Congratulations on Border Guard Day in prose - congratulations in your own words. Congratulations on the border guard's day in verse, prose, SMS, funny Congratulations to the border guards on their professional

Happy Border Guard Day! I wish you to always keep the boundaries of personal happiness locked, stop the intrusion of problems and troubles, and let only love, success, wealth and joy through the checkpoint!

Happy Border Guard Day! Calmly, bravely and confidently move towards success and prosperity, without giving up your positions, and do everything possible to make your happiness truly limitless!

I wish you to guard your borders confidently and boldly, because the security of your state depends on you! Let your health not fail you, be full of strength, vigor and energy! Achieve your goals easily and without much difficulty!

Let the boundaries of your prosperity stand reliably, indestructibly, based on your courage, fearlessness, inspiration and confident look into a cloudless future! Happy Border Guard Day!

Honor and glory to you, valiant defenders of the borders of the Motherland! On Border Guard Day, we wish you quiet, sunny sunrises and sunsets filled with harmony, cheerful mood and inexhaustible energy, successful service, brilliant victories and a reliable rear!

Happy Border Guard Day! Let every new, bright, extraordinary day expand the boundless boundaries of your great possibilities, revealing the wonderful sides of fantastic luck!

Bravely guarding the borders of the Fatherland, remain confident and cheerful, unshakable and calm! May happiness smile on you, may luck be nearby, may success inspire and delight you! Happy Border Guard Day!

On Border Guard Day, I wish that you no longer have to face the difficulties of defending the security of your native state, and that your personal borders are protected as reliably as possible!

The border guard is decency, courage, pride, determination, ambition, reliability, sincerity, sensitivity, originality, intelligence and sociability. I wish that these qualities will lift you to the highest level of valiant service!

Happy Border Guard Day! And let today only explosive happiness be smuggled in, which can cover the whole world with a shock wave, so that purely by chance, upon confiscation, it will scatter like bright fireworks!

On Border Guard Day, you, glorious warrior, have our gratitude and pride. Let the borders of the Motherland be locked, let your hand be firm, your eye sharp, your steps confident, your service excellent, and your love inspiring to deeds. Happy holiday!

On Border Guard Day, I wish that guarding the borders of the Motherland brings boundless joy, service in the fresh air strengthens your health and strengthens your morale, and a green uniform cap makes you irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Happy Border Guard Day! You already have courage and bravery, confidence and perseverance, all you have to do is wish to preserve these valuable qualities in any situation! Be happy and contented, cheerful and cheerful!

Let your holiday be filled only with positive moments and new successes! I wish you to faithfully guard the borders of your state and always love your job! Let your life be comfortable and happy!

Congratulations on the enviable and honorable calling of being a border guard! May the domains entrusted to you always have sunny and bright days, quiet evenings and fabulous starry nights.

Alina Ogonyok

Your friends and relatives who serve at the border will be pleased to receive congratulations on Border Guard Day on their professional holiday, which is celebrated on May 28, 2019.

Let there be words of gratitude on this day for their courage and courage, honest performance of military duty and wishes for good health.

Congratulations on Border Guard Day in verse

Happy Border Guard Day,
Happy men's holiday!
And may they always be calm
The borders of our entire country.

May the service bring success,
Career, prosperity, peace.
Let everyone feel cared for
Protection behind your back.

Let there be peace in your personal life,
There is kindness and love in the family.
We wish you happiness, good luck
Without measures, without borders, without edges.

Today, at the end of May,
I look with envy at those
Who is at the forefront of countries
Was bound by friendship forever,
Who sacredly believes in soldier's duty -
On nice and simple guys...
Happy Border Guard Day, guys!
Good luck and peaceful days!

There is silence on the border
War is not thundering anywhere,
Because the border guards
Well done at what they do!
They protect us from harm,
They protect us from enemies!
Our guys are fighting,
Dear border guards,
We congratulate you from the whole country,
Thank you for our peace!

The valiant defenders of state borders celebrate their professional holiday on a grand scale. Don’t forget to send congratulations to your colleagues, family and friends on Border Guard Day.

Order is maintained on the border of the state,
Border guards are always on the edge:
They don't need any special solemn glory,
They are simply doing their job.

Let them know that the fatherland is proud
His sons and honors them.
We wish you good luck, victories, optimism,
Protect every meter of the open spaces of your loved ones!

Whether in the sky, on the sea, on land,
Among deserts and foreign cities,
In the hot heat and in the cold cold,
And leaving your home for a long time -
There is such a difficult service,
There is such a duty to the Motherland.
I wish that only friendship grows stronger
And no one violated the borders!

Serving on the border is an honorable role, but at the same time it is also a great risk. The officers and soldiers who perform their military duty here, like no one else, deserve warm words addressed to them. Don’t forget to send them congratulations on Border Guard Day on their professional holiday.

Border guards are brave people,
Patient and fearless
And attentive, of which there are few,
If only the country would fall asleep peacefully!
So let's congratulate them, guys,
And let's say thank you very much,
These are our main soldiers,
May God give them bottomless happiness!
May the service always be calm,
Let love and friendship surround you!
Border guards are decent people
And our native country needs people!

A harsh path, incredibly long
And you always go through difficult ones.
But the title of “real men”
It will not fade even after a year!
Let them say that you only dream of peace,
But everyone needs your service!
I wish they were on the borders
Calm, order, silence!

