Scenario for the holiday in the pre-school group “Autumn is a wonderful time. Scenario of the autumn holiday “You are beautiful, autumn time


joint matinee

"Autumn is a wonderful time"

For pre-school children and mixed age groups

children of the Ak-Bulak mini-center


preschool class

Palchukovskaya O.I.



The Leader (teacher) and the child enter the festively decorated hall.


Flocks of birds fly away

Less light and heat

The leaves from the maples are flying away,

So Autumn is golden

She has come to our native land!

Dasha K.

Autumn brings us a sad violin

So that the sad tune sounds over the fields

But we always greet autumn with a smile

And we invite everyone to our festive hall!

Horn music sounds - children go into the hall


Look, the guys in our hall are so smart!

We invited guests here

What kind of holiday is this in our hall?


This autumn has come to us and brought gifts to everyone!

Zlata G.

Fruits vegetables flowers

Unprecedented beauty

Lesha M.

And nuts and honey

And rowan and mushroom

Dasha B.

Gave me leaf fall

Leaves burn like gold

Matvey B.

Autumn is coming
In our park
Gives autumn
Gifts for everyone:
Red beads - rowan,
Pink apron - aspen,
Yellow umbrella - poplars,
Autumn gives us fruits.

Christina R.

Autumn walks along the path,
Got my feet wet in puddles.
It's raining
And there is no light.
Summer is lost somewhere.
Autumn is coming
Autumn is wandering.
Wind from maple leaves
There's a new rug under your feet,
Yellow-pink –

Song “Autumn in the Forest”

Sofia L.

After summer comes autumn,
The wind sings yellow songs to her.
He lays red foliage under his feet,
A white snowflake flies into the blue.

Maxim Ya.

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

It's that time of year

It's called autumn.

Valeria M.

Autumn! Your dress is beautiful!

There is a gold pattern on it.

Sundress with colored border,

Half shawl with fringe

Decorated with leaves

And rowan berries in tassels.

And from scarlet berries

Beads are like corals!

Danil A.

Autumn gives miracles,
And what kind!
The forests are depleted
Gold hats.
A crowd sits on a tree stump
Red honey mushrooms,
And the spider is such a trickster! –
The network is pulling somewhere.
Rain and withered grass
In the sleepy most of the night
Incomprehensible words
They mumble until the morning.

Song "Golden Autumn"

The “Rowanka” dance is performed by the children of the mini-center

Signs of autumn

Polina K.

Autumn will approach silently,

He will stand quietly at the gate.

Cherry leaf in the garden

It will fall onto the path.

Ulyana Ch.

This is the first sign

That summer is leaving us.

And the second is a raspberry bush

In the threads of the white web.

Polina K.

The day will become a little shorter,

The clouds will darken

As if a shadow will cover them,

The river will become cloudier -

Ulyana Ch.

The third true sign.

Autumn is wandering nearby somewhere.

Early in the morning in the clearings,

Damp fogs will fall,

Katya M.

And then, don’t wait,


Ask for a shroud,

So, Autumn has come!

Pre-school girls perform a dance with umbrellas

(attributes for the scene are set)


Autumn decorates the squares with colorful foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest of birds, animals and you and me.
And in the gardens, and in the vegetable garden, and in the forest, and by the water.
Nature has prepared all kinds of fruits.
The fields are being cleaned - people are collecting bread.
A mouse drags grains into a hole for lunch in the winter.
The squirrels dry the roots and the bees store honey.
Grandma makes jam and puts apples in the cellar.
The harvest has arrived - collect the gifts of nature!
In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather, the harvest will come in handy!

The skit “Guests are coming to the garden” is performed by pre-school children

Danil M.

What a miracle the garden is, just a sight for sore eyes,
Various plants have sprouted, grown, and bloomed here.
There is a young watchman here, he always walks with a broom,
He looks after his beds. He has his own rules.
Here he seems to be going to guard his garden.

Vanya comes out to the music.

Zlata G.

These days Vanya is very busy - he has countless worries:
The beds are flying today Vanya. Watering the garden.

Vanya reluctantly follows the text.

Vanya - Kolya O.

Oh, my work is hard, oh, my back and side hurt,
Oh, I’m tired of something, eh, I’ll go and take a nap for an hour. (Sleeping)

(The worm and the cabbage butterfly run out)

Worm – Danil A.

- These days Vanya is very busy - he has countless worries.

Butterfly – Dasha K.

- Vanya is dozing in the clearing, the guests are going to the garden.

They bring the Rooster out to the music and show him what to peck.

Rooster - Lesha M.

Here I am, Petukh Petrovich. Whoa, whoa, there are no owners?
It’s good when lunch is ready for me in the garden. (Pecks.)

The Butterfly and the Worm take the Goat out to the music and show her what to pluck.

Goat – Polina K.

Here I am Koza Kozlovna. Me-me-me, there are no owners?
It’s good when lunch is ready for me in the garden. (Pins.)

Zlata G.

Vanya is very busy these days - he has countless worries,
As soon as Vanya got up from his bed, the guests immediately left the gate.

Vanya catches the Rooster and the Goat, they run around the garden bed and run away


Where are the carrots and where is the cabbage? The onion was gone, the salad was gone.
Oh, the trouble, the beds are empty. I'm the only one to blame here.

Zlata G.

Stop shedding tears Vanya, stop causing boredom.

Vania: I'm coming now!

(takes a spray bottle with the inscription “Poison” and drives them away. Shouting “Polundra”, “Save yourself who can!”, falling and kicking their legs, the Worm and Butterfly run away).

Roma Ch.

The rain is pouring, trying,
At least they don't ask for it.
The sun is hovering in the clouds,
So it's autumn.

Lesha M.

The raindrops are flying, flying,
You won't get out of the gate.
Along the wet path
A damp fog is creeping in.

Alexandra B.

At the sad pines
And fiery rowan trees
Autumn comes and sows
Fragrant mushrooms!

The mushroom dance is performed by the children of the mini-center

Katya M.

Autumn looked into the garden -

The birds have flown away.

There's rustling outside the window in the morning

Yellow snowstorms.

The first ice is underfoot

It crumbles, breaks.

The sparrow in the garden will sigh,

And to sing - He’s embarrassed.

Valeria M.

- Oh, how beautiful the autumn forest is, frozen in sleepy silence!
And the trees seem to radiate light in golden fire.

Dasha K.

- The stream still murmurs and sings under the fallen leaves,
But the bird house is no one’s house - it will be inhabited only in the spring.

Zlata G.

- But this beauty is not eternal, winter is just around the corner.
And you can only hear the endless murmur of a stream in the forest.

Song “Wonderful time of autumn”

Dima Sh.

Leaf fall leaf fall

Leaves are falling and flying

Yellow leaves swirling

And everyone lies on the ground

Milena R.

Spun around me
The rain of leaves is mischievous.
How good he is!
Where else can you find something like this?
Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under it,
We danced like friends
Rain of leaves and me.

Games with parents

The game involves 2 parents. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, accompanied by music, they collect the piece of paper piece by piece. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.

