Scheme of securing a child seat with seat belts. How to install a child seat

During transportation infants In the car, parents have additional responsibility. Safe and comfortable trip The child is guaranteed a car seat installed in the back seat. Standard car seat belts securely fasten child seat, which ensures that the baby is held in the seat.

Parents must be clearly aware that a child seat is not a whim of the legislature and not a luxury item whose use can be neglected. This is a special device that allows you to protect your child from possible injuries in case of unforeseen traffic situations. Emergency braking, impacts or collisions - anything can happen on the way.

There is evidence that in cars equipped with an infant seat, the risk of fatal injuries is reduced by 90 percent. This result is achieved only if the restraint chair is installed in accordance with all the rules. How to install a child seat in a car so that you can rest assured about your child on the road?

Types of child car seats

Before installing this car device, you need to make sure that it matches the child’s age and anthropometric parameters. Depending on age category conditional car seats divided into subgroups. They differ in the type of fastening (main and auxiliary), as well as design features car seat shells. In addition, each type of restraint device has a specific fixation location. The following types of chairs can be found on sale:

Methods for securing child seats in a car

Making sure whether a particular chair is appropriate to use, you can start installation. One important point cannot be ignored: infant carriers of group “0+” are installed only facing the direction of the vehicle. This rule is dictated by safety precautions and instructions from all manufacturers without exception. The baby in the car seat should be in a lying position. Children's car seat The first group assumes that the child will be in a sitting position. Starting from group “1”, all seats are freely installed facing the traffic.

Fastening with standard car seat belts

Standard three-point seat belts are suitable for any type of child seat. However, there are some nuances here. Car seats for the tiniest passengers are secured with a standard belt in the car, and the child himself is fastened using an internal five-point belt. Car seats first and universal group They are attached to the seat using their own weight, and the child is fastened with a standard belt.

Correct and reliable installation of children's restraint by seat belts is possible after careful study of the manufacturer's instructions. Many modern models of car seats have special red marks, which are located in the area where the belt should pass (chairs that are installed rear-facing have marks blue color). The available instruction pictures will make the task much easier.

Over time, irresponsible parents stop paying attention to the labels, ignore the rules for installing the infant carrier and fix the device on the a quick fix. Such negligence is unacceptable when it comes to the safety of a child.

Procedure for installing a child seat:

What else is important to pay attention to when securing a child seat with standard belts?

Pros traditional way installing a car seat for transporting children:

  • The method is universal, since seat belts are an attribute of any modern car.
  • Reasonable price.
  • The car seat can be fixed on any car seat.


  • Labor-intensive fastening process.
  • There are cases when the length of the seat belt is too short (the problem is typical for car seats that have a table).

IsoFix mount

Since 2011, European legislation has been amended to require all vehicles to be equipped with an IsoFix system. It consists of two U-shaped steel hinges(rigidly attached to the load-bearing frame of the car under the seat backs), located at a distance of 280 mm from each other, and two locks mounted in the child car seat. Dimensions and other technical features of loops and fixatives are strictly regulated by European legislators.

How to install a child car seat? Before installing a removable car seat, you need to look at where the fixing brackets are located at the base of the seat back.

Two lower brackets, which are located on the back of the chair, are pulled along the guides to the mounting brackets. Using special elements, the staples are captured.

If everything is done correctly, you can hear a distinctive click indicating that the staple is caught.

The seat is unfastened by unlocking the lock and moving the seat.

Greater stability can be created if you use the so-called “anchor” belt as a third point of support. It's called top tether. This is a bow with a hook at the top of the car seat, adjustable in length. The hook engages a bracket that is attached either to the back of the seat, or to the ceiling of the cabin, or to the floor of the luggage compartment. Thanks to this extra strap the load on the main mount is reduced, and the whiplash impact during sudden braking does not have such a strong effect.

The same task is accomplished by a special floor support for a car seat installed rearward of the vehicle. Although it is not as effective as the same anchor belt, plus it makes the design more cumbersome, but it does not require an additional bracket for fastening inside the cabin.

Advantages of the IsoFix fastening system:

  • Without extra effort and is quickly fixed in the car interior.
  • The car seat is mounted rigidly, which prevents it from tipping over and moving forward.
  • The crash tests carried out confirmed high level protection of children in road accidents.


  • High cost of car seats. The cost of such a car seat is approximately one and a half times more compared to in the classic way fastenings
  • Heavier design compared to a standard child seat.
  • The fastening method cannot be called universal, because not every car is equipped with IsoFix.
  • Can only be installed on the rear side seats.

Latch system

The main difference between the Latch mount and IsoFix is ​​the absence of an iron frame and brackets. Because of this, the design of the car seat becomes much lighter. Strong belts, fixed with carabiners to brackets on the rear surface of the car seat, are responsible for securing the car seat. A definite plus is the fact that Latch and IsoFix can work together. This means that owners of cars with the Latch system can install an IsoFix car seat and vice versa without hesitation.

In the Latch system there are different options execution of carbines. Nowadays, the most popular carabiner fastener is similar to the fastening of a removable belt for sports bag. It differs only in its larger size and increased strength.

In 2007, the American company Evenflo developed a new SuperLatch carbine. It has an automatic tensioner built into it. Installing and fixing the chair has now become much easier and faster, because there is no need to manually adjust the belt.

Pros of the Latch system:

  • Soft fixation with elastic belts does not create vibration when the machine moves.
  • Easy to install.
  • The car seat is lighter than its counterpart with the IsoFix system.
  • Increased level safety, which has also been repeatedly confirmed by crash tests.
  • If for IsoFix the permissible weight of a child is 18 kg, then for Latch it is 30 kg.


  • Poor range of models.
  • The mounting system is not universal, as not all machines have Latch brackets.
  • High price.
  • The car seat can only be installed in the rear outboard seats.

In a family with children, a car becomes not a luxury, but a necessity. After all, it’s so convenient to travel with a baby on business, without worrying that public transport he may catch a virus or a cold. But do not forget that according to the law Russian Federation Children under 12 years of age cannot be transported in a car without a special restraint device. Therefore, even before the baby is born, parents should think about choosing a high-quality car seat, and also study information on how to properly install it in the car.

