Watch anime genre comedy ecchi. Anime of the ecchi genre is the perfect way to tone up

Date of: Today, 01:07

oooooo yeaaaaa anime is a bomb, but in order not to spoil it, I’ll say this. (spoiler just watch to the end there will be a surprise in episode 12)

Date of: Yesterday, 02:32

Unlike the above Eromangs, all sorts of Oreimo, Umaru and other food for sister-lovers, this little sister does not want to be grabbed by the hair, leaned against the door jamb and beat with the door until her skull turns into crumbs. Weak dialogue, weak art, so be it, okay, but we finally got a nice little sister, and not trash like Saigiri or outright scum a la Umaru. The anime deserves 7/10 as a solid, unpretentious daily routine against the backdrop of a very dull season.

Date of: 8-03-2019, 15:06

On the third series, I could not stand it. Otherwise, I would have simply choked on saliva. Therefore, I rushed to the refrigerator, took out one pork sausage and one beef sausage, put the pan, seasoned with Adyghe salt, seasoning for barbecue and Korean seasoning for carrots, then added chopped onion rings, zucchini rings, a few canned tomatoes. For ramen, half of Big Lunch went. Pour the noodles with the prepared broth. Added butter and boiled soft-boiled egg. never before has instant soup been so divine. Thanks for this anime!

Date of: 8-03-2019, 14:04

Great anime, very funny and enjoyable. An unexpected turn that one of the main characters was a Russian girl. I also liked the fact that those texts that come across in Russian are devoid of grammatical errors that the same Americans sin in relation to the Russian language. Although some template elements could not be avoided - winter, nesting dolls, bears, Russian folk motifs, etc. (Is it often possible, for example, to find a matryoshka in an ordinary Russian family?) However, although the "cranberry" is present, it does not hurt the eyes. And by the way, this is the second anime where the male name Misha is given to a girl (Magic Index - Misha Khrushchev - girl) Probably the Yapis perceive the name Misha as more feminine than masculine. Although there is something in this (Let the Mikhails not be offended by me). It was watched in one breath, sometimes even neighing out loud. Too bad it's only 12 episodes. I'm sure I'll watch this anime again and again.

Date of: 8-03-2019, 01:26

However, my service soon ended. The next day, the old man was found dead in bed, He was all blue, and my shoe was clamped in his teeth ... How miserable these noble gentlemen are! (Octave Mirbeau "The Diary of a Maid") Real a hymn to fetishism, perhaps the most relevant spectacle for International Women's Day! Looking at all this, you understand that Clara Zetkin did not fight the men in vain ... Surprisingly, the Japanese are so fascinated by panty shots that they even single them out as a separate spectacle ... What could this be connected with? With a passion for seafood (say, mussels are in a shell - like loins in panties)? What kind of national habit is this? In addition, the subject leads to other thoughts. Perhaps the vaunted Japanese politeness is not natural after all - people want something tough. So the local hero (for whom the viewer is given out) does everything to turn cute and sugary-friendly girls into aggressive, contemptuous bitches. Celebration...

Description: The key figure of the anime series "Did you think that your wife in an online game is not really a girl?" is a guy who knows firsthand what it's like to be the victim of an amorous online scammer. All avid players who live almost real lives in games know that anyone can run into a guy under the avatar of a beautiful girl and vice versa, and this can be very insulting. So Hideki Nishimura met a girl in the online world and was sure that everything was serious and their love was genuine, the guy was really passionately in love. But what was his disappointment when his dream girl turned out to be a guy. Having stuffed unnecessary memories of such a shameful moment in his biography, Hideki continued to live as before, but he no longer had faith in chan. And then fate decides to make fun of the boy again and sends a real “gamer girl” to his head, she is pretty, she is a girl (and this is a hundred percent fact) but why she tells him about love is not understood.

Description: Diclonius were created in a secret laboratory, creatures that look like people, attractive girls with cute either horns or ears, in fact, ideal killers, without looking and not particularly straining, these creatures can easily roll an entire army into bloody minced meat, which actually and did one of them. Lucy, tired of constant tests, bullying and life in a laboratory, decided to escape. There will be a lot of blood and meat in this anime series, so it’s better not to watch for the faint of heart and gentle. The escape of the Diclonius was a success, she was cut off in the last seconds, a sniper's bullet hit her in the head, and now she is lying in an unknown region, passed out on the beach with complete amnesia. A couple of teenagers found her lifeless, and since Lucy lost not only her memory, but also her personality, she could not speak anything but “Nu”. A couple took her in and became very attached to her, only the police are looking for her not just the police, but the special forces in their best composition. Only they are not rivals to Diclonius, her super strength can kill them all, but does Nu want to shed blood?

Description: In this anime series "You are the master, I am the servant" there are various reasons to go to a big city, someone wants wealth and fame, and someone really just wants freedom from their parents. Ren and Mihato Uesugi, brother and sister, are the ones who head to the city for freedom from their tyrant father. Finding a job in the city is one of the biggest challenges, but Ren and Mihato somehow managed to get around it. They met Kuonji Miyu, a stranger, and gained confidence in her. From now on, the Uesugi have a job in a huge luxurious house, where there are many rooms, expensive dishes and faithful servants. The brother has the position of junior butler, and the sister is the maid. This job is very profitable, but Ren has a lot of trouble communicating with others. Shinra, who is the oldest of the sisters, is a talented manipulator. Mia is the middle of the sisters, she has a strange intelligence and does crazy things. The youngest is Yume, who suffers from some kind of inferiority complex. In this house, you need to keep the spirit and work too.

Description: Tsufimi Ringo lives in the house of his childhood friend, who surrounds him with incredible care, she prepares a delicious breakfast for his awakening and wakes him up very delicately. He has been living with Fuyu for eight years, having moved right after his parents and Fuyu's mother Kaido died in an accident. And now the girl is forced to take care of the guy because they have few close people left, or even none at all. Rin has a guilty conscience that the girl prepares a hundred-course breakfast every morning while he doesn't really strain, but the girl is happy to be helpful and says she will look after him all her life. And here it seems to be clear, as soon as the couple grow up, they will get married and that's it. But it's not so simple. More recently, the guys began to notice that all their neighbors on both sides had moved, as if they were running from this couple in an unknown direction. Fuyu's father is constantly on the road for work and leaving his daughter alone with a guy, he compromises her in the eyes of others. The girl is not at all against this, because she is passionately in love with a childhood friend, but there are those who are disgusted by this. And often fans of Kaida Fuyu call

Description: Arata Kasuga lived his normal life and had no idea that he was the magical focus of his reality. A close friend with whom he spent a lot of time was in love with him. But one day something mysterious happened, the sun turned black and began to absorb people, and indeed the whole of reality. So the guy's classmate also disappeared, unable to come to terms with the loss, the guy decided to study his magical abilities and learn how to manage them in order to return his girlfriend. Where is magic taught? Of course, in the magical academy where the seven strongest magicians rule the show, like game bosses, they stand in his way. But Arata manages to distinguish himself in this reality, He touches with his magic a mysterious artifact that belongs to Lilith, from which a girl is born who calls Arata dad and Lilith mom. That's it, so also the magicians are all beautiful girls who are not at all averse to experiencing romantic adventures with Arata and the boy magician has no choice but to acquire his own harem and start stupid according to the laws of the genre.

