The correct daily routine for a first grader. What should be the daily routine of a first grader? What are the symptoms of overwork?

The transition from preschooler to first-grader is a huge event in the life of a seven-year-old child and his parents. Academic achievement over the next ten years, and most importantly, the desire to learn, is laid in the first year of school. And here a lot depends not so much on the teacher (although this is important), but on the behavior of the parents. Therefore, psychologists say that before going to school you need to work primarily with parents.

In the first school year, a young student expends the maximum amount of physical, mental and intellectual strength. After all, it’s no secret that the educational process in the modern first grade involves super-intensive workloads. At the same time, the first-grader needs to maintain his health (otherwise who will need his achievements?).

So, what is a healthy lifestyle for a small schoolchild, how to maintain and strengthen health, teach organization and independence, maintain interest in learning, and most importantly, how to help the child adapt to a new role. Let's figure it out together.


The basis for a child’s adaptation to school is the daily routine; it disciplines, helps maintain health, makes it easier to get used to the conditions of school life, and avoid nervous overload.

It would seem that if a first-grader follows the correct daily routine, everything will be fine. But at first this will require some effort on the part of both the parents and the little student. After all, a seven- to eight-year-old child cannot yet manage his time rationally on his own, but it is necessary to teach him how to organize his day; this will come in handy in the future. Mom and dad will have to not deviate from the intended goal, even become a little stricter towards the baby. And the newly-minted first-grader will have to fulfill your demands through “I don’t want” and even through “I can’t.” When a schoolchild’s daily routine alternates mental stress with physical exercise, daytime rest and just walks with friends, the results will not be long in coming. You won’t have to overcome your baby’s resistance, and he will get to work (doing his homework) without delay and will stop being distracted by foreign objects.

It has been proven in practice that adherence to a daily routine helps a student become independent and organized, and special studies conducted in primary school have shown that excellent students have a firmly established time for preparing lessons and constantly adhere to it. So good grades are the result not only of ability and perseverance, but also of hard work and the habit of systematic work at a certain time.

So, what does this banal concept include - daily routine.


Parents should pay special attention to their child's sleep. By the end of the preschool period, some children no longer need daytime sleep, but the total duration of sleep for a first-grader should be at least 11 - 12 hours.

After school, the child’s performance and activity sharply decrease, so do not sit him down immediately for homework. After a homemade lunch, let your baby sleep or rest for 1.5 - 2 hours to fully recuperate. If the child does not sleep during the day, let him lie quietly for at least an hour in a dimly lit room.

The most important moment in your daily routine is going to bed. What time the baby goes to bed determines what mood he will be in, how he will feel in the morning, and how productive he will be in class. In the evening you need to go to bed no later than 21.30. Therefore, evening guests, late entertainment and for parents with their child are excluded. Before going to bed, you should not watch TV shows, play noisy games or on the computer. It’s better to lie down next to your baby, talk to him, listen to him or read a fairy tale. Maybe you don’t realize it, but even a seven-year-old child needs his mother’s care, participation, warmth and affection.

In addition, the maximum amount of growth hormone in the child’s body is produced during sleep from 22 to 24 hours. For full growth and development, your baby needs quality sleep. Make sure your child is already asleep at ten o'clock in the evening.


The regime of work and rest is of great importance. It is important for parents to determine a reasonable balance of time allocated for lessons, walks, and household chores.

Every day, a child needs to spend at least 3 hours outdoors in any weather, actively moving - this improves well-being and increases performance. Do not exclude him from walking with his peers; he should not feel deprived of communication. The best option is for the child to walk to and from school. It's good if you make evening walks before bed a family tradition.

Be sure to control the duration of TV shows and computer games. The recommended time for TV is 30 minutes, and computer time is 10 minutes per day. The distance to the TV screen should be more than 3 meters, and the computer monitor screen should be no closer than the distance of the child’s outstretched arm.

Visiting hobby groups and clubs expands your circle of communication with peers. Try to find an activity with your child in which he would fully reveal his talents and abilities. It doesn’t matter what it will be - beadwork or aircraft modeling, the main thing is that he likes the classes, let him look for “his” place in this world, and it’s not scary if he moves from one circle to another. The time for additional classes is no more than 1 hour per day, and completely eliminate classes in clubs at the beginning of the school year, until adaptation to school loads has occurred.


First, let's define the concept of workplace hygiene.

A first-grader should have his own work area (ideally a separate room), which is allocated the brightest place in the room with a desk and chair that corresponds to the age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child.

