Arrows for the eyes: types and technique. The right arrows on the eyes: choose and draw (photo) Various arrows on the eyes

One of the most powerful weapons of female beauty is makeup, thanks to which you can transform, emphasize facial features and hide imperfections.

Therefore, the main role in makeup is played by the eyes, which can be made more expressive and attractive. To make the eye makeup perfect, it will not do without arrows, with which you can adjust the shape of the eyes.

Beautiful sophisticated eyeliners have always been in fashion and are suitable for all women and girls, regardless of the type of face, hair color and eye shape. If you do not agree with this, then you do not yet know which arrows for the eyes are ideal or you simply do not know how to draw arrows on the eyes correctly.

We will correct this situation and therefore in today's article we will try not just to teach you how to draw the perfect arrows for the eyes using videos and photos step by step.

We will also talk about the types of arrows for the eyes and show illustrative examples in the photo of arrows on the eyes and options for spectacular makeup with arrows.

The main types of arrows on the eyes - choose your arrow style for the eyes

In makeup, there are different types of arrows for the eyes, and we will talk about them further. Today, the arrows on the eyes are not limited to one black tint, they have different shapes and application techniques.

Let's start with the classic eyeliners in the form of a black stripe only on the upper eyelid. Refined classic arrows on the eyes can be created in different thicknesses.

In the classic version, the arrows on the eyes are drawn all over the eyelid, without protruding beyond the outer corner. This is the simplest version of the arrow on the eyes, which makes the eyes more expressive and at the same time, this makeup does not look excessive and is suitable for any occasion.

Cat's eye arrows are next in popularity. Refined cat arrows are the same classic eye arrows with elongation. Ideally, the tail of the cat eye liner should be parallel to the lash line of the lower lid. And in this version of the arrow for the eyes, the lower eyelid is brought down with a black stripe.

If you lower the tip of the arrow, then visually make the eyes narrower. Also, do not raise the tail of the arrow too much in front of the eyes to the top, so you can greatly round the eyes, making them far from ideal.

An interesting option for modern fashionistas will be graphic arrows on the eyes, which are now quite popular.

These include extremely intriguing Egyptian arrows, layered eye arrows, straight arrows on the eyes from the middle of the century, etc.

Colored arrows for the eyes will help you make your eye makeup unsurpassed. Yes, black eyeliners are a traditional classic, but fashion is always moving forward and makeup professionals offer interesting makeup options using arrows of other colors.

It can be white arrows for the eyes, blue arrows fashionable this season, or bright arrows on the eyes of orange and wine shades.

Double arrows have become another type of eye arrows. Unusual double arrows for the eyes can have two tips or can be drawn in different colors. Basically it will be a classic black arrow on the eyes and an additional thin arrow of a different color.

Beautiful double arrows on the eyes drawn on the upper and lower eyelids with elongation will be a godsend in creating a great evening make-up.

A double arrow using glitter looks very impressive. The extra glittery wing makes eye makeup with arrows festive and chic.

Another type of arrows for the eyes are shading arrows or as they are often called smokey. Already by the name it is not difficult to guess what the arrows will look like before the eyes of smokey.

There is no clear line here, the outer corner of the eye is highlighted in black with a muted color. You can draw such arrows in front of your eyes with shadows or a pencil, shading it.

You will see more options for arrows for the eyes in the photo of the arrows on the eyes in our selection.

How to draw arrows in front of your own eyes? Photo ideas of arrows on the eyes in stages

Before you look at the photo of the arrows on the eyes in stages, I would like to give you some useful tips on how to draw arrows on the eyes.

First, choose the right makeup, remember that you need to draw an arrow at the end, that is, apply already on the shadows. You can learn how to draw arrows in front of your eyes with a pencil, eyeliner or shadows.

If you have chosen a pencil to draw arrows for the eyes, it should be soft enough and well sharpened. The eyeliner is perfect for beginners who are learning how to draw eyeliner.

Experienced fashionistas use eyeliner to create beautiful arrows in front of their eyes. And if you use shadows to create arrows, you will need a thin brush.