Description: As we all know, the dependence on computer online games among today's youth just rolls over. This could be called the main problem if humanity did not have other more serious problems. Therefore, yes, we are aware that many young people are dying, but on the other hand, what to do with it and how to solve it is unknown. The main action takes place in a mysterious place, kidnapped and ignorant people, both teenagers and fully grown-up otaku who are thoroughly hung up on games, are thrown onto a desert island. These are people who didn’t please someone, someone was exiled there because a friend was jealous of her boyfriend, someone for sitting on her mother’s neck, someone for more serious sins, but the fact is that no one will look for these renegades. What stupid jokes, although what kind of jokes can there be, when the blood is gushing like a river and explosions are heard here and there from all sides. This is a game for you who like to play sitting ass at the monitor at home in warmth and safety, just to win you don’t need to click the mouse faster than anyone, just kill all your rivals,

Description: Almost every young resident of the province, if he does not want to dig in the beds for the rest of his life, leaves for the city to study, and after that you can already decide where to live, what to do, how to pursue some kind of ambition. Kouta Oyamada, accustomed to the quiet solitude of the province, was not prepared for the fact that city life, instead of diligent study, would throw him juicy surprises. One surprise had at least a fifth breast size, called himself Chizura Minamoto, looked like a pretty girl, but in reality she was a werewolf, a demon fox. Someone will say yes, they are all still foxes. How else, but only this one is the real one, and oh, it’s not for nothing that she wins wedges against Kouta. Immediately, another ardently-minded enchantress appears and she is also a demon fox. What to do, what kind of attack? How to solve this problem now and the most important question is why the most ordinary village guy surrendered to them, smeared with honey or something. Maybe it's not as simple as it looks? In general, there are more questions than answers, it is interesting to see how events develop further.

Description: Who is this beautiful stranger? Her legs are clean-shaven, her skin is well-groomed and radiant, oh, she is good in everything, except for the glaring fact that she is innocent as a baby. But Yamada finally decided to end it and enrolled in high school to play pranks with at least a hundred guys. Pretty ambitious plans, right? Under the pressure of hormones, the libido of poor Yamada seethes, boils and bubbles. And it would seem that a beautiful girl, what's the problem, there is no end to the guys. But this is not the only thing, in addition to the unbridled libido, there are also a lot of complexes, and suddenly she is innocent only because she is simply not popular or not experienced, or everything is strange and not like everyone else. As soon as she imagines that her lover will start mocking her, the girl breaks into a cold sweat. The decision comes by itself when she decides to find an equally inexperienced guy for the first time. And there everything will go like clockwork and she will begin to change the guys one by one. In the meantime, she decided to start with a beer, as they say, and by the will of fate she met a typical virgin, about which she immediately asked him. She brought the guy to tears, and then she firmly decided to deprive them of

Two years have flown by in Naruto's world. Former rookies have joined the ranks of experienced shinobi in the ranks of chūnin and jonin. The main characters did not sit still - each became a student of one of the legendary Sannin - the three great ninja of Konoha. The guy in orange continued his training with the wise but eccentric Jiraiya, gradually ascending to a new level of martial prowess. Sakura has moved into the role of assistant and confidant of the healer Tsunade, the new leader of the Leaf Village. Well, Sasuke, whose pride led to expulsion from Konoha, entered into a temporary alliance with the sinister Orochimaru, and each believes that he is only using the other for the time being.

The brief respite ended, and events once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoha, the seeds of old strife, sown by the first Hokage, sprout again. The mysterious leader of the Akatsuki set in motion a plan for world domination. Unsettled in the Village of Sand and neighboring countries, old secrets emerge everywhere, and it is clear that one day the bills will have to be paid. The long-awaited sequel to the manga has breathed new life into the series and new hope into the hearts of countless fans!

© Hollow, World Art

  • (51373)

    Swordsman Tatsumi, a simple boy from the countryside, goes to the Capital to earn money for his starving village.
    And having reached there, he will soon find out that the great and beautiful Capital is only an appearance. The city is mired in corruption, cruelty and lawlessness that comes from the prime minister who rules the country from behind the scenes.
    But as everyone knows - "There is no warrior alone in the field" and nothing can be done about it, especially when your enemy is the head of state, or rather the one who is hiding behind him.
    Will Tatsumi find like-minded people and be able to change something? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (51762)

    Fairy Tail is the Guild of Wizards for Hire, famous all over the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, becoming one of her members, she ended up in the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until she met her comrades - explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in its path Natsu, flying talking cat Happy, exhibitionist Gray , berserker Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki... Together they have to overcome many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (46175)

    18-year-old Sora and 11-year-old Shiro are half-brother and sister, complete recluses and gamers. When two loneliness met, the indestructible union "Empty Place" was born, terrifying all Eastern gamers. Although in public the guys shake and twist not like a child, on the Web, little Shiro is a logical genius, and Sora is a monster of psychology that cannot be fooled. Alas, worthy opponents soon ran out, so Shiro was so happy with the chess game, where the handwriting of the master was visible from the first moves. Having won at the limit of their strength, the heroes received an interesting offer - to move to another world, where their talents will be understood and appreciated!

    Why not? Nothing holds Sora and Shiro in our world, and the merry world of Disbord is ruled by the Ten Commandments, the essence of which boils down to one thing: no violence and cruelty, all disagreements are resolved in a fair game. There are 16 races in the game world, of which the human race is considered the weakest and most untalented. But after all, the miracle guys are already here, in their hands is the crown of Elkia - the only country of people, and we believe that the successes of Sora and Shiro will not be limited to this. The envoys of the Earth just need to unite all the races of Disboard - and then they will be able to challenge the god Tet - their, by the way, old acquaintance. Just when you think about it, is it worth it?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46234)

    Fairy Tail is the Guild of Wizards for Hire, famous all over the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, becoming one of her members, she ended up in the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until she met her comrades - the explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in its path Natsu, the flying talking cat Happy, the exhibitionist Gray , berserker Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki... Together they have to overcome many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (62544)

    University student Ken Kaneki is hospitalized in an accident, where he is mistakenly transplanted with the organs of one of the ghouls - monsters that eat human flesh. Now he himself becomes one of them, and for people he turns into an outcast to be destroyed. But can he become his own for other ghouls? Or is there no more room in the world for him now? This anime will tell about the fate of Kaneki and what impact he will have on the future of Tokyo, where there is a continuous war between the two species.

