Comic letters for the bride and groom. Diplomas and orders for the silver wedding

A wedding celebration is one of the most fateful events in the life of newlyweds, which brings with it emotions and excitement. That's why funny diplomas for weddings will help you bring a little originality, humor and positivity into your holiday. In addition, a cool diploma can be used as an incentive souvenir for the bride and groom for participating in wedding competitions. And then the awarded diplomas for the newlyweds will lift the spirits of all the surrounding guests and relatives, and will also leave the best memories of your wedding day!

Wedding celebrants can use some of these credentials in their own wedding script. In addition, anyone can download it to their computer for free, and then print it on a color printer, and then solemnly present such a diploma during the wedding feast!

Of course, you can go to the store and buy ready-made wedding diplomas, which are produced in large quantities. But remember that this is the first and perhaps the only wedding ceremony in your or the newlyweds’ lives, so you need to make sure that the celebration is remembered for many years.

Ready-made diploma template for a wedding

For many people, a wedding is truly a global, grandiose, long-awaited and very important event in life. And there are times when you want to do something unique and unexpected for a young couple, so that they are surprised and remember this moment. To do this, you can give the newlyweds comic diplomas, with a text you came up with, especially for this wedding. What is needed for this? Firstly, the bride and groom, secondly, print it on a color printer, and thirdly, enter your text.

You can come up with your own text for a wedding diploma, but you can use ready-made options, for example, you can write the following text:

Text of the bride's wedding diploma

Option 1

This diploma certifies that the real bride (name of the bride) has completed a scientific course in “Bride Studies” with a specialty in “Attracting Young People” and serves as the first document on initial family education. With good behavior, I discovered the following knowledge:

  • Home Economics - 5 (excellent) - studied the commandment:
    To keep the house in order, teach your husband to work,
    Don't do anything yourself, just look after him.
  • Marriage - 4 (good):
    (name of the bride) loves her husband deeply and takes care of him,
    So that he is neat, clean and healthy.
    If he drinks wine, he won’t go to the movies with her.
  • Food preparation - 3 (satisfactory):
    Smoke is pouring through the apartment, and (the name of the bride) is shedding tears out of grief.
    The entire dinner burned to the ground, leaving the whole family without dinner.
    Make (name of the bride) beshbarmak - it’s a trifle for you.
    Well, if something goes wrong, (name of the groom) goes to bed on an empty stomach.
  • Cutting and sewing course - 5 (excellent):
    Sewing pants is not that difficult.
    The thread needs to be threaded into the needle,
    Stick it into the canvas
    And pull it out again.
  • Economics - 5 (excellent):
    I would like to buy noodles and pearl barley cheaper.
    And besides, it is useful, everyone has known this for a long time.
    This is how a thrifty wife should be.
  • Childbirth - exam not yet passed:
    The subject course is too difficult.
    This science course is accurate,
    And it cannot be urgent.
    And therefore (name of the bride)
    We'll invite you in a year
    And let's give her "excellent"
    If she continues the family line.
Having made some discounts on cosmetics, they decided: To assign the title of “Housewife-Wife” followed by the title of “Heroine-Mother” with a probationary period of 50 years. And from that day on, she moves from a serene girl’s life to a woman’s slave lot.

Option 2

This diploma was issued by the “State Academy of Family Law” (name of the bride). Certifies that she has completed a 3-month course for future wives, with excellent behavior, showing the following abilities:

  • Fidelity to the future husband - 5 (excellent) - Russian, Nordic character, persistent, did not succumb to temptation.
  • Housekeeping - 4 (good) - subject to 100% help from the future husband.
  • Theory of scandals - 5 (excellent) - with the title of honorary diplomat.
  • Reception of guests - 5 (excellent) - the best housewife.
  • Addiction to alcohol - 5 (excellent) - knowledge of the harmfulness of the product.
  • Metalwork and carpentry work - 5 (excellent) - with the obligatory use of the future husband.
  • Repair of complex household appliances - 5 (excellent) - under the same conditions as in the previous paragraph.
  • Raising children (theory) - 5 (excellent) - 100% readiness.
Conclusions of the examination committee: The examination commission, having checked the knowledge of the bride, considers it possible to admit her to family life.
The bride's diploma was issued ( at ________________
Chairman ____________________ Love
Secretary _______________________ Happiness

