The child fell a hematoma on the head what to do. Consequences for the child

When should you see a doctor, and in what cases can you get by with applying an ice towel? We will talk about this and the alarming symptoms in babies after falls below.

Why do babies hit their heads most often?

Mechanical trauma to the skull is one of the most common reasons why frightened parents turn to traumatology departments. This is by no means due to the children's "stupidity", but because of the special children's anatomy.

The fact is that in babies under the age of five, the head weighs about a quarter of the total body weight. Accordingly, when falling, it hits first. Since there is no self-preservation instinct yet and coordination is poorly developed, the baby does not put his hands in front of him in flight, hence the increased likelihood of a concussion and other troubles.

They save babies from severe head injuries when falling and “fontanelles” that do not grow up to a year, and a large amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranium, which can soften the fall.

Fortunately, most falls turn into only fright and bruises in children and spent nerves of parents. And yet, everyone should know the alarming signs in which it is necessary to provide the baby with first aid.

How to recognize the risk of impact?

When babies start crawling and then walking, they very often stumble, hit, fall (and often from a height greater than their height), as a result of which bumps, abrasions, bruises and bruises appear on the head. How exactly can you recognize how dangerous this particular blow or bump is for the health of a fidget? Is it worth showing the child to a pediatrician, neurologist, or immediately go to the emergency department of traumatology?

Forehead injury

If, after falling or hitting an obstacle, the crumbs have a huge bump on their forehead, this is quite normal. Severe swelling is due to a large number of blood vessels bursting during mechanical trauma in the soft tissues of the skull. Hematomas on the forehead are most often round in shape, they quickly subside and stop bothering the fidget and his parents, in most cases they do not have serious consequences.

However, all this is true for older children, falling and hitting the baby’s head should not be left unattended - show the baby to the pediatrician, even if you think that there is no danger. An experienced doctor will examine the baby and reassure the parents.

Trauma to the back of the head

A blow to the back of the head is a serious reason to go to the emergency room of the pediatric traumatology department or to the pediatrician: often such injuries have quite serious consequences. And the younger the baby, the sooner you need to see a doctor, delay can cost the child his sight, because in the back of the skull there are nerve endings that connect the visual center of the brain and the eyeballs.

In addition to vision problems, the child may have impaired coordination of movements, develop a tremor. The probability of neurological deviations in development is high.

First aid for mechanical injuries of the skull

After a fall, do not hesitate, inspect the bruised area and assess the severity of the injury. Then provide first aid and, if necessary, call an ambulance. If the bump or cut on the head is very large and looks intimidating, take a photo of the wound on a mobile phone for the doctor (swelling of the soft tissues on the head can go away very quickly).

If a large bump or hematoma appears on the baby's head

Soothe the baby and apply a cold compress to the bruised area or just a bottle of cold water wrapped in a thin cloth. Hold the compress for five minutes and remove it for two to three minutes (to restore blood circulation). This will relieve some pain and stop internal bleeding. Then apply the compress again for five minutes. Repeat these steps for about 20-30 minutes - it is during this time that the final formation of the hematoma occurs.

If there is a bleeding abrasion on the forehead or back of the head

With a sterile cotton swab or a piece of bandage moistened with hydrogen peroxide, treat the abrasion, stop the blood by simply pressing a clean, dry bandage to the wound (you need to press lightly, for three to five minutes).

A child older than two years who will tolerate a slight tingle can be disinfected with rubbing alcohol, vodka, or washed with soap and water.

If the blood continues to flow, despite all the manipulations, call an ambulance.

If after the fall you did not find any damage

Behave as usual, calm the baby and caress him. Tirelessly observe his behavior - any oddities should alert you. The child may begin to act up, complain of headaches and nausea, get tired quickly and sleep unusually long - all these are alarm bells indicating a possible concussion or neurological problems.

If your child roars, complains of nausea and migraines, faints and is discoordinated after hitting his head, call an ambulance immediately.

How to behave if there is a slight suspicion of a concussion?

If the baby is old enough to explain his condition to his parents (he can tell where he hurts, that he is sick or dizzy), and you see no good reason to take him to the doctor, but doubts remain, just watch.