I would like to wish you a lot, but let me tell you one parable and it will become a wish for you.
One day, a rich man built a palace. There was a room with mirrored walls. Everyone who entered it saw thousands of their reflections. One day, a dog ran into this room. Out of fright, she began to growl, and the reflections responded in kind. She barked and thrashed around in a rage all night. The next morning the dog was found lifeless. She died fighting her own reflections. People do not bring evil on their own. Everything that happens is a reflection of our desires. We wish peace to you and your loved ones! Let mothers not tremble with fear, and boys continue to dream of becoming border guards!

Not everyone has the honor of standing as a reliable guard at the border, and those who are proudly called border guards carry out their service with dignity and honor. The peace and tranquility of the country depends on them, on the brave border guards, therefore, on their holiday, on the day of the border guard, all citizens honorably congratulate everyone who was and is in the border service! Border guards today receive wishes to always remain persistent, firm, soldiers loyal to the oath and the Motherland! Let your service make your family and friends proud, and let not a single enemy pass through our borders, thanks to you! Happy Border Guard Day guys!

Remember, there used to be tear-off calendars. On each piece of paper it was written what kind of day it was and why it was significant. Thanks to such a calendar, it was possible to know exactly whose holiday it was today and who should be congratulated. It was with his help that I once learned that today is Border Guard Day.
I would like to congratulate all figures in this field on their professional holiday and, of course, wish them, first of all, HAPPINESS WITHOUT BOUNDARIES.
So that problems never arise in the territory entrusted to you.
We also wish to all border guards that only fish pass through the expanses of water. Fish that will decorate holiday dishes.
So that only friends and family will pass by land, across the border, and straight to the festive table, in order to raise a glass in your honor, make a toast to your merits and, of course, share the joy with you.
So that only clouds and migratory birds break through the sky. And especially among birds - storks. After all, the stork is a bird of peace. May he bring peace, prosperity and many children to your home. Thank you for your work. Happy holiday, dear guardians of our borders.

So that the native country can sleep peacefully, brave and brave guys - border guards - perform their service at the border. They steadfastly and vigilantly monitor the border of the Fatherland and, of course, deserve to hear sincere words of great gratitude for their service today on their holiday - Border Guard Day! Let these guys always have peace of mind for their people and their Fatherland, let every border guard know that it is he who ensures security and peace in the state, and of course, let them feel the sincere gratitude of their citizens for their hard work, for their worthy service! Happy Border Guard Day, our dears!

Border Guard Day is a holiday of valiant and fearless defenders of our border. Not even a fly will fly past you and a mouse will not slip past you. You are incorruptible and firmly guard the peace of the country. Always be invincible and faithful to your people.

Our border guards are brave and courageous! Please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday. Let your work be appreciated, and let your enemies tremble at your mere glance. Have faith in your own strengths, peace of mind at the border and in the family.

Russia has more neighbors than any other country. And they are not always peaceful. Therefore, the service of a border guard is honorable. You need to be able to use the latest technology and find an approach to the dog, know languages ​​and be a psychologist, have endurance and use a weapon as a sniper.

Border Guard Day is a celebration of professionalism and daily work. I would like to wish you peaceful neighbors and strong nerves. So that everyday life does not interfere with officers, but contributes to their service. And for the soldiers who served on the border, this day remained dear for the rest of their lives.

Our dear border guards, on this bright day we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your service. Day or night, heat or cold - you are always at your post, protecting the borders of our homeland, as well as the peaceful sleep of our families. On this day of the border guard, we would like to wish you the perseverance and courage that you need in your difficult work. May our sky be peaceful, may your everyday life be quiet. Let the service be like a full-flowing river: calm, smooth and carefree. Happy holiday, dear ones!

Dear and dear border guards! We are sincerely and cordially pleased to congratulate you on this wonderful and solemn day - your Border Guard Day! We would like to wish you with all our hearts good health for many years to come, boundless happiness, the fulfillment of all your deepest desires and the implementation of your best plans! Your work is complex and difficult, and we are very proud of you! May your families always have sunny and joyful days, good mood, peace and prosperity, abundance and prosperity!

Border Guard Day is originally a Soviet holiday, which, however, according to the good old tradition, is still celebrated by the countries that were part of the USSR to this day. The significant date in most of these countries does not change and always falls on May 28th.

An important part of the celebration on Border Guard Day, of course, is various congratulations. Someone can boast of having a father, a loved one or friends who serve or have served in the border troops. Someone will simply find a good reason for another cool holiday: well, you also need to be able to relax! In any case, we will help you celebrate Border Guard Day well - look for congratulations in prose, poetry and SMS for your family and friends in our article today!

One of the best options for Border Guard Day is congratulations in verse! Firstly, a short or long poetic form always gives a special solemnity to the moment, and secondly, a successful syllable and rhyme can please almost anyone! Whether it’s a noisy feast in the company of colleagues, a quiet family holiday, or just a sincere wish for a good friend, congratulations in verse will always be appropriate for Border Guard Day. The best options - read below!

We proudly congratulate the soldiers

Happy Border Guard Day now!

We respect your title

We always wait and love you!

Let on the border of your service

Order and peace reign,

And to be alive and well

You returned home soon!

On this day we want to congratulate

Border guards, we have you!

I wish you a lot

We want it right now!

So that always at your service,

Peace and quiet reigned,

So that our enemy is on the border

Didn't bother me at all!

Be strong and brave

To defend the Fatherland!

Fast, dexterous and skillful,

To become our pride!

The border is locked, but still,

Today is your holiday, hero!

After all, even a border guard can

Quite relaxing sometimes.

And for the dog, for the service

There is a festive bone today.