Classes at a desk are associated with a certain, mainly static, body position, which causes tension in the muscles of the back, neck, abdomen, arms and legs, so the baby must sit at the table during classes in the correct position - the head is slightly tilted forward, the back is straight and rests on the the back of the chair, the shoulder girdle in a horizontal plane, the feet resting on the floor (if the legs do not reach the floor, place a small bench under them) - all this significantly reduces muscle tension and prevents early fatigue. The surface of the table when the child is sitting is at the level of the lower edge of the sternum, and a child’s fist is placed between the edge of the table and the sternum. The height of the chair seat is equal to the length of the shin plus 1 - 2 cm on the heel, and the chair is pushed 4 - 5 cm under the table. Do not allow the baby to put his feet under the seat or sit with his legs crossed - this will compress large blood vessels. Watch how the little student sits - his back should remain straight by the end of the 11th grade!

It is important that natural light falls through the window from the left; the table lamp should also be placed in the left corner of the table. The child’s eyes should be at a distance of the length of the forearm and an extended palm to the surface of the table (to a sheet of notebook), with the elbow of the hand placed on the table top, or a distance of approximately 30 - 35 cm is considered sufficient. It is better to place the book on a stand - this relieves the load on cervical spine.

A favorable working environment is very important for a child. Before doing homework, ventilate the room, open the curtains while your child is studying, do not turn on the radio or TV, and do not talk loudly even in the next room.

Preparing homework is given constant time during daylight hours, even in winter. The optimal time for doing homework is 16 - 17 hours - the child has already rested after school. Do not put off studying until late in the evening: after 17-18 hours, concentration, concentration, and the ability to perceive new information decrease, so it is more difficult to study.

The total duration of classes should not exceed one hour; breaks (active breaks) are necessary every 15 - 20 minutes, since attention at this age is short-lived and is based on interest.

First-graders are given minimal homework, but they must be completed together with one of the parents. Not every child is able to do even a simple task on his own; he is not yet used to it. It will take several months for the little student to understand that homework is his responsibility and must be completed. Therefore, it is necessary to remind him that it is time to sit down for lessons, and help with your presence. Always start with the most difficult ones, with written tasks, alternating them with oral ones. And what the baby is already familiar with (for example, drawing), he will be able to do at the end of the hour.

The most important thing is to praise your child more often. Never focus on failures, instill in your child the will to win, and he will have a positive attitude: “I can do it myself.” Moreover, you need to praise the child even when not everything turns out neatly and correctly; learning should always be positive. Do not scold your child, otherwise there will be a protest and doing homework will take on a negative connotation. Encourage his interest in learning, help at first and do not mock his failures.

And one more thing, dear parents, “there’s no escape from genes.” If you yourself were not a good performer at school, do not demand only A’s from your child. This is usually not possible. Let the child have solid C's and B's, but have a healthy psyche and he will not turn into an inadequate and exhausted excellent student.

Be sure to teach your child to put his work place in order after assignments and collect his briefcase; it is better to do this immediately after class or in the evening, so as not to waste time in the morning on fuss.

It is worth recalling a few more important details. Create a calm environment for your child in the morning so that he does not rush, does not worry, and comes to school in a good mood. In order not to be late for the start of classes, he must get up on time, it is advisable to come to school 10 - 15 minutes before the bell rings. The kids are very worried about their tardiness and the teacher’s comments. But the responsibility in this case lies only with you.

Do not forget that first-graders are experiencing enormous psychological stress, because a new life has begun for them: a new team, the first teacher, new requirements and new responsibilities. Your task is to help the child as much as possible. Don’t overload children’s leisure time, don’t send your child to several clubs and sections at once, don’t demand the impossible from him - he won’t be able to cope. It is better to surround your baby with attention, care and kindness.

A daily routine is not an abstract concept; adherence to it makes the child organized, punctual and independent, and this has a positive effect on studies and grades. Therefore, from the first days, organize your baby’s daily routine - and success will not take long to arrive.


The first place among all chronic diseases in primary school children is occupied by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, meals for schoolchildren, and first-graders in particular, should be timely, regular, fresh and four times a day. A small student of a modern school not only experiences exorbitant (for his age) mental stress, but also continues to develop and grow, so his diet must satisfy all the body’s needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

Don't send your child to school without breakfast. Let it be cottage cheese with sour cream or hot porridge, yogurt or an omelette, a sandwich with cheese or corn flakes with milk. Of course, breakfast is important, but if your baby has absolutely no appetite in the morning, don’t force him to eat. You can give your child tea with milk, cocoa or fruit - whatever he likes best. You should not refuse hot meals at school, because first-graders are always fed during the big break around 10 a.m.

First-graders have few classes, so they usually have lunch at home. Lunch must include soup for the first course, and meat or fish for the second. If you don’t have the opportunity to heat up your child’s lunch, teach him to use an electric or microwave oven himself. Avoid snacking and dry food (muesli, cookies, chips, soda water). Remember that dishes should be easily digestible and quickly digested. These are foods such as chicken, fish, eggs, cereals, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products.