Ideal arrows for the eyes should be symmetrical and the same. If you draw a double arrow, then the tip of the lower part should be thinner.

There are some simple techniques for creating the right arrows in front of the eyes. First, you can draw the base of the arrow with dots or dotted lines, and then smoothly connect.

You can use special stencils for arrows or attach an even object to the eye parallel to the inner corner, which will serve as a ruler for a perfectly even tip of the arrow.

For more easy ways to draw the correct arrows on the eyes step by step, look at the photo of the arrows for the eyes in stages in our gallery.

How to draw arrows for eyes? Correct arrows on the eyes of the video

If it’s difficult for you to make perfect arrows step by step with a photo of arrows in front of your eyes, watch the video tutorials on drawing arrows with your own hands.

The video on how to draw arrows at home presents several simple and affordable options on how to draw the correct arrows of different types using different tools.

Spectacular eye makeup with arrows - photo of drawn arrows on the eyes

Beautiful arrows on the eyes can be used both in daytime make-up and in evening make-up. Makeup ideas with arrows and photos of drawn arrows, see our gallery.

Everyday women's makeup will become even more attractive with elegant arrows. Many of our customers are interested in how to draw beautiful arrows in front of their eyes with eyeliner and pencil. In our review, we will talk in detail about the phased execution of arrows in different ways.

Proper eye makeup contributes to the formation of a bright attractive image with subtle notes of personality. Follow our recommendations and your image will become more expressive and sexy.

How to choose the shape of the arrows for your eyes?

Different shapes of female eyes require individual selection of the shape of the arrows. Take a close look at your eyes and find out what type they can be attributed to:

    set wide - it is better to prefer a wide version of the line that starts from the inner corner of the eye;

    close-set - start drawing from the middle of the century, expanding to the outer corner. The length of the "tail" can be arbitrary. A good option would be to connect the tail of the arrow with the eyeliner of the lower eyelid;

    large - achieve visual reduction of the eyes due to the beneficial underlining of the upper and lower eyelids;

    round - start drawing a line from the middle of the century. Extend the "tail" towards the temple. Draw the mucosa of the lower eyelid;

    narrowed - make a thin line, thickening towards the center and at the outer corner, slightly raising the tail. Do not draw eyeliner on the lower eyelid, this will make the eyes even narrower;

    eyes with lowered corners - be sure to raise the "tail" of the line. A wider version will look more beautiful;

    eyes with raised corners - with this shape of the eyes, you should repeat the lash line, leaving the direction of the ponytail to the temple. When drawing the bottom line, draw it directly under the eyelashes.

How to learn to draw arrows: step by step instructions

Further in our review, we will focus on the story of how to correctly draw arrows in front of the eyes in stages with shadows, liquid eyeliners and pencils. Try to draw arrows on the eyes step by step, following the algorithm below.

How to draw the correct arrows with a pencil?

    we select a hard pencil to create thin lines and a soft one to make wide ones;

    feel free to start with from the outer corner of the eye and narrow it to the inner corner.

    draw the space between the eyelashes with a stable pencil.

    gradually draw the “tail of the arrow” with a sharpened pencil;

    if necessary, sharpen the tip with a thin brush, simply draw a pencil line with the brush.

    correct the flaws in the drawing with a flat synthetic brush with a corrector.

Arrows on the eyes with liquid eyeliner in stages

    choose a brush that is comfortable for you to draw eyeliner (thin, beveled, “feather”)

    apply eye base and shadow, depending on the desired makeup;

    before drawing, remove excess eyeliner from the brush;

    draw the ciliary contour with a smooth thin line;

    mark the tail of the arrow in the outer corner, depending on the shape of the eyes (parallel to the bottom line of the beginning of the eyebrow);

    repeat the same on the second eye, track the symmetry at each step;

    draw the top line from its tip (tail) to the middle of the eyelid;

    fill the line with eyeliner;

    perform longer arrows, creating the effect of a "cat's eye";

    eyeliner along the ciliary edge visually sets off the density of eyelashes;

    choose the thickness of the arrows according to the shape of your eyes.

