Rules of conduct in crowded places. Etiquette in public places

State Institution of Social Services for the Population of the Tula Region "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors of the Belevsky District"

Open class

by program

"Sail of Hope"

on the topic of:

"How to behave

in public places"

Prepared by:


Novikova Marina Viktorovna

Belev, 2014

Lesson topic: How to behave in public places.

Target: development of deprived juvenile skills

Cultural behavior in public places.

Tasks: reinforce children's knowledge of politeness; develop skills

Cultural behavior in public places; bring up

Independence of thinking, ability to draw conclusions, decide

problem situations; develop a positive attitude

To those around; consolidate knowledge on traffic safety. Equipment: slides, 2 editions of the jumble “There was a bus number five” and

"Intermission", 6 cards, music "The radiant sun loves

Jump”, booklets “Rules of conduct in public


Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

1. Greeting.

Hello! Smile! How nice to look at a person who smiles a friendly smile! We all smiled, and life, even for a small drop, became happier and kinder.

I think that our lesson today will be held in a friendly atmosphere for the benefit of all.

II main part

1. Reading a poem by an educator.

- Today the sun from a poem by Emma Moszkowska peeped into our lesson.

- The sour sun has risen

Looks - the sky is sour,

In a sour sky, sour

The cloud has risen...

And the unfortunate hurry

sour passers by

And they eat horribly.

Sour ice cream.

Even sugar is sour!

All the jam is sour!

Because sour

There was a mood.

2. Conversation on the read poem.

- Why are passers-by in the poem "unfortunate"?

- What does "sour mood" mean?

- And how do we know that a person has a "sour" mood? (By facial expression, by his words and actions).

- Guys, how can you "cheer up" the mood? (to say kind words to a person).

3. The game "Let's cheer each other up."

Let's cheer up each other and our sun, say kind, polite words.

You need to stand in a circle.

Now everyone will say a polite word to the neighbor on the right, and so on in a circle.

- Well done! Did we have fun? Did your mood lift? Look, and the sun immediately became cheerful.

Guys, what can we conclude? (We need to say kind words to people).

A kind word can cheer up a person in a difficult moment, it can help dispel a bad mood.

4. Working with illustration.

Guys, look at the illustration on the slide. What can you say about the boy? How does he behave?

And what can we conclude? (Not only words should be kind, it is also necessary that actions be reasonable, clear, such that you never have to blush and be ashamed of them).

5. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

What do you think we will talk about in class today?

That's right, we will talk about politeness and rules of conduct in public places.

6. Conversation about politeness.

How do we know that a person is polite?

Correct, first of all, in the words, as well as the tone in which they are said.

Guys, what do you think, are polite people born or made?

Of course they do. You should use polite words as often as possible, from which it becomes happier, warmer, brighter. There is great power in these words.

7. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the street.

Let's remember together the rules of behavior on the street. (Keep the street clean! Cross the street at a green traffic light! Do not cross the street in the wrong place! You can not play near the carriageway!You should overtake those in front on the left. If the sidewalk is narrow, ask permission and walk. When meeting, the younger one gives way to the older one, the man - to the woman, under equal conditions - a more polite person.)

Well done!

And why is it necessary to follow the rules of behavior on the street?

8. Viewing the jumble of the release "There was a bus number five."

Guys, and now we will see a jumble, and you tell me what we will talk about next. (On the rules of conduct in public transport.)

Well done!

9. Conversation about the rules of conduct in public transport.

Tell me, did the boys do the right thing?

What should they have done from the start? (Give way to the old lady.)

What would you do in this situation?

What other rules of conduct in public transport can you name?

(You can only wait for public transport at stops.

Before entering, you need to release those who get out of the transport.

It is obligatory to pay for the fare by purchasing a single ticket or by presenting a ticket for multiple trips.

In transport, you must behave with dignity:

Do not make noise and do not push;

Give way to the elderly and disabled, women with heavy bags;

Do not distract the driver while the vehicle is in motion;

Hold on to the handrails while the vehicle is in motion;

Politely ask and politely answer passengers' questions;

Items that are sharp and inconvenient for other passengers must be well packed and carefully placed so that they do not interfere with anyone.)

10. Physical education minute "The radiant sun loves to jump."

Let's get some rest. Everyone got up, and now, together with me, we perform movements to the music “The radiant sun loves to jump.”

