The most beautiful Chinese woman. The most beautiful Chinese female models

Before proceeding to the description of the railway world of China, let me show you Chinese women. The most different, from different cities. Young and older. In the train compartment and in the fish market. On the Great Wall of China and the Soviet aircraft carrier Kyiv. In a candy store in Harbin and against the backdrop of Shanghai skyscrapers. They are separated by thousands of kilometers of the Middle Kingdom, but now they are collected in one post. He selected exactly fifty cards from his bins. The pictures are simple, natural, as they are, I did not do any processing, except for cropping. There are also unsharp ones - what happened, it happened, I don’t pretend to be perfectionism (for me, the main thing is lively mood and interesting surroundings).
The metropolitan women in the selection will go at the end, and I will put the Chinese women from the provinces first.
The penultimate - Shanghai women, and already in the final - residents of Beijing.
* * *
Remember, once I made a post "", about Norwegians?
Well, in honor of the first day of summer, and five years later, I return to this genre.
Happy viewing! :-)

Shanghai. Warm evening on the Bund

Dalian and Port Arthur

2. The first in the post is a chubby conductor from the Dalian train. I remember it very vividly. Curvaceous, smelling of slightly bitter almond perfume and charmingly smiling. The same photo was taken in a not very conducive environment - I asked her to take a picture at the car, in her place, when suddenly some terrible gyurza-boss jumped up from behind, yelled at her and ran into me, Schaub I was walking into the car, with eloquent gestures, for the train leaves in seven minutes. So he clicked in a hurry and went into the belly of the car. Probably, she reprimanded her, why she somehow succumbs to laovayas and does not comply with her work.

3. A saleswoman on a Russian street.

4. Market trader.

5. A schoolgirl hails a taxi after school is over. The uniform is the all-Chinese standard, regardless of the income of the parents, and if you looked, then there are schoolchildren in frames No. 24-25 in exactly the same uniform.

6. Dalianchanki different ages descend from the mountain, where the area of ​​​​five-story buildings.

7. Vendors at the fish market in the suburbs of Port Arthur

Tianjin and Binhai

8. On the deck of the Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser Kyiv.

9. In the same place, but on the tank.
This is the only rephoto (and not original photo): re-shot an advertisement for a photo studio, which is based directly on the cruiser and churns out hundreds of thousands of citizens' pictures. AT this case the model was an extremely atypical Chinese woman - with a scythe. How many traveled there, I have never seen, this is a rare situation for them, although they respect the scythe.

And further. Chinese women are significantly different from Russian or European girls - if ours try to sunbathe and even go to solariums to get artificial tan, it's kind of fashionable and stylish; then Chinese women (mostly young) are trying with all their might to whiten and be paler. Sunburn is considered an ignoble sign and distinctive feature rural women living by peasant labor. In short, the third grade and unworthy business.

10. In the center of Tianjin, by the river, on a motorbike (or what is this pepelats called?).

11. Still, the same pepelats. He is very popular with them. A child hid behind.

12. Girl at Tianjin Central Station.

13. My neighbor on the Dalian Z train compartment.

14. Conductor in Badalinsky suburban. Let's go to the Wall.

15. On the Wall.

16. Checking my ticket on the Xi'an train. About five minutes after this shot, I will find, after searching my backpack, that a small operational camera was stolen from me, with a 99% probability - in a storage room near a supermarket, in an underground station floor.

Yan'an, the capital of the Great Trek

17. "Red tourists" descend from the mountain residence of Zhou to the cave of Liu.

18. A girl in a red star cap takes pictures of Mao's cave house.

19. Girls against the background of the Great Pilot. It's already at the bottom, I went down the mountain.

20. On the podium in the hall of the 7th Congress of the Communist Party of China, now there is a museum. In order to personally shoot against the backdrop of the podium, where Mao held the report, a whole queue of those wishing, a real conveyor, props up behind.

21. Yanyanchanki on a foothill street.

22. Representation at the station square Yan'an.

23. Ibid.

24. In the same place, evening dance exercise for women and girls. Anyone can take part.


25. Harbinchanka with a kite in Stalin's Park on the banks of the Songhua River.

26. Another Harbin woman, in the same place. The day was cold, windy and sunny. I immediately remembered the climate in Khabarovsk, only here the Chinese, not the Russians.

