Combination of colors in clothes. How to choose the best color combinations in clothes

The combination of colors in clothes is a technique developed over the years, by understanding which you can always be on top. Wardrobe selection, photo

It's no secret that color can qualitatively improve our appearance. However, any tone either matches our appearance or it doesn’t. The criteria and laws for selecting it for a person lie in. But this is not a problem; having a set of suitable tones, you need to combine them in your wardrobe. How are clothing combinations constructed: harmoniously with the face, figure, emphasizing each other favorably?
Let me tell you right away: this task is not easy. And here there are two options: delving into the intricacies of color theory to build a combination, or working according to a template. To your satisfaction, in this article I will provide both methods: you will find a detailed description of the construction, as well as a huge number of examples.
And so let's start with the part that comes from color types.
Any appearance has its own contrast. This is not only the difference between the shade of hair and skin tone, but also the admixture of gray that is contained in skin tone: the fewer differences between hair and skin, the more gray there is in them, the less contrasting the appearance will be. Therefore, combinations should be chosen with appropriate contrast, both for people with high and medium expressive appearance.
in clothes - this is attractiveness, harmony. Its absence means monochromatic clothing.
Contrasts are needed to enhance color expression, and this concept is almost synonymous with combination.

Combinations in clothing based on the type of contrast

There are 7 types of contrast combinations, but in practice, one combination usually includes not one, but several (in some cases, even all) types of contrast.

Dark is combined with light to form a contrast in lightness.

Combination of clothes by temperature:

Cool shades combined with warm ones create an expressive contrast, which can be intense: if the colors are extreme or soft, where the temperature difference is less pronounced.

Complementary shades are the rays of which (the spectral manifestation of colors) when mixed, produce gray. I will tell you what tones these are below in the information about contrasts.

This is the contrast of gray with any shade of the spectrum, when our eye adds an additional tone to the combined one against the background of gray. This effect is barely perceptible over large areas and is practically reduced to nothing, especially with complex shades that are not bright.

Combination of clothes according to saturation

This is a combination of pronounced shades with neutral, complex or muted ones. Such combinations can also be of different severity.

Combination of clothes according to the size of the color “spot”

And so the main task of this technique was to clearly show that the same principle can be divided into different contrasts.

Now about what principle to combine colors.

Clothing combinations according to the color wheel

The color wheel consists of basic tones added in a certain order. In a deeper understanding of the circle, you need to have the idea that all colors have subshades. So, before providing combination schemes, I will introduce you to the shades.

1 Yellow. It includes various shades of yellow, warm beige, gold, and mustard.
2 Yellow-green (or light green). These are charteuse, shades of lime, olive, protective, marsh colors, khaki.
3 Rich medium green (greens). These are bright shades of Kelly, green peas, tea, rich dark green shades, pale green tones.
4 Blue-green. These include cool shades of green, turquoise, aqua shades of blue, green, thrush egg color, mint, menthol, jade, emerald, wormwood.
5 Royal blue. Shades of blue, sky blue; dark blue, Prussian blue, denim tones.
6 Purple. These are lavender, violet, lilac. Dark violet, ultramarine violet, gray-violet tones.
7 Amethyst (light red-violet). This sector contains lilac tones, orchids, dark red-violet, purple-violet.
8 Purple. These are pink, lilac tones, magenta, grape, eggplant, plum.
9 Red. These are scarlet, garnet, burgundy, cherry tones. This also includes warm pink and red-brown shades.
10 Red-orange. This includes shades of coral, beige, and rich brown.
11 Orange. These are fall tones of orange, peach, soft beige, nude, medium brown and dark beige.
12 Orange-yellow. These are sunny yellow colors, shades of apricot, soft beige, yellow and golden brown, dark beige.

(1) Paired combination of complementary colors: the tones are opposite each other on the Itten circle. In a bright expression, this is a dramatic, expressive couple; if you reduce the contrast (as we already did above), the combination will be softer.
(2) Combination by similarity. A combination of related shades that deepens the colors: the eye completes the intermediate tones, resulting in the effect of a play of color-shadow.

(3) and (4) Triad combination. On the color wheel in the form of an equilateral and acute triangle. By connecting the lines in this way, you find the best pairs, and it is not necessary to use three tones, each of them is combined with each other and can easily exist independently.

(5) and (6) Tetrad combination. It consists of two shapes: a rectangle and a square. This combination consists of two pairs of complementary colors. They may well exist without one of the colors, but no more.

