Congratulations on children's day. Congratulations on Children's Day in verse

Summer holidays are always a long-awaited and long holiday for children. The beginning of summer, however, is not only the beginning of children's holidays, June 1 - Children's Day - is a holiday for children, a day for their protection, a day that encourages adults to think about children. Especially for this holiday, I picked up poems about children and childhood. Poems for Children's Day very kind and touching.

Today is your day guys!
All children of the vast Earth
They rush to each other with congratulations,
Wishing you health and love!

And we wish you, relatives, -
Grow and delight us
May your wishes come true
And the world will be kind to you!

We adults promise you
In everything to help, protect,
And in my heart we hope, we dream
Happy to educate you!

Gentlemen, ladies,
To all dads and moms,
To all students, schoolchildren,
Naughty to all the kids,

To all the kids on the planet
The sun shines brighter
On this first holiday of summer...
Be happy all warm!

Don't shout, don't scold
Never offend
You are favorite kids!
On All Children's Day

Give them smiles
And forgive all mistakes.
Let them grow for our joy!
Happiness to our kids!

From zero to hundreds of years
From diaper to diaper
Knows no troubles
Everyone let the baby!

On this first summer day
Let there be a gift
To each: perfume, lilac,
SPA, balloon…

Happy Children's Day!
Happy Love Day to all adults!
Volley of salutes and lights
Let the air shine!

First of June.
Summer has come.
And the warmth of June
The whole earth is warm.

The paper kite is dancing
Somewhere in the clouds
That's what happiness
In my hands!

And I run with laughter
I am towards the day.
- Hey, try, wind,
Catch me!

First of June -
A day of big things.
Day of protection in the world
Little children!

(T. Shapiro)

On the first day of summer, all the children
Celebrate the holiday of light!
Each adult will answer you:
Our happiness is our children!
What holiday? Defense Day
Childhood, nipples and panties,
And softly sewn toys
Mom for your kids
And beds, and pillows,
And multi-colored jump ropes,
And rattling rattles
And of course candy!
Keep them safe from grief
Love tenderly!
Children are our pride
Protect your childhood!

In the disturbing world of storms, passions,
The planet is alive and spinning.
How good it is for children
There is one day at the beginning of summer,
When alarmed by the tocsin
Call for rights
All the oppressed, the dispossessed
Unfortunate little earthlings.
It's time to come to your senses, think
How to live in this world.
And stop in time
Protect the world of childhood from troubles!

Defenseless, relatives,
Our children are dear
We caress and cherish you
We love and miss deeply.
On the day of protection, at this hour
A bright holiday is only yours!
We, as far as we can,
We will protect you from trouble!

Much has been written about this day.
After all, children are angels from heaven.
For you, everything in the world is just the beginning,
You have an endless forest of possibilities.
You warm hearts with your breath,
Drive away trouble with a smile
And light up with your charm
The saddest day of the year.
Keep strong our wishes,
Strive upward and help those close to you,
Appreciate the good and giving you knowledge,
To become a real person.

On one of the first warm summer days,
When the sun shines brightly everywhere
Celebrating All Children's Day
Protecting the happiness of the main thing in the world!
Let our children know - we are for them
Before God and before conscience in the answer!
Responsible for their own and for others!

The snow will melt - and it will pull again in the spring!
And the chime will ring over the world.
The one who protects children everywhere -
He knows that spring in the soul is not a dream.
We are celebrating an international holiday.
Let's protect childhood together!
Let humanity become a little better
And more often there will be children's laughter!

Children are our future, we know
And so be very careful
We steadfastly guard their peace,
How much is even possible.
Congratulations on Children's Day,
After all, more expensive than happiness, no for us.

I'll touch the top of the head a little warm,
I will take my son in my arms.
We will protect the rights of the child,
Looking into the eyes of danger.
The road of life will be easy
Have children let and mothers.
Trouble will forget the way to them,
And the world will become even better.
After all, what is more beautiful
Love in the eyes, trust look.
We congratulate everyone today
Happy day to our little guys.

On the first day of summer
Protect the children of the earth
In deep space - rockets,
Ships in the blue sea
Airplanes in clear skies
On the road - a traffic light,
From diseases - with honeycombs,
Fresh air, gym...
But from all misfortunes at once,
And always sure
Day and night, on weekdays, on holidays -
Only mother's hand!

Look around, how much happiness there is in the world!
Happiness is our children!
The world becomes more beautiful with children!
There is nothing more precious in the world
Than the son that once entered the world,
Than a daughter that sniffs in the crib!
God bless them more
And parental love without measure,
Childhood barefoot longer
In the tales of that naive childish faith!
Take care of the kids, hug!
For whims often do not scold!
There is no other happiness on the planet
For parents than their own children!

May every child not be offended,
Let it become more dear, dearer and closer -
Not only today, on the first day of June -
On any day of the week, and on a holiday, and on weekdays.
Let childhood not be worse than adulthood,
Let children's tears be shed less and less,
Let a smile in a dream prove: he lies
Under gentle, but strong, reliable protection.

Children Protection Day -
This is a wonderful holiday
many kind people
And interesting things
So let it always
Children will be happy
In villages and cities
And all over the world!

I want every child to:
Curious, funny, mischievous,
The one who has grown a long time from diapers
Or just born in the spring

Was the happiest on the planet
And knew no pain, no tears.
'Cause when the kids smile
The world is filled with roses

(T. Dementieva)

Each of us was a baby
We went to kindergarten.
Mothers read books to us,
Every night in a row.