  • (34919)

    The continent that lies in the center of the Ignol Ocean is the large central one and four more - Southern, Northern, Eastern and Western, and the gods themselves look after him, and he is called Ente Isla.
    And there is a name that plunges anyone on Ente Isla into Horror - the Lord of Darkness Mao.
    He is the master of the other world where all the dark creatures live.
    He is the embodiment of fear and horror.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao declared war on the human race and sowed death and destruction throughout the Ente Isla continent.
    The Lord of Darkness served 4 powerful generals.
    Adramelech, Lucifer, Alciel and Malacod.
    Four Demon Generals led the attack on 4 parts of the continent. However, a hero appeared that opposed the army of the underworld. The hero and his comrades defeated the troops of the Lord of Darkness in the west, then Adramelech in the north and Malakoda in the South. The hero led the united army of the human race and attacked the central continent where the castle of the Lord of Darkness stood...

  • (33397)

    Yato is a wandering Japanese god in the form of a thin, blue-eyed youth in a tracksuit. In Shintoism, the power of a deity is determined by the number of believers, and our hero has neither a temple nor priests, all donations fit in a sake bottle. The guy in the neckerchief moonlights as a jack of all trades, painting ads on the walls, but things are going very badly. Even the tongue-tied Mayu, who for many years worked as a Shinki - the Sacred Weapon of Yato - left the owner. And without a weapon, the younger god is no stronger than an ordinary mortal magician, you have (what a shame!) To hide from evil spirits. And who needs such a celestial anyway?

    One day, a pretty high school student, Hiyori Iki, threw herself under a truck to save some guy in black. It ended badly - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to “leave” her body and walk on the “other side”. Having met Yato there and recognized the culprit of her troubles, Hiyori convinced the homeless god to heal her, for he himself admitted that no one can live between worlds for a long time. But, having got to know each other better, Iki realized that the current Yato did not have enough strength to solve her problem. Well, you need to take matters into your own hands and personally direct the tramp on the true path: first, find a good-for-nothing weapon, then help earn money, and then, you see, what will happen. No wonder they say: what a woman wants - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33300)

    Suimei University Art High School has many dormitories, and there is a Sakura tenement house. If dormitories have strict rules, then everything is possible in Sakura, not without reason its local nickname is “madhouse”. Since in art genius and madness are always somewhere nearby, the inhabitants of the "cherry orchard" are talented and interesting guys who are too out of the "swamp". Take the noisy Misaki, who sells her own anime to major studios, her friend and playboy screenwriter Jin, or the reclusive programmer Ryunosuke, who communicates with the world only via the Web and the phone. Compared to them, the protagonist Sorata Kanda is a simpleton who ended up in a "psychiatric hospital" just for ... a love of cats!

    Therefore, Chihiro-sensei, the head of the dorm, instructed Sorata, as the only sane guest, to meet her cousin Mashiro, which is being transferred to their school from far away Britain. The fragile blonde seemed to Kanda a real bright angel. True, at a party with new neighbors, the guest was constrained and spoke little, but the freshly baked fan wrote off everything as understandable stress and fatigue from the road. Only real stress awaited Sorata in the morning when he went to wake up Mashiro. The hero realized with horror that his new friend, a great artist, is absolutely not of this world, that is, she is not even capable of dressing herself! And the insidious Chihiro is right there - from now on, Kanda will forever look after her sister, because the guy has already trained on cats!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33578)

    in the 21st, the world community has finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it to a new level. Those who are able to use magic after finishing nine classes in Japan are now expected in magic schools - but only if applicants pass the exam. The quota for admission to the First School (Hachioji, Tokyo) is 200 students, a hundred of the best are enrolled in the first department, the rest are in the reserve, in the second, and teachers are assigned only to the first hundred, "Flowers". The rest, "Weeds", learn on their own. At the same time, an atmosphere of discrimination constantly hovers in the school, because even the forms of both departments are different.
    Shiba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born 11 months apart, allowing them to study for the same year. When entering the First School, the sister finds herself among the Flowers, and her brother among the Weeds: despite his excellent theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an exemplary sister, as well as their new friends - Chiba Erika, Saijou Leonhart (you can just Leo) and Shibata Mizuki - at the school of magic, quantum physics, the Nine Schools Tournament and much more ...

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

  • (29570)

    The "Seven Deadly Sins", once great warriors revered by the British. But one day, they are accused of trying to overthrow the monarchs and killing a warrior from the Holy Knights. In the future, the Holy Knights arrange a coup d'état, and seize power in their own hands. And the "Seven Deadly Sins", now outcasts, scattered throughout the kingdom, in all directions. Princess Elizabeth managed to escape from the castle. She decides to go in search of Meliodas, the leader of the Seven Sins. Now the whole seven must unite again to prove their innocence and avenge their exile.

  • (28386)

    2021 An unknown Gastrea virus hit the earth, which in a matter of days destroyed almost all of humanity. But it's not just a virus like some kind of Ebola or Plague. It doesn't kill a person. Gastreya is a sentient infection that rebuilds DNA, turning the host into a fearsome monster.
    The war began and in the end 10 years passed. People have found a way to isolate themselves from infection. The only thing that Gastreya cannot stand is a special metal - Varanium. It was from it that people built huge monoliths and fenced Tokyo with them. It seemed that now few survivors can live behind the monoliths in the world, but alas, the threat has not gone away. Gastrea is still waiting for the right moment to infiltrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. There is no hope. The extermination of people is only a matter of time. But the terrible virus had another effect. There are those who are already born with this virus in their blood. These children, "Cursed Children" (Exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus is many times slower than in the body of an ordinary person. Only they can resist the creatures of "Gastrea" and there is nothing more for humanity to count on. Will our heroes be able to save the remnants of living people and find a cure for a terrifying virus? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (27487)

    The story in Steins, Gate takes place one year after the events of Chaos, Head.
    The action-packed storyline of the game is partly set in a realistic recreation of Akahibara, Tokyo's famous otaku shopping area. The plot is as follows: a group of friends mount a device in Akihibara to send text messages to the past. The experiments of the heroes of the game are interested in a mysterious organization called SERN, which is also engaged in its own research in the field of time travel. And now friends have to make great efforts in order not to be captured by SERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added episode 23β, which is an alternate ending and lead to the continuation in SG0.
  • (26769)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and many more from all over the world are suddenly trapped in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Legend of the Ancients. On the one hand, gamers were transferred to the new world physically, the illusion of reality turned out to be almost flawless. On the other hand, the “fallers” retained their previous avatars and acquired skills, the user interface and the pumping system, and death in the game only led to resurrection in the cathedral of the nearest major city. Realizing that there is no great goal, and no one called the price for the exit, the players began to huddle together - some to live and rule according to the law of the jungle, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Shiroe and Naotsugu, a student and a clerk in the world, a cunning magician and a powerful warrior in the game, have known each other for a long time from the legendary Crazy Tea Party guild. Alas, those times are gone forever, but in the new reality you can meet old acquaintances and just good guys with whom you will not be bored. And most importantly - in the world of "Legends" appeared the indigenous population, considering the aliens as great and immortal heroes. Involuntarily, you will want to become a sort of knight of the Round Table, beating dragons and rescuing girls. Well, there are enough girls around, monsters and robbers too, and there are cities like hospitable Akiba for recreation. The main thing is that it’s still not worth dying in the game, it’s much more correct to live like a human being!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27833)

    The ghoul race has existed since time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mostly in their raw form. Lovers of human flesh are outwardly indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and tenacious - but they are few, because the ghouls have developed strict rules for hunting and disguise, and violators are punished themselves or quietly handed over to fighters against evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about ghouls, but as they say, they are used to it. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat, in fact, they see them as an ideal basis for creating super-soldiers. Experiments have been going on for a long time ...

