The development of fine motor skills in children. Simple, effective exercise

The growing up and growth of children is a very peculiar process, which is distinguished by many subtleties and nuances. And every person who is a parent, by all means, must take a direct part in the development of his child. And this means not only, as they say, the teaching of the mind, sending to kindergarten and school, as well as providing the child with everything necessary for a normal life, but also more subtle actions. One of these is the development of fine motor skills.

What is fine motor skills?

The expression "fine motor skills" by physiologists means the movement of the small muscles of the hands. But here it is very important to keep in mind the hand-eye coordination, because the development of small hand movements is carried out with the help of vision.

Why develop fine motor skills?

The question of why it is necessary to develop fine motor skills is very relevant, because. Many do not understand why this is necessary at all.

To begin with, it is worth noting that in general the motor skills of the hands are most directly developed with the development of speech. And this is not a myth, as it might seem at first glance. Research scientists have shown that from the point of view of anatomy, about a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hands, located very close to the speech zone.

Given this, an assumption has appeared according to which the subtle movements of the fingers have a formative and developing effect on the speech function of the child. For this reason, if you want to teach your child to speak, you must not only train his articulation apparatus, but also develop fine motor skills in every possible way, namely: the movement of the fingers.

But there is something else that definitely needs to be mentioned: fine motor skills of the hands develop not only speech. In addition, it interacts with thinking, motor and observation, coordination and attention.

It is also necessary to develop fine motor skills for the reason that the whole future life of a still small person will require him to use coordinated and precise movements of the hands and fingers. Take at least quite elementary actions: fastening and unfastening buttons and locks, tying shoelaces, putting on and taking off clothes, drawing and writing, working with a computer, and much more. It would seem simple, but none of this a person will be able to perform properly if his fine motor skills are not developed.

But when should you start developing fine motor skills?

When to start developing fine motor skills?

Experts recommend starting the development of fine motor skills in children at the age of eight months. It is during this period that the fingers will already give in to active training. You can, of course, start developing fine motor skills even earlier, offering the baby to play with objects of different textures, shapes and sizes, as well as with special toys, which, by the way, are easily made from what is at home, but it’s not a fact that it will result. So eight months is the best time.

And the next quite logical question would be: “What are the ways to develop fine motor skills?”. That is what we will answer below.

By and large, the choice of means for the development of fine motor skills is quite diverse. Moreover, the more ways you use, the more effective and complete the classes will be, and the result will become more tangible.

So, consider the most common and popular ways to develop fine motor skills.

Games with small stones, buttons, beads and cereals

Games with small stones, buttons, beads and cereals have an excellent developing, healing and tonic effect on the child's body. However, they should always be carried out under the supervision of one of the adults, so that the child does not accidentally get hurt or eat one of the above items.

These games include:

  • Drawings from cereals. A piece of cardboard is taken, and the child draws any image on it, for example, the sun. Then you need to take the safest glue and apply it along the contour of the drawing, and the child should put, for example, peas, beans or buckwheat on these lines. This game serves as an excellent training for the muscles of the hands and fingers.
  • Exercise using forceps. You need to give the child tongs and ask him to put beads, peas, etc. into a bottle with a narrow neck.
  • Exercise with tweezers. The child is given tweezers, and with its help he shifts from one container to another and sorts small toys or the same cereal. In addition, it is very effective if the baby shifts small toys or cereals with tweezers into some kind of figured container, for example, into a mold for ice or baking cakes.
  • Sort small items by size, shape and color. Have your child sort the grains, buttons, or beads by color, size, or shape.

"Finger" games

"Finger" games are a kind of staging of any stories, most often rhymed, using fingers. You can start playing such games even up to one year, and then continue, slightly complicating finger movements. You can play until the end of primary school age.

Most of these games involve the use of two hands, thanks to which children begin to understand what is “down”, “up”, “left”, “right”, etc. To obtain the greatest effect, these finger exercises must be built in such a way that tension, relaxation, squeezing and unclenching the hands alternately change, and isolated movements of all fingers are involved.

Modeling from clay, plasticine or salt dough

Today it is a well-known fact that working with such "materials" as clay, plasticine and salt dough perfectly develops fine motor skills, and also has a wonderful effect on the imagination.

What can be done:

  • Paste glass bottles with plasticine and give them the shape of teapots, vases, jugs, etc.
  • Spread out of plasticine in the form of balls, sausages on cardboard or plywood specific specified patterns
  • Make prints on clay, dough or plasticine by pressing on them with your fingers, toys, coins, buttons, etc.
  • Sculpt balls, rings, sausages, then cut into separate pieces, and then put together again (you can shape individual pieces)
  • Make several different parts and make a composition out of them (you can prepare the elements yourself, and only after that give them to the child to work with)

Exercises with the use of additional items

In addition to the fact that exercises with the use of additional objects are very exciting and entertaining, they are excellent for developing spatial imagination.