To the owner - one hundred grams of magic

Life is easier in the service.

We congratulate you, dear ones,

We always wish you cheerfulness,

So that our working days

The enemy never violated!

Being the son or daughter of a military man is always a great honor! But at the same time, for those who, through a loved one, are directly involved in the holiday and always celebrate Border Guard Day, congratulations to dad are a moment of special responsibility! Of course, I want to somehow highlight this event, show my pride and respect for my father’s difficult profession, emphasize his high status in the eyes of the family and, of course, the country’s society as a whole. That is why we will help you choose the best congratulations to dad for Border Guard Day - and make the solemn speech in poetry or prose memorable!

Day and night, in rain and snowstorm,

The border guard is always on duty,

He repays his debt to the Fatherland in full,

So that the whole country can live in peace.

Dear daddy, accept congratulations,

Let the mood be great

Let there be calm on the border,

And a new star will appear on the buttonhole.

Brave and strong border troops,

Peaceful life is always protected,

You celebrate honesty, loyalty and courage,

Faithful sons of the fatherland.

Happy Border Guard Day, father, congratulations,

I sincerely wish you success in your service,

May God give you good luck, health, perseverance,

So that there would be less sorrow in life.

My beloved daddy

Today I congratulate you

On the day of the border guard!

I wish you good service!

Good health and happiness!

Take care of yourself daddy!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations

On your border guard day!

I congratulate you even more

Bright emotions, true love,

Joy, happiness, good luck and great strength!

So that you can always protect our border!

Congratulations to your loved one on Border Guard Day are extremely important if your significant other is involved in such responsible military service! A woman who cares about the warmth of her relationship, of course, really wants to choose the right, important, touching words that truly come from the heart. It’s not always possible to come up with them on your own - it seems that all the best has already been said before you. We decided to prudently help the girls with this: celebrate Border Guard Day with pleasure - you will find congratulations to your loved one in various variations below!

I have the right to summarize -

I have already become close to you;

The whole country can sleep peacefully:

After all, you are always on the line,

And the enemy, whether obvious or invisible,

He will fall on his face before you...

Happy Border Guard Day, beloved!

Let feelings have no boundaries!

You stand at the border, and I'll wait

Until the deadline, beloved defender!

You will understand - I love you with all my heart

And I'm looking forward to returning!

I wish you health and good luck as a soldier,

So that the service goes smoothly and smoothly,

To have fewer dashing misfortunes,

So that everything is in order!

Let the heart beat in unison with fate

And let the wind give you warmth,

And the service will pass like a minute, like a dream,

Leaving good luck as a memory!

May he protect you, my beloved, at the border

Faithful Angel of my sincere love!

And on every page of your life

Take care of your luck!

I congratulate you, my border guard,

Happy Profession Day! I wish

So that the first to be an excellent student in his work,

May fate spoil you every day!

Cool congratulations on Border Guard Day could not be more appropriate in the company of comrades and colleagues! Of course, this event is a reason for pride and solemnity, but sometimes you really want to defuse the situation, take the moment lightly and certainly in a cheerful mood! Who else will support you in this if not your close friends, with whom you have gone through a lot of life’s most important ups and downs side by side? Don’t limit yourself to just “proformas”; congratulations on Border Guard Day – cool, funny, humorous, unusual – it’s time to put them to use!

The border guard is a prominent guy,

He stands at his post like a bayonet.

Not even a mouse can pass by

The border guard is a real man!

This is not a simple matter -

Then guard the border.

Run fast, see sharply,

Be persistent and shoot,

Like James Bond is our border guard

Let's be an example to everyone today.

We invite you to a bachelorette party...

Protect! What did you want?

A cloud is moving along the border -

Promises a gloomy day

This is not a man's business

Celebrate the holiday at home

A real border guard

Like Indiana Jones

Will raise glasses

And also have a snack.

A group of friends

It may not be nearby

After all, we only have friends:

A faithful dog and a sharp bayonet.

But these are only advantages -

Less spending on cognac,

And it’s clear who screwed up

All the hidden kebab!

On the border the clouds move gloomily,

Well, you are quite the opposite.

I know that you are friends with words

And you are always respected everywhere.

You are a joker, a cheerful joker,

But also, of course, a hero.

You can even make chickens laugh

And you stand up for your homeland.

Always be the same as you are now.

Bring a lot of joy to your family and friends.

Now, let's sip some whiskey!

After all, look at it - the hour is not exactly right!

To convey a festive mood to those with whom, for certain reasons, it is not possible to directly celebrate Border Guard Day, SMS congratulations in your own words will come in handy! Not too voluminous, but no less pleasant text messages can be sent to friends, colleagues, distant relatives - or anyone! In this section of our article, we have specially selected the best SMS congratulations on Border Guard Day - choose any you like!

I can always rely on you,

You are a responsible and kind person!

May you be appreciated for your merits!

And respected by comrades!

All the best to you!

Happy Border Guard Day!

Our brave border guard,

You will not let the enemy pass you by!

After all, you defend the border with honor!

Let it always be in your life

A place to relax!

We wish you happiness in your personal life!

Live in abundance and love!

Glory and honor to the border guards!

Thank you for your service!

Happy holiday to you!

Be happy and healthy!

Good luck to you and all the best!

Short congratulations on Border Guard Day will come in handy when you need to succinctly express a thought and at the same time emphasize the proper significance of the moment. They can be pronounced in the form of a toast at a feast, used in the form of SMS messages, they can even be learned by a small child to congratulate the military father, the beloved husband of the family! It is very important to make such a solemn holiday as Border Guard Day truly special - congratulations, short or lengthy, in poetry or prose, official or funny, will become a key link in creating and maintaining the appropriate mood!

