Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman traveler are cool. Funny birthday greetings to a tourist

A tent, a sleeping bag, a cast iron pot, a large backpack and strong shoulders… What else can you remember on the day of tourism? Today we dedicate our congratulations to those who love the way, nature and simple life. Good roads to you, pleasant meetings and quiet evenings to the sound of a guitar, by a bright fire. Today is World Tourism Day. It is celebrated by brave people, adventurers - tourists, but, you know, all of us in this world are pilgrims on the difficult road of life. I would like to wish everyone an easy road, halts with good friends, good fellow travelers and fair winds, interesting discoveries and new routes. Happy Tourism Day to all who are not content with other people's stories, but look at amazing things with their own eyes. We wish you that the ranks of tourists do not thin out, but only increase. We wish you interesting trips and hikes, new places and exciting adventures! Such unique evenings, when after a busy day with a lot of impressions and pleasant fatigue from long climbs along a mountain path, you can get together, set up camp by a trembling fire and admire the stars. On this day, I wish every tourist to rest with soul, work with enthusiasm, go forward with interest and return with a lot of pleasant impressions. Happy holiday! Congratulations on World Tourist Day! I wish you new discoveries, interesting routes and a full backpack of happiness. Let health and finances allow, and life has to travel. And may the compass of fate always point to prosperity and success. Today is a holiday for people who cannot sit still, who live in search of adventure and vivid emotions, but work in order to spend money on outdoor activities. I wish you to visit all corners of the planet, to see the new and the unknown, to know the unknown. Congratulations on the Tourist Day! I wish you to live brightly and richly, travel a lot, learning the world not from books, but from what you see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears, find like-minded people and have fun traveling around the planet in a friendly company. World Tourism Day is a celebration of all those who love travel and all those whose work is in any way connected with the field of tourism. This is a holiday for those who get to know the expanses of the earth, get acquainted with people of different races and nationalities, get acquainted with their customs and traditions. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate those who are passionate about travel. We wish you to know all those countries where nature and architecture are of unprecedented beauty, where different living creatures live, where there is a lot of new and unknown, where you just want to visit reality at least once. Tourism Day is a very romantic, positive, bright holiday, just like the tourists themselves who want to smile. Dear tourists, on this day with great pleasure I would like to wish you new horizons, bright adventures, bright moments, unforgettable trips and hikes! Let the whole world be open before you, as in the palm of your hand! Let your life be rich, unique, unsurpassed! I wish that every new place where you go will meet you with warmth and cordiality, may your hearts be full of love and enthusiasm! Happy tourism day. Every day, those who are tired of the hustle and bustle of everyday life come to you ... Each client is a strict individuality, has his own tastes and whims ... The duty of a travel agency employee is to give him an unforgettable vacation, and you are doing an excellent job with your duties, deserving the hottest on the World Tourism Day congratulations! Let your income grow, let your customers return, and your own vacation will be just heavenly! To work in a travel agency, you need to have a truly encyclopedic knowledge. What are the attractions? What and where is delicious to eat? What are the customs regulations? You know so much, as if you have a round-the-world trip behind you! It is not surprising that customers come back to you, and even bring friends ... Congratulations on World Tourism Day! Congratulations on World Tourism Day! The whole day you are at work, in papers and questions, and in the meantime - clients are basking in the sun ... But you don’t feel sorry for sending them on a tour, because such work is done by a travel agency employee! Let me wish you more strength, liveliness of imagination and new knowledge in order to advise the best and simply - happiness!

Be three hundred more days in a year,
Yes, so that not everyday, but red,
Then everyone would become tourists,
Going to work is like a holiday.
But immediately the suffering would begin.
Everything would change - that's the trick.
And the worst punishment
For all would become, of course, vacation.
And they run wild from idleness.
It is the source of evil and wars...
Let Tourist Day be celebrated
Only those who deserve it!

You are always on the road, always on the road
In any weather, ready to go to the goal,
Tourism opens doors to the unknown for you,
And the novelty is pleasantly surprising.
Today is tourist day, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you interesting routes,
All the best, good luck, joy, kindness,
So that life is like a fairy tale.


There are no barriers for tourists
You are real adventurers, it's no secret
They don't call you romantics for nothing,
Your destiny is connected with campaigns.
Today we congratulate all tourists,
May dazzling success await you along the way,
Let luck accompany you on the way.
May your cherished dreams come true.