Child seat in car - not additional accessory, but a severe necessity. According to statistics, in 80% of cases in an accident, it is the restraint system that saves children’s lives. A car seat or infant carrier is chosen depending on the age and weight of the baby. But first of all you need to focus on weight - this main criterion upon purchase.

Chair-style restraints are not suitable for newborns and infants during the first six months of life.

Main types of restraint devices

According to the European classification, all models of car seats are divided into five categories:

  • Group 0: suitable for children from the first days of life to six months. In such devices you can carry babies weighing up to 10 kilograms. The model resembles a cradle from a stroller for a newborn. Her own weight is about 13 kg. The child is only in a horizontal position, secured with special belts in the abdominal area.
  • Group 0+: these models are much more mobile and do not take up much space in the car, their weight is 4–5 kg. This infant carrier can be used from birth until 12–15 months, for children weighing no more than 13 kg. The baby is placed inside in only one position: reclining. The back of the product is not adjustable.
  • Group 0+/1: such models are considered universal and are intended for children from birth to four years. Weight restrictions - up to 18 kg. As the baby grows, you can change the position of the backrest to a sitting position. The special insert for newborns is removable so that an older child can fit into the car seat. The weight of this model is 6–10 kg.
  • Group 1: These seats can be used for babies from 9 to 18 kg, approximately 9-12 months and up to 4 years.
  • Group 2: intended for children from 15 to 25 kg. The child is fastened directly with the car's standard seat belts. When purchasing such a chair, you need to take into account not only the weight, but also the height of the baby; it must be at least 1 meter.
  • Group 3: designed for children under 12 years of age and weighing no more than 36 kg. The child is also secured only with the car's standard seat belts.
  • Frameless car seat: represents easy chair made of durable fabric with polymer fiber. Equipped with seat belts and designed for children weighing 9–36 kg.

Photo gallery: types of child car seats

The car seat is bulky and takes up two places in the car.
The group 0+ car seat is very mobile, has a handle that makes it convenient to carry the baby Models of group 0+/1 car seats are transformed as the child grows older

The Group 1 car seat has a five-point harness for reliable fixation baby
Models of groups 2 and 3 do not have their own seat belts: children are fastened with the car’s standard seat belt. Frameless car seats are in many ways inferior to models with a frame, since they cannot provide a reliable level of child safety
Seats of categories 1–2-3 are intended for children weighing 9–36 kg and, as a rule, do not have a base, are secured with standard vehicle belts, and can be transformed into a booster seat

There are universal car seats that combine groups 1/2/3. Such models are the most popular among parents, as they allow them to save money and not have to buy a new device every year.

Table: comparative characteristics of car seats of different groups

Child's age and weight Car seat group Car mounting options Transformation as the child grows older Availability of frame Advantages Flaws
From birth to 6–9 months; up to 10 kg 0 Only with standard vehicle belts. The baby can only lie in such a car seat; the model cannot be transformed in any way. Yes
  • There is no load on the spine;
  • allowed to transport weak and premature babies;
  • The frame is made of high-quality and durable materials.
  • Such models are very bulky;
  • because of heavy weight it is inconvenient to carry the baby;
  • Crash tests have shown that the bassinet does not protect the baby from frontal impacts during an accident.
From birth to 12–15 months;
up to 13 kg
0+ Using standard car belts or using the Isofix system. The child can be transported in only one position - reclining, the backrest is not adjustable.
  • Compactness and mobility;
  • the presence of a comfortable handle and a protective hood;
  • Can be installed on the front seat of a car;
  • five-point seat belts.
It is not recommended to transport children for a long time in a semi-lying position to avoid additional stress on the spine.
From birth to 4 years; up to 18 kg 0+/1 The backrest is adjustable; Some models have a mechanism with which you can move the sides of the chair to make it more comfortable for an older baby to sit.
  • Possibility of use for children of different ages;
  • mobility and light weight;
  • the ability to install the car seat rear-facing and vice versa.
In some models, where there is no mechanism for adjusting the side walls, the infant cup is very wide. Therefore, it is uncomfortable for a newborn to be in it.
From 1 year to 12 years; up to 36 kg 1/2/3 Not all models have a function for changing the position of the backrest. If it is adjustable, the child is still in the chair only in a sitting or semi-sitting position. In category 1/2/3 seats, the backrest can be removed and it turns into a buster.
  • Versatility;
  • retractable headrest;
  • the presence of comfortable armrests, and sometimes even a footrest for the baby.
  • It is inconvenient to transport very small children, because... the backrest cannot be moved to a reclining position so that the baby can sleep;
  • Five-point seat belts should not be used for children weighing more than 18 kg.
From 1.5 to 12 years; up to 36 kg It is secured using special chair straps: the two lower ones are threaded between the back and the seat, the two upper ones are threaded on top of the seat. All belts are fastened together using special fasteners at the back of the car seat. Adjustable depending on the child's height No
  • Light weight;
  • low price;
  • Possibility of use for children of different ages.
Experts consider frameless products unsafe for children, because... when using them, the child is deprived of protection in case of side impacts. Seat belts often fail during crash tests.

Video: how to choose a car seat

Where is the best place to install a car seat in a car?

Typically, child restraints are placed on back seat. Installation on the front passenger seat is also allowed, but please note: not all car seat models allow this.

The safest place, according to experts, is in the back seat of the car in the center.

The location in the cabin, as well as the direction of the car seat, depend on the model of the restraint device.

Very often there is a need to transport not one, but two children in a car. No need to worry, the car can easily fit multiple restraints. If one of the children needs to be transported in a group 0 car seat, then it must be secured in the back seat, and the second child will be located in front next to the driver. In the case where parents gave preference to models from groups 0+, 0+/1, 1, 2 or 3, there is only a question of convenience.

A car seat with a newborn can be installed in front, and an older baby will ride in the back. Or put both seats in the back seat, so the children will not be bored, they will be able to occupy themselves with something. You just need to remember in which direction to install the restraint device depending on the weight of the baby.

