How long is ready-made infant formula good for? How to dilute formula for newborns: proportions, rules for preparing and storing ready-made food

Sooner or later, the baby is transferred to artificial feeding with various milk formulas. After switching to such a diet, many young mothers are interested in how long the formula diluted in a bottle can be stored. To answer this question, you need to become more familiar with the features of artificial feeding of children.

About the process of preparing the mixture

For inexperienced mothers, preparing formula for feeding babies is a rather complicated process. Therefore, they should understand in advance how it is prepared.

The procedure for preparing liquid begins with preparing water. First, you need to thoroughly boil it on a gas stove. In this case, water should not be kept on fire for more than half an hour. When the liquid boils, remove it from the stove and leave to cool to 35-40 degrees. The cooled liquid is poured into a baby bottle, after which an adapted nutritional admixture is poured into it. Then the container is tightly closed with a lid so that air does not penetrate into it.

To thoroughly mix the mixture in the water, carefully screw the lid on the baby bottle and shake it several times.

If, after shaking, the powder does not dissolve in the water and collects in lumps at the bottom, you will have to shake the bottle 2-3 more times. Properly prepared nutrient liquid should have a uniform consistency.

Before using prepared food, check its temperature. It should be about 35 degrees. To check, it is recommended to apply 1-2 drops of liquid to the wrist, elbow or other sensitive area. A person should not feel a burning sensation after the liquid gets on the skin.

Storage rules

Every young mother should know the shelf life of prepared baby food for feeding her baby, since spoiled food can harm the baby’s health. Having understood the nuances of storing nutrient liquid in the room, you will be able to preserve it longer than usual.

How to store diluted baby formula

First, you need to figure out how to store baby powder after diluting it in water. Some mothers prefer to leave the food directly in the bottle and not pour it anywhere.

However, when using such a container for storage, you will have to sterilize it in advance so that the mixture does not spoil quickly at room temperatures.

Also, to preserve ready-made baby food, use a regular thermos for warm drinks. In such a container it is much easier to keep the pulp warm.

The best option for long-term storage of baby formula is a special bottle bag. The main advantages of such bags include:

  • reliability;
  • compactness;
  • temperature adjustment.

How to store baby formula in summer

The hardest time to keep food prepared for babies is on hot summer days. Due to the high temperature, such liquids deteriorate faster and therefore it is not recommended to leave them for a long time in rooms with temperatures above 20 degrees. Experienced mothers advise storing them in refrigerators, on one of the shelves. Of course, containers with gruel can also stand on the refrigerator doors. However, when opening the doors, a serious temperature difference appears, due to which the liquid will quickly deteriorate.

How to keep baby formula warm

Some girls try to keep liquid for a newborn warm. In this case, its shelf life should not exceed three hours, since it begins to deteriorate after 3-4 hours. To maintain the temperature of the milk mixture, wrap the container with the liquid in parchment paper or a towel.

With their help, you can keep food warm not only at home, but also on the road.

How long does the prepared mixture last?

To understand the shelf life of baby food, you need to familiarize yourself with the shelf life of formulas from the most well-known manufacturers.

Popular baby food manufacturers include the following:

  • "Nutrilon". This unprepared baby food can be stored for no more than 3 or 4 weeks. The finished liquid has a much shorter shelf life. On the packaging you can find information according to which the powder diluted with water should be used within the next hour.
  • "Nan." Compared to Nutrilon, this food lasts a little longer. The manufacturer advises storing unopened packaging for no longer than a month. Prepared food can be stored at a temperature of 15-20 degrees for two hours.
  • "Similac". An open package of baby food can be stored for two and a half weeks at room temperature and air humidity of about 70%. After cooking, the pulp lasts only an hour and a half.
  • "Nanny". The packaging of this manufacturer's products states that it should be used within a month. Cooked food will keep in the refrigerator for two hours.
  • "Unstable." Like most other additives, Nestozhen products are stored in packaging for 25-30 days. Cooked food begins to spoil within three hours.

Why can’t the mixture be stored for a long time?

