive variety. Vomiting indicates an inflammatory process in the stomach, and diarrhea indicates the spread of infection further through the intestines. If abstinence from food does not give results, and diarrhea and vomiting do not stop, urgently seek help from a veterinary clinic.

Can I give amoxicillin to a cat, kitten or cat with an upset stomach

On your own, without the recommendation of a veterinarian, you should not give amoxicillin to cats. It can turn out, as in the proverb “We treat one thing, we cripple another”, since one of the side effects of the drug on the cat's body, with all the advantages of the drug, is diarrhea.

Profuse diarrhea is associated with intestinal infection with bacteria and protozoa. But sometimes diarrhea is a reaction of the body to improper feeding or occurs as a result of helminthic invasion. In any case, the animal is put on a strict diet and given plenty of drink, which includes decoctions of yarrow herbs and chamomile or oak bark. If these measures do not help, only a specialist can help you.

Diarrhea in a cat treated with smecta, loperamide

Smecta can really help a cat recover from mild diarrhea. The suspension is given for 1-2 days every 3 hours, in parallel, significantly restricting the animal in food. From the use of loperamide, if this medicine has not been prescribed by a veterinarian, it is better to refuse. The drug is strong and causes unwanted side effects.

Diarrhea in a cat, a cat after deworming, childbirth, sterilization, vaccinations, mating, changing food, milk, surgery

Diarrhea can be the result of stress - childbirth, medical manipulations, changing food, etc. In such cases, the animal is given "special nutrition", for example, viscous, like jelly, rice porridge and boiled chicken. You can also get rid of dysbacteriosis with the help of bifidium and interosgel. Milk, although the animals love it, can cause diarrhea due to indigestible lactose, so it is better not to give it.

The article will talk about a problem that manifests itself only in some pets, but this does not mean at all that it is not serious and on ...

in a cat - the situation is quite common and unpleasant, both for the animal itself and for its owners. Often it is caused by poor-quality feed and gluttony of the pet itself, but the possibility of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora and/or parasites entering the animal's body is not ruled out. What pills for diarrhea in cats are used in veterinary medicine, and which remedies are the safest for the health and life of your cat?

But first, let's figure out what kind of medicines for cats should not be given under any circumstances. Here is a short list of them: Immodium, Immodium AD, Kaopectate II Caplets, etc.. Note that many of these drugs are used to treat diarrhea in dogs, but they often cause severe side effects in cats. Only in extreme cases is their use permissible, but only under the condition of constant veterinary control!

This is due to the fact that medical preparations of this type contain salicylic acid salt of bismuth. The problem is that all salicylates for cats are deadly. And this, by the way, applies not only to anti-diarrhea drugs: for the same reasons, it is strongly advised not to use acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) for the treatment of cats.

We will immediately warn you that now veterinarians are trying to use this medicine only in extreme cases, since it is not very useful for the health of the cat (high stress on the liver and kidneys). However, in some situations it is very effective. Produced in the form of tablets.

Old Trichopolum is one of the few antimicrobials that can cross the blood-brain barrier. Simply put, the drug can penetrate directly into the tissue of the brain and spinal cord, which allows it to be used to treat diseases that affect the central nervous system. In addition, the medicine perfectly helps against diseases that affect bone and dental tissues. It is necessary to ask the pet with food, since in this case the absorption of the drug is significantly improved.

Side effects

It was no coincidence that we mentioned at the very beginning of the article the reluctance of many veterinarians to use this drug, despite its positive qualities. The whole problem is severe side effects, often developing in cats as a result of its use:

  • Allergic reactions (shortness of breath, urticaria, etc.).
  • Excessive salivation (hypersalivation).
  • Vomiting or gagging.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Lethargy or falling into a coma.
  • Blood in the urine (hematuria).

Never prescribe metronidazole concomitantly with the following drugs:

  • Cimitidine (a medicine used to treat gastrointestinal ulcers).
  • Sedatives.
  • Drugs that reduce blood clotting.
  • Phenytoin (usually prescribed for neurological seizures).
  • Phenobarbitals (significantly reduce the effectiveness of Metronidazole).

