Scenario May 9 in the senior group. Scenario of the matinee "May 9"

Valentina Kakosha
Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior group "May 9 - Victory Day"

Kakosha Valentina Valerievna a- educator GBOU secondary school n. Prosvet structural unit "Kindergarten" Rosinka "

Target: Contribute to the education of patriotism in preschoolers.


educational: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the Victory Day holiday, about veterans.

Educational: Develop curiosity, imagination, observation, broaden the horizons of children,

Educational: To cultivate respect for veterans, the desire to do good deeds.

Vocabulary work: Activate the vocabulary of children, enrich it by clarifying the concepts: Russia, Fatherland; defend, defend, be proud, fight; just, popular, heroic war; infantry, tankers, pilots; fascism, blockade, trenches, trenches; generals, marshals, military leaders.

Preliminary work:

1. Consideration and discussion of illustrations about V.O.V.

2. Reading stories and poems about the war.

3. Learning poems about V. O. V., about Victory Day.

4. Listening to songs of the war years.

5. Conversations on the topics "Friendly attitude towards comrades", "Conversation about politeness", "On good deeds".

7. Role-playing games ("Scouts", "Nurse", etc.).

Interaction with the family: drawings on the topic: "This Victory Day"

Materials for the lesson: a poster or slides, pictures about V.O.V., a tape recorder for listening to songs of the war years, skittles, petals from paper daisies, sheets of paper for making doves.

Course progress.

Music sounds - children's song "Solar Circle". 1 (poster on an easel or slides on a board)

The teacher, together with the children, discusses what the song is about, why the boy wrote these words: “let there always be sun, let there always be sky, let there always be mom, let there always be me.”

Educator: Because in the history of people there were such pages when children suffered the most, lost their mothers, did not see a peaceful sky above their heads ... What kind of times are these?

The children answer.

2 picture

Educator: Today we are not just looking at these illustrations. On one solemn day, our country celebrates a very important and memorable holiday. Who knows what holiday this is?

Children: Victory Day.

Educator: Correctly! This is Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four years and ended with the victory of our people. Let's remember once again what kind of victory it was, over whom?

Children: over the Nazis.

3 picture

caregiver: Yes, it was a very terrible war. The Nazis really wanted to seize our country, enslave our people, but they did not succeed. For four whole years, day after day, month after month, year after year, our people fought against the fascist army. And, finally, he won. Because the one who fights for justice, defends his Motherland, his people, always wins.

And who of you knows the verses about Victory Day?

Child: May holiday - Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the parade.

And thoughtfully from the threshold

Grandmothers are watching after them.

Child: What is Victory Day?

This is the morning parade:

Tanks and rockets are coming

Soldiers are marching.

What is Victory Day?

This is the fireworks display:

Fireworks take to the sky

Falling apart here and there.

Educator: Now we have a peaceful time and the children have nothing to be afraid of and therefore, let's play a little.

A game:"Answer me"

1. What sailors serve.

3. What all soldiers protect.

5. Lies in the ground, if you step on it, it will explode.

6. What does a soldier have on his feet?

7. One in the field is not..

8. What they throw and say: "Lie down!"

9. What animal sometimes also serves?

10. Where do all the guys go to serve when they grow up?

11. Hospital for wounded soldiers.

12. Special pocket for a pistol.

13. Equipment for the protection of the air border.

14. Means moving on caterpillars.

Educator: In war, soldiers carried shells. Let's take these shells so that they don't frighten us.

Game "Move the projectile"(Children are divided into two teams and transfer the skittles to the baskets)

Educator: The shells were destroyed and in order to make our clearing beautiful, let's plant flowers - daisies - a symbol of love and kindness.

Game "Collect the chamomile"(Two teams collect flowers from petals. The number of petals corresponds to the number of children)

caregiver: That's what a beautiful clearing turned out to be.

The dove is also a symbol of peace. Let's make doves and give them to our guests so that there is always a blue sky and peace in the world above our heads.