The car can easily fit several car seats

Table: comparing the location of the car seat in the car

Space in the car Positive aspects Negatives
In the front seat next to the driver
  • Most often, parents transport newborns and babies up to one year this way;
  • the child sees mom or dad and is not afraid;
  • it’s easy to calm the baby down, and in a traffic jam you can feed or give him something to drink;
  • the driver sees what the baby is doing, he does not need to be distracted and look behind.
  • Considered the most dangerous place in a car;
  • Children who sit in the back are statistically three times more likely to survive a crash.
In the back seat on the left, behind the driver Experts consider this place to be safe because at the moment of a collision the driver subconsciously turns the steering wheel to protect himself. Thus, the child also gets a chance to avoid being hit if the driver manages to avoid the collision.
  • It is difficult for the driver to keep track of the baby; it is not clear what he is doing;
  • it is difficult to reach the child to correct or give the baby a drink when the car is not moving.
In the back seat on the right, diagonally from the driver
  • According to statistics, this side accounts for less hits, since it is further from the flow of oncoming traffic;
  • It’s convenient to take the baby out and put it in the car seat: parents don’t need to go out onto the roadway, if the car is parked by the road, the sidewalk is always on the right.
In the mirror, it’s hard for mom or dad to see what the baby is doing.
In the back seat in the center Crash tests have shown that this place is one of the safest: during an accident and side impacts, there is every chance that the baby will remain unharmed.
  • Not all car models have the ability to install a car seat in the center;
  • If a child is not properly fastened with a seat belt, he or she may be thrown through the front window during a frontal collision.

For right-hand drive cars, the seat mounting locations change: in the rear seat on the right, behind the driver, and also in the rear seat on the left, diagonally from the driver.

Owners of three-door cars often worry: is it convenient to install a car seat in such a car? It all depends on the model and the driver’s ability to properly mount the device. If you have an Isofix system, everything is much simpler; you will have to tinker with the standard belts. But judging by the reviews of parents, there are no big difficulties with installing a car seat in a three-door car: you can place it in front or behind. The main thing is to check that the holding device is fastened correctly and securely.

My personal experience This is: I drove my child (he is now 4 years old) in different cars, among which was a three-door Ford Fiesta. It was quite comfortable to sit him in a group II-III seat in the back seat and buckle him up. But! In order to go up to him to fix something, take off his shoes, or pick up a toy, he had to recline the front seat all the time. I clearly missed the door in the back. Still, cars with two or three doors are not very convenient for daily family use =)


What is Isofix

In European countries and beyond, the Isofix fastening system is generally recognized. It is considered reliable and safe. And besides, it allows you to properly fix the car seat in the car without special skills. The system is built into the car by the manufacturer. It consists of metal brackets located directly in the passenger seat. Since 2011, all European cars must be produced only with Isofix. In the USA, such requirements were introduced even earlier: in 2003. The American analogue of Isofix is ​​called Latch. Both standards are consistent with each other.

To check for Isofix in the car, you need to run your hand along the junction of the seat and backrest: there should be two metal brackets there

Video: how to secure a car seat with the Isofix system

How to install a car seat in a car using seat belts

Unfortunately, not all car models have the Isofix system. But even where it is, not every seat is equipped with brackets (for example, the front passenger brackets are often missing). In such cases, the restraints must be installed using the vehicle's standard seat belts.

Rules for attaching the infant carrier

If parents bought a group 0 car seat, it comes with special belts that secure it in the car. This model is easy to attach to the seat: the cradle has a special clamp to which the standard car belt is attached. It is enough to hook the belt onto the lock on one side and the other and tighten it so that the cradle does not move while driving.

Photo gallery: installing a baby seat

Methods for attaching the device depend on the specific model, so you need to carefully study the instructions. The main rule is that such seats are installed only against the movement of the car. Basic steps:

  1. The front seat of the car must be positioned as far forward as possible.
  2. Place the car seat in the rear seat in the desired position.
  3. Set the seat belt to the lower position.
  4. There are hooks on the sides of the car carrier. The standard belt used to secure the body must be threaded through these hooks and fastened.
  5. There is also a special hook on the back of the cradle. The shoulder strap must be placed behind the chair and threaded through this hook. After this action, the belt should be tightened to securely fix the car carrier.
  6. Once the car seat is secured, parents should check that the straps are threaded correctly through the hooks and that they are not twisted.
  7. Please note that you do not need to put anything under the car seat.

Installing a car seat for newborns: such models are placed only against the movement of the car

Video: how to properly install a car seat for children from birth

Rules for attaching car seats with a base

In this way, you can secure category 0+/1 car seats when they need to be transformed and rearranged in the direction of travel of the car, as well as models of groups 1, 2, which are equipped with a base.

  1. Place the chair on the car seat.
  2. Press the button that adjusts the backrest angle and set it to the lowest position.
  3. Remove the special pin that secures the chair to the base.
  4. The car seat belt must be pulled behind the back of the seat.
  5. Fasten the belt into the buckle on the seat.
  6. Now you need to thread the belt into special hooks on both sides of the chair.
  7. There is a special clamping device on the base body. You need to open it and thread the shoulder strap. Then close the clamp until it clicks.
  8. Check how tightly the chair is secured. If necessary, tighten the belt well.
  9. Return the back of the chair to its original position and secure it with a pin.
  10. Adjust the recline of the chair.

After installation, check that the belt is not twisted.

Today, new models of bases are being produced with a special stand that rests on the floor of the car and allows you to fix the car seat on the seat even more securely. Some car seats can be easily removed from the base so that the child can be carried: this is true for models of group 0+, 0+/1. The base is always in the car, and the chair is easy to install on it until it clicks. Crash tests of car seats that are installed on a base with additional support have shown best results ensuring the safety of children today.

Video: instructions for installing a car seat with a base

Fastening seats without a base in a car

Not all models of child car seats are equipped with a base. Many universal seats for children weighing from 9 to 36 kg are installed directly on the car seat using standard seat belts. Group 2 retaining devices, for which there is no base, are also attached in the same way.

If the child weighs less than 18 kg, he is secured in the car seat using a five-point seat belt. In this case, the seat itself is attached to the car seat using standard belts in this way:

  1. Place the seat in the car in the direction of travel.
  2. The standard torso belt must be threaded through the side of the car seat under the armrest, inserted into the hole, passed behind the back of the seat and pulled out on the other side through the same hole on the side, then passed under the second armrest.
  3. Fasten your belt.
  4. Pass the shoulder strap through the fastener, the hook on the top of the chair on one side, as if diagonally.
  5. Tighten the belt firmly so that the car seat does not dangle while driving.
  6. Fasten the child in the seat using the five-point harness of the seat itself.