We ourselves are now with a mustache,
We read to children ourselves
Surprised every time
Wow, they look like us!

English club, musician,
drawing school,
Nothing for them is a pity
Children all efforts

Rest, sea, sun, beach,
Circus and entertainment.
We will hand over
Pain and grief.

Everything for them that is,
The best in the world!
Because our happiness is
These are our children!
(M. Langer)

What do children dream about?
Yes, everything in the world!
So that mom and dad were
And they lived - did not grieve.
For us to play together
And they sang songs

And laughed merrily
spruce ice cream,
They were swinging.

And adults to a child
Bought for a kitten
Puppy, bird, book,
Sister and brother.

For everyone to be well
For the sun to shine!
So that all people in the world
Dream like children!

June 1 Children's Day

Why so funny
I woke up on this day?
Why get out of bed
Am I lazy in the morning?

The answer to the question is simple -
This summer has come to us.
Lessons and torments are over,
And we don't have to wait for Sunday...

To sleep, walk, play,
And invite your friends over.
Swim, splash, dive,
And ride a bike.

And I'm not at all surprised
It is today, on this day,
The first of June is celebrated
Day of protection of us, children!

Everything for us is attractions,
Soda, popsicle...
And mom and dad will give
What I dreamed about for a long time.

This day is the best
Summer will give us a chance
Go to the sea to visit
Visit grandma and grandpa.

Rest to get tired
And miss school.
But today is not about that
Hello sunny summer!

(A. Selyanina)


Sweet birth of a child
Hail my belated verse.
May blessings be with him
All the angels of heaven and earth!
May he be worthy of his father,
Like his mother, beautiful and loved;
May his spirit be at peace
And in the right is firm, like God's cherub.
Let him not know before the deadline,
No pangs of love, no glory of greedy thoughts;
Let him look without reproach
On the false brilliance and false noise of the world;
Let him not look for reasons
Other people's passions and joys,
And he will come out of secular mire
White in soul and unharmed in heart!
(M. Lermontov)


Careless pursuits
Gone, gone...
cozy hugs
Criss-cross warm shawl ...
Frosty "cakes"
"Pancakes" from a snow crust,
And screeching obscenely
For the redistribution of the hill ...
Jumping on May puddles,
The bicycle is loud.
The world is spinning like a carousel
And the legs are all in green ...
A net made of gauze haze,
Glasses for the "secret"
Heat, fishing, glow,
Night, the smell of summer ...
Herbariums, collections,
autumn colds,
And secrets - "myths of Greece" ...
And there is no grief ... as long as ...
(O. Uvarkina)

The world of childhood

The world of childhood is the best world,
Naive, kind and happy,
Baby wants to be big
Strives to live in the adult world.

I know I was
Was, was, was once
But I stepped into another world
There is no return from there.

Everything is wrong there, life is cruel,
There is a lot of falsehood and debauchery,
I want to go back to my children's world,
I would be glad to forget about everything.

And plunge headlong
Naively into a childhood dream
who is no longer with me,
Which I won't find.

Oh childhood world, when did you disappear?
And how did I grow up, tell me?
How easy it used to be
When that world was with me!
(Olga Partala)


What is happiness? This is childhood
Childhood with its rainbow dreams.
Nowhere to go from that time,
Why, why, we don't know.

Happiness is the sun in the early morning
The sun that sends rays to us through the window,
And calls to run on mother-of-pearl
To the forest, to the river along the dewy stitch.

Happiness is a tart, free wind,
The wind that brings the smell of the sea
The wind that beckons towards the dream,
Always arguing with the dullness of reality.

What is happiness? These are the stars
That mysteriously flicker from heaven,
Unfulfilled dreams whisper to us,
Fairytale dreams evoke us.

Happiness is what happened in childhood
Light, reliable, native.
And from the memory we can not escape ...
Too bad he won't be with us again.
(A. Zagodina)

Children Protection Day

Clearer every year
We forgot about it!
Children Protection Day -
Day of Defense of Russia.

To keep the light from going out
Protect the incoming
Hundreds of kind eyes
To the world with hope beholders.

Protect from misfortune
From adversity and bad weather,
Protect from war
Give peace and happiness.

We are responsible, believe me
If only there was enough strength!
Protect the children
Protect Russia!

(T. Frolova)

World Children's Day

Many holidays in the world
Do not count everyone!
Loved by adults and children
Meet them together!
But today is Children's Day
Celebrates the whole world
From Paris to Hong Kong
The message is on the air:
Congratulations! We love! We believe!
We will save the world!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you!
(N. Maidanik)

child's day

Autumn day in November
Holiday on the calendar!
Day of gifts and flowers,
Are you ready to meet him?

Extend your hand with a smile
German, Russian, Yakut,
English, Estonian
Let the sun shine brighter!

To be able to live peacefully
People in joy, love,
adults around the world
And our own children.
(N. Maidanik)

You can't upset the kids!

Can't upset kids
After all, children can cry!
Then not to see clear days,
And it will be cloudy and slushy!

Tears will flow in streams
And the sea will become saltier
Laughter and smiles will disappear!
And they will all quarrel with each other!

Suddenly get sick from the rain
And the planet will stop!!!
You can't upset the kids!
Please remember this!!