You have chosen a dangerous profession.

I am ready to go through thick and thin for my country!

You always stand guard over the border,

And you won’t leave your post.

Courage and honor are above all for you.

I wish you to be rewarded for your worthy service!

Be healthy, happy and loved!

On Border Guard Day, I congratulate you, friend!

I wish you to bravely protect our country!

May there always be peace on the border!

Happiness, health and good service to you!

Border Guard Day is a professional holiday for the personnel of the Russian Border Troops.

The date is not marked in red on the calendar and is not a day off, but it is very important for Russians, because the borders must be reliably guarded.

Therefore, veterans of the border troops and active military personnel who are among your relatives, friends and acquaintances must be congratulated on Border Troops Day.

You can do this in verse, write short SMS or congratulations in your own words.

You will find ready-made beautiful texts of congratulations for Border Guard Day, new, universal, original, thematic, on this page.

Congratulations to border guards in verse

Happy holiday, vigilant defender!
Border guard is a brave border guard.
The whole country praises them today,
After all, the border is important to everyone.
Much health and success to you,
I wish you happiness and joyful laughter.
Let it always - both in cold and in heat -
All tasks will be within your reach!

We wish the border guards good luck,
Excellent service, countless joys,
After all, it means a lot in life,
Be able to save your energy.
We wish the border guards honor,
It is true to the Fatherland, to serve from the heart,
And all destinies take sharp turns
Pass with dignity and courage.

You are faithfully performing a difficult service.
Honor and glory to you for this work.
We wish you courage and strength.
We want you to always be healthy.

Hurray for the border guards! Happy holiday to you!
Thank you for protecting us.
We wish you happiness and avoid all troubles,
Receive support and help from relatives.

On Border Guard Day, the border is locked,
And the enemy is hiding, afraid in the distance,
And let it always be like this, let the sun shine,
You will be happy, cheerful, without encountering sadness!

Our border guard, congratulations on your day,
Let everything really be nothing to you,
Do your service faithfully, always boldly,
Well, today invite joy to visit!

Always guard the border -
Your favorite task!
I want to wish you
Good health and good luck!

Let the service go easily,
May you smile more often!
Let there be everything you need in life,
And everyone's dreams will come true!

Stand guard over the Motherland,
You keep its boundaries.
And on this day, and at this hour -
Happy Border Guard Day to all of you.

Let it not disturb your peace
Combat alarm signal,
Let prosperity, harmony, comfort
They are waiting for you at home after the service.

May your life be wonderful
The sky above is clear.
May all your dreams come true.
Good luck, border defenders!

Strength, wisdom, strength, tranquility,
Always enjoy your service.
Let your wife be a faithful stronghold at home,
And the work often rewards me with a bonus,
Brings you joy and will be easy.
Today is Happy Border Guard Day!

On the threshold of a huge country
You stand as a stronghold of hope,
The Fatherland needs you like air,
You will always be as you were before.

Relying on the laws of the heart,
Take care of us and yourself,
Take care of the Rubicon countries.
Congratulations from the heart, lovingly.

Happy Border Guard Day, guys!
I wish you all to live richly.
Sing songs under a peaceful sky,
Have cars with dachas.

You defend the border
May it be rewarded to you a hundredfold,
May the Motherland not forget you,
And let everyone be happy!

While you are standing on the line,
So that the enemy does not manage to break through with a tank,
Nor cross the wing on a bend
The native country has reliable borders,

We'll sleep peacefully every day
Trusting you with life and safety,
And the shadow won't touch us
In the hands of such wonderful protectors.

On Border Guard Day I wish
There's a lot of silence for the guys,
So we don't have to worry
For your lives, our dreams.

May everything be calm for you
Both on the border and in love,
Let no wars rage nearby,
Lord save and preserve!

In life I always wish for victories,
To achieve all goals easily.
On Border Guard Day I send you
A ray of love to warm you.

Happy holiday, dear, I wish you well,
May your life be filled with comfort.
May the winds bring you happiness,
And let all the bad things be taken away!

Bright events, busy days!
Follow your deepest dream
And every day become stronger.
You are the strongest and you are my hero!

Both in the heat and in bad weather,
In times of crisis, in heat and snow,
Border guards are not asleep,
So that the enemy does not invade the country.

Congratulations on your holiday,
And all the best, with all my heart,
Of course, I wish you
Reaching the peaks.

A sea of ​​happiness and health,
Peace in home and family,
If your life is alright
We are calmer in the country!

Being a border guard is a worthy cause,
You must serve honestly, faithfully and courageously,
It is worthy to always protect borders,
Never let the enemy in!

We always wish you worthy service,
Be faithful to the oath, never be timid,
Good luck in all your good deeds,
Tenderness is only, always only, in words!

Your service is a feat,
Not always noticeable to us
To be strong and calm
We slept in our houses.

We congratulate you from the heart
Happy holiday!
Never forget:
Your country needs you!

On Border Guard Day I wish
Only good and joyful days.
This is your holiday! And congratulations!
Volleys of fireworks from hundreds of lights!

You are our protector. I know it's reliable
You will guard our peace and quiet.
Just always be as careful
And come home soon!

Courage and boldness are with you throughout life,
Let them beat in unison with their hearts.
You are forever faithful to your beloved Fatherland.
Thank you, dear! The world admires you!