  • Immediately after the fall, soothe the baby and put it in bed, keep him busy with quiet games and stories, read a book. Explain that everything is in order, but now you need to lie down a little calmly.
  • Watch the baby for several hours for the appearance of alarming symptoms. At least three to four hours, do not let us fall asleep: in a dream, you can miss the worsening of the concussion.
  • If the child is very small, wake him up at night and monitor the coordination of movements.
  • Observe the fidget for three to four days: if no warning signs were noticed during this period, then the injury passed without complications.

Bad Signs in a Head Injury

Any bruised skull requires careful long-term monitoring of parents at home or doctors in a hospital. For reinsurance after an injury, if you decide to leave your baby at home, exclude his physical and mental stress: forbid reading, watching TV or playing computer. The exception is quiet classical music. In the event of the complications described below, show the baby to the pediatrician.

Anxiety symptoms after a blow to the frontal part of the skull

After hitting the forehead or falling face down, the crumbs may experience the following symptoms, indicating dangerous complications:

  • a depression (dent) on the forehead instead of the usual bump;
  • lump of abnormally large size;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • uncontrollable crying, hysteria;
  • hard breath;
  • blanching of the skin of the face;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • enlarged pupils, the appearance of strabismus;
  • lethargy and lethargy;
  • difficulty speaking;
  • discoordination, stiffness of movements;
  • ear or nose bleeding.

If a child has at least one of these symptoms after hitting his head, call an ambulance immediately!

Lay the baby on a couch or bed on their back or side (for babies who cannot roll over on their own if they vomit) and do not give any medication on their own: this can make it very difficult for doctors to diagnose.

Anxiety symptoms after a blow to the back of the head

Occipital mechanical injuries can cause all of the above signs, as well as the following symptoms:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • memory loss;
  • doubling of the image in the eyes;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • severe headaches and dizziness.

According to statistics, it is the occipital injuries of the skull that most often lead to a concussion, so they need to be taken seriously.

Toddlers fall back during the beginning of independent movement, with light pushes and loss of balance, while teenagers fall during fights, while rollerblading or regular skating. Older children should be made to wear a helmet to prevent injury.

Possible consequences

The head is one of the most important and vulnerable parts of our body, which is why skull injuries can have irreversible consequences that cause trouble for a lifetime. After hitting the head, the child must be observed. It is possible that he will become whiny, start to sleep poorly and learn school material worse.

The consequences of trauma to the frontal part of the skull

Injuries after a blow to the forehead are of several types:

  • Open - soft tissues and bones of the skull are damaged, the injury is accompanied by bleeding and loss of consciousness, pain shock. In these cases, immediate hospitalization is necessary.
  • Closed - soft tissue and bone are intact. There are varying degrees of severity and require different treatment tactics.
  1. A contusion of the brain is a serious condition, usually accompanied by a prolonged loss of consciousness, nose or ear bleeding. There are bruises around the eyes, speech is difficult. One of the facial nerves responsible for facial expressions may be affected.
  2. A concussion is a common condition that occurs after a severe trauma to the skull. It is characterized by vomiting and constant nausea, dizziness, cyanosis of the lips and pallor of the skin on the face. In some cases, these symptoms may not be present, but an unusually poor, restless restless night's sleep is a reason to see a doctor. With concussion put weekly bed rest with a minimum of brain activity.
  3. Hematoma or bump, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues. The baby does not cry for long, soon after the pain is eliminated, he calms down and forgets about the incident.

The consequences of trauma to the occipital part of the skull

In addition to the above complications, blows to the back of the head can give the following consequences:

  • distraction, inattention;
  • discoordination of movements on one side (usually on the one where the blow fell);
  • memory impairment;
  • insomnia;
  • the occurrence of persistent migraines.

How to avoid injury?