11. Conversation about the rules of conduct in the theater or cinema.

Guys, have any of you been to the theater or cinema?

Tell me, what rules did children need to follow in the theater (cinema)?

( Coming to the theater, cinema, at the last minute, we interfere with a large number of people who are forced to get up from their chairs to let us pass. So come early.

You should go to your seat facing the people sitting.

When sitting in a chair, do not put your hands on both armrests.

It is impossible to eat during the performance, the film show is not allowed - the rustling of pieces of paper, smacking and other sounds interfere with those present.

During the session, do not make any remarks - neither loudly nor quietly. It distracts the audience.

If your neighbor has already seen this performance, the film, and now, wanting to show off, tells its content, you should reprimand him.

You can’t walk in the hall during the performance, by doing this you are very disturbing to other visitors.

Do not get up from your seat until the performance is over - do not interfere with other spectators.)

What is the difference between theater and cinema? (Movies are shown on the screen, and theatrical action takes place on the stage.)

Well done!

11. Viewing the jumble of the "Intermission" issue.

And now let's see another issue of jumble, which is called "Intermission".

Guys, what is Intermission? (Intermission is a break between actions, acts of a theatrical performance, sections of a concert, variety or circus performance.)

What is the intermission for? (Designed for several purposes: rest of actors and spectators, and change of scenery, as well as, if necessary, changing costumes and make-up of actors.)

Guys, be careful when watching jumble.

Did the children behave correctly in the theater?

13. Solving problem situations.

And now we will try to solve problematic situations. I have in my hands cards on which situations from life are written, your task is to solve them.

Who will take the card, first reads the question aloud, and then answers it. Be all attentive, if the one who answers gives an incomplete or incorrect answer, then you will help him.

You entered the bus from the back platform and saw that your friends were standing at the front door. Do I need to say hello to them, if necessary, how to do it? (It is necessary to say hello with a nod of the head or a gesture, but in no case should you shout through the entire bus.)

Teachers are talking in the school corridor. The boy saw his class teacher among them and, passing by, politely said: “Hello, Vera Ivanovna!” What mistake did the boy make? (“Hello” should be addressed to all teachers, not just the class teacher.)

You are walking down the street with a friend. He greeted a person unknown to you, paused. Do you need to say hello too? (Necessary.)

Who should be the first to end the conversation on the phone: who called or who was called? (The one who called.)

You were given a thing that you already have, or you do not need, or do not like. What do you say to the person who gave it? (I am very pleased thank you.)

Two boys collided at the door at the entrance to the office and can not disperse. Which of them should give way if the boys are 8 and 10 years old. (Usually the one who is more polite is the first to give way)

Thanks guys for the replies.

III Summary of the lesson

Guys, what did you talk about in class today?

How should one behave in public places? (culturally, politely)

Remember, wherever you are: on the street, in public transport, in the theater, you are not alone. People look at you and judge you by your behavior. After all, we all want our friends, neighbors, acquaintances to always respect us. And the whole secret is that only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is always treated well, kindly. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone, and he has faithful and reliable friends.

Guys, and so that you always remember how to behave in public places, each of you receives a booklet "Rules of behavior in public places." And I hope that you will always follow these rules.

Thank you for your work in class!

The ability to behave in public places in various situations not only tells others that you are a well-mannered and cultured person, but also facilitates the establishment of contacts, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates warm and stable relationships.

Etiquette in public places

The requirements of etiquette in public places are not absolute: their observance depends on time, place and circumstances. That is, behavior that is unacceptable in one place and under one circumstance may be appropriate in another place and under other circumstances.

At the entrance

  • According to etiquette, a man lets a woman forward, a subordinate-chief, a junior-senior. If people of the same position, gender and age collide at the door, the one who is closer to the door yields.
  • If you come home with a guest, you need to let him go first. If a person is visiting you for the first time, or if it is dark outside the door, you must enter first with the words: “Let me see you out,” and hold the door, letting the guest through.

On the stairs

  • When climbing up, the woman goes first, the man can be in front only if the stairs are dark, shaky or steep. When descending, the man goes first.
  • If an elderly person or a boss comes towards you on the stairs, you need to take a step to the side, stop and let the walker pass. The same should be done by a man in this situation in relation to a woman.
  • The side of the stairs on which the railing is located is the privilege of children, the elderly and the weaker sex. The man must give them a place at the railing.