Option 3

This diploma is issued to (bride's name) and certifies that she has indeed completed the preparatory course for young wives. By decision of the State Commission, the qualification of a young wife was awarded. During the training process she showed the following successes:

  • Shooting with the eyes - 5 (excellent) - all targets proposed by the commission were hit.
  • Walking to the left (absolute ignorance of the subject) - 2 (unsatisfactory) knowledge is shown as a result of not attending a given subject as unnecessary.
  • Family skills - 5 (excellent) given in advance, subject to mandatory assistance from the future husband.
  • Attitude towards your roommate - 5 (excellent) - the neighbor is good, but the husband is better and dearer.
  • Swaddling process - 5 (excellent) - if I don’t do this or that myself, then I’ll blame it all on my husband!
  • Attitude to housing - 5 (excellent) - Spartan upbringing - "It's heaven in the hut with your sweetheart!"
Commission conclusions: Ready for family life in all respects.
The bride's diploma was issued ( at ________________
Chairman ____________________ Love
Secretary _______________________ Happiness

Option 4

This diploma was issued to (name of the bride) and certifies that on __ _______ 20 __ she graduated from the Academy of Love and Friendship. She defended her thesis on the topic “Who’s the Boss of the House.” By the decision of the high examination commission, she was assigned the specialty - wife, the highest rank. At the same time, she demonstrated the following knowledge in individual subjects:

  • Ability to give orders with a glance - 5 (excellent)
  • Ability to get money from husband for cosmetics - 5 (excellent)
  • Whims - 5 (excellent)
  • The ability to iron my husband's trousers - 3 (satisfactory)
  • Ability to play on husband's nerves - 5 (excellent)
  • The ability to walk on tiptoe when the husband is sleeping - 3 (satisfactory)
  • Housekeeping - sewing children's clothes - 5 (excellent), ripping out husband's clothes - 4 (good)
By the decision of the high examination commission, the applicant for the title of wife showed excellent knowledge, and therefore the high commission considers it possible to admit her to manage her husband from __ _______ 20 __ year.
Chairman ____________________ Love
Secretary _______________________ Happiness

Option 5

The diploma was given to the bride (name of the bride), indicating that she actually completed the course “For some reason, my girlfriends can’t sit at home!” Upon completion of the course, the bride discovered the following knowledge:

  • Russian language: Where there is love, there are no words needed!
  • Literature: I love you - what more!
  • Mathematics: We will multiply our joy and divide it in half!
  • Physics: You are my gravity!
  • Astronomy: The light of blue galaxies shines in your eyes!
  • Geography: The white light has converged on you like a wedge!
  • Anatomy: We will look into each other's eyes, we will clasp our hands together!
  • Singing: Sing, swallow, sing...
  • Behavior: Whoever you behave with, that’s how you want it!
The diploma was issued by the society “I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me like a fleeting vision, and we don’t need anything else!”
Chairman ____________________ Love
Secretary _______________________ Happiness

Text of the groom's wedding diploma

Option 1

This diploma was issued to a very young groom, who was inexperienced in family life; after completing the course “Think seven times, marry once,” the following knowledge was discovered:

  • Determination - 5 (excellent) - I came, I saw, I conquered.
  • Perseverance - 5 (excellent) - met, fell in love, was late for transport, froze more than once, but saw him off, finally achieved it. And in the end, he got married.
  • Hard work - 5 (excellent):
    Our (name of the groom) is not a simpleton, he will not go hungry.
    In the morning he will take his backpack and go to the store.
  • Wooing - 4 (good):
    (name of the groom) is attentive and strict, will bake a cake on the holiday,
    (Bride's name) will buy a chocolate bar, and everything will go smoothly for them.
  • Driving a stroller - 5 (excellent):
    I'm riding on my dad's, I don't demand anything,
    I'm not bothering anyone, I'm going my own way.
  • Going to your mother-in-law's for pancakes - 4 (good)
The commission decided: from today on, the groom will be given the title of “Loving Husband”, and in the future - father, floor polisher, supplier, Sunday nanny and hospitable host. Expelled from bachelor's paradise and transferred to family hell.