Parents stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any parent and says one of the words: “Vegetable”, “Berry” or “Fruit”. The parent, having caught the ball, quickly names a vegetable, berry or fruit familiar to him. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

The player must, blindfolded, draw the peas so that they do not go beyond the line of the pod.

Dance with autumn pom-poms to the lyrics of the song “Dance in the Rain”

Scenario for the holiday in the pre-school group “Autumn is a wonderful time.”

Target: the formation of a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, support based on collective theatrical performances, games, performance of round dance songs.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. They have leaves in their hands.

Good afternoon, dear guests! So the summer has flown by. We met in this cozy, festive hall to plunge into the world of a fabulous, joyful childhood together with our children.

Once again, autumn has come to our doorstep, decorating the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. Autumn rejoices that its time has come, and spins with the wind in a cheerful dance.

This is autumn, our autumn

Brought so many colors!

The leaves are spinning, flying,

Quietly rustling a song. Performing the song “Oh, what autumn!”

1 . Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.

The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,

In autumn purple only green oak.

2. Autumn consoles: “Don’t regret summer.

Look, the grove is dressed in gold!”

Autumn is coming, the leaves are flying away.

The wind swirls and carries their cheerful round dance.

Performing a round dance song. Performance of the song “Drip, drip into a puddle”

Children sit on chairs.

3. The rain came, ran, made noise,

Immediately everything from him - go home.

The rain sang, danced, spun,

He started tapping on our windows.

Hare: It's getting colder every day

It's very chilly in the rain.

I'm shaking all over, I'm all wet,

Like an aspen leaf.

I would like a house, but a drier one, -

I would warm my paws and ears there. Up-chhi!

A girl comes out and opens an umbrella.

Leading: It came out very handy here

The umbrella is in our Katya's hands.

Get under the umbrella, baby

If you warm your paws, you’ll run away!

Lisa runs in.

Fox: Your umbrella is so wonderful

It won't be crowded for the three of us!

Kate: Hurry up to us, little fox,

Dry the fluffy tail.

The Bear enters.

Bear: Good afternoon to you!

All: Hello, Mishka.

Bear: I'll give you all a bump.

All: Thank you.

Bear: Can I get under the umbrella?

Warm your nose and ears?

Fox: Oh oh oh! Your height is very great!

Do you remember my bushy tail!

Kate: Enough space under the umbrella!

The four of us are not crowded! (Calls Mishka.)

Sparrow is flying.

Sparrow (stops).

Sparrow: Here a little sparrow flies and says, barely audible:

I flew in the rain, looking for grains everywhere,

My wings have become heavy, I can barely fly.

Kate: Fly to us, Little Sparrow!

Enough room for all five.

Two Ants enter.

Ant 1: Hurrying ants,

Not lazy, not stupid,

One after another along the path

They drag grains and crumbs.

Need to work hard in the summer -

Everything will come in handy in winter.

Ant 2: Ants can't be lazy

The ant lives by work.

He drags both the beetle and the caterpillar into his underground home.

When you see that he is hurrying on his way,

Don't hurt him, don't touch him.

Kate: The rain has stopped! (Closes the umbrella.)

Hare: Well, then I galloped!

Fox: Goodbye, I have to go, there in the forest is my hole.

Bear: Well, it's time for me to hit the road,

I'll go to my den to sleep.

Sparrow: Then I flew too,

Goodbye friends!

Ant: We ran, friends,

A huge family is waiting.

They are going away.

Kate ( waves to everyone). Goodbye, animals!

I’ll run to the guys too.

From the autumn forest

I'll bring you some mushrooms.

The smell of pine needles, leaves, wind.

Now we'll play.

Game "Find the leaf"

You fly, fly, leaf, straight onto the path. Children dance in a circle and sing a song. In the hands of

Lie down for a while, rest a little. Each child has his own piece of paper. At that time

Let's start a round dance, let's start it great. The presenter scatters leaves in the center of the hall.

And we will choose a pair for our leaf. After the song, the children must find a pair

to his leaf.

4. Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is like in the sun's rays.

This dress is golden with birch trees on the shoulders.

5. In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot and fly, fly, fly….

Round dance “We are autumn leaves”

We are the leaves, We are the leaves, children stand in a circle with leaves in their hands.

We are autumn leaves.

We sat on branches the children run away.

The wind blew and they flew.

We flew, We flew, children run around waving leaves.

And then you got tired of flying!

The wind stopped blowing - children squat, lifting

We all sat down in a circle. leaves above your head.

The wind suddenly blew again, The children run away again, waving the leaves.

And he quickly blew away the leaves.

All the leaves have flown Children throw leaves and watch where they fall.

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

6. We collect in August

Fruit harvest.

Lots of joy for people

After all the work.

The sun stands over the spacious fields,

And sunflower grains

Full of blacks.

Leading: With the onset of autumn, vegetables ripen in the fields and gardens. Do you know what vegetables grow in your garden? Children list vegetables.

Leading: Guys, one day my mother sent her daughter Tanya to the garden to collect various vegetables for lunch. And this is what happened in the garden.

Sketch “Tanya and vegetables”

Tanya comes out. She has a basket in her hands. Tanya looks around.

Tanya: My mother sends me to the garden,

Both cabbage and carrots grow here.

But I don’t know what vegetables to pick

How can I figure it out and find out?

What should I pack for lunch?

Who helped me in this difficult matter?

Where are the carrots, where is the cabbage, where is the onion?

Carrot: I am a red maiden, a green braid!

I am proud of myself and good for anything!

And for juice, and for cabbage soup, for salads and borscht,

In pies, and vinaigrette, and... bunnies for lunch!

Cabbage: I am white and juicy, I am healthy and tasty!

I stand on a thick leg, my clothes creak.

Green onions: They say I'm bitter, they say I'm unsweetened!

I am growing with a green arrow in the garden bed.

I am the most useful, I give you my word on that!

Eat green onions - you will be healthy!

Beet: I'm round and strong, dark red sides,

Young beets, so sweet!

I'm good for lunch, borscht, and vinaigrette!

Potato: I am a potato, a sight for sore eyes.

I am a potato, delicious!

Collapse - ma - li - hundred! Yes, once - va - ri - hundred!

Without me - no, no - there will be no lunch!

The Goat comes out, shaking his beard, threatening with his horns.

Goat: I won't give you carrots, I won't give you cucumbers,

I am ready to fight for every head of cabbage! Me-e-e...

All vegetables: Protect us, Tanya, protect us,

Save me from the horned goat!

Drive him away quickly

Let him go his way!

Tanya takes a twig and threatens the Goat.

Tanya: You goat-goat, green eyes,

Go away, go away, don’t harm the garden!

Don't knock your feet, don't twist your horns!

Go away, go away, don’t harm the garden! Here you are!

The goat runs away.

Vegetables: Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!

We couldn't get the goat out without you!

Cabbage: Here is a head of cabbage (hands it to Tanya).

Carrot: Here's a bunch of carrots!

Green onions: Here's a fresh onion!

Beet: Here are the beets!

Potato: And here are the potatoes!

All: We all shared a little with Tanyusha.


Guys, did you like our holiday today?

What qualities do you think helped our today's heroes not to get lost in the rain or end up at the goat's for dinner?