All seats without a base are fastened in such a way that the car belts pass under the back of the seat, but they go under it and come out from under it with front side, passing under the armrests

Video: instructions for installing a universal car seat for children weighing 9–36 kg

When the child grows up and weighs more than 18 kg, such a seat is secured together with the passenger. He sits down in the chair, after which he fastens the standard seat belt. From above, the belt is passed through a fastener at the level of the child’s shoulders. From below, the belt passes over the child’s hips and under the armrests of the chair.

If the model does not have armrests, then the belt simply goes over the child’s hips

In Group 3 models, the seat back can be unfastened and the booster can be used:

  • install the booster on the car seat;
  • place the child in the restraint;
  • Place the torso strap below the armrests and fasten it on the other side;
  • move the shoulder strap diagonally and fasten it;
  • secure the belt with a special stopper (it is usually included in the kit) to move the strap away from the small passenger’s neck;
  • tighten the straps if necessary to keep the child securely in the restraint.

A mandatory rule when installing a buster: the main belt must pass under the armrests of the device

It is worth paying attention to the position of the shoulder strap: if the baby short, the belt may put pressure on his neck, which is dangerous in the event of sudden braking, an impact or an accident. Therefore, when buying a buster, you should check with consultants whether the model has a belt lock. The purpose of this element is to move the belt strap away from the child’s neck, thereby protecting the baby from being crushed in this area.

High-quality models of busters must have a belt lock

Installing a frameless chair correctly

Although many experts are against the use of frameless restraints, they are commercially available and parents should know how to properly secure them in the car.

  1. Grab the chair by the lower straps.
  2. Thread these straps between the seat and backrest.
  3. Now take the top straps and place them over the top of the car seat back.
  4. At the back of the seat, fasten the upper and lower straps to the appropriate buckles.
  5. Pull them tightly to prevent the car seat from moving out of place.

Instructions for attaching a frameless car seat: the device is secured with straps behind the car seat

Video: frameless car seat: how to install and use

Other restraint devices

When transporting a child in a car, you can use FEST and a buster. But these restraints do not ensure the safety of the baby, so experts do not recommend using them to transport children:

Some car models have five-point seat belts. But they can be used for children over 12 years old, when a car seat is no longer necessary. Until this age, it is best to transport a child in a car only in a car seat.

How to place and secure a child in a car seat or bassinet

The method of securing the baby in the restraint depends on the model. To transport newborns and children in the first six months of life, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • first of all, it is necessary to install and secure the cradle in the car;
  • put the child inside, you need to act carefully;
  • Fasten the baby with seat belts, making sure that they do not twist and do not press on the baby. To do this, place the baby's arms under the straps and fasten them below the baby's chest. Then bottom part pass between the legs of the crumbs and fasten together with the top;
  • Make sure once again that the belts are securely fastened: there is a special button or belt length regulator on the cradle. It needs to be tightened so that the baby is securely fixed.

When you need to get your baby out of the bassinet, first unfasten the straps and only then take the baby in your arms.

There is a special strap at the bottom of the car seat that needs to be pulled to securely secure the child.

When the child grows up, he can be transported in a sitting position. The baby is also secured with the car seat's five-point harness. And the principle of operation is the same as when transported in a cradle. As the baby grows, the height of the belts can be adjusted: they are rearranged into the corresponding slots on the frame of the restraint device. Here parents need to focus on the growth of the baby: the taller the child, the higher the belts need to be rearranged. For frameless chairs this rule also applies.

Parents should pay attention not to the age, but to the weight of the child. As soon as the baby begins to weigh more than 18 kg, he must be fastened with standard car seat belts. The five-point harness of the restraint system can be removed and stored.

Children weighing up to 18 kg are fastened with car seat belts

When the baby needs to be secured with car seat belts, the operating principle changes slightly:

  • install the seat in the car without fixing it;
  • sit the child down;
  • pass the torso strap under the armrest on one side and pass it to secure the baby on the other side;
  • fasten your belt;
  • The shoulder strap should also run diagonally and hold the child securely. Pull it through to secure it to the top of the car seat. The body of the car seat may have several fasteners for the shoulder belt. This makes it possible to fasten the strap higher or lower. To choose the right groove, experts recommend focusing on the child’s height. The belt should not squeeze the baby's neck;
  • tighten the belt so that the child and the seat do not move while driving.

To get the baby, just unfasten the seat belts and help the child get out of the car.

When the baby is secured with car seat belts, parents must make sure that the seat does not dangle, but stands firmly and securely.

Video: how to properly secure a child in a car seat

Rules for car seat care

Of course, the car seat gets dirty, like any item, especially if it is used by children. When purchasing, parents need to pay attention to whether the covers are removable so that they can be washed.

There are models of car seats on which the covers are not removable, so the best way Clean the chair - take it to the dry cleaner.

You can try this at home:

  1. Remove additional elements: toys, bolsters, soft inserts for newborns.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove crumbs and dust, especially in the folds of the chair.
  3. Dilute a little in water children's product for washing.
  4. Using a sponge soaked in the resulting solution, clean the chair.
  5. Use another clean sponge and water to remove any foam from the material.
  6. Dry the car seat in fresh air.

But in most models the covers can be removed, so they can be easily washed in washing machine. But you should pay attention to the material of manufacture so as not to spoil the covers: after all, a certain washing method is recommended for each product.

Most covers should be washed on a delicate or manual mode, at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. It is recommended not to squeeze too hard: it is enough to set the program to 600 revolutions.

Video: how to clean a child car seat

If the covers, belts and other parts can be removed, then this is quite easy to do:

  • on the back of the chair there are special belts and a fastening that connects them together;
  • Unfasten this fastening and remove the straps from the chair;
  • Now you can remove the five-point seat belts, then the soft insert, cover and foam backing;
  • When the covers are washed and dried, you need to put them on the frame in the same order: backing, cover, thread the straps through the holes in the covers and frame, tighten the straps and secure them to the back of the chair on the frame.

It happens that some part of the chair breaks. You shouldn’t fix it yourself, even if it’s made of polystyrene foam; it’s not enough just to glue it with superglue. The best option is to contact a specialist who can order the necessary part and put it in place using special devices or materials. The life and health of your child depends on a quality car seat.