  1. Never leave a baby on a sofa, bed without sides or a changing table - it can fall instantly. Plant better on the floor or in his crib.
  2. If you are sitting on the couch with a baby, put a couple of large pillows on the floor - this will soften the fall in case of your oversight.
  3. In a stroller or car seat, always fasten your baby with a seat belt.
  4. When the child begins to learn to walk, a dense carpet will come to your aid - the legs do not slip on it, and falling is not so painful.
  5. Get fidget socks with rubber pimples on the sole - this will make it easier for him to walk and prevent falls.
  6. Encourage your child to wear a safety helmet while rollerblading, skating, cycling or scootering.
  7. Protect your apartment as much as possible: buy rubber pads for sharp corners of furniture.

Guys, I came across this article. Not mine!!! Just for information. Maybe it will be useful to someone, but not to someone. Everyone has their own opinion. So, suddenly someone come in handy. I found it, since Matvey just fell, or rather slipped, a bump formed on the back of his head. I searched the internet for an answer and found this article. Only now he fell just before bedtime, I lulled him, and now I'm worried, I was told not to let him sleep for 1-1.5 hours. What do you say?

Often our children fall and we ask ourselves: “should I call an ambulance?”. Here, I found an interesting article on one of the sites about the signs of traumatic brain injury and first aid for a child.

Often in a situation where a child falls out of bed or a changing table, the mother does not know what to do. Do I need to run to the doctor, call an ambulance or help the child on my own? It all depends on the severity of the damage, but the most important thing is to calm down and think soberly.

The child fell out of bed and hit his head: possible injuries

When small children fall, a blow to the head is inevitable. What is important is not exactly which place he hit when he fell (on the forehead or the back of the head), but the severity of the brain damage.

A child's body differs in many ways from an adult's, the bones of the skull have not fully fused up to a year (they are easily displaced), and the brain tissues are fragile and immature. All of these factors predispose to more severe brain damage.

All traumatic brain injuries are divided into:
- open (damaged bones and soft tissues)
-closed (when the integrity of the bones of the skull and soft tissues is not broken)

Closed brain injuries are divided into:
-brain concussion
- brain injury
- compression of the brain

With a concussion, there are no changes in the structure of the substance of the brain, with a bruise, foci of destruction of the brain substance occur, and compression appears against the background of a bruise due to rupture of blood vessels or fragments of the skull.

If the child fell and hit his head (back of the head or forehead), there may be a soft tissue injury - the easiest injury when the brain does not suffer in any way. Then there is a bump or abrasion at the site of impact.

Symptoms of a brain injury

A concussion of the brain is manifested by a short-term loss of consciousness. In children younger than a year, it can be difficult to notice. It is possible to assume such a state if some time (1-3 minutes) has passed from the moment of falling to the appearance of crying. The child may vomit. Up to 3 months, vomiting can be repeated. There is blanching of the skin, sweating, as well as drowsiness and refusal to eat. Children under one year old do not sleep well the first night after an injury.

With a brain contusion, loss of consciousness may be longer (more than an hour), signs of respiratory and cardiac activity may appear.

If a child falls out of bed and falls in such a way that the bones of the skull are fractured, their condition may be severe. Perhaps the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid (clear liquid) or blood from the nose, ear. There are bruises around the eyes (a symptom of glasses). However, symptoms may appear several hours after the injury.

How to assess the severity of the injury if the child fell and hit his head?

If the child has fallen from the bed (sofa, changing table or other surfaces), it is necessary to closely monitor his condition. In the case when everything ended with 10-15 minutes of crying, and the child's condition has not changed, you can not go to the doctor.

If the mother has at least some doubt that the injury is not dangerous, it is better to call a doctor, because it is more reliable to make sure that the child is healthy than to treat serious consequences later.

Children under 1.5 years old can do neurosonography. This procedure is painless, inexpensive and performed using an ultrasound machine. With its help, an increase in intracranial pressure and the presence of life-threatening hemorrhages are determined. At a later age, such a study will not work if a large fontanel is overgrown.

The child fell out of bed - first aid

If a lump appears at the site of impact, you can apply ice in a napkin or something cold. Magnesium has a resolving effect, lotions with such a solution should be done 2 times a day.

In the presence of bleeding, tissue in the form of a tampon is applied to the wound. If the bleeding does not stop for more than 15 minutes, you need to call an ambulance.