Chairman ____________________ Love
Secretary _______________________ Happiness

Option 2

This diploma was issued to (name of the groom) and certifies that he has completed a 3-month course for future husbands, having demonstrated the following abilities with excellent behavior:

  • Electrical appliance repair - 3 (satisfactory)
  • Cutting and sewing - 5 (excellent)
  • Machine control (sewing and washing) - 3 (satisfactory)
  • Loyalty to future wife - 4 (good)
  • Raising children - 4 (good)
  • Hiding salaries - 5 (excellent)
  • Cooking - 5 (excellent)
  • The theory of pleasing mother-in-law - 5 (excellent)
  • Shopping run - 4 (good)
The examination committee, having checked the groom’s knowledge, considers it possible to admit him to family life.
The groom's diploma was issued ( at the address ________________
Chairman ____________________ Love
Secretary _______________________ Happiness

Option 3

This diploma was issued to (the name of the groom) and certifies that he ended his bachelor life without graduating from any dubious institutions. He is strong in the sciences and shows his best side in practice, namely:

  • He doesn’t drink alcohol right away - he sniffs it first.
  • He doesn’t take girls prisoner - he surrenders himself.
  • Doesn't write love letters.
  • In general, I am morally stable, but in 20__ I couldn’t resist.
  • Ready for the start of family life.
  • He treats family life conservatively.
    The diploma was issued by the society “I came to you with greetings, to tell you that something got up, that it was hot, that it knocked on someone!”
    Chairman ____________________ Love
    Secretary _______________________ Happiness

Option 4

This diploma was issued to (name of the groom) that on __ _______ 20 __ he graduated from the University of Love and Friendship. He defended his thesis on the topic “A wife is a man’s friend.” By the decision of the high examination commission, he was assigned a specialty - husband, rank - the highest. Certified in the following subjects:

  • Ability to understand wife's views from a distance - 5 (excellent)
  • Ability to walk on one plank - 5 (excellent)
  • Ability to carry a shopping bag - 5 (excellent)
  • Ability to hide a chervonets - 5 (excellent)
  • Ability to do laundry, cook, wash dishes - 5 (excellent)
  • Musical education - singing: "Tomorrow will be better than yesterday" - 5 (excellent), playing whatever comes to hand - 5 (excellent)
  • Physical culture: side jumps - 3 (satisfactory), tourism: "Walking through torment" - not certified.
By decree of the High Examination Commission, it is allowed to be under the supervision of a wife from __ _______ 20 __ year.
Chairman ____________________ Love
Secretary _______________________ Happiness

Option 5

The diploma was issued to the groom (name of the groom), indicating that he actually completed the course “Tired of being a bachelor!” Upon completion of the course, the groom acquired the following knowledge:

  • Russian language: Each line contains only periods after the letter L...
  • Mathematics: Eh, once, again, many, many times!
  • Literature: I remember a wonderful moment!
  • Physics: Eh, apple, where are you going?
  • Geography: I'll take you to the tundra!
  • Astronomy: Shine, burn my star!
  • Singing: If suddenly you become a song, I will be the chorus to it!
  • Behavior: Where the curve leads!
Diploma issued by the society "Convinced Bachelors"
Chairman ____________________ Love
Secretary _______________________ Happiness

Comic family diploma

This diploma is a guide to a happy family life. No wonder everyone strives for it. Therefore, by presenting a family diploma to the newlyweds at the end of the wedding, you are giving a piece of cheerful mood on the road to a new life. You just need to print it out, add the necessary inscriptions and that’s it, all that remains is to give it as a gift.

Wedding - there is so much anxiety and excitement in this word. Just like at any other holiday, all guests love surprises, have fun, dance, participate in competitions and receive gifts for them, and always participate in various drawings. Give the newlyweds diplomas, it will be a wonderful and cool gift. The diploma means that its owner will remember this moment for many years.

In honor of commemorating the silver anniversary of married life and simply a charming couple, I order:
Install full-length busts in the homeland of the heroes of the day in the cities of Kostroma and Makhachkala on the main street at a height of 1 meter for each year lived, and rename the streets themselves the streets of the Makarov spouses.
Allocate them 25 acres of land for further development.
Place a memorial plaque at the entrance to the registry office and carve words of gratitude to the registry office administration for bringing such a wonderful family into life.
The director of the Rossiya chocolate factory should master the production of new products—chocolate, for example, “Lara and Vanya”—and send the first 25 kg to the celebrants for tasting.
LLC "Chernogolovsky Alcoholic Products Factory" to develop and release the anniversary vodka "Makarovka" according to Larisa's recipe. From the experimental batch of 25 bottles, send one to the names of the celebrants, and 24 to the President of Russia, so that he himself can drink to the health of the celebrants.
In the city of Kostroma, create a park of culture and recreation and name it in honor of the heroes of the day. The execution period is 25 days.