Children perform origami doves

After that, all the children give pigeons to the guests to the music of “Victory Day”.

Reb: Everyone needs peace and friendship,

Peace is the most important thing in the world

On a land where there is no war

Children sleep peacefully at night.

Where the guns don't roar

The sun shines brightly in the sky.

We need peace for all children.

We need world peace!

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This material may be of interest to teachers, educators and music directors. The script is designed for children 5-6 years old.
Goals: Feel pride for our country, love for the Motherland in which we live.
Tasks: To cultivate purposefulness, the ability to collectively perform tasks by participating in relay races, the manifestation of artistry in children.
Preliminary work:
Prehistory about the beginning of the war, about military life.
Learning songs, collective dances, poems.
Painting 1
To the tune of "Rio - Rita" children live a peaceful life, jump ropes, boys play with airplanes, girls throw a ball, jump into hopscotch.
Picture 2
Suddenly, explosions of flying bombs are heard, the children are distracted from the game and look up (to the sky) with frightened eyes, covering their heads.
Scene 3
(On the screen is a slide of an old pre-war radio)
Levitan starts talking about the beginning of the war, the children go around and look at the screen.
Scene 4
After listening to the end, the music sounds:
1 verse of the song "Get up a huge country"
during the song, the children line up, and the girls put the caps on the boys' heads. The presenter comes out and reads the text to the music.
June twenty second
Exactly at four o'clock
We were told: Kyiv was bombed -
Thus the war began.
The boys in caps marching away (to war), the girls see them off, waving their handkerchiefs, wiping away their tears.
After the end of the song, the children sit on the chairs.
The song "Cranes" by M. Bernes sounds
(Dance of black and white swans)
1 leader:
Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests. Today we have gathered in this festive hall to remember the valiant feat of our people, who defeated the Nazis and won peace on earth.
It sounds like a slow tune.
(The presenter reads to the music)
2 leading
Summer night at dawn
When the children were sleeping peacefully
Hitler ordered the troops
And sent German soldiers
Against the Russians, against us!
Sounds like losing "Holy War"
(Leader says the words)
Get up people!
Hearing the cry of the Earth, The soldiers of the Motherland went to the front.
The soldiers bravely marched into battle. For every city and for you and me!
1 presenter
Our people, young and old, rose to defend the Motherland. The war was long and cruel, it brought a lot of grief and tears, devastation and hunger. Many people, children and adults, died during these war years. But the people persevered and won. The war ended on May 9, 1945. This day has become a great holiday in our country, the Victory Day. Every year on May 9, in honor of the Great Victory, festive fireworks thunder in the cities of our vast country. The evening sky is lit up with bright lights, the lights of Victory.
(Slide "Victory Day" on the screen).
Children stand in a semicircle.
1st child:
When fireworks thundered from end to end,
Soldiers, you gave the planet
Great May, victorious May!