If the child fell and hit his forehead or the back of his head, then he should not sleep for an hour (this applies to children older than a year), because. by the adequacy of his answers and reactions to your questions, you can understand whether the brain has suffered. You can (and should) wake up and check your coordination at night.

The child must be monitored very closely and cared for for 7 days if the doctor has allowed to stay at home. The child needs peace and lack of visual stress (especially for children older than 1.5-2 years).

Should I call an ambulance if the child fell and hit his head?

In case of loss of consciousness and severe bleeding from the wound, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is better to lay the baby on its side, especially if there is vomiting (in this position, it will not choke).

If a child falls from a great height on his head or back, damage to the spine is possible. Then change the position of the baby should be very careful to avoid injury to the spinal cord.

An ambulance should be called when any of the alarming symptoms appear:
- deterioration of well-being
- the child "falls asleep on the go", feels dizzy (this applies to older children)
- spasms or twitching of the muscles of the body
- wide pupils do not constrict from bright light or pupils of different sizes
- severe pallor
-blood in urine, feces, or vomit
paresis or paralysis of muscles

In severe brain injuries, appropriate treatment is prescribed only after a thorough examination of the child.

Prevention of head injuries in children due to falls

The situation when a child falls out of bed or a changing table happens most often with children under one year old. Therefore, you should not leave the baby alone, especially if he has already learned to roll over. It is better to leave the child on the floor (not naked, of course).

A changing table is a very dangerous thing, as it has a small area. Therefore, the mere presence of adults is not enough, you need to hold the child with your hand. It is better to swaddle the baby on the bed or sofa.

You can lay something soft or put pillows on the floor, in case the child does fall out of bed.

Children also "love" to fall out of strollers. Therefore, it is better to purchase lower models and strollers with high sides, do not neglect fastening the child.

When a child begins to walk, falls are common. The reason for this may be slippery floors (parquet). The child can wear socks with rubberized inserts (they will not let slip). Rugs and rugs should not “ride” on the floor, they can also provoke a fall.

I would like to note the psychological side of the issue. There is no need to constantly experience the fear that the child will fall and hit his head - after all, exactly what a person is very afraid of happens. In addition, you can transfer this fear to the child himself.

What to do if a child falls and hits his head.

In children under 5 years of age, the structure of the skull is somewhat different than in adults. In addition, the size of the head is quite large, so it is heavy. To make the baby fall, it is enough to push him a little. He will easily lose coordination and fall. In this article we will tell you what to do if the baby fell and hit his head.

There are many reasons why a child often hits his head:

  • underdeveloped nervous system
  • Large head size and weight
  • Poor coordination of movements
  • imprudence

It happens that the baby beats his head against the wall on purpose and intentionally. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Way to know yourself
  • Fury and anger
  • way to get attention
  • Manipulation
  • Health problems

Please note that if the little one hits his head on the bed before going to bed, this is an alarm signal. In this way, the baby tries to relax. This indicates possible disorders of the central nervous system.

This happens quite often. Most often this occurs with children under one year old. From about 3-5 months, the child already knows how to roll over. That is why he should not be left alone on the sofa or bed. If the baby fell and hit his head, observe his condition. If he gets up and does not scream, then everything is fine. You need to be attentive to the baby during the day.

Alarm symptoms:

  • Lethargy, the baby constantly sleeps
  • Anxiety and hysteria
  • Vomiting and nausea

When these symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the doctor.

It is necessary to provide the child with first aid:

  • Evaluate the site of injury and see if there is bruising
  • If so, place ice or a cold bottle on the area for 5 minutes
  • Treat the injury site with an antiseptic

What to look for:

  • If the baby tends to sleep, do not let him fall asleep. This will help identify violations in behavior, if any.
  • Child behavior. He should not be constantly nervous and hysterical
  • Lack of appetite and incoordination
  • Nausea and vomiting. Urgently see a doctor

All these symptoms indicate a concussion, go to the doctor.