What does a tourist need to be happy?
Tent, guitar, friendly company,
Songs with a guitar by the fire,
And unexplored new places.
On the day of tourism, accept congratulations,
Go along the intended path to the goal,
We wish you good health, good luck,
And the mood of the beautiful in addition.


Tourists, you are romantics and daredevils,
You are not afraid of unknown paths,
Easy routes for you, good luck in everything.
Let the house be a full bowl.
Congratulations on the day of the tourist,
We sincerely wish you great happiness,
May you always be accompanied by a happy occasion,
May the best await you ahead.


Let finances and health allow,
And life is conducive to travel,
May you be lucky in everything, always
Let the bright star light the way.
On the day of tourism we wish you happiness,
Let the campaigns with your participation last long,
Let every day turn into a holiday
Let the good luck bird accompany you.


Meeting with nature gives you inspiration,
You just have a romantic soul.
The backpack is full of great mood,
And the cherished dream will come true.
We congratulate all tourists from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you hiking and a happy journey,
Let every day surprise you.
Let reliable friends surround you.

Funny birthday greetings funny
Universal New Year greetings
Cool New Year's greetings
Happy birthday greetings funny and cool

Happy birthday to a tourist

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Listen to our verse!

You have gone a lot
unexplored roads,
Here, the time has come
Some sum up...

We love all the time
Hear about your tour
Happy birthday congratulations!
Listen to our verse:

Keep your charisma
Identity forever,
Let luck be in life
Don't count your years!

Let love be a winged bird
Century flutters on the way,
Go all over the border
And find your dream!

Congratulate tourist
birthday, congratulations, tour, abroad

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation


You are a traveler, our friend, -
Traveled the white light
You are our tourist, and everything around
Familiar, no doubt

But in our society you
It's always nicer!-
Here you are loved - everything is with you
Family and friends!

And on your birthday
Again in the circle of friends!
May our friendship and love
It burns even more!

Congratulate a friend - a tourist
Happy Birthday to You!

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Birthday encore!

You are active, wise,
Passed the paths of all - darkness,
And today this morning
Accept congratulations

Happy birthday to you,
Laugh, rejoice, tourist,
Let him pass in pleasure
If you want, then encore!

I wish you luck, happiness,
Feel warm, cozy
From my wonderful family
Who are always waiting for you!

Congratulate tourist
birthday, congratulations, tourist

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Stay where you dream!

We are you, tourist, today
Happy birthday congratulations!
Roam the earth freely
Apparently, it was beyond its edge ....

You have power and charisma
And the excitement that you do not miss
We wish you in life
Stay where you dream!

Let it be lucky on the personal front,
And you be ready to settle
Do not need a century of repair,
I mean, stay healthy!

Congratulate tourist
tourist, birthday, congratulations

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation


Around you the expanses of the world,
And there is no end to them,
All your life, a moment of travel,
And you always strive for them.

Our dear tourist, congratulations,
We are here for you, all gathered,
And we wish only health
Huge forces, strive to the heights.

Congratulate Birthday greeting for a tourist

Let new roads open
And with them - new places!
Let them not let their feet down on the paths
And there will be more than a hundred trips!

I wish to be in any country Columbus
And rediscover this world!
Let the morning come with a miracle
So that you have something to study!

And may today, on this birthday,
The door to a new path will open for you!
I wish you inspiration and patience,
In order not to turn off the route of happiness!


happy birthday congratulations
I am you, my friend, a tourist.
Let the alarm clock replace
Birdsong in the morning for you.

Shoulders let the backpack do not press,
And in the tent does not see through,
The compass will be at hand,
And the fire is always on.

In life I want new ones,
Paths unknown.
And on campaigns to good luck
Was your partner.


Someone dreams of becoming a football player
Or a famous, folk artist,
Everyone has their own pedestal in life,
And you dreamed about tourism from the cradle!

To walk around the white light,
Anywhere in the world, meet the dawn,
See all countries and cities
You always knew that you would be a tourist!

We wish you on your birthday
So that your goal does not remain a dream,
So that you can see everything, look at everything,
And to laugh and sing with happiness!


I want to wish you new discoveries,
See the whole world with your own eyes
Many bright, magical events,
May all your dreams come true!