(T. Efimova)

Children Protection Day

Children Protection Day.
- From whom?
- From people.
This sounds crazy in the new
After all, actions and thoughts
and bundles of ideas
Must be beautiful
in a man!
serenely should
go through our childhood
In constant love and
taking care of us
So that we are only good
taken as an inheritance
The baton of kindness
taking from you.
relay race
warmth, mercy,
friendship, brotherhood,
sympathy for fate
So that the people of the Earth

lived in harmony
To not divide the world
On our own and others!
Lest the horror of war
knocked on our doors,
To bitterness of loss to us
did not break into the heart!
To make everyone cleaner
Better, better
To a mother for everyone
crumbs found!
To strife for the eyelids
were forgotten
To peacefully nations
lived next door!
To name the day
not a day of protection, but a day

(N. Vedenyapina)

Street of Joy

On Joy Street - children live,
They jump and dance and sing for joy!
They do not walk slowly along the street of Joy -
Run run! And into the clouds - the soul flies, flies!

Joy Street - ringing laughter!
Joy Street is waiting for us all!
Let into your heart
Street of Joy!

Don't hang up, don't hang up your nose - learn to win!
Good luck to you, my friend - within reach!
Smile and ringing laughter - living water,
Cheerful success awaits everywhere and always!
(N. Pikuleva)


In Miracle you open the windows -
Happy knocks on the path
Veselyutik blooms by the river,
And the Nightingales sing loudly,
And somewhere along the long roads
Nosomoth and Begerog roam…
We will soon enter Miracle with them -
Toropinka hurries under every window,
Calls us to look, look:
What's behind the window?
Chu!.. Childhood!

(M. Yasnov)

For our children

Dear children
Happy flowers!
Our boys
And baby girls!

We cherish you
We grow, we love
As you grow up
We do not notice!

You are our joy
And our difficulties
So become
Smarter and better!

You are our pride
And luck in life
You are grateful
Us continuation!
(N. Maidanik)

Let the childhood take place! ..

Let the kids play
Enough, satiety, not in short,
Let the rain wash
Let it open like a flower.

Do not poison childhood with an argument,
Don't push the conversation
Do not crush with evil and fear,
Don't throw words around.

Spare the child's soul
Take better care of your eyes
In vain do not reproach for a prank -
Not a parent, not a teacher.

Developing a child's mind
Do not get into the jungle right away.
Don't rush your childhood days
Give your childhood the sun.

Let the kids play
Laugh, jump
Let me wake up happily
Let me plunge into the caress.

Let the child hold on
Let faith breathe
Let him rise to his height
Let the childhood take place!
(Z. Baeva)

Be like children
(The poem is read in rap style)

We are still few
Lived in the world
We are still children!
Of course, children!
Adults ask us
Don't disturb them
think, work
Solve problems!

We didn't interfere
We didn't bother them.
Adults long
Problems were solved:
Everything is bought!
Everything is for sale!
Schools are exploding!
What's left?

Who is for everything
What is happening -
In the answer?
Adults? Adults?

Teach us to live
Honest and simple!
Lies and selfishness
The scab will be gone!
And recover
Peace on the planet!
Be like children!
Be like children!

Clean. Honest.
And - romantic.
Modest. Lovely.
And - cute.
Soft. Kind.
And - harmless.

Together we will
(N. Pikuleva)

Sun from palms

Children from the palms
The sun was laid down
To by all means
The people were all friends
To this sun
Shining for the people
At every window
Went to visit.

To have a lot
Children have toys
To not shoot
Cannon grown-ups
To stop
All wars in the world
To smile
The children didn't die.

So, what does it cost us -
Smelt the guns
Stop all wars
And buy toys?
The sun from the palms -
The best in the world!!!
Look people -
(O. Maslova)

What is most important to mothers?

What is the most important thing in spring?
So that green leaves
When the sun warms up
Were selected from each kidney.

What is the most important thing for birds?
To a yellow-mouthed chick
I was able to fly and not crash,
To sing loudly, like a bell.

What is most important to mothers?
To make children laugh loudly
To grow up without wars on the very
Kind, gentle planet.
(I. Aseeva)

Children's Day!

In puddles local yards,
The rain is pounding on the roof.
Children's Day
Misha's neighbor!

He took off his sandals secretly,
Rolled up my pants
And through the puddles barefoot!
Mishka will get it!

We are instructed
Neighbor tomboy:
"If today is our day,
So the rain is for children!
(M. Kladnichkina)


Spend time with the kids, at least five minutes.
Do not run away, but sit down quietly next to ...
Snuggle up to your hair, inhaling love ...
Mom's heartbeat, what else do they need.
Don't run away, don't rush, turning away
From the kids, the gaze of the heart and attention.
They want to say so much
And get their merits recognition.

Don't run away, sit down... just like that...
Baby's heart radar set
In order to very sensitively catch
Love and tenderness, at least tiny, waves.

And maybe ... all the hour, and day, all night
In the soul of a child will sing like a bird,
That feeling that will forever illuminate his whole life.
He is a part of my mother...

(Monica Masgedi)

Our children

At first we, like a miracle, expect
And the first tooth, and the first words,
And the first step ... Then we do not notice
How the lives of millstones turned.

And now: "Where did you go, you scoundrel?",
"Do not argue with me!" and "Shut up!"
How quickly we forget that "TODAY" -
Native, matured "YESTERDAY"!

(Frida Polak)

The lights went out in the house...

The lights went out in the house
And everything calmed down in him;
Babies in their beds
We fell asleep sweetly.
From distant skies meekly
The moon looks at them;
The whole room is radiant
She is illuminated.
Branches look from the garden
birches and poplars
And they whisper: "We protect
We are the silent sleep of children;
Let joyful dreams
All night the little ones sleep
Miraculous visions
From fairyland.
When is the silent night
The day will change
Their dreams are the song of the birds
Merry interrupt…
Flowers, as dear brothers,
Hello send them your own,
nodding heads,
Glittering with dew…”
(A. Pleshcheev)

What is childhood?

