What do we wear blue gloves with? Dress with gloves: choose the right accessory

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Glossy magazines vying with each other talk about trends in the fashion world and introduce new products and rules for combining women's accessories with clothes.

website studied this issue for a long time, and then put the advice on the shelves. Now we know the secrets, do not trust the myths and choose only stylish jewelry!

1. Wear no more than 3-4 massive accessories

In one image you can combine several large jewelry, but no more than 3-4 details. And most importantly - that the products are combined with each other in terms of color, style and materials.

2. Don't hide a voluminous collar behind a large scarf

Outerwear with a large collar should not be supplemented with a voluminous scarf. For comfort, wear a light scarf around your neck, under your clothes.

3. Use a full set of jewelry only if they are small.

There is an opinion: "Beads, earrings, a bracelet and a ring from one set will look tasteless if you put on all at once." This is true, but only in part: it's all about the size of the products. Compact accessories in a complete set look very elegant.

4. Move away from the rule of choosing a bag in the color of shoes

It is not necessary to choose shoes and a bag in the same color scheme. Bright shoes are best complemented with an accessory in soothing shades.

5. Prioritize: either flashy clothes or powerful accessories

When creating an image, we must decide what effect we want to achieve, and correctly place visual accents: either clothes or accessories and makeup can be bright and voluminous, but not all at once. A puffy collar blouse and large earrings with rhinestones look ridiculous together.

6. Forget about the watch if you are wearing an evening dress

Wristwatches will successfully decorate the urban, sporty or business style of clothing. However evening dress and watch are almost incompatible.

Today's topic will be devoted to such an interesting accessory as gloves.
Until the 1930s, gloves were considered a sign of elegance and a kind of symbol of a real “lady” who wears gloves all year round, along with a hat and stockings. In 1968, the accessory was recognized as a "bourgeois" sign and became a symbol of official relationships, hypocrisy, ostentation and wealth.

Now gloves are worn not only because it is cold, but also in order to complement your image.
Gloves are different: long, short, mittens (gloves without fingers). For different purposes.
Sew from a variety of fabrics. These are leather, leatherette, suede, velvet, lace, cashmere, wool, even chiffon, etc. The variety of materials allows you to wear gloves in any weather, depending on the occasion.
There are several options. Although there are different opinions that gloves are selected in accordance with shoes and nothing more. I'm not that conservative. That's why I'll give you a few options.
-under the handbag

- under shoes

-under the belt

under the headdress

A simpler version.

-under the dress

-under a shawl or scarf

What can be worn with:
- with bracelet

With ring

- with a brooch

Here is the combined version

I also offer an option, of course it is not everyday, although, depending on how you choose, this is when gloves are made of the same material as a scarf or scarf. The handkerchief is pinned with a brooch. And the gloves are decorated with something similar to a brooch. It turns out a single ensemble.
And finally, I will quote from the book "Good tone":

In Good Tone, published at the end of the 19th century, young people were advised: “Do not take off your gloves during the ball, even if your gloves burst. As a matter of forethought, when going to a ball, it is not a bad idea to put a spare pair of gloves in your pocket. You have to take off your gloves at dinner and when playing cards.”

Accessories... Little things?
A real woman will never leave the house without these little things, although, in general, you can easily do without them. Accessories can cost a fortune, or they can cost a penny. Small and important, large and useless. Accessories often help us, and sometimes, on the contrary, spoil everything. They are easy to wear but not easy to choose.

Accessories can completely nullify all our efforts to choose a toilet, or they can transform us in a fabulous way from Cinderella into princess.

Perhaps accessories can be called a magic wand of your image. They can easily change your style, emphasizing the advantages and smoothing out the flaws. Accessories help to define your status, demonstrating good taste even in small things. However, you should be careful - a mistake can very easily destroy even the most carefully calibrated image.

Accessory selection: three rules

First rule:
never use accessories that look and cost less than your suit.

This is at least pointless. An untidy bag made of cheap leatherette will spoil the impression of an expensive coat or a chic fur coat. And cheap perfume will negate all your efforts to look respectable. However, if you want to be known as a stylish woman, you should pay attention to accessories, even when playing sports. For example, inferior sports glasses from the nearest market will not only be discordant with a branded ski suit, but can also cause injury.

And here expensive and stylish little things, vice versa, can magically transform even the most mediocre wardrobe.

Do you want to pay attention to your status and look more expensive What does your financial situation allow you to do? No need to buy expensive outfits from the latest collections of fashion designers! It is enough to dress simply with taste and not too catchy, and spend money on accessories. People around will pay attention to expensive watches, shoes, a handbag and other important additions to the costume in the first place!

At all, people pay more attention to the little things. For example, when buying an expensive bag, remember that its contents must be up to par. Pulling out a tattered purse bought at the clothing market, or a shabby powder box of an unknown brand, you will immediately spoil the whole impression!