27. Pineapple saleswoman in charge of the Chinese Eastern Railway

28. Saleswoman in a Russian candy store. Of course, there are both Spartak and Roshen, but they don’t know Ukrainian-Belarusian, they don’t distinguish and don’t understand - for them all this is “Russian”, Russian Goods.

29. The next day a blizzard hit Harbin. A fragile Chinese woman with a sun umbrella, under the snow.

30. "Russian Village" on the Island of the Sun. Tourists from southern China came to Chinese Russia.

31. Girls flaunt on the Harbin Arbat.

32. Ibid. Clearly shopping :)

33. More girls. Arbat in Harbin is a central place for walking and unique for the Chinese, as it is not skyscraper and is lined with old paving stones.


34. Girls at the store on Nanjing Road.

35. Ibid.

36. Some video was filmed near the Central Avenue subway.

37. Maglev bridge leading to Central Park.

38. Saleswoman of something there (I get confused in local fruits, alas).

39. Girl in Central Park.

40. Shanghai mermaid :)

41. Saleswoman of rolled metal. Get 300 meters away from the dubious Nanjing Road - and you will look at such unusual things.

42. Some kind of evening event on the Bund of Vaitan. A wedding, apparently.

43. Filmed this young lady in red.


44. The girl in the subway is stealthily watching me. I follow her :-)

45. Conversations in the subway. I must say that there is a mass insanity on spade smartphones, all sorts of chats, local social networks and other Chinese Skype right inside the car. Everything is caught, the car has excellent sound insulation. And the book, as in St. Petersburg, is practically not seen. And an e-reader too, very rarely.

46. ​​Passenger pusher at rush hour. Commands us in which queue to stand at the door.

47. Railway woman with a mouthpiece at the old Beijing station. Slender, with a chiseled face, but in a wrinkled outfit, which somewhat lowered her image. She watched us for a long time and reported something into the radio: apparently, it didn’t fit in her head that someone could buy a platform ticket, but not to meet someone, but to film incoming and outgoing trains. A break in the template, advice on the radio - but we, however, were not touched.

48. Chinese Soyuzpechat saleswoman :)

49. Beijing South Station. The girl at the information desk.

50. I finish the selection with a village woman in the waiting room, leaving Beijing.

PS. Now there is only one post about the attitude towards Stalin in modern China and Sinicization of socialism - and proceed to the railways.

If you want to date a Chinese woman and are trying to get her attention, you will have to resort to special methods. Girls in China are not as straightforward as those in the West and are less quick-witted in romantic situations. Therefore, many methods of flirting that work with girls in the West are most likely doomed to failure with Chinese women.

ChinaWhisper has compiled the top 10 tips to help you melt the heart of almost any Chinese woman. Some points seem to be universal for all girls in the world, but, one way or another, there are some peculiarities in communicating with the opposite sex in China.

1. Pay attention to some small detail and give a compliment

Don't say that the girl is just beautiful, rather find something special about her and focus on it. For example, you can say that she looks good in this dress, or that this hair color really suits her. This will give your words honesty and give the impression that you do not say such compliments to every girl.

2. Express your admiration for China

If you don't know anything about Chinese culture, be sure to memorize a few facts and use them in your attempts to win over a Chinese woman. Admiring the history or culture of China will certainly make her smile. And if you already live in China, tell her that you want to settle here and ask her to help you learn more about local life.

3. Feel free to exaggerate

Simple compliments like "I like your hair" can be seen as polite. Therefore, exaggerate to let the girl know that you are doing a compliment. For example, if she wears high heels tell her that these heels really lengthen her legs.

4. Be persistent

Many Chinese girls are shy and will always try to deny your compliment. A very common response to a compliment from Chinese women is “Well, what are you, what are you!” (Nǎli, Nǎli/哪里, 哪里), which literally means "Where? Where?". Now you know that if she says something like that, you don't need to turn around looking for something.

5. Focus on her personality

compliments personal qualities girls, and in particular Chinese women, are usually more successful than compliments about appearance. Try to find out what she does and what her education is. Show her how smart you think she is, and even if she messes up or says something stupid, don't forget to tell her that it's really cute. Chinese girls turned on everything cute, and they will do anything to appear so.