My beloved country sleeps peacefully,
After all, all borders are firmly under lock and key.
They are guarded by the best guys,
For them, the border is like their father's home.

Today we congratulate you
And we honor everyone involved in the frontiers.
We wish you a restful sleep
And there were no alarming commands for you!

We firmly believe, a strong wall
The borders of the post are kept in your face.
So let your angel protect you
And the Lord gives you the blessings of life!

Strong, brave and courageous,
Our border guard is fearless.
You are worthy of respect
All praise and admiration.

And for the nights without sleep,
The whole country is grateful.
We congratulate you on your day,
We wish you good health!

You guard the border
Save our land,
At work day and night
In the heat, snowstorm, fog and rain.

Let's say thank you for your work,
He is infinitely important to us.
Defend the border boldly -
This is not an easy matter.

Let the work be easy
You bring peace to people
Be happy, healthy,
Always ready for exploits.

There is such a profession -
To preserve the happiness of the Motherland.
This is a holy mission -
To serve at the borders of the country.

I congratulate you today
Our border guards!
Those who are in service day and night,
Excellent warriors.

I wish you, friends,
Strength and courage
In families - peace and warmth,
Loyalty to the oath.

The enemy will not be able to cross the border,
The border guard is awake, not sleeping.
From villages to capital Moscow
He stands guard over the Motherland!

From soldier to general -

To the border outpost

You guard the borders, you are a very brave soldier,
We congratulate your border detachment today!
And we wish everyone health, strength, courage always,
And we wish you great love for the rest of your life, for all the years!

And we wish you, dear and dear, to live long,
Serve everything honorably, do not be sad and do not grieve!
From the boss - gratitude, from my beloved - a hundred calls,
Be cheerful, kind, wise, and also be healthy!

Defender of the homeland, soldier on guard,
Your hand will never waver
Show your power to any enemy,
It is a great honor to serve in the border troops,

May your courage never leave you,
Happy Border Guard Day to you, hero!
Let them wait and write and be bored at home,
To serve with conscience, with soul,

May honorable awards await you
For your border service,
Go forward and never fall,
Always be in shape and always in action!

You are strong, brave, friendly,
The whole country sings on your holiday.
We, border guards, really need you,
You are our support, armor.

We congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish you health and warmth.
Luck, various gifts,
May your family rejoice.

Border guard on the border
Protects our peace
And days and faces flash by,
This choice is not easy.

Let the enemy not sleep somewhere,
There's no way for him to get through
Border guards guys
Everyone is taking a firm step.

We cordially congratulate you,
We wish you strength and patience,
Easy service, personal happiness,
And “borderline” successes.

Border guard job,
Not particularly easy.
Cordons need to be guarded
From an envious person, an enemy.

Day and night stand on guard
Young boys
So that the country sleeps peacefully
And so that there is no war.

So let's this holiday
Let's drink to those guys
What's in the heat, frost, showers
They are harrowing their land!

We wish the border guards
Security at work.
Be lucky in personal
Relationships and friendship.

Let it be on our borders
Everything will always be alright
Success awaits you in big things,
May you live in abundance!

Border guards - green caps, -
Don't make mistakes in your business.
We should be doubly grateful to you:
You are in peacetime as if you were in war.
Your service is from danger and risk:
At outposts along the border there are obelisks
They stand in a row like border posts.
But you don’t want any other fate.
Closer to the night, when everyone is falling asleep,
Sometimes you pay with your life for silence.
And we are calm for our Motherland:
In Russia you are standing on the edge!

Happy Border Guard Day, the best of the best!
The Fatherland has no more reliable barrier.
The spy bites his nails from impotence,
The spy has bear disease again.

Let the traces be only from the paws of sparrows
They remain on the control lane.
To be your most beloved,
The happiest and most satisfied with life!

Shine of various awards and medals
I wish in a military career,
And the general's stars fell
May you get back to your shoulder straps quickly!

Congratulations to the border guards -
Udaltsov and well done.
I wish you strength and good luck,
Be happier and richer.

Endurance and prosperity,
And the limits of containment,
Infinite Health
Along with fiery love.

Today to those who serve on the border
I say thank you very much!
Thank you for allowing us to sleep peacefully,
I thank heaven for you.

Thank you for your courage, guys.
The state values ​​loyal sons.
Today is a significant date for everyone,
I hasten to congratulate you guys as soon as possible!

Happy Border Guard Day, Happy Brave Day!
Let spring live in the soul,
Let there be time for fun
And the heart is a target for love.

So that the borders are locked,
Relatives and friends are fine -
Confront any difficulty
Be ready everywhere, always!

Border Guard Day today
Home country notes
And brave, devoted guys
Wishing you good luck and good things.

You are doing excellent service -
The tasks are clear and clear.
Protect our borders
For childhood, peace and spring!

The spies smoke nervously. The enemy sighs wearily.
Don't pass. Don't get through. Neither on foot nor by swim.
The border guards are setting up obstacles at the border.
Happy Holidays, brothers! All the best to you!

Let the hero's chest be decorated with awards!
And the spy-love will slip onto the threshold!
Will bring happiness to the house! Border guard, no need
Lock up your brave heart!

There is silence at the outpost,
Birds chirp in the leaves,
Only the border guard is on duty
Keeps the border calm.

On Border Guard Day for you
I wish you peaceful service,
Control blank strip,
Soldier's faithful friendship.

I wish you vigilance
Don't lose on watch
And the borders of my native country
Safely guarded.