Video: how to assemble a car seat after cleaning

The safety of the baby depends on a correctly installed car seat. If adults are not sure that they can handle it themselves, it is better to ask a specialist for help. You can come to the store to buy the chair in your car, so that the consultant can immediately show you how to properly install the device in the cabin. It is also important to change the seat on time, because the more the child weighs, the greater the load on the restraint device during an impact or sudden braking. Therefore, the car seat must be suitable for the baby’s age and weight, as well as be reliable and of high quality.

The life and health of the child depends on the quality of the chosen car seat. If the seat is not properly secured, the safety level of the child in the car is reduced.

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Initially, car seats were supposed to be secured to the passenger seat only with a standard three-point belt. The chairs for everyone were secured with similar belts. age groups. More modern models require securing straps and locking brackets.

When choosing a child seat, you should consider the type of installation. The seat is fixed in the rear or, less commonly, passenger seat of the car. It is secured using special brackets, locking brackets and seat belts.

The method of fixation depends on the age of the child and the type of chair.

It is advisable to install the seat in the middle of the passenger seat. If a child is transported in a car with three rows of seats, then the seat should be installed in the middle of the middle row.

What is this

A car child seat is a device through which minors are transported. It consists of a bracket, an ergonomic seat, and a seat belt. The selection of a chair is carried out according to the age and parameters of the child.

Any chair must be ergonomic and meet safety standards.

It is advisable to choose a seat with standard belts when the car is not equipped with fastenings in other ways. Before purchasing, be sure to ensure that the belt is long enough. Insufficient length may be noticeable when purchasing category car seats 0 And 0+ .

It is advisable to buy a seat that requires the use of a three-point standard belt if the family often uses taxi services, since not all cars are equipped with their own car seats. To do this, you should notify the dispatcher in advance about traveling with a child.

The disadvantage of fixing the chair using a three-point belt is the unreliability of such a design.

What is regulated

Transportation of children is carried out in accordance with. Car seats are subject to mandatory certification– according to the European safety standard – ECE R44/03 or ECE R44/04.


Key questions

Citizens are interested in where and on which side the chair should be attached, as well as options for its operation. Also interesting is the algorithm for installing the device and the possibility of transporting children without a booster (car seat).

How to install according to its classification

The chair is fixed using standard belt. The choice of chair depends on the age of the child.

  1. For baby age from 0 years and weight up to 9-10 kg The chair is fixed sideways to the movement.
  2. Device for a child of age up to a year and weight up to 14 kg is installed in a position where the baby will sit facing the direction of movement.
  3. Armchairs category I are provided for children aged from 10 months to 4 years. They are installed when the child is facing the direction of travel.

    There are universal chairs designed for children from newborn age up to 4 years.

  4. Armchairs group II provided for children 3-7 year old age. It is installed in a position where the child sits facing the direction of travel.
  5. Armchairs group III intended for children aged 6-12 years and weight 21-36 kg.

To find out how to properly attach the seats, you should keep in mind that the car seats you purchase may be designed for several age groups at the same time.

Small car seats age 0+ are called carriers. They can be equipped with carrying handles and mounted on special brackets in the car. This cradle-type chair is supposed to be the best option for transporting a newborn baby.

Choosing a safe place

Initially, it was assumed that it would be advisable to mount the seat on the driver’s side, since in the event of an accident, the driver will try to dodge the impact in his direction, which at the same time can save the child’s life. Modern recommendations assume that seats should be installed in the middle of the passenger seat.

Algorithm of actions

The seat must be fastened to the passenger seat. For this purpose, special locking devices are used, fixing brackets and belts, which do not allow the child to fall out of the seat while the car is moving.

Installing a child seat in the rear seat requires the following procedure:

  1. Move the front seat back to such an extent that it does not interfere with the installation.
  2. Pull the belt all the way to make the chair easy to install.
  3. The belt must be tensioned all the way. A slight play is allowed, but if there are significant deviations, the procedure will have to start again.
  4. The chair is fastened with special brackets and secured with latches.

The seat can be fixed all the time if the car is often used to transport children.

How to secure a child seat in a car

The scheme involves attaching special brackets, spaces provided in the car seat. The chair should be attached to special bushings, which are located at the bottom of the passenger seats or on the side.

With fixed base

Chairs with a fixed base are installed in the allocated bushings. The child's position is secured with seat belts. The chair is secured with standard three-point belts.


Seat standard ISOFIX, created in 1990, secured with built-in metal guide locks and special iron brackets built into the passenger seat of the car. The brackets must be brought to the brackets and snapped until a characteristic click is heard.

The chair can also be attached using a special rod located all the way to the floor. The ISOFIX system is considered the most optimal and safe way to install a seat.


The LATCH/SUPERLATCH system is the American equivalent of ISOFIX. The chair is attached to the passenger seat using special belts with special locks.

Used for fixation third attachment point from the top of the backrest child seat to the rear or side bracket.

This system is known for its high shock-absorbing properties and eliminates seat vibration.

Adjusting the straps

It is important for car seats intended for children 0+ and 1 year old. The strap should be higher than the child's shoulder. The belt should be adjusted so that it does not rub the baby's chest.

Car seat for newborn

For a newborn baby, portable cradles with fixed attachment devices can be used. The child should be transported against the direction of the vehicle. Next to the baby mandatory There must be an accompanying adult.

Is it possible to put a child seat in the middle?

Transporting children safely in the car is one of the main responsibilities of parents. Transportation rules are enshrined in regulations. Violation of these rules may result in penalties such as fines.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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A child car seat is a device for transporting children in cars. It is installed on a stationary seat and secured with standard seat belts. Some car seats have additional seat belts.

This device belongs to the category of child restraint devices (RCD). Depending on the weight and height of the child, he needs one or another type of child seat. Children infancy They ride in cradles, in a reclining position, and older children - sitting.

In addition, depending on the age of the child and the child restraint system, it becomes somewhat easier. For example, children aged 10 – 12 years can ride on boosters. This is a special seat that does not have a backrest, but is also attached to a stationary seat with seat belts.


According to current legislation, transportation of children under age 12 years old, in the car can only be done with the help of a remote control. This standard is established by the current road safety rules.


  • Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation part 1 and part 2;

Common truths from the traffic police

When transporting children in a car using a car seat, it is worth considering some nuances. First of all, this is the weight and age of the child. Child seats have been designed to be comfortable for children of all ages.

For example, if it is necessary to carry a newborn (in case of discharge from the maternity hospital), then he needs a special chair - a cradle, which meets all the anatomical features of the baby.

The situation is similar with older children. Due to his weight, height and anatomical features, they can ride in the car on boosters, and not in full seats.

It is said that the child up to 12 years must only ride in a car with a child restraint. The most common of them is a car seat. It meets all safety requirements.

But chairs are a rather expensive option, especially if the family does not one child. Their price is about 5 – 7 thousand rubles. Therefore, other child restraint systems were developed - boosters and “triangles”. The latter is not recognized by the traffic police, although it ensures the child’s safety, but not full size like a car seat.

Video: details

Choosing a seat in the car depending on the category of the car seat

Most important criterion Choosing a child car seat does not depend on the child’s height or age.

You need to choose based on the weight of the child. It is based on this criterion that categories of car seats were developed.

Depending on the child’s weight, the following categories have been developed:

  • if the child weighs less 10 kg, then the child seat - cradle should stand in the car sideways to the direction of travel. These are category chairs 0 And 0+ ;
  • if the child's weight does not exceed 13 kg, then the seat must be placed against the movement of the car - category seats 0 , 0+ , 1 And 0 / 1 ;
  • if the child's weight up to 18 kg, then the seat should be in the direction of travel of the car. There are car seats that transform into child restraint systems for older children. Typically this is a group 0 / 1 which is suitable for children from 0 to 4 years(that is, from 3 to 18 kg). These seats can be installed both rear-facing and forward-facing;
  • chairs designed for children from 9 to 36 kg, are installed only in the direction of travel of the vehicle.


Where should a child car seat be installed without breaking the law? All cars used on the Russian market are equipped with seat belts, both in the front and rear seats.

On modern models, cars are located at the rear 3 belts, on more old ones - just 2 .

However, they are all designed to accommodate child car seats.

In the front seat

Can a child car seat be installed on the seats next to the driver? As practice shows, the front passenger seat is the most dangerous place in a car.

Therefore, you can put a child seat in the front passenger seat, but you should not do it.

In addition, to install a seat in the front, the car must be equipped with five-point seat belts. But such belts are not found on all cars.

Is it possible to put a child seat in the middle?

The child car seat can be installed in the car on any seat that is equipped with three-point seat belts.

If the car allows it, then it is better to install the car seat in the back in the middle.

  1. Firstly, if the child restraint system is facing the direction of travel, then the child can see the road. This is very interesting for older children.
  2. Secondly, a person sitting in the passenger seat can always show the child signs of attention without turning a whole body back while driving.
  3. Thirdly, if the child is in a seat installed in the rear in the middle, then his chances of being injured during a collision are minimal. This data was provided by the American journal Pediatrics.

How to secure a child seat in the middle of the rear seat? Using fixed seat belts.

Right or left

Statistics show that the safest place in a car is in the back seat behind the passenger. This is where the fewest impacts occur in road accidents. Therefore, if there is only one child in the car, then it is better to install the seat on the right in the back seat.

Installation Myths

There is a myth floating around among parents that the safest place in a car is behind the driver. This is wrong!

This belief was based on the following conclusions:

  • the left side of the car is the most durable - this is what car manufacturers do so that the driver, in the event of a head-on collision, suffers less;
  • the driver, mechanically, in a head-on collision, turns the steering wheel to the left, thereby removing himself from the impact, but at the same time exposing the passenger;
  • the parent-driver can watch their child in the rearview mirror, and the parent-passenger can easily reach out to the child.

But don't forget the following:

  • when children are boarded in a car, this must be done not from the sidewalk, but from the side of the roadway;
  • such a landing is dangerous not only for the child, but also for the driver, since oncoming traffic is located in close proximity;
  • if only the child and the driver are in the car, then the latter will not be able to reach the baby and show him the necessary signs of attention.


There are issues that need to be addressed further.

If there are several children

What to do if there is more than one child in a family? If there are several children in the family, then parents must take all measures to accommodate them comfortably and safely. If in the family three children, then the whole family can easily fit in a regular sedan.

But, if there are already more children than three, then parents must choose the appropriate car. As a rule, a minivan containing 7 passenger seats.

Do not forget that every child up to 12 years You must travel in a car using a child car seat or other child restraint system. Therefore, parents must ensure that every child is safe.

Mounting methods

When parents buy a car seat, they should carefully study the instructions. You must attach the chair to the car seat strictly according to the instructions.

There is a way to attach the chair:

  • the seat is secured with stationary seat belts, which are located in every car;

    A child car seat ensures the safety of the child only if it is installed correctly. Otherwise, the whole point of using it is nullified. Parental negligence can cost a child dearly in the event of even a minor accident on the road. But according to statistics, 80% of restraint devices are used incorrectly.

    Let's figure out how and where to install a car seat correctly so that it really protects the little passenger, and is not in the car for show!

    Methods of attaching car seats:

    • Standard seat belts;
    • Isofix system;
    • Latch and SuperLatch system.

    Fastening with standard car seat belts

    Fastening with a standard three-point car belt is used for car seats of all age groups. However, there are some peculiarities here. In the “0”, “0+” group, the standard belt secures the car seat in the passenger compartment, and the child is fastened with an internal five-point belt. In groups “1” and above, a standard belt fastens the child, and the seat is fixed due to its weight.

    The manufacturer's instructions will help you correctly and securely fasten the restraint with a seat belt. Please read it carefully after purchasing the product! Majority modern models has special red marks located in the places where the belts pass (if the chair is installed rearward, the marks are blue), as well as instructional drawings. This will make your task much easier!

    Over time, many parents begin to ignore the marks and rules for fixing the car seat, doing it hastily and as best they can. Such negligence is unacceptable when it comes to the safety of a child.

    Important to know!