(Feeling of support, friendship, mutual assistance).

I wish you to always remain kind and faithful friends.

Ved. : Dear guys, dear parents, guests! We have gathered today for a holiday that comes to us every year - the Autumn holiday.

Today we were invited to the autumn forest for a birthday!

And whose birthday it is, you will find out later.

The leaves were filled with sunshine,

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Filled up, heavy

And they flew with the wind,

They rustled through the bushes...

You can see them here and there.

The wind swirls like gold,

It makes noise like golden rain.

All the leaves on an autumn day

So beautiful.

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves.

Song “Yellow leaf...”


Yellow leaf, yellow leaf
will fall on the path
This means, this means
Autumn is coming to visit us!

Here are the leaves, rain, rain
It will fall on your palm
This means, this means
Autumn is coming to visit us!

Come, beauty, golden autumn!
The kids really like it, golden autumn!

Autumn:-Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

I came to your party

Sing and have fun.

I want to be with everyone here

Make strong friends.

Ved. : Autumn is knocking on us

Gloomy cloud and rain

And it won't come back

Summer with sunbeam. Let's go get the umbrellas


Mom bought me an umbrella

An adult, a real one.

Hot pink, beautiful,

With a shiny handle.

If it rains again,

I'll go for a walk under an umbrella!

Ved. :- Guys, let's sing a song about rain.


Song "Rain"

Drip-drip, knock-knock-knock
There was a knock on the glass.
It's raining in the morning
Woke up all the kids.

Drip-drip, don-dong-dong
The drops began to ring.
If you go out for a walk
Don't forget to take an umbrella.

Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip
The rain has a cheerful disposition.
Tomorrow morning we will again
Let's go for a walk in the rain.

Ved. - They harvest fruits in the fall.

There is a lot of joy for people after all their hard work.

And we greet you with a rich harvest.


And now it’s time to harvest... Who is the most dexterous?

^ Ved: We need to collect potatoes!

We put on crowns

(Vegetable children appear: Carrots, Turnips, Peas, Cucumber, Beets;

CarrotI am a carrot, a red tail.
Come visit more often.
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks turn red,
Eat carrots, drink my juice,
You will only be healthier!

CucumberI am both fresh and salty.
All pimply and green.
Don't forget me, my friend,
Stock up on your health for future use

. Beet I'm round and strong, dark red sides,

Young beets are so sweet!

I'm good for lunch in both borscht and vinaigrette!
. turnip I look like the sun, I grew up in the garden too,

Sweet and strong, I call it a turnip.

I have a special taste, take it, my friend, try it!

:Polka dots I'm such a pretty, green boy!

If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas!

in unison
We are tasty and juicy
Let's feed all the children!

(Vegetable children appear: Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Orange;

AppleI am strong, crispy,
The miracle is real.
Yellow and red -
The skin is satin.
The apple is ruddy
All the best for children!

PearThey call me a pear.
I'll tell you, and you listen:
Love me, children!
I am the most useful person in the world.

PlumWhat kind of tree is in bloom?
Fruit, not fruit, but a miracle!
I’ll tell you, kids,
The plum is ripening.

PeachPeach – round and fragrant,
Warm, tender, golden,

Very similar to the moon
Sometimes for chicken

And with his little fluff -
Like a Persian cat.

Orange Hello, I'm a juicy orange,

Everyone's favorite gentleman.

Do you have a juicer?

I don’t mind juice for my friends!

in unison
And we are even more elegant!
And we are even juicier!

Don't argue, dears!
Nothing tastes better
Wonderful, ripe fruit
And fresh vegetables!

Hello, golden Autumn,
Hello, generous time!
Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us!
It's time to start our holiday!

What is your holiday today?

We are all invited to Russula's birthday.

Where will this holiday be?

In the forest, in the clearing. All the mushrooms will gather there.

What gifts will there be?

Poems and riddles.

Smart guesses.

Songs and jokes.

Funny moments!

(Mushrooms appear:)

Happy birthday
Russula from the heart!
She has both pink and yellow,
All outfits are good.
Do you guys know why russulas come in different colors?

I'm alone under the Christmas tree,
Another one under the oak tree,
Well, if the forest is mixed,
That's who I am!

ALL(in chorus, singing)
Happy birthday! (4 times).

FLY AKOMOR (listening)
Oh guys! Save yourself, who can! Mushroom pickers are coming!

(The mushrooms hide in all directions. The fly agaric remains.)

Why aren't you hiding?

I'm not afraid of mushroom pickers
That's why I'm staying!
I am amazing to everyone!
Let everyone admire!

(Mushroom pickers appear: Boy and Girl.)

Where have all the mushrooms hidden!? Look, fly agaric! How disgusting!

He is not nasty, but useful. Many forest animals are treated with fly agarics.

GIRL (seeing Fruits and Vegetables)
Oh, what is this!? Carrot, cucumber, orange... in the forest!? Behold, miracles! Am I dreaming about this!?

VEGETABLES and FRUITS (in chorus)
No, I’m not dreaming, it’s us
There are only guests here.
We are invited to the feast.
We invite you to join us for the holiday!

Thank you. What are you celebrating?

Russula's birthday.

Ah, that's it! Where is she herself?

(The mushrooms appear again. The boy and the girl hide their baskets.)

BOY and GIRL (in chorus)
Accept an apology,
And our assurances
That we won't disturb you.
We congratulate you too!

EVERYONE (singing in chorus)
Happy birthday! (4 times).

GIRL (to boy)
Still, it’s a pity that summer has flown by.
We will no longer be able to see the dawn in the forest!

And, you know, I'm still not very
I regret the summer time.
Look how beautiful autumn is
Today in our yard!


And now we are announcing a parade of autumn costumes!

VED :--- Come on, fruits and vegetables, stand in a row!

This is our wonderful garden!

Oh, the costumes are good

Moms tried their best


Let's all tell them together

(to all)
Well, then, poems and riddles
It seems we have been promised here!
Let's have your dances too,
So that our guests don't get bored!----------

^ Dance of the fly agarics

Thank you! I liked it very much.

AUTUMN (Vegetables)
The mushrooms congratulated you, and now it’s your turn.

Vegetables perform

We chop the cabbage bim, bim, bim.

^ We three, three, three cabbage.

We salt the cabbage, lim, lim,

We press cabbage, press, press!

Presenter: We will now learn from the riddles what autumn is rich in. Guess the riddles.
Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say it at random.

Well, of course... (grape).

Who is this green one?

Delicious, fresh and salty?

Very strong fellow

Who is this? (Cucumber)

The fiery one itself,

And the heart is stone. (Cherry)

Red, juicy.

Delicious, durable.

He grows, does not grieve,

He is friends with cucumbers. ( Tomato)

Lived in our garden

And he was friends with everyone.

The tail is a green hook.

We know this ... (zucchini).

It's big, like a soccer ball.

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What's his name? (Watermelon)

It hung in the spring.

It's been sour all summer.

And it became sweet.

It fell to the ground. ( ^Apple)

Curious red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head.

They just hang out in the garden

Green heels. ( Carrot)

Sweet, fragrant,

Grew up in a shady garden

Consists of small lobes,

Very tasty, juicy, scarlet (Raspberries)

White-sided, round-faced.