In the elevator

  • If you are in an elevator without an escort, you must press the button yourself. If with a man - this is his duty.
  • A man should let the woman go ahead and stop behind her (unless, of course, he accompanies her).

In the shop

  • At the door of the store, first let people out, and only then enter yourself.
  • When making a purchase, do not tire the seller and those around you with petty whims and protracted indecision. When approaching the cash register, keep a wallet with money ready so as not to look for them at the last moment

At the restaurant

  • Remember that the phrase: “I invite you” means that they will pay for you, and the phrase: “Let's go to a restaurant” means that everyone pays for himself (unless, of course, the man has discussed this moment with you in advance) .
  • Do not put your phone, smartphone, etc. on the table. This will mean that you are not interested in what is happening around, and the phone plays a more important role in your life than the people around you.
  • The head waiter always draws conclusions about who will pay, according to who enters the restaurant first: that is, the one who invited to the restaurant should enter first. If visitors are met by a porter, then the man lets the woman go ahead, after which he must find empty seats.
  • Don't move your head around looking for a free seat, don't rip out the menu, and don't take the initiative if you're walking with a man - that's his privilege.
  • Do not rush to sit down at the table, wait for the man to move a chair for you.
  • Leaving the restaurant, the man must let the woman go ahead and give her clothes.

In theater and cinema

  • You can not be late for the beginning of the performance or film.
  • Come to your seats facing the seated, not with your back.
  • In your place, sit quietly, without leaning in different directions and without turning around (especially if you have a lush hairstyle).
  • During a performance or viewing a picture, do not interfere with others: do not talk, do not wave your arms, do not tap your hands to the music, do not laugh out loud.
  • Do not leave the hall during the action or some time before its end - this is ill-mannered in relation to the actors.

In transport

  • At the entrance to the transport, children, women, the elderly and those who occupy a higher position are first let through (if you suddenly met them on the bus). When leaving the transport, the men go first to give a hand to the woman and those who need such help.
  • Children, the elderly, the disabled and women should occupy seats in transport. If all the seats are occupied, and you see an old man entering, a woman with a child or a pregnant woman, be sure to give up your seat.
  • Before you sit in an empty seat, ask those around you for permission - perhaps someone simply did not have time to take a seat.

On the street

  • Oncoming people on the street need to be bypassed only on the right side, to overtake passers-by - the same way.
  • If a man is sometimes allowed to smoke on the street, it is unacceptable for a woman.
  • On the go, do not speak loudly and do not wave your arms, especially if there is something in them (umbrella, bag, etc.).
  • A man on the street should always go to the left of the lady. Only military personnel who need to respond to a military salute can go to the right.
  • On the street you can not laugh loudly, communicate noisily, stare at other people.
  • If someone calls you impolitely on the street (for example: “Hey, you!”), Do not respond to this call. Better silently pass by and pretend not to hear.
  • Don't eat on the go. It is permissible to eat ice cream or a pie on the street, standing at a stall or kiosk or sitting on a bench.

General rules

Many perceive the rules of etiquette in public places as something shameful and difficult to implement, but in fact they are quite simple - this is elementary politeness, a culture of speech, a neat appearance and the ability to manage your emotions:

  • When entering a room, always say hello first.
  • Indoors, you can keep your gloves and hat on, but be sure to take off your hat and mittens.
  • Let a man carry a bag with groceries and things, but do not allow him to carry a handbag or an umbrella behind you, a removed jacket or coat - it looks ridiculous.
  • When using perfume, observe moderation. If you still smell your perfume in the evening, know that the rest have already suffocated.
  • If your companion greeted someone (even a person you don't know), you should also say hello.
  • When leaving the house, your appearance should be neat and tidy, shoes cleaned.
  • If you are insulted in a public place, never respond to rudeness and, moreover, do not raise your voice - do not stoop to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.

In public places (and at home too), always remember that you are a lady and behave accordingly and with dignity and demand the same from your companion.

The main thing to remember when in public places is that you are not alone here, and therefore you need to behave in such a way as not to disturb other people.

On the street and in public transport

When leaving the house, do not forget to look at yourself in the mirror to make sure that everything is in order with your clothes.