Some young mothers prefer to prepare the mixture in advance in order to store it in this prepared form for longer. However, this should not be done, since warm liquids increase the number of harmful bacteria that lead to colic and bloating in babies. Baby food contains a lot of fat and protein, and is therefore considered an ideal breeding ground for dangerous bacteria. The proliferation of harmful microorganisms begins if the prepared and usable liquid is stored for more than one hour at a temperature above 20 degrees. They also multiply when regularly heated on a gas stove or in the microwave.


Every young mother is faced with preparing baby formula to feed her baby. Before using such mixtures, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with the features of their preparation and shelf life.

The manufacturer indicates the specific period for how long diluted infant formula can be stored on the jar. But not everyone takes the warnings seriously. And it’s absolutely in vain - failure to follow the instructions can affect the baby’s well-being and lead to poisoning.

There are many more cases of poisoning of babies with spoiled formula than with food. This is not only a matter of the composition of the products, but also the higher content of live bacteria in industrial food. It’s just that formulas are more often used to feed premature babies, whose immune systems have not yet been formed. Mothers of children with digestive tract problems should be especially attentive to the instructions on the jars.

Shelf life of diluted mixtures

Without exception, all manufacturers of mixtures, both foreign Nan, Nutrilon, Nestozhen, Similak, and domestic Malyutka, Nutrilak, Agusha and Bellakt (Belarus), do not recommend using an already prepared product after 1 hour of storage at room temperature. And this is approximately 22-23°C, that is, the conditions under which oxidation begins, the development of bacteria in diluted mixtures and dairy products is observed after 20 minutes.

The negative effects of long-term storage do not end there. In the 2000s, through experimental research, it was determined that contact with air not only causes oxidation of breast milk and ready-made formula from any manufacturer, but also affects the content of useful elements in the product. This is especially negative for vitamin C, which dissolves with each repeated contact with air.

The restrictions affect not only the diluted mixture, but also that stored in an open jar. It all depends on the manufacturer - most often it is recommended to use the jar within 3-4 weeks; after the expiration date, throw away the opened product.

How to properly store the mixture

In fact, protecting your child from poisoning is not so difficult. Mothers should make it a rule to put bottles in the refrigerator every time. The diluted mixture can be stored for 4-6 hours at a temperature of 5-6°C.

If you have to leave home for a long time with your baby, for example, to see a doctor, then you can take the ingredients with you and prepare the food on the spot. Pour the amount of mixture required for one feeding into a sterile container and transfer heated water in a thermos. After all, warming water and diluting the powder at home takes literally a few minutes.

Thus, the shelf life of diluted infant formula depends on the storage conditions. In the room - no more than 1 hour, in the refrigerator - up to 4-6 hours, and this rule applies to all food manufacturers without exception.

How long can you store ready-made baby formula? This is a question that arises for every woman who uses it. Feeding formulas come to the rescue when, for some reason, a new mother cannot feed her baby with her milk. However, infant formula not only requires preparation, but also becomes a potential threat to the baby’s health if stored improperly.

How long to store baby formula

With a closed package of baby formula, no one will have any questions about the shelf life (the manufacturer indicates them on the packaging), but after opening the package, these terms become irrelevant. How long to store ready-made baby formula and how long it can be stored in an open package are completely different things.

So, you don’t need to pour an open can of baby formula into a separate container, but simply close it tightly and put it in the closet. Today, baby food manufacturers are trying to make their products as convenient as possible. As a rule, artificial mixtures are produced in tin cans with tight-fitting rubber lids and protection from sunlight. This design, of course, is reflected in its cost. If the baby formula was originally sold in cardboard packaging, then after opening it should immediately end up in a glass jar (sterilized, of course). There is no need to store the opened dry mixture in the refrigerator - this will not extend its shelf life. Ideal conditions for storing open mixture: a dark, dry place with an air temperature of 14-24°C. No longer than 3 weeks - that’s how long you can keep it there. Many mothers are indignant about why 3 weeks, because the formula costs a lot, and not everyone manages to use it all in such a short period of time (some only feed the baby occasionally). Since no one has ever been able to preserve dairy products for a long time, in the case of baby food it is better not to violate the established shelf life. In the end, expired baby formula can be used - in baking, for example.