Loves to drink plenty of water.

She has leaves with a crunch,

And her name is... (cabbage).

Thank you, thank you!

AUTUMN (Fruits)
How will you congratulate the birthday girl?

FRUIT (after consultation)
And we’ll congratulate you like this: let’s play a game A game “Sort your vegetables and fruits”
Thank you, thank you everyone!
That's a wizard, that's a wizard
Everything around was gilded!
Even the heaviest rain
I haven't washed this paint off!
We ask you to guess the riddle,
Who is this artist?

EVERYTHING (in unison)

Ved. The autumn holiday is over...

I think it lifted your spirits!

I want to sing, always smile...

Children, do you agree with me?

Ved: Autumn has prepared gifts for you as a souvenir!

Scenario of an autumn holiday in a preparatory school group with the participation of children of different age groups of the Ak-Bulak mini-center

"You are beautiful, autumn time!"

Goal: development of children's creative and stage abilities.

Strengthen the ability to expressively and clearly perform songs and dances, the ability to expressively perform roles, and read poetry with expression.

Develop singing skills, a sense of rhythm, an ear for music, and the ability to coordinate movements with music. Develop creative abilities. Cultivate friendly relations with each other, a sense of mutual assistance and compassion.

Children to the music “Autumn, Autumn!” Golden leaf fall! are included in the class

Summer flew away quickly

A migratory bird into the distance,

Autumn has spread wonderfully

A fading shawl!

Gifted by the guest - Autumn

Fruit harvests,

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms!

So let's praise autumn

Song, dance and games!

The meetings will be joyful,

Autumn, this is your holiday!

Hello, golden autumn,

Blue sky above!

The leaves are yellow, flying off,

They lay down on the path.

The garden is painted with flowers

Asters, peonies, dahlias,

And above they burn with fire

Clusters of red rowan trees!

Christina S.

Why be sad about summer now!

Autumn has come to visit us.

In a gilded carriage.

I brought gifts for everyone.

Autumn is outside the window again,

The rain is falling like peas

The leaves are falling, rustling,

How beautiful autumn is!

Alexandra B.

The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps,

You give us everything, Autumn!

Polina Ch.

Every leaf is golden -

Little sun -

I'll put it in the basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

Aruzhan E.

I take care of the leaves

Autumn continues!

Long, long time for me

The holiday doesn't end!

Wind chimes sound.

The Wind runs into the hall. He blows, and yellow leaves cut out of paper fly in all directions. Performs an improvisational dance.

ROMA (wind)

Do you know, children?

I am the autumn wind.

Brave and free

But sometimes it's cold!

I am impetuous, cheerful, quick,

I tore the decoration from the maples.

They're spinning and flying everywhere

Golden leaves

And they cover the garden,

Like fox fur.

Mists appear in the hall.

They are dressed in transparent dresses and have light ribbons in their hands.


We are the autumn mists,

At night we'll lie down in the clearings,

To green meadows,

To the river banks.

Children appear in the hall - the leaves are spinning to the music


yellow leaves

They lead a round dance,

Falling on the bumps

Dry swamps.

On flowers, on herbs

And to the bottom of the ditch,

Covering everything around

A lush golden carpet.

The music of thunder and rain sounds

A boy appears in the hall - Rain.

DIMA (rain)

I am autumn rain.

Golden leaf. Fly!

Lead us with you!

Before the long winter

I will water the earth with water.

Hush... Autumn speaks to us.

Do you hear? The leaf rustles under your foot,

The stupid gray bunny is trembling,

A squirrel peels the cones off the tree.

Do you hear? Frequent rain drizzles.

Hush...Autumn speaks to us.

Children of the mini-center perform the song “Autumn”

Falling leaves are wandering in the grove.

Through the bushes, through the maples.

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

Let's make a fan out of leaves

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Light and playful.

Dance with leaves by children of the mini-center.

Autumn brings us to your ball

Today I invited

So that no one is late,

Autumn asked.


“Autumn, autumn, come to us, give us magic”

Enter Autumn and the 7 kings of colors.

AUTUMN: Dasha S.

I, Golden Autumn, am such a sorceress.

I came to the holiday and brought guests.

My guests are unusual: these are the seven kings of colors.

It's hard to choose the best color here,

You can be proud of every color.

Not only for the artist

paints are needed -

Nature is decorated with color.

She draws on the expanses of the earth

And pleases with a bright bouquet.

Yellow: Matvey

Queen Autumn is right in this,

You can be proud of every color,

But still, in the fall, friends,

I am the most important person in the world!

Orange: Maxim

Well, no, in orange tones

Draws autumn on sheets.

The trees are burning as if on fire.

Their beauty is just in me!

Red: Vadim

Let me tell you simply: I am the color red.

There is no one more beautiful than me in the world.

The berries in the garden and the vegetables in the garden have turned red,

And in the forest the mushrooms put on red hats.

Green: David

I will also say, there is no dispute about that,

What Autumn loves is red.

But the vegetables will tell you

That I am green is also important.

Blue: Anuar

Blue color and cyan

They surround the globe.

Rivers and seas are large

Also blue.

Blue: Danil

Blue rain drums on the windows all day long

The whole ground is covered with leaves and wet from the rain.

He knocks on the window all day and rips off leaves.

The mischievous autumn rain comes running to us.

Violet: Zakhar

Purple, friends, can never be forgotten!

Fruits, vegetables, flowers - we paint together - you and me.

So let's live together, love all the colors of the earth!

Friends, we have resolved your dispute,

When the kids were invited,

And you saw on them

Colors both yours and others!

Dear Kings of Colors! Let's not argue.

For nature to surprise people with its colors, you are all very important in your rich kingdom.

Let's all enjoy beauty together.

Song “Autumn in a golden scarf” (sit on chairs)

Yes, autumn is the most expressive time of the year. I want to freeze in delight at the variety of autumn colors. Admire - you won't stop admiring it!


She gave us different fruits at first.

Then she treated us to mushrooms.

Watermelons, melons and grapes.

We like autumn, we are happy about autumn!

ROMA Ch. (cucumber).

Everyone loves green

The cucumber is vigorous.

DIMA Sh. (peas).

I am also a green curly pea,

I look good and I taste good.

SOFIA M. (cabbage)

And I, juicy cabbage,

I'm proud of my vitamins.

In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads

Me: Of course I’ll come in handy.

Harvest song (vegetables dance)

And now I would like to know which of you is the most observant:

Who picks apples with their backs? Hedgehog

Who has a cheek instead of a bag? Chipmunk

The leaves of which trees turn red in autumn? Aspen, mountain ash, bird cherry

What animal gives birth to babies during leaf fall? The hare

What are they called? Deciduous plants

What bird hatches its chicks in the rain? Swan

Which bird flies the highest? Eagle

Village riddles for kids

Here are my children in the grass,

Little yellow little naughty girls.

I will find all the children

I'll take you to the pond later.

I will teach them to swim.

I often shout “quack-quack” to them. (Duck.)

A river flows behind the village,

There is a good place.