High-quality and proper nutrition is one of the fundamental aspects of both mental and physical development of a first-grader.


Thanks to motor activity, under the influence of physical exercise, the nervous system is strengthened, skeletal muscles develop, and the functioning of the heart and lungs improves.

Movement is vital for a child’s body and is of great importance not only for physical, but also for mental development.

Be sure to set aside time for morning exercises; even better, do exercises with your child, showing him how to do the exercises correctly. For children 7-8 years old, 5-7 exercises for 10 minutes are enough. It is better to do gymnastics with the window open and in light clothing (T-shirt and swimming trunks).

Enroll your child in a sports section or continue training if your child worked out before school - this will make him responsible for his own health and organized. Let it be swimming or tennis, football or martial arts. The main thing is that training brings pleasure and positive emotions to the child. Just remember: it is recommended to include no more than 3 sports activities per week in your daily routine.


A first-grader must observe the basic rules of personal hygiene - this is an axiom that does not require proof. And teaching your child these rules is your sacred duty, and preferably before school.

use a handkerchief;

When eating, use cutlery, napkins, and eat food carefully;

use toilet paper after bowel movements.

Tell your child these simple truths about caring for your own body, and not only your baby, but also the people around him will be grateful to you in the future, because “self-care for your loved ones” is one of the elements of a person’s general culture and one of the means of preventing diseases.


One of the most important components of a child’s health is his mental health. The age of 6 - 7 years is a crisis age not only in the physical, but also in the psycho-emotional development of the child, because his status changes from a preschooler to a schoolchild, and this fact radically changes the whole life of the child. He begins to think, compare himself with other children, evaluate others by their actions, experience grievances and failures, he becomes more responsible and independent, and his range of responsibilities expands. It is very important that parents help their child at this moment.

A first-grader is in a new environment, with new people and new rules, not only at school, but also at home, his lifestyle changes: along with games and entertainment, there is also homework. Therefore, the child is in a state of stress almost all the time. The main task of loving parents is to reduce this stress to a minimum. This can only be done with love, participation and kindness. During adaptation to school, dose not only intellectual, but also emotional stress, do not overload your child with additional activities, remember that children adapt to school for at least 6 - 8 weeks.

In the first year of school, communicate with your child as much as possible, do not immediately push him into adulthood, saying “you are already an adult” (this is akin to a global catastrophe for a child), take an interest in his relationship with the teacher and classmates, praise him for his achievements and successes , sincerely and thoroughly delve into all his affairs, never scold him for failures, in a word, study with your child and live the life of a child, especially during the first school year.

Remember, dear parents, if the child is loved and respected in the family, and he is calm and comfortable at home, then the child will not be afraid of any stress, even in the first grade.

So, you now know the main components of a healthy lifestyle for a first-grader; all you have to do is follow these simple rules - and you will succeed.

Good luck in first grade!

T. Karikh, pediatrician at HCMP

Dear parents, your child will come in soont into a new life called “School”. Compliance with a first-grader’s daily routine plays a big role in his well-being and academic success.

Pediatricians around the world recommend adhering to a daily routine that is appropriate for your child’s age. As the child gets older, this daily routine changes. Even before school starts, think about what additional activities you plan to organize for your first-grader, when the first lesson starts, what workload per day is acceptable for a child of this age, how much time you will spend on the road,- All this will allow you to create a daily routine that suits you t exactly for you.

If a first-grader follows a daily routine, his nervous system will easier adapt

Sample daily routine for a first grade student:

7:00 Wake up

If a child studies during the first shift, he wakes up around 7 am. From the moment you wake up to leaving the house, at least 40 minutes should pass. This time will be enough for a first grader to get ready for school. Try to instill in your child a love of sports; even five minutes of exercise can improve health and help you wake up. Try to organize a routine in advance; it is better to do this a month before the start of classes, so that the child has time to get used to the new rhythm.

7:20 Breakfast

The morning meal is very important for a first grader. It starts the work of the digestive system, glucose organizes the work of the brain. Porridge, egg or cottage cheese dishes are ideal for breakfast. It is better to avoid store-bought sweet cereals; they contain too much sugar. Doctors recommend drinking water, cocoa or weak tea. Coffee and soda are not allowed! A proper diet will give your child the necessary amount of energy and minimize snacking.

7:50 Walk to school

If the school is nearby, it can be a shorter walkin less than twenty minutes - give up the car or bus. Of course, in the modern, constantly rushing world, a morning walk seems like something supernatural. On the way to school, the child will get a breath of fresh air, walking will replace physical activity, and the first-grader will be full of energy during class.

