Washing a down jacket in a washing machine is the right approach. Video: How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Down jackets for our climate are perhaps the best option for winter clothing. There is only one problem with them: washing or cleaning. The down filler of a warm jacket requires such delicate handling that attempts to return things to cleanliness can end in failure. But not everything is so hopeless. Desperate and determined housewives, who do not want to put up with the vagaries of things, have learned from their own experience how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine without ruining the fluff inside it. The result sometimes exceeds all expectations, but you will have to work hard.

Washing versus cleaning

Manufacturers of down jackets have long insisted that their products, when contaminated, should be subjected to exclusively dry cleaning. But the people stubbornly bent their own and learned how to properly return things to cleanliness at home. No one knows how many down jackets were innocently destroyed when trying to wash them, but as a result, the optimal algorithm was found. And now washing a down jacket in a home washing machine often gives much better results than cleaning.

Dry cleaning has several drawbacks. Chief among them is the high cost. At the same time, you may still be required to sign a receipt that you agree that the company is not responsible for the results of cleaning the down jacket. That is, you can get back something indecent, which was previously your favorite down jacket, along with a formal apology - that's all.

In addition, good dry cleaning is not always within walking distance. And it will take more time. And the most unpleasant thing is that the chemical muck with which your jacket was cleaned will certainly remain in the downy filler. And it often causes allergies and is not at all useful. Especially small children.

It’s better to figure out once how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine on your own, and then trust only your experience.

However, at first it is worth turning to someone else's experience, obtained at the cost of disappointments and losses.

Home specialists who have already mastered the knowledge of how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine are sure: washing down is the easiest thing. It is much more important that the washed item be dried properly. It is the drying process that affects the washing result to the greatest extent.

For washing any down jackets in a washing machine, only a drum-type machine is suitable. No semiautomatic devices with activators can be used.

For optimal drying, an automatic machine with a drying function is best suited. But if this is not available, you can use drying in a room on a coat hanger, on an open balcony, near a not too hot radiator, or even using a hair dryer.

To successfully wash a down jacket in a household automatic machine, you need to choose either a delicate mode, or wash it in a slightly harder washing mode for synthetic fabrics. Can be washed at a moderate temperature not exceeding 30°C.

You will need to use an extra rinse to accurately remove any remaining detergent from the insulation layer.

To prevent the down jacket from being deformed or torn, it is necessary to fasten all zippers, Velcro, buttons and fasteners before washing and turn the thing inside out. If there is a fur edge, it must be removed.

Despite the frequently encountered advice when washing a down jacket, turn off the spin cycle altogether, you still need to wring it out. A wrung out down jacket will dry faster. If you wash it and leave it to just drain, a lot of clumps of fluff will form inside, which will be difficult or impossible to fluff up again. You can squeeze at 400 or a maximum of 600 rpm.

To wash any down jackets in a washing machine, it is highly undesirable to use powder, especially if the down jacket is dark - stains will remain. Powder is more difficult to dissolve and rinses out much worse than liquid streaks. In stores, you can buy expensive and high-quality liquids for washing fluff, but you can completely wash it with any other means for washing woolen items.

You can’t use a regular rinse aid, it will only glue fluff into lumps. But you can use a conditioner specifically designed for washing fluff.

The most important rule: one wash cycle - one down jacket. That's right, when the thing spins freely in the drum.

So that the down jacket does not crumple and does not stick to one of the walls of the drum, several tennis balls must be placed in the drum along with it. The balls won't let him lie still. They will always engage in an active wash cycle, which will reduce the formation of clumps of down and feather. Instead of tennis balls, you can wash a down jacket with massage balls, or with balls designed to play with dogs.

Drying rules

If you have a drying function in your car, then the down jacket should also be dried with balls. If there is no drying, then you should straighten the washed item and hang it neatly on hangers in the room or on the balcony.

During the drying process, you must constantly shake the thing, gently sort out the fluff that has strayed into lumps. Sometimes it is better to return the shape of an already washed down jacket by scrolling in the machine 2-3 times, placing it in the drum of the machine along with tennis balls and turning on the gentle spin mode.

If the fluff is still strayed into lumps, you will have to beat it with your hands until the original volume returns. Fluff can regain its volume if you use a little trick: put the still damp thing in the freezer. From the moisture contained in the wet thing, small ice crystals are formed, which make the fluff and fibers more voluminous. A completely dry down jacket usually returns to its previous volume and ability to keep you warm even in severe frosts.