Another way is to choose from a selection of clothing combinations already invented by someone. It consists in the fact that you view, remember or save the option you like and create it in your wardrobe.

Let's look at the main color combinations.

The combination of white in clothes

White color, like grey, beige, brown, belongs to. It goes well with almost all shades and can create both bright, contrasting combinations and delicate, soft ones. It is a great addition to any color scheme. Shades of ivory (ivory) are often classified as white (see).

The combination of gray in clothes

The combination of cool green in clothes

These are menthol, kelly, emerald tones. White, light gray, beige, pale yellow, lilac, coral pink tones are suitable for menthol shades. The same color can form bright pairs with orange, red, and dark blue.
Kelly is a rich green tone that borders on cool-warm. It goes well with coral, peach, blue, beige, warm and cool brown.
Patina shades with white, black, beige, brown, dark blue, burgundy. Combine harmoniously with soft pink, peach, yellow, and golden ocher.

The combination of yellow in clothes

Yellow tones can be light, soft or bright, or they can border on brown, orange, like shades of mustard. They also have a very specific attitude. The combination with yellow can be pastel or contrastingly flashy, such as black with yellow, yellow with red, etc.

The combination of orange in clothes

Orange can create many very attractive combinations. This color includes ,. In my opinion, the most attractive combinations of orange with white, beige, denim, turquoise, red-violet, fuchsia, blue, green, brown and light blue.

The combination of red in clothes

Red in clothes supports classic colors: with white, black, gray and beige. It can be combined with brown, blue and turquoise, mint and shades of purple.

The combination of pink in clothes

Various shades of pink create different pairs: cool lilac tones go well with gray, white, peach, cold light gold, beige-brown, denim-blue.
Delicate warm shades, closer to coral (see) go well with lilac, amethyst, mint, blue, denim, warm and cold shades of green.
Bright tones of pink will prefer richer shades like orange, turquoise, yellow, deep brown, blue and black tones.

The combination of purple in clothes

Soft lilac shades combine attractively with cool green shades, orange and red colors, warm yellow-green and pale yellow, aqua blue and blue tones. (see) Purple colors with red, lime, vanilla, menthol and blue shades.
Dark purple prefers muted pairs with pastel pink, gray, black, beige and dark fuchsia.
Eggplant is closer to golden and warm green colors, as well as pink, blue and brown.

One of the trends this year is the color gray in clothes - you can see 50 combinations of this color with other colors in this article. Remember, not yet so given, the color gray was far from fashion trends. After an overabundance of gray in clothing during Soviet times, fashionistas and fashionistas began to prefer bright, colorful shades.

Every year, such flashy colors began to give way to calmer tones, however, gray color was considered boring, uninteresting and even “mousy.” But for several years now, the gray color in clothes has become more popular than ever.

Modern stylists and designers continue to produce models in all sorts of gray tones: from the lightest to dark gray. And, most likely, it’s not just that fashion always comes back.

Gray color exudes style and elegance, restraint and nobility.

The combination of gray in clothes

Gray color is also unique in that it can be combined with a wide variety of colors. Yellow, red, pink, black, brown, green, blue, purple, white - all these colors and shades, combined with gray in clothes, become integral elements of the wardrobe of every fashionista.

To choose the perfect combination of gray in clothes with other color schemes, you should not be afraid to experiment and try on all sorts of options, try a variety of color schemes. Don't forget that you are the only one, unique, unique, so what suits your friend does not have to be perfect for you.

But there are classic combinations that suit absolutely everyone.
- gray + white
- gray + yellow
- gray + light brown

Gray + fuchsia.
Such color combinations in clothing suit almost everyone (99 percent), regardless of gender, age and even shape.

It is believed that women over 35 should not overuse the dark gray color in clothing, as it can visually add several years to their appearance. But this rule cannot be applied to absolutely everyone. As mentioned above, every girl and woman is individual. This means that her style is individual.

Today, gray tones in clothing are used both in everyday life and for special occasions (parties, business meetings, and so on). Gray color is often present in elements of sporty style, as well as in casual style. Moreover, these can be both basic wardrobe items and scarves, shawls, gloves and other accessories.

As a rule, light gray color in clothes suits almost everyone. But you need to know that very fine line between stylish, elegant gray and “mouse gray”. Light gray can easily be combined with a wide variety of colors, but most often it is preferred to be combined with the same calm, not overly bright tones.