First aid:

  • Raise the child and evaluate the site of injury
  • If there is a bump, apply ice or something cold
  • If there is a dissection, then treat the wound with peroxide or brilliant green
  • If there are no visible bruises, monitor the child's condition

How to proceed:

  • Do not allow the baby to run and play active games. You can go for a walk outside, but you should run less and be more active. The walk must be calm.
  • Do not allow the child to sleep immediately after the bruise. Distract him, play calm games
  • If you have any worrying symptoms, see your doctor

Alarm symptoms:

  • Vomit
  • Nausea
  • Constant tantrums
  • Drowsiness

This is quite dangerous, as it can cause the development of a brain hematoma. In order to prevent deterioration of the condition, it is necessary to observe the child and, in case of deviations in behavior, urgently go to the doctor.

First aid:

  • Apply ice or cold
  • Treat the injury site with an antiseptic
  • Try to provide rest, but do not put to sleep

Alarm symptoms:

  • Vomiting, nausea
  • Dizziness
  • convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Tantrums

Vomiting is the first symptom of a concussion and a possible head injury. It makes no sense to sit at home and continue to observe the state of the crumbs. Call an ambulance and go to the hospital. We need a head x-ray. If violations are detected, the child is hospitalized and will help to normalize the condition.

This is an alarming symptom, as drowsiness indicates trauma.

Types of head injuries:

  • Concussion. This is the mildest degree of injury, since there are no special disturbances in the functioning of the brain. But some cells don't work well. After a few days, the condition returns to normal. There are no consequences.
  • Brain injury. In this case, internal tissues that require treatment are damaged. To restore brain function, the child needs the help of doctors.
  • Brain compression. This is the most dangerous injury, as there is high pressure inside the skull, which leads to periodic loss of consciousness. Requires medical intervention.

What to do if the child does not wake up for a long time:

  • Must try to wake him up
  • Quite often, a child loses consciousness in a dream and may stop breathing altogether.
  • If you notice that the child is not breathing, call an ambulance and carry out resuscitation procedures

Dr. Komarovsky believes that children hit their heads quite often. At the age of one year, 80% of all falls and blows to the head pass without a trace, and do not require the intervention of doctors. If the child fell, cried a little and calmed down, then there is no reason to worry. You need to ensure calm games and observe the state.

Alarming symptoms, according to Komarovsky:

  • Vomiting more than once
  • Violation in the coordination of movements
  • convulsions
  • Speech disorder
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Loss of sensation in one of the limbs
  • Bruising under the eyes after hitting the head
  • Discharge of blood or a colorless liquid from the ears or nose

The child often hits his head: Komarovsky

Headbutting is a common occurrence for children. Your task is to monitor the condition of the child and, if necessary, go to the emergency room.

VIDEO: Headbutts, Komarovsky

Good day to all! I propose to do without long prefaces today. A head injury in a baby is a very serious situation.

If a child hit his head, what should I pay attention to so that trouble does not happen? Now I will tell you everything.

Ksenia Remizova, a neurologist and mother of two children, helped me write this article. She shared her own story:

“When my youngest son was 10 months old, he managed to fall out of his chair. The child was in the kitchen with dad. The husband turned away for a moment to put a dirty plate in the sink - and the son at this time got up and rolled over the back. He fell headlong onto the hard floor. The baby was crying, I was in a panic. We called an ambulance.

By the time we got to the emergency room, my son calmed down. He slept a little, then woke up, looked at the new place with interest, smiled ... We hoped that everything worked out. What was our horror when a fracture of the parietal bone was found in a child!

Then there was treatment in the children's neurosurgical department, observation by a neurologist in a polyclinic ... Now my son is almost 3 years old. He doesn't have any side effects."

My child also has a history of trauma, at the age of 2, 10, he jumped on the bed, and ran with a swing on my ... knee. I myself was very hurt, and the child did not even cry. I limped all day, and was surprised that my son didn’t even have a bump, and he was cheerful and cheerful.

Unfortunately, the next morning, the consequences began - he lost his orientation in space, he could not be pushed, he could not focus when looking at me, plus there was vomiting. It was terrible for me, I was very scared, and we had to go to the hospital. They diagnosed me with a concussion, it's good that everything recovered pretty quickly.