Childhood is dad, this is mom,

Wider than the river, higher is the firmament,

Time to be stubborn

And when desperately lucky!
Childhood is everything and better at once!

Just like that, and not vice versa!

This is a world of illusions and fantasies

Faith in a fairy tale and dreams fly!

Lives, rages and happens here!

And lunch is unthinkable without sweets!

Day after day comes and goes

And Saturday is long gone!
Childhood is balls, jump ropes,

Race with friends

In abrasions knees, slide, sled!

And, of course, sticks and skates!
Childhood is Carlson and jam,

It's change and friends!

That's a lot of games and fun!

Childhood is you and me!
(T. Efimova)

In the smiles of children...

All theorems have been proven
But in the world of vanities and passions,
The main topic is -
Children's health and happiness...

This kind of motivation is better
Never found anywhere...
Sorrows go away like clouds
And children are forever!

When hopelessness is a wall
And the best friend will become his back,
Warmth warms the sacred
From children's and sunny hands ...

Tears in my eyes dry up...
The rest is equal to zero
As soon as the son, hugging,
Whisper: "I love my mother!"

What do we know about happiness? A little…
But in the world of vanities and passions,
I know that children are from God,
And happiness is in the smiles of children ...

(I. Samarina)

The world of my sunny childhood

The world of my sunny childhood...
He is full of happiness, kindness and light.
It is so huge, colorful, like summer,
The world of my sunny childhood!

Everything here is like in a fairy tale, like in a wonderland:
Seas and mountains, rivers, waterfalls…
Here is everything that we are very happy in life:
Gardens in spring, fields, meadows and forest.

It has mom, dad, grandma and grandpa,
Dog, cat, siblings.
Wonderful world: magical, clean, sonorous
Dressed in a palette of rainbow colors.

It contains all the dreams, hopes and friends,
whom I love, whom I believe
I will measure a particle of the heart and soul.
And I am very happy in that world!

(T. Lavrova)

The main thing is that the children are healthy ...

Something's wrong again
Only the soul understands:
The main thing is that the children are healthy,
Eyes shining with happiness...

For any person
In Minsk, in Samara, in Poltava,
The main thing is that the children are healthy,
Let's fix the rest...

You don't need another miracle
Glory, influence, power...
The main thing is that the children are healthy!
This is truly happiness...

Life is a family basis -
Faith, love, understanding...
The main thing is that the children are healthy.
So let's go to the test...

Someone spoiled by fate ...
He realizes later...
The main thing is that the children are healthy ...
This is more precious than life...

The world is not so harsh
If there is a lot of light in the soul.
The main thing is that the children are healthy!
Thank heaven for this...

(I. Samarina)

Let's protect the children's world...

Quietly, an angel enters every house ...
If he sees that love rejoices in him,
Then, magical nine months later,
There is a child in this house...

The first cry and joy of loving hearts...
Father is preparing for this meeting in such a way ...
And for mom there is no more important day in life,
Than a baby is born into the world.

This is happiness that is given to us from heaven.
The first tooth is more wonderful than miracles!
And the smile, the one that was the first,
I drove all my family crazy at once!

The first step is such pride and success...
He goes and bewitches everyone!
And when he says "Mama" for the first time,
That mother's tears of happiness will gush from her eyes ...

Our kids are growing up fast...
Kindergarten, school, graduation and institute,
Just looking into their eyes, it will flash for a moment
In our memory that very first cry ...

Childhood is a fairy tale, and we must not forget
Every day with the child together in it.
Laugh and build a house out of cookies,
Meet the summer rain with a smile, barefoot ...

Sunny childhood should not be neglected!
So let's protect the children's world.
For children, the love of parents is nectar!
For parents, a child is a gift from God...

(I. Samarina)

May our children always laugh!

May our children always laugh!
Let their eyes light up!
Let smiles give at dawn!
Let the children sleep peacefully at night!

May they have more happiness
And fewer difficulties, problems.
So that they taste the beauty of life
Without worries and life dilemmas.

May their hearts always beat evenly,
Only with Love speeding up the run.
May their happiness be unconditional
So that they have enough of it for a century.
(V. Tunnikov)

Children draw

Children draw on glass
Children draw on asphalt
Build a city on the sand
This is not yet on the map.

In the hands of crayons, pencils ...
Kids are little wizards.
But so much soul has been invested
In their world beautiful on paper!

Children draw on glass
And on the pavement... Let them draw!
And the joy of childhood on Earth
May it prevail forever!
(T. Shcherbacheva)


We go: I am in eternal problems,
Again misunderstood by people;
Nearby is a little man,
Nearby is a new and bright world.
Jumps fast, chirps loudly,
A ball of mercury, a rush, a fire...
A trusting little hand
Warms my hand.
Through a pile of disturbing thoughts
I hear a list of important things:
That the wolf's legs turned sour,
Because I was sitting in the water
The dog's children ate
And the pussy has a bruise on her forehead ...
Among these cute absurdities
Suddenly flashed: "I love you!"
And the warmth flooded the soul,
Like a wave - all adversity washed away.
Away with problems! I will listen,
And holding my breath,
Soak up this babble with your heart,
Realizing what is most valuable
Warm fingers gentle thrill,
A ray of sunshine in my hand!
(I. Shabalina)

Childhood wanted to become an adult ...