This diploma was issued on October 24, 2011 to the Makarov couple, Ivan and Larisa, in that they, having completed a course at the To-Yama-To-Konawa State University, and having lived together for 25 years, discovered the following knowledge:
1. Mutual love – excellent.
2. Mutual respect - excellent.
3. Economics and family budget - test.
4. Passing the license to drive a car (washing machine, sewing machine, stroller) – excellent.
5. Figure skating (with a vacuum cleaner) - excellent.
6. Sports games (rag hockey) – excellent.
7. Problems of increasing the country's population - test

By the decision of the State Commission dated October 24, 2011, the following qualifications are assigned:

Ivan is a wonderful husband, Larisa is a great wife.

Wife's technical passport

Wife - ... (full name) made ... (date of birth) according to the original technology of the family ... (parents' surname) and approved by the commission (district registry office).


Intended for use as a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.


Health is tender.

Growth is wonderful.

Weight is good, fullness is ideal (the manufacturer is not responsible for changes in these data during operation).

Waist and bust correspond to world standards.

The nervous system is female.

The source of nutrition is love, rest.

Terms of use:

Before use, it is necessary to lubricate with Kiss.

Set the switch to a good mood, using a gentle look or a gift.

Turn on and use the device without any special load.

Caring for your wife:

To avoid premature failure, it is recommended to store the product in a warm, cozy and beautiful room.

To improve performance, it is necessary to feed this device with sweets, perfumes and flowers.

Storage and warranty:

Store carefully, protect from falls, accidental shocks and direct influences, especially from rudeness, because this worsens well-being and spoils love. If the storage and operating conditions are met, the warranty period is unlimited.


In the event of minor defects or malfunctions, manufacturers are not responsible, because this depends on the consumer, and we ask you to correct the defects on the spot.

The wife looks especially attractive if her packaging is changed more often, so her owner should not interfere with the frequent purchase of dresses, shoes, etc.

Liana Raimanova August 8, 2018, 09:30

Several years after the wedding, many moments of the past event are forgotten by both the bride and groom and the guests invited to the holiday. Few people will remember what delicacies they were treated to at the banquet or what style the bride’s wedding dress was, but the cheerful and friendly atmosphere at the wedding will definitely not be forgotten.

Of course, what would a wedding be without a toastmaster, whose task is to organize entertainment, prepare interesting competitions and wedding tokens for competitions, incentive gifts for everyone who took part, and much more. If you are acting as a guest, then a sense of humor is something that under no circumstances should be hidden at such a holiday.

You can prepare your congratulations to the newlyweds and present them with a constitution of a young family for a wedding or a wedding certificate; such gifts will leave a vivid memory of you in the memory of the newly-made couple and all other guests.

Medals for newlyweds

Wedding paraphernalia with elements of humor is especially popular: comic wedding medals for the bride and groom, diplomas, certificates and other gifts with congratulatory parting words and humorous poems. For those who are soon invited to a wedding, this information will be very useful, because often many people want not only to give a young couple a necessary and practical gift, but also bright emotions and memories.

Making such medals will not take you much time, and will not require any special skills, just minimal drawing skills or working in graphics programs on a computer and the availability of a printer are enough.

The traditional envelope with money can be supplemented with medals for newlyweds with the inscriptions:

  • She came, she saw, she got married!
  • Medal of Merit for Father-in-Law.
  • Queen of the ball.
  • The most dexterous.
  • Faithful wife.
  • Medal about the birth of a family.
  • For taking the bride prisoner.
  • An exemplary husband.
  • For services on the love front.

Such medals will cheer you up on such a significant day for the couple and will remain a pleasant memory.

Medal for the groom for the wedding

Wedding medals for guests

Preparing for a wedding reception together with the wedding organizer or toastmaster, the bride and groom you should think in advance about commemorative medals for guests. Games and competitions will help create a fun atmosphere, because no one should be bored, and the banquet should not turn into habitual gatherings. Having prepared the evening program and future competitions in advance, it is important not to forget about incentive gifts.

You can also prepare wedding medals for parents, which are presented after congratulating the parents as a sign of gratitude. It will be great if the presentation takes place in a cool manner, for example, a medal is given to the mother-in-law or mother-in-law with a comic inscription: “For culinary masterpieces” or “For the best man in the world.”