Let travel be an inspiration
And they will bring you a lot of joy!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday
Many happy, wonderful moments!


What to wish a tourist on his birthday?
Of course, bright travels, new countries!
There are many different achievements in the career,
To fill your pocket with pennies!

I wish you interesting discoveries,
Good health, patience and strength!
May there be many joyful events
So that every day only brings happiness!

Beautiful birthday wishes for a traveler / traveler


You've almost traveled all over the world
Visited different countries.
But there is still room to go…
Where you never even dreamed of!

On my birthday I wish
Many new bright places
Visit, because I know for sure
There is a craving for it!


Backpack behind,
Road under your feet
Happy birthday tourist
Congratulations today.

We wish that in the tent
It was warm and dry
mosquitoes at night
Don't sing in your ear.

Unknown trails
Secrets revealed
Age-old firs
They waved their paws.

We wish the road
Led you to a dream
And happiness is with you
Sat by the fire.


You are an avid tourist, so
I want to wish you
Travel is very bright,
Sea of ​​joy, gifts.

The coolest experience
And only pleasant excitement.
In general, happy birthday!
Let positivity surround you everywhere.


Happy Birthday,
Glorious, outstanding my tourist,
The path to your great heights
May it always be radiant.

Interesting hikes only
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Uncharted gave
I call to conquer.


Complex hiking backpack
And a new laid route,
I wish you a birthday, tourist,
May your journey be happy.

An unknown world lies before you,
Keeping secrets and secrets
Mountains, desert, steppe, forest
Sending you greetings today.

I wish you to conquer the peaks,
Find a passage among the rocks,
And let hundreds of places await you ahead,
Where you haven't been yet.

Funny birthday greetings to a tourist


On a tourist trip
Settling in nature,
Do not forget to celebrate your holiday -
Celebrate birthday.

Let the weather be clear
The mood is wonderful
And in the company of friends
The holiday will be more fun!


Amazing, huge
This world around us.
It is truly bottomless
There are a lot of impressions.

Our tourist, you will get them
Bypassing the whole wide world,
Let the ray of hope burn
For you at least a hundred years!

Travel just a lot
Waiting for you ahead.
Happy birthday! Life is Beautiful,
Check it out for yourself!


Happy birthday tourist!
Let the road wind like a ribbon
As if the cards are a flat sheet -
There is always an easy way.

And let there be no interference
In your business the best:
Don't turn back
Always be lucky in everything!


Let it not leave you
Passion for travel
great traction,
I speak without flattery.

And jealous a little
This aspiration
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday.

Let the road lead forward
Bypassing the obstacles
May it bring good luck, happiness
And other awards!


Seas, cities, oceans and mountains -
You have seen a lot in life
You are an experienced tourist, happy birthday to you
Today we came together to congratulate
We wish you to travel more
You rather conquer the New country,
Let the trips be fun
But don't forget about your home!

Happy birthday poems for a tourist, a traveler


The whole world lies before you
Calling you tourist
You apply on your birthday
Route to a clean slate.

Wherever you go, no matter where you go
Take your luck with you
Flags of joy your way
Let it be marked.

Let the smoke of the fire intoxicate you,
The dawn will wash with dew,
Planet of mysteries all their own
Will open before you.


The roads are calling you
And fabulous distances
Tourists do not need
Awards and medals.

The backpack is behind the shoulders,
striving in the soul,
Happy under the starry sky
You are even in a hut.

I wish you a birthday
You untrodden roads,
happy miles,
To the joy of those multiplied.


Waiting for a tourist on his birthday
Far and new roads
Let health not fail
Let your legs be strong
Let them go around the world
Never getting tired
The wind blows only in the back,
And the calm darkness of the night
Together with the sun you meet
And sunrises and sunsets.
The beauty of the earthly world
The soul will be rich for the future!


You have traveled many roads
To find happiness
And today for a halt
You will celebrate your birthday.

Let the sun shine on you
Every moment will be good
And luck will smile
In your endeavors!


You have seen many countries.
Where he walked, where he just slept.
Where did you pass by,
Where I didn't know much.

Maybe you'll have a birthday
You are in the caves of the dungeon.
Maybe just in the meadow
Ile on the seashore.

Wherever you are now
Welcome from us.
Light sky for you
Happiness in life and destiny.