2nd child:
Even when we were not in the world,
When in a military storm of fire,
Destiny, deciding future centuries,
You fought a holy battle.
3rd child:
Even when we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory.
Soldiers of May, glory to them forever
From all the earth, from all the earth!
Children sing the song "My grandfather is a hero"
2 host:
We are gathered here to honor the memory of all those who died in this war. Now we live in peacetime, but the memory of the soldiers is eternal. Many families still have letters from the front. See what these letters looked like - triangle letters.
(on screen slide letter)
They were sent without envelopes and stamps. What do you think the soldiers wrote home about? Of course, they wrote about the war, that they miss their families, that they are fighting for happiness and a peaceful sky for all people.
A boy comes out, sits on a mound, unfolds a letter folded into a triangle, (text in the form of an old shabby letter written on the screen)
boy (reading):
Hello, dear Maxim! Hello my beloved son!
I am writing from the front line, tomorrow morning - again the battle!
We will drive the Nazis, take care, son, mother,
Forget sadness and sadness, I will return with victory!
I will hug you at last
Goodbye. Your father.
Four children come out, read a front-line letter.
1 child
My dear relatives! Night. The flame of a candle flickers.
I remember not for the first time How you sleep on a warm stove.
2 child
In our little old hut, Lost in the dense forests,
I remember the field, the river, Again and again I remember you.
3 child
My brothers and sisters! Tomorrow I'm going to fight again
For their Fatherland, for Russia, What got into a dashing misfortune.
4 child
I will gather my courage, strength, I will beat the Germans without pity.
So that nothing threatens you, So that you can learn and live!
1 leader:
Relatives, mothers, wives, sisters and children eagerly awaited such letters. And how difficult it was to deliver the letter to the right address, how many difficulties the military postmen had. A lot of letters got lost, and we will help deliver the letter to the addressee without loss.
Game-competition "Deliver the letter"
(boys participate)
Two teams are playing. Each team has a letter (which needs to be delivered to the addressee) On a signal, children with a letter in their hands run, completing tasks: run across the bridge, jump over the ditch, crawl under the wire, go through the islands through the swamp, return and pass the letter to the next player. The team that delivers the letter first wins.
There were also moments of rest at the front when you could sing your favorite songs while sitting by the fire. The accordionist took the accordion in his hands, and in the light of the fire a soulful song about the house, loved ones and relatives sounded.
Song "Russia is a huge country"
But the respite was short-lived, somewhere the bullets whistled again, the shells exploded. Many wounded soldiers remained on the battlefields, who needed to be bandaged and sent to the medical unit. And the nurses had to quickly put on gowns, take medicine and rush to help. And now we will see how girls master these skills.
The game-attraction "Nurses" is being held.

Girls are playing. Each team has a medical suitcase. Opposite each team there are chairs on which lies a nurse’s uniform, a dressing gown, a cap, etc. At the signal of the “nurse”, they must take the suitcase, run to the chairs, put on the uniform, run around the chair, take off the uniform, take the suitcase and return to the next player. Whose team is faster to complete the task, and will be considered the winner.
2 host:
War has died down, peace has come to earth. As a sign of gratitude and respect with gratitude, in all the cities of our Motherland, people erected monuments to the soldiers-liberators.
Show slides with monuments.
City of Moscow "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier",
City of Volgograd "Motherland Calls"
City of Naberezhnye Chelny "Alyosha"
But this monument to the "Warrior-Liberator" with a girl in her arms is located in the Trust Park in Berlin.
It was in May at dawn, The battle grew near the walls of the Reichstag ...
I noticed a German girl. Our soldier on the dusty pavement.
At the pillar, she stood trembling, Fear froze in her blue eyes,
And pieces of whistling metal, Death and flour sowed around ...
Then he remembered how, saying goodbye in the summer, He kissed his daughter.
Maybe the father of this girl, He shot his own daughter ...
But now, in Berlin, under fire, a fighter crawled, and covered his body,
1 leader:
A girl in a short white dress, Carefully carried out of the fire.
How many children have returned childhood, Gave joy and spring
Privates of the Soviet Army, People who won the war!
And in Berlin on a festive date. Was erected to stand for centuries,
Monument to a Soviet soldier, With a girl saved in her arms.
It stands as a symbol of our glory, Like a beacon glowing in the darkness.
It is he - a soldier of my power, Protects peace throughout the earth!
Our guys are also future soldiers and will serve in the army. And they will definitely accomplish the feat. Or maybe someone will serve in the Navy and become a real sailor.
Dance of the boys "White peakless cap"

2nd leader:
After the war, many mass graves remained on our land, on which fresh flowers lie at any time of the year. These flowers are a sign of our memory and deepest gratitude to those who defended our Motherland in battles and died for it.
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.
The child reads the verse.
Our grandfathers defended Labor and happiness on earth.
It shines brightly in honor of the Victory of the Star of Peace on the Kremlin.
For the native country people. They gave their lives.
We will never forget the fallen in valiant battle.
Children sing the song "Victory March"
And now I will ask everyone to stand up and honor with a minute of silence all the heroes who died for peace and happiness on earth.
Minute of silence (eternal flame on the screen)