8:30 – 13:00 School time

The daily routine of a first-grader at school is strictly regulated. In the first half of the year, the school practices the use of a “stepped” teaching mode (in September, October - no more than 3 lessons per day, 35 minutes each;in November-December – 4 lessons per day, 35 minutes each; JanuaryMay – 4 lessons per day, 40 minutes each). Fun physical education sessions during the lesson are also required.

When choosing a school, even before enteringfirst class, make responsible decisions regardingeducational program. Find out what program the teacher at your chosen school uses. Parents who value not only knowledge, but also an individual approach to the child, gentle adaptation in the first grade, interesting, developmental tasks, choose the “Primary School of the 21st Century” textbook system. Thanks to a differentiated approach to each child, encouraging children's curiosity, laid down by the developers of this system, first-graders study the school curriculum without stress and fatigue, with interest and desire.

Turn. Advise your child to play quiet games with classmates during breaks, teach them to your child in advance. Explain that interactive games on a phone or tabletnot the best option for relaxation, and they also interfere with communication with peers. If a student goes to an extended day group, then he comes home around 16:30. Make sure your child has a change of clothes, a snack and water.

13: 30 The road from school

A short walk on the way home is the best way to switch from mental activity. A student needs a little more than half an hour to completely escape from studying and switch to another type of activity. Allow your child to run and jump. Imagine how difficult it is for first-graders to maintain the accepted order of behavior in class: listen carefully to the teacher, don’t spin around, don’t jump up, don’t chat. Where does the irrepressible energy go from a child’s body? Allow it to spill out, this will make it easier to bear the stress of school.

14:00 Lunch

Remember the famous phrase of the kingPrussia of Frederick William the First “War is war, but lunch is on schedule”? Try to have lunch start at the same time. Having a scheduled lunch is good for digestion. The body gets used to it and begins to prepare for eating in advance, for examplesecrete gastric juice literally 10 minutes before the expected lunch time. The student's diet should be balanced; lunch should not be dry. Let it be simple hearty dishes: soups, steamed cutlets, fish or meat with a side dish, vegetable salad, a healthy drink.

15: 00 Time after school

Unfortunately, few people know how to manage this time wisely. Parents, even in preschool age, load their child with clubs and sections; often the beginning of school life is perceived by the parent as obligatory necessity Enroll a first-grader in an art school or sports section, which will create an unbearable burden on the child’s body during the difficult period of adaptation to school.

The best time to start serious studies outside of school is a year or two before school or starting in second grade. This year, give up the abundance of clubs that require perseverance, long-term concentration, and take a lot of time. Allow the student to adapt and get used to the academic load.

Of course, it’s not easy to imagine a first-grader who doesn’t have a smartphone, tablet or game console. As a reminder, the duration of continuous use of devices with LCD screens for students is 1– 2 classes - no more than 20 minutes. Maintaining a routine of using electronic devices throughout the day will help your first grader avoid many neurological and ophthalmological problems.

18: 00 Time to prepare for school

In the first grade, homework is not assigned, but many children take the initiative and independently repeat the material studied at school. It is important for the parent not to interfere, not to burden the first-grader with additional copybooks or practicing reading techniques. Modern teachers and psychologists have repeatedly warned that this leads to nervous breakdowns and a complete loss of motivation to study.

Teach your first grader to be independent. At first, put the briefcase together, then, when the child gets used to it a little, trust him with this activity himself. It is best to prepare everything you need for school the night before, this way you can avoid unnecessary fuss and wasted time in the morning. Remind about important little things: a handkerchief, wet and dry wipes, a change of shoes, a snack. If you need to take medications, check their availability.

19:00 Dinner

Children's nutritionists recommend adhering to a meal schedule. Main condition– dinner should be no laterthan 4 hours before bedtime, and immediately before bedtime, offer your child a glass of drink or fruit (apple, banana, pear). Do not overuse fatty and meat dishes. Such food can cause heaviness in the stomach and negatively affect sleep.

19:30 Family time

Spend this hour with your child. If you have several children, try to pay personal attention to each one. Ask about things at school, desires, sorrows and joys, plans for tomorrow, share your news. If you can’t do without TV, watch a good cartoon or family movie together. Ideal if you have time for a family walk.

20: 30 Getting ready for bed

A very important time that affects the quality of sleep. Pediatricians adviseLimit TV viewing and active games at least an hour before bedtime. It's great if you have an evening ritual that helps you get ready for bed. Reading a book, discussing the past daya good activity to end the day. It is better to do this when the child has already finished bathing and is ready for bed. The first few days it may be unusual to adhere to such a regime, but the longer the child follows it, the better for the body. Within a week there will be no problems with falling asleep on time, which means that the student will sleep as much as he is supposed to. The main rulethe child must get enough sleep. Remember, a primary school student must sleep at least 10 hours. Children who follow the regime are less likely to suffer from nervous tension and fatigue.