Among these games stand out:

  • Mosaic. For starters, it’s enough that the baby will simply insert the mosaic elements into the base. Subsequently, a specific image or shape should be set for the child to post it. The ideal option would be a mosaic with different hats.
  • Accounts. Give the child the task of shifting the counting rings from one end to the other. To develop counting skills, you can also move the rings in order.
  • Threads. This refers to the usual winding and unwinding of threads on various objects. You can, for example, pre-select the figures of any animals, and the child will wrap them with thread, giving color. The same figures can be used for games.
  • Paperclips. To play this game, you will need the usual multi-colored paper clips and several sheets of colored paper. The task is to collect leaves of the same color in a small pack, and then fasten them with the same paper clip.
  • Bolts and nuts. Nothing unusual is required - only large bolts and nuts. And the meaning of the game is even simpler - to screw the nuts on the bolts.
  • Clothespins. Clothespins are taken and cling to a rope, cardboard or any other base. The task can also be complicated: some identification signs are glued to the base and clothespins, for example, colored cards or letters, and the child clings to the clothespins to the corresponding bases.

In fact, this list of games for the development of fine motor skills is not exhaustive. For this purpose, you can find some other games or come up with your own. Remember that anything is suitable for the development of motor skills: water, sand, shoelaces, wire, paper, etc. and so on.

And one more thing: developing fine motor skills is useful not only for children, but also for adults, so even if you do not have children, go to the store for plasticine, and we assure you, the evening will be spent with benefit.

Methodical development "Development of fine motor skills of the hand"

Author: Drankova Elena Alexandrovna, teacher of additional education
Place of work: MAU DO "TsDOD "Raduga" city of Perm

Methodical development "Development of fine motor skills of the hand" for children 7-8 years old

Purpose: creation of a methodological manual for the development of fine motor skills of the hand for younger students.
This development is necessary for teachers, parents for gymnastics for fingers. It contains a brief description of different types of finger games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hand.

In the general system of comprehensive development of a person, the upbringing of a child occupies an important place. Starting from preschool age, the foundations of health, physical and mental development are laid, motor and labor skills are formed, speech and motor skills of the hand develop.
In elementary school, a child must have some manual skills, but not all children have well-developed fine hand movements.
A teacher often faces a problem: how to develop hand motor skills? Therefore, I have selected and tested on children of primary school age a set of exercises and finger games. All these games help to make the most efficient use of class time, and make children want to effectively engage in manual labor and drawing.
It should be noted that the finger games proposed in this methodological development refer to health-saving technologies included in the list of modern educational technologies. Finger games and exercises for the development of motor skills help to increase the functional activity of the brain, stimulate speech, have a positive effect on the mental development of children, relieve mental stress and help with manual labor. It is very valuable that finger games contribute to the education of positive character traits in elementary school students: speed of reaction, sleight of hand, attentiveness, imagination, diligence. As a result of the exercises, the hands and fingers will gain strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate mastering the skill of writing and manual labor skills.

Fine motor skills are the ability to perform small movements with fingers and hands through the coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. Fine motor skills begin to develop naturally from infancy. With age, motor skills become more varied and complex. The proportion of actions that require coordinated movements of both hands is increasing.
Why is it so important to develop fine motor skills in a child's hands? The motor centers of speech in the cerebral cortex are located next to the motor centers of the fingers, therefore, by developing speech and stimulating the motor skills of the fingers, we transmit impulses to the speech centers, which activates speech, the overall development of the child and affects his intellectual abilities. Science has proven that one of the indicators of the normal physical and neuropsychic development of a child is the development of the hand, manual skills, or, as they say, fine motor skills.
Fine motor skills are a type of movement that involves small muscles. Classes for the development of fine motor skills of the hand are developing, health-saving and healing.
The influence of manual (manual) actions on the development of the human brain was known as early as the 2nd century BC in China. Experts argued that games involving hands and fingers lead to a harmonious relationship between the body and mind, maintain brain systems in excellent condition.
Neutrobiologists and psychologists involved in the study of the brain and mental development of children have long proved the connection between hand motor skills and speech development.
Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujiro created a healing technique for influencing the hands. He argued that the fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system.
Oriental doctors have established that massage of the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, massage of the index finger has a positive effect on the state of the stomach, the middle finger on the intestines, the ring finger on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger on the heart.
In Japan, palm and finger exercises with walnuts are widely used. An excellent healing and tonic effect is exerted by rolling a hexagonal pencil between the palms.
In China, palm exercises with stone and metal balls are common. The popularity of classes is explained by their healing and tonic effect on the body. Regular exercises with balls improve memory, mental abilities of the child, eliminate his emotional stress, improve the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, develop coordination of movements, strength and manual dexterity, maintain vitality.
Studies by domestic physiologists also confirm the connection between the development of hands and the development of the brain. The works of V. M. Bekhterov confirm the influence of hand manipulation on the functions of higher nervous activity, the development of speech. Simple hand movements help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also from the lips, relieve fatigue. They are able to improve the pronunciation of many sounds, and therefore - to develop the speech of the child. The study of M. M. Koltsov proved that each finger of the hand has a fairly extensive representation in the cerebral cortex. This fact should be used in work with children and where the development of speech occurs in a timely manner, and especially where there is a lag, a delay in the motor side of speech.