If veterans live in your family, in your house, those who participated in the war against the Nazis, do not forget to congratulate them on the Great Victory Day! They will love your attention.
Children read poetry.
1st child:
On Victory Day early in the morning. Come out to the city, take a look:
Here come the veterans. With orders on the chest.
2nd child:
Let's say thanks to veterans for life, for childhood and spring,
For silence, for a peaceful home, For the world in which we live! M. Magidenko
Children together with adults sing the song "Solar Circle"
Once again, we congratulate everyone on the Great Victory Day. We wish you health, long life and, of course, a peaceful sky over your head.
(Fireworks on the screen)
Long live our great Motherland! Long live our army!
Long live the happiness of the people! Long live peace and freedom!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Victory Day...
All children:
The song "Victory Day" sounds
children leave the room.


Expand knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, cultivate respect for the elderly people: war veterans, home front workers - participants in the Great Victory;

Strengthen the feeling of patriotism and love for the Motherland;

Hall festively decorated. The music of the war years sounds. The boys have flags in their hands, and the girls have flowers.

Vedas: So the long-awaited Victory Day has come! May 9 - bright and joyful celebration. 70 years ago the war with German fascism ended. We gratefully remember our defending warriors who defended the world in a fierce battle.

To all our defenders, today's veterans and those who are not with us, we owe the fact that we now live under a peaceful, clear sky. Eternal glory to them!


Victory Day is celebration,

It's fireworks tonight.

Lots of flags in the parade

People sing joyfully.


Veterans with medals

Remembering the war

Talk to us

About that victorious spring.


There, in Berlin, in the 45th,

After the onslaught of attacks,

Soared like a winged falcon

High Soviet flag.


Everyone was screaming: "Peace! Victory!

Let's go home!"

To whom is joy, to whom is trouble,

Who is dead and who is alive!


We can never forget

We are talking about the exploits of soldiers.

“Peace is the most precious thing for us!” -

That's what the guys say.

Sing a war song "Three Tankers"

The children sit down. A presentation about the war is included.


Soundtrack sounds "Oh, that war". The host speaks over the background music.

May 9 - all the people of our homeland and other countries who live and want to live in peace and friendship celebrate big and joyful day - the day of victory. This year our people celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

There is no family in Russia that the war bypassed the side. On this day, everyone who fought, everyone who worked, everyone who won the Victory is remembered.

War also came to the Kuban, every fifth inhabitant of the region went to the front in order to defend our Motherland from the enemy.

Not only men, but also women participated in the Great Patriotic War, old men and children worked in factories and factories. Day and night they made shells, weapons for the front, sewed clothes.

Volleys are knocking fireworks in honor of those who fought for their country. No one will ever forget the feat of our soldiers.

Recently, a tradition has arisen to give on the eve of holiday"George Ribbon", as evidence that we remember the feat of the Great Patriotic War.

Leading: And our boys dream of becoming tankers, pilots, captains and officers.

Child: Even though we are preschoolers,

And we walk like soldiers.

A song is being performed "good soldiers"

Leading: On cold autumn evenings, in moments of calm between battles, the soldiers rested, sitting by the fire, mended their clothes, cleaned their guns, remembered peaceful days, sang songs.

We listen to the song "dark night"

Leading: And the soldiers also remembered their wives, beloved girls, sisters, mothers. They remembered how it was good, cozy, warm with them at home. They knew that they were waiting for them from the war, they believed that they would return alive and with VICTORY! And it always made my heart warmer.

A dance is being performed "blue scarf" (girls)

Leading: And what a joy every news from home was.

The child unfolds the paper "is reading"

This little yellow leaf

the wind will carry away my song,

To help you in battle.

Remember, the girl believes and waits

And love, and your victory!

