New Year's greetings in Old Slavonic. Slavic beliefs about birthday

Some ancient greetings and good wishes.1. Morning greeting in the 17th century: Be good to you this day!
Answer: And you gono wake up!

2. Common words of greeting: Hello be / wake up! You will be healthy! Hello! Hello! Good health! Good afternoon/evening! Good day! Hello and long life!

3. Good wishes to those who go to sleep: Good night! Good night! Gods keep you in the night!

4. To those who work: God / Gods help!

5. To the one who eats or drinks: Bread and salt! Drink in health!

6. To a woman milking a cow: The sea is under the cow!
Answer: A river of milk!

7. Fisherman: Catch of fish! Cool bitch!
Answer: Navarka on the ear!

8. To the woman who kneads bread: Ergot in the kneader!
Answer: One hundred rubles in the purse!

9. Threshers: A hundred a day, a thousand a week!

10. Harvesting: To drag you - do not drag!

11. To the one who finishes the harvest: With two fields harvested, with a third sown!

12. To the one who scoops up water in the well: Fresh for you!

13. To the one who goes to woo: An apple tree in a sleigh!

14. To the one who is preparing for the transition to another state (including death): White road to you!

New Year - Slavic New Year, falling on the day of the autumn solstice and marking the era when the chronology was conducted not from the Nativity of Christ, but from the emergence of life on Earth. The holiday is shrouded in pagan traditions and is fraught with many mysteries that excite modern scientists. The very fact that ancient people had a calendar and the ability to record the passage of time is unique and requires careful study. Today, the New Year is not often celebrated, but each such event is incredibly spectacular and original action.

The revived pagan traditions, ancient beliefs and customs seem to force magic to return to the pragmatic and strictly defined modern world. The tradition of celebrating the change of years in September is much older and more historically conditioned than the winter New Year inspired by the West. The desire to solve the puzzles of the past millennia is worthy of the inquisitive and extraordinary minds of contemporaries, and the New Year is one of the most beautiful and exciting mysteries of the past.

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So the Slavic New Year has come,
What people also call the New Year.
May God save you from troubles, hardships,
The path of evil around will melt the network.

I wish you well and good health,
So that success accompanies everything.
In the soul to live joys with love,
To bring peace to your home.

I heartily congratulate you on the New Year,
May the New Year bring you only peace.
In peace and happiness to live forever,
That was a lot of joy and a lot of strength.

I wish to be good friends nearby,
In the family so that no one quarrels.
So that the path through life is rich, luxurious,
In the soul to be joyful, cozy and warm.

Let's celebrate the New Year with a feast at the table!
May September give us light and warmth.
We will hold a prayer service in honor of the beginning of the year,
May nature fill our hearts with strength!

Enveloping the morning with moist air, let it come.
Day after day, in the labors of autumn, life passes with us.
We will celebrate the New Year with a magnificent loaf,
Eh, the nightingale sings on a green cherry.

New Year is a holiday of wisdom.
Let the field shine with light.
Many years the wind-prankster,
Wish everyone caressing, loving.

May all people be free
All those who once found God.
May mercy not forget the path,
To the temple, that for everyone there is a father's house.

Today, this autumn day
Congratulations on the New Year!
And of course, from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you health and happiness.

I wish you many blessings in your home
What would be comfortable in it
So that there are a bunch of kids
No matter what trouble you find, you are on fire during the day!

And what would this bright holiday
We celebrated the long summers
After all, this holiday is good
Our ancestors bequeathed to us for centuries.

We are celebrating New Years
Slavic New Year
I wish you longevity
May the people live happily

Let the cattle not get sick
May there be grace in everyone's house
And we are Slavs, and in a hundred years
Everyone will remember with dignity

I wish you light on this holiday
All the best to you all
And that there would be prosperity in the house
And the kids were strong.

From ancient years is being conducted in Rus',
After all, the people sacredly honor the traditions,
From time immemorial, the story goes
The Slavic New Year is coming to us.

Let's reopen the church calendar
We celebrate the New Year every year.
September gave us a holiday again
People are in a hurry to take communion, they are coming.

September 14 - New Year comes,
All Slavs celebrate the New Year.
We all wish each other longevity,
And only joyful worries.