From these stories, I want to draw your attention to two points:

  1. Head injuries can be insidious.
  1. The kids are recovering well. They can endure even severe head injuries without consequences.

Let's see how dangerous a head injury is.

A blow to the head: options for the development of events

Option 1, happy - everything worked out

Let's say the kid, running, hit the wall. I got a little headache and everything went away. The only memory of the injury is a bump on his forehead.

Option two, concussion

From the impact, the brain cells stopped working normally for a while. The headache does not go away, vomiting may occur. The head is spinning, vomiting is possible.

Option three, brain injury

The blow was so strong that a part of the brain was damaged. The head hurts, the child vomits, the head is spinning. Speech or coordination may be impaired.

Option four, the most dangerous - hemorrhage in the cranial cavity

This situation is urgent. Blood is an additional volume inside a cramped cranium. If it doesn't stop, it can compress the brain. This can lead to death from cardiac or respiratory arrest. Immediately ambulance!

Head injury - how to react?

So, the child hit his head hard. What to do in such a situation? The UN formula will help you. Look here:

  • stop the blood
  • Restrict Activity
  • Observe

Let's understand it thoroughly.

ABOUTbecome blood

To do this, apply any frozen food from the freezer to the injury site. Best of all - something loose. Such an “ice pack” will easily take the shape of a head. Just wrap it in a towel.

Wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Put on a bandage.

Take note of this:

A wound wider than 0.7 cm and longer than 2 cm requires suturing. You to the doctor!

ABOUTborder activity

During the day after the injury, all active games are contraindicated for the baby. It is also better not to watch TV, and not to read books on your own.

Let him lie in bed and listen to audiobooks. You can draw, play board games... You know better what to do with your child.

The day after the injury, do not send the "victim" to school or kindergarten. Let him stay at home, under the supervision of relatives.

So we got to the most important point:


  • From what height did the baby fall? When?
  • What did he hit?
  • Did he lose consciousness?
  • Was there vomiting, how many times?
  • What did you complain about?
  • How did you behave after the injury?

Keep an eye on your child for 24 hours after the injury. If he's asleep, wake him up every three hours, day and night, to make sure he's okay. To do this, ask some elementary question, and let the baby answer you. Did he answer correctly? Is it normal speech? Let him sleep on.

Keep in mind, it happens that the consequences of a bruise can begin on the second and third days. Therefore, the first three days require your attention to the condition of the child.

Red flags for head injuries

Finally, I will list the symptoms of a severe injury, “red flags”, as doctors say.

If you see THIS, call 911 immediately!

  • Violation of consciousness. You can't wake up the baby. Or he is sluggish and has difficulty answering questions.
  • Change in speech. Slow speech, stuttering. The little child stopped talking.
  • Marked drowsiness.
  • Behavior change. The child is “something not like that” for no apparent reason.
  • Headache for more than an hour after the injury.
  • Vomiting more than once.
  • Dizziness for more than an hour after the injury.
  • Violation of coordination: the child is “like a drunk”, he is “carried away”.
  • Cramps - twitching of the arms, legs. Or the baby suddenly loses consciousness, and he is “shaking”.
  • Weakness in an arm or leg. An adult child limps, cannot walk on tiptoe, complains of awkwardness in an arm or leg. The baby cannot lean on the handle when crawling, cannot lift one leg when lying on its back.
  • Different pupils.
  • Symmetrical bruising under the eyes or behind the ears.
  • A colorless or bloody fluid flows from the nose or ear.

Brr! I wish you not to find any of these signs in children.

Dr. Komarovsky once said: "I have not seen a single child who would live to be a year old and not fall off the couch." Head injuries in children were, are and will be. But it is important to correctly assess the situation and consult a doctor in time.

Now you know what to do , if the child hit his head. In order not to lose important information, post the article on social networks. You will always have it at hand - and your friends can come in handy too!

I wish you and your children health, joy - and no injuries!

I hug

your Anastasia Smolinets.