In order for washing your favorite down jacket in the washing machine to be successful, you cannot:

  • wash with pre-soak;
  • use water hotter than 40°C;
  • use bleaching agents;
  • dry a thing by laying it out on a table or wrapping it in a towel;
  • dry longer than 2 days.

Caring for a down jacket is a must, regardless of how often you wear it. In case of local contamination, you can try. But since many models are machine-washable, this simplifies the care of the product. This should be done correctly, then the appearance and warming qualities will not suffer. It is better to wash it after the end of the winter season.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

Before washing the down jacket in the washing machine, the item must be prepared as follows:

  • The label will help to solve the dilemma “is it possible to wash the down jacket”. The first step is to check the information on it regarding the possibility of machine washing and the maximum temperature.
  • Unfasten fur cuffs, hood and collar, remove all items from pockets.
  • Look at the places that get dirty the most - collar, cuffs, pockets, hem on the inside. If complex stains are found, pre-wash the contaminated area or apply a stain remover. To do this, lay the product on a horizontal surface and use a suitable tool. Before putting into the washing machine, wash off the product used.
  • Check for loose parts, hem weak spots.
  • Turn inside out and close all buttons, locks. This will help keep the shape of the product and not damage the drum of the machine.
  • Load into the drum separately from all other things. This also applies to the hood with a belt.

Important! If the stitching on the down jacket is rare, it is better not to wash it, even when there is a permissive icon on the label.

Choosing a detergent

The drum of the washing machine will not damage the down jacket, but the wrong detergent is quite capable of this. Good options:

  • Special detergents for washing natural down. They do not affect the thermal insulation properties of the filler, even restore them, easily remove stains, and provide a pleasant aroma. For example, such as "Heitmann", "Domal Sport Fein Fashion", "Woly Sport Down wash" can be found in sports stores.
  • It is better to use powders for children, for example, "Eared Nanny" or "Tide Children", they rinse out better than usual and do not leave streaks.
  • Liquid detergents for washing machines: "Dreft", "Weasel", "Eared Nanny", "Villus".
  • Gel laundry capsules
  • Regular shampoos (you should be careful with them, because they foam a lot)

If outerwear is made of special means are selected for it.

Proper washing of a down jacket in a machine

The first point is the selection of the washing mode for the down jacket in the washing machine. There is no special one for such things, so you need the most delicate mode with a temperature of 30-40⁰. It may be called:

  • Delicate
  • sparing
  • Wool

If not, then you need to configure it manually. In addition to the main one, you should choose a short session in clean water without detergent. The choice of one or another option depends on the quality of the thing.

The rules apply to rinsing and spinning:

  • Rinsing is optional. It will not allow stains to appear after drying.
  • Spin - at minimum speed. Parameter 400-600 will be optimal. You should not turn off the spin cycle, because this will provoke the formation of lumps inside. During the drying process, you can run the spin mode a couple of times without washing.

Important! The washing time depends on the set mode, on average, using an additional rinse, it is about 2-2.5 hours.

During the washing process, you can not:

  • Soak a down jacket, even if it has a lot of dirt on it
  • Wash at temperatures above +40⁰
  • Use any bleach
  • Add other things to the drum

Washing a winter product with balls

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine with ordinary tennis balls will help to avoid the problem of knocking down down, it will not deform. In the process of washing, the balls break down the fluff, it does not have time to stray into lumps. There are special balls for washing down jackets, but if you can’t find any, tennis balls will do. Their number is 3-5 pieces.

Before putting the balls into the drum, they should be prepared as follows:

  1. Soak them in boiling water for 1-2 hours
  2. Add chlorine cleaner

These measures are necessary so that tennis balls do not shed. You should not buy them in too bright colors.

Other options:

  • Using rubber massage balls
  • Tie balls of thread of approximately the same size into socks

Washing a down jacket without balls

Without balls (tennis or special), it is better not to wash a down jacket. The only exception is a product with many "compartments" that are stitched and fluff is enclosed in them. Also, without balls, you can wash products with artificial filler, for example, synthetic winterizer.

How to get rid of streaks on fabric

To prevent stains from appearing on the fabric of the down jacket, you can not use:

  • Whitening products
  • Dry powders

You can wash in a washing machine without streaks at home, if you do not forget to run an extra rinse.