Additional warnings, there are only three of them, but you must always remember them! So here is the list:

  • Do not give metronidazole pregnant or lactating pets.
  • It is strictly forbidden to appoint young cats, as for kittens, the medicine may well be fatal. Their livers simply can't handle the utilization of its metabolites.
  • If your pet has liver or kidney disease, the use of the drug should also be abandoned. He can finish off the already “shabby” organs.

pectin and kaolin

Products containing these substances are widely used not only in veterinary but also in medicine. Before use, make sure (by looking at the instructions) that the medicine does not contain salicylates, as the latter are deadly for cats! For every 2.5 kg of live weight, take 1-2 teaspoons of the same smectite (it also contains kaolin). The medicine should be drunk every six hours. Of course, it does not hurt to read the instructions and consult with a veterinarian first. In the case when diarrhea persists for two days, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian!

In some cases, compounds that slow intestinal motility are used to treat severe diarrhea. But! It is strictly forbidden to give them to pets whose condition is due to poisoning and severe bacterial infections. In such cases, diarrhea is a salvation for the animal's body, since many toxins are released into the external environment along with liquid feces. If, during such a period, drugs are prescribed that slow down the contractions of the intestines, all these substances will be actively absorbed into the blood, causing very serious consequences.

Activated carbon

Perhaps one of the most ancient means used by man to combat diarrhea. True, our ancestors used to eat simple birch charcoal - it also helps with diarrhea. But still much better. The principle of its action is based on adsorption, that is, the ability to absorb harmful substances and toxins.

How and how much coal can be given to a cat with diarrhea? Don't worry, even if you "stuff" a whole plate of coal into your pet, nothing bad will happen to him. But it is believed that three to four tablets are enough for an animal weighing about 2.5 kilograms. Of course, the cat will not swallow them so easily. In order not to torture your pet, finely grind the pills to a powder and dilute them with water. The resulting "doubtful" substance must be drawn into a syringe and poured directly into the cat's throat. This should be done every five to six hours until the signs of intoxication disappear completely.


A well-known medical remedy that perfectly helps not only with diarrhea, but also with heartburn and other problems with the digestive system. It has a neutral taste and can be used in veterinary medicine. For a cat weighing up to 2.5 kg inclusive, one sachet of medicine is taken. Its contents are diluted in a small volume of warm boiled water, after which it is drunk in the same way as mentioned in the part on activated carbon.

Are there any contraindications and points that both owners and veterinarians need to be aware of? As for the "purebred", there are no contraindications. But if you use various Smectins, be sure to read the composition and instructions. If there are at least some salicidal products, it is strictly forbidden to give such a drug to a cat. Salicylic acid salts for all felines are a strong poison!


Also a popular and effective medicine known to many travelers and tourists. Allows you to cope even with "hard" types of diarrhea in the field. It is only natural that cat lovers who are faced with diarrhea in their pet, there is a desire to give their pet the same pills. Can it be done? Yes, the drug is acceptable for use in the treatment of cats suffering from diarrhea. For one cat, you need to take exactly half a tablet (for animals weighing 2.5 kg). Kittens and miniature animals are already given ¼ or even 1/8 of the pill.

But something must be remembered. The action of Loperamide is based on its ability to suppress intestinal motility..

In any case, at first it is advisable to drink coal to the animal, and wait until it leaves the cat's body in a natural way, and only then give it. In this case, most of the toxins will be neutralized and will no longer be absorbed into the blood of the animal.


Also medical, used occasionally in veterinary practice (but not from the good life). We emphasize right away that this medicine is VERY bitter, and therefore giving it to a cat more than once can be very, very difficult. In addition, the remedy strongly affects the liver and kidneys, and therefore it is better not to use it unless absolutely necessary!

So why do they continue to use it? Everything is simple. Despite all its shortcomings, it helps well with diarrhea caused by pathogenic protozoa. Therefore, in some cases, veterinarians simply do not have a choice. It is strictly forbidden to give it to kittens, as well as pregnant and lactating cats. Dose per animal weighing 2.5 kg - no more than ½ tablet. If within eight hours after giving no signs of improvement, or the cat has any signs of poisoning, take him to the veterinarian immediately!