    The main character Ken Kaneki will have to search for a new path painfully, because he realized that people and ghouls are similar: they just eat each other literally, others figuratively. The truth of life is cruel, it cannot be changed, and the one who does not turn away is strong. And then somehow!

  • (26949)

    In the world of Hunter x Hunter, there is a class of people called Hunters who, using psychic powers and trained in all sorts of combat, explore the wild corners of a mostly civilized world. The main character, a young man named Gon (Gong), is the son of the greatest Hunter himself. His father mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and now, having matured, Gong (Gong) decides to follow in his footsteps. Along the way, he finds several companions: Leorio, an aspiring MD whose goal is to enrich himself. Kurapika is the only survivor of his clan whose goal is revenge. Killua is the heir to a family of assassins whose goal is training. Together they achieve their goals and become Hunters, but this is only the first step on their long journey ... And ahead is the story of Killua and his family, the story of Kurapika's revenge and, of course, training, new tasks and adventures! The series was stopped on the revenge of Kurapika ... What awaits us next after so many years?

  • (26535)

    The action takes place in an alternate reality where the existence of demons has long been recognized; in the Pacific Ocean there is even an island - "Itogamijima", where demons are full-fledged citizens and have equal rights with humans. However, there are also human magicians who hunt them, in particular, vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Kojo, for some unknown reason, turned into a "purebred vampire", the fourth in number. He is followed by a young girl, Himeraki Yukina, or "blade shaman", who is supposed to keep an eye on Akatsuki and kill him in case he gets out of control.

  • (24849)

    The story is about a young man named Saitama who lives in a world ironically similar to ours. He is 25, he is bald and beautiful, besides, he is so strong that with one blow he annihilates all dangers for humanity. He is looking for himself on a difficult life path, along the way handing out slaps to monsters and villains.

  • (22699)

    Now you have to play the game. What kind of game it will be - roulette will decide. The bet in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time go to Queen Decim, where they have to play a game. But in fact, what is happening to them here is the Heavenly Court.

  • Two years have flown by in Naruto's world. Former rookies have joined the ranks of experienced shinobi in the ranks of chūnin and jonin. The main characters did not sit still - each became a student of one of the legendary Sannin - the three great ninja of Konoha. The guy in orange continued his training with the wise but eccentric Jiraiya, gradually ascending to a new level of martial prowess. Sakura has moved into the role of assistant and confidant of the healer Tsunade, the new leader of the Leaf Village. Well, Sasuke, whose pride led to expulsion from Konoha, entered into a temporary alliance with the sinister Orochimaru, and each believes that he is only using the other for the time being.

    The brief respite ended, and events once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoha, the seeds of old strife, sown by the first Hokage, sprout again. The mysterious leader of the Akatsuki set in motion a plan for world domination. Unsettled in the Village of Sand and neighboring countries, old secrets emerge everywhere, and it is clear that one day the bills will have to be paid. The long-awaited sequel to the manga has breathed new life into the series and new hope into the hearts of countless fans!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (51373)

    Swordsman Tatsumi, a simple boy from the countryside, goes to the Capital to earn money for his starving village.
    And having reached there, he will soon find out that the great and beautiful Capital is only an appearance. The city is mired in corruption, cruelty and lawlessness that comes from the prime minister who rules the country from behind the scenes.
    But as everyone knows - "There is no warrior alone in the field" and nothing can be done about it, especially when your enemy is the head of state, or rather the one who is hiding behind him.
    Will Tatsumi find like-minded people and be able to change something? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (51762)

    Fairy Tail is the Guild of Wizards for Hire, famous all over the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, becoming one of her members, she ended up in the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until she met her comrades - explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in its path Natsu, flying talking cat Happy, exhibitionist Gray , berserker Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki... Together they have to overcome many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (46175)

    18-year-old Sora and 11-year-old Shiro are half-brother and sister, complete recluses and gamers. When two loneliness met, the indestructible union "Empty Place" was born, terrifying all Eastern gamers. Although in public the guys shake and twist not like a child, on the Web, little Shiro is a logical genius, and Sora is a monster of psychology that cannot be fooled. Alas, worthy opponents soon ran out, so Shiro was so happy with the chess game, where the handwriting of the master was visible from the first moves. Having won at the limit of their strength, the heroes received an interesting offer - to move to another world, where their talents will be understood and appreciated!

    Why not? Nothing holds Sora and Shiro in our world, and the merry world of Disbord is ruled by the Ten Commandments, the essence of which boils down to one thing: no violence and cruelty, all disagreements are resolved in a fair game. There are 16 races in the game world, of which the human race is considered the weakest and most untalented. But after all, the miracle guys are already here, in their hands is the crown of Elkia - the only country of people, and we believe that the successes of Sora and Shiro will not be limited to this. The envoys of the Earth just need to unite all the races of Disboard - and then they will be able to challenge the god Tet - their, by the way, old acquaintance. Just when you think about it, is it worth it?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46234)

    Fairy Tail is the Guild of Wizards for Hire, famous all over the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, becoming one of her members, she ended up in the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until she met her comrades - the explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in its path Natsu, the flying talking cat Happy, the exhibitionist Gray , berserker Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki... Together they have to overcome many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (62544)

    University student Ken Kaneki is hospitalized in an accident, where he is mistakenly transplanted with the organs of one of the ghouls - monsters that eat human flesh. Now he himself becomes one of them, and for people he turns into an outcast to be destroyed. But can he become his own for other ghouls? Or is there no more room in the world for him now? This anime will tell about the fate of Kaneki and what impact he will have on the future of Tokyo, where there is a continuous war between the two species.

  • (34919)

    The continent that lies in the center of the Ignol Ocean is the large central one and four more - Southern, Northern, Eastern and Western, and the gods themselves look after him, and he is called Ente Isla.
    And there is a name that plunges anyone on Ente Isla into Horror - the Lord of Darkness Mao.
    He is the master of the other world where all the dark creatures live.
    He is the embodiment of fear and horror.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao declared war on the human race and sowed death and destruction throughout the Ente Isla continent.
    The Lord of Darkness served 4 powerful generals.
    Adramelech, Lucifer, Alciel and Malacod.
    Four Demon Generals led the attack on 4 parts of the continent. However, a hero appeared that opposed the army of the underworld. The hero and his comrades defeated the troops of the Lord of Darkness in the west, then Adramelech in the north and Malakoda in the South. The hero led the united army of the human race and attacked the central continent where the castle of the Lord of Darkness stood...