When you meet your friends on the street, greet them first. At the same time, when greeting the elders or the girl, do not hold out your hands first: wait until they do it. When giving a hand, be sure to remove the glove.

Walking down the street with a girl, the guy should be to her left. If there are three - a guy and two girls - the guy goes in the center, and if there are 2 guys and a girl, then the girl goes in the center. It is impossible to walk in a chain of 4 people or more, so as not to interfere with the movement of other people. In this case, you need to break into groups of 2 or 3 people.

At the same time, you can’t behave noisily, laugh out loud, wave your arms, fool around, send “witty” remarks to girls passing by. You can’t throw seed husks, candy wrappers, ice cream right under your feet (by the way, in many countries the violator will have to pay a significant fine for this).

When entering public transport, you can’t break through the door first, pushing everyone with your elbows: first you need to let the elders and women with small children through, then go in yourself. If a guy and a girl come in, then first the guy lets the girl go ahead, and then he comes in himself. And the guy comes out first and helps the girl out, giving her his hand.

In general, you need to treat people with attention and respect, especially those who are weaker or in a difficult situation. So, you need to help a person who has fallen on ice get up, you must definitely hold the door when leaving the subway so that it does not kill the person following you, etc.

In the theater, at a concert

You need to come to the theater in advance, 15-20 minutes before the start of the action. During this time, you can safely undress, buy a program and go to your seat. In the wardrobe, it is customary to serve your outerwear by throwing it over the barrier (by the way, the day before, do not forget to check if the hanger in your jacket is torn off, otherwise you will be ashamed of your slovenliness in front of others). It is better to hide the number in your pocket or bag. If you turn it in your hands, you will definitely drop it or lose it.

The custom, according to which a man walks down the street to the left of a woman, has its own explanation. The fact is that two or three hundred years ago, men did not leave the house without a weapon: each had a saber, rapier or dagger hanging on his left side (on the left in order to quickly and more conveniently grab the weapon from the scabbard with his right hand).

And officials, even before the end of the 19th century, were required to wear a sword with their uniform, which also hung on their left side.

In order for the weapon dangling while walking not to hit the legs of the companion, the gentleman tried to walk to the left of the lady. Gradually, this became a custom that has survived to this day.

Rules and reminders of safe behavior in the city and in nature.

Every place has certain principles and rules of conduct. This applies to parks, streets and forests. In each of these places you need to behave in a certain way. This will keep you safe and minimize the risk of accidents.

There are many dangers on the streets. Despite the fact that we are used to being in a noisy crowd, it can be unsafe.


  • Always let your loved ones know where you are going.
  • Don't walk alone in the dark streets. Get out on the bright side of the road.
  • Do not wear jewelry if you are going to come home late.
  • If strangers approach you and ask you to take you to a certain street, explain how to get there, but do not see them off.
  • Do not hang your keys on your belt or around your neck.
  • If someone is following you or following you, go to a supermarket or other public place where you can get lost.
  • Do not go with strangers if they promise to show you something or give money for the delivered luggage.
  • In public places, do not shout, attract attention. Keep order.
  • Do not participate in unauthorized actions and do not engage in skirmishes.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke in public places or at bus stops.
  • Help the elderly and children.
  • Take care of state property, do not break shop windows and do not violate the integrity of buildings.

When children reach a certain age, they must be taught the rules of behavior in public places. Such places include parks, parking lots, public transport, shops, metro, underground passages. Children should definitely be taught etiquette and rules of conduct in public transport.

Street rules:

  • A lot of danger on the streets is associated with the movement of vehicles. In our country, right-hand traffic.
  • If there are no sidewalks, then you should walk towards the traffic that is traveling in your direction.
  • Do not cross the carriageway in places where there are no traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.
  • Do not run out onto the road when public transport arrives. Be sure to look around.
  • If you are driving on the road, then your clothing should have reflective elements.
  • In winter, do not walk under houses, in order to avoid icicles falling on your head.
  • Do not walk where it is slippery, and the paths are not strewn with gravel or sand.
  • Do not get into arguments with passers-by, especially if they are drunk.
  • Children should be taught not to hide in cars and abandoned buildings while playing.
  • Children should not go with unfamiliar people and show how to get to a certain house at a specific address.

Public places include metro, bus stops, shops and parks. In order not to get into trouble and not run into trouble, you should follow the basic rules.