The drug, which appeared in pharmacies a long time ago and immediately gained well-deserved popularity. Why did this happen? The fact is that it belongs to the category of adsorbents, that is, compounds that can absorb "excess" from the intestines. It is often used not only in the treatment of diarrhea, but also for the prevention and elimination of allergies, diarrhea, and other pathologies directly related to digestion. In a word, the medicine is very, very good. But is it possible to give it to cats, and will the use of the drug cause any unpleasant consequences?

The medicine is absolutely safe for cats.. The dose for an adult animal is a teaspoon once a day, kittens can be given half a spoon, also once a day. In moderate cases of diarrhea, a visible improvement occurs within a few hours.


Recently appeared on the shelves of the drug, produced in the form of a suspension. It helps with many intestinal infections, including viral ones. Gently acts without irritating the intestinal mucosa. Often used in pediatrics. But how safe (and is it safe) to use it in veterinary medicine?

Don't worry, it's all good. can and should be used to treat pets with diarrhea. For every 2.5 kg of live weight, 0.5-1 ml of the drug is taken. That is, a large cat, whose weight reaches five kilograms, can already be given 1-1.5 ml of medicine. Kittens can be given medicine from the age of one month at a dose of 0.1 ml per animal. Give once a day for three to four days until the complete disappearance of clinical signs of infection.


This drug has also been used in medicine for a very long time. Belongs to the group of nitrofurans, effective against many gram-positive and negative bacteria, is available in the form of tablets. But what about treating diarrhea in cats? Unfortunately, everything is not so simple.

Yes, it is effective against many pathogens of infectious diarrhea in cats. That's just on the liver of animals, he beats mercilessly. The daily dose for an adult cat is a maximum of ¼ tablets, and they need to be divided into three doses. To make it more convenient to give such a small amount of the drug, part of the pill is finely crushed to a powder, diluted with a small amount of water and given to the animal with a syringe. It is advisable to give the medicine no more than three days. More - only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

What if diarrhea is caused by bacterial factors?

As a rule, in such cases, antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents are prescribed. All these drugs destroy the pathogenic microflora perfectly, but not everything is so simple: along with the “bad” ones, beneficial microbes also die. Because of this, some owners seek to "help" their pet, not completely drinking the entire course of drugs. This leads to a deterioration in the condition of the animal and the formation of forms of microorganisms resistant to antimicrobial drugs. To prevent this from happening, it is imperative to prescribe probiotics that restore the “population” of beneficial microflora. This is often forgotten, and therefore diarrhea from infectious agents is replaced by diarrhea due to antibiotics.

In addition, in cases where diarrhea is caused by inflammatory bowel disease, anti-inflammatory corticosteroids may be used. Treatment usually lasts 2-3 months. But at the same time, it must be remembered that a longer prescription of such drugs is strictly prohibited, since they can have an extremely negative effect on the internal organs of the animal.

Enrofloxacin5 mg/kg, orally or intramuscularlyGram-negative bacteria
Ampicillin10-20 mg/kg, orally or intramuscularlyClostridia
Ampicillin10-20 mg/kg,Sepsis (used with aminoglycosides), diarrhea
orally, subcutaneously or intramuscularly
Gentamicin2.2 mg/kg, orally or intramuscularlySepsis, diarrhea
Cefalotin22-44 mg/kg, subcutaneously or intramuscularlySepsis, diarrhea
MetronidazoleDosage - 10-20 mg / kg, exclusively orally
Tylosin20-40 mg/kg intramuscularlyMany types of protozoal and bacterial infections
Erytomycin10-15 mg/kg, orallyVarious Campylobacter.
Trimethoprim15 mg/kg orally, subcutaneously or intramuscularlySalmonella

In many cases of diarrhea, it is possible to significantly alleviate the condition of the animal by putting the pet on a starvation diet during the day. At the same time, the cat should have unlimited access to clean drinking water. After this time, the diet is replaced by a more sparing one, at this time it is already possible to give boiled rice and boiled (low-fat) chicken. If the animal's condition does not worsen, you can return to the normal diet within the next week. We emphasize once again that this should be done gradually, since abrupt changes often provoke a relapse of the pathology.