Wedding medals for guests

Throughout the evening, the toastmaster can present wedding medals to guests at the appropriate moment.

You can order such signs of attention for your guests at a printing house or buy ready-made options in specialized stores, but medals made by yourself will look original. You can find a master class on making a medal with your own hands on the Internet.

Cool diplomas and certificates for weddings

Today, during the entertainment program, the toastmaster presents wedding diplomas to the bride, groom, father-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law or witnesses. Guests can use the wedding diploma to the newlyweds as a greeting card, or read out the text written on the diploma during the next toast, or give it as a gift. It is very important to pay special attention to the design of such a diploma.

Most often, funny wedding certificates are prepared for the newlyweds, which contain information about each participant in the celebration in a comic form. For example, a funny certificate for a bride can serve as evidence of completion of the “Theory of Scandals” or “Shooting with the Eyes” honors courses. If you don’t know what is best to write on such certificates, use ready-made diploma templates for a husband and wife for a wedding; all you have to do is enter the required names. You can also download a diploma template for printing on the Internet and, without spending a lot of time, prepare comic certificates for all guests.

Very often, during the celebration, the newlyweds or the toastmaster present a diploma to their parents for the wedding with funny words of gratitude for raising their son (daughter).

Comic diploma for a wedding for newlyweds and guests

The format you choose depends on you and the sense of humor of the person who will receive the gift. For example, a certificate from the mother-in-law with the words “The kindest” will undoubtedly please the mother of the bride and give positive emotions.

Fun nominations for wedding guests

When planning an entertainment program, you should take care of comic nominations for guests. Of course, everyone present will appreciate being individually recognized. You can present it both at the beginning of the evening and throughout the banquet, or leave it as the final part of the wedding celebration.

You can nominate guests for anything, it is important that everything is done with humor and kindness to everyone present

For example, the nomination “Modest”, the winner of which should be chosen among the most passive and modest guests who spent the entire evening sitting in a secluded corner. And vice versa, “Incendiary thing” - to the most active guest who participated in all competitions, dances and became the soul of the company. The nominations can be anything, knowing which people are invited to your celebration, you can come up with fun titles.

Cool medals for a wedding

Also, in continuation of this topic, in addition to nominations, it is worth considering a super prize at the wedding for the best guest. At any wedding there is a person, and sometimes several, who create the mood for everyone and take an active part in the entire entertainment program. The gift could be a bottle of champagne with a photo of the bride and groom, chocolates, boxes of chocolates, magnets with the emblem of your celebration, it all depends on the scale of your celebration and wallet. The only thing is that this super prize should be a sign of attention from the young and a symbol of gratitude for the gift of good mood.

Super wedding prize for guests

It is always possible to add variety to the entertainment program, you just have to approach this issue more carefully and think carefully about who and what characters should be given this or that comic present in the form of a medal, diploma and other incentive prizes.

Wedding- is always a bright and solemn event, which is why so often we want to give something original and memorable.

We invite you to consider it as a gift WEDDING FAMILY DIPLOMA. Such a diploma can contain the first and last names of the bride and groom, and the surname of the young family. The newlyweds can hang an original wedding gift in the form of a family diploma on the wall or put it on the table. The text of the family diploma is certified WITH A REAL WAX SEAL.

Such a family diploma can be presented on a wedding anniversary or simply as a gift to the whole family. Upon request, you can also add the names of children to the family diploma. The layout, text and frame of the family diploma are pre-agreed.


The family diploma is made in a noble design "Vintage"


1. Design "Vintage" A3 format (30 x 42).
3.Official Wax Seal
4. Bibliographic.
baguette frame with glass.
6. If desired, you can do it in advance.


OUR CONTACTS: +7986-76-100-76



FORMAT 30 x 42 cm, textured photo paper, framed under glass, certified with wax seal.
2 types of baguette frames - a picture molding molding and a wide wooden baguette.

The family diploma is made in a popular design "Birch bark letter". One diploma presents the origin of the surname and the meaning of the newlyweds' names. A family wedding certificate would be an ideal wedding or anniversary gift. The text of the study was printed on textured designer photo paper, certified with a wax seal. By agreement, the diploma can be made on canvas, foam board, wood or metal in a gift case.


A3 format (30 x 42).
2. Professional printing on designer textured photo paper.
3.Official Wax Seal antique with ties, under glass.
4. Bibliographic list of sources attached.
5. The family diploma is inserted into baguette frame with glass.
6. If desired, you can read the text of the study in advance.
7. Production time is from 3 to 7 days.