    • Fastening with standard belts does not provide a rigid fixation of the chair, but it should not wobble! Only a small amount of play is allowed. Move the chair after you have fixed the straps - if it moves more than 2 cm, you will have to redo everything.
    • Before you buy a seat, check whether it can be installed in your car. In some vehicle models, the design of the rear seat and backrest profiles makes it impossible to attach most child seats. There are situations when the length of the standard belt is not enough to secure the restraint device.
    • After you have placed your child in the seat and buckled him in, check to see if the seat belts are twisted. They should not hang out or squeeze. The “correct” gap between the belts and the baby’s body is no more than 3-4 cm (two fingers).
    • While driving, the standard belts can relax and slip. A special lock will help avoid this. If the design of the car seat does not provide for it, it is recommended to additionally purchase a fixing bracket.
    • The standard tape must be passed through all the guides provided by the design of the car seat. Make sure the belt goes straight across the child's shoulder and hips. Under no circumstances should it move towards the neck.

    Basic instructions for securing a child car seat with a three-point belt

    1 Step.

    Move the front seat back to provide enough space to install the car seat. Check to see if the passenger in front will be caught.

    Step 2

    Pull out the car seat belt and guide it through the special holes in the seat structure. Instructions and special markings will help you navigate.

    3 Step.

    Snap the belt into the buckle after tightening it according to all instructions.

    4 Step.

    Apply light pressure to the chair and check to see if it moves. Allow about 2 cm of play.

    5 Step.

    Move the inner seat belts to the sides and seat the child. Apply straps, adjust pads, and secure clasps.

    6 Step.

    Tighten the straps to hold your baby snugly.

    Basic instructions for installing a car seat

    1 Step.

    Place the infant carrier on the car seat facing the direction of travel. If you choose the front seat for installation, disable the airbag.

    Step 2

    Fasten the carrycot with seat belts according to the instructions. Focus on the special blue marks that indicate where the belts will be threaded. Make sure that the cross and diagonal belts are not mixed up.

    3 Step.

    Assess the position of the infant carrier - its tilt back should not exceed 45 degrees. You can check this using a special indicator on the base or body of the holding device. A rolled up towel or a special roller (if permitted by the manufacturer) will help you level the angle of inclination.

    4 Step.

    Place your baby in the infant carrier and secure him with the straps. It is better if the shoulder straps are in the lowest possible position. It is recommended to place the clip at armpit level.

    5 Step.

    Use special padding on the belts to avoid chafing and discomfort in the groin area. If your belt buckle does not have a soft pad underneath it, place a towel underneath it.

    6 Step.

    Adjust the straps so that they fit your child snugly, but not too tight. Two fingers should fit under the straps.

    7 Step.

    If it's cold inside, cover your child with a blanket.

    You need to dress your baby correctly for traveling in a car! Clothes must be made from thick fabric to avoid chafing with the belt. From volumetric winter jackets It is also recommended to refuse, as they do not allow the belts to be tightened tightly. During the cold season, it is better to use an additional blanket.

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    + Universal fastening (there is a standard seat belt in every car)

    + Favorable price

    + Possibility of installing a car seat on any car seat.

    - Difficulty of fastening

    - Not like that high performance safety compared to Isofix and Latch

    - The possibility of encountering a “shortage” of a standard belt (typical for car seats with a table).

    Isofix mount

    An alternative to standard seat belts when securing a child restraint system is the Isofix system. It is a rigid attachment of the seat to the car body. Thanks to this it is ensured best protection child, which is confirmed by crash test results year after year.

    You will find the Isofix mount at the base of the car seat: two brackets on a metal frame, located symmetrically on both sides of the seat.

    A child seat with the Isofix system is almost impossible to install incorrectly. This is done very quickly and simply. Find the special brackets built into the back seat of almost any modern car and connect them to the brackets located at the bottom of the restraint system. “Docking” should occur easily, and the chair should be firmly secured. Some models have electronic indicators that change color if the chair is installed correctly.

    Not all car seat models of groups “0+” and “1” have built-in Isofix. Some involve installing a child seat on a special platform, which is equipped with fastenings. The platform and the chair are purchased strictly “for each other”. Of course, they must be from the same manufacturer!

    Isofix fixes the chair at 2 points. But for groups “0” and “1” there is also a 3rd point, which allows reducing the load on the fastenings of the holding device. It could be:

    Telescopic support to the floor. It consists of two connected tubes located at the base of the child car seat platform, which are height-adjustable and rigidly fixed. Not every platform model includes a thrust leg. In its absence, an anchor strap is used.

    Anchor strap (Top Tether). Responsible for additional fixation of the upper part of the car seat. In the event of an accident, it protects the small passenger from neck injuries resulting from a sharp “nod”. There is a belt at the top of the backrest of the child seat, which is secured to a special bracket on the back of the rear seat, in the trunk of the car or other place (depending on the model).

    Important to know!

    • Before purchasing a seat with the Isofix system, make sure that the appropriate fastenings are present in your car. You need to look for them on the front side of the passenger seat, under the backrest. Stick your hand into the gap and you can easily feel the staples.
    • In the vast majority of cases, the Isofix system can only be used on the rear outboard seats. This is where the mounting brackets are provided in the car. If you need to place a child seat in front, you can secure it with a standard seat belt. Most models of chairs with Isofix allow this installation option.
    • The Isofix system is used in car seats of all age groups. However, for fixing infant carriers and child seats of category “0+”, it is still recommended to prefer standard option. A rigid fastening system sometimes creates vibration in the infant carrier, which is undesirable for the child. Starting from group “1”, you can safely switch to Isofix.
    • The design of a car seat with the Isofix system implies the presence of metal runners, which during operation can damage the seat upholstery. A special rug that is placed directly under the chair will help you avoid this. Thick fabric is also used for these purposes.

    Installation instructions

    1 Step.

    Locate the Isofix mounting brackets under the seat back. Remove the protective plugs. We recommend that you immediately put them in the glove compartment so as not to lose them.

    Step 2

    Pull the Isofix brackets at the base of the child seat to the required length. They are also protected by plugs - remove them and hide them in the glove compartment.

    3 Step.

    Insert the fasteners into the guides and press on the chair until you hear a characteristic click. Check that both brackets are securely fastened.

    4 Step.

    If the car seat has an anchor belt, place it over the back of the main seat and secure it in the anchorage (this can be located on the trunk floor or on back side seats). If the child restraint is designed with a support leg, adjust its angle and height.

    5 Step.

    Loosen the inner straps, sit the child down, tighten and secure the straps.