Alas, in some cases, the cat has to be transferred to special diets for life. Such situations include, for example, cases of chronic renal failure, diabetes and other serious illnesses.

Note that experienced veterinarians advise the owners of such animals to use special commercial feeds, since all the needs of “special” cats were taken into account in their manufacture.

But in some cases, you can do without intravenous injections. True, this will require special formulations designed to restore the balance of electrolytes. Such funds are sold in sports nutrition stores and pharmacies (Regidron, for example). The medicine must be diluted (a couple of teaspoons per glass of boiled water) and given to the cat instead of drinking water. But if there is no improvement within eight hours, you still need to contact your veterinarian. Most likely, it will not work without intravenous infusions.

How to determine that you urgently need to take your pet to the clinic? Just take it by the scruff of the neck and immediately release the resulting skin fold. If it clears up immediately, IV fluids can probably wait. But when the crease remains for a couple of seconds and smoothes out for a very long time, the cat must be immediately shown to the veterinarian, since his degree of dehydration is the hardest!

Diarrhea in cats is a condition that is characterized by frequent bowel movements, a single copious unformed stool. Diarrhea is acute and chronic. In almost all cases, this condition occurs as a result of increased intestinal motility, which can be caused by a variety of irritating factors. Diarrhea is one of the symptoms that may indicate systemic failures, pathologies in the animal body, and possible infectious diseases. By the consistency, color, smell of feces, you can determine the possible causes of malaise. What to do if you notice green diarrhea in a cat? How to treat acute diarrhea?

Diarrhea in cats is a rather infrequent phenomenon that can be triggered by various adverse factors. Loose stools noted in animals after overeating, poisoning with low-quality feed, potent chemicals, as well as when eating stale foods.

Important! An unbalanced diet, feeding a pet with smoked meats, fatty, spicy, spicy foods from our table can also cause acute diarrhea.

In some cases, profuse diarrhea in kittens, adult cats is provoked by individual food intolerance. For example, indigestion is noted in cats after eating dairy products. An abrupt change in the usual diet can also provoke acute diarrhea in animals.

Diarrhea in pets can develop after prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, antibiotics of the tetracycline, penicillin, cephalosporin series, aminoglycosides. Medications destroy both disease-causing agents and the beneficial intestinal microflora, which is actively involved in the digestive processes.

Diarrhea in kittens occurs for the same reasons as in adult cats. By some signs, you can determine what was the root cause of diarrhea in your pet.

Green diarrhea in cats

Green diarrhea in a cat most often indicates the development of putrefactive fermentation processes in the intestines.. Most often, this phenomenon occurs after eating stale, poor-quality feed, rotten foods that contain a large amount of bacterial flora. In the course of their life, putrefactive microorganisms produce toxins that are harmful to the health of a fluffy pet. Perhaps the development of severe intoxication of the body, a violation in the work of internal organs and systems.

Dark green diarrhea is noted with inflammatory processes in the large intestine, gastrointestinal tract, as well as with severe poisoning, intoxication. Black liquid stool indicates bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Frequent fetid diarrhea in a cat (more than five times a day) signals the intensity of the development of a viral, bacterial disease in an acute form.

Important! If liquid feces contain a large amount of foam, mucus, bloody clots, blotches, threads, the pet's condition worsens, we recommend that you immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

The specialist will establish the root cause based on the results of complex diagnostic studies, prescribe adequate therapeutic therapy.

Profuse frothy diarrhea, greenish stools of a watery consistency are one of the characteristic symptoms of leukemia, panleukopenia, chlamydia, giardiasis, and viral enteritis. Foamy greenish-yellow diarrhea indicates severe helminthic infestation.

If diarrhea does not go away on the second or third day, diarrhea in a cat is accompanied by other side symptoms, in order to avoid serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, seek help from a veterinarian.