Is it possible to store diluted baby formula?

Is it possible to store the prepared formula and, if not, why not, how to do it correctly and what can it be stored in (in a thermos and where else) - most often mothers are concerned with precisely these questions about storing baby formula after preparation.

If the storage temperature is room temperature (14-24°C), then no longer than 3 hours - that’s how long the baby formula can be stored in its finished form before feeding the baby. During this time it will not deteriorate, but it is unlikely to remain warm. If you need to take it with you, say, for a walk, then you can use a thermos (provided that it is sterilized). At home, you can place the bottle in hot water or warm it up just before feeding.

It does not matter in what container the diluted mixture can be stored, the main thing is that it is sterile.

How long can you store baby formula in a bottle?

If we talk about how long diluted baby formula is stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator when it is left after feeding, then there is no way to save money here. When the baby touches the nipple, his saliva penetrates into the mixture, and it is from this moment that the active process of bacterial growth begins in the bottle with food. Therefore, such a mixture cannot be stored; it can be used in a maximum of an hour or disposed of immediately.

How long to store diluted baby formula in the refrigerator?

In summer it can be so hot that the room temperature is much higher than the temperature at which the finished mixture can be stored for 3 hours. In this case, you can use the refrigerator. Many manufacturers took care of mothers and indicated the shelf life of the diluted mixture in the refrigerator - 24 hours.

But, we need to be realistic. Giving her baby formula that has been in the refrigerator even for 12 hours, every woman will worry about its quality. He will worry and as a result, most likely, will prepare a new mixture. Therefore, even under conditions of absolute sterility, it is better not to put the finished mixture in the refrigerator unless absolutely necessary. But if you had to do this, you need to remember that you can heat the mixture only once. It’s unlikely that anyone will think of this, but it’s still worth saying finally that you can’t freeze diluted or dry baby formula. Therefore, there can be no talk about the shelf life of the mixture in this way.

Infant formula is loved not only by babies, but also by microorganisms that can turn a nourishing drink into poison in a matter of hours. Food rich in proteins and fats at room temperature is an excellent environment for bacteria to grow. The immature immunity of children is not yet able to withstand invasions into the body of “guests” from the outside, so it is very important to feed children only high-quality food. It is better if it is freshly prepared, but if this is not possible, try to provide the diluted mixture with optimal storage conditions.

Before deciding how long to store the mixture, let's figure out how to prepare it correctly. An improperly diluted product can harm a child no less than food stored in improper conditions. Carefully read the instructions on the package and measure out exactly as much water as the manufacturer recommends. Excessive amounts will lead to the fact that the child will not eat enough and gain weight poorly, and a lack of fluid can cause dehydration.

The water in which the powder is diluted must be boiled. Filtered or bottled liquid may contain microbes, while boiling is guaranteed to rid the baby’s food of excess “living creatures”. In general, concern for sterility is the main condition when preparing baby food. To do this, just follow a few simple rules.

  1. Before use, all children's dishes should be washed with soap or soda and then sterilized. You can do this in a regular saucepan by boiling the nipples and bottles for at least 5 minutes with the lid closed. The procedure will be greatly simplified by purchasing a household sterilizer.
  2. If the dishes were sterilized long before use, they should be stored in a clean place, covered with an ironed towel or napkins. All nipples and bottles must be capped.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food. It is better to wipe them with paper napkins, since a large number of germs accumulate on kitchen towels.
  4. It is advisable to treat the outside of a baby formula jar with a disinfectant solution so that germs from it do not end up on your hands while preparing food for your baby.

Attention! The World Health Organization recommends using boiled water, cooled to a temperature of at least 70 ºC, for preparing baby food. If you do not have the opportunity to boil water, it is better to feed the child with a ready-made sterile liquid mixture.