If status is not as important to you as the desire to look creative and artistic, then little things will also come to your aid. Only in this case, fancy watches will no longer help! Here you should pay attention to the originality of your accessories. And it is better to look for those either in art salons and other places where really original things are sold, or abroad.

Rule number two concerns number of accessories. This is a very delicate question ... Apparently, Coco Chanel expressed this rule best of all:

"If you want to be noticed - first put on everything that you were going to wear this time - and then either take off or put on one thing."

A person who glances at you immediately will attract either emptiness or excess in your form. As the Japanese say: "Harmony can be comprehended only if it is violated."

Third rule concerns compliance some rules of a kind of "accessory etiquette".
It is better to dwell on this point especially. And listen to what a woman from one of the most powerful families in the world, Nadine de Rothschild, has to say about it.

Accessories: etiquette


“I prefer the shoes, as opposed to the bag, to be the same color as the dress or suit. Beige or black pumps are valuable in that they are combined with almost any toilet... Shoes decorated with rhinestones, pearls or sequins are worn only in the evening... "

Yes. One of the hallmarks of impeccable style is suit color shoes. But, as a rule, the color range of clothes is much wider than shoes. Of course, you can buy shoes for each blouse, but this is somewhat expensive. And walking constantly in black and brown just because your shoes predominate in these shades is somehow sad.
There is one loophole here - shoes in the color of some other wardrobe details(for example, tights, bags, etc.) will look no less stylish.


“Bags usually come in the same material as shoes.(It is not customary to wear leather shoes with a suede bag or lizard shoes with a crocodile skin bag, even if they are the same color). But you can wear black chevro shoes with a red, blue, green or purple chevro bag...”

Quite right! Will choose shoes and a bag according to color and texture- you can never go wrong.
However, what if you want variety, raisins? Be very attentive. For example, your outfit uses two colors, and you want to wear different colored shoes and a bag. In the event that the color division occurs horizontally, it will be better if the shoes match the color of the bottom of the outfit (skirt or trousers), and the bag to the top (blouse or jacket). If the colors are contrasting in lightness, then the shoes should be dark, and the bag should be light. If the distribution of color is uneven, then it is better that the color of the shoes matches the color that occupies a large area, and the color of the bag matches the color of the smaller one.
If you choose to wear an accessory that matches the color of your outfit, it is better that it was a bag. In this case, the shoes must match the color of the outfit or the color of the tights.

More about evening bags:

"Small, embellished with rhinestones and pearls, they can be made of satin, velvet, brocade or suede..."

Yes Yes. Everything is correct.
The basic rule for an evening bag - small size and no banal smoothly dyed leather (it's called chevro).


“What color should the gloves be - the same as the bag or shoes? Answer: like shoes.

Here, no comments. I will note one thing - in our long icy winters, it is better to walk and ride public transport in mittens. Your skin will thank you very much. And it is better to think about style when the temperature does not drop much below 0 or if you prefer to travel only by car.


“They practically never go out of fashion and accumulate in our wardrobes... I also have a hard time parting with my scarves. Those of them that are dear to me as a memory, I placed in frames as engravings. Where to wear headscarves? In the city, outside the city, on the beach, in the mountains - everywhere. They perfectly enliven a too dark or too austere toilet ... "

Oriental pareos can easily replace a skirt, dress, headdress or even trousers on vacation. Dear scarves well-known European brands emphasize your status(both on the shoulders and in a baguette). Author's - will help create a unique style.
Learn the art of draping - the same scarf will change your look countless times.


“For God's sake, don't forget that paper handkerchiefs belong in the bathroom, but not in your bag. Use your grandmother's little cambric or lace handkerchiefs, before putting them in the bag, do not forget to lightly cushion ... "

Frankly, I would consider this advice at least strange if one day I did not follow it. So simple, out of hooliganism. But when I took out a handkerchief during the negotiations, it made an indelible impression on the partners. I think, comparable to chic furs, Swiss watches and expensive foreign cars combined.


Madame de Rothschild described this very bright and dear to us (and our half) part of the accessories so wonderfully that I simply have nothing to add.

“The older the woman, the more expensive her jewelry. At forty, she is unlikely to want to wear a modest gold brooch with three small pearls that her husband gave her for her first wedding anniversary, or a thin white ring with a tiny stone bought as a souvenir during a trip to Asia.

“For a long time I preferred headsets, but today such sets seem old-fashioned to me. I'm amused by what I'm looking for original combinations of jewelry ".

“Decorations are chosen depending on the time of day and circumstances.: there should be very few of them in the morning, watches and chains are appropriate outside the city and on the road, and no flashy decorations in the stadium, church and hospital.