I go there to swim

Dive and splash.

There I shout: “Ha-ha-ha!

How beautiful the shores are!” (Goose.)

My naughty child

Runs off to the meadow.

There's a foal grazing there,

His little friend.

I tell my son: “Moo!

I know, it’s boring to be alone.” (Cow.)

Squirrel dance

HOST: Autumn is not only a beautiful time of year, but also the time of harvest. We will also take part in collecting vegetables and fruits. And for this we will divide into two teams. Vegetables go to the garden, and fruits go to the garden. And each team will have to assemble its own train with the gifts of autumn.


Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.

2 teams of 4 people each participate.

The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops).

The 2nd participant “plants vegetables or fruits” (puts them in a hoop).

The 3rd participant “waters the crop” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).

The 4th participant “harvests” (collects in a bucket).

The faster team wins.


Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other participants can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars. Machines can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.


The game involves two people. They each take a basket in their hands. 10 - 12 cones are scattered on the floor. At the signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most cones wins.

UMBRELLA GAME with mini-center children

Drop dance

Song rain


And which of you, friends, have seen,

How has everything changed in the forest?

An autumn ball was given in the forest!

The trees are all dressed up:

Some in variegated silk, and some in satin -

Only strict pines and spruces

Its coniferous velvet is a delight to the eyes -

They didn’t want to film again.

Having ironed your yellow cambric,

The beautiful birch tree has arrived

And suddenly she shook off the first leaf,

Like a thin hair in a hairstyle.

Arriving early at the ball,

Deafened by the orchestra of the wind,

The ash tree danced with the rowan,

To the surprise of the guests.

And, forgetting about etiquette,

The maple tree clapped its hands so loudly,

That he threw off the golden cuff

And he became a little disheveled.

And the old oak tree, swaying to the beat,

I was unable to stop.

Would you like it too?

Spin in an autumn waltz?

Dance with leaves (music chosen by the music director).

OK it's all over Now! It's time to say goodbye.

With the November wind, autumn flies into the distance.

And again we say goodbye to you,

To my good and great friends!

That's an artist, that's an artist!
I gilded all the forests,
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint off.
We ask you to guess the riddle:
Who is this artist?..
CHILDREN (in chorus): Autumn!Child

Lush sundress
Covering the earth
Comes to visit us
Autumn is golden!
Autumn festival in the forest,
Both light and fun!
These are the decorations
Autumn is here!


The wind just blew
I did a lot of things at once:
Dispersed the clouds in the sky,
I tore the leaves from the tree,
Spun them high
Scattered them far away.
We will collect leaves
Let's go dance with them!


So autumn has come to us,
The kids are having fun
Because it's a lot of autumn
She brought us surprises!

AUTUMN: Hello my friends!

I came to you for the holiday!

I dressed everything up,

The dark forest has been enriched!

It became as bright as day,

The leaves there are burning with fire!
I have a basket in my hands
(shows) ,
It contains autumn gifts.
Everything that I am rich in.
I brought it for the kids.
I brought vegetables
From the garden bed,
But to find them out,
Guess the riddles.

Not sewn, not cut,
And all in scars,
Seventy clothes
And all without fasteners.
(head of cabbage)

And the braid is on the street.

No windows, no doors,
The room is full of people.

I grow in the garden,
And when I mature,
They cook a tomato from me,
They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that.

And green and thick,
A bush grew in the garden bed,
Dig a little
Under the bush lies...


1st presenter: Green cucumbers, red tomato,


2nd presenter:

Polka dots (funny):

1st presenter:

Beet (important):

Let me say a word,
Listen first:
You need beets for borscht,
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is nothing better than beets!

Cabbage (interrupting):

You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!
Trickster bunnies
They love stalks.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stalk.

Cucumber (provocatively):

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber!
And fresh cucumber,
Everyone will like it, of course!
It crunches on the teeth, crunches...
I can treat you!

Radish: (modestly):

I am a ruddy radish.
I bow to you very low.
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!

Carrot (coquettishly):

The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?

strong, dexterous!

2nd presenter:


Don't talk nonsense, carrot.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and pleasant
Of course, tomato juice!

Children: There are a lot of vitamins in it.
We happily drink it!

1st presenter: Place a box by the window
Just water more often
And then, like a true friend,
Green will come to you...

Children: Onion.

I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
Did you guess it? I am your friend.
I am a simple green onion.


I, potato, am so modest
She didn't say a word.
But everyone needs potatoes:
Both big and small.

2nd presenter:

To be healthy and strong,
You need to love vegetables
All without exception!
There is no doubt about it.
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?

AUTUMN: I suggest you play

Vegetables sort


We lived with Yagusi,
Two cheerful geese,
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!
The geese are scratching their feet,
Feel the gifts
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!
Take it, geese,
A basket for Yagushi!
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!

BABA YAGA: Oh, red-billed ones, well done!

HOST: What kind of guests are these?

AUTUMN: And they took our food!







Child. How much I love autumn -

Harvest time!

Everything is ripe, very tasty!

I'm running to the garden in the morning!

Child. Here the cabbage has fluffed up,

There's a little carrot sitting here.

What suddenly happened to me?

Just a beastly appetite.

Child. We picked a lot of cucumbers,

They ate, they couldn’t eat them,

And then they marinated

We stocked up for the whole winter.

Child. Zucchini is like a piglet

Weighs eight kilograms!

Who's the skinny kid here?

I'll give him the zucchini.

Child. Rubbed beetroot on cheeks

Girls out for a walk

I hardly need it

I'm already blushing.

Child. Oh, potato, potato,

I can't live without you

I even broke a spoon -

I scrape the frying pan.

Child. Come visit us

Have lunch today

Come visit us

Taste the harvest.

Baba Yaga:

Baba Yaga:



Baba Yaga:

Child. It melts in the high skies

Lonely thin ray

Flocks of birds fly away

Flocks of clouds arrive.


Child. Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through the bushes and maples

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

Child. Let's make a fan out of leaves

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves,

Light and playful.

Child. It's good to jump in galoshes,

It's good to run with an umbrella.

Today is such a good day,

All the leaves are golden.




First mushroom (boletus):

Old, important boletus,
The most important forester.
And mushrooms on all sides,
They bow to the white one.

Second mushroom (boletus):

Not gray, not white,
I, brothers, am simpler,
I am a boletus.

Third mushroom (fly agaric):

Look at me.
I'm handsome by any means.
Take me into the basket
I taste very good with potatoes.
A fly agaric in a red hat,
I climbed right out onto the hill.
I look smart
It's a pity that it's very poisonous

Adults and children know -
We grow on stumps in the forest,





See you again!


We sang and danced,

How could you be entertained

Goodbye, good morning!

We are waiting for you again for the holiday!


Our holiday has come to an end. Once again, Happy Autumn to all of you.

Autumn has come to visit us.

Children with pieces of paper in their hands run into the festively decorated hall to the music. They rearrange themselves and stand in a checkerboard pattern in the center of the hall.
That's an artist, that's an artist!
I gilded all the forests,
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint off.
We ask you to guess the riddle:
Who is this artist?..

CHILDREN (in chorus): Autumn!