What to do if a child hits his head? This question worries many mothers and fathers. All parents, even the most experienced and attentive, face the problem of childhood injuries. Small children, in particular toddlers who have just learned to walk, quite often frighten adults with their unexpected falls. One has only to be distracted for a moment, as the crumb is already conquering the next “peak” in the form of a chair or sofa. But for children who do not yet know how to move independently, their favorite pastime is rolling from back to stomach and vice versa. It is good if all these body movements of the baby do not pose a danger to his health. Despite all the safety measures taken, sometimes there are bumps and falls, not a single child can do without them. The most dangerous thing is when the baby falls and hits his head. What do you do if a child hits his head? What adult actions should be prioritized? This situation requires a sober assessment of the situation and an immediate decision.

What do you do if a child hits his head? Look at the impact site.

Young children very often hit their heads during a fall, as they still do not know how to balance and control their bodies. The most dangerous consequences of a head injury are concussion, brain contusion and skull fracture.

What do you do if a child hits his head? The main thing is not to panic and try to calm the already frightened baby. This will require your composure to adequately assess the general condition of the baby and inspect the impact site. The first thing they do if a child hits his head is to examine the head for visible damage. It can be a bruise, a “bump”, an abrasion or a dissection of the soft tissues of the head, it all depends on the force of the blow and the surface on which the baby fell. If he stumbled while walking and landed on a soft carpet, the maximum that can appear is a “bump” on his forehead. It is a completely different matter when, instead of a carpet, there is a hard tile, along which the baby raced at an extraordinary speed.

1. What should I do if a child hits his head and there is a “bump” or a bruise (hematoma)?

Of course, apply a cold compress. For this purpose, any water bottle, vegetable or fruit from the refrigerator will do. Despite the resistance of the baby, it is necessary to hold the compress for at least a few minutes to reduce swelling and prevent further spread of the hematoma.

2. What should I do if the child hits his head and blood flows from the abrasion?

You need to stop the bleeding with a cotton swab. In any home where there are small children, hydrogen peroxide can be found in the first aid kit. Dampen a cotton swab with it and wipe the abrasion to prevent infection from getting into it. If within 10 minutes the bleeding does not stop, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, it is better to call an ambulance.

During the fall, the baby could hit not only his head, so carefully examine him for bruises and fractures. Older children can themselves point to a place that hurts. Even if the baby complains of pain, no painkillers should be given before the doctor arrives, as they can blur the clinical picture and make diagnosis difficult.

What do you do if a child hits his head? Assess the general condition.

1. What if the child hits his head and there are no visible injuries?

Contrary to the irresistible desire of the mother to run somewhere and do something, you just need to carefully observe the behavior of the child. In order for the assessment of the condition to be objective, in the first half hour after the injury, do not let the baby sleep, because if he falls asleep, you can lose sight of the alarming symptoms of a brain injury.

2. What should I do if my child hits his head and loses consciousness?

Loss of consciousness, dizziness and vomiting are the main signs of a concussion, in the presence of which, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. Kid unconscious? So, first of all, the child who hit his head should be laid on his side, that is, the body should be given a “safe position” so that he does not choke on vomit. While the ambulance is on the way, check his breathing and pulse, assess the condition of the pupils. In severe brain injuries, the pupils may be different in size. If the child is not breathing, give him mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration.

What to do if a child hits his head? Anxiety symptoms.

It is imperative to call an ambulance if the child hits his head and the following alarming symptoms appear:

  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • crying for more than 15 minutes;
  • dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, loss of consciousness;
  • the appearance of convulsions, loss of sensitivity, paralysis of the limbs;
  • nausea, vomiting, admixture of blood in vomit;
  • profuse bleeding from the wound;
  • clear discharge from the nose, mouth, or ears;
  • hemorrhage in the eye.

What do you do if a child hits his head? Continue monitoring.

When you have done everything that they do, if the child hits his head, and at the same time all the dangerous symptoms of a brain injury are absent, continue to observe the behavior of the crumbs. Older children can be asked a question and, by the adequacy of the answer to it, assess the degree of brain damage. Even at night, you need to wake up the child and check his well-being. Monitoring the condition of the crumbs must be continued for 7-9 days. That, in principle, is all that they do if a child hits his head.