What goes with gray in clothes?

Many people wonder what to combine gray with in clothes. There is nothing complicated here. A gray suit (skirt and jacket, trousers and jacket) goes harmoniously with an elegant pink blouse. By adding pumps here, you will get an unsurpassed romantic look.

By diluting a gray suit, for example, with a yellow blouse and yellow accessories, the image will turn out bright, stylish, and unusual.

Many people prefer the opposite: dilute the bright colors of the main elements of the image with a gray scarf, which is also a good solution. Combinations of gray trousers with bright tops or blouses always look stylish. Of course, don't forget about pumps. This is a classic, elegant, urban look.

Well, in general, don’t be afraid to experiment. Perhaps you will discover new images. Be stylish, be bright, just be yourself!

Good day, dear readers! With you is the presenter of the beauty column Olga Ramazanova. Have you ever wondered why one color suits one person, but does not suit another?

The thing is that nature created us completely different in the shade of our skin, hair, and eyes. However, there is a certain similarity in the appearance of people and they can be combined into conditional groups. In this article I will introduce you to a very interesting topic - how to find out your color type.

Why do you need to know your color type?

The answer is very simple - so as not to make mistakes in choosing clothes, hair tone and even accessories. Knowing what color type a person belongs to, he can choose exactly what suits him. This knowledge will help you create your own individual harmonious image. Agree, quite often you can see on the street, for example, a fair-haired girl with bright dark eyebrows or dyed a bright red color. This imbalance is very noticeable. Remember that fashion is fashion, but you need to know your nature of beauty and present it competently.

How to determine your appearance?

Most likely, you have already heard about the division of color types according to the names of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are other systems for determining a person’s color type, but this one is the most convenient (especially for makeup artists).

There are such concepts in color as cold and warm shades.

  • Cold ones are those that contain blue pigment: turquoise, lilac, fuchsia, burgundy, etc.
  • Warm ones have a yellow pigment: brown, gold, peach, grass, etc.

To understand what type of appearance I have, you first need to determine which shades predominate in my appearance. Look carefully in the mirror and pay attention to whether there is a golden tint in your hair, what color your eyes and freckles are. The most important thing is to understand your skin tone. With a cold color type, the skin of the face has a slightly gray tone, and with a warm color type it has a yellowish tone.

I'll tell you one more secret. Look at the color of the veins on your wrist. If there is yellow pigment in the skin, then the veins will be green (blue vein and yellow skin give green). In this case, you can be sure that the color type is warm. If your skin tone is cold, the veins will remain blue.

Cool color types include Winter and Summer. To warm ones - Spring and Autumn.

  • If you have bright eyes, dark hair and eyebrows, then the color type will be Winter or Autumn.
  • Spring and Summer are usually characterized by muted tones and soft transitions. Light brown, ash or blond hair combined with pale skin gives a feeling of lightness.

Description of color types

I hope you have already figured out what color type you consider yourself to be. If there are still any doubts, then I give a detailed description with recommendations about who needs what.

Winter is cold and bright. Often these are oriental girls with an exotic appearance. Their skin can be dark olive, pale porcelain, cold beige. Eye color is bright - brown, green, blue, etc. The lips are clearly defined and rich in color. Hair – black, brown, dark brown without red.

Such girls can have bright accents in their clothes and not seem vulgar: red, purple, turquoise, a combination of black and white, pink and others. Makeup is also acceptable, although winter girls look amazing without it. Lipstick should be cool: red, burgundy, fuchsia, lilac and almost all shades of pink. It is also advisable to keep eye makeup in cool shades. Metal of such girls: silver, white gold.

Spring is warm and subdued. This type is quite rare, but most often these are European girls. They have delicate and fair skin and may have freckles. The hair is golden, light brown with a slight reddish tint. Eyebrows and hair color do not contrast with the tone of the face. The eyes are soft - blue, gray, green.

A spring girl needs to choose her wardrobe in her own color scheme. All gentle warm shades are suitable: yellow, mustard, grass color, peach, etc. It will create contrast and add freshness to the blue color. The main thing in makeup is not to overdo it. Light tone, pastel shadows, brown mascara, warm lipstick and peach blush are all you need. Jewelry is suitable from gold, wood and natural stones.

Summer is cold and subdued. Most often this type is found among us – Slavs. Light skin, porcelain or cold beige. Eyes gray, green or blue - gentle. Hair color is mostly light brown with a gray tint.