He is a border guard - strict, attentive, stern,
He will not let enemies cross the border,
The suddenness of it throws you into shock,
So that the infidels are not used to it for future use.

We wish him peace of mind,
Let there be less chaos in life,
We know firmly - and away from ambiguity -
While he is on duty, the border is safe!

Order is maintained on the border of the state,
Border guards are always on the edge:
They don't need any special solemn glory,
They are simply doing their job.

Let them know that the fatherland is proud
His sons and honors them.
We wish you good luck, victories, optimism,
Protect every meter of the open spaces of your loved ones!

Frown eyebrows and gaze,
The body is wearing a camouflage outfit -
There is a border guard at the junction of two countries
In any weather, until the post is completed.

Why, the enemy - not even a mouse can get through,
From here there is absolute silence in the country.
We sleep well, peace of mind,
And it’s already difficult for border guards:

I really want to be with my family,
But the duty to the homeland is to serve
And on holidays, on weekdays, in the heat, snowfall
(There are always many obstacles on the way).

Peace of mind and patience, guys.
May your days of service fly by quickly,
You should go home as soon as possible,
To connect with my family.

People can sleep peacefully because the border is locked.
Smugglers will not pass either in water or on land!
We wish you guys: always be vigilant.
And for your honor and valor - three times “Hurray”!

There is silence on the border
Peace of mind.
The whole country falls asleep
But not the other one

What protects the fatherland, us,
Believing only the dog.
Even in the most difficult hour
At his post.

Rest for the border guard
Can only dream.
We wish that by ourselves
I could always be proud!

We are standing with Polkan on the border,
The border is definitely locked!
By the way, that castle is silver
On a violating waste.
Just a little bit - Polkan will close with fangs
Lock. So much so that you can't escape.
Like this, with torn pants,
Managed to detain many
My faithful service dog and I,
After all, both are border guards!
Yes, military service is not easy
Consistent excellent students!
And even on holiday we are dressed up.
Half my life in service has been completed.
Without thinking about the reward,
We stand guard over the Motherland!

“The border guard is my dad”
The border guard is my dad,
I know this for sure
I've been proud of you since childhood
I wish you too

To serve well,
And without incident,
So that every day comes
Lots of luck!

From border to border
Modern strong knight
The state protects
Protects our peace.

Happy holiday to everyone,
We wish you valor,
By career path
Get to the colonel.

Good luck and health to you,
In a house of peace and quiet.
It's quiet in our town
After all, the border is locked.

What are spies from overseas to us?
Even James Bond, even Keanu Reeves himself!
Border guard at the mountain post
He will survive, preparing a surprise for them!

And faced with his menacing gaze,
They will run away with only their heels sparkling!
Brave border guards all at once
We proudly congratulate you today!

Protects our peace and quiet,
On the border of a dear land,
A craftsman in a green cap,
Who knows no mistakes!
Let there be less risk
So that life is like a pussy,
And good health,
So that there is enough for a feast!

Russians can sleep peacefully
Because on the border for a long time
Both in frosty winter and sultry summer
Border guards are on patrol.

Anything can happen unexpectedly,
The enemy never sleeps - it's no secret
But in vain: the border is locked,
And a wolf ticket is ready for enemies.

They always and faithfully serve
Nice guys day and night,
Let the jackals circle on the cordons -
They will be rebuffed and driven away.

Honor and glory to the brave border guards,
Nationwide gratitude, honor.
And God forbid that one day you won’t have to
Shoulder the rifle!

How can a huge country be protected from evil?
Should I hang a lock and nail the bars?
Alas, it is too big!
We can't hide it in a box!

And therefore all the aspirations for peace
We rely on the border troops!
We're safe! The power is behind us!
After all, a border guard is stronger than any castle!

We are not afraid to go abroad,
We are not afraid of the enemy,
Our brave border guard,
You are never afraid.

Let it be in the country and on the border,
It will be quiet and calm,
Let the hard work
Allows you to live with dignity.

The border is always under control
The enemy will definitely not get through here.
To the border guards today
Special honor from everyone.

Congratulations on your day,
Be vigilant always
Under your valiant protection
The whole country sleeps peacefully.

All border guards of the country,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Don't lose your vigilance
Guard our border.

Your service is not easy,
So dangerous and difficult.
They are confident in their fighters,
We know the enemy won't get through.

A nice guy serves on the border
Protects the country's borders
Crumpled letters warm pages
The border guard needs more life.
Don't worry, everything is calm at home
Sends a big hello to your family
We all know that you serve with dignity
So, our friend, happy holiday to you!

One morning, at dawn,
The border guard went out into the garden,
There are two dushmans at the net,
Grapes are harvested.

He blushes, he turns pale,
I wanted to give in to them
But he spun them in a second,
Our border detachment.

These are the guys, that's how it is,
Be a brave border guard
And believe on this day,
I’m not too lazy to congratulate you!

Strong, brave and courageous,
Our border guard is fearless.
You are worthy of respect
All praise and admiration.

And for the nights without sleep,
The whole country is grateful.
We congratulate you on your day,
We wish you good health!

Spring is splashed with love,
Dropped the first dew,
I caught fire with the dawning newness
And she washed her tears in the streams.

Watch out, border guard, you are her,
Always guard your borders
So that again through winters and years
The country certainly flourished!

I congratulate you today
And I wish you great happiness:
There is no service, believe me, more noble,
How to protect our lives from misfortunes!

If an alien army shouts:
“Move aside, let us pass!” —
You will answer immediately:
“Get out of the Russian path!”

