Tinted roses made of satin ribbons. Master class on embroidering roses with ribbons and tinting them

I receive a lot of letters with questions about coloring flowers from satin ribbons. I myself don’t like to color ribbons; I do it extremely rarely; I prefer to make flowers from ribbons, combining several shades of colors. As for the fabric, on the contrary, I constantly dye it by hand and with great pleasure. But that is another story…

So, let's get back to the tapes. For ribbons I use acrylic fabric paints. The paints are not transparent, making them quite suitable for tapes.

Dyeing satin ribbons is problematic. Due to the “glossy” nature of the tapes, the paint does not lie smoothly on them, making it very difficult to achieve truly beautiful smooth transitions. Flowers made from ribbons painted with acrylic turn out to be very beautiful, but you will never be able to make them “alive”; they will always look “artificial”.

When they send me messages and write that they can’t paint a flower so that it looks “alive” and ask me to tell me how to do it? I always answer - “No way!”

However, you should not give up this technology; you can create very beautiful flowers from hand-dyed ribbons. There are many examples of this.

In this master class I will simply show you the coloring process itself. Next is your imagination and experimenting with paints.
Acrylic paints on fabric.

I dilute the paints on the palette in a small amount of water. Add a little water if you want to get a rich color. Since after drying, the tapes become much paler.

It is better to paint on newspaper, as it absorbs water well, the main thing is that the newspaper is not fresh, then you don’t have to be afraid that the paint from it will print on the ribbons.

I paint on white sheets for the printer so that you can clearly see the process itself.

We lay out the paper and attach to it a petal cut out, but not processed in the fire. We moisten it generously with water so that it is well saturated and sticks to the paper, and we expel all air bubbles from below.

First I paint the bottom of the petal with yellow paint.

Then I walk along the very edge - red.

If the petal is too dry, the paint will not be able to spread well and the transitions between colors will be too sharp and contrasting. If, on the contrary, you overdo the water, the paint will spread over the petal and fill too much space. Here you need to feel the measure and get used to it.

After the paint has stopped spreading and has soaked the petal, carefully transfer it to another sheet of paper to dry.

Attention. If you need to get a bright color on both sides of the petal, then you also need to paint on both sides.

After the petals have dried. The paint must be fixed by ironing the petals on both sides with a hot iron. As a result, we get these colored blanks of petals.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that acrylic is quite flammable, and after painting, the petals should be handled carefully over a fire. In addition, when processed over a fire, it begins to emit a rather unpleasant odor, so this should be done in an open and well-ventilated area.

You can see how to make the rose itself.

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Master class on ribbon embroidery of rose paintings “Pink Dreams”.

I've wanted to do something like this for a very long time. And so, inspiration came and I decided to take up embroidery. I would like to appeal to those who are thinking about whether to embroider with ribbons or not. My answer is definitely take up ribbon embroidery! It's so exciting. This is a kind of relaxation, so to speak. Sometimes you embroider and relax your soul. And when the work is finished, the feelings of complete moral and spiritual satisfaction are simply off the charts! I put the embroidered picture in a prominent place and admire it. So, try it, create it. And I will help in any way I can.

So, let's get started. First you need to tint the background for embroidery. This is a very important point in the work. And he will have to devote special time. For embroidery I took a fiberboard board.

I first thinned the paints. I used batik paints and acrylic paints. Maybe I'll discover something new, I don't know. But I mixed batik paints and acrylic paints. And you know, they are great friends together. I diluted them with water and got the shade I wanted.

I placed a plastic bag under it and covered it with cloth. The fabric for embroidery I took was gabardine. First, I wet the fabric with water. And then she applied paint. This is a creative process, don’t try to repeat it like I did. Yes, in principle, you won’t succeed, because you will have your background, yours and unique. I painted the background with paints, applied blots, and blotted it with a sponge dipped in paint. To finish everything off, I washed it after it was dyed and dried it. Then I ironed it with an iron. And the fabric did not become prickly at all, the fabric remained as it was to the touch, flowing and delicate. I really like using gabardine fabric in ribbon embroidery. On my background, I drew with a simple pencil the places where the large roses will be located.