Leading: Poems are simple, naive, but how much hope and love they contain! Such letters were necessary for the soldier. It is no coincidence that the girl Katyusha from the song that everyone now knows, both adults and children, has become a symbol of loyalty and hope. This song was dear to everyone and everyone. And in the days of the war, the fighters called "Katyusha" a formidable artillery weapon, which the enemies were terrified of.

Children sing a song "Katyusha"

Leading: Many guys went to the front straight from school. The war scattered young guys - some into tankers, some into anti-aircraft gunners, some into telephone operators, some into scouts.

Children dramatize the poem. Mikhalkov "we are warriors too". They are distributed throughout the hall, put on elements of costumes, take the necessary attributes.

Signalman: (the child is sitting on a chair, pretending to be a signalman, headphones are on his head, a microphone or telephone is in his hands)

Hello Jupiter? I am a diamond

I almost can't hear you

We occupied the village with a fight.

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse: (bandages the wounded man, sitting on a chair)

What are you roaring like a bear?

Nothing left to endure.

And your wound is so light

That will live for sure.

Sailor: (looks at the sky through binoculars)

An airplane is on the horizon. On course, full speed ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew! Set aside! Our fighter!

Pilot: (looks at the map)

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here, fly to the target for 7 minutes.

The combat order is clear, the enemy will not leave us!

submachine gunner: (walks along the central wall, in the hands of a machine gun)

So I went up to the attic.

Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here?

We clean the house behind the house.

Together: We will find the enemy everywhere!

A song is being performed "I will become a soldier".

Leading: There were heavy battles not far from Moscow, and now there is a short respite before the battle. During rare hours of rest, soldiers wrote letters to their relatives and loved ones.

Leading: The shells whistled, the rest ended, and again the soldiers went into battle to defend their homeland and their home. Intelligence was a difficult and dangerous task for us during the war. (children arrange attributes for the competition) How many tanks and planes are there in the enemy division, where are they heading? Carefully and imperceptibly, a scout should make his way through the forest, swamp, minefield .... He needs, by all means, to get an envelope with important information and urgently deliver it to headquarters.

The game is being played "Dangerous Intelligence"

The scout child must crawl under "tree"(in an arc, without hitting him, carefully walk through the swamp (low cubes, bypass mines (skittles) snake, take an envelope from the chair, return the same way.

The game is being played "Sappers"

The field is mined. There are bottles on the floor (mines, 2 children must crawl and unscrew the corks from each bottle, who will unscrew the corks more.

Leading: Many soldiers did not return home from that war. We will never forget

heroes: no matter how many years pass, descendants will always carefully store

The memory of our fathers and grandfathers and thank them for defending the world in the name of our bright life! Let's remember all the fallen heroes and bow our heads before their feat! A moment of silence is announced!

1 child:

All those who defended the Fatherland,

Glorifies our people.

About the heroes who fell in battles,

The memory lives on!

Everybody: (stand at the chairs)

Glory, glory and praise!

2 Child:

May there never be a war

No more trouble will touch us!

On Victory Day, all songs are sung,

Fireworks in honor of the Victory!

Leading: We will give our guests flowers and postcards.

Children are built in pairs from 2 sides of the hall. With them are educators (1 on one side, the other on the other side).

Girls in dark skirts, white blouses, boys in trousers or shorts, white shirts. Veterans sit in the hall.

The music from the movie sounds. "Officers". "From the heroes of bygone times."

Children in pairs calmly enter the hall, are distributed around the hall, near their chairs.

Presenter 1:

Guys, today is not an easy day,

Today is a special day

We invited veterans to kindergarten.

These are the most honorable people in our country.

These are the people who won the war.

Presenter 2:

Only thanks to these people

We live in the world

Today we are visiting: ………

Dear veterans, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday.

You are our pride and all respect, all our gratitude - to you.

Guys, welcome and congratulate, please, our dear guests.

(music "Victory Day")

(children come up and say “Hello!”. Congratulations on the holiday.


1. There is one holiday - the most important

Spring brings it to us!