21:00 Sleep

It's time to sleep. Ideally, your first grader is ready for bed, he has completed all his chores and is already 5– Stays in bed for 10 minutes. This way he will have time to get ready for sleep. For a good night's sleep, do not forget to ventilate the room; the optimal air temperature in the room should be around 18 degrees. In winter, when heating devices are operating, control the air humidity; 60% is the norm. Try to let your child sleep in complete darkness; cortisol and melanin, which are important for the body, are produced in the complete absence of light.

On weekends, when you can get a good night's sleep in the morning, try not to break your routine for more than 20–30 minutes. Of course, it is impossible to master the entire mode at once. Take care of the correct daily routine in advance; it is better to start preparing for it before the start of the school year, and then the entire educational process will be a joy for the first grader.

Olga Fateeva

Primary general education

Correct daily routine for a first grader

A school teacher and a pediatric neurologist talk about excessive exercise, proper nutrition and the required amount of sleep.

A school teacher and a pediatric neurologist talk about excessive exercise, proper nutrition and the required amount of sleep.

“How to organize my first grader’s day?” - this question is regularly asked by parents, teachers, doctors and other experts. Indeed, a properly structured daily routine is extremely important for a child to smoothly and comfortably enter the educational process and maintain his health. Often parents themselves formulate rules that are not always enforceable and are not always really needed by a first-grader.

To correct possible mistakes of parents, we decided to turn to two experts - a primary school teacher and an experienced pediatrician. Let their advice and observations help us form an objective picture of what the daily routine of a modern first-grader should be.

Alexey Igorevich Krapivkin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Child Psychoneurology

Daily routine: keep the kindergarten norm

When a child goes to school, his life changes a lot. But even in first grade, it is quite possible to maintain the same daily routine that you had in kindergarten: with regular meals, afternoon rest and fairly active walks, albeit not so long.

Nutrition: variety is key

The body of a first-grader is in dire need of regular nutrition in order to replenish the lack of glucose in a timely manner. By the age of seven, a child should already have developed eating habits: a mandatory full breakfast, a hot lunch, proper snacks - second breakfast, afternoon snack.

My main advice to parents: feed your children a variety of foods. Any excess product can affect the child's condition, digestion, sleep and physical activity. Of course, it is better to avoid an abundance of sweet, fatty or spicy foods in a child’s diet - for the same reason.

At the same time, if the child does not have serious illnesses, then there should be no deliberate restrictions on food. Coming to a new children's group, the child reconsiders his nutritional norm: if everyone eats cookies, why should he completely refuse them? If everyone is snacking after third period, why can't he take a sandwich or an apple with him?

And one more piece of advice: in order not to risk your child’s well-being at night, try to feed him dinner about two hours before bedtime, no later. If you didn’t manage to have dinner on time, offer food that is as light and safe for the gastrointestinal tract as possible.

Sleep: the main thing is not to fight for performance

Not only a first-grader, but any person should sleep as much as his body requires. But sometimes parents put the child to bed at almost eight in the evening so that he sleeps as long as possible; this, in my opinion, is an unnecessary measure.

According to statistics, an adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep per day. A first grader needs a little more, but not 12 hours like an infant. The most important thing is that when putting your child to bed early, do not fight for his performance, but rather look at his condition. Is it easy for him to wake up in the morning? Do you have enough strength until the evening?

It is best to put your child to bed between 9 and 10 pm, preferably no later than 10 pm. At the same time, the child should have free time 1.5–2 hours before bedtime to carry out daily rituals: water procedures, reading at night, a glass of milk - and as little stress as possible, then the child will smoothly fall asleep and be able to fully rest.

As for daytime sleep, it seems to me that there is no reason to insist that the child sleep during the day. If he wants to go to bed after lunch, great; if not, don’t insist. The main thing is that daytime sleep should divide the day into two equal periods. Don't go to bed later than 4 pm: then your night's sleep may suffer.

Loads: achieve a state of reasonable fatigue

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the fact that first-graders can barely withstand the exorbitant workload that the school and parents place on them with their clubs and sections. I like the idea that the level of exercise should be determined by tolerance. If your child has enough resources to practice the piano for two hours after school and enjoy going to the sports section in the evening, then why not? For parents, the main indicator of the level of stress should be the child’s condition in the evenings. If he falls off his feet, is capricious, cannot eat, he is so tired - you have clearly gone too far. If he is active and could do something enthusiastically for a couple more hours, it means that the daily load was not enough. But if his fatigue is not excessive, is natural, and does not cause him serious discomfort, then the volume of the load is sufficient.