6. Start learning Chinese

Chinese women are crazy about foreigners who speak Chinese well. If you flirt with a girl on her mother tongue, you can become a living legend. Especially if you are in a small town.

7. Learn Chinese Beauty Standards

Remember that beauty standards differ in different cultures and China is no exception. Before complimenting a girl's appearance, you should know what is considered beautiful in China. In general, all Chinese women want to appear tall, have long legs, very light color face, narrowed, almost triangular, face with a dimple in the chin and eyes with long eyelashes. Compliments directed at one of these moments will undoubtedly be successful.

8. Try to avoid ready-made flirting schemes.

Everybody's problem ready schemes flirting is that they never work. Someone invented them 100 years ago and some men are sure that they still work. Using these schemes with women of a different culture is more than pointless and ridiculous, as it will seem even more ridiculous to them. In general, avoid ready-made flirting schemes, jokes, and sarcasm. Chinese women are not used to such communication and most likely will not understand you.

9. Don't call her funny

Never call her funny (huájī/滑稽), the word has a negative connotation in Chinese. If she's acting funny, it's best to go to tip #5 and call her cute.

10. Avoid talking about past relationships

When she asks how many girls you had before her, lie. Usually Chinese women do not look for a partner for frivolous relationship they are looking for a husband. Even what may seem like a minor date to you will be an opportunity for her to evaluate you and see if you are a good partner for long term relationship. If you are also looking for a wife, tell her that you want to start a family and would be happy to have a couple of mestizo children someday. It will definitely melt her heart.

translatedMaria Aleshkina

Called her one of the rising stars of Chinese photography. Beijing-based photographer Luo Yang wins international recognition candid shots women in contemporary China.

The photo project GIRLS (“Girls”) began in 2007 as a purely personal series of photographs: in her characters, Luo Yang observed doubts and emotions very similar to her own. Among intimate photos In the series, there are both elaborate portraits of the emerging Chinese subculture that defy the viewer's expectations, as well as fleeting, raw, blurry, but beautiful shots in their own way.

(Total 9 photos)

The photographer simultaneously manages to convey the defiant nature of his girls, their composure, as well as fragility, shyness and self-doubt. Luo Yang says, "I can't say that they are a completely new generation of women in China, but they definitely represent independence and freedom."

The girls who starred in the photo project are friends or acquaintances of friends; some are just strangers or people the photographer found online. The intuitive dialogue between photographer and models that made Luo Yang's project fruitful also allowed her to better understand herself. Luo Yang found that, apart from the difference in life circumstances and stories, she and her heroines have similar character traits, questions, feelings, weak spots and delusions. At the same time, the ambivalent emotions and passions that animate Luo Yang's photographs point to the individuality of the girls and suggest a change in the perception of femininity and self-identity in modern China.

“Each frame is very natural. We chat, I go to visit them, we play and relax together. I'm actually trying to observe and understand, which means I have to approach them very casually. With some, I can capture real moments in one shoot, while with others, I need several attempts,” says the author of the photo project.

The intimate moments in Luo Yang's photographs show the trust gained through conversations and photo shoots that makes the heroines feel comfortable in front of the camera. Many of the girls are naked or more naked than you might expect.

This vulnerable state, which usually remains outside the public sphere, is contrasted with public spaces in the city. Other shots show the girls with their men behind the curtains of their homes. Their sincerity in front of the camera is a reminder of women's independence, which is all the more significant when compared with the expectations of women in a traditionally patriarchal society.

The heroines of our rating of subscribers in social networks have no less than Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber. And all because they come from China: billions of fans of these beauties create a hype around them that Hollywood stars never dreamed of. Let's get to know the most beautiful and discussed girls in China.

Angelababy is the most popular person in the world. Don't believe? The "Chinese Kim Kardashian", as the media calls her, has about 60 million followers in social network Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter. The records do not end there: the wedding of the most talked about Chinese beauty has become the most expensive in history - according to the most conservative estimates, almost 45 million dollars were spent on the wedding ceremony of Angela Baby and actor Huayan Xiaoming. The Chaumet ring alone with a six-carat diamond cost one and a half million, and the newlyweds preferred not to advertise the price of the brooch and tiara of the same brand. 2,000 guests were invited to the wedding - the elite of Chinese show business, influential businessmen and politicians. Angela and Juan are called the Asian version of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for a reason: all of Asia is following the development of their romance, and local paparazzi follow them day and night.