When preparing, you can dilute the powder in warm, unboiled water, if it is recommended by the Ministry of Health for baby food. However, in this case, you cannot store the finished mixture: after feeding, its remains must be immediately poured out. Products that have been cooked in boiled water, cooled to a temperature below 70 ºC, cannot be stored either.

Before feeding, the liquid in the bottle should be shaken well so that there are no lumps of powder or separation of liquids. The temperature of baby food should be 36-37 ºС. It is not at all necessary to use a thermometer to measure it. It is better to use the old proven method: drop some liquid on your wrist or elbow. If at the same time you do not feel any warmth or cold, it means that the temperature of the baby food is optimal.

Storage of dry and liquid mixtures

If you do not want to harm your baby’s health with food, be sure to check the expiration date on the packaging and do not use the product after it expires. Powder for preparing formulas is quite expensive, so many parents try to stretch out the jar for as long as possible. But let's figure out how long you can store an open package of dry powder.

Manufacturers of most popular brands of baby food (NAN, Nestozhen, Similak, Nutrilon, Malyutka, Agusha, Nutrilak) state that you can store an open jar of powder for preparing baby food no more than 3 weeks. As for how long liquid mixtures can be stored, their shelf life after opening the package does not exceed a day.

At the same time, you need to keep liquid baby food in the refrigerator, preferably in airtight containers. But it is not recommended to put an open jar of dry powder there, since due to high humidity, lumps may appear in it. The best place for powder mixtures is a dry cabinet away from heating devices. And do not forget to tightly close the jar with a lid each time.

Many young mothers and fathers are interested in how long the formula can be stored in diluted form. This product can be kept at room temperature for no more than 2 hours. Bacteria begin to multiply in it within 20 minutes, so after a couple of hours of storage, baby food becomes not just inedible, but simply dangerous to the health of babies.

By the way, you can store the finished mixture at room temperature only if the child has not eaten it yet. In cases where the baby has already applied the bottle, but has not finished its contents, the remainder should be poured out immediately. Even if the child asks to eat again after just an hour, uneaten food can already cause food poisoning.

Interestingly, bacterial growth is not the only reason why it is not recommended to store the mixture in a diluted form. Contact with air leads to the fact that it loses some of its beneficial substances. First of all, this concerns vitamin C.

Store diluted milk mixture only in the refrigerator. To do this, prepare the liquid, pour it into portioned bottles, cool quickly and place in the refrigerator. Baby food can be stored at a temperature of about 5 ºС, and its shelf life is no more than a day.

Immediately after dilution, the milk mixture can be frozen. How long can the prepared mixture be stored in the freezer? The shelf life is 2-3 months, but be prepared for the fact that after defrosting, the product will lose some of its beneficial properties, and fats and proteins will separate in it.


If you and your child are going on a trip and want to take food with you, you can put the chilled mixture in a cooler bag. However, maintaining the required temperature in it is quite difficult, and heating food to body temperature on the road will be problematic. Therefore, it is better to take dry powder, a sterile bottle and a thermos with boiling water. Preparing food will not take you much effort and time, and the risk of poisoning from an incorrectly stored product will be minimized.

At home, the mixture can be reused if:

  • you immediately after preparation placed the bottle of liquid in the refrigerator;
  • the child has not yet drunk from this bottle;
  • the temperature in the refrigerator is maintained no higher than 5 ºС;
  • The shelf life of the finished mixture did not exceed 24 hours.

Before feeding, the mixture should be heated in a special electrical appliance for no more than 15 minutes. A suitable feeding temperature can be obtained by placing the bottle in a pan of hot water. To ensure even heating, periodically rotate and shake the container with the mixture.

Attention! Microwave ovens are not suitable for heating baby food. Heating in them occurs unevenly, and the baby can get burned while eating.

If there is still some formula left after feeding, it should not be refrigerated and used. Ready-made food, like the powder mixture, is susceptible to temperature changes and deteriorates much faster in such conditions.

In fact, providing a child of the first year of life with nutritious and safe nutrition is not so difficult. To do this, just remember to be sterile and throw away the mixture as soon as its shelf life comes to an end.

Your Brownie.