Physical activity

It is important to remember here that for a seven-year-old child simply sitting at a desk for several hours in a row is a colossal burden. To remove it, it is more useful not to put the child to bed, but to let him run around properly, to release the tension.

The child’s need for movement is natural and physiological. Be sure to give him the opportunity to jump, climb, and run properly after school, and if necessary, also in the evening.

Be sure to remind your child to do small warm-ups after sitting for a long time at lessons: basic gymnastics will be enough. And send your child to a sports section: two or three times a week.

Elena Aleksandrovna Chulikhina, primary school teacher at the MBOU "Malodubenskaya Secondary School"

Daily routine: on weekends as on weekdays

There’s nothing to talk about here; every first-grader needs a full-fledged daily routine. It’s best if he doesn’t get lost on weekends, otherwise it will be difficult to adjust to the start of the work week.

Food: hot is better than cookies

Now almost all parents are very afraid that their children will go to school hungry. They are given sweets, cookies, buns, waffles and other “dry snacks” with them - despite the fact that the school has a canteen, where you can always eat a hot breakfast and have a good lunch. Naturally, having eaten enough sweets, the children in the cafeteria refuse to eat a full hot meal. Therefore, I want to give parents advice: teach them better to go to the canteen, eat porridge or omelet in the morning, and have good hot soup for lunch in the afternoon, not candy. I am not against you giving your children treats, but in moderation, and not in such a way that it interrupts their appetite.

Sleep: don’t nod off in class!

I’ll tell you honestly, it’s very unpleasant when children in your class nod off during the first lesson. Therefore, please put your children to bed on time, at best around nine in the evening. There is no need to hope that you will get fifteen minutes of sleep in the morning: this is where morning delays begin, and this also does not really help children concentrate.

Daytime naps are a useful thing, especially since children themselves, as a rule, require an afternoon rest: they come home from school and immediately go to bed. This means that they need it, which means that parents need to take this need into account when creating a daily routine.


Now, due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, first-graders are entitled to up to 10 hours of extracurricular activities per week. They usually start in the afternoon and last up to two academic hours a day - this is in addition to the normal school load. In addition, almost every child attends various clubs, some of them are very serious and are located on the other side of the city. It turns out that first-graders are very busy on weekdays, even if they don’t have homework in first grade.

Here I have no right to give parents any advice: they decide for themselves how, what and how much to load their children with, what achievements to require, etc. But I would insist that at least on weekends the children should be free to study doing your own thing, playing, going for a walk, spending an evening with your family. This is the best support we can give them.

Physical activity

We make sure that the children do warm-ups between lessons, can run around, and unload properly. It is important that parents care about the same. Be sure to let your children go for walks and exercise a lot. It's best when they walk home from school rather than driving.

Hello, girls. situation that makes you want to cry. Today my husband has a birthday. Yesterday he returned from his shift, everything was fine, he didn’t discuss his plans for the birthday with me. He was also friendly in the morning, drove me to work, and kissed. She asked me to pick me up from work, he arrived, I didn’t have time to sit down, he barked at me to move, but the cars were parked behind me. OK. They took the child from the kindergarten. He is silent, says nothing. I silently taxied into the store, bought a bottle of alcohol and a piece of meat. We arrived home, I congratulated him, gave him a gift (money, a good amount, it’s difficult for him to choose anything as a gift, he’s very picky). He made such a face that it made me feel uncomfortable. And then he asked the question: what, there won’t be a festive dinner? And I didn’t even think that he would want dinner, he never celebrated birthdays with me, he only went out drinking with friends on another day. I calmly replied that I couldn’t read his thoughts, if I wanted to, I had to say it. And no food was purchased for the festive dinner. I didn’t even buy a cake, there are two children at home.
In short, I was offended. I fried the meat myself and boiled the potatoes. I sat down to dinner alone, drank.....
I didn't understand what was happening. Well, maybe I’m an inattentive wife, I should have..... On my BD, I myself plan what and how it will happen, I don’t take offense at anyone.
I understand that the situation needs to be corrected; it doesn’t matter when this happens in the DR. But I don’t know how, and whether I should....


Irina Ivanova

Good afternoon everyone! My story is simple, perhaps someone has encountered this. We separated from the father of my youngest daughter immediately after her birth, he said that he was not ready to be a dad. I met another person. 8 years have passed, my daughter is still persistent and begins to ask about dear dad. Remembering that there were attempts on his part to communicate with her, I found his VKontakte page. On it he is holding a child in his arms and the whole page is in such photos. I decided and wrote, without straining at all, that maybe will he now want to talk to his daughter when he understands what it means to be a father? He wrote briefly that he was finally ready, then. He added him as a friend. And then I found out that the page was fake. I don’t know the details, but I understand that this is all staged. Why does he need this, I can’t understand? There are few friends there to get likes, and he’s already too old for such jokes. I don’t know whether to try to get in touch again and ask to talk to my daughter. There’s just a residue of understatement left .I have a feeling that I didn’t understand him somewhere. Maybe I wrote it chaotically, but for some reason I’m confused. How to understand him? But you need to understand him in order to decide whether it makes sense to try to go again Contact me. If anyone has any thoughts on this matter, please write. Thank you.