You protect our lands,
Indestructible like a rock
You are support and hope.
We sleep peacefully. Glory to you!

Happy Border Guard Day! I wish you happiness
Health and success certainly,
So that life is in full swing, driving away adversity,
And I always felt great!

Let there be everything - fun, laughter, luck
And let nature always take its toll,
And may spring bring you change
Patience, tenderness, affection and fortune!

I also wish you a happy day,
So that everything you wish comes true,
May you always be smiling and healthy
And steadfastly guarded the borders of the region!

Border guard is cool!
This is honor, success, courage,
When every minute
Breathes valor for good.

On this day I wish you
From the heart of love and happiness
And hearty congratulations!
Let all misfortunes pass!

Happy Border Guard Day today
Everyone who guards the border day and night.
We wish you peace and goodness,
And know that we respect you very much.

May the sky be peacefully blue
May you not know the cruelty of the enemy.
Even though you are always armed with combat weapons,
Let it never shoot.

Across all edges of our native Russia,
In the mountains, taiga and on the sand,
You stand as an invisible shadow,
Our border is locked!

Don't let a mouse pass you by
The spy and the “spirit” will not pass there,
So that all nights are calm,
And the family front was strong!

Guarding the border
Favorite country
Such units
These are needed.

Not in vain on this day
We will honor the names
All those who served
In the border troops.

Let him sleep peacefully
From the mountains to the Kremlin.
Under your protection
Native land.

Green cap,
There's a dog nearby
Guarding the country
He knows no fear.

We wish you a peaceful
Stand like a firmament
Serve, border guard,
An example to the people.

Happy Border Guard Day to my brother:

I wish you, brother,
Since you serve on the border,
So that, never losing heart,
I was on my way to achieving my dream.

Wonderful brother, brave guy,
A good, strong man -
I love and respect you,
You are an authority for me.

There are worthy men
The holiday is celebrated in May
There is no reason to doubt -
They are responsible for the border!

I wish you a peaceful sky,

Bright spring sun,
Congratulations, border guards!

Congratulations to the border guard in prose

On Border Guard Day, congratulations and heartfelt wishes to real, strong and courageous men! I wish you health and prosperity, peace and kindness, good mood and warmth of home! Love and be loved! May all your family and friends always be there and give you their love and adoration! Happy everyday life and fun-filled holidays and vacations! Good weather and reliable equipment! Friendliness and help from comrades! Be vigilant and strong in spirit and body!

Peace and tranquility on our streets depends on your composure and ingenuity. You will not allow any person, drugs or prohibited goods to enter the country illegally. So let your work be uncomplicated, the salary good, and temptations minimal. Happy holiday to you, happy border guard day.

Border Guard Day is a great opportunity to remind your beloved man how dependent you are on him and how difficult it is to spend a minute, an hour, a day without him. Darling, I am proud of my personal border guard and am ready to be under your protection all my life, confident in my safety!

Thanks to you and people like you, our border is always locked, and we can live in peace, dream and hope for the best. You are a real man and defender of the Motherland. Your life and courage are examples to follow. Happy Border Guard Day to you! Happiness, health and peaceful skies above your head.

To the border guard dad:
Coolest dad, congratulating you on Border Guard Day, we wish you to always be in good physical shape, live easily and remember that we are proud of you - our own defender of the interests of a huge and wonderful family!

To a friend of the border guard:
My friend, please accept my sincere congratulations on Border Guard Day, and may my wish be for you to be able to enjoy life every day in all its diversity and beauty. May all adversity forget about you, and may love, happiness and health become your faithful companions. Be cheerful and cheerful, be generous and kind, and everything else will come by itself.

On the day of the border guard, I wish my most faithful and devoted friend only calm and gentle nights, cloudless sunrises and picturesque sunsets. May your days pass in good troubles and worries, and may the best people always be nearby!

To the border guard husband:
As a devoted wife, I want to congratulate you on the holiday of all real men - Happy Border Guard Day. I want to assure you that only together with you we will preserve our family hearth for many years: we will not allow any elements to extinguish it, we will not allow any evil tongues to ruin it, and we will be able to protect it from turning into ashes, supporting its flame with our love!

Congratulations on Border Guard Day and I wish that the border is always locked from every enemy and foe, that life never limits your capabilities, that there are no obstacles for you on the path to success and prosperity, that your strength and courage ensure a stable position in life and always allowed us to find the right meaning and the right solution in any issue.

I congratulate you and those who serve shoulder to shoulder with you on Border Guard Day! Today the whole country says that it is proud of its defenders, who protect its peace day and night. I am sure that no one is afraid of our borders!

To the border guard son:
Son, my little blood, my glorious protector, my sun, I congratulate you on the day of the border guard and I wish that all your worries were only training, blank shots, that there were tears in your eyes only from joy, and that the commanders became friends. May you repay your debt to your Motherland with dignity and return home healthy and unharmed!

Dear border guards! Thanks to you, we sleep peacefully at night, knowing that you are protecting our Motherland from enemies! I congratulate you on the holiday and want to wish you fortitude, strong nerves, caution in your work and boundless personal happiness!

There may be a lot of jokes about border guards, but everyone understands that you are carrying out an important mission. Let your service be such that later there will be something to remember and talk about in a noisy and cheerful company. Happy Border Guard Day, thank you for standing guard over our peace!

Congratulations to brave, strong and courageous people on their professional holiday! We wish you health, inviolability of borders, peaceful skies above your head, and prosperity in your families. Be happy, respected, warmed by the care and love of your loved ones.