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    + Easily and quickly attaches to the car interior

    + The chair is installed rigidly, tipping over and “moving forward” is excluded.


    - More high cost car seats (about 1.5 times compared to in a standard way fastenings)

    - 30% more weight than a conventional chair

    - Not universal, not all cars are equipped with ISOFIX

    - Possibility of chair vibration due to rigid fixation

    - Weight limit 18 kg

    - Can only be installed on the rear outboard seats

    LATCH mount

    Isofix fastening is considered a European standard. There are analogs of it in the world, for example, the Latch mount, which was created in America. Since 2002, it has been mandatory in the United States.

    Main feature Latch compared to Isofix is ​​the absence of a metal frame and brackets in the design of the chair, which significantly reduces its weight. Fastening is carried out using durable straps, which are secured with carabiners to the Latch brackets on the back seat of the car.

    Latch and Isofix systems are fully compatible with each other. This means that if your car has Isofix, you can safely install a seat with Latch mounts and vice versa.

    The Latch system includes several options for carabiner fasteners. The most common of them resembles fastening removable straps for bags, only larger in size and stronger.

    In 2008, the American company Evenflo created the SuperLatch carabiner, which features a built-in automatic tensioner. Installation and fixation with its help is quick and easy, since there is no need to manually adjust the straps.

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    + No vibration due to soft fixation with elastic strap

    + Convenient installation (the locks do not have to be latched at the same time, as with Isofix)

    + The chair weighs 1.5 - 2.6 kg lighter than a similar one with Isofix

    + Reliable protection child in an accident (confirmed by crash tests)

    + Increasing the permissible weight of the child to 29.6 kg (for Isofix - 18 kg)

    - Small selection (Latch car seat models are presented in Russia very sparingly)

    - Not universal, not all cars are equipped with Latch and Isofix brackets

    - Lack of budget models

    - Possibility of installation only on the rear side seats.

    Where to install the car seat?

    Most parents install the child restraint in the right rear seat. When the child is “obliquely”, it is easier for the driver to communicate with him and control him using the rearview mirror. In addition, drivers often push their own seat as far back as possible for greater comfort, and having a child seat behind them significantly limits this ability.

    What seat in the cabin is considered the safest? For a long time The "favorite" among safety experts was the seat on the left (behind the driver). This choice is explained by the human self-preservation instinct: in emergency situation The driver unconsciously turns the steering wheel in such a way as to protect himself, which means that the passenger behind also benefits.

    Scientific approach

    Scientists from the American Research University at Buffalo came to interesting conclusions. They analyzed traffic accident statistics in New York State for 3 years. As a result, they named the safest place in the car... the middle seat. Judge for yourself: compared to the front seats, the rear seats are 60-86% safer, while the safety of the middle seat is 25% higher than that of the rear side seats.

    It is worth noting that scientists took into account all possible factors, affecting the level of safety, for example, the type and weight of the car, the presence of head restraints and airbags, the age of the driver and passengers, road lighting, weather. But under any conditions, the middle place was always at least 16% safer than the rest. The researchers explained this by the fact that in a collision it is not subject to compression, which cannot be said about the outboard seats. But side impact accidents are second only to accidents where cars collide head-on in frequency.

    Unfortunately, not every car model allows you to conveniently place a child car seat in the middle of the cabin. For example, representatives of the C-class and above have a built-in folding armrest in the back of the middle seat. Many cars (usually station wagons and hatchbacks) have only 20% of the space in the middle seat, and the car seat simply won’t fit there. And, for example, the Isofix system in most cases is provided only for the side rear seats (with the exception of some car models, for example, Citroen C4 Picasso).

    When determining where to install the restraint, proceed from the characteristics of your vehicle. If you cannot choose a seat in the center, give preference to the seat behind the driver.

    We install the car seat correctly (fastening with a standard belt)!

    1 Group 0 (infant seats, up to 10 kg).

    Installed on the rear or front seats of the car, perpendicular to the movement.

    Important point:

    When placing the infant carrier in the front seat, be sure to turn off the airbag! If it works in the event of an accident, the infant carrier will receive a strong blow, which could result in serious injury to the child.

    2 Group 0+ (up to 13 kg).

    The child can be transported both behind and in front (the airbag is switched off!). The seat is installed against the direction of travel: little passenger sits with legs towards the back of the seat. It is secured in the chair with a five-point harness.

    3 Group 1 (up to 18 kg).

    The seat can be fixed in the rear and front seats in the direction of travel; in addition, the baby is held in place by a five-point internal belt.

    4 Group 2-3 (up to 36 kg.)

    Installed on any passenger seat in the direction of travel of the car. The child is fastened with a standard seat belt.

    Questions to the expert

    1 Is it possible to put a car seat on the front seat if the front airbag cannot be turned off (the car does not have this option)?

    If the airbag does not turn off, you cannot place the infant carrier in the front seat. When deployed in the event of an accident, the airbag will forcefully hit the restraint device and, instead of protecting it, will cause additional injuries to the child.

    2 When the baby is wearing winter clothes, the internal seat belts are not fastened. What to do?

    First of all, check to see if your child has already “outgrown” his car seat. If it's all about a thick down jacket, you'll have to change your baby into something lighter. In general, car seats do not provide winter clothes, since according to European standards a small passenger must be transported without it. In the conditions of the Russian winter, all that remains is to improvise! Warm up the car thoroughly before seating your child. Make sure you have a blanket to cover your baby if it gets cold on the road.

    3 Can three child car seats fit in the back seat of a car?

    It is quite possible to install three child restraints in the back seat of a car at once, if you select the most compact models. The exception is cars in which the area of ​​the middle seat is reduced or supplemented with a folding armrest.

    4 What to do if your car does not have Isofix mounts, but you want to use this particular system?

    The hinges required to attach the seat using the Isofix system can be welded to the car body in a car service center. That's enough simple procedure, so many parents resort to it if they want to ensure maximum safety for their child.

    5 Can a seat with the Isofix system be fixed? in the usual way(with standard belts)?

    The metal runners that are typical for car seats with the Isofix system are usually foldable, and the design of many restraints also includes holes for a standard belt. Therefore, yes, most models (there are rare exceptions) can also be recorded in the usual way. Just in case, we recommend checking with the seller about this possibility.