Hi all! I don’t like going to the forum lately... But sometimes I understand that I need to communicate with at least someone. Yes, and healthy thoughts and ideas can sometimes be seen here.

So, another problem overtook me. I've had skin problems since the rainy season. Almost every summer I suffer from heat rash, which, however, goes away when it gets cold. But this time it didn’t pass. The heat ended, the rains passed... And my problems only became stronger. The whole, sorry, left breast is covered in crust ((((. Armpits, elbow bends, inner surface of the arm...
Whichever doctor to go to is not an option. I asked my husband's brother and his wife to find someone to know. Waiting for an answer. And I’m thinking: should I fight for the continuation of the war or should I just give up, wind it down and be treated with “heavy artillery”? In general, does a baby need breast milk after one year? And what can I replace it with besides the mixture?
I myself would prefer to breastfeed until 1.5 - 2 years (maybe even more, so that the baby refuses to breastfeed on her own)

Overall, I'm sad.



Oh, I'll remain anonymous. No, there's nothing to hide. And the topic seems to be not intimate. But...... in general I'm afraid. I'm very afraid. I’m afraid for my husband’s health (please don’t confuse me with the girl who was afraid of multiple sclerosis), in general it’s like this
At the beginning of December, my husband fell ill with something like ARVI, but with a strong cough, half of their office is dying. Okay, we were treated, it seemed to be better, and then on the evening of December 19, he started coughing so much that he fell, losing consciousness (for a short time, for 3-5 seconds), blood pressure and pulse increased. I called an ambulance, they took me to the hospital, did a CT scan and sent me for an outpatient examination. . Consultation with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, therapist, MRI, electroencephalogram, duplex of the vessels of the neck and head, X-ray of the neck and lungs, blood sugar test, ALT, AST, AS in general everything is normal, well, with some minor age-related peculiarities In general, we exhaled Let's go on vacation for a vacation . There are saunas, Turkish baths, a swimming pool...... and he starts coughing again. Everything was cancelled. When we arrived home, I got out of the car, took a breath of cold air (I also went out before and everything was OK) and again had the same attack. See your doctor the same day. He was referred to a pulmonologist and tested for respiratory function with provocation. But that's only on Thursday. And then I foolishly (apparently) at work asked the nurse if she had any ideas about what it could be. And then she asks me - have you checked your larynx and esophagus? And I’m starting to understand what they were testing for....... I’m hysterical. The nurse apologizes, that she didn’t mean to scare, and that everything is fine.
In general, I am in a state of uncertainty. Phenibut is my friend.
Why am I writing? Probably just talk it out, because I understand with my mind that no one will tell me anything specific. But I really want to hear that I was imagining everything for myself. And when it’s cold, his throat starts to “tickle” and he can’t speak for a long time - his voice drops
That's how stupid I am.
We will do all the necessary examinations, of course. But the unknown kills.


Which is very confusing.
1. from the age of 2.5 to 10 he slept like all children, all night, now a couple of times a week he definitely succeeds in this trick.
2. When nervous, he can stand up 3 times. If we add here the nature of a hypochondriac, then this is just an Armageddon...
3. in childhood, until the teeth came out, I didn’t sleep.. now it’s changing, complains that it’s pressing and hurts when it grows.


About schoolchildren's sleep

School is always stressful and stressful, which seriously exhausts a child. Every schoolchild, no matter what grade he is in, needs good sleep for proper rest. Today we will talk about the sleep of elementary school students.

It is advisable for younger schoolchildren (7-10 years old) to sleep 10-11 hours a day. You can distribute this time in different ways: for one child, a regime with a longer night sleep will be suitable, but putting him to sleep during the day will be difficult, and there is no need. Another will feel better if he is allowed to go to bed later in the evening, at the same time as the adults, but in the afternoon, when he returns from school, the child will willingly agree to take a nap for an hour or two.

At this age - from 7 to 10 years - the child is not yet able to independently discover the connection between lack of sleep and decreased attention and memory deterioration. Monitoring whether the student sleeps enough time, whether he gets enough sleep, and whether the lack of sleep affects his well-being is the concern of parents.