  • (33397)

    Yato is a wandering Japanese god in the form of a thin, blue-eyed youth in a tracksuit. In Shintoism, the power of a deity is determined by the number of believers, and our hero has neither a temple nor priests, all donations fit in a sake bottle. The guy in the neckerchief moonlights as a jack of all trades, painting ads on the walls, but things are going very badly. Even the tongue-tied Mayu, who for many years worked as a Shinki - the Sacred Weapon of Yato - left the owner. And without a weapon, the younger god is no stronger than an ordinary mortal magician, you have (what a shame!) To hide from evil spirits. And who needs such a celestial anyway?

    One day, a pretty high school student, Hiyori Iki, threw herself under a truck to save some guy in black. It ended badly - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to “leave” her body and walk on the “other side”. Having met Yato there and recognized the culprit of her troubles, Hiyori convinced the homeless god to heal her, for he himself admitted that no one can live between worlds for a long time. But, having got to know each other better, Iki realized that the current Yato did not have enough strength to solve her problem. Well, you need to take matters into your own hands and personally direct the tramp on the true path: first, find a good-for-nothing weapon, then help earn money, and then, you see, what will happen. No wonder they say: what a woman wants - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33300)

    Suimei University Art High School has many dormitories, and there is a Sakura tenement house. If dormitories have strict rules, then everything is possible in Sakura, not without reason its local nickname is “madhouse”. Since in art genius and madness are always somewhere nearby, the inhabitants of the "cherry orchard" are talented and interesting guys who are too out of the "swamp". Take the noisy Misaki, who sells her own anime to major studios, her friend and playboy screenwriter Jin, or the reclusive programmer Ryunosuke, who communicates with the world only via the Web and the phone. Compared to them, the protagonist Sorata Kanda is a simpleton who ended up in a "psychiatric hospital" just for ... a love of cats!

    Therefore, Chihiro-sensei, the head of the dorm, instructed Sorata, as the only sane guest, to meet her cousin Mashiro, which is being transferred to their school from far away Britain. The fragile blonde seemed to Kanda a real bright angel. True, at a party with new neighbors, the guest was constrained and spoke little, but the freshly baked fan wrote off everything as understandable stress and fatigue from the road. Only real stress awaited Sorata in the morning when he went to wake up Mashiro. The hero realized with horror that his new friend, a great artist, is absolutely not of this world, that is, she is not even capable of dressing herself! And the insidious Chihiro is right there - from now on, Kanda will forever look after her sister, because the guy has already trained on cats!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33578)

    in the 21st, the world community has finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it to a new level. Those who are able to use magic after finishing nine classes in Japan are now expected in magic schools - but only if applicants pass the exam. The quota for admission to the First School (Hachioji, Tokyo) is 200 students, a hundred of the best are enrolled in the first department, the rest are in the reserve, in the second, and teachers are assigned only to the first hundred, "Flowers". The rest, "Weeds", learn on their own. At the same time, an atmosphere of discrimination constantly hovers in the school, because even the forms of both departments are different.
    Shiba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born 11 months apart, allowing them to study for the same year. When entering the First School, the sister finds herself among the Flowers, and her brother among the Weeds: despite his excellent theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an exemplary sister, as well as their new friends - Chiba Erika, Saijou Leonhart (you can just Leo) and Shibata Mizuki - at the school of magic, quantum physics, the Nine Schools Tournament and much more ...

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

  • (29570)

    The "Seven Deadly Sins", once great warriors revered by the British. But one day, they are accused of trying to overthrow the monarchs and killing a warrior from the Holy Knights. In the future, the Holy Knights arrange a coup d'état, and seize power in their own hands. And the "Seven Deadly Sins", now outcasts, scattered throughout the kingdom, in all directions. Princess Elizabeth managed to escape from the castle. She decides to go in search of Meliodas, the leader of the Seven Sins. Now the whole seven must unite again to prove their innocence and avenge their exile.

  • (28386)

    2021 An unknown Gastrea virus hit the earth, which in a matter of days destroyed almost all of humanity. But it's not just a virus like some kind of Ebola or Plague. It doesn't kill a person. Gastreya is a sentient infection that rebuilds DNA, turning the host into a fearsome monster.
    The war began and in the end 10 years passed. People have found a way to isolate themselves from infection. The only thing that Gastreya cannot stand is a special metal - Varanium. It was from it that people built huge monoliths and fenced Tokyo with them. It seemed that now few survivors can live behind the monoliths in the world, but alas, the threat has not gone away. Gastrea is still waiting for the right moment to infiltrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. There is no hope. The extermination of people is only a matter of time. But the terrible virus had another effect. There are those who are already born with this virus in their blood. These children, "Cursed Children" (Exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus is many times slower than in the body of an ordinary person. Only they can resist the creatures of "Gastrea" and there is nothing more for humanity to count on. Will our heroes be able to save the remnants of living people and find a cure for a terrifying virus? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (27487)

    The story in Steins, Gate takes place one year after the events of Chaos, Head.
    The action-packed storyline of the game is partly set in a realistic recreation of Akahibara, Tokyo's famous otaku shopping area. The plot is as follows: a group of friends mount a device in Akihibara to send text messages to the past. The experiments of the heroes of the game are interested in a mysterious organization called SERN, which is also engaged in its own research in the field of time travel. And now friends have to make great efforts in order not to be captured by SERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added episode 23β, which is an alternate ending and lead to the continuation in SG0.
  • (26769)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and many more from all over the world are suddenly trapped in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Legend of the Ancients. On the one hand, gamers were transferred to the new world physically, the illusion of reality turned out to be almost flawless. On the other hand, the “fallers” retained their previous avatars and acquired skills, the user interface and the pumping system, and death in the game only led to resurrection in the cathedral of the nearest major city. Realizing that there is no great goal, and no one called the price for the exit, the players began to huddle together - some to live and rule according to the law of the jungle, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Shiroe and Naotsugu, a student and a clerk in the world, a cunning magician and a powerful warrior in the game, have known each other for a long time from the legendary Crazy Tea Party guild. Alas, those times are gone forever, but in the new reality you can meet old acquaintances and just good guys with whom you will not be bored. And most importantly - in the world of "Legends" appeared the indigenous population, considering the aliens as great and immortal heroes. Involuntarily, you will want to become a sort of knight of the Round Table, beating dragons and rescuing girls. Well, there are enough girls around, monsters and robbers too, and there are cities like hospitable Akiba for recreation. The main thing is that it’s still not worth dying in the game, it’s much more correct to live like a human being!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27833)

    The ghoul race has existed since time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mostly in their raw form. Lovers of human flesh are outwardly indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and tenacious - but they are few, because the ghouls have developed strict rules for hunting and disguise, and violators are punished themselves or quietly handed over to fighters against evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about ghouls, but as they say, they are used to it. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat, in fact, they see them as an ideal basis for creating super-soldiers. Experiments have been going on for a long time ...