Childhood wanted to become an adult
Let the years fly by.
School, school desk ... tired,
When I become an adult, then...
I decide what to study
Don't get up early in the morning
Late at night to return
And the mother will not scold.
No painful injections
I'll take the fish oil right away.
On the ball into the goal with a goal,
I will only eat ice cream.

Didn't have time to look back
Childhood suddenly became adult.
Grumpy, gray
And a pair of wrinkled hands.
Wish I could come back again
In these young years.
Touch him for a day
Shout to childhood: “I then ...
I didn't know that life, turnover,
A full heap of different things.
Life is such a mess sometimes...
I wanted to become an adult early.”

Do not rush you from childhood,
Running fast way.
I don't need a kingdom
If only I could get my childhood back!


What's it like to be an adult?!

Parents say:
"Here you will become an adult
And you'll find the answers
To many questions."

What's it like to be an adult?!
I don't understand!
I sit and think
I break my head.

Maybe like dad
Tie a tie?
Lying on the sofa
Read a book?

Maybe like mom
Make a marathon?
And drink green
Tea without sweets?

Maybe like grandma
Go on a diet?
After six in the evening
Pies to eat?

Maybe like a grandfather
Smoke a pipe?
With a TV friend

I've tried everything -
Such a bore!
It's better for you
Return to childhood!

Children Protection Day celebrated at the very beginning of summer - June 1. All children love and wait for it, but not because they understand the full meaning and significance of the holiday, but because it is on this day that the longest summer holidays begin. This is one of the oldest international holidays. For the first time they started talking about it in 1925 at the World Conference in Geneva, which was devoted to the welfare of children. Then they decided to set the date for the holiday on June 1. But this day received its final approval only after the Second World War, when the problems of children became especially relevant. First Children Protection Day was celebrated in 1950 by 51 countries of the world. With the support of the UN, the holiday began to be celebrated annually.

The purpose of this day is to protect the interests and rights of the little inhabitants of our planet, who are very easy to offend and endanger. Children suffer in absolutely all countries of the world, so it is very important to draw public attention to this problem and protect them from adult mistakes. It is also necessary to promote the spiritual enlightenment and physical development of the younger generation, as well as to make their life brighter and more interesting.

Cheerful concert programs, unusual exhibitions, educational events accompany this holiday. The main characters of everything that happens, of course, are the children who take congratulations on Children's Day and have fun from the heart. There are also charity events for parents and their kids with numerous gifts and surprises aimed at protecting the interests of children and improving their living conditions. In Russia, Children's Day is celebrated under the patronage of the Russian Children's Fund. Its main participants are disabled children, orphans, kids from large families. Wishes for Children's Day always the brightest and warmest, because a child's smile and joyful eyes are our greatest wealth. June 1 holiday reminds that every kid should have a happy childhood!


Not just today, let's always
Give the kids some miracles!
And the tears will dry, there will be no evil.
The whole world will be reflected in happy eyes!


On Children's Day
We want to wish
More bright ideas
And protect the children
real childhood
Give the kids
And worthy means
For them to find.


There are many different
significant days,
But the main thing is your holiday -
Children Protection Day!
Let the weather be bad
It's not about her at all.
Don't ruin her holiday.
Children's Day!
Everyone, at least a little involved,
Congratulations soon:
After all, today is your holiday!
Happy Children's Day!


On the first day of crazy summer
Children celebrate the holiday
Day of protection, day of love,
Nightingales sing!
After all, about a good, glorious childhood,
Like something very old
Full of all sorts of mischief
All of us remember.


Children are our blessing
The future is ours!
I want to wish you
So that your children

Helped you always
Only gave joy
Never been sad
Sincerely loved!


Happy Children's Day!
Life was for myself
It's different now.

Let the child grow
Giving you happiness
Every day, all year round
Loving you!


I want children's day
Give parenting advice:
"Yes" you say to your blood,
But also on time, occasionally - "no".

And for the rare, important "no"
What used to sound in fate
Your child, your footprint in the future,
Say after "thank you" to you.


On Children's Day
I want to wish
Daughters, sons
Never betray!

You just need to love
I need to regret more
To be happy
To raise kids!


We will dedicate congratulations to the children,
To the children of our entire planet.
congratulatory poem
Let's write on Children's Day.

We'll hope for the best
(After all, people need hope so much):
In the world, evil will gradually dispel,
Children will grow up without war.

This congratulation will say with hope:
Let the gentle continuation grow -
Our children, our sunrise,
Let the human race flourish!


than us
Protect children?
Where for them
Collect love?
If from each
Drop by drop
Love to all
Enough in the world!

This day - he is a clear leader
Among the celebrations and noble days,
Bright hour and glorious holiday -
All Children's Day!
On this day all over the planet
Only about the children all the worries,
Only they in the whole world,
The goal, the result of any work.
At this hour, let the kids
Happiness will be found together
Let the boys not get sick
And let the little ones bloom.
Take care of their loved ones
Do not scold them in vain,
Let for our children cute
Everything in life will be great.

Let the doves soar through the air
And balloons to the sound of a children's song,
On the streets will please the guys -
And everything in the world will become more interesting!
I want your smile to bloom
So that life is Disneyland, I wish
I want Defense Day to be a gift,
And on this day, I congratulate you!

Children are our main wealth.
You, parents, keep it,
To be proud or admire,
Protect and truly love.
Let your children grow today
The taste of insults, and grief without knowing,
Let them all meet
Happiness that headlong towards them
Come running and gently hug,
Won't let go even for a step
Will lead the big roads
And give a bag of sweets!