Side effects of diarrhea in cats

In addition to indigestion, diarrhea in cats can be accompanied by other side symptoms that should alert owners of fluffy purrs. cat can refuse food, the proposed delicacies. The general activity decreases, the pet refuses to participate in outdoor games, experiences pain, discomfort during the act of defecation.

Symptoms of diarrhea in cats:

Increase in general temperature;
weakness, apathy, depression;
increased thirst;
weight loss;
pallor of mucous membranes;
deterioration of the coat;
lack of appetite.

Chronic diarrhea can cause dehydration, severe intoxication. Kittens lag behind in growth, development, quickly lose weight, metabolic processes, water-salt balance in the body are disturbed.

Treatment of diarrhea in cats

With short-term diarrhea, cats are prescribed symptomatic, supportive. If, in addition to diarrhea, there are no other side symptoms, the pet should be kept on a starvation diet for 24-40 hours. If the kitten vilifies, the restriction in food should not exceed 10-12 hours.

After the diet, the cat needs easily digestible food, special medicated feed. The diet should consist of boiled chicken meat, schnitzel, broth, oatmeal, low-fat pressed cottage cheese. You can mix a boiled hard-boiled egg into the porridge.

Advice! You need to feed the cat often, but in small portions. As soon as the fluffy's condition returns to normal, gradually transfer the pet to the usual mode, diet. Drinking water can be given to a cat without restrictions.

Normalize intestinal microflora, special pharmacological preparations will help to eliminate diarrhea: probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, veterinary preparations.

Cats with diarrhea are prescribed:

  • Bifidum.
  • Smektu.
  • Bifitrilak.
  • Vetom 1.1.
  • lactobifadol.
  • Coapectat.
  • Enterosgel.

Important! With green diarrhea, profuse, acute, chronic diarrhea
papaverine will relieve intestinal spasms, eliminate pain, weaken intestinal motility.

Sorbents eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, severe poisoning, help to eliminate toxins, poisons, heavy metal salts from the body of animals.

Activated charcoal, steep rice water will help eliminate diarrhea. Two or three times a day, you can drink a cat from a syringe or with the help of an introducer, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store, with chamomile, St. John's wort, decoction of oak bark. A decoction of oak bark has an anti-inflammatory, tonic, anti-putrefactive effect. Healing tinctures give the cat 5 ml two to three times a day until the stool returns to normal, the condition of the pet.

With proper medical therapy, the condition of a fluffy pet should return to normal on the second or third day. If the cat continues to vilify, there are other symptoms, show the pet to a veterinary clinic, consult a veterinarian.

🐱 Symptoms and treatment of diarrhea in cats. Causes of loose stools in cats and treatment. Types of diarrhea. Danger for pregnant and lactating cats. List of medicines 💊


It is a consequence of a violation of the digestive system. The reason is not always obvious, often it is a manifestation of some kind of disease.

Due to some specific reasons, intestinal motility increases, toxins and substances that irritate the mucous walls are active. As a result, there is frequent defecation with a predominance of liquid stools.

Diarrhea in cats can be acute, chronic (lasting over a week) and recurrent.

Symptoms of diarrhea in cats and cats

Before the conversation turns to the symptoms, you need to know what causes the problem with diarrhea. Perhaps the reason for this was infectious diseases of the intestinal tract, an improperly selected diet, prolonged use of antibiotics, unsuitable food, a sudden change in menu, helminthic invasion, intoxication or inappropriate medicine, gastroenteritis.

By the way, there are cat breeds that can cause diarrhea in any new dish. Such whims include the Canadian Sphynx and Devon Rex.

In addition to loose stools, there are other symptoms that paint a complete picture:

    the oppressed state of the animal;

    poor appetite;

    frequent bowel movements;

    weight loss with prolonged diarrhea;


    loose stools, mucus, blood, undigested food particles may be present in the feces;


If the cause of the disease is identified correctly, then the appropriate treatment will give an excellent result. To do this, the veterinarian must hear all the information regarding the behavior of the cat in a few days. During the examination, the temperature will be measured, the abdomen will be palpated, and the degree of dehydration will be determined. Be sure to take an analysis of feces and urine in the clinic, conduct a study of feces for occult bleeding. If necessary, an x-ray is prescribed - this will help make sure that the animal does not suffer from intestinal obstruction, peritonitis and pancreatitis.

duration of diarrhea

Diarrhea in a cat sometimes occurs suddenly, so suddenly it can go away. If the case of diarrhea is a single case, then there is little reason to worry. It should be alarming when loose stools last more than two days in a row.