A sermon is heard from the windows of the church,
So it was in ancient times.
All Rus' will come to the priest for confession
The origins of the holiday go down the centuries.

On this day, the New Year was born,
Our ancestors respected him.
And on this September holiday
They saw off the past year.

But centuries have passed since then.
And we do not forget this day.
On this glorious day of the New Year
Peace, happiness, love to all!

Today is the New Year
Slavic New Year has come!
And we congratulate everyone on new happiness,
So that the holiday does not pass without a trace!

Wishes for everything to come true
You did not know sorrows and anxieties!
I wish you health, success and accomplishments,
So that everyone can overcome obstacles!

There is no doubt that Birthday, for every person, is the most special holiday in life. This is an exciting day not only for the birthday man, but also for all his close relatives, friends and close people, because on this day each invitee should prepare an interesting, beautiful present and, most importantly, pick up sincere words of wishes. Those who do not have eloquence are faced at such moments with a huge problem for themselves. Choosing beautiful words of congratulations, we strive, first of all, for it to penetrate the soul and heart of the birthday man, so that he can feel your warmth and sincere love. On our congratulatory website, you will have the opportunity to choose for your birthday only the most beautiful and interesting wishes that will be remembered for a long time, as the kindest and most original congratulations from a loved one. By choosing birthday greetings in Russian folk style , you get a chance to creatively greet your close friend, colleague or loved one. Do not miss the opportunities that help to quickly and permanently cheer up your family, on such a particularly wonderful holiday for them.
Every birthday man deserves to be surprised with a unique, unusual present on his birthday. Don't know what to choose and say on such a day? We can help you make this day a bright, joyful holiday for those who are very dear to you. Happy birthday greetings in the old Russian style - this is a great option for a memorable gift that will bring a sea of ​​colorful emotions and impressions that are an integral part of every holiday. And it doesn't matter how old your hero of the occasion is, because everyone from a schoolboy to a pensioner will be delighted with such a funny gift.
Congratulations in the Old Slavonic style happy birthday - this is an unusual version of a present for the holiday, for those whom you set out to amuse and delight on this day.

We wish to become
Hero of today!
Multiply and save
All important values!
We wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temper!

I want breaks
For lunch, for tea, for beer,
That wages went up
Didn't fit in my wallet
To work everyday
They flew like a rocket
The weekend didn't end
Well, vacation - only in the summer!

With all our hearts, we congratulate
We wish you many happy years
Not knowing failures and gloomy days.

We just want to smile
Do not get upset over trifles,
Do not be nervous and do not get sick,
And in general - to live, and not to regret!

We want to say from the bottom of our hearts -
Never change!
Stay yourself
Simplicity is in short supply!
May happiness be with you
The beauty of life shines
Live happily, calmly
Let fate give everything!
Let your passions rage
Everything will always be on the edge
Let the soul of a man be excited
Anything that warms your heart!
May the road be happy
Successful life path.
Create, earn a lot,
And don't forget to rest!

What do you wish for today, you are already a shot man,
The victory of the conquered springboard will always be in sweetness.
So that the pedestal succumbed step by step,
With great pride and happiness, you always stood on it.

On my birthday I will say that you are a great young man,
A good friend, a shirt-guy, a perfect straight man.
May fortune accompany you in your endeavors,
And in matters of reproduction, success always awaits you.

I wish you an increase in your state,
May you be healthy, successful and happier every day.
In life, let me be with you, when happiness or trouble,
The hand of a friend and the love of a wife will always help.

I wish to live without knowing grief!
Have fun and don't grieve!
I wish to have a house by the sea,
But, basically, to live in a penthouse.
I want a huge limousine
And in it champagne with caviar ...
Such an immodest gift
Give it to someone else!
Let the Rolls Royce wait at the entrance,
All the best to you, good luck,
Sign with the inscription "Hero"
At the two-story cottage,
Beautiful wife, friends
And mother-in-law that is not angry.
I wish this great day
Dance and have fun!

I wish you a sea of ​​​​adventure!
Cheerful, loyal friends!
Buying new ones - without torment,
A summer holiday - no fuss.
I want beautiful girls
Huge birthday cake
Chiefs - always courteous
And the birthday is top notch!