Another reason for the appearance of divorces is the dishonesty of the manufacturer. In the process of processing the filler, an incomplete cleaning cycle was carried out. As a result, after washing, the fat from the natural filler appears on the fabric of the down jacket.

You can remove stains with dishwashing liquid. Apply it diluted in water to the spots and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

How to dry the product

Drying is another important step in after-wash care. If you hold it incorrectly, the down jacket will no longer be as warm as before, it will lose its shape. A categorical ban is drying using heat sources - batteries, a hair dryer, especially an iron. Their use is one of the causes of divorce.

Drying is carried out at room temperature, on a coat hanger. It is best to dry the down jacket turned inside out, fastened with all zippers and buttons. It should not be wrapped in a towel or laid out on a horizontal surface. The result of such drying can be rotting of fluff, as a greenhouse effect occurs. The condition for successful drying is air access from all sides.

Advice! If the washing machine has a “drying” mode, then it should be used, while balls are also used. The temperature is not higher than +30⁰, the duration is 2-3 hours.

Periodically, the down jacket should be shaken, this will help to distribute the fluff evenly and dry. After drying, the product may look wrinkled, but it must not be ironed. Using a clothes steamer will help.

Do not dry outdoors in winter. If the temperature is already positive, then you can send clothes to the balcony.

What to do if the filler has gone astray

If the filler is out of order, the down jacket can be saved. Lumps will be noticeable when it is not completely dry yet. What can be done in this situation:

  • Beat and shake the down jacket like a very dusty carpet. Attention should be paid to areas in the corners of the sleeves, at the pockets, at the bottom of the hem.
  • Manual distribution. The lumps are clearly felt by the hands, they should be broken, and the fluff should be dispersed throughout the stitched section.
  • In the most difficult situations, a vacuum cleaner will help. It is necessary to run it at low power and move the tube, without a nozzle, from the wrong side of the product. "Linger" should be in places with large lumps.

Some difficulties

During the drying process, an unpleasant odor may appear, especially if the technology is broken. It will not work to get rid of it by airing, besides, there is a risk that the fluff inside will begin to rot. If in two days the product has not dried out, then it must be washed again and this time dried in accordance with all the rules. The main thing is to ensure high-quality ventilation.

Even if everything is done correctly, it is impossible to wash the down jacket more than once a year. This may affect the quality of the fabric of the down jacket. If the clothes are light-coloured, you can use a dry stain remover between washes.

If you wash your down jacket correctly, it will last for years.

Not knowing how to clean a down jacket from dirt, many take it to a dry cleaner, where professionals will carefully remove all dirt. It's wise to do this at the end of the winter, before putting away all warm clothes in the closet, as dry cleaning is quite expensive and time consuming. But what if the down jacket gets dirty during the winter or autumn? It remains to wash it by hand or in a washing machine. Faced with such a situation for the first time, many do not dare to wash the down jacket on their own, but there is nothing terrible and difficult in this. One has only to take into account some features of the down product and familiarize yourself with the basic rules of washing.

What is a real down jacket made of?

Everyone is accustomed to referring to down jackets all voluminous winter jackets, regardless of what they consist of. In fact, inside a real down jacket there should be down (goose, swan, eiderdown or duck). On the tag of such a product should be marked "down". But such a label is extremely rare. Often, down jackets are filled with down and feathers, in which case the tag will contain the inscription - “feather”. It is these downy products that require special care and delicate handling when washing.

Not only down jackets require careful handling, but also outerwear filled with other heaters, which are of a synthetic nature of origin:

Therefore, the general rules for washing a down jacket will be quite relevant for owners of other insulated winter jackets.

Down jackets require special care

Basic rules for washing a down jacket

    Before you start washing the down jacket, you need to clean all pockets, valves and lapels from small debris, parts and other things. This can be done with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

    All buttons, zippers and rivets must be fastened so that they do not deform during washing, and their parts cannot spoil the down product. Some models of down jackets are made quilted in order to fix the down more securely. Before you start washing such a jacket, it is best to sew open seams so that later the wet fluff does not move to other cells.

    Before you start washing the entire down product, some especially soiled areas are best treated with a special stain remover or solvent. In this case, it is imperative to pay attention to the material from which the down jacket is sewn, so as not to accidentally spoil it or damage the integrity of the fabric.