There are conditional three groups of the duration of diarrhea in cats and cats:

    acute: duration is several days;

    chronic: the animal suffers from diarrhea for more than 7 days;

    intermittent: loose stools return within a month.

Diarrhea in cats due to improper nutrition is treated quickly by eliminating the cause. The bowel disorder goes away, and the digestive system returns to normal. A starvation diet for a couple of days in that case is a worthy measure, along with it, in the first hours of diarrhea, the animal is given less water. Other types of disorders of the intestinal tract require more attention.

If the cat has diarrhea without complications

When a cat has diarrhea without complicated symptoms, it is still advisable to consult a veterinarian. Any changes can occur in the body, and by finding out the cause, it will be possible to solve the problem.

At home, it can occur due to anything, even from simple overeating. You need to look at the state of the animal - the appetite does not suffer, the mood is playful, which means you can simply arrange a fasting day. Even with a single case of diarrhea, cat nutrition is taken under special control.

With a prolonged disorder of the stool or the acquisition of a different odor or color by the feces, delay is unacceptable: an urgent need to visit a veterinarian.

If diarrhea is water

Watery stools are most often of a one-time nature. But do not exclude the fact that this is a symptom of some diseases. With a prolonged problem, it is worth visiting a specialist or calling him to the house to examine the pet.

If a cat has diarrhea with water, but there is no vomiting, they give him pure boiled water to drink - dehydration of the body is very dangerous. Food, on the contrary, is cut or excluded completely for a day. A cat's diet may consist of easily digestible foods in addition to water.

Cat has diarrhea with blood and/or mucus

If, in addition to mucus, blood is noticeable in the stool, there is a possibility that this is colitis, an inflammatory disease of the colon. To exclude colitis, the pet is shown to the veterinarian and given the appropriate tests.

Other causes of bloody diarrhea can be poisoning, foreign bodies stuck in the intestines, malignant neoplasms. Cases are not the easiest, so the consultation of a veterinarian is important.

What to do

The first step is to change and adjust the cat's diet. During the diet, the already unrecommended smoked meats and sweet foods are completely excluded. Milk can aggravate the situation, so it is also excluded. But oatmeal and rice porridge will be very helpful. If the case is complex, different medications may be prescribed depending on the cause. diarrhea in cats.

Treatment includes immunostimulants, disinfectant enemas, enzymes to improve digestion, and antimicrobial drugs.

If the analysis showed the presence of helminthic invasion, then deworming is required. The procedure is simple, and soon the pet's body will be free from uninvited guests.

Clean fresh water should always be at hand - thus, dehydration is excluded and at the same time the cat's body is cleansed naturally.

Cat has diarrhea and vomiting

With a combination of symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting in a cat, most likely, the body is struggling with various negative environmental influences. The reasons are called allergenic, irritating poor quality food. Another reason can be tumors, bacteria and traces of their activity, pancreatitis, kidney disease, abnormalities in the thyroid gland, intestinal obstruction.

If the cat vomits, it is likely that sun or heat stroke could be added to everything. The pet is sick with diarrhea most often as a result of feeding food from the owner’s table, which causes stool disorder.

When cats vomit white foam during prolonged diarrhea, this is an alarming symptom - it can be deadly enteritis.

What to do with diarrhea with vomiting

In the case when cats and cats have diarrhea with vomiting, pets should immediately receive first aid. Immediately wash all cat dishes, and change the water to clean and fresh. The cat should not be fed for 24-48 hours. During such a therapeutic hunger strike, you can buy canned food for animals with gastrointestinal diseases at the pet store. Specialized food will not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines, and the special composition of canned food helps to eliminate toxins and form feces. Probiotics can be added to food.