Lush sundress
Covering the earth
Comes to visit us
Autumn is golden!
Autumn festival in the forest,
Both light and fun!
These are the decorations
Autumn is here!

The song "AUTUMN HAS KNOCKED" is performed


The wind just blew
I did a lot of things at once:
Dispersed the clouds in the sky,
I tore the leaves from the tree,
Spun them high
Scattered them far away.
We will collect leaves
Let's go dance with them!
The song and dance “Leaves are spinning” is performed


So autumn has come to us,
The kids are having fun
Because it's a lot of autumn
She brought us surprises!

Autumn enters the hall to the music, carrying a basket in her hands.
AUTUMN: I'm always happy for a holiday,
I love to have fun
Play with the kids.
I have a basket in my hands
(shows) ,
It contains autumn gifts.
Everything that I am rich in.
I brought it for the kids.
I brought vegetables
From the garden bed,
But to find them out,
Guess the riddles.

Not sewn, not cut,
And all in scars,
Seventy clothes
And all without fasteners.
(head of cabbage)

A beautiful maiden sits in prison,
And the braid is on the street.

No windows, no doors,
The room is full of people.

I grow in the garden,
And when I mature,
They cook a tomato from me,
They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that.

And green and thick,
A bush grew in the garden bed,
Dig a little
Under the bush lies...

After the riddles are guessed, the vegetables come out to the center of the hall.


1st presenter: Green cucumbers, red tomato,
They start a long and serious argument.

Vegetables: Which of us, among the vegetables, is both tastier and more useful?
Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?

2nd presenter: A pea popped out - what a braggart!

Polka dots (funny):

I'm such a good little green boy!
If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas.

1st presenter: Blushing with offense, the beets grumbled:

Beet (important):

Let me say a word,
Listen first:
You need beets for borscht,
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is nothing better than beets!

Cabbage (interrupting):

You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!
Trickster bunnies
They love stalks.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stalk.

Cucumber (provocatively):

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber!
And fresh cucumber,
Everyone will like it, of course!
It crunches on the teeth, crunches...
I can treat you!

Radish: (modestly):

I am a ruddy radish.
I bow to you very low.
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!

Carrot (coquettishly):

The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots -
Then, my friend, you will be strong,
strong, dexterous!

2nd presenter: Here the tomato pouted and said sternly:


Don't talk nonsense, carrot.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and pleasant
Of course, tomato juice!

Children: There are a lot of vitamins in it.
We happily drink it!

1st presenter: Place a box by the window
Just water more often
And then, like a true friend,
Green will come to you...

Children: Onion.

I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
Did you guess it? I am your friend.
I am a simple green onion.


I, potato, am so modest
She didn't say a word.
But everyone needs potatoes:
Both big and small.

2nd presenter: It’s time to end the argument, it’s useless to argue!

To be healthy and strong,
You need to love vegetables
All without exception!
There is no doubt about it.
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?

AUTUMN: I suggest you play

Vegetables sort

A game is being held - a relay race “Collecting vegetables”

After the game, the children sit on chairs.

Baba Yaga rides into the hall on a scooter with her goslings, singing to the melody of “Jolly Geese.”

We lived with Yagusi,
Two cheerful geese,
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!
The geese are scratching their feet,
Feel the gifts
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!
Take it, geese,
A basket for Yagushi!
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!

The goslings take the basket and run away.
BABA YAGA: Oh, red-billed ones, well done!

HOST: What kind of guests are these?

AUTUMN: And they took our food!

BABA YAGA: The carriage is mine, the geese are mine, the basket is mine too!

HOST : How is this yours? This is what Autumn has brought for all the kids!

BABA YAGA: So what! I also have two baby goslings, they are hungry and want to eat!

AUTUMN: Baba Yaga, let's give all the guys a treat. And the goslings will get it!

BABA YAGA: What more! So I gave you the basket right away! You'll cheer me up first.


Child. How much I love autumn -

Harvest time!

Everything is ripe, very tasty!

I'm running to the garden in the morning!

Child. Here the cabbage has fluffed up,

There's a little carrot sitting here.

What suddenly happened to me?

Just a beastly appetite.

Child. We picked a lot of cucumbers,

They ate, they couldn’t eat them,

And then they marinated

We stocked up for the whole winter.

Child. Zucchini is like a piglet

Weighs eight kilograms!

Who's the skinny kid here?

I'll give him the zucchini.

Child. Rubbed beetroot on cheeks

Girls out for a walk

I hardly need it

I'm already blushing.

Child. Oh, potato, potato,

I can't live without you

I even broke a spoon -

I scrape the frying pan.

Child. Come visit us

Have lunch today

Come visit us

Taste the harvest.

Baba Yaga: Well done! You know some good ditties, you made grandma laugh!

Baba Yaga: While I was getting to you, the rain caught me and I had to run. I ran and ran and lost one galosh. I really want to see how you will run in one galosh.


Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, did our guys cheer you up?

Baba Yaga: Yes, guys, well done! I'll have to return the cart.

Hey, you geese, my geese - fly to grandma.

Here's your basket, and it's time for us to return home to the forest. But we’ll take a head of cabbage, Leshy promised to bake us pies with cabbage today.

Child. It melts in the high skies

Lonely thin ray

Flocks of birds fly away

Flocks of clouds arrive.


Child. Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through the bushes and maples

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

Child. Let's make a fan out of leaves

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves,

Light and playful.

Child. It's good to jump in galoshes,

It's good to run with an umbrella.

Today is such a good day,

All the leaves are golden.

Child. The cold rain falls all day,

Only an umbrella can save you from bad weather.


Presenter: We had a lot of fun, but during the autumn rain, a lot of mushrooms grow in the forest. And today, gentlemen, mushrooms are guests at our holiday. Please introduce yourself, gentlemen.

First mushroom (boletus):

Old, important boletus,
The most important forester.
And mushrooms on all sides,
They bow to the white one.

Second mushroom (boletus):

Not gray, not white,
I, brothers, am simpler,
I usually grow in a birch grove.
I am a boletus.

Third mushroom (fly agaric):

Look at me.
I'm handsome by any means.
Take me into the basket
I taste very good with potatoes.
A fly agaric in a red hat,
I climbed right out onto the hill.
I look smart
It's a pity that it's very poisonous

The sixth and seventh mushrooms (honey mushrooms):

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -
Adults and children know -
We grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose. We are mushrooms.

Child. Knowing that you have a holiday and you can’t do without dancing, we also prepared. Well, brothers mushrooms, let's show how we can have fun? Go…

Mushrooms perform "Dance Aerobics".
Leading: Thank you, autumn, for your beauty, for the brightness of the colors, for the ball that you arranged for us today. And as a farewell we want to give you a song.


Autumn: Thank you, dear guests, for coming to my holiday.
I want to thank you with gifts,
And wish you to be healthy, strong and cheerful.
See you again!

Autumn has come to visit us.

Matinee for older children

Children with pieces of paper in their hands run into the festively decorated hall to the music. They rearrange themselves and stand in a checkerboard pattern in the center of the hall.
That's an artist, that's an artist!
I gilded all the forests,
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint off.
We ask you to guess the riddle:
Who is this artist?..