    The main character Ken Kaneki will have to search for a new path painfully, because he realized that people and ghouls are similar: they just eat each other literally, others figuratively. The truth of life is cruel, it cannot be changed, and the one who does not turn away is strong. And then somehow!

  • (26949)

    In the world of Hunter x Hunter, there is a class of people called Hunters who, using psychic powers and trained in all sorts of combat, explore the wild corners of a mostly civilized world. The main character, a young man named Gon (Gong), is the son of the greatest Hunter himself. His father mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and now, having matured, Gong (Gong) decides to follow in his footsteps. Along the way, he finds several companions: Leorio, an aspiring MD whose goal is to enrich himself. Kurapika is the only survivor of his clan whose goal is revenge. Killua is the heir to a family of assassins whose goal is training. Together they achieve their goals and become Hunters, but this is only the first step on their long journey ... And ahead is the story of Killua and his family, the story of Kurapika's revenge and, of course, training, new tasks and adventures! The series was stopped on the revenge of Kurapika ... What awaits us next after so many years?

  • (26535)

    The action takes place in an alternate reality where the existence of demons has long been recognized; in the Pacific Ocean there is even an island - "Itogamijima", where demons are full-fledged citizens and have equal rights with humans. However, there are also human magicians who hunt them, in particular, vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Kojo, for some unknown reason, turned into a "purebred vampire", the fourth in number. He is followed by a young girl, Himeraki Yukina, or "blade shaman", who is supposed to keep an eye on Akatsuki and kill him in case he gets out of control.

  • (24849)

    The story is about a young man named Saitama who lives in a world ironically similar to ours. He is 25, he is bald and beautiful, besides, he is so strong that with one blow he annihilates all dangers for humanity. He is looking for himself on a difficult life path, along the way handing out slaps to monsters and villains.

  • (22699)

    Now you have to play the game. What kind of game it will be - roulette will decide. The bet in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time go to Queen Decim, where they have to play a game. But in fact, what is happening to them here is the Heavenly Court.

  • WorldArt: 6.4 202

    Description: Probably, every guy in his youth dreamed about girls, how they would have sexual relations with them, and what kind of fantasies were not present at the same time. However, what if there is a guy who doesn't pay enough attention to it? He is also interested in losing his virginity, but for this it is necessary to find true love. It is about such a guy that the anime “My girlfriend is virgin, but a pervert to the marrow” will be discussed.

    The main character's name is Haruka Shinozaki, he is really a modest boy and does not want to impose his opinion about relationships on anyone. But it is he who gets the most beautiful girl who is ready to do anything for him, including a stormy night. Akiho Kosaka is "a Komsomol member, an athlete and just a beauty." Any guy dreams of being with her, and she's just ready for anything for Haruka. All day long she reads literature, learns about intersexual relations in order to fulfill any desires of her boyfriend.

    Any adult can envy her knowledge, because she has become a real expert. But how will their relationship end? And does Haruka want the same as his girlfriend? Or is their relationship completely far from ideal?

    Director: Yoshimoto Kinji

    Series length: 25 min.

    WorldArt: 5.1 113

    Description: All people at least once in their lives heard about the famous story of Lucifer. Legend has it that a fallen angel, whose name is Lucifer, once wanted to be equal to God. But the creator himself did not appreciate his aspirations and drove him away from heaven. Since then, excessive arrogance and pomposity has been considered pride, which is one of the seven deadly sins. But no one knows exactly who Lucifer was, a man or a woman. On the way to hellish hell, Lucifer met a girl on Earth, whose name is Mary. A high school student helped an archangel. But getting into hell turned out to be inevitable, and the cherub nevertheless ended up there. Here he met Leviathan. She explained that there are seven demon queens in Hell who call themselves the Seven Deadly Sins. The rulers incline people to commit these very sins, which include pride, lust, greed, anger, envy, and also idleness. Demons take away his strength from Lucifer, and now the former angel will have to show all his power and prove his own superiority. You need to defeat the queens of hell. This will be done in the company of Lefiafan, who turned out to be the same schoolgirl Maria. What will eventually turn this uprising in hell?

    Director: Ikehata Hiroshi

    Series length: 25 min.

    WorldArt: 6.4 168

    Description: There is a legend in the city of Akiba that says that if the Darkness touches you, it will consume your mind. She will capture your will and soul, and in return reward you with inhuman abilities and powers... And for many years, Darkness has been spreading in Akiba... A teenager with a developed imagination and creative thinking, Tamotsu Denkigai and his sister, a sweet fan of anime magazines, Niwaka witness the battle of two chan . And the most amazing thing is that the winner was the one that ripped off the opponent ... clothes! Of course this is a show, the guys thought, although they knew that theatrical performances in Akiba were forbidden on the streets. However, it was not there, because such battles, by a strange coincidence, began to pursue the brother and sister. Tamotsu Denkigai, although physically not a fighter, could not leave the young beauty Matome Mayoka, who had saved his life more than once, in trouble. Although the darkness touched her, and the legend turned out to be not a legend at all, she did not become a puppet of darkness, but rather began to protect ordinary people. In the heat of battle, Tamotsu dies protecting the young beauty, but she heals him, endowing him with non-human strength. Now the two defenders of Akiba confront the Darkness and expose pretty girls in battle. What role Arisa Ahokainen, a passionate fan of the anatomical rangers, will play in this story and in which direction the bowls of the balance of power leaned, time and the relationship of the characters will show. However, the threat to Akiba is growing exponentially every day, consuming more and more innocent people...

    Director: Takamura Kazuhiro

    Series length: 25 min.

    WorldArt: 6.8 67

    Description: The world is changing and acquiring a different color. Previously, magic was incomprehensible to people, they were afraid of it, because it could cause harm. Nobody knew what to expect from him. Now, as it turned out, witchcraft, especially if it is good, can be beneficial. Witches acquired a symbol - courage and extraordinary strength, as well as a symbol of goodness for people. Now suddenly hard times have come for the whole country. A global war has suddenly begun, and brave witches set off to save the country. A special unit was created for them. 1994 September. All enemy attacks were successfully repelled. The troops under the cover of witches successfully completed all combat missions. And also, they did not forget to provide care for Europe in the west. The troops of the Empire, strongly inspired by the power of the witch girls, decide to go on the offensive against the enemies, in which the sorceresses do not forget to help them. The troops are going to fight for a long time, they already have plans that the witches inspire in them. Girls are still fragile creatures, in which an unearthly power lurks, with the help of which they help their country. It is on their tender shoulders that the care of the Motherland and the salvation of people are laid.

    Director: comedy, cartoon, fantasy, action, melodrama, fantasy, anime, adventure, adult, series, romance and ecchi

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 6.67 334

    IMDb: 6.8 834

    WorldArt: 7.2 516

    Description: The world has changed. Total wars and atomic bombs are a thing of the past, but the Inversion, the great change, gave birth to Genestelles - children gifted with magical abilities. They are faster, stronger, more durable due to the use of mana, but that's not all - individual geniuses can heal, put up barriers, revive golems, and even look into the future. The most respected in any country, of course, remains combat magic - for whoever is stronger is right!