  • first pick up a beveled brush from a dense natural pile;
  • moisten it a little with a make-up fixer;

    pick up some dark shadows and start drawing the arrow;

    follow the line with light strokes from the center of the eyelid to the inner corner of the eye;

    similarly draw a line to the outer corner;

    make an arrow that matches the natural curve of the eyelashes at the outer corner;

    connect the drawn lines and paint over the connection;

    do not lower the "tail" below the level of the lower eyelid.

Makeup with arrows in the shape of the eyes

It is important to learn how to draw arrows evenly for beginners without proper experience. Consider the features of doing makeup with drawing the right arrows in front of your eyes.

Wide arrows to enlarge the eyes

Here is a step-by-step execution of arrows that allow you to visually enlarge your eyes:

    for a change, we will use a gel eyeliner;

    pre-draw with a pencil the space between the eyelashes;

    start drawing from the place where the first eyelashes grow;

    draw a line to the outer corner;

    draw a "tail" in continuation of the line of the lower eyelid to the temple;

    connect the completed lines. At the same time, the arrow should have a thinner beginning and gradually expand towards the outer corner.

Arrows for deep-set eyes

Let's figure out how to draw straight lines to harmonize deep-set eyes. Note that the types of corrective arrows also depend on the shape of your eyes. To perform arrows with daytime makeup, it is better to use a pencil.

    draw a line with a pencil along the upper eyelid along the lash line, completing it at the outer corner of the eye;

    work with a persistent pencil between the eyelashes;

    Mark a thinly sloping tail of the arrow, without going beyond the crease of the eyelid;

    Blend with a thin brush line near the outer corner to the tail of the arrow.

With the help of arrows, it will be possible to make the eyes more expressive and bright. Such makeup can be used both in everyday life and on holidays. The main thing to take into account is that the types of arrows for the eyes are different, each of them has its own characteristics, but not all fashionistas have this information.

Varieties of arrows for the eyes

Options for drawing arrows can be different:

In addition, to perform such a make-up, it is not at all necessary to take a classic black eyeliner.

Depending on what shadows are used, you can draw lines with a black, blue or brown pencil.

There are also more daring options - creative ones. Naturally, this method is not suitable for everyday makeup, but you can draw intricate patterns for a party. Any fashionista at the same time will attract attention.

Types of arrows: choose according to the shape of the eyes

Any makeup must be selected, taking into account the features of appearance. In many ways, the type of arrows depends on the shape of the eyes.

In order for every fashionista to figure out what characteristics her eyes have, it is recommended that you first of all study all the possible options in the photo.

Given the features of the appearance, the arrows are drawn as follows:

How to draw: the best options

In order to draw arrows, you can use different cosmetics:

The subtleties of applying makeup

At first glance, it may seem that in order to draw lines on the eyelids, you do not need special skill and any knowledge. In fact, even those makeup artists who do this work on a daily basis are forced to constantly study the intricacies of this process and thus improve.

There are many types of arrows. Some of them are easy to perform, while others require skill and attention.

While observing a number of basic rules, it will be much easier to draw such lines:

A girl who would not have gone arrows, perhaps, cannot be found in the world. Do not despair if the first experience of applying such makeup was not as expected.

It is worth trying and choosing the ideal option, because there are quite a few of them. The main thing is to show patience and attention.

Each fashionista is able to choose the most suitable type of arrows for her and thereby give the look sophistication and expressiveness. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, this will not be a problem.

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This video tells and explains all the subtleties of step-by-step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, then it is recommended for viewing.

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With such an eyeliner, especially if the applicator is thin, you can draw really perfect arrows. After application, do not forget to let the pigment dry for 10-15 minutes, and so that the liquid eyeliner does not tighten the skin, apply it to the base.

  • Pencil

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Double Arrows: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners

If you have already learned how to cope with the arrows without the help of a stencil, a great alternative to the classic ones is double arrows: these are suitable for both daytime and evening makeup, especially if you complement the look with bunches of false eyelashes.