  • Let women and children get on the bus or minibus, help the elderly get into the transport.
  • Do not go down into mines or tunnels, do not go behind the fences.
  • Walk around the tram in front, and the trolleybus, bus and cars behind.
  • Don't yell on public transport. Speak quietly to the interlocutor, leaning over your ear.
  • Try not to talk on the phone, call the caller after you arrive at your destination.
  • Hold on to the handrails and do not walk on the vehicle while it is in motion.
  • Entering the transport, pay the fare and take empty seats.
  • Give up your seat to a pregnant woman, a woman with a child, or an elderly person.
  • Do not take food or drinks with you on the subway or bus. You can have a snack in the park or at home.
  • If the place is very busy, then it is necessary to cross to the other side of the street using an underpass.
  • Do not sit in a vehicle with your legs wide apart. When exiting, do not push, but ask you to let you through.
  • Try not to disturb anyone by talking loudly. Don't yell at those around you.
  • If you are on the street in a crowd and you need to stop, move to the side so that passers-by do not bump into you.
  • If you are at the cinema or theater, be sure to remove your hat. It can interfere with others watching the performance.
  • Do not make noise or gesticulate in the cinema, you can provoke a conflict. Do not beat the beat with your feet at a concert.
  • If you are late for the cinema, then try to walk very quietly to your seat.

With the onset of warmer weather, many are in a hurry to please themselves with delicious kebabs. Someone goes fishing and also does not miss the opportunity to enjoy a picnic. In nature, too, it is worth behaving according to certain rules.

Rules of conduct in nature:

  • Wear closed clothing even in hot weather. It is desirable that the arms and legs are covered. This will not burn and protect the skin from insects.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with soft soles. Sneakers are not exactly suitable shoes, as they hurt to walk on rocky terrain.
  • Do not light a fire in a clearing with dry grass or trees. It is also worth moving away from a place with stones, under which there is dry grass.
  • Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries. Do not touch birds and animals, avoid nests.
  • Do not wash dishes and clothes in water bodies. Also, you do not need to relieve yourself in the bushes. Dig a hole, and after you leave, fill it up.
  • Walk through the forest in zigzags and do not take short cuts. Going down steep slopes is very dangerous. Jumping over ditches or pits is also not worth it.
  • Do not set up a tent or camp near anthills and wildlife burrows.
  • Try to get home before dark. At the same time, do not turn off the paths and paths.
  • If you are lost, then go and listen. You need to follow the noise, it will lead you to the settlement.
  • Do not use perfumes and perfumes, as they can provoke insect bites.
  • Do not turn on loud music, this will attract wild animals and make them aggressive.
  • Do not drink water from lakes and reservoirs. Whether this water is suitable for ingestion is not known.

As you can see, in every place you need to follow the safety rules. This will help you save life and health, as well as avoid conflict situations.

Probably every person at least once in his life faced with a child who behaves incorrectly. His actions can cause varying degrees of rejection, but it immediately becomes clear to everyone, sometimes intuitively, that the child is violating the foundations accepted in society.


Order in society is provided by laws and moral norms. Children are responsible before the law only after reaching certain age limits, but this does not mean that they go unpunished.

Parents and other legal representatives are responsible for serious offenses. In addition, the consequence of any misconduct is public censure. A student who does not comply with certain norms will not be able to establish communication, fully live and study, and risks becoming an outcast.

There are several reasons why students behave badly:

  • they may simply not know how to do it;
  • rules can be observed purely formally, without conscious desire;
  • children often simply do not understand why there are rules of conduct, and what benefits their observance provides.

To avoid this, the following is important.

  • Teach your child how to behave. To do this, individual and group conversations are held, posters and memos are posted. In early childhood, parents are the source of knowledge. When a child becomes a pupil of a kindergarten or school, specialists are also involved in education.
  • Link theory with practice. It is impossible to analyze in detail all situations, but it is possible to give students the basic principles according to which they will build their behavior model.
  • Control violations, analyze problem situations. It is important to teach the child the basics of introspection.

If a child has already learned antisocial actions, it will be more difficult to retrain him. Therefore, education should start from early childhood. This does not mean that restrictions will be placed on the child. It’s just that such measures will help the child understand the behavior of other people and form their own opinion.