Signs that your child is not getting enough sleep:

  • Doesn’t wake up on its own, can only wake up with an alarm clock, and even then with difficulty.
  • Cranky in the morning, a small remark or failure can cause a disproportionate storm of anger or tears.
  • The child is lethargic and has poor coordination. They joke about such people: “They raised them to wake them up, but they forgot to wake them up.”
  • In class he has difficulty perceiving and remembering new material and is constantly distracted.
If your child shows some of these signs, then it’s time to start combating sleep deprivation. First of all, you need to establish a routine. It is important that your child falls asleep and wakes up at the same time every day. Shortly before evening sleep, it is advisable to begin preparing for it: give up noisy games, use of gadgets, and all energetic, stimulating activities. You can use an audiobook or a calm, monotonous game as a “lullaby” to induce sleep.

It is very important to set aside time to communicate with your child, when you can discuss in detail how the day went, ask not only casually about business, but sincerely about feelings and experiences.

A warm conversation with parents is a very good option for finishing things up and getting ready for bed. And physical contact - what could be nicer than a goodnight hug?

If your child boycotts all your actions to establish a regime, you can try to let him deal with the consequences of his actions (after all, his mother will not monitor his regime all his life). Played until late at night? Your right, but in the morning you will have to get up and get dressed, regardless of whether you managed to get enough sleep in the remaining time or not.

But still, with a junior schoolchild who does not yet know how to connect his lethargic state today and the late “lights out” yesterday, this method may turn out to be too harsh. It is advisable to delegate responsibility for your sleep to your child gradually, based on the experience he or she already has. “Do you remember how hard it was for you to get up yesterday, how difficult it was to get to school, and even more so to do some tasks in class, read, write, listen? It looks like it's because the day before yesterday you played until late. Maybe we can go to bed early today?”

During the holidays, especially summer, the routine often gets disrupted. To easily get back on track, it is better to make the transition to an earlier time of falling asleep smooth. Today we go to bed 15 minutes earlier than yesterday. Tomorrow - another 15 minutes earlier, etc.

Important! If insomnia continues for more than a week, then this is no longer a reason for parental warnings, but for contacting a pediatric neurologist. If a child has been lying in bed for a long time, sometimes more than an hour, cannot fall asleep, wakes up many times during the night, there may be purely medical explanations for this, not related to whims.

Another issue that we would like to cover is daytime sleep.

Here it is important to take into account the child’s opinion: he must himself agree in response to your request to take a nap during the day.

In fact, naps are more important than many people think, especially for first graders. Still would! After all, just a year ago they were leaving after lunch, but here they ate and went back to their desks. Of course, not every child may need a daytime nap; some adapt to a new regime better, but others worse. Take a closer look at your child - what does he do when he comes home from school? Does he start studying right away? Walking? Playing? What does the child look like? Is he cheerful and cheerful or does he look exhausted and tired? Or maybe the child is overexcited?

If by all indications the child is tired, try to prevent rest in the form of watching TV or playing on the computer. In this case, the bad thing is that the body is resting, but the brain is not. Invite him to lie down and, for example, listen to a book - a tired child will most likely fall asleep on his own, unexpectedly for himself. Here, by the way, it will be very useful - immersing yourself in a short daytime sleep for an hour or two under it will be much faster, and the sleep itself under it will be more productive in terms of replenishing strength. And when the child wakes up, he will be able to sit down for his lessons with renewed vigor.

Daytime naps can also help, strange as it may seem, in the opposite situation, when a child comes home from school “worked up” and seems full of energy, but at the same time cannot concentrate on lessons. Such children usually quickly become lethargic and moody in the evening. Therefore, here it is also worth offering the child to “recharge the batteries” with a small portion of daytime sleep.

Does every first grader need quiet time? No, not everyone. If the child feels well, is not capricious, does not look tired in the evening, falls asleep normally in the evening and gets up in the morning, then he most likely does not need a quiet hour. You can easily check whether your child needs rest. Do as we advised just above. Invite your child to lie down in bed and read a book to him. A tired child will most likely fall asleep. And such a child will benefit from daytime sleep.

Of course, first-graders who sleep during the day usually do not have time to attend any additional classes. It is important to remember that additional classes are not the most important thing. It is much more important that the child does not become overtired. After the adaptation period is over and the child begins to cope with the school curriculum without problems, it will be possible to begin going to additional classes.

"Good afternoon
I am writing a review after almost a month of use (teenage blanket with).
We bought it for a 6-year-old child with the goal of relieving excessive stress that increased after starting school in the zero grade.
Thanks to the almost daily placement of the child under the owl’s blanket for a period of time from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours, the child’s tension has decreased significantly, namely, the manifestations of “tic” have almost completely disappeared, the child can relax so much under the owl’s blanket that he even falls asleep during the day (this did not happen before for a long time already). Well, in general, the inventor’s idea works, the tension goes away. Thank you)"
