Happy wedding day 36 years together. What to give for an agate anniversary (36 years of marriage)? Textiles will become the most universal sign of attention

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, dear subscribers of my blog and random guests! Today we will talk about what to give for the 36th wedding anniversary and what this anniversary is called.

Behind the shoulders of the newlyweds is not a small experience of living together. But if this day did not go unnoticed in the calendar, this indicates quivering feelings in the hearts of the spouses. What is the name of such a wedding? There are two versions. Some sources say that this is an agate wedding, others call this holiday bone china day.

We will not argue with anyone, because it even plays into our hands - a wider area for choosing themed gifts!

Two characters in the title - why?

But let's take a look at why this day has this or that name. Bone china is a kind of porcelain that is distinguished by its dazzling whiteness, sophistication, has very thin walls and, accordingly, excellent transparency.

What does this mean? This tells us that the newlyweds are at the level of relationships that are distinguished by their impeccability, sincerity and purity. They are full of trust and mutual understanding. But this porcelain is very fragile. And this name of the wedding only emphasizes that relationships that have overcome such a milestone must be treated with care and reverence. Passed already strawberry, amber and coral anniversaries.

Agate is a mineral that has a layered texture and striped coloration. In the context of the name of the wedding, it means that this couple has experienced a lot together - both bad and good. There were sorrows and joys. And from the Greek language, the word "agate" is translated as "kind, good, happy." Well, isn't that an accurate description of our married couple?)

So, we figured out the name of the wedding, and now go ahead for gifts!

What to give your wife on a special day

The wedding is porcelain, which means white and tender. Today this woman is not just a spouse - on this day she is again a bride! Choose a gift for her that matches her current status.

  1. Be sure to give a bouquet of white roses. Even if the spouse prefers flowers of other shades, she will feel how much love and tenderness is in each petal of this bouquet.
  2. On the day you got married, you can give your wife an outfit made of light, almost airy materials. It can be an evening dress, blouse or suit. Products from organza, chiffon, silk are perfect. And you can choose from such fabrics a stylish scarf, shawl or cape.
  3. Any woman will be delighted with a new accessory. It can be a purse, a belt or even a case for glasses. But to emphasize the peculiarity of this holiday, they can be white.

What to give your husband on the day of the agate wedding

The name of the wedding is a direct clue to what kind of stone you can use to give your husband products.

The most popular, of course, is black agate, but there are also white, blue, grey, yellow and red. Based on your husband's taste, choose a gift that will remind you of your holiday and emphasize his status.

  1. There is a staggering array of agate jewelry for men today. These are cufflinks, rings, bracelets, pendants or watches.
  2. And if your husband does not wear jewelry, you can pick up a money clip with elements made of agate or a business card holder.
  3. If you do not want to focus on the symbolism of the holiday, then organize a cozy home gala evening. Light the candles and open the champagne. Even if your husband is not a romantic, a warm evening with your beloved in the appropriate atmosphere will leave unforgettable impressions of the holiday!

What to give parents for a porcelain wedding

You, the children, are perhaps the most dear guests on this holiday for the newlyweds. Whatever you give to dad and mom is priceless for them (remember at least the postcard you drew in kindergarten). But you, of course, want to please them on their anniversary with something special.

It is not in vain that we remembered the name of the anniversary today. Products made of bone china will come in handy on this holiday. There are a variety of options. Dinnerware or coffee set, salad bowls or gravy bowls, a teapot for brewing tea or saucers for olives. Variety of sizes and amazing shapes.

There are quite a lot of products made from this fragile material. However, if you want them to be individual, make a symbolic engraving on your gift. It can be the filigree initials of the newlyweds or the number of the wedding anniversary. The memory of the holiday will last a lifetime!

What to give friends for their wedding anniversary

Some believe that 36 years of marriage is not a holiday at all. But if you remember this day or the newlyweds invited you to the celebration, then you are among the chosen ones.

The date is not round, so you can pick up a gift without much pomposity. But at the same time, nevertheless, it is worth considering the characteristics of a young couple. Let's say if they are art connoisseurs - it can be a picture, lovers of outdoor recreation - barbecue, people who are fond of dancing - tickets for a tango master class, etc.

Give figurines and souvenirs with agate or porcelain elements. A pair of doves or swans, which symbolize fidelity and devotion, a candlestick or an angel figurine are perfect as gifts. The main thing is that they organically fit into the interior of the newlyweds.

Congratulations to the married couple

Everyone presents greetings in their own way. Someone will prepare a postcard with poems, someone will make a toast (no worse than that of the inhabitants of the Caucasus), someone will sing a song.

Spend some time preparing for the holiday and make your congratulations original and unique. If poetry, then let them be their own composition. It can be comic, humorous and optionally 5 pages long. Although if you are a master of the pen and write a poem about the newlyweds - honor and praise to you!