Clothes are suitable in soft light colors: tea rose, blue, lilac, gray, etc. The make-up is also maintained in these colors. Almost all shades of pink, cool red and berry are suitable for lipstick. It is better to use brown mascara. Girls' summer metal is silver and white gold.

Autumn is warm and bright. These are fiery red-haired beasts - pale-faced and with freckles. Hair is deep red or brown with a golden tint. The eyes are very bright - green or blue.

The clothes of such girls should be bright colors: red, turquoise, yellow, blue, etc. As a rule, they do not need special makeup. It is enough to highlight your eyes with brown eyeliner and mascara, apply transparent gloss and warm blush. You don’t have to skimp on jewelry; almost anything suits these girls.

To better understand what clothes will highlight your strengths and individual style, I recommend subscribing to the free course “ 5 stylish lessons" The course is very high quality, with specific examples and a huge number of photos.

Excellent video about another classification of color types:

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Combination of colors in clothes It's worth researching before you start shopping. It will help you look stylish and expensive, regularly appear in new looks, and at the same time save a lot of space in your closet. If you are familiar with the problem “Nothing to wear, nowhere to put it,” then quickly add my blog to your bookmarks. I will help you with tips and tricks on how to successfully build your wardrobe! Today we will understand the principles of the correct combination of colors in clothes, in the photo I will clearly show different options for color schemes and ready-made looks. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!

Combination of colors in clothes: how the basic table works

Skill combine colors in clothes- not an innate quality, unattainable by mere mortals. It is quite possible to master it at any age!

Color circle- This is a scheme of smooth color transitions. The main colors are blue, red and yellow. Secondary colors - green, orange and purple - are formed by mixing two primary colors. Next come the tertiary shades - purple, bright red, indigo, turquoise, light green, gold. According to classic fashion rules, it is better not to combine shades that are located next to each other on the color wheel.

Principles of successful combination of shades

Color combination in clothes: blue

Blue helps to create almost any look: business, casual, evening. The versatility of the blue color is facilitated by the presence of a mass of its shades, which are simply impossible to list, since some of them differ only in halftones, which can only be distinguished by highly qualified professionals. Modern designers pay especially much attention to cornflower blue, aquamarine, indigo, royal blue, and sapphire. No less popular are all shades of turquoise, as well as sea green. Navy, which was previously used mainly for the production of military uniforms, can increasingly be seen in widespread use.

Blue and white
All shades of blue go well with pure white. Such clothes can look both businesslike and informal, it all depends on the chosen style. A dark blue suit or skirt combined with a white blouse is a classic office style, but a long, bright ultraviolet skirt with a light white top or blazer is perfect for walking and relaxing with friends.

Blue and gray
A rather unusual combination of blue and gray in clothes can make the image both unexpectedly fresh and dull, so it is important to choose the right shades. It is better to choose a gray color without a green tint, and among the shades of blue, cornflower blue and indigo would be preferable. You can dilute the look with white or beige accessories - shoes, handbag or gloves.

Blue and yellow
A fresh summer mood can be created by combining the color of the sun with a hint of the sea. Often such ensembles can be found while relaxing by the sea, because nature itself suggests this stylish color scheme. If you wear a light yellow, lemon blouse with a dark blue or muted cornflower blue skirt or trousers, you can get a wonderful, unique option for the office. This combination also looks good in everyday wear. Choose these shades if you want to look fresh and youthful.

Blue and red
The answer to the question of what color blue goes with is as elegant as possible on the surface. It's definitely red. However, it is worth remembering that the most advantageous will be a combination of shades that have similar characteristics. So, for cold blue, burgundy and crimson will be the most suitable, and muted shades will look great with soft, mixed tones of red. Also, a duet of rich shades of blue and bright red, scarlet will look great.

Blue and green.
A combination of colors in clothing that is inspired by nature itself. The sky shining through the foliage of trees, or a lake framed by bright reeds - perhaps these are the images that come to fashion designers who create collections in this color scheme. Dark blue looks very interesting with different shades of green, as a result it seems less gloomy.

Color combination in clothes: gray

Light and dark tones of gray in modern fashion are used in evening wear, sportswear, business ensembles, casual style, and elements of a basic wardrobe. The combination of gray in clothes with other colors to create an elegant, memorable look excites women of different ages.