Angela Baby became a star at the age of 14 - she was helped to achieve popularity in the modeling field by the connections of her father, one of major businessmen in Shanghai. At the age of 18, she acted in films, and today her filmography includes several dozen films. In 2016, her first Hollywood blockbuster "Independence Day 2: Resurgence" will also be released, where Liam Hemsworth will become a partner of the Chinese beauty.

The most piquant topic is the discussion in the media of the girl's numerous plastic surgeries. The Chinese are so indifferent to this topic that Angela had to prove in court that she received an atypical oval face and a cut in her eyes from her German grandmother.


Europe and America recognized this Chinese beauty thanks to how gracefully she walks couture on every red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. " asian face"L" Oreal Fan Bing Bing became a real brand in Cannes - and each of her outings was absolutely brilliant! In China, she is known mainly as an actress (films with her participation - "Princess Pearl", " last night Jin", "Bodyguards and Assassins", "East Wind, Rain", "Mountain of the Buddha", "My Way", etc.), but in the wake of crazy popularity in the cinema, she decided to become a singer as well, recording several music albums. Fan also does not leave the covers of magazines - the Chinese people adore her beauty and positive image.

Yu Wen Xia was born in Shangji, became a model in her youth, and then - a real national beauty queen of China. In 2012, she was overtaken and world fame- the girl won the title

Even in the context of globalization, the PRC continues to be a mystery to Europeans, and many aspects of Chinese life invariably arouse surprise among Europeans. This is largely due to the long isolation of this country, as well as the strict rules governing life that were adopted in the era of Mao. The same applies to traditional canons. female beauty which are fundamentally different from European ones. However, in recent times, thanks, among other things, to the efforts of plastic surgeons, a lot of attractive girls The most beautiful Chinese women in the world (meaning the photo, of course) sometimes even appear on the covers of famous Western fashion magazines which was hard to imagine 10-15 years ago.

Traditional canons of beauty

Chinese civilization has been around for thousands of years. During this time, special views have been formed on what should be the most beautiful Chinese woman. According to the old canons, the appearance of a girl must comply with the following parameters:

  • She should have "porcelain" skin with a pink blush. This requirement is still relevant today, so the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire do everything to protect themselves from the rays of the sun, using not only sunscreens but also putting on wide-brimmed hats and protecting hands with gloves.
  • The hands of the beauty should be flexible and graceful, and the fingers should be tender and long, but not bony.
  • The most beautiful Chinese woman and any of her compatriots who claim this title must be the owner of shiny, thick and long black hair. This requirement has recently been often violated, as Chinese women actively lighten their hair and make short haircuts.
  • The Chinese have always preferred girls with big eyes. Unfortunately, nature has awarded them to only a few Chinese women. However, recently to the rescue fair sex came plastic surgeons, which are quite inexpensive to increase their cut.
  • Traditionally, the Chinese admired girls with round, smooth and even plump forms. Today, the picture has changed, and thin girls with a model appearance are in fashion.

"Lotus Leg"

For several centuries, one more requirement was among the canons of beauty adopted in China. Moreover, its non-observance automatically excluded the possibility for the girl successful marriage. In order to comply with this rule, early age girls' legs were bandaged in a special way to prevent their growth and to give a pointed shape to the sock. Some mothers could overdo it so much that over time the daughters became disabled and almost could not move on their own.

The most beautiful Chinese woman according to People

Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi was born in 1979 in Beijing. The role in the film "The Road Home" brought her fame, and later the girl ended up in Hollywood. They appreciated the talent and appearance of Zhang Ziyi, who was subsequently included in the list of 50 twice. beautiful people planets according to People.