CHILDREN (in chorus): Autumn!


Lush sundress
Covering the earth
Comes to visit us
Autumn is golden!
Autumn festival in the forest,
Both light and fun!
These are the decorations
Autumn is here!

The song "AUTUMN HAS KNOCKED" is performed


The wind just blew
I did a lot of things at once:
Dispersed the clouds in the sky,
I tore the leaves from the tree,
Spun them high
Scattered them far away.
We will collect leaves
Let's go dance with them!
The song and dance “Leaves are spinning” is performed


So autumn has come to us,
The kids are having fun
Because it's a lot of autumn
She brought us surprises!

Autumn enters the hall to the music, carrying a basket in her hands.
AUTUMN: I'm always happy for a holiday,
Come to your kindergarten.
I love to have fun
Play with the kids.
I have a basket in my hands
(shows) ,
It contains autumn gifts.
Everything that I am rich in.
I brought it for the kids.
I brought vegetables
From the garden bed,
But to find them out,
Guess the riddles.

Not sewn, not cut,
And all in scars,
Seventy clothes
And all without fasteners.
(head of cabbage)

A beautiful maiden sits in prison,
And the braid is on the street.

No windows, no doors,
The room is full of people.

I grow in the garden,
And when I mature,
They cook a tomato from me,
They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that.

And green and thick,
A bush grew in the garden bed,
Dig a little
Under the bush lies...

After the riddles are guessed, the vegetables come out to the center of the hall.


1st presenter: Green cucumbers, red tomato,
They start a long and serious argument.

Vegetables: Which of us, among the vegetables, is both tastier and more useful?
Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?

2nd presenter: A pea popped out - what a braggart!

Polka dots (funny):

I'm such a good little green boy!
If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas.

1st presenter: Blushing with offense, the beets grumbled:

Beet (important):

Let me say a word,
Listen first:
You need beets for borscht,
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is nothing better than beets!

Cabbage (interrupting):

You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!
Trickster bunnies
They love stalks.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stalk.

Cucumber (provocatively):

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber!
And fresh cucumber,
Everyone will like it, of course!
It crunches on the teeth, crunches...
I can treat you!

Radish: (modestly):

I am a ruddy radish.
I bow to you very low.
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!

Carrot (coquettishly):

The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots -
Then, my friend, you will be strong,
strong, dexterous!

2nd presenter: Here the tomato pouted and said sternly:


Don't talk nonsense, carrot.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and pleasant
Of course, tomato juice!

Children: There are a lot of vitamins in it.
We happily drink it!

1st presenter: Place a box by the window
Just water more often
And then, like a true friend,
Green will come to you...

Children: Onion.

I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
Did you guess it? I am your friend.
I am a simple green onion.


I, potato, am so modest
She didn't say a word.
But everyone needs potatoes:
Both big and small.

2nd presenter: It’s time to end the argument, it’s useless to argue!

To be healthy and strong,
You need to love vegetables
All without exception!
There is no doubt about it.
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?

AUTUMN: I suggest you play

Vegetables sort

A game is being held - a relay race “Collecting vegetables”

After the game, the children sit on chairs.

Baba Yaga rides into the hall on a scooter with her goslings, singing to the melody of “Jolly Geese.”

We lived with Yagusi,
Two cheerful geese,
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!
The geese are scratching their feet,
Feel the gifts
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!
Take it, geese,
A basket for Yagushi!
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!

The goslings take the basket and run away.
BABA YAGA: Oh, red-billed ones, well done!

HOST: What kind of guests are these?

AUTUMN: And they took our food!

BABA YAGA: The carriage is mine, the geese are mine, the basket is mine too!

HOST : How is this yours? This is what Autumn has brought for all the kids!

BABA YAGA: So what! I also have two baby goslings, they are hungry and want to eat!

AUTUMN: Baba Yaga, let's give all the guys a treat. And the goslings will get it!

BABA YAGA: What more! So I gave you the basket right away! You'll cheer me up first.


Child. How much I love autumn -

Harvest time!

Everything is ripe, very tasty!

I'm running to the garden in the morning!

Child. Here the cabbage has fluffed up,

There's a little carrot sitting here.

What suddenly happened to me?

Just a beastly appetite.

Child. We picked a lot of cucumbers,

They ate, they couldn’t eat them,

And then they marinated

We stocked up for the whole winter.

Child. Zucchini is like a piglet

Weighs eight kilograms!

Who's the skinny kid here?

I'll give him the zucchini.

Child. Rubbed beetroot on cheeks

Girls out for a walk

I hardly need it

I'm already blushing.

Child. Oh, potato, potato,

I can't live without you

I even broke a spoon -

I scrape the frying pan.

Child. Come visit us

Have lunch today

Come visit us

Taste the harvest.

Baba Yaga: Well done! You know some good ditties, you made grandma laugh!

Baba Yaga: While I was getting to you, the rain caught me and I had to run. I ran and ran and lost one galosh. I really want to see how you will run in one galosh.


Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, did our guys cheer you up?

Baba Yaga: Yes, guys, well done! I'll have to return the cart.

- Hey, you geese, my geese - fly to grandma.

Here's your basket, and it's time for us to return home to the forest. But we’ll take a head of cabbage, Leshy promised to bake us pies with cabbage today.

Child. It melts in the high skies

Lonely thin ray

Flocks of birds fly away

Flocks of clouds arrive.


Child. Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through the bushes and maples

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

Child. Let's make a fan out of leaves

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves,

Light and playful.

Child. It's good to jump in galoshes,

It's good to run with an umbrella.

Today is such a good day,

All the leaves are golden.

Child. The cold rain falls all day,

Only an umbrella can save you from bad weather.


Presenter: We had a lot of fun, but during the autumn rain, a lot of mushrooms grow in the forest. And today, gentlemen, mushrooms are guests at our holiday. Please introduce yourself, gentlemen.

First mushroom (boletus):

Old, important boletus,
The most important forester.
And mushrooms on all sides,
They bow to the white one.

Second mushroom (boletus):

Not gray, not white,
I, brothers, am simpler,
I usually grow in a birch grove.
I am a boletus.

Third mushroom (fly agaric):

Look at me.
I'm handsome by any means.
Take me into the basket
I taste very good with potatoes.
A fly agaric in a red hat,
I climbed right out onto the hill.
I look smart
It's a pity that it's very poisonous

The sixth and seventh mushrooms (honey mushrooms):

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -
Adults and children know -
We grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose. We are mushrooms.

Child. Knowing that you have a holiday and you can’t do without dancing, we also prepared. Well, brothers mushrooms, let's show how we can have fun? Go…

Mushrooms perform "Dance Aerobics".

Leading: Thank you, autumn, for your beauty, for the brightness of the colors, for the ball that you arranged for us today. And as a farewell we want to give you a song.


Autumn: Thank you, dear guests, for coming to my holiday.
I want to thank you with gifts,
And wish you to be healthy, strong and cheerful.
See you again!

Autumn has come to visit us.