Happy birthday to a tourist, a traveler. Happy birthday poems for a tourist, a traveler


You traveled the whole world in one gulp,
On the plane you soar
To see the Alps
And the Carpathians, and Paris,

In a group at Big Ben to withdraw,
Get out into the polar snow
And climb Everest
Ride an elephant.

We wish with admiration
Ride in cold and heat
To this birthday
The whole globe lay down at your feet!


Excellent tourist
Happy birthday.
Go around the world for you
The whole planet, I wish.

Your life is so interesting
Adventures are waiting for you.
May you be your relatives
Love, appreciate, cherish!


Happy birthday! I wish
Many countries to visit
I understand your passion
Explore everything, explore.

You are an experienced tourist
Behind the city...
Got a little older today
Only this is not a problem!


You have traveled many roads
Get to know other countries
Everything happened in your way,
I saw mountains, oceans!

You are a tourist, which means happiness
You will, no doubt!
Let adversity not meet
It will be clear! Happy birthday!


We came to you to celebrate
Meet your birthday
Wish you dear
Those that you could pass
Travel interesting,
wonderful impressions,
golden ray of sunshine
Everything you need for a tourist!


Accept, our tourist, congratulations,
Happy, happy birthday,
Be always healthy, do not get tired,
Go around all the paths in time!

Let your fire burn merrily
And the guitar speaks softly
How wonderful life is always on the march,
For restless people!

Let the backpack not seem heavy,
Breathe easily in the forest and in the field,
The heart beats joyfully in the chest,
The best is yet to come!


Three hundred thousand kilometers
Informative - to the tourist.
Birthday - entertainment
And pleasant impressions.
To always - delight and "AH"!
From the locks, the keys are in hand!
find solutions,
To not only on his birthday.
Every moment and every hour!
Happiness will enter your life now.


Always keep your path clear
And there will be a smooth road
You are a traveler, a tourist,
And there is so much more to come!

Don't let the unknown scare you
Obstacles don't stop
Luck shines brightly
And there will be a big charge!


A tourist always has fun
Not everyone can be a tourist
They are attracted by cities, seas and countries,
Beautiful villages, rivers, oceans.

Happy birthday tourist
We will leave many wishes as a gift,
May life be wonderful and beautiful
And let it be lived not in vain!


Happy birthday tourist!
Conqueror of mountains and sea,
We wish you
Impressions more than twice.

Are you a holiday lover?
In nature, in the field.
Can you sleep in a tent
You can - in space.

Let the peaks submit
And places where I haven't been
Avalanches will surround you
The sky will be clear!


Happy birthday! I wish you to conquer as many countries and places as possible. Travel only in cheerful companies, learn something new and enjoy life.


So, hiking is your calling.
Went around a lot of places.
The life of an avid tourist
Never get bored.

On my birthday I wish
I'm a straight path for you.
To make all wishes come true
Don't give up and live the dream.


Your path is often very difficult,
He is confused and thorny.
But you are persistent in the campaign,
You are a real tourist.

I wish you a birthday
New paths and roads.
I wish a lot
I was able to conquer the routes.


Pathfinder and tester
Vocalist if needed
You are on a hike, like at home,
After all, you are an avid tourist.

On my birthday I wish
New plans and roads.
Strength to all your ideas
You were able to bring it to fruition.


Happy birthday, tourist, old friend,
May your path last for years,
It will be informative and glorious,
Passing through villages, cities!

Let the fire warm you at night
Friendship also warms day and night,
And love burns in the soul, does not smolder,
And adversity all go away!

Inspiration, joy and luck
Will be with you forever
To easily solve all problems,
And always captivated by beauty!


How many roads have you traveled
You probably don't remember,
But I hope, our dear friend,
Remember this birthday.

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, I have no strength,
Adventures, a million, probably.
In difficulties, be invincible
Good luck, happiness, joy immeasurable.


There is a tent and a backpack,
Do you like to go hiking
After all, you are an experienced tourist,
You are not afraid of adversity,
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart
We are happy to congratulate you
May you not meet
There are obstacles in your way!


Happy Birthday to You.
This is the joyful holiday of the year.
We wish you adventure
Meet your destiny.

You are a tourist, which means -
Different roads on the way.
We only wish you good luck
All obstacles are easy to bypass.