    Before you start washing the down product, you need to find a label on the inside of the down jacket that indicates the recommended temperature for washing. As experience shows, it is best to follow the instructions and take into account the temperature, since its increase can significantly affect the quality of the wash and the plastic fittings of the product.

    To clean the down jacket from heavy dirt, you can use only soft brushes and foam rubber sponges.

    It should be noted that down refers to materials with a fine-meshed structure, which retains water well and, accordingly, all detergents, therefore, for a better washing result, the down jacket must be rinsed several times.

    It is also worth considering that in order to give the material from which down jackets are sewn special protective properties, it is impregnated with a special solution, which is gradually washed out with each subsequent wash.

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine

In addition to its positive characteristics, fluff also has a number of negative ones, such as:

    ability to accumulate dust

    crumple when wet

    absorb water and detergents well,

    hold water and sms for a long time.

Therefore, before you start washing a down jacket in a washing machine, you need to remember that:

    Only one down jacket can be loaded into the washing machine.

    Washing of a downy product should be carried out at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

    The down jacket should be washed only in a delicate mode at low speeds.

    Before washing the down jacket, it must be turned inside out so that the feathers that tend to crawl out cannot spoil the appearance of the product. You also need to fasten all buttons, rivets and buttons.

    The down product should be spun at the lowest speed of the washing machine.

    For washing a down jacket, only special liquid synthetic detergents can be used.

The down jacket must be washed on a delicate cycle.

Some models of down jackets are sold complete with special wash balls, which, together with the down jacket, are placed in the drum of the washing machine. If such balls were not offered to you when buying a down jacket, then they can be replaced with the most ordinary tennis balls. Even three or four balls in the drum of the washing machine will not allow fluff to stray into lumps. The wringing process of your down product can take place along with tennis balls.

Modern models of drum-type washing machines allow you to gently clean the down jacket from heavy dirt. When washing a down jacket, no other things should be present in the drum of the machine, since particles of down that fall into the water have the ability to penetrate into the fabrics of other things, and their removal will take a lot of free time.

Why is it not recommended to use washing powder? Washing powder will not cause any harm to your fluff, it is simply very difficult to rinse out of the small fluff cells. When using washing powder, you just need to rinse the down jacket more thoroughly.

If your down jacket is not seriously soiled, then it is not necessary to wash it in a washing machine, you can also resort to a more gentle cleaning method - hand washing.

Reading time: 1 minute

A down jacket is the thing that almost every inhabitant of the northern latitudes probably has in their wardrobe. Warm, cozy, suitable for various clothes, not so capricious in care and " biting"for the price of a fur coat. Small dirt on the down jacket can be easily washed or wiped with a damp cloth. However, at least once a year he needs a complete cleaning. Washing a down jacket in an automatic machine is a responsible matter, since any wrong step can lead to the fact that the fluff crumple in certain areas or even leave its limits. Therefore, we will present you with detailed instructions for this procedure so that the winter jacket will please you for more than one season.

If you carefully look at the instructions for your down jacket, you will most likely notice that the manufacturer does not recommend machine washing at all, but recommends going to a dry cleaner. However, this dry cleaning method contains a number of significant drawbacks:

  • High price. Sometimes the price of a down jacket seems ridiculous compared to the cost of cleaning it annually on the advice of the manufacturer.
  • Lack of responsibility. Many dry cleaners, before accepting an item from a client, require you to sign a service agreement, which, among other things, also states that the company does not bear any responsibility for the result. That is, if you end up with some semblance of your once cute down jacket, then no one will be to blame for this, and you will not be compensated for the damage.
  • Time. Throwing a thing into the machine, getting it out, hanging it to dry, or going to that same dry cleaner are actions that require very different time costs.
  • Harmfulness. It is not a fact that the chemical trace elements of the substances with which your jacket was cleaned will not remain in the filler. Contact with them will definitely not benefit allergy sufferers and young children.

We erase ourselves

Experienced housewives warn: the main thing is not to wash, but to properly dry the winter jacket. Therefore, it would be advisable for us to disassemble the process of cleaning things in stages, before washing the down jacket in the machine.

Detergent selection

First of all, you need to choose the right detergent. In no case do we recommend stopping at washing powder, especially if the down jacket is dark - ugly white stains and stains may remain on the product when the down jacket is washed in the machine.

The best option is liquid detergents. You can buy it as a special solution for washing down, or you can choose a less expensive solution for washing woolen items.