There are a wide variety of forms of training for the development of finger movement.
1. Static images with fingers of objects, images of the world around: figures from fingers "flag", "flower";
2. Active movements of the fingers in the rhythm of the text accompanying the game in poetic form: “fist-fist”, “patties-palms”;
3. Movement of fingers with objects: pencil, nuts, sticks, small ball, cords, rubber rings, clothespins and other objects;
4. Ira with mosaic;
5. Modeling with plasticine, salt dough, clay;
6. Paper work: torn appliqué, paper folding, cutting and pasting, origami;
7. Games with cereals, seeds: pouring cereals from one container to another, parsing different types of cereals, laying out images from cereals;
8. Actions with water: pouring water from one container to another;
9. Actions with sand: pouring sand, molding from wet sand;
10. Actions with small toys;
11. Actions with buttons: fastening, unbuttoning;
12. Action with ropes: tying and untying knots, with a bow;
13. Drawing on paper in different techniques: traditional methods and non-traditional methods;
14. Display of the finger theater;
15. Lego construction.

What happens when a child does finger gymnastics?
1. Performing exercises and rhythmic finger movements inductively leads to excitation in the speech centers of the brain and a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of the speech zones, which ultimately stimulates the development of speech.
2. Finger games create a favorable emotional background, develop the ability to imitate an adult, teach to listen and understand the meaning of speech, increase the child's speech activity.
3. The child learns to concentrate his attention and distribute it correctly.
4. If the child performs the exercises, accompanying them with short poetic lines, then his speech will become more clear, rhythmic, and vivid.
5. The child's memory develops as he learns to memorize. After all, in finger games you need to remember a lot: the position of the fingers, and the sequence of movements, and just poetry.
6. As a result of mastering all the exercises, the hands and fingers will gain strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate mastering the skill of writing.
7. Contribute to the development of creative activity. After all, you can “tell” whole stories with your hands!
8. Finger games help to form elementary mathematical representations in the game
9. Training the movements of the fingers and hands increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of the child's thinking.
10. Motility of the hand is activated. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements. Fingers and hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears.

Instructions for performing exercises for the development of motor skills of the hand.
At first, all exercises are performed slowly. It is necessary to ensure that the child correctly reproduces and holds the position of the hand or fingers and correctly switches from one movement to another.
If necessary, you need to help the child or teach him to help himself with his other hand.
Exercises are practiced first with one hand (if the participation of both hands is not provided), then with the other hand, after that - with both hands at the same time.
If the exercises are shown in the picture, then to create a visual image, you need to show the child a drawing and explain how the exercises are performed. Gradually, the need for explanation disappears.
When developing motor skills of the hands, one must not forget that the child has two hands. Exercises must be duplicated: perform both with the right hand and with the left. By developing the right hand, we stimulate the development of the left hemisphere of the brain. Conversely, by developing the left hand, we stimulate the development of the right hemisphere.
Finger training should start from early childhood. Children who have better developed small, subtle hand movements have a more developed brain, especially those parts of it that are responsible for speech. In other words, the better the child's fingers are developed, the easier it will be for him to master speech.

Main part.

Types of games and exercises for the development of hand motor skills:
Physical exercise
Fine motor skills of the hands are also developed by physical exercises. These are various hangings and climbing (along the stairs, at the sports complex). Such exercises strengthen the palms and fingers, develop muscles.
walnut exercises
You can widely use exercises for the palms and fingers with walnuts.
Rolling between the palms of a hex pencil
An excellent healing and tonic effect is exerted by rolling a hexagonal pencil between the palms.
ball games
In corrective practice, you can use the ball - which is an excellent tool. Their choice is quite wide: on sale there are balls of various colors, sizes, qualities, for every taste. Ball games develop fine and general motor skills, orientation in space, distract the child's attention from a speech defect, encourage communication, regulate the strength and accuracy of movement. They help to normalize the emotional-volitional sphere, which is especially important for hyperexcitable children. By developing muscle strength, they strengthen the work of the most important organs of the lungs, heart, and improve metabolism.

Complex of ball games "Warm-up"
I squeeze the ball hard
And I'll change my hand

Hello my favorite ball! -
Every finger will say in the morning

Dance knows how to dance
On the ball my every finger

I'll turn, and you check-
Top right now!

I knead the ball with my finger,
I drive the ball along the fingers.

I will play football
And I'll score a goal in the palm of my hand.

Top left, bottom right
I ride it - bravo.

Doesn't crawl or run
She circles over the flower.
For a coil comes a coil -
So she sat down on a flower.

Paper activities
Applique, origami, and design classes develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
Origami is a type of activity in which both hands are involved. That is why folding is a useful activity that contributes to the activity of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, since two hands are involved in the work at once. Classes develop attention, memory, imagination, ingenuity. All these mental features are inextricably linked and depend on the activity of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The function of the right hemisphere of the brain is associated with imagination, musical and artistic abilities, and the left hemisphere is associated with logical thinking, speech, counting, and scientific abilities. The plasticity of the child's brain and the minimal dominance of one hemisphere over the other is a very fertile ground for the development of both halves of the brain.
Doctors say that origami classes deeply affect the mental state of the child and bring him into balance. Anxiety is reduced in children practicing this art, which allows them to adapt to various difficult situations.
Classes with paper develop the child's skills in working with different materials, tools; educate perseverance, accuracy, attentiveness, creativity, imagination, fantasy, spatial thinking, broaden horizons, cognitive abilities.
Classes with plasticine, clay, salt dough.
Modeling classes develop motor skills in children. Students learn different techniques and methods of modeling from clay, salt dough, plasticine Dymkovo toys, dishes, animals, birds.
It is very valuable that modeling classes contribute to the education of elementary school students in the speed of reaction, manual dexterity, attentiveness, imagination, diligence, accuracy, perseverance. As a result of the manufacture of toys, the hands and fingers acquire strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate the mastery of writing and manual skills at school.
Finger games.
Finger games are exercises for fingers and pens, staging with their help any poems, stories, fairy tales. Finger games are an important part of the development of fine motor skills of the hands. These games are very emotional, exciting for children, and also extremely useful for their overall development.
In the oral speech of any nation, one can find short poems that are accompanied by finger movements, for example, the well-known "Magpie - Crow ...". The games “Ladushki”, “Horned Goat” were created by the talent of our folk pedagogy. It is recommended to stimulate the speech development of children by training the movement of the fingers, using folk games - nursery rhymes for preschool children, and finger games with poems for children of primary school age:

Days of the week
On Monday I washed, (fists three against each other)
I swept the floor on Tuesday. (hands of relaxed hands down and imitating movements on the table)
On Wednesday I baked kalach, (we bake "pies")
All Thursday I was looking for the ball, (we bring our right hand to our forehead and make a "visor")
I washed the cups on Friday, (the fingers of the left hand are half-bent, the palm is on the edge, and with the index finger of the right hand we drive in a circle inside the left hand)
I bought a cake on Saturday. (palms open and joined together on the side of the little fingers)
All girlfriends on Sunday
Called for a birthday. (waving palms towards you)

One, two, three, four, five, (bend fingers one at a time)
We went for a walk in the yard.
They sculpted a snow woman, (we imitate the modeling of lumps),
They fed the birds with crumbs, ("crush bread" with all fingers)
Then we rode down the hill, (we run the palm of our right hand along the palm of our left hand)
And they rolled in the snow. (we put our palms on the table with one or the other side)
Everyone came home in the snow, (we shake our hands)
We ate soup and went to bed. (we make movements with an imaginary spoon, put our hands under the cheek)

We shared an orange! (hands are clasped in the lock, we shake)
There are many of us (we spread our fingers)
And he is alone. (show only one finger)
This slice is for a hedgehog, (fingers are folded into a fist, we bend one finger at a time)
This slice is for a swift, (bend the next finger)
This is a slice for ducklings, (bend the next finger)
This is a slice for kittens, (bend the next finger)
This slice is for the beaver, (bend the next finger)
And for the wolf peel! (palms down, fingers outstretched)
He's angry with us, trouble! (wiggle finger)
Run away whoever! (simulate running fingers on the table)

We remember the dough with handles, (squeeze-unclench fingers)
Let's bake a sweet cake. (as if kneading dough)
Lubricate the middle with jam, (circular movements of the palms on the table)
And the top - with sweet cream (circular movements of the palms of each other)
And coconut crumbs
We will sprinkle the cake a little (sprinkle the "crumbs" with the fingers of both hands)
And then we'll make tea -
Invite a friend to visit! (one hand shakes the other)

The wind quietly shakes the maple, (fingers are spread out and stretch up)
Tilts to the right, to the left: (we shake our palms to the right and to the left)
One - tilt and two - tilt, (tilt left - right palms low-low)
The maple rustled with leaves. (wiggle fingers)
A boat is sailing on the river
He swims from afar, (fold your hands like a boat and make wave-like movements)
Four on the boat
A very brave sailor. (show 4 fingers raised up)
They have ears on top of their head, (raise hands to head, show ears with bent palms)
They have long tails, (we put our hand to the lower back, we depict movements with the tail)
But only cats are afraid of them,
Only cats and cats. (we raise both hands to the head, depict cat claws and hiss)

There is a lock on the door (hands in the lock)
Who could open it? (pull fingers without opening)
Pulled, (pulled)
Twisted, (rotate hands)
Knocked (knocking with the base of the palms)
And - opened! (hands open)

We chop cabbage, chop (we chop with our palms)
We three cabbage, three (fists rub each other)
We salt the cabbage, salt (salt with a pinch)
We mash cabbage, mash (we squeeze and unclench our fingers)
Put it in a jar and try it.

I walked alone along the path, (show one finger)
My two legs went with me (shows two fingers)
Suddenly three mice meet, (show three fingers)
Oh, we saw a kitten! (claps his hands on his cheeks and, as it were, shakes his head with his hands)
He has four paws (show four fingers)
There are sharp scratches on the paws, (we scratch the surface of what is at hand with our nails)
One, two, three, four, five (for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)
You need to run fast! (two fingers, index and middle, run along the surface)

One two three four five -
Let's collect the leaves. They clench and unclench their fists.
Birch leaves, Bend the thumb.
Rowan leaves, Bend the index finger.
Poplar leaves, Bend the middle finger.
Aspen leaves, Bend the ring finger.
We will collect oak leaves, Bend the little finger.
Mom will take the autumn bouquet. They clench and unclench their fists.