Must protect children
Every wise person.
And no matter whose child
The main thing is to save from troubles.
Give a helping hand
If there is a need for it.
Reply with gratitude
If not, then no problem.
Don't be indifferent
Take a look around you.
Maybe you'll find a friend
Will be a very young friend.
Protect the kids
And be kind to them.
There is not much happiness
Children, after all, do not care!

Let's protect all the kids
So that they did not know hunger, devastation,
To sound happy children's laughter,
So that children and mothers sleep at night.
Let's keep the kids safe
Let's not scold them, deprive them of hope,
Let's not overshadow the fun days
For the pranks and dirt of simple clothes.
May all children find happiness
May God protect them - the ruler of the land,
And let the children's problems go away
The patron will be rich, generous.
Come on, on the Day of Protection of all the guys,
Let's fulfill their cherished desires.
Let their eyes burn with happiness
And children's dreams come true.

Today is a holiday for children
After all, there are no sweeter ones in the world!
I heartily congratulate you
And I want to be protected!
Live in the world in peace and kindness,
And leave your bright mark on the Earth!
May this day bring good luck
And a fairy tale will come to every home!

World Children's Day -
There are no indifferent among us!
Let warmth from heart to heart
In a hurry to warm you every hour!
Eternal life is children in the family,
Take care of them people!
There is no miracle more beautiful on Earth -
It wasn't, it isn't, and it won't be!
And may your childhood be happy!
All around smiles, ringing laughter!
Let's give each other joy, people!
And we will be the happiest in the world then!

Who is the most precious person in the world?
Who made life noisy, bright?
Who is good and always cheerful?
Well, of course - our children!
Angry in 2 minutes
And they will cheer you up right there,
And hug, regret
The word "Mom" warms the soul.
And there are more than a thousand questions,
It is unlikely that you will find an answer for everyone.
But without them, like a stone,
You will not leave your mark in life.
On the day of children and their protection,
All love big, open!
And wishes of fulfillment
And in the family additions!

Children are our continuation
With them eternity on earth!
Our eternal bloom
A hymn to spring and beauty!
Congratulations on the day of the child,
Let them bloom and grow!
And let everyone know from the cradle
That they are loved and expected here!
Let there be no lonely
Evil, offended children!
And fewer deep wounds
Only love, kindness, ideas!

I want children's day
Give parenting advice:
"Yes" you say to your blood,
But also on time, occasionally - "no".
And for the rare, important "no"
What used to sound in fate
Your child, your footprint in the future,
Say after "thank you" to you.

Happy Protection Day for our babies,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
There will be more daughters in the families,
Let the sons grow up
Our happiness, our joy
Native blood and love
Let them not touch the muck,
Only happiness again and again
May the children be healthy
They shouldn't get sick.
Let them have updates
May they become happier in the future
May childhood be happy
Let it last for a long time
No, our children are more beautiful,
We forgive children everything
Dear moms, dads,
Always be by your side
To favor the crumbs,
Your fate every day
For children to be healthy
Their dreams came true
All these congratulations
We speak to you from the heart!

On Children's Day, I want
Wish your children good health
So that everything is on their shoulder,
To be happy today
So that every year they are for you
Become support, support,
So that they and you always, as now,
There were no resentments and quarrels.

The sun sleeps like an orange cat,
Among the cloudy white daisies.
Children's Day has arrived
The holiday of our little suns.
On this summer and joyful day
From the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, I wish
So less for our children
The mother's heart sank.
To give them much
So that such victories come true!
To bypass them
Wars, famine and other troubles.
Let the years fly, fleeting,
Let life change on the planet...
Happy Children's Day! Let always
Our suns - the sun shines.

I congratulate you on Children's Day.
After all, you and I come from childhood.
For children, do not regret love or warmth,
Let them live beyond their means!
After all, for that we, probably, were given childhood,
To be loved and pampered.
Let the kids live like in a beautiful movie
So that sorrow and boredom do not know!

Congratulations on Children's Day in prose

On Children's Day, I wish you peace and kindness, because we all come from childhood. Let the attention to small people and their problems bear fruit in the form of happy destinies and gratitude. I wish that love for children fills life with new meaning and joy, gives only positive emotions, gives inspiration.

We were all children once, and even though some of our memories are frozen like black and white photographs, we remember how important it is for a little person to feel protected, to know that adults understand him and do not consider him a fool! So let's go back to childhood for a minute on Children's Day, remember everything important and turn our eyes to our young heirs, help them grow up to be happy people!

Children have always been and are the most vulnerable and unprotected category of citizens. In the modern world, we especially want to protect childhood from everything destructive: from indifference and cruelty, from unnecessary information and early maturation, from wars and serious illnesses. Today, on Children's Day, let's remember this "right to childhood". Only we adults can make childhood bright and carefree. Let every child feel protected, needed, loved and infinitely happy!

A wonderful world where the sonorous laughter of children sounds. Like mushrooms in the forest, our children are growing fast. Our duty is to protect the children of the entire planet from troubles and evil, to protect their peaceful childhood. Today is the most beautiful holiday, Children's Day. Our dear girls and boys, live in happiness and kindness. We wish you good health and great success in everything. Let the peaceful sun give you its rays of warmth. Let your pink dreams come true. May our love always warm you, we are ready to support you in everything.

According to a long and good tradition, International Children's Day is celebrated on the first day of summer! Congratulating all the guys on this wonderful holiday, I would like to wish them to grow up healthy, inquisitive, kind, to understand and know true friendship! Children's Day is a reminder to adults that all girls and boys on our planet should be happy, so let's surround them with love, care and attention, giving them the warmth of our hearts!