But any ordinary rinse is very likely to cause the fluff in the product to stick together into tight lumps. Therefore, you do not need to save on it - purchase a special rinse aid for washing natural fluff.
How to wash a down jacket in an automatic machine is to choose the right detergent. In the table, we have placed the most popular tools and their features.

"Unipuh" Eco Nordland Sport Gels Heitmann
Sport Fein Fashion Woly Sport Down Wash & Clean Nikwax

Means Specialization: Wash:
"Unipuh" A liquid agent that can be used not only for down jackets, but also for pillows, blankets, etc. with a similar filler Vial weighing 250 ml ( cost - about 300 rubles) enough for 5-6 wash cycles
Eco Nordland Sport Washing down jackets, sportswear, thermal underwear Balm based on natural ingredients - shows its properties at a water temperature of at least 20 degrees. 750 ml of the product, according to the manufacturer, is enough for 25 washing cycles of a down jacket. In stores, the average price of a balm is 200-250 rubles.

Be careful - for hard water, it is necessary to increase the dosage of the product from one cap to three

Gels Heitmann, Ostrich Special detergents for washing down jackets - contain a number of active ingredients that wash out old dirt from these products The dosage of the agent directly depends on the content of magnesium and calcium salts in the water - in a word, on its hardness. Washing when using the gel should be carried out at a delicate mode and a maximum temperature of 30 degrees.

One of the unpleasant moments is that the components of the product can leave white stains if you forget about the extra rinse.

Spin should be turned on at low speeds. Dry the item in the same way as in the recommendations - away from sources of strong heat

Sport Fein Fashion Similar in many respects to Eco Nordland Sport 750 ml is enough for 10 machine wash cycles. It has a standard composition: anionic and ionic surfactants, conditioner and fragrances. The price of the gel is low, but it is better known in wholesale than in retail
Woly Sport Down Wash & Clean Detergent intended for washing fluff contained in various products A bottle of 250 ml will cost the buyer 300 rubles


Perwoll Balsam Magic,

(liquid soap)

Universal detergents, which, among other things, can also be used to wash a down jacket

Advice! To make sure that heavy soiling stretches, do not forget to rub it properly with laundry soap before washing. If you are a fan of modern technology, then instead of this " grandmother's» method, you can use the steamer, or the function « steam boost» on the iron.


Can the down jacket be washed in a washing machine? Of course! But it will have to be prepared for washing:

  • Remove the fur collar.
  • Take everything out of your pockets.
  • Remove the straps, tie the puffs so that they do not come loose when washing.
  • Fasten all zippers, close pockets, glue Velcro.
  • In conclusion, turn the thing inside out and push it into the drum.

Advice! Carefully inspect the seams of the product. If feathers climb out of them even when worn, then it is best to refuse washing in a typewriter - the result is great that the down jacket is strong after it. will lose weight».


Is it possible to wash a down jacket in an automatic machine after all? Yes, but only in a drum-type automatic machine! Semi-automatic machines, machines with activators - all this is guaranteed to ruin the thing.

Washing mode is better to choose the following:

  • Actually, for washing down jackets, if any;
  • Delicate;
  • For wool, silk;
  • For synthetic things ( in this case, put the most "hard" program).

Washing temperature - no more than 30 degrees.

Speaking about how to wash a down jacket in a machine, we advise you to run only one down jacket in one wash cycle, without the neighborhood of other things. In order for it to come out of the machine the same as you put it there, it must spin freely in the drum.

Also, our recommendation would be to activate an additional rinse - it is much more difficult to wash all the detergent from a down jacket than from a less dense and thick thing. Yes, and fluff, feathers do not have a very good property - they quickly absorb the components of detergents and hardly " give away».

You will also see a lot of useful washing tips in the video in this article.

Advice! When washing, there is still a chance that the down jacket may twist or stick to the walls of the rotating drum. So that this does not happen, and feathers and fluff do not clump into clods, there is one very simple tip - before washing, put small plastic or rubber balls in the drum - tennis, children's, massage, designed to play with pets. You can also find special balls for washing down jackets in stores - you will need 3-4 pieces. And you can also buy special tourmaline spheres - as in the photo. Some housewives also recommend soft badminton balls.