And the favorite song of the spouses can be performed in a duet that is completely unexpected for them. Let's say the bride's sister and the groom's father. Of course, you need to meet in advance and prepare. But rest assured, such a congratulation will surprise the newlyweds and will remain in memory for a long time)) Which, in fact, was required.

You can organize a video greeting. Ask friends or relatives who live far away to make a video with wishes for the young. Edit videos and present to the newlyweds.

But no matter what kind of wedding it is - agate or bone china, the main thing is that two loving people have been together for 36 years. And we are happy for them and happy with them. Even if you know this couple not so long ago, choose gifts from the heart. Show imagination and creativity!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

The wedding day is a very important date in everyone's life, and it is celebrated every year. Each holiday has its own symbol and its own traditions, which are pleasant to observe, and which, like on the first day of family life, leave only pleasant memories. It is worth paying attention not only to round dates and anniversaries, but also to ordinary anniversaries. Therefore, now we will talk about how to celebrate 36 years and what kind of wedding it is.

What is it called and why

Unfortunately, in Rus' thirty-six years of marriage were not celebrated. This figure and date were considered unlucky, and our grandparents avoided it. Hence the lack of a name.. But, do not despair! In other countries, there are no such superstitions, and we can borrow names from foreigners for an anniversary no less important than all the others.

In America, for example, the thirty-sixth wedding anniversary is called bone china day.. Such a name is quite justified - for many years of living together, the spouses have already managed to get used to each other, get used to and adapt to the shortcomings of their soulmate. But relationships are a fragile thing, no matter how much time has passed, like bone china - elegant and thin, translucent in the light, very strong, but cracks can appear from a strong blow.

In France, muslin is considered the symbol of the thirty-sixth wedding.. The material is somewhat similar to porcelain - the same exquisite and fragile in appearance, but, in fact, durable. In the Soviet countries, despite the fact that thirty-six years of marriage are not celebrated, there is still a symbol - agate. The fourteenth anniversary has the same symbol, but that's okay. A lot of time has passed, and in the life of a married couple, as well as on agate, many new patterns have appeared. On a stone, as you know, they do not repeat themselves, the same is true in marriage - the situations are completely different and rarely repeat.

So we figured out what kind of wedding after 36 years of marriage. Choose the value that you like best and celebrate in good health. Bad omens will bypass you if your feelings are the same as thirty-six years ago.

Traditions and rituals

There are no special rituals for 36 years of marriage. With what it is connected - we spoke above. But, the thirty-sixth anniversary has no customs, if we follow our traditions, and if we decide to borrow the name of the holiday from the Americans or the French, why not borrow the rituals as well? Moreover, we have such anniversaries as they do, they just fall on other years.

If you are not superstitious, then you can safely use foreign customs with Russian adaptation. If you decide to celebrate the anniversary as a day of bone china, then you can borrow the traditions of our faience wedding. These two symbols are very similar to each other. The custom on this day was to beat dishes "for good luck." This is a good psychological discharge, which never hurts.

You can break old chinaware, if there is none, stock up at the store to be ready. Before breaking each plate, say what you want to get rid of with it. After that, the spouses clean up the fragments together and continue their further happy life together.

If you decide to celebrate like our closer friends, the French, then there are no special traditions and rituals here either. You just need to make sure that in the interior of the room where the holiday will take place, in clothes and everything else, muslin material, or fabrics similar to it, prevail: chintz, silk, cotton, etc.

Having opted for the domestic version, you have to observe a beautiful and interesting custom. For an agate wedding, spouses give each other agate jewelry, and then they tell fortunes. Agate is the result of the long and hard work of nature, as well as family life for thirty-six years. The couple are trying to see in his patterns various pictures that predict their future. You can remember what the “newlyweds” saw on the fourteenth anniversary, and compare what came true and what remained as a pattern on stone.

How to celebrate

36 years. What is a wedding without a celebration? Let our ancestors did not celebrate this date, but now is a different time, and you can afford to invite at least a few people who are closest to the family. A noisy celebration is useless, but quiet and modest gatherings will be the best solution.

There is another option - to spend this wedding anniversary just the two of you. Thus, it seems that they did not celebrate, as required by native traditions, but it seemed that there was a holiday, but only for two. The best option would be to indulge in memories - wedding photos and videos will help you plunge into that festive atmosphere and remember what strong feelings the spouses experienced then.

What to gift

What do they give for thirty-six wedding years? Since our superstitious ancestors left no instructions in this regard, the choice of things that can be presented is unusually wide. It could be:
  • bed sheets
  • bedspreads and pillows
  • services and utensils
  • various souvenirs
  • Appliances
It is best to find out what the spouses themselves would like, and give exactly that. You can pay attention to the symbol of a wedding from other countries, or you can simply present something useful and important in everyday life. The most important thing is sincere congratulations and attention. These things will always come in handy.