On a visit to the thumb
Came straight to the house Alternately connect all the fingers
Index and middle finger, with thumb.
The nameless and last little finger taps on the thumb.
Little finger itself
Knocked on the threshold.
Together, fingers are friends, Collect fingers into a pinch.
They cannot live without each other.
1. T.A. Dateshidze "The system of correctional work with children with delayed speech development" - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2004.
2. O.N. Gromova T.A. Prokopenko "Games - fun for the development of fine motor skills of the hand" Educational and practical guide Publisher: "Gnome and D", Moscow, 2001
3. L.P. Savina "Finger gymnastics" Manual for parents and teachers Publishing house: "Rodnichok", Moscow 2000
4. Shcherbakova T.N. "Finger Games" Publisher: "Karapuz", 1998

Olga Raevskaya

Perhaps every modern parent knows about the need development of fine motor skills. But not everyone finds the time and desire to seriously engage in this fun and rewarding process. But each group of skills needs develop at the right time. It is very important to understand that fine motor skills will help your child in the future to perform various household activities (fasten buttons, wash hands, wipe, study (write, draw, play.

Fine motor skills can be developed using various board games (mosaics, puzzles, lotto, dominoes, finger games and exercises, massage, special techniques.

There are many different ones in the shops educational games and manuals. However, having shown imagination, it is quite possible to get by with improvised materials. In order to interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not back down if the tasks seem difficult, do not forget to praise the child.

Games on development of fine motor skills in children

using available materials.

An excellent effect is given by beans, peas, cereals "baths". Pour dried peas, beans or buckwheat into a saucepan or large bowl. Then we hide among legumes or small cereals items: toys from "kinder surprises", constructor details or something else. The task of the child is to find and pull out funny toys.

Take a bright tray. In a thin, even layer, scatter any small groats. Run your child's finger over the rump. Get a bright contrasting line. Let the kid draw some chaotic lines himself. Then try to draw some objects together (fence, rain, waves, letters, etc.).

Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into the pan. The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, sentencing:

"Knead, knead the dough,

There is room in the oven.

Will-will be from the oven

Buns and rolls."

Give the child a piece of cardboard and a simple pencil and ask him to draw some simple drawing. Then give him glue and beans. Let the child smear the cardboard with glue along the pencil line, and then stick the beans on it - you get a voluminous application.

Choose buttons of different colors and sizes. First, lay out the drawing yourself, then ask the child to do the same on their own. After the child learns to complete the task without your help, invite him to come up with his own versions of the drawings. From a button mosaic, you can lay out a tumbler, a butterfly, a snowman, balls, beads, etc.

Give your child a round hair brush. The child rolls the brush between the palms, sentencing:

"At the pine, at the fir, the Christmas tree

Very sharp needles.

But even stronger than the spruce forest,

The juniper will prick you."

The child rolls a walnut between the palms and sentences:

"I roll my nut,

To become rounder than everyone.

The child holds two walnuts in one hand and rotates them one around the other.

Get a sink grate (usually it consists of many cells). The child walks with his index and middle fingers, like legs, along these cells, trying to take steps on each stressed syllable. "Walk" you can alternately with one or the other hand, or you can use both at the same time, speaking:

"We wandered in the zoo,

Each cell was approached

And looked at everyone:

Bear cubs, wolf cubs, beavers.

We take a dumpling. Its surface is like a honeycomb. Child with two fingers (index and middle) depicts a bee flying over honeycombs:

"Fingers, like bees, fly through the honeycomb

And each includes checking: what's there?

Will there be enough honey for all of us until spring,

To avoid hungry dreams?

Pour dry peas into a mug. For each stressed syllable, the child transfers the peas one by one to another mug. First with one hand, then with both hands at the same time, alternately with the thumb and middle fingers, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger. Any quatrains are chosen.

We put two corks from plastic bottles on the table with the thread up. This - "skis". Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. Moving on "skiing", making one step for each percussion syllable:

"We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,

We love the fun of a cold winter."

You can try to do the same with both hands at the same time.

Child collects matches (or counting sticks) the same fingers of different hands (pads): two indexes, two middles, etc.

We are building "log" from matches or counting sticks. The higher and smoother the frame, the better.

Clothespin (check with your fingers that it is not too tight) alternately "bite" nail phalanges (from index finger to little finger and vice versa) on stressed syllables verse:

“A silly kitten bites hard,

He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)

But I'm playing with you baby

And if you bite, I will say you: "Shush!".

We pull the rope at the level of the child’s shoulders and give him a few clothespins. For each stressed syllable, the child attaches a clothespin to rope:

"I'll pinch the clothespins deftly

I'm on my mother's rope.

We cut out blanks of various shapes from colored cardboard and invite the child to complete the work - attach clothespins of the corresponding color along the edges. For example, turn a yellow circle into a sun with rays, a green triangle into a Christmas tree, etc.

We take the rope (as thick as a child's little finger) and tie 12 knots on it. The child, sorting through the nodes with his fingers, names the month of the year in order for each node. You can make similar devices from beads, buttons, etc.

The child crumples, starting from the corner, a handkerchief (or plastic bag) so that it all fits in the cam.

Stringing beads and buttons. In summer, you can make beads from mountain ash, nuts, pumpkin seeds and cucumbers, small fruits, etc.. e. An interesting activity for development of the imagination, fantasies and fine motor skills of hands.

Be sure to supervise your child while playing with small items!

The normal development of the child, starting from infancy, requires classes on the development of fine motor skills. Many parents have probably heard this term, but not everyone knows what it means and why classes are so necessary. Let's talk about development of fine motor skills: what is it, why are classes needed, what should they be?