“When receiving guests, be modest in the choice of jewelry so as not to inadvertently outshine the invited ladies.”

“During a gala dinner, put on either a few strands of large pearls (real or artificial), or a twisted necklace of tourmaline or various small stones. Earrings should be combined with the dominant color in the necklace. You can wear rings, but not bracelets.

"During a cocktail or dinner you can afford more jewelry with a sleek black dress. If the dress is printed or bright, limit yourself to a few colored or gold jewelry, not too large.

"In the evening, several large jewelry will suit a smooth strict dress. A watch is never worn with a long evening dress, even if it is studded with diamonds. While the holiday is on, time stops!

Mobile phone

Madame de Rothschild, of course, did not write about such accessories as communications. But now, perhaps, you will meet a person without a bag more often than without a mobile phone. They appeared only some 10 years ago, but the rules of etiquette have already fully developed.

A phone around your neck is very convenient, but not at a reception, a party or a gala dinner! In other words, evening dress requires other decorations. The best solution is a weightless phone in a small handbag.

It's good that there is a vibration signal. Always turn off the sound signals at important business meetings, in museums, cinemas, theaters, churches, that is, wherever you need to guard the concentration of other people. Did you feel the signal? Find a pause in the conversation, apologize. If your interlocutors or the situation allow you to talk on the spot - great, if not - leave the room and only then pick up the phone or call back the identified number. Remember, often even the light from your phone's display can prevent others from enjoying the show, listening to music, or listening to prayer. Think about it, maybe in some cases it is worth neglecting urgent calls and turning off the phone completely.

Concerning choosing a specific model, then here status issue Same very important. If you are not convinced that the cost of your phone corresponds to the impression that you want to make on others, it is better to just leave it in your bag and turn off calls (then you will just call back the numbers you have identified).


When choosing a bag for clothes, first decide on your overall style. Agree that petite will look ridiculous with sportswear or a heavy winter coat. In this case, size matters. A strict business suit involves the same strict bag without unnecessary decorations, rhinestones.

Evaluate the compatibility of clothing materials: leather or fabric, matte surface or lacquer. Try on the bag with the chosen outfit in front of the mirror in the same way as you try on clothes. The texture of the fabric of the bag should be in harmony with the texture of the fabric of the clothes. For example, with or trousers a straw bag (or a bag made of similar natural materials) will look at least strange.

Only after that, start choosing a bag by color. It used to be customary to choose a bag to match the shoes. No matter how you are convinced of the opposite, the fashion for a combination has not passed. This is a classic that is known to last forever. It's just that the rules for selecting bags have become more democratic. A bag, shoes and strap of the same color still look very elegant on any woman.

If you choose a bag for a solid color outfit, make sure that the color of the bag is not identical to the color of the outfit. It is better to choose a bag of a darker or lighter shade, or even play in contrast. If the bag merges with the clothes, this is no longer a style, but a disguise or just too much.

The color of the bag can match not only shoes and belts of the same color, but also scarves, scarves, gloves, massive jewelry, glasses frames. Just make sure that the color accents are placed without frills. One or two accessories in the same color scheme as the bag are enough, otherwise the image will look oversaturated.

Remember the general rules for color matching. Unexpected and bright contrasts rarely look good. Make sure that your bag does not seem like a bright and out of place spot in the overall color scheme of the outfit. The universal color for any season is only black. For summer, white is also added to it.

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Evening clutches and handbags are true partners of outfits that are intended for publication. You should take a responsible approach to the choice of an evening clutch, so that this accessory emphasizes the entire ensemble, fitting into the image and not weighing it down.

An evening clutch should not only complement the outfit, it should also be comfortable! Today, there are a sufficient number of options for this accessory on sale, but it is evening clutches that can rightfully be called a work of design art.

Evening clutches are made from expensive materials, using decor in the form of pearls, rhinestones, fur, stones, gilded buckles, clasps, feathers, all kinds of pendants, and so on. Embroidered handbags are also very interesting - they are embroidered with sequins, beads, ribbons. They look original and elegant!

Suede, genuine leather, satin, velvet - these are the most suitable materials for evening accessories. Expensive snake and crocodile skin enjoys well-deserved popularity. There are clutches made of fur, metal, drape, because designers have unlimited imagination.

Now let's talk about form. Rectangular clutch models have been the most popular for many years. They are followed by oval clutches. You can find unusual evening clutches in the form of a book, a ball, a crystal and other intricate figures. With this accessory you will definitely stand out!

Pay attention to clutches of popular brands. Louis Vuitton clutches are popular among celebrities; the logo of this brand will declare your impeccable taste and wealth.