Childhood is a special country where magic happens, like in a fairy tale, where they live without sorrows and worries, where everything seems quite simple and interesting. Each of us has visited this country and left a warm trail of memories. Dear children, today is a wonderful holiday, please accept our best congratulations. We wish you a great mood, good health, a lot - a lot of happiness. May cheerful smiles always shine on your faces, may love and warmth always surround you.

Dear Guys! We sincerely congratulate you on Children's Day, on your glorious childhood holiday. Remember that this time is irrevocable, so do not rush to grow up as soon as possible, but have time to enjoy the happiness that you now have. In adulthood, you will meet a lot of exciting and interesting things, but childhood will remain in your memory forever, and we, your parents and teachers, will do our best to make it bright and magical!

Today is Children's Day. But this does not mean that only today you need to think about it, remember that children are our future, it is important on any day of the year, regardless of what is happening around. Children are priceless and infinitely important, let us protect them from the evil and darkness of this world so that they can make it a little better.

On Children's Day, I want to wish that sonorous children's happy laughter spills all over the world, that interesting and funny ideas always come to mind, that this world is filled with dreams and bright colors, that there are always delicious sweets or sweet marshmallows for tea.

Every adult who has managed to become parents should know that he has taken on additional responsibility. It is adults who are responsible for children who have a vulnerable and fragile psyche, who do not know what obstacles of life they need to prepare for. On Children's Day, I so want to say a lot of positive and important words, to say valuable wishes. Parents, please always be close to your kids and protect them from external influences. I want to wish real happiness and the opportunity to come true to the bright dreams of children. I want to say a couple more wishes: let the energy and strength always fill the guys who have room to move on, eliminating the excessive influence of problems. Happy Children's Day, with an amazing and truly bright holiday, I congratulate you today.

I congratulate you on Children's Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to laugh and enjoy life every day, catch sunbeams in the morning, do something interesting and exciting all day long, gather your family at a big table or in a circle of fun games in the evenings. Let this world give a lot of impressions and opportunities for a wonderful child to show his talent.

Today, on Children's Day, I would like to congratulate all the little inhabitants of the planet on the holiday and wish more joyful and bright moments. Let mom and dad be nearby, let them think not only about another car or a doll as a gift, but about a living friend - a brother or sister.

Happy Children's Day! May our children remain children as long as possible, carefree, cheerful, joyful! I would like to wish that every child is healthy and surrounded by the care of parents, may the sky above your head always be peaceful, and every new day be kind and interesting. And parents would like to wish patience, kindness and tenderness, do not forget that it is we who are responsible for their happy and safe childhood!

Happy Children's Day!
Happy childhood,
Send only happiness
Toddlers by inheritance.

Let their laughter perky
Always distributed
Let the joy of the kids
Smiling all over.

Let ruddy cheeks and shiny eyes
Do not fog with sadness, they will be real!
May all children always be protected,
So that everyone who is responsible for them remembers!

Let only joy be in the family of kids!
May their smiles be from ear to ear!
Happy Children's Day, we congratulate everyone,
Let children's laughter sound in every house!

Children need to be protected
Sons and daughters
So that they never know
Adult frostbite.

To grow in joy
nice kids,
Could play all day
And they read books.

Let childhood be like a carousel
Joyfully circles everyone
There will be many friends
Laughter and friends!

On Children's Day
I call you people
On our home planet
Let there be no children's tears.

May the sun shine brightly on them
Let their love warm
Happy let smiles
Shine on children's faces.

Under a peaceful and clear sky
Let children grow up healthy
They are our joy and life,
They are the future of the entire planet.

On Children's Day, I wish you well
To our children, relatives and loved ones.
So that fate is favorable all the time,
And childhood to be unique.

May their big dreams come true
Let the children be our pride
Let only laughter and jokes sound,
Let the tears be forgotten.

Today is Children's Day
They need it so much.
So let's remember this
And on this and other days!

May childhood be golden
Let them not know troubles
And we will try for them
They are our priority!

Child protection is our business
And all the others it is more important
So let every year be
They are happier and healthier!

This holiday is full of light,
Sincerity and warmth
Because they are children
We wish them well!

Everyone for a child to grow
Protected and in love
I was completely happy from the cradle,
May the Lord keep the children!

We love everything in the world
Our future is children
Leave them unprotected
It's like putting up a cross
On myself, for a lifetime,
On family and homeland.
So stop sleeping people!
Children need to be protected!

Children are our future
We wish them well
For happiness to begin
Right from the morning.

To have breakfast together
The whole family at the table
To light and comfort
The peaceful house was filled.

To in the yard and at school
Were true friends
Without which, everyone knows,
There is no way to get around.

To keep summer from ending
Coming every year
To joyfully dream
So that there are no orphans!

The school year is over!
You passed it bravely!
Was he successful or difficult -
It doesn't matter today!

And the health of the child is important,
And that he was always there,
So that every adult becomes
The smile of a child is a reward!

Let's make a bright rainbow
Let's color their world like in a fairy tale
Let summer be a gift to them:
Joyful, bright, hot!

On June 1, 2018, Russia celebrates a very important and much needed holiday. One such holiday is Children's Day. Children are our future. And it's so wonderful that they have their own holiday.

On this day, festive events and holidays for children will be held in many cities of Russia. We congratulate all children on their holiday. Also our best wishes, of course, are addressed to their parents. Congratulate each other on this touching holiday. SMS congratulations and congratulations in verse on Children's Day on June 1, 2018 will help you find the right words.