Your veterinarian can recommend a number of medications to give your cat during loose stools with vomiting. If the measures taken do not give a positive result, the animal must be examined seriously. Special attention of the doctor requires vomiting with blood.

Cat has black diarrhea

The usual color of cat feces is brown or light brown. But the black liquid feces called "melena" signals a problem in the body.

Dark stool in a cat has its own reasons:

    preparations with iron are added to food;

  • the pet menu has a lot of raw meat or blood meal.

But black diarrhea in a cat without the inclusion of iron supplements in the diet should warn the owner of the danger. If, along with a disorder of the stool, the animal refuses to eat, it vomits, the body temperature is elevated - urgently see a doctor!

Red-black diarrhea indicates bleeding in the digestive tract.

The list of diseases with such a symptom is long: here you can include helminthic invasion, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, gastritis, colitis, stomach tumor, intestinal tumor, stomach ulcer. If such diseases are suspected, home treatment is unacceptable.

Cat has yellow diarrhea

Yellow diarrhea in a cat without signs of orange is considered a variant of the norm, since bilirubin in bile is processed into brown stercobilin, and with loose stools, bilirubin may not be completely processed. But bright yellow stools or yellow-orange stools indicate jaundice or poor digestion of foods. After analyzing the cat's menu of the last days, and noticing that there was a lot of milk, raw seafood, liver, fatty meat, they urgently change the pet's diet. If a half-starved diet does not work, the cat is shown to a specialist.

How to treat

If the cause of yellow diarrhea in a cat is overfeeding or a reaction to a new food, then home treatment can be done. But this can be done only if the condition of the cat does not cause concern. Home treatment consists of supervision - the condition of the cat must be kept under control, and the younger the pet, the more dangerous the loose stools. Dehydration can kill a kitten very quickly. Access to clean boiled water is required.

Since bilirubin is an aggressive substance, after each bowel movement it is necessary to wash the soiled area around the anus with warm water and soap.

If yellow diarrhea is the result of overfeeding, then the cat is offered 2-3 times a day, a tablespoon of pumpkin puree. You can use ready-made baby puree.

If the cat's diarrhea is green

Diarrhea in cats can also be green in color. Such diarrhea is the result of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines. The reason is often rotten food, because it has a lot of microorganisms. Due to the processes of decay, many toxins appear in the body, and poisoning develops. The whole organism will suffer from toxic substances, and if cat diarrhea lasts several days, then a veterinarian examination is required. The usual treatment is antibiotics and drips.

cat has white diarrhea

Bilirubin, which is responsible for the color of feces, can give feces a yellowish tint in excess, and in its absence, the color becomes white. The reason for diarrhea in white cats can be a difficulty in the formation of bile. Often the cause is called a blockage of the bile ducts. Therefore, the appearance of white diarrhea in a cat signals chronic processes in the liver. Even a single liquid white stool is a significant reason to consult a veterinarian.

Diarrhea in a pregnant cat

During pregnancy, a cat is susceptible to attack by viruses and bacteria. Any invasion of a microscopic enemy into the cat's body can give rise to problems with the intestines.

During pregnancy, you should not experiment with new food on the cat's menu, as there is a chance to stumble upon intolerance to some product. It can be dairy products, beef, horse meat, soybeans, oily fish, chicken eggs.

The body of a pregnant cat can react with diarrhea even to previously easily digested food.

If a cat always seems to be hungry at a suitable feeding rate, and a compassionate owner decides to feed her more, diarrhea may occur. A large amount of food is not digested, but quickly moves through the intestines in the form of a liquid slurry.

Loose stools early in pregnancy can cause a miscarriage. Two days before the birth, the appearance of diarrhea in a cat is a standard phenomenon, which is not worth worrying about.

Diarrhea in a lactating cat

Diarrhea in a nursing cat has its own causes. If it arose immediately after childbirth, then the eaten placenta is to blame.

During feeding, owners often increase the amount of milk for cats sitting on a natural diet. This is not worth doing: instead of milk, it is better to add cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

Another reason for the relaxation of the intestines can be the restructuring of the hormonal background and the stress experienced by the pussy. Lactation takes fluid from the cat's body, so the water-salt and electrolyte balance are also disturbed.