Of course, when preparing for a social event, you need to carefully think through absolutely everything - shoes, outfit, jewelry. Everything should be in harmony, and the clutch should complement the image as a whole. It is best when the handbag is made of the same material as the shoes. In addition, the clutch can be in harmony in material or color with a belt or other accessories.

Gloves have become a familiar part of the winter wardrobe. But this element of clothing is often used to create or create a festive look. Few women know how to wear a dress with gloves and how to choose the right accessory for such an aristocratic outfit. Moreover, gloves should be appropriate in the image and not contradict the chosen style.

When are gloves appropriate?

If the question of warm gloves does not arise, then few people know how to wear elegant models and when to wear them at all. Elegant gloves will complement the business dress with a three-quarter sleeve. Stylish gloves made of thin fabric will complement your prom outfit. Models made of delicate leather or elbow length will be good with a fur dress or a leather sundress. And you can wear such things in everyday life.

Special attention deserve fingerless gloves, which are also known as. They are usually made of knitwear and complement the casual look well. Knitted fingerless gloves are in harmony with knitted dresses, denim and leather models. Retro looks will benefit from stylish gloves in a variety of designs.. Biker gloves look especially impressive with a short knitted dress in the spirit of the 90s. The fashion of the nineties especially favors gloves and mitts of various designs and styles. Fitted jersey dresses, denim sundresses and tank top dresses can all be a great basis for a look with gloves.

Dresses in the style of the 60s. can also be supplemented with gloves, mostly long and tight-fitting. Leather gloves above the elbow are in perfect harmony with polka dots. If the dress is made of silk or glossy fabric, then the gloves should also be made of a similar material. The image will be complemented by a wide belt of the same color as the gloves.

What are gloves made of?

When mentioning gloves, models made of leather or wool are usually remembered.. These are warm practical options that traditionally warm hands in the cold season. If we talk about gloves as an accessory, then warm models fade into the background. It is easy to choose gloves for the dress, focusing on the basic wardrobe. Color, texture, material, design of gloves - all this should be in harmony with other elements of the image.

Evening knitwear is usually thin and fits well on the hand. The same can be said about the skin: it should be smooth and incredibly thin. Most often it is like or suede.

There are products from other materials:

  • velvet- traditional evening accessory. Velvet gloves will complement an evening dress with a minimalist design or a classic floor-length dress;

  • velours- has a velvety surface, is durable and is often used in everyday wardrobe;
  • - Ideal for evening and wedding look. Lace models can be short and without fingers, or they can be classic above the elbow length;

  • tulle- gloves made of plain tulle look gentle and feminine. Such models are often chosen by future brides.

Gloves in the evening

Elongated gloves often appear in a festive look. Works best with short sleeves or no sleeves at all. Elongated models are inherent in official ceremonial events. A holiday in a narrow circle does not require formalities, so the gloves can be short and without fingers. If an evening outfit has sleeves, and even with decor, then gloves should generally be abandoned.

To create an evening look, women often choose red and its shades. More effective, of course, will attract the attention of others, but what kind of gloves to choose for him? If these are models in red, then the image will turn out to be overloaded. Stylists recommend choosing gloves in dark colors. The classic version is a red dress with black gloves. The image will be complemented by a wide black belt and a black clutch, but you can choose red shoes.

They look romantic and feminine, which can be dense or transparent. Light translucent gloves do not clutter up the image and give it a twist. Girls with an open sleeveless evening dress can afford such an element of the wardrobe. An evening dress with gloves decorated with embroidery looks spectacular. True, the outfit itself should be as concise as possible so that the evening gloves emphasize the individuality of the style and do not dissolve in the abundance of jewelry and decor.

Smooth tulle or mesh gloves can complement a shocking outfit with an eccentric decor. Such models harmonize the evening look and do not distract attention from the dress.

For graduation dresses should not be too pretentious or extraordinary. I would like to see the graduate's outfit light, elegant and not overloaded with decorative details. On a young fashionista, lace mitts or short gloves to match the dress will look better.

Wedding gloves

In the image of the bride, gloves are not only appropriate, but also desirable. The color of the accessory is determined by the shade of the wedding dress. The outfit may have a bright finish, but the gloves themselves should be in harmony with the main color of the dress, becoming its continuation. Traditionally, white gloves are chosen for the bride's dress.. As for the material from which the gloves are made, it must also match the fabric used when sewing the dress. If lace, mesh or transparent organza appear in the wedding dress, then it is quite acceptable to use gloves made of the same materials.

A wedding dress with gloves should be complemented with the right manicure, especially when it comes to fingerless gloves. In general, it is recommended to wear mittens, not closed gloves, for a wedding, which will allow the groom to put on a wedding ring without any difficulties. If the bride is too impressionable and can get confused in a solemn atmosphere, then long models of gloves should be abandoned, otherwise the process of exchanging rings can turn out to be crumpled.