And here it is - a festive moment,
From us as a gift-pedestal.
Look, you are very puzzled,
What is it intended for?

Put a pot-bellied backpack here,
It lacks only a shovel.
But if you look for everyone together,
We'll find it, if needed.

And going on the road-road,
Forget anxiety, friend.
And on a clear day and in bad weather
You give yourself freedom.


You walk from year to year
Rolling kilometers
And the birthday is coming
Not at all the first.
Nature will sing with us
Dew will pour a glass,
Yes, and we are not empty -
Snack bottle.
Well, happy birthday brother-tourist!
Turn it up, guitarist!


A tourist is probably a vocation,
And in this business you, perhaps, are the best.
May wishes come true easily
May you be successful in your travels.

I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health and kindness.
Let admiration surround you everywhere,
And warms the sea of ​​warmth.


Know the heights that no one has seen
In the dense forest to spend leisure time.
On the way, insults are usually forgotten,
Forget everything today, my friend.
Tourists are not afraid of both rain and wind
Tourists are not familiar with all the excitement
And in a hurricane, and when the sun shines,
Celebrate your birthday well.


We wish you an interesting road,
Faithful comrades next to you.
The weather on the hike is only excellent,
Pleasant acquaintances with the new country.

We wish you health and strength,
To always have enough money.
We congratulate you on your birthday
May any dream come true.


Let every birthday be celebrated with a new geolocation and a point on the map! We wish you safe travels, many vivid impressions, new tourist routes and reaching all the peaks - so that the inner voice does not let you down!


I wish you many new adventures
As many joyful discoveries as possible,
And hundreds of wonderful moments
And thousands of wonderful events!

Step forward, do not know the age of obstacles,
May all peaks conquer!
Let life be sweet like chocolate
For happiness, let there always be reasons!

Happy Tourist Day! As an experienced traveler, I wish you new experiences and adventures, interesting discoveries in new countries, as well as a lot of fresh air, warm sun and smiles from fellow travelers! Let every day of your travel adventures be worthy of being written in a travel diary!

On Tourist Day, I hasten to congratulate you until you again disappear beyond the horizon in search of adventure! I know that you take everything from rest, so may each of your trips be even better than the previous one, may everything go smoothly and the number of places on Earth where your foot has set foot is filled!

There are things almost mandatory for every tourist - to see the sights, to try the local cuisine, to bring a souvenir, to get a little lost ... But you, in your own way, do everything in an original way, so then we can hardly believe in your adventures! On Tourist Day, I congratulate you and wish you to travel even more so that you can explore the entire globe by the centenary!

You plan your vacation ahead of time, you look forward to it and you will certainly find out everything in the world about a new vacation spot! Happy Tourist Day! You, a bright star, can complete the galaxy of famous travelers, and today I sincerely wish you to always have money, time and a big appetite for travel!

Today, for a good rest, you can easily entrust everything to travel agencies ... But you prefer to act on your own, because if you love adventures and new experiences, you need to have a hand in everything! On Tourist Day, I wish you always carry your luggage with ease, relax with a smile and a lot of bright emotions!

You can easily outdo any guide, and even arriving at your holiday destination after midnight, you can easily check into the best hotel, your friends cannot believe in your incredible adventures, and I simply admire you immensely and believe that with such a passion for travel, you will definitely one day open Eldorado! Happy Tourist Day!

A little housekeeping, love of work, a lively character and a pleasant smile... This can be said about many of us, but rarely anyone is so animated and his eyes speak with a twinkle like yours when it comes to tourism, your not at all secret passion! Tourist Day is your day, on which I wish you always keep your nose to the wind and discover new worlds!

Happy Tourist Day! You should have been born in the Age of Discovery, because the love of travel is in your blood! But even now, our world is open to you, so let luck, good spirits and good mood accompany you on all its roads!

You can spend the whole day on a sun lounger under the gentle whisper of the waves, or climb the mountains with a backpack on your shoulders ... You are one of those people about whom one can say "a born tourist!"! And today, on Tourist Day, I wish you never to stop, travel with a smile and find your happiness on all paths, in all corners of the world!

Although everything is not always clear with the map, and English let us down, but the desire to have a good rest and a kind soul, a cheerful disposition always help you to stay in the ranks of those tourists who have a small life in a beautiful new world! On the Day of the tourist - accept my congratulations and best wishes!