Children's physiology and features of the development of fine motor skills

Gross motor skills are body movements that are performed under the command of psychoanalytic reactions in the brain center. There are three main types of motor skills:

  1. Large. Large muscle work (jogging, push-ups)
  2. Small. Movement of the hands and fingers. This includes combining actions (eyes + hands when drawing).
  3. Articulation. Ability and ability to coordinate the functions of speech skills (coherent conversation).

Western scientists, having conducted research in the field of psychology, concluded that it is one third of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for fine motor skills. This part is "next door" to the brain speech center. This fact makes it possible to say that the development of fine motor skills in infants affects the formation process:

  • · speech skills;
  • memory
  • thinking;
  • logic;
  • imagination.

It was noticed that children who have good control over their hands are more diligent and get tired much less than children with whom no fine motor skills classes have been conducted.

A calendar of norms for the formation of fine motor skills in babies, or what and when you need to be able to?

Each age has its own norms for the development of fine motor skills, that is, the child is able to do a certain range of actions. As the nervous system matures and develops, the baby acquires more and more developmental opportunities. The formation of these skills must be monitored, since each subsequent achievement can only occur after the successful development of certain skills of one's age.

A step-by-step calendar of norms for the development of fine motor skills

  1. 4 months after birth. The first weeks of the newborn's hands are clenched into fists, and if we talk about the development of fine motor skills, then it is the unclenching of closed fists that can be called the first action in its development. All movements of the crumbs are still reflex, although the baby is trying to somehow coordinate them. Initially, he learns to control the movements of his eyes and head, then he reaches for objects with his hands, equally with his left and right, without highlighting the dominant one. Having caught the object in the palm at the reflex level, he clamps the brush.
  2. From 4 months to 1 year. There is an improvement in the movement of hands and fingers. Initially, the baby learns to use only one hand when holding an object. Further, this item is transferred from one hand to another. By six months, he confidently holds small objects in his palm, and by 7–8 he uses his thumb and forefinger in order to pick up small toys from the floor. Actively and consciously uses hands to help oneself sit up, stand up, hold. Closer to 12 months, he can safely touch the beads. You can read more about the development of a baby of this age in the article:.
  3. From 1 year to 2 years. Actions are getting better. At this age, the baby knows how to hold a spoon, handle it. Showing drawing skills. He can depict scribbles, dots and not quite even circles. Closer to two years, it is noticeable which of the hands is dominant. The child actively uses the index finger, showing it and touching unfamiliar objects with it.
  4. From 2 years to 3 years. The movements involve not only the hands, but also the forearms, elbows. By the age of three, the pencil takes the correct position in the hand and the first masterpieces come out from under it in the form of straight lines, circles, ovals, squares. At this time, the little one must be introduced to scissors. Normally, when he is three years old, he knows how to cut a sheet of paper in half.
  5. From 3 years to 4 years. The work uses the second hand. So, if a child draws with his right hand, then with his left he already holds the sheet on which he draws. He is able to color the figures, slightly going beyond the contour. It may well cut out a drawn large figure from paper. Closer to the age of four, he gets beautiful small details in his drawings.
  6. From 4 years to 5 years. Finger motor skills are almost perfect. The kid, playing and applying drawing skills, does not use the entire hand, but only the brush. The coloring of the drawings becomes clearer and the lines no longer go beyond the contour. With the help of scissors, he is able to cut quite complex figures.
  7. From 5 years to 6 years. Hand movements are coordinated. A pen or pencil is already confidently "lying" in the dominant hand. The kid knows how to write straight sticks in a certain field. Uses scissors well. In addition to the development of motor skills, you should think about social sociability and the education of independence. For this purpose, a pet is suitable. If your choice falls on a dog, then we advise you to read the article:.

What is the risk of this lack of development?

Insufficient level of fine motor skills slows down the process of formation of speech functions. If you do not conduct classes with a toddler, starting from infancy, then as a consequence, problems with memory and logical thinking will arise in the future. Today, there are quite a lot of devices, toys, activities that can help the baby. Parents, for their part, need to monitor the stages of development so that the child does not have problems with school performance, since the lack of development of fine motor skills leads to a lack of concentration, increased fatigue, and these indicators will inevitably lead to lagging behind peers.

How to develop fine motor skills in children ?

Starting from birth, parents should devote time to developing activities with the baby. First aid will be in putting rattles in the palms. Next, you need to let him touch different fabrics and textures. From 8 months, the following development methods can be applied.

Development of fine motor skills with massage

Carrying out a competent massage on the palms of the baby is an excellent option for developing motor skills. For massage sessions, you can attract an experienced specialist or knead the palms yourself. Manipulations begin at 3 months. For one session, 5 minutes is enough. Massage should be performed in the following sequence:

  • Gently stroke the child's palm for a minute;
  • rub your palm until warm;
  • · with light tapping movements of your fingers, walk along the hands and palms;
  • bend and unbend your fingers several times;
  • massage each finger individually.

Development of fine motor skills with finger games

Game No1. Okay.

Everyone remembers such words "Paladushki, patty, where they were at grandma's...". With the help of this game, the kid will learn to straighten the reflexively twisted fingers and clap his hands.

Game No2. beads

Entrust the child to sort out the buttons typed on a string or beads from small beads. Children love to touch such small objects with their little fingers. At an older age, you can invite the child to string beads on a thread or fishing line on their own.