The cost of a family diploma in A3 format (30 x 42 cm) is 2000 rubles

(framed, printed on textured photo paper, certified with a wax seal)

The family diploma can be printed on textured photo paper, canvas, wood or metal.

OUR CONTACTS: +7986-76-100-76

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.


FORMAT 30 x 42 cm, textured photo paper, framed under glass, certified with wax seal.
2 types of baguette frames - a picture molding molding and a wide wooden baguette.

The family diploma is made in the most popular design "Birch bark letter". One diploma presents the origin of the last name and first name for two people at once. This diploma can be presented as a gift for a wedding or wedding anniversary. The text of the study was printed on textured designer photo paper, a wax seal is placed at the bottom in the middle.


1. Design "Birch bark letter", A3 format (30 x 42).
2. Professional printing on designer textured photo paper.
3.Official Wax Seal antique with ties, under glass. Options are available with a satin ribbon or twisted brown thread.
4. Bibliographic list of sources attached on the back of the family diploma and is designed in the form of a scroll.
5. The family diploma is inserted into a beautiful baguette frame under glass.
6. If desired, you can read the text of the study in advance.
7. Payment upon receipt.

(framed, printed on textured photo paper, certified with a wax seal)

The family diploma can be printed on textured photo paper, canvas, wood or metal.

OUR CONTACTS: +7986-76-100-76

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

FORMAT 30 x 42 framed, certified with a wax seal. 1 last name and 2 first names in one diploma.

2 types of baguette frames - a picture molding molding and a wide wooden baguette.


1. Design "Russian scroll", A3 format(30 x 42).
2 given names and 1 surname.
textured designer photo paper.
4. Stamp Wax Seal antique with ties, under glass.
5. Bibliographic list of sources attached, designed in the form of a scroll.
baguette frame under glass.
7. In a gift bag.
8. You can read the text in advance by e-mail.
9. Payment upon receipt.

The cost of a family diploma in A3 format (30 x 42 cm) is 2500 rubles

(framed, printed on textured photo paper, certified with a wax seal)

The family diploma can be printed on textured photo paper, canvas, wood or metal.

OUR CONTACTS: +7986-76-100-76

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

FORMAT 30 x 42 framed, certified with a wax seal. 1 last name and 3 first names in one diploma.

2 types of baguette frames - a picture molding molding and a wide wooden baguette.


1. Design "Russian scroll", A3 format(30 x 42).
2. The family diploma describes 2 given names and 1 surname.
3. Professional printing on textured designer photo paper.
4. Stamp Wax Seal antique with ties, under glass.
5. Bibliographic list of sources attached, designed in the form of a scroll.
6. The personalized diploma is inserted into a beautiful baguette frame under glass.
7. In a gift bag.
8. You can read the text in advance by e-mail.
9. Payment upon receipt.
10. Production time is from 3 to 7 days.

The cost of a family diploma in A3 format (30 x 42 cm) is 2500 rubles

(framed, printed on textured photo paper, certified with a wax seal)

The family diploma can be printed on textured photo paper, canvas, wood or metal.

OUR CONTACTS: +7986-76-100-76

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

VIP - family diploma on metal (design 804)

Formal wedding (family) family diploma completed in modern style without unnecessary details. This family thesis conducts research two given names and a common surname. In the center - coat of arms of the Russian Federation and rings(can be replaced with another image).

Attached to a laminated wooden base metal plate. Text is applied to silver or gold metal using UV printer. Images printed using this method are very clear And do not change under the influence of sunlight.

The case serves as coasters or to store a family diploma. The coat of arms of the Russian Federation can be replaced applied coat of arms(at additional cost). Layout and text pre is agreed upon before making a family diploma.


1. Format 21 x 28 cm or 30 x 38 cm.

2. Metal plate color: silver or champagne; the color of the wooden base is oak.

3. The text of the family diploma is applied to the metal using UV printing.

4. Metal mounted on a wooden base, full color printing on metal.

5. The family diploma can be placed on a table (stand included) or hung on the wall (there are special holes).

6. Packaging: gift bag or case (at additional cost).

The cost of a family diploma on metal (format 21 x 28 cm) is 2500 rubles.

The cost of a family diploma on metal (format 30 x 38 cm) is 4,000 rubles.

OUR CONTACTS: +7986-76-100-76

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.