I wish you more laughter in life
Never face adversity.
More friends you will find this year
Health, happiness and good luck.

Let all good things come
Never think too much
More bright and cheerful days
We wish you many victories.

I wish to learn from the mistakes of others,
So as not to break the hurricanes,
Best of luck to you in everything and everywhere.
More happiness and love.

May fate spoil you.
So that you are less sad, laugh more often,
Victory in the development of knowledge!
So that every day is like a gift.

I wish you a decent life
Never so that poverty was not familiar.
Victory and good luck
So that every day is accompanied by good luck.

Let life flow like a full river
May you be loved for decades!
We wish you a lot of joy and laughter
Good luck, dear friend.

I wish you happiness in your unearthly life,
Never be discouraged!
More light of goodness and warmth I wish
I wish you endless victories.

Let the most cherished dreams come true.
To appreciate all your efforts
Good luck, prosperity
Lots of happiness, light and warmth.

I wish you peace, inspiration,
Never be in decline
We wish you to live more than 100 years, dear,
More earthly joys to you.

Let youth no longer be the same
So that everything grows in time, blooms
Let there be many friends for you
Good health in addition.

Slavic beliefs say that when a person is born, three spirits come to his cradle: Woe, Nedolya and Kruchina and send suffering to the child. They spare neither the poor nor the rich. But they have a sweet tooth, and if you put a saucer with honey, a sweet bun and a cup of red wine near the cradle of a newborn or on a closet in the same room, then Grief, Nedolya and Kruchina will pounce on sweets and spare the newborn.

Subsequently, evil spirits approach the tables of people celebrating a birthday every year to mischief. Therefore, there must be honey or mead, sweet pies and red wine on the table.
A sign is associated with the appearance of evil spirits, according to which one cannot celebrate a birthday earlier or later, but only on the day when one was born. After all, if the celebration is postponed, then Woe, Nedolya and Kruchina, having appeared at the festive dinner, will remain hungry.

After the evil spirits have eaten and gone about their demonic deeds, good spirits come to the newborn: Will, Share and Delight. They are majestic, beautiful and never in a hurry, so the evil spirits always have time to fuss earlier.

But you should not think that if Will, Share and Delight have arrived, then they will immediately bestow patronage on the newborn. Their patronage still needs to be earned. For this, the birthday boy should be beautifully dressed, preferably in red. Cleanliness and order should reign in the rooms, the music of stringed instruments should sound, and the newborn himself should be in a good mood. If he is not in the spirit, then, looking at the gloomy physiognomy, the spirits can leave. Hence the sign that on your birthday you should not indulge in sad thoughts and quarrel.

There is another sign: if the birthday man does not thank the guests, then good spirits may not send him profit. Previously, there was a custom according to which the birthday celebrant had to give each guest a gift. In our time, this custom has been lost and has been preserved only in some countries of the East.

A pie with eggs and buckwheat porridge is broken over the head of the birthday celebrant. In addition to good luck, this ritual brings money, profit, health. Pie is then not eaten. In the old days, after the holiday, it was given to the poor or taken to the crossroads. The fact is that, according to popular beliefs, an evil spirit lives on the left of a person, and a good one on the right. The crossroads is their meeting place, and both will receive their half of the pie there.

The tradition that makes you listen to a lot of congratulations on your birthday dates back to the times when you had to verbally admire at the cradle of a newborn: “Smart, beautiful, happy” ... Such praising of the baby was a spell for his luck: if you don’t praise him, he will grow up unhappy. But when the child grows up, praise, of course, needs to be moderated. The rite of praise applies only to very young children. An adult on his birthday also needs to hear kind words addressed to him. Best of all - in verse, because rhymes and rhythm attract positive energies much more actively than a brief wish: "Good luck to you and health."

A large layer of beliefs is associated with the number of guests who come to the holiday.
An odd number of guests can bring misfortune for one reason - one of them does not have a couple. A guest who feels lonely in a company may jinx, envy or wish evil. The main thing is to make sure that guests do not feel deprived of attention, so that everyone feels good and has fun.

“When a person is born, a new star lights up in the sky to light his way,” says the legend. The star is a symbol of the human soul, hope and strength that lead. This is a guardian angel that protects from misfortune, gives strength to life and fulfills cherished desires.