And the wife is not always celebrated (at least officially). It just so happened that some wedding anniversaries are not celebrated in the calendar of folk traditions. This also applies to the 36th wedding anniversary and the next milestone of family life.

In the US, 36 years of marriage is called a Bone Porcelain Wedding. It is symbolic, since bone china is considered more expensive than ordinary ceramics. Its composition uses ivory ash, which makes bone china products thin, light and snow-white. But also extremely fragile.

So is the family on their 36th wedding anniversary. By the purity of relationships and love, this is an elegant and exclusive creation. But in terms of fragility, it is inferior to simpler ceramics (relations at the beginning of family life). Therefore, a family at the turn of the fourth decade must be carefully protected and cherished. What contributes to the tradition of celebrating your wedding day every year.

How to celebrate 36 years of marriage

Do not try to gather a lot of guests - it is not customary to celebrate 36 wedding years. But keep in mind that close friends will come themselves, and adult children will not forget about this day. Therefore, you still have to celebrate the Bone Wedding, albeit without much scope. Just make a festive table with your favorite dishes, get albums with photos and videos from the family archive.

And the treat will be noble (after all, a hostess with such experience already has her signature recipes). Enjoy another day in which your family has become even stronger and wiser for one year. And wait for the next holiday - And for those who are interested in how to actively and joyfully live after 50 years, on the blog “We will solve the problem!” There is a special section “woman 50+” Join))) As always, at the end of the article I wish you good luck.

Save so as not to lose!

A wedding anniversary is a significant date for any family. And 36 years from the date of the wedding is also a very serious period for married life. Previously, all wedding anniversaries were celebrated in accordance with its symbol, and now this tradition, which came to us from the Middle Ages, is being revived again. Traditions regulated not only how and when to celebrate the holiday, but also what to give on this day. Usually the gift corresponded to the value of the lived years.

After 36 years of living together, what kind of wedding would you like - a noisy and cheerful feast or a delicious dinner for two, a sea cruise or a joint walk under the moonlight, a calm and joyful dinner surrounded by relatives or an interesting tourist route? Modern opportunities for such a solemn holiday are very versatile and diverse. But let's look back centuries, what would have awaited us a couple of centuries ago.

In Russia, this anniversary was not celebrated at all, but if we look at the “List of Anniversaries” of the USA, we will be surprised how poetically the Americans called 36 years from the date of the wedding. To this day, this solemn date is considered for spouses as an indicator of the stability and simultaneous fragility of their family relationships, which very well reflects its name - “Bone China Day”.

Gifts on the wedding day

On this day, they give everything that combines the fragility and beauty of forms - glassware and porcelain (dishes, vases, figurines, etc.), fragile and dear to the heart of both spouses trinkets (but not a fake from the Chinese market), stylish jewelry and accessories.

How to choose clothes for a wedding anniversary?

For the holiday, women dress in exquisite clothes in light pastel colors, preferring evening dresses made of silk, chiffon or organza, which are complemented by elegant jewelry made of metal (silver, platinum, gold), chiffon scarves and scarves of delicate colors, as well as flowers.

Men wear classic evening suits in light colors (white, ivory, cream, light gray, etc.). Optionally, you can add a flower to the buttonhole.

Holiday on the wedding day

Even if it is not customary for us to celebrate this date, why not arrange a family holiday? It would be appropriate to celebrate this wedding anniversary with a luxurious romantic dinner for two or a gala party for close friends and family. Flowers are welcome, a dance together to the music that once sounded at a wedding, decoration with balloons, fireworks and butterflies.

In this article:

Despite the fact that many wedding names are well known, such as porcelain, calico, crystal, cedar, bronze, emerald, paper, not to mention gold or silver, almost no one talks about what kind of wedding 36 years of marriage. All couples try to avoid this date and its celebration, and for good reason.

Why the 36th wedding anniversary between spouses is not celebrated

In this case, the 36th wedding anniversary is associated not with old Russia, but with the new world - with American traditions that have affected our citizens as well. There, in America, the wedding anniversary of 36 years is called a bone china wedding. Apparently, due to the fragility of porcelain in its direct association with family relations, this date is not usually celebrated: so as not to destroy the integrity of the family. After all, porcelain is a very fragile material, and neither little nor much has passed since the wedding day, and 36 years is a long and long journey of relations between spouses.

However, it will be nice to exchange small gifts even on such an unusual and not round date. Small miniature souvenirs given by the spouses to each other, and a simple candlelit dinner will also make this evening romantic and unite the spouses even more. After all, the very attention from each other is important here, which is sometimes so lacking after so many years of living together.