    The main spectacle was the gladiator fights, where the heroes use Lux, a powerful magical weapon. In the city of Asterisk on an artificial island, young talents can study in one of 6 competing schools. Within each, internecine struggle boils; the best students fight both in city arenas and in dark alleys. A young Ayato Amagiri, who came to Star Trek School in search of his older sister, ended up in such a nice place. Everything is fine with Ayato’s “combat”, but will the guy figure it out in a tangle of intrigues? Nothing, there are new friends for this!

    Director: Yonetani Yoshitomo

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 7.97 1 544

    IMDb: 8.3 3 404

    WorldArt: 8.6 1 393

    Description: Soma Yukihira is a young culinary fanatic who dreams of surpassing his father, a famous chef. Joichiro, Soma's father, is an incomparable cook of simple and hearty oriental dishes, which is why their family restaurant is popular with office workers - but, alas, you will not make money on such clients. Experimenting without money is difficult - and the rare unusual (and usually unsuccessful) experiences of father and son are tasted only by Yukihira Jr.'s classmates. So, there is only one way for the guy to improve - to go to the culinary academy!

    Totsuki Culinary Academy is a legendary high school that many great chefs graduated from, including the protagonist's father. The class spirit in Totsuki is strong - but a gifted simpleton can always prove that he is worthy to stand next to the descendants of famous dynasties. This is exactly what Soma did when he moved into the Polar Star dorm, the school's home for poor but ambitious talents. The academy encourages rivalry by organizing real "culinary wars" - there Yukihira will show everyone, especially the local troublemaker, the director's granddaughter Erina, whose chef's knife is sharper, the taste is thinner, and the imagination is richer!

    Director: Mamoru Kanbe, Sumio Watanabe and Akira Iwanaga

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 7.91 20 249

    IMDb: 8.1 25 459

    WorldArt: 8.7 9 407

    Description: Kota, after a long absence, returned to the ocean town where his cousin and childhood friend Yuka lives. Kota is going to study at the local college. And Yuka, who has been indifferent to him from an early age, naturally goes there too. Her family provided the guy with housing in the building of a former small hotel, on the condition that he would look after her and clean the rooms. When the couple was walking along the beach in the evening, a naked girl with fiery hair and small horns came out of the water to meet them, who could not utter a single word, except for the touching "Nu!" She looked so helpless and innocent that Kota took the stranger, whom he and Yuka called Nyu, to his home. The guys did not even suspect that they had given shelter to the deadly female Diclonius, Lucy, who escaped from the experimental laboratory on the mutilated corpses of two dozen guards and was wanted by the police and special forces with orders to shoot to kill.

    Diclonius are human-like mutants who are considered God's chosen ones and are capable of destroying the entire human race. In addition to small horns resembling the ears of elves, they have "vectors" - fast as light, invisible hands several meters long. These vectors are capable of inflicting terrible damage and intercepting bullets in mid-flight, among other functions. It is not difficult to understand why such individuals were kept under the strictest protection. But Lucy's escape was doubly dangerous because, unlike other Diclonius, she had the ability to bear children.

    When escaping from a laboratory located on a steep ocean coast, Lucy received a sniper bullet in the head, but that did not prevent her from escaping into the water. This, as well as some other reasons, led to an aggravation of the mental illness inherent in many Diclonius - a split personality. As a result, the smart but exceptionally vicious Lucy was suddenly replaced by the touching charming Nu with the mind of a young child, not to say feeble-minded. It was this metamorphosis that confused the guys who sheltered a sweet stranger, falling into a maelstrom of incredible events. After all, meek Nu can at any moment turn into a deadly demon Lucy...

    Director: Hiroyuki's hut

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 5.97 237

    IMDb: 6.1 67

    WorldArt: 6.7 383

    Description: Yui Kanzaki's father remarried, and the 16-year-old schoolboy had a younger half-sister for a year. Mitsuki is not a beauty, not a genius, but a completely normal girl, however, a little silent and shy. Of course, getting used to a new family is not easy, because Yuya, like a real man, decided to help his newfound relatives in every possible way, especially since he is an economic guy and knows any housework. And that a modest sister got caught is good, modesty paints a girl, and time heals. So everything would have gone on, but His Majesty Chance intervened!

    As a result of an unexpected twist of fate, Mitsuki was possessed by the spirit of Hiyori Kotobuki, a girl who adored the protagonist during her lifetime. For the sake of getting to heaven, Hiyori is obliged to finish what she started - this is how the lords of karma decided. Now, in order to help the aggressive bodymate, the unfortunate Mitsuki will have to turn into a textbook "little sister", moreover, of the genre that is shown late at night! Can you imagine the state of Yui, when the shy and silent girl suddenly began to play tricks in the spirit of adult magazines? And what remains? Defeat in the struggle for the "brother" is unacceptable, but here, according to the laws of the genre, then rivals climb from all sides, then the magic chastity belt fails at the wrong time!

    Director: Suzuki Yohei

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 6.96 1 114

    IMDb: 7.1 713

    WorldArt: 7.5 899

    Description: In the past, there was a country where "there was no sex." And in the gloomy Japanese future, there can be nothing “indecent” at all, for one mention of “this” or viewing funny pictures, you can thunder on the bunk. For control, each citizen is put on a collar with a device that automatically detects any forbidden words and gestures. Most people, like, for example, high school student Tanukichi Okuma, live and do not grieve, but there are still freedom fighters who do not allow the authorities to sleep peacefully. And in the forefront there is a girl in a panty mask, a violent sex terrorist, a dangerous beauty Blue Snowball!

    The authorities have reached the point where exemplary children do not know where they come from. Therefore, in the elite high school, Okuma, who had previously studied in a working-class district, was recognized as an expert on slippery issues and "entered the authority." Anna, the student council president and an old acquaintance of Tanukichi, signed him up to hunt Snowball, not knowing that the culprit was her deputy Ayame Kajou. But Ayame instantly recognized the bird by its flight and with dirty blackmail (she was supposed to!) persuaded the poor guy to join her organization. And let there be only two of them so far - the school is big, there are many talents in it, but human nature still cannot be overcome!

    Director: Sueda Yoshifumi

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 5.98 179

    IMDb: 6 97

    WorldArt: 7.1 372

    Description: Only in Japan there is a word that means an extreme degree of love for trains and a willingness to spend a lifetime in them. The world of the series is just for such - in it, the state monopoly YAZD has entangled the entire country of Yamato with iron threads and, despite the absence of competitors, is fighting with oriental cunning for the highest level of service and comfort for passengers. Any work "on the road" is honorable and prestigious, and if the soul lies in it, then the direct path to the academy, where the main character Naoto Takayama enters. Even at the preparatory courses, fate threw the guy to the security department, where he met his friends and colleagues!