June 1, 2018 - Children's Day: SMS congratulations and congratulations in verse

Happy Children's Day -
Dear angels,
Our sweet candies -
Daughters and sons!

May childhood be happy
Fabulous and bright
A little crazy, playful,
With many gifts.

And all the best moments
Let them last longer.
Dreams of beautiful films
Let them dream more often!


Congratulations guys
Happy Children's Day!
Laughter, we wish you joy
You for many, many days.

And, of course, all health,
May you all grow in love.
To angels from heaven
Saved your lives!

Congratulations kids all
Happy holiday!
Let the perky laughter ring
With a radiant mood.

We wish children happiness
Love, care, warmth,
Let your eyes sparkle
In a world full of kindness.

May miracles come more often
Young dreams come true.
Childhood will only be sweeter
And the angel will save everyone from trouble.


All adults in the world
Once upon a time there were children
And they know firsthand
What are the children missing?
Lessons are easy, interesting,
Days of carefree, serene
And understanding from adults,
Lots of funny stories.
We wish all this for children
And Happy Children's Day to them!


The holiday of childhood has come! Hooray!
So let's sing and laugh!
After all, funny kids -
This is our main wealth.

Each child must be appreciated
Respect and love from childhood.
After all, where does life begin?
From our happy childhood.

And now on Children's Day
We wish you much joy.
Adults, whether small - all people
We congratulate you on this holiday!


Children are our joy
Pride, happiness and love.
Children are our weakness
Our everything, native blood.

And today is Children's Day
We wish them good health.
Fabulous and bright days.
Hugs with love tightly.

Beautiful congratulations on International Children's Day in verse

Here comes the summer
Today is the first day!
Gave the necessary holiday
Holiday for all children.

Let it be light, bright,
Full of magic.
Let happiness and gifts
Eyes glow.

Children's laughter does not stop,
Ringing across the country.
All desires are fulfilled
And good beckons!

The coolest holiday
Comes in summer.
He is filled with joy
Laughter, sun, light.

June first
Congratulations kids -
Boys and girls.
We wish them happiness!

We give them candy
Books and toys.
This day is merry
They won't be bored.

After all, for them today
Everything that is in the world.
The main thing is to be
All children are happy!

On the very first day of June
Congratulations to all children!
May their life be wonderful
Full of fairy tales and lights

Laughter, joy, fun,
Caresses, games and love,
Congratulations and gifts.
Let the kids frolic!

June 1 is a holiday for all children.
The sun shines brightly
On the entire planet.
Children are the flowers of life
Children are our everything!
Congratulations dear
It's so warm with you.
We wish you happiness
Joy in the eyes.
There are no more beautiful creatures
We love you very much!

As long as a child's cry is heard in the world,
Children will expect participation from adults.
Protection day from troubles and failures,
Protection children, little happiness!
Once adults - it's time to understand
How else, you are always there,
Pick up and take away from trouble -
Excellent, simple word - NECESSARY!
When the child's soul suffers
… what could be even sadder?
Rush towards, even breathing a little,
Feel free to help, even if by accident!

Short poems for Children's Day: SMS

You can send short verses for Children's Day in SMS without spending a lot of time typing.

May all the children in the world be happy
Laugh, sing, have fun in a crowd.
Let the sun gently shine in the sky
And our globe will be filled with peace.

Happy Children's Day
Congratulations on earth
Children need to smile
Do not be sad and do not get sick,
May their childhood be bright
No worries and no problems
Magic, miracles and happiness
We want all children!

Sweet holiday is coming -
All Children's Day
He unites the family
Makes closer, relatives.

Let there be a peaceful childhood
Let ringing laughter not be silent,
Let it fly from heart to heart
Happiness joyful hello.

I want the children of the whole earth
They lived peacefully without suffering.
Let them bathe in love
They laugh happily and play.

May they never get sick
And no one hates them.
May they always be happy
May God protect them from troubles.

Let the whole wide world
All children will be happy!
May always and all the kids
Giving love in abundance
Let everyone respect them
Nobody violates the rights!
Children are the flowers of hope
So caress them and caress!

Happy Children's Day in prose: beautiful congratulations

To congratulate you on the holiday in your own words, save yourself congratulations on Children's Day on June 1 in prose.

Happy Children's Day! May our children remain children as long as possible. Carefree, cheerful, joyful. I would like to wish every child to be healthy and surrounded by the care of parents. May the sky above your head always be peaceful, and each new day be kind and interesting. And we wish parents patience, kindness and tenderness. Do not forget that it is you who is responsible for a happy and safe childhood for children!

The smiles of children are perhaps the best thing that can please the eye. There is so much sincerity and trust in them that even the most strict and hardened heart will melt. So let today, on Children's Day, everyone try to make the life of the little inhabitants of our planet better and safer.

Today is entirely devoted to the little citizens! They, like no one else, need our protection and support! On this day, I would like to wish that not a single child suffers from the infringement of his rights and freedoms, that everyone has the opportunity to receive education and medical care, be happy and not know adult problems, and adults, in turn, help children fulfill their dreams and made their childhood truly happy!

Children are our future, our meaning of life and our happiness. Let them learn about wars and enmity only from books, and never see these troubles in reality, the Therussiantimes website reports. May the sun always shine brightly for children, life gives pleasant gifts, and at night millions of beautiful stars will shine in a clear sky.

The most sincere, sunniest people on our planet are the precious generation of children! Let the unconditional ability to dream with age not go away, no one got sick and was warmed by the love of parents!