Victory Day - solemn, glorious

The whole country celebrates!

2. What is Victory Day -

This is the morning parade

Tanks and rockets are coming

Soldiers are marching.

3. What is Victory Day -

This is a fireworks

Fireworks take to the sky

Breaking here and there.

4. What is Victory Day-

These are the songs at the table

These are speeches and conversations

This is my grandfather's album.

5. What is Victory Day

These are the scents of spring

What is Victory Day -

This means no war!

(Song "Victory").

Presenter 1:

Grey-haired veterans are coming

On their chest medals, stars, orders!

Wounds remind them of the days of the military,

About the days of Victory - the coming spring.

Presenter 2: Our heroes, we will always remember you

the departed and the survivors!

Your descendants, children, great-grandchildren and grandchildren bow to the ground to you.

(All children kneel, bowing their heads and putting their hands to their hearts, and sit on the chairs).

Presenter 1:

Guys, your relatives, of course, told you about this terrible war. Every family has memories of those distant, hard times.

Today you brought photographs of those who fought, who remember how it was. Tell what you know. ( Find out in advance who is ready).

(Children's stories).

Host 2:

Dear our veterans. We do not want to disturb your memory, but if you yourself want to tell something to the children, we will listen to you with great gratitude.

(know in advance)

(Veterans' stories).

Presenter 1:

War is sorrow, it is destruction.

The Nazis destroyed cities, villages, schools

They killed people, old people, children.

Many did not return from that war,

They died defending their country.

Presenter 2:

And we will remember too

There is such a custom - to stand up and stand quietly.

Think with gratitude of those who have kept the peace.

(Metronome beats) Minute of silence.

(4 girls leave to change clothes, take off their blouses and skirts, remain in gymnastic leotards and white and pink skirts, white tights and white Czechs). While they are changing, the boys say the words:

Presenter 1:

The long-awaited world has come!

The task of every person is to save the world!

How to do it guys?

Children: be kind, sympathetic, wish you people happiness.

The boys come out.

6. We need peace

Grass in the dew

Smiling childhood.

7. We need peace

Beautiful world, inherited.

(children move the chairs to the side walls, 4 boys take the cloth)

Dance "How beautiful this world is."

Host 2:

We are proud of our heroes and we treat veterans with great respect.

“Thank you for your deed!

Children, your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers will remain in your hearts, in your memory. As long as you remember, they will always be with you.

Song "Grandfather"

(Irina, Christina, Yana)

(Children stand near the chairs, the presenters hand out flags).

8. So that there are always mom and dad,

So that the sun would be enough for everyone,

We are for a peaceful, kind sky

So that the troubles are gone completely.

"Solar circle" - an exercise with rebuilding. At the end of the exercise, the children leave the hall through the door from the kitchen, lining up in the direction of the veterans and waving their flags.

"These days glory does not cease"

The script of the holiday for children of senior preschool age, dedicated to the Victory Day.

Characters: Leading

Attributes: machine, bandages 5 pieces, map, hoops 6 pieces, paper doves according to the number of children, microphone, headphones, binoculars.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle

Leading: Here comes Victory Day! May 9 is a bright and joyful holiday. 70 years ago, the war ended on this day. We gratefully remember our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. To all the soldiers, veterans who are not with us, we owe the fact that we now live under a peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them!

1 Festive flag, raising to heaven,

Enters the square, May 9th.

The city is dressed in full dress,

Even the sun has a solemn color.

2 This holy, heroic holiday.

Divided equally by great-grandfather and great-grandson.

The whole country wants to embrace the warriors,

With pride, looking at their orders.

3 Victory Day is a holiday

It's fireworks tonight

Lots of flags in the parade

People sing happily!

4 Great-grandfathers, soldiers of Victory,

Cast in bronze, sung in songs!

Glory to the dead! Glory to the living!

To all the generals and all the rank and file!

5 We dedicate this song

Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers,

Our beloved Motherland,

Motherland invincible!