On Border Guard Day, I sincerely wish for a brave and strong man to never miss his opportunities, to constantly be at the forefront in the fight for his happiness, not to forget about the code of honor and to keep the borders of the Motherland and his heart locked from troubles and misfortunes.

Protecting the borders of the state is your direct responsibility, so let not a single enemy, seeing you, want to come even a kilometer closer to our borders, and the service will proceed calmly, without emergencies and unforeseen circumstances. Happy holiday to you, gentlemen, border guards.

Happy Border Guard Day to all those who vigilantly guard our borders! I wish you safety, reliable comrades, good health, excellent instincts and excellent work performance. Peace, order and tranquility!

Happy Border Guard Day! I wish you to celebrate this day with dignity. Enjoy attention and courtesy. Be worthy defenders of borders and entrusted territories. Be proud of your calling and work. Be happy in work and personal life!

Our dear defenders, our valiant border guards! Congratulations on your day! We wish that on your way you encounter as few dangers as possible, as few threats as possible and things that you don’t really want to encounter. We wish your health and your families to be as strong as the borders you defend! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Border Guard Day and I want to wish you to always be proud of your service, not to lose heart and never give up your confident position in life, to always keep the borders of your Motherland and your happiness firmly locked from enemies and envious people.

Congratulations on Border Guard Day, a holiday of honor, strength and courage. I wish that order on the border will always be the key to peace within the country, that only heroes like you will serve there, that without a drop of regret or doubt your soul can always come to the defense of the Motherland and your loved ones.

I congratulate you on Border Guard Day and wish that there are no gloomy clouds at the border, that there is always order and peace there, that the fortitude remains strong, that there are faithful comrades nearby, that there is happiness and love in life.

Congratulations on Border Guard Day via SMS

Border guard, congratulations!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
I am a career pusher -
Always be a hero in everything!

All border guards of the country,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Don't lose your vigilance
Guard our border.

Happy Border Guard Day! All the best,
Health, career, success,
So that you live as you should, so that you have courage,
Patience, love, lots of laughter!

Happy Border Guard Day!
Personal happiness to you,
Courage, perseverance,
Strength and vigor!

Happy Border Guard Day to you,
I proudly congratulate you.
The service is calm and quiet,
I wish you with all my heart.

Always guard the border -
Your favorite task!
I want to wish you
Good health and good luck!

I wish to guard the border carefully,
Be strong, brave and invincible,
Happy, healthy and loved!

Happy Border Guard Day! Ups, careers,
Luck in the service, honor without measure,
Great happiness, decent salary
And so that your pea coats don’t get pinched on the road!

You, little soldier,
Border Guard,
And in all matters -
Excellent student!
And the border -

I wish the border guard
Will, vigor, flair,
So that he is full of strength,
I caught the violators!

Thank you for your reliable protection,
From the country's borders.
Don't let us offend you
For which we are grateful to you.

I congratulate you on Border Guard Day,
I wish you nothing but the best,
Great success and victories in the service,
Love, health, true friendship!

Everyone wants to congratulate you
In this moment and at this hour.
Border guard notes
It's only one day a year!

From soldier to general -
We wish everyone calm days!
To the border outpost
Didn't encounter any enemy fire.

Congratulations, border guard,
Glorious warrior, brave hero,
I wish you excellent service,
Peace, happiness, great luck!

Peace in the country, peace in the family,
After all, the border is locked.
Glory and praise to you all,
Border troops!

I'm standing on guard
Dear homeland.
Border guard by vocation,
My fighting spirit!

Congratulations to the border guards -
Udaltsov and well done.
I wish you strength and good luck,
Be happier and richer.

I wish you a peaceful sky,
Be in the service, you are excellent students!
Bright spring sun,
Congratulations, border guards!

Congratulations on your day,
Be vigilant always
Under your valiant protection
The whole country sleeps peacefully.

Happy Border Guard Day! Seas of smiles
Immense happiness, fewer mistakes,
Calm skies, reliable rear,
So that life doesn’t turn you around on the roads!

Border Guard Day today
Home country notes
And brave, devoted guys
Wishing you good luck and good things.

We congratulate you on Border Guard Day, we wish you good health, peaceful skies above your head, friendly support, material well-being, strength of mind and body, courage and courage.

Toasts on Border Guard Day

Today the holiday is celebrated
There are green caps in the country,
Those who served and those who serve
Flasks are filled with fuel,

To raise a toast to the border guards,
Who is the first on the enemy's path?
For the unbending fighters,
That they always protect us.

Let them walk on this day,
Let them have a little fun.
Guys, I congratulate you
Happy Border Guard Day, hooray!

My toast to us - to the border guards,
For our military brotherhood,
What protects you from enemies
Our native state.

Yes, our service is hard,
But we all serve according to the regulations
And like on the edge of a knife
At the border post.

And on this warm May day
We must break the charter
Let's drink a little and pour some more
For the country's border guards.

For your courage and bravery,
For many nights without sleep,
Because you honor the oath,
Congratulations! And wine
Pour the glass fuller,
To drink to the peace of the country,
We congratulate you today,
For being faithful to the Motherland!

Border guards are walking
But not everyone has a holiday.
Guarded daily
The entire border without interference.

Let's raise a faceted glass
For the nice persistent boys,
Let the soldier be green now
Will serve as the valor of the fathers.

Border guards are walking
But not everyone has a holiday.
Guarded daily
The entire border without interference.

Let's raise a faceted glass
For the nice persistent boys,
Let the soldier be green now
Will serve as the valor of the fathers.