Culture of behavior

The culture of behavior obliges to behave in accordance with the rules and norms accepted in society. Moreover, here we can talk about both universal human norms and principles inherent in a particular society. It is impossible to distinguish between culture for the upper or middle class. Everyone has the same values, and they do not depend on the status of a person.

Established norms of ethics should be common for children of different age groups: both for younger students and for adolescents. Even a baby can have the right manners, and you need to behave well not only in society, but also in the family.

The culture of behavior is a system of interrelated elements, such as:

  • interpersonal relationships within groups and between individuals, as well as between students and teachers, parents and other members of society;
  • etiquette (and the ability to apply it in different situations);
  • competent oral and written speech (since with the help of it all communications are carried out);
  • non-verbal signs (these include gestures, facial expressions and other actions that complement speech and contribute to understanding by other people);
  • attitude towards the environment (including nature).

Do not underestimate the peculiar preparation: before going to any public place, the student or his parents (if we are talking about a younger student) should take care of his appearance and hygiene.

A neat and tidy appearance is also part of the child's culture, however, as well as his attitude towards himself, the organization of studies, home, life or leisure.

In general, the culture of student behavior is always influenced by several factors:

  • parenting;
  • the influence of educational institutions;
  • belonging to a religious or ethnic community (mentality);
  • example of others.

Communication rules

All norms governing the communication of students can be divided into several groups (depending on the place of their application).

In the learning process

This includes behavior in general education, music, sports schools, sections, circles.

  • Communication between students takes place during breaks, after lessons or at a time specially allotted by the teacher.
  • During the break, you can not run up the stairs and play outdoor games, during which others may suffer.
  • Communication should be calm, without the use of profanity.
  • During the lessons, you can not talk, make noise, get up without permission and distract other students.
  • Greet and address teachers with respect. At the appointed time, before you say or ask something, you need to raise your hand.
  • The rules that form the charter of the school apply on the territory of the school. According to him, the child is obliged to obey the requirements of the staff.
  • Since school activities are subject to a strict schedule, it is important to be punctual and not be late. In case of absence for a valid reason, it is necessary to warn the teacher.

On the street

The way to school or other public place students overcome on foot, by public or private transport; accompanied by parents or independently (if age permits). A few rules of conduct in such cases:

  • being outside the school walls, the student must remember that any act can adversely affect both his reputation and the reputation of the educational institution;
  • communication with peers and young children should be friendly, be sure to say hello and say goodbye;
  • older people should be treated politely, offer all possible assistance, give way in transport, hold the door;
  • you can not distract the driver on the bus or parents when they are driving;
  • all games that interfere with passers-by or threaten someone else's property must take place on appropriate playgrounds and sports grounds;
  • the student must be instructed by parents or teachers on how to behave on the sidewalk and roadway;
  • it is legally prohibited for minors to be in public places after ten o'clock in the evening unaccompanied by adults;
  • for your own safety, do not talk to strangers, get into a car with them, or agree to requests to move to another place.

In other public places

When visiting a cinema, theater, zoo, library, stadium, you should remember the following.

  • Before you go to any event in a new place, you need to carefully study the acceptable rules of conduct. For example, in the cinema it is permissible to consume food and drink during the screening, but in the theater it is not. In the zoo, you can buy special food for animals and even stroke them, and in the museum, all touching is prohibited.
  • All actions must be carried out with the expectation that they do not interfere with anyone. In the library, theater and cinema (equally), students are prohibited from laughing, talking on the phone, or in any other way causing inconvenience to other visitors.
  • If you can talk according to etiquette, you should not attract attention to yourself with loud noise (for example, in a cafe). You should communicate carefully with the interlocutor and service personnel. Don't turn your back, ignore greetings, and ignore polite words (such as "thank you", "please", "goodbye").
  • Boys from an early age should be taught to help girls, let them go ahead. When entering a building, exits go first, then incoming.
  • In the event of a dangerous situation, you should immediately contact the rescue service or at least inform an adult.

Generally Accepted Principles

Every child will become an adult sooner or later. It is scary to imagine what will happen in society if people's behavior is chaotic, unrestricted by anything. That is why it is important to educate in a child the qualities that are betrayed for several generations.

At the heart of any education are the principles of responsibility for one's actions, humanism, kindness, friendship, respect. A student who has mastered them is able to make individual decisions in accordance with the situation and without contradicting social norms.