Game No3. cereals

Such a game, in addition to motor skills, helps to become aware of tactile sensations. Pour any cereals into a bowl, buckwheat and rice are perfect. Give the bowl to the little one, let him touch it with his hands, sprinkle the cereal. You can hide in a bowl of cereal, a few small items, let the baby try to find them.

Game No4. Cinderella

After the age of 3, let your child help in the kitchen. Mix 3 types of cereals (peas, buckwheat, beans) let him sort the cereals into three different bowls.

Game No5. Guess

Blindfold the little one's eyes and give different objects to his hands, let him guess what is in his hands.

From the age of 7–9 months, you can offer your child colored paper. Let him crush it, feel it, tear it. At an older age, teach him to tear paper into strips or create applications from it. The smaller the pieces of torn paper will be, the more perfect the fine motor skills of the hands will become.

At the age of 1-1.5 years, show how to turn the pages in a book. The process will be much more exciting if the book is with bright pictures.

Exercise No3. Making a rattle

Give your child an empty plastic bottle and offer to throw small items into it. It can be beans, buttons or beads. Pour them on the table, let him take them himself and throw them into the bottle. At the end of the work, twist the bottle, let him play with the resulting rattle.

Development of fine motor skills through lessons

  1. Drawing. Initially, this is learning to hold a pencil in your hands. Next, drawing the first sticks, dots, outlining the contours of various objects. After drawings, letters, etc.
  2. Coloring. Teach your child to color both large and small objects. For these purposes, coloring pages, which the baby can already buy at 3 years old, are great help.
  3. Modeling. This activity is suitable for any age. For classes, you can use plasticine, clay or dough. Initially, it is enough to roll a ball or strip of plasticine. Any preparation of a dish from dough can also be turned into an exciting game. The kid will gladly help roll out and sculpt the dough. Learn how to spend time with your baby and make memorable casts from the article:.
  4. Cutting out. Children's scissors without sharp ends can be given to a child closer to 3 years. After he learns how to handle them, give him a glue stick and colored paper. Creating an application will help develop imagination.
  5. Embroidery. By the age of 5-6, it will be relevant to embroider with the child. More about this lesson in the article:.

Development of fine motor skills with educational toys

  1. Finger dexterity toys. Make a toy out of empty plastic bottles of different sizes and colors. The main idea is to twist and twist the caps on these bottles.
  2. Buttons. Teach your child how to fasten and unfasten buttons, open and close zippers. He can do it on his clothes or on yours.
  3. Lacing. For these purposes, you can use an old unnecessary boot or make a model with lacing. Have your child lace up and unlace the laces or ribbons.
  4. Mosaic. The main condition is that the details must correspond to age. So, small peanuts can be offered large details. Adults can purchase mosaics with small parts.
  5. Board with items. Such a toy is made from a piece of plywood and various devices: a switch, a latch, door hinges and other parts used in everyday life. The kid feels them with interest, opens, turns them on.
  6. Puzzles. Great for developing fine motor skills. These can be large puzzles that fold into a children's rug for the little ones. For older ones, you can use magnetic puzzles on the refrigerator. Well, for school age, standard paper puzzles with many details are suitable.
  7. Pyramid. Such a toy develops not only motor skills, but also logic. After all, the rings of the pyramid must be folded from largest to smallest.
  8. Constructor. For older children, a designer with small details is suitable. Such a toy trains the development of motor skills, logic, perseverance and many other skills.

If you understand, then any housework can turn into the development of fine motor skills for your child. You can train little fingers and grasping movements in all sorts of ways, the main thing is to show a little imagination. Engage in drawing, modeling, coloring with your child and in the future you will not have problems with the academic performance and development of your child.

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev

A trifle for the development of fine motor skills

Development of fine motor skills | Important Preface

Once I read a post by a mother about how she actively engages in fine motor skills with her baby, sometimes finding “surprises” in the diaper, and I was horrified, because each of the small motor surprises could be the cause of the baby’s death! I want to warn everyone that small objects in the airways are deadly And if you are not ready to keep your eyes on the baby during fine motor skills, it is better to wait until 3 years!
When practicing fine motor skills with kids, do not forget about most important rule: If a child under three years of age has objects less than 5-4 cm within reach, your gaze should be constantly riveted on the child.

All children put everything in their mouths

Lots of kids do it, but Not all! I was lucky - Yana almost never put anything into her mouth. At the first games with small objects, I gave her a few warnings. For about a year, such warnings were no longer required.
Sometimes she has a desire to pour loose objects, including on her head. Especially when getting acquainted with a new bulk filler. As a rule, after a series of explanations, this desire passes.
I suggest trying to collect statistics by answering the question:

How often does your child put small items in his mouth?

Fillers for the development of fine motor skills

Fillers-grains for the development of fine motor skills

The very first question for those who are just thinking about fine motor skills is “Which filler to use?”.
Basically, everyone wants it to be economical and look aesthetically pleasing.