    So, what are the future stars of the Japanese traffic police? Naoto himself, of course, is a fan of trains, outwardly ordinary, but quick-witted. Aoi Sakurai is a fiery-haired warrior girl, all complexes are included. Busty Haruka Komi is just a walking encyclopedia, she looks like a nice young lady, but she also has a couple of secrets in her soul. The big man Sho Iwaizumi, who carries an army “armor” everywhere, is an invaluable shot, if you don’t let one go and set extremely clear tasks. Their commander, Nana Ida, is one of those competent beauties that will stop a galloping horse ... simply by inviting them to a tea ceremony. In general, with such defenders of order on the roads, neither petty gopniks nor more serious grabbing bandits have a chance. See for yourself and see for yourself!

    Director: Yoichi Ueda

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 6.04 302

    IMDb: 7 292

    WorldArt: 7.4 733

    Description: It happened - at the beginning of the 21st century, brothers in mind finally arrived to us! But the message that their elusive ships were transmitting baffled the best minds of the Earth, for it was very simple: "Let's play!" While those in power were looking for the hidden meaning of these words, and scientists were checking the correctness of the decoding, on sunny Okinawa, 16-year-old Kio Kakazu found a pretty girl with cat ears and a tail in his bed on a beautiful summer morning. Eris, as the guest introduced herself, was a messenger from the distant planet Kyatia, who arrived for a cultural exchange and the establishment of, er ... personal contacts. Well, that's how they do it!

    Unexpectedly, poor Kio's house turned into an alien representation, and the guy himself, living without parents, turned into a reluctant diplomat. Of course, serious organizations did not imagine the first contact in this way and hurried to correct the situation. As a result, the main character, whose name means, by the way, “wonderful world”, quickly realized that the real world is much more complicated. A cheerful childhood friend suddenly turned out to be a novice CIA agent, a strict teacher - a member of a secret order, and a shy girl in glasses, in whom Kio felt a kindred spirit - in general, a hired killer with an international reputation. In general, life has become more fun, but you can’t hit the dirt with your face - we need cat girls!

    Director: Yanagisawa Tetsuya

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 7.12 1 565

    IMDb: 7.8 4 420

    WorldArt: 7.9 1 455

    Description: What does a simple 17-year-old Japanese schoolboy need from life? Issei Hyoudou knows the answer very well, because for this he enrolled in the former Kuoh Women's Academy! Hyoudou naively believed that after starting co-education in the face of a shortage of boys, he would become a king and experience the spring of life, but the second year is coming, the girls are still chasing the few handsome men, and the hero and friends are biting their elbows and looking for holes in the women's locker rooms. One can only dream of people like the queen of the Rias Gremory school. However, Issei's fervent pleas to all the gods of youth had an effect. The gods decided to test the guy and sent him a girlfriend who, on the very first date… plunged half a meter of steel into the stomach of the hero.

    How long, short, and Issei realized that he was saved by the same Rias Gremory, an unattainable beauty and school idol, but in fact - the princess of demons. Now the hero himself has become a demon and her vassal, which means that he has joined the Gremory family's combat squad, operating under the guise of the school's occult club. The enemy is known - the fallen angels who want to play first fiddle in the dark world themselves. Why did Hyoudou need two such powerful forces? Of course, the point is some kind of superpower, and the guy is sure that he knows the truth - he is more than anyone in Japan worthy of the high title of Harem King!

    Director: Saito Hisashi

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 7.29 771

    IMDb: 7.5 1 272

    WorldArt: 8.2 789

    Description: A story about a fantasy world and a castle where magical creatures live. This extraordinary world is similar to our Earth, but still differs by its difficult inhabitants and secret technologies. For more than a thousand years, as the legend says, the mysterious Synapse castle has been hanging over our land. By magical powers, this palace is hidden from human eyes, but they say that extraordinary creatures live there, which are hidden in cocoons at night. These are angels. At night they dream about the real world, they dream of human life. But through magic, their dreams turn into reality, and they are transferred to Earth and become angeloids. Creatures that can freely communicate with people, feel pain, and even offend someone with their actions. Angeloids descend to Earth in their dreams to serve and help people, as evidenced by their collar, which symbolizes affection for the owner. At the same time, a guy lives on Earth, whom his parents have left for an independent life for more than ten years, simply constantly sending him money for existence. Tomoki, a guy who does not suffer from a lack of female attention, still feels lonely and claims that he has not needed anyone for more than half of his life. Everything changes when an angeloid girl descends to Earth and meets this proud aristocratic guy. Since childhood, Tomoki had an unusual dream about a girl who fulfills his dreams. Well, sometimes dreams do come true...

    Director: Watanabe Takashi

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 5.08 96

    IMDb: 6.4 78

    WorldArt: 6.1 148

    Description: Connoisseurs know that ninjutsu did not die in the Tokugawa era, but went into the shadows, spreading rumors about its death. Now ninjas serve the government and the most powerful people, and train them under the guise of ordinary schools - Tokyo's Hanzo Academy is one of them. There, according to a special program under the guidance of Kiriya-sensei, five girls who are destined to become a new generation of shinobi study: rustic Asuka, mannered Ikaruga, uninhibited Katsuragi, one-eyed Yagyu and cutie Hibari. Asuka has just passed her next exam, and to mark the occasion, Sensei sends the students on a seemingly easy mission in the shopping district...

    Here it turned out that there are a lot of ninja girls in Japan, and not all of them are obsessed with the ideals of goodness, justice and civil service. Unknown opponents, led by the dark-skinned Homura, did not even tense up, but just slightly checked the skills of the opponents, leaving them completely confused. However, Hanzo's students soon calmed down, gathered their strength and set to work in earnest. Now the battle will boil in earnest, but for what - what's the difference ?! Let's cheer for ours, because they all have at least the fourth size!

    Director: Hayashi Hiroki

    Series length: 25 min.

    MovieSearch: 6.17 90

    WorldArt: 6.9 110

    Description: Japan has long been independent. She did not enter into alliances, she was suspicious and unfriendly to strangers. Only some foreigners could earn recognition, the rest could only be in the country, no more. This has grown into the fact that this state is recognized as one-national. And it seems that this was not done in vain. After all, as soon as the government decided to take the path of internationalism in 2023, the percentage of crime immediately increased. After all, the natives rarely stole and killed, and visitors - quite often. Not all, of course, but a considerable number. And the police could not cope with this, so it was decided to create a specialized detachment. For some reason, it only included girls who were trained for this mission. They had a simple task: to instill fear in the bandits so that they would not even think to stick out. And it turned out, soon many criminals shuddered, barely hearing the word "War". But not everyone trembled in fear of the new legalists. Many wanted to show that such an opponent can be easily defeated. Therefore, a new weapon was created, which was designed to neutralize the annoying ones. And the heroines need to find it and neutralize it. But first you need to know about it ...

  • The Multi-Choice Curse Made My Life Hell Season 1 Episodes 1-9, 10, 11

    • animeeast
    • 01 Apr. 2018

    My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy

    Genre: For adults