How to wash a down jacket in a typewriter, we figured it out. Now let's do the push. Some advise turning it off, as it can cause some of the fluff to leave your product forever. However, we advise you to leave this option active: drying a down jacket full of water is a very tiring task at home ( how many buckets of water you just have to remove). In addition, with such drying, the fluff will clump into lumps, which will not be so easy to straighten. There is a possibility that the thing, without drying, will ban.

However, to squeeze the down jacket, you should not set the maximum speed - 400-600 per minute is enough.

Advice! If you decide to use tennis balls when spinning and washing, then choose white balls. The dye can leave stains on the down jacket. To save yourself the surprise, soak colored balls for 3-4 hours in bleach.


After you have taken the thing out of the machine, the first thing you need to do is open it, unfasten all pockets, latches, zippers. But it is still too early to turn it from the wrong side to the front.

You can dry the down jacket in two versions - to your attention the instruction:

  • In an automatic washing machine with drying function. Remember the tip about balls? So, when drying, their presence in the drum is also necessary.
  • Drying must necessarily take place in a vertical position on hangers - in a ventilated room, on a balcony, near a not too hot battery. The process can be accelerated by drying the down jacket warm ( but not hot!) with jets of air from a hair dryer. Do not forget to vigorously shake the thing from time to time, knead the feathers with your hands.

Be sure to make sure that the down jacket is completely dry - otherwise the wet down will rot, the thing will smell unpleasant, and then there will be nothing left but to get rid of it.

Advice! In no case should a down jacket be dried under the influence of strong heat, hot air, even if you really want it to dry quickly.

If it didn't work out...

If you still missed something, and the fluff gathered in places in treacherous lumps, this is not a reason to consider the thing spoiled. We will tell you how to restore its presentable appearance ( it will also be useful to you if you wondered “Can a duvet be washed in a typewriter?”, And something went wrong for you):

  • Send the already washed item for 2-3 delicate spin cycles in the automatic machine. Don't forget to throw tennis balls in there too.
  • Group the damp down jacket properly and put it in the freezer. Small ice crystals, into which frozen moisture will turn, will add volume to the fibers and fluff. And here is the already dried product after such “ shock» freezing should return to its original form.


To prevent the down jacket from turning into an awkward jacket after washing and drying, in no case do the following:

  • Pre-soaking things before washing the down jacket in an automatic machine.
  • The water temperature is over 40 degrees.
  • Use of bleaches ( even for white down jackets).
  • Drying clothes in a towel or on a horizontal surface.


How to wash down jackets in a typewriter, we sorted it out. But the soiled thing can be washed not only in the washing machine, but also by hand. During the washing process, do not forget:

  • Do not soak the down jacket, wash immediately, without prior action.
  • You need to hand wash the down jacket vertically - hang it on a hanger above the bath.
  • Also opt for liquid detergent. Apply it with a dishwashing sponge and rinse with a shower of water.
  • Do not use both bleaches and dyes.
  • The washing temperature is the same as in the machine - no more than 30 degrees.
  • Rinse out of the shower several times after washing.
  • But a hand-washed down jacket is best dried not in a vertical, but in a horizontal position.

We told you everything we knew about how to properly wash a down jacket in an automatic machine. We hope that our advice was useful to you, and after such a cleaning, the thing will return to you clean and fresh.

Good day, dear friends! There are many subtleties and secrets that any hostess can adopt.

Moreover, useful tips will not interfere at any age, good recipes and recommendations for care will always come in handy.

And even experienced housewives can learn how to manage a proper household.
So, today we will touch on some features of washing. I will tell you how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine.

You will learn the best way to wash such a thing, and how to properly care for it.

A down jacket is one of the most common types of outerwear. It has excellent thermal insulation, and is also practical and comfortable to wear.

You can find out if the product can be washed from the label. If an item is hand wash only, it will display the hand wash symbol.

Most often, such clothes can still be processed in a typewriter, but it is important to follow some rules so that the fluff does not go astray, an unpleasant odor does not appear, and.

Preparing things

Before the procedure, you need to prepare a thing. First, inspect the pockets to remove all things from them. Then inspect the down jacket for stains.

They can be found. Such stains should be further treated.

To do this, use a special tool or laundry soap.

Be sure to turn the garment inside out. Buttons and zippers need to be fastened first.

Put and wash down jackets separately in the machine.

How to wash a down jacket?

After the item is ready, proceed to washing. You can buy a special tool for such things.
There are also special balls for down jackets that protect the product from knocking down down. Can also be washed with tennis balls.