Matinee for older children

Children with pieces of paper in their hands run into the festively decorated hall to the music. They rearrange themselves and stand in a checkerboard pattern in the center of the hall.
That's an artist, that's an artist!
I gilded all the forests,
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint off.
We ask you to guess the riddle:
Who is this artist?..

CHILDREN (in chorus): Autumn!


Lush sundress
Covering the earth
Comes to visit us
Autumn is golden!
Autumn festival in the forest,
Both light and fun!
These are the decorations
Autumn is here!

The song "AUTUMN HAS KNOCKED" is performed


The wind just blew
I did a lot of things at once:
Dispersed the clouds in the sky,
I tore the leaves from the tree,
Spun them high
Scattered them far away.
We will collect leaves
Let's go dance with them!
The song and dance “Leaves are spinning” is performed


So autumn has come to us,
The kids are having fun
Because it's a lot of autumn
She brought us surprises!

Autumn enters the hall to the music, carrying a basket in her hands.

AUTUMN: I'm always happy for a holiday,
Come to your kindergarten.
I love to have fun
Play with the kids.
I have a basket in my hands
(shows) ,
It contains autumn gifts.
Everything that I am rich in.
I brought it for the kids.
I brought vegetables
From the garden bed,
But to find them out,
Guess the riddles.

Not sewn, not cut,
And all in scars,
Seventy clothes
And all without fasteners.
(head of cabbage)

A beautiful maiden sits in prison,
And the braid is on the street.

No windows, no doors,
The room is full of people.

I grow in the garden,
And when I mature,
They cook a tomato from me,
They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that.

And green and thick,
A bush grew in the garden bed,
Dig a little
Under the bush lies...

After the riddles are guessed, the vegetables come out to the center of the hall.


1st presenter: Green cucumbers, red tomato,
They start a long and serious argument.

Vegetables: Which of us, among the vegetables, is both tastier and more useful?
Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?

2nd presenter: A pea popped out - what a braggart!

Polka dots (funny):

I'm such a good little green boy!
If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas.

1st presenter: Blushing with offense, the beets grumbled:

Beet (important):

Let me say a word,
Listen first:
You need beets for borscht,
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is nothing better than beets!

Cabbage (interrupting):

You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!
Trickster bunnies
They love stalks.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stalk.

Cucumber (provocatively):

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber!
And fresh cucumber,
Everyone will like it, of course!
It crunches on the teeth, crunches...
I can treat you!

Radish: (modestly):

I am a ruddy radish.
I bow to you very low.
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!

Carrot (coquettishly):

The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots -
Then, my friend, you will be strong,
strong, dexterous!

2nd presenter: Here the tomato pouted and said sternly:


Don't talk nonsense, carrot.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and pleasant
Of course, tomato juice!

Children: There are a lot of vitamins in it.
We happily drink it!

1st presenter: Place a box by the window
Just water more often
And then, like a true friend,
Green will come to you...

Children: Onion.

I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
Did you guess it? I am your friend.
I am a simple green onion.


I, potato, am so modest
She didn't say a word.
But everyone needs potatoes:
Both big and small.

2nd presenter: It’s time to end the argument, it’s useless to argue!

To be healthy and strong,
You need to love vegetables
All without exception!
There is no doubt about it.
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?

AUTUMN: I suggest you play

Vegetables sort

A game is being held - a relay race “Collecting vegetables”

After the game, the children sit on chairs.

Baba Yaga rides into the hall on a scooter with her goslings, singing to the melody of “Jolly Geese.”


We lived with Yagusi,
Two cheerful geese,
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!
The geese are scratching their feet,
Feel the gifts
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!
Take it, geese,
A basket for Yagushi!
One is cunning
Another greedy one
My geese, my geese!

The goslings take the basket and run away.

BABA YAGA: Oh, red-billed ones, well done!

HOST: What kind of guests are these?

AUTUMN: And they took our food!

BABA YAGA: The carriage is mine, the geese are mine, the basket is mine too!

HOST : How is this yours? This is what Autumn has brought for all the kids!

BABA YAGA: So what! I also have two baby goslings, they are hungry and want to eat!

AUTUMN: Baba Yaga, let's give all the guys a treat. And the goslings will get it!

BABA YAGA: What more! So I gave you the basket right away! You'll cheer me up first.


Child. How much I love autumn -

Harvest time!

Everything is ripe, very tasty!

I'm running to the garden in the morning!

Child. Here the cabbage has fluffed up,

There's a little carrot sitting here.

What suddenly happened to me?

Just a beastly appetite.

Child. We picked a lot of cucumbers,

They ate, they couldn’t eat them,

And then they marinated

We stocked up for the whole winter.

Child. Zucchini is like a piglet

Weighs eight kilograms!

Who's the skinny kid here?

I'll give him the zucchini.

Child. Rubbed beetroot on cheeks

Girls out for a walk

I hardly need it

I'm already blushing.

Child. Oh, potato, potato,

I can't live without you

I even broke a spoon -

I scrape the frying pan.

Child. Come visit us

Have lunch today

Come visit us

Taste the harvest.

Baba Yaga: Well done! You know some good ditties, you made grandma laugh!

Baba Yaga: While I was getting to you, the rain caught me and I had to run. I ran and ran and lost one galosh. I really want to see how you will run in one galosh.


Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, did our guys cheer you up?

Baba Yaga: Yes, guys, well done! I'll have to return the cart.

- Hey, you geese, my geese - fly to grandma.

Here's your basket, and it's time for us to return home to the forest. But we’ll take a head of cabbage, Leshy promised to bake us pies with cabbage today.

Child. It melts in the high skies

Lonely thin ray

Flocks of birds fly away

Flocks of clouds arrive.


Child. Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through the bushes and maples

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

Child. Let's make a fan out of leaves

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves,

Light and playful.

Child. It's good to jump in galoshes,

It's good to run with an umbrella.

Today is such a good day,

All the leaves are golden.

Child. The cold rain falls all day,

Only an umbrella can save you from bad weather.


Presenter: We had a lot of fun, but during the autumn rain, a lot of mushrooms grow in the forest. And today, gentlemen, mushrooms are guests at our holiday. Please introduce yourself, gentlemen.

First mushroom (boletus):

Old, important boletus,
The most important forester.
And mushrooms on all sides,
They bow to the white one.

Second mushroom (boletus):

Not gray, not white,
I, brothers, am simpler,
I usually grow in a birch grove.
I am a boletus.

Third mushroom (fly agaric):

Look at me.
I'm handsome by any means.
Take me into the basket
I taste very good with potatoes.
A fly agaric in a red hat,
I climbed right out onto the hill.
I look smart
It's a pity that it's very poisonous

The sixth and seventh mushrooms (honey mushrooms):

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -
Adults and children know -
We grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose. We are mushrooms.

Child. Knowing that you have a holiday and you can’t do without dancing, we also prepared. Well, brothers mushrooms, let's show how we can have fun? Go…

Mushrooms perform "Dance Aerobics".

Leading: Thank you, autumn, for your beauty, for the brightness of the colors, for the ball that you arranged for us today. And as a farewell we want to give you a song.


Autumn: Thank you, dear guests, for coming to my holiday.
I want to thank you with gifts,
And wish you to be healthy, strong and cheerful.
See you again!