I suggest focusing on age limits. It makes no sense for a baby of 6-8 months to offer small cereals for the development of motor skills. As such, small-motor development in this case will be ineffective. The baby will receive a portion of tactile sensations, but for little hands, whose sensitivity is not yet developed, fine grits overly complex filler. Imagine if you are offered to sort out cereals in mittens. It's not very convenient, is it? Therefore, we start with large parts, gradually reducing their size.
After the baby begins to confidently hold medium objects 5-4 cm, we provide smaller ones.
It makes sense to add cereals and other small fillers when the baby begins to learn to hold spoons, spatulas, pour, sow. Most often, this age corresponds to 1 year, for babies with a rapid pace of development, it is better to start playing with cereals from 9 months.

For aesthetic combinations, I have the following guidelines:

  • A dark-colored trifle goes well with buckwheat, figurines and beads made of wood and nuts.
  • Universal for combinations of cereals - rice. It can even be painted to match the little things.

The most economical fillers and their companions:

  • cereals;
  • grandmother's buttons;
  • beads from cheap jewelry.

The most interesting filler (one of our favorites) is kinetic sand (I have a beautiful and detailed one about it). It's good in every way, except for the price. A variety of games with him requires a separate post :-).

Disadvantages and features of some fillers:

  • hydrogel- popular due to the unusual tactile texture, but with a detailed study of the composition, you can find out that when it is destroyed, potassium acrylate and acrylamide are released. Acrylamide is a lethal neurotoxin and has been found to cause cancer in laboratory animals. It easily passes through the skin and can be inhaled as a dust. If swallowing is excluded, then games with hydrogel are dangerous only if it rolls into a far corner and begins to break down in the room. Therefore, we do not use hydrogel in our games.
  • glass pebbles for aquariums (marbles) - I considered them an excellent option until, when buying the next portion, I did not encounter broken ones. It turns out that during the game there is a chance that the child can break the pebble and cut himself with fragments. We do not leave the baby alone even with large pebbles! This is, of course, reinsurance, in general, marbles are very pleasant for games - I recommend it!
  • round beads and marbles - they like to roll into various cracks. Yana loves them so much that sometimes I just can't refuse her the pleasure of driving them around the apartment.
  • semolina and ordinary sand are very loose, quickly capture the territory and therefore are not convenient. We deal with them in rare cases, only when the occupation requires a fine texture (learning to use a sieve or salt shaker).

The development of fine motor skills in games for the little ones

Fine motor skills, according to various sources, are the movements of the fingers or hands and fingers. By the way, gross motor skills are the movement of arms and legs, and it is no less important :-).
The development of fine motor skills should begin from the moment when the child has learned to hold the first rattle. For starters, we suggest holding the most comfortable light and small items. Gradually we complicate the task - we give out smaller items and offer them to touch / get / put / hide / select / sort from various containers, etc. There should be a lot of games because most are disposable - they get bored after one game.
For games with the smallest it is better to use:

Ideal options for the development of fine motor skills are many items that are in every home:

  • tea bags in individual packages;
  • a set of sponges for washing dishes (it is even more interesting to play with them if cut into pieces);
  • chess;
  • hair bands;
  • to develop tactile sensations, pour fillers of different textures into small socks (beans, semolina, rice, cotton wool, etc.), sew them up so that the filler does not spill out. Some socks can be stuffed tightly, others softly. Give this variety to the study of the child. The game will probably take about 5 minutes. After losing interest in sock blanks, hide them away and take them out in a month or two. Interest in socks will return each time until the child discovers their secret - i.e. up to 4-5 years, and maybe older.
  • colorful toilet paper :-).

Here are some of our game options, I hope I will be original:

Scarves and pyramid rings are a great start to developing fine motor skills.

Hair bands are another safe and fun option to play with.

Development of fine motor skills in children older than 1 year (in rare cases, 9 months)

Depending on the pace of development (for faster ones - in 9 months, for slow ones - by a year), we add games with:

  • cereals;
  • sand accessories;
  • toy dishes;
  • pyramid with cups.

Some mothers recommend giving babies a spoon as soon as possible for the fastest learning to eat independently. I am against this, because if you have a child with a slow pace of development, you will have to wash the entire kitchen and the child himself for a long time. It is quite another thing to learn how to use a spoon on cereals!

We sift the rice from the beads. This is our favorite sieve - large and convenient

For some reason, Yana attracted these ducks to small-engine games

The dishes can be replaced with a pyramid of cups and a regular spoon

The easiest thing to do with a spoon, you can use an egg cell and beads for it

Development of fine motor skills of advanced kids (from 1.5 years old)

At an older age, the kid himself begins to invent games, often turning them into role-playing ones.

Beads 0.5 cm perfectly laid out in the cells of the back side of Lego parts

Small cubes of dish sponge Yana was carried away for several hours

Many of the games in this post come from watching Yana.

Fine motor skills | A few words about Jan

For those who are interested in our success, I will write about its development (it is now almost 1 year 10 months old). Despite the active, plentiful classes in fine motor skills and other things, the results of speech development are very modest - there are only about 10 words in the active vocabulary. Sometimes I get the impression that my daughter decided to prove the failure of modern pedagogical theories :-).
Nevertheless, this is not a reason not to follow them and, at a slow pace of development, consider your efforts in vain, since most likely the results are not visible to the naked eye. After all, in fact it is very difficult to objectively assess the development of the child(the degree of his understanding of the surrounding situation, the ability to make decisions and other really important things) - therefore, they took as standards what can be counted and measured (such superficial signs as the number of words in the active dictionary, cubes in the tower, etc.).

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