With balls, you can also process other things that contain fluff.
It is important to correctly determine the appropriate mode. How long the wash should last depends on the specific machine.

For example, LG has a special program with calculated time.

If there is no such program, then you can select the delicate mode: for silk, wool or delicate fabrics.

The temperature should not be more than 30 degrees.

Do not forget to apply an additional rinse, as the fluff absorbs all the detergents remarkably, but gives them away very badly.

Choice of remedy

An important question is what means to wash such things. You can watch the video for more details on their selection.
Choose a liquid product, as it will be easier to rinse after it.

But its composition should not contain bleaching components.

Cannot be washed with ordinary powder or soap. It is not recommended to add conditioners and emollients.

  1. The usual option on a synthetic winterizer can be washed with a powder or detergent that is suitable for a similar fabric.
  2. For products made from bio down, special products are better suited.
  3. A jacket made of membrane fabric or camel wool is best washed by hand.
  4. or a jacket with leather elements is recommended to be dry-cleaned.
  5. If used as filler thinsulate, then you need to use the delicate wash mode and special products.
  6. When using a substitute holofiber, the product can be washed entirely. The temperature should be no more than 30 degrees, and you also need to use a special tool for such things.

If you are going to wring out the product, then do not forget to set delicate turns. Do not wash more than twice a year.
The means by which such a thing can be processed include: Ariel, Lascu, SportFeinFashion and Pervol.
You will also need information on how to bleach the product.

After all, many bleaching agents cannot be used to eliminate yellowness, as clothes can deteriorate.
If bleaching will be done in a washing machine, you can try Weasel, White or Pervol.

With the right proportions, delicate. Be sure to check the dosage on the bottle.

To avoid streaks, do not use ordinary powders, and after washing, rinse the down jacket thoroughly.

If stains appear on an already dried item, then it is recommended to wash the jacket again.

How to dry a down jacket?

After washing, it is important to dry the product properly. If there is a drying function, then you can use it.

With the correct procedure, the thing will be like new.
So, let's go through the basic rules of competent drying:

  1. If there is a drying mode, then the product must be dried in the mode for. At a temperature of 30 degrees, the thing will dry in a couple of hours. Special balls can also be placed in the drum. Then the product must be hung on a coat hanger. A thin down jacket will dry faster.
  2. If the fluff gets into the pockets and corners of the down jacket, then it should be dried with a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner. The device must be moved in a circle or to the sides.
  3. During the drying process, the filler must be shaken periodically. To do this, you need to turn the jacket on the face and inside out, and also straighten the filler with your hands.
  4. Do not dry the product in a horizontal position, as the filler may rot, inhibit or acquire an unpleasant odor.

How to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not go astray

So that the fluff does not go astray, you need to carefully choose the right detergent. Many powders leave streaks.

Better to use gel for special fabrics. In this case, the dosage should not be more than 35 ml. In case of severe contamination, the amount can be increased to 60 ml.

Water should be cool. It is better to unfasten the fur elements and then wash them separately.
To protect the filler from knocking down tennis balls should be placed in different directions.
Most often, the delicate mode lasts about 50 minutes. If the product is poorly washed, then the procedure can be repeated.

If the fluff is already visible from the seams before washing, then the item may not withstand washing.

Down jacket washing methods

To wash a product from holofiber, you need to pour cool water into a basin, the temperature of which should not exceed 30 degrees.

Then you need to add a special agent for delicate clothes. Do not add powder, as it will leave streaks.

Then the thing is immersed in water and washed. After that, in a separate container, it must be rinsed well and squeezed out.
If things require special care, then you can use the gentle washing method:

  • a dirty area is treated with a liquid agent;
  • then it needs to be rubbed with a brush;
  • the dirt is washed off with water from the shower. In this case, the jet is located at an angle;
  • the clothes are then hung out to dry.

Be sure to read the labels on the clothes before washing, as not all types of down jackets can be washed in water.

Some products are processed by dry cleaning.
Proper care of the down jacket is also important. After a walk, you need to shake off the snow from the clothes, and then hang it on a coat hanger.

It is important to prevent things from getting wet.
It is better to have a down jacket away from heaters. Periodically inspect the product for contamination.

Dirt in some areas can be cleaned with a brush and soap.

If you know good ways to wash a down jacket, then write about them in the comments.

See you again.