Gray and yellow
This combination is extraordinary, stylish, positive. Pastel tones of yellow and beige go well with a cozy ash shade, but what to wear with a dark, rich gray shade is bright, pure yellow. Moreover, the richer the yellow, the larger the palette of dark gray shades that goes with it.
When choosing the shades of the items in a set, you need to take into account whether they are warm or cold, and combine only warm or only cold tones in one set. Cool pale yellow and beige tones will harmoniously combine with any shade of gray, with the exception of clearly warm ones.

Gray and red, pink
If steel predominates in clothing, and red only complements the image with accessories and shoes, then the combination of red and gray gives the image a solemn, noble look. Otherwise, the set emphasizes the sexual energy of red.

Ashy shade, steely combined with pale pink. This duet is appropriate for everyday and festive outfits. A blouse made of delicate fabric will help create a romantic, delicate look. The more purple and fuchsia there are in the image, the darker gray shade is needed in the ensemble, which will mute the rich color and smooth out the brightness. Shocking pink or purple will create a noble outfit in a duet with steel, pale pink-gray, the color of wet asphalt and other dark tones.

Gray and purple
Violet-steel, pearl and violet-anthracite combination is suitable for evening looks. The presence of gloss and metallic shine of the fabric only emphasizes the festive look of the clothing. In a purple-gray duet, the color proportions can be the same, and a blouse in purple-lilac tones will harmoniously complement the dark gray bottom of the set. A luxurious evening violet-lilac-steel outfit made of colored fabric, where all shades are mixed. The combination with gray pearl violet-lilac shades is especially impressive.
In business-style clothing, anthracite, the color of dark asphalt, is harmoniously combined with violet-lilac. For everyday wear, combinations of dark gray tones with purple are used.

Color combination in clothes: green

Green is one of the universal colors that look harmonious in many situations. Moreover, the diverse palette of shades of this color makes it easy to choose an outfit that suits women of different color types, ages, heights, and builds. One of the advantages of green is its complete self-sufficiency. In principle, it does not require accessories or additions of a different color. At the same time, green clothes can be perfectly combined with clothes in other colors and shades.

Green and white
A universal combination. Any shade of green looks great against a snow-white background. For example, white blouse + green skirt, trousers, shorts.

Green and black
Discreet black color always harmonizes well with any shades of green. It makes bright green more muted, while the deep, rich shade makes it even more expressive.

Green and red
Bright, self-sufficient colors always look very impressive in combination with each other. To prevent the image from looking too flashy, one of these colors should be darker.

Green and orange
Bright, rich summer colors harmoniously complement each other. For example, a green suit and rich orange accessories look very stylish, or vice versa.

Green and yellow
A cool yellow blouse or top will go perfectly with an emerald or mint green skirt. Clothing in a warmer yellow color will sparkle in a new way against a background of light green, olive or khaki.

Color combination in clothes: red

Red in its pure form is not such a common occurrence in wardrobes; it is too assertive, demanding of the figure and appearance.
In most cases, red is present in clothes in doses, as a component of floral and checkered patterns, stripes and other multi-color prints. Intertwined with other colors, when combining red in clothes, red seems to lose its sexually aggressive component and takes on a new meaning. But even in large quantities, red can look stylish, if you take into account the rules of color combinations.

Red with white
Red and white is a classic nautical style, a light sexy flair of the pin-up style, as well as many other styles from feminine “new look” to girlish “preppy” and “baby-doll”. White softens the aggressiveness and sexuality of red, so this combination is suitable for almost all women, the main thing is to decide on the style.

Red and gray
This is where true elegance lies. When choosing this combination, you should pay attention to the lightness of gray and red. It is better if the set consists of shades of equal lightness.

Red and yellow, orange
These combinations are most often successful and clear to the eye, but not many individuals are able to pull off such a bright color explosion in one image. If you choose such ensembles, then the environment - nature, situation and surroundings should fully correspond to the brightness and cheerfulness of the outfit. In everyday urban style, this combination is unlikely to be appropriate, but it can be used for evening dresses and elegant cocktail dresses.

Red and green
Red in a duet with warm shades of green - the color of young greenery, olive, khaki, creates a dynamic, “restless” message that is more suitable for youth and sportswear. But the combination of red with cold, deep shades of green looks noble and restrained. In this case, you should adhere to the rules of combining red and black: do not make it smaller, the larger the color blocks, the better.