Treatment of cats and cats for diarrhea at home

First of all, don't panic. Especially you should not start to worry if the animal is vaccinated and has not come into contact with dubious feline personalities. Remember that the main thing is to assess the condition and find out causes of diarrhea in cats.

You should be aware that home treatment with proper nutrition in serious cases may not be effective. For such severe ailments, medical intervention is required. However, there are a number of medications that are effective in treating bowel symptoms, some of which are used to treat a person.

Medications and dosage for diarrhea in cats

Despite the extensive list of drugs that can help a meowing sufferer with an upset bowel, not all of them are recommended by specialists. Any medicine is not a panacea, and in difficult cases, removing the symptoms is simply dangerous for the cat's life.

Here is a sample list of effective remedies for diarrhea in cats and cats:

    Enterofuril- an effective broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. The drug does not violate the intestinal flora, therefore the rapid action provided by enterofuril does not carry with it side effects for the intestines. The medicine is great for treating feline diarrhea if the cause is bacterial infections, but viral stool disorder is also treatable.

    • The price of enterofuril varies from 270 to 350 rubles;
    • The dosage of the suspension for adult cats is 100 milligrams. For kittens 5 times less;
    • Give 2-3 times a day with a difference of 12 or 8 hours.;
    • If in the last 10-12 hours the signs of diarrhea disappear, then the drug is stopped;
  • Diarkan- a medicine that is dissolved in water and offered to the pet to drink or the mixture is added to the feed. If the situation has not improved within 5 days, the remedy is canceled, since the diarrhea is not from an infection. The dosage is strictly observed, half a cube for cats up to 5 kg and a cube over. Between doses make an 8-hour pause. The drug costs about 500 rubles;

    Furazolidone An antimicrobial drug is effective because bacteria do not develop resistance to it. The treatment of loose stools with such a remedy should be prescribed by a doctor who will select the correct regimen. Usually the daily dose is divided into three parts, each third is mixed with food. Furazolidone can be bought on average for 100 rubles;

    Bifidumbacterin is a probiotic that normalizes the digestive tract. The product is sold in the form of tablets, powder and suppositories. Bifidumbacterin is indicated for long-term viral diseases of the cat and during the course of treatment with antibiotics. The cost of a probiotic depends on the dosage, but for cats the price will be approximately 100-200 rubles;

    Smecta and activated carbon- These are enterosorbents that remove toxins from the digestive tract. If the disorder of the stool does not last long, then the cat can be drunk with smecta. The price of enterosorbent smect is 130-150 rubles;

    Ftalazol- an antimicrobial drug. Even salmonella recede from such a medication. The tool has been proven to relax the intestines by more than one generation of barbels. The tablet must be crushed, mixed with water and offered to the animal in a syringe. There are contraindications for taking. The price of tablets is 30-40 rubles;

    Levomycetin- a strong drug, against which neither Gram-positive nor Gram-negative microorganisms can practically resist. Side effects will not appear when following the instructions and dosage. Otherwise, skin rashes, flatulence, dermatitis may appear. Pregnant cats or animals with kidney and liver disease contraindicated.

Now it’s clear what can be given to a cat for diarrhea, but you should not blindly hope for the miraculous remedies, since it is sometimes difficult to establish the cause. The cause of the disease is the main thing worth fighting. The veterinarian will help not only find the cause of the stool disorder, but also prescribe a competent course of treatment.

What to feed a cat with diarrhea

Choose cat food for diarrhea the matter is not entirely simple. On the first day, the pet can not be fed at all, but given to drink more often. On the second day, dairy products, as well as carbohydrate and starchy foods, are excluded from the diet. The dosage of food is halved from the standard menu. During diarrhea in a cat, food should be frequent and in small portions. You can treat the cat with boiled rice, boiled chicken meat, boiled egg yolk. There are special canned foods for animals with gastrointestinal problems. The old menu returns only after recovery.

Video about diarrhea of ​​​​cats and cats