  • Use eye primer. Blend brown shadows along the orbital line, neutral light ones along the moving eyelid and in the crease. Highlight the inner corner of the eye with a highlighter.

  • Liner draw the "tail" of the arrow.

  • From its end towards the inner corner of the eye, draw a straight line, as in the photo.

  • Fill in the arrow space.

  • Draw the second "tail" of the arrow, already from below. With a black pencil, walk along the mucous membrane and inter-ciliary space, paint over the eyelashes with mascara. The last step is tufts of false eyelashes: add them if necessary.

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Graphic arrows: video instruction

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Arrows for different types of eyes

To understand which arrows are right for you, pay attention to the shape of the eyes. If they are almond-shaped, draw an arrow increasing to the outer corner of the eye, and underline the lower eyelid by one third with dark shadows or eyeliner. For eyes with lowered outer corners, arrows with active “tails” directed towards the temple are suitable, for round ones - those that visually make the eyes more elongated (make the “tails” horizontal). If you have an overhanging eyelid, make the arrows wide, filling the entire visible surface of the moving eyelid. Read more about choosing an arrow depending on the structure of the eye.

What types of arrows for the eyes are the most popular? We list.

base arrow

A delicate short arrow emphasizes the lash line, making them visually thicker. Paint the line between the eyelashes with a black pencil, and draw a line along the edge with eyeliner and make a small arrow in the corner of the eye.

Arrow with two tails

A flirty arrow that makes eyelashes visually thicker. Instead of one ponytail, draw two, and your look will get a charming "cunning".

classic arrow

It can both complement eye makeup and act as the only accent. Draw a ponytail, a line along the eyelashes, and then connect them together, gradually thickening the arrow in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

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Eyes are the main weapon of any girl. But many people sometimes forget that different types of eyes need an individual approach - this is the only way to create an impeccable look that will be remembered for a long time by all men on your way.

website prepared for you a small cheat sheet that will help you figure out which arrows to choose for you and how to draw them.

almond eyes

How do you know that you have almond-shaped eyes? All corners of the eye, namely the inner and outer corners, are located at the same level, and the distance between the inner corners is equal to the length of the eye.

To draw attention to the beautiful curve of the shape of the eye, draw a thin line from the inner corner and extend it to the outer, but do not go beyond it. So the eyes will visually expand and the look will become more expressive.

Hanging upper eyelid

In this type of eye, an extra layer of skin descends on the crease of the eyelid, which makes the eye appear smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to add as much volume as possible.

The ideal arrows for such eyes are wide, covering the entire lower region of the eyelid to the very eyelashes. And in this case, the darker the eyeliner, the better.

Wide-set eyes

If the distance between the eyes exceeds the width of one eye, then this is a wide-set type.

To visually reduce the distance, you need to bring the entire upper eyelid and lower eyelid, starting from the middle of the eye. In this case, it is not necessary to display the arrow for the outer corner. Also, tinting the upper and lower cilia, it is better to comb them towards the bridge of the nose.

big eyes

The large (round) eyes are quite expressive, but they lack the almond shape. The main task here is to lengthen them.

To do this, bring the upper eyelid, drawing (about a centimeter) the line of the arrow along the crease in the corner of the eye. By the way, for this shape of the eye is ideal.

oblong eyes

Oblong eyes are considered incredibly sexy, but the arrows for such eyes must be drawn very carefully so as not to inadvertently make the eyes even narrower. To visually increase them, the arrow line must be applied at a certain distance from the growth of eyelashes and gently shaded.

Use a white pencil to trace a thin strip of skin between the eye and eyelashes. And with black accentuate the upper eyelid, slightly thickening the line in the central part.

Close-set eyes

Close-set eyes are those that are less than the width of one eye between them. The main function of makeup for this eye shape is to make the look visually more open.

To do this, you need to make a transition from light shades to dark ones on the outer corners. Start guiding the arrow, stepping back a little from the inner corner of the eye. The tail of the arrow must be brought out of the eyelids, slightly raising it.