Top most beautiful Chinese actresses

Most of China's most attractive girls are in films. According to the ratings, Chinese actresses are:

  • Lee Bin Bin. She was born on February 27, 1973 in Harbin. In 2007, she was awarded the title of "Best Actress" at the most prestigious national ceremony "Huabiao" for her role in the film "Knot". Despite her age, according to many residents of the Middle Kingdom, she still continues to be the main contender for the title of "The Most Beautiful Chinese Woman."
  • Chen Hong. This actress and successful producer was born on December 13, 1968 in Shangrao. Known for her role as Daochang in the television series The Story of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Gong Li. The actress was born in 1965 in Shenyang. She received international recognition through her collaboration with director Zhang Yimou. Them joint work greatly contributed to the popularization of Chinese cinema in Europe and the United States. The actress is the owner of many prestigious awards, including 2 Golden Rooster awards, awards from the Cannes, Berlin and Venice film festivals, and so on. In addition, she was nominated for an Oscar and received the honorary title of "Artist of the World". Of the paintings with her participation in our country, the films “Light the Red Lantern”, “Shanghai” and “Memoirs of a Geisha” are especially famous.

The most beautiful Chinese female models

The vast Celestial Empire has been developing at an accelerated pace in recent decades. Due to this circumstance, there is a rise in the field of modeling business. After all, the products of local manufacturers need advertising, and prestigious showrooms need promoters with appropriate external data. That is why the list of the most beautiful women China has traditionally included models. The most attractive among them this moment are considered:

  • Qin Lang. Chinese model with that name was born in 1981 in Shenyang. In 1999, she won the "Gold Award" and was recognized as the best advertising model, being a debutante. In 2003, Qin Lang was chosen from among 200 candidates for the role in the 3rd season of the television series Princess of Pearl.
  • Du Juan. The girl was born in 1982 in Shanghai. Former ballerina who left her career as a dancer for the modeling business. It is the world's first model from China of international class. For more than 15 years, Du Juan has been working with many well-known European and American brands. She has been photographed for the most prestigious beauty and fashion magazines around the world.

The most beautiful women from Taiwan

The girls from this island traditionally had a significant more possibilities to become famous outside the Middle Kingdom than among residents of other regions of this country.

Beautiful Chinese girls from Taiwan emigrated to the West more easily, and were more readily accepted there as “friends”. Among them, the following deserve special mention:

  • Chi-ling Lin. This Taiwanese model, actress and TV presenter has been the "Taiwan First Person" for several years. Since 2006, he has been the official representative of Longines and China Airlines. Being a successful top model, the girl appeared on the covers of the most famous glossy magazines on the planet. In addition to working in advertising business and on the podium, she repeatedly acted as the host of rating TV programs and such prestigious ceremonies as the Golden Melody Award, Golden Horse Awards, etc., and starred in the films "Treasure Hunter", "Red Cliff", etc.
  • Shu Qi. This is another Taiwanese actress. At the beginning of her career, she repeatedly starred as a nude model for various erotic magazines, and then played several roles in films of the same content. She was noticed and began to be invited to serious pictures. One of them - "Long Live Erotica" - received the main film award in Hong Kong, and the girl was recognized as "Best Supporting Actress".

The most beautiful "mixed" girl

Joyce Godenzi is the daughter of a Chinese woman and an Australian. At the age of 19, the girl became "Miss Hong Kong" and received the title of "Miss Photogenic". Her "mixed" beauty, as they say in this country, could not leave anyone indifferent. In 1984, the girl took part in the Miss Universe contest. Later, in 1987, the director offered her the main female role in the movie Eastern Condors. Joyce's career lasted until 1991, and in 1995 she married Hung and devoted herself to her husband and children.

China's first Miss World

In 2007 Jan Jilin became known not only as the most beautiful Chinese woman, but also won international competition Beauty "Miss World 2007". Zhan Jilin's victory was notable because she is the first holder of the title to be of East Asian descent.

The most beautiful representatives of Chinese show business

It is unlikely that any of the Russians will remember the name of any pop star or pop artist of the PRC. Nevertheless, there are many beauties in Chinese show business. Among them, the first place, of course, belongs to Betty Soon Lee. The girl was born in Shanghai in September 1982. In 2001, she participated in the Star Search show and reached the final. Betty's magnificent external data did not go unnoticed, and in 2003 she was offered the main female role in the television version of the drama "Goddess of Mercy". This opened the way for the beauty to the heights of her career as an actress, which continues successfully to this day.

Now you know which girls claim the title of "The Most Beautiful Chinese Woman". Photos of these charming persons cannot but arouse admiration. However, ladies and girls who are dissatisfied with their appearance should not suffer from an inferiority complex, since once in the Middle Kingdom, you are unlikely to meet at least a dozen local residents who will seem to you more or less pretty.