On earth, the symbol of the guiding star is the flame of a candle. This tradition is associated with the custom of lighting candles for birthdays and extinguishing them, making a wish, with your breath. The number of candles, equal to the number of years to come, shows the accumulated potential, experience, without which the fulfillment of desire is impossible. Candles, arranged in a circle, create a "ring of power" and endow with the energy necessary to fulfill the desire. Well, if a person put out the candles, the desire began to come true.

It is considered bad luck when one or two candles do not go out, although the person blows and blows. You can attribute the failure to the quality of the candles, the presence of drafts, but in reality this shows that the fulfillment of the desire is being delayed.

Now some authors write that you can’t put candles in a cake if a person turns 3, 9, 12 or 18, 40, 95 or 100 years old. This very controversial sign works if you believe in it. In this case, you can buy one candle, writing on it the number of years lived.

In no case should you buy a gift for yourself, and then give it to someone so that the person gives it as if on his own behalf. This erases the energy of good luck inherent in each gift. There are things that are forbidden to give, as this can lead to misfortune.

Sometimes it happens that guests, voluntarily or involuntarily, with their gifts can inflict an "energy blow" on the hero of the occasion. To neutralize the negative effect of such a gift, it is necessary, as it were, to buy it, redeem it, giving an odd number of coins for it. But you can also increase the impact by saying to yourself, before you took the gift in your hands; "What they brought me, they took away."

To tears and anxiety - give handkerchiefs, toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, brushes, mops, washing powder and other detergents and cleaning products.

And one more thing: Remember that during the celebration of the birthday, the hero of the occasion cannot change clothes twice.
When does the need to change clothes arise? When she got dirty! According to psychics, clothes get dirty when someone else's negative energy has infiltrated the newborn's aura. To avoid an unkind effect, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder and whisper the words: "Not for worse, but for good."

Of course, on a birthday, none of the vases should have an even number of flowers. And an odd number of flowers presented to the birthday man symbolizes changes for the better in his fate, successful overcoming of difficulties.

Dishes broken during the festival are not thrown away until the last guest leaves the house.
This custom is associated with the idea that broken dishes, spilled salt mean that one of the guests brought trouble with them. Therefore, immediately after the departure of the last guest, the broken dishes are taken out of the house so that troubles and troubles leave the house with it.

And finally, about those "security measures" that it is desirable to take so that your birthday is not overshadowed by annoying troubles.
If a person needs a set of bed linen or a set of towels, he can ask to give these items, but then you need to give a symbolic amount of money for a gift - a “penny”. Once upon a time, the piglet was a good luck talisman and an analogue of the fiat ruble from fairy tales, which brings profit and neutralizes evil will.

To quarrels - give sharp, piercing and cutting objects, including forks and electric razors.
To separation - to give watches, including electronic, decorative water and hourglasses.
By parting - give jewelry with amethyst, onyx, moonstone.

Again, if five kopecks are given for such gifts, then signs may not work. But still, it’s better to remember that a birthday is a very important holiday, and save knives and axes for a gift on another occasion, and give the birthday man something that will in no way bring evil!

On a birthday, a birthday person can neither borrow money nor lend. According to popular observation, "if you lend - you give back (well-being is implied), if you borrow - you accept someone else's misfortune."
You can not celebrate a birthday earlier or later than the actual date.
Forty years for a man, fifty-three years for a woman, and thirteen years for a child are not celebrated in crowds.

Never invite guests in the amount of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine and one hundred people. These numbers shorten the life of the birthday man.

If you want to put candles on the table for beauty, avoid this number: three, nine, twelve and eighteen candles. It's better not to light candles at all!

It is not advised to serve pancakes on the table on a name day if a rice dish (pilaf) is planned for a hot meal.
They don't put a pig's head on the table, they don't eat pigeons. These dishes - to the death of the birthday man.

If you have a dog in your apartment, then consider the following: guests may sing, and some dogs have a habit of howling when people sing or play musical instruments. On any other day, it would be touching: they say, the dog also sings. However, know that a howling dog calls death to the birthday man.

If you decide to celebrate your birthday in a cafe or canteen, ask if they celebrated a commemoration here the day before after the funeral. If you celebrated, look for another place or celebrate at home.