Song "Motherland" (performed by all)

Leading: May 9 is not just a joyful and happy holiday, it is the day of the end of the war, which lasted for 4 whole years.One thousand four hundred and eighteen days and nights…) And it began on a beautiful summer morning, June 22, 1941, when many people peacefully went about their usual business.

And these terrible words sounded on the radio.

A recording of Levitan's message about the beginning of the Second World War sounds,

(against the muffled background of the song "Get up, the country is huge")

On June 22, 1941, at exactly 4 o'clock, the Nazi troops attacked our Motherland. They bombed cities and villages from aircraft, shot with tanks and cannons. All the people, both old and young, rose to defend the country. Many went to the front straight from school. The war scattered young guys - some into anti-aircraft gunners, some into telephone operators, some into scouts ...

And staging of the poem by S. Mikhalkov "We are also warriors"

(children are distributed throughout the hall, put on elements of costumes, take the necessary attributes).

Signalman (sitting on a chair, headphones on his head, microphone or phone in his hands)

Hello Jupiter? I am Diamond

I almost can't hear you

We occupied the village with a fight,

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages the wounded man, sitting on a chair, he groans):

Why are you roaring like a bear?

Nothing left to endure

And your wound is so light

That will heal for sure!

Sailor (looks into the distance through binoculars):

There's a plane on the horizon!

Full speed ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew!

Set aside - our fighter!

Two pilots are looking at the map.

1st pilot:

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,

Fly to the target seven minutes!


Clear order of battle

The enemy will not leave us!

Scout (walks near the central wall, in the hands of a machine gun):

So I went up to the attic.

Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here?

We clean the house behind the house ...

Together: We will find the enemy everywhere!

Leading: during the war, the whole country rose to the defense of their homeland. And young girls aspired to the front - many of them were nurses.

A game "Bandage the wounded soldier"

4 girls are playing - nurses, 4 boys - wounded. Wounded soldiers sit on chairs. At the signal, the nurses should run low, crouching, or bending over. Run to the wounded, quickly bandage the head (who is faster).

Leading: And the brave scouts quietly made their way through the enemy troops to their headquarters to deliver important information.

The game "Deliver the letter to the headquarters over the bumps »

(2 teams with a letter run through the hoops and back)

Child: Our Motherland is strong.

She defeated everyone.

Protects us always

Our Motherland is one.

The song "Our Motherland is strong" (performed by all)

Girl with a dove in her handPeople on the street raised their heads:

Doves, doves, white doves, The city is filled with the sound of their wings,

Dove reminded people of the world.

Dance "White Birds" (performed by girls of group 12)

Leading: In the expanses of our Motherland, after the war, many mass graves remained, on which fresh flowers always lie. This is an irreparable loss, a great price for victory, for peace in our land. These flowers are a sign of deepest gratitude to those who defended our Motherland in battles and died for it. And the fire that always burns, as a symbol of the eternal memory of those who died in this terrible war.

Let's bow to all the glorious commanders and fighters,

Let's bow to the dead and the living

Let's honor the memory of the dead with a moment of silence


Leading: People did not lose faith in victory even in the most difficult times. "The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours! - these words sounded everywhere. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. At last the enemy was broken! The soldiers liberated not only our Fatherland, but also many European countries from the fascist invaders. They reached Berlin and hoisted a red flag on the Reichstag. The country rejoiced! Every year on Victory Day, the Victory Parade always takes place on the main square of the city.

The song "With grandfather to the parade" (performed by everyone)


Let the cities sleep peacefully

Let the sirens howl

Doesn't sound over my head.

2 Let not a single shell burst,

None of them scribbles an automatic.

Let our forests announce

Let the years go by...

Together: May there never be a war!

Dance "Stork on the roof" (performed by children of 3.6 groups)

Leading: And we once again congratulate everyone on the great Victory Day, wish you a peaceful sky over your head, health, happinessand we bow low to all the veterans who have survived to this day. Happy Victory Day.