I made the heart of the rose. Look at the photo. First I twisted the rose, securing it with a thread at the base of the rose. When the bud is made, I trim the edges of the tape and singe it with a lighter.

Now, I sew the center bud to the fabric.

And I take a white satin ribbon. I'm starting to embroider rose petals. First I embroider the upper, outer petals.

And then, I embroider the lower ones, first the inner petals, and then the outer petals.

Thus, I embroider another rose.

Well, and then the third large rose.

Now it’s the turn to embroider cream roses.
Also, first I make the core for the rose.

I sew it on

And I embroider the petals for the rose, going almost in a circle. That is, I embroidered the petals in a circle. One rose is ready.

Now the second one is embroidered.

Notice how I embroidered the outer lower petal on the second cream rose. Don't be afraid to experiment. Roses cannot be the same as a stamp. I recently heard this opinion from my friend; this is why she doesn’t like roses. I completely disagree with her! A rose is a unique beauty in every flower. This is how nature tried to create such a miracle, so that the petals would lie like this, striking us with their beauty and tenderness. We can talk about this endlessly. But let's get back to embroidery. So, look at this beauty. And it will be even more beautiful))).

These are the beauties. Don’t pay attention to the fact that the petals aren’t lying very nicely yet. This is still a draft))).

Then, I made rosebuds. Well, what would it be like without them? I collected the ribbon with a needle. I burned the edge with a lighter. I covered the other buds with a white ribbon and a cream ribbon, and stitched at the bottom of the bud. I also scorched the edge with a lighter. The result was buds.

It's time to create greenery on embroidery. To do this, I take a green satin ribbon. And I embroider leaves.

By making one stitch, you get a small leaf.

And by embroidering one more stitch, you get a large leaf.

I embroidered this greenery.

Now, I took a green ribbon, but wider.

I cut out leaves from this ribbon

I burned them with a lighter.

And attached it to the embroidery using hot silicone glue.

This is such a beauty

Well, then the magic begins! I can't call it any other way. I'm starting to tint the roses. I am armed with a brush and batik paint. I dilute the paint in water so that the water is thin. But rich! I put water on the brush and blot it, soaking the places where I will tint. I wet all the places on the rose. You don't need to wet it very much. After trying it once, you will get the hang of it, and you will see for yourself what a miracle it is. Now, having dipped the brush into the paint, I touch the wetted area. And here it is, a miracle - the paint ran across the fabric! I continue to touch the ribbon with the brush.

Good afternoon, dear friends, many people very often ask the question about how to properly tint the petals of flowers made from foamiran. In general, there are no difficulties when tinting petals or leaves; for this you can use various paints, bedding, etc. In general, each author tints the petals in his own way.
Today we will look at a master class on tinting petals by Olesya Korkina. Olesya showed and told how she does it and what she needed for it.

To tint the petals you will need:
* Acrylic paint.
* Paper.
* Brush.
* Felt pen.
* Container for paints.
* Lily petals.

Petal tinting method:
Now we will tint the lily petals, but for this we need to make them first. See how to make a lily with your own hands. And in this master class you will learn how to tint petals and can do this on any other flowers.
Take acrylic paint and a brush. Squeeze some paint into a container.

The brush must be completely dry before use. We dip the brush into the paint, excess paint can be removed with paper, and we begin to tint the petals. We start tinting from the top and gradually move
down. It is best to apply paint from the outer edge to the inside.

Thus we move down.

As a result, we get a petal like this for making a lily.

We tint all the blanks that we will use to create our beauty.

We continue to tint the petals, take another paint and start tinting the middle. We paint from the outer edge - inward with light movements.

Now we need to make dots on the petals. Olesya used an old felt-tip pen and paint.

Dip the tip of the felt-tip pen into the paint and put dots on the petals.

These are the neat dots we should get.

That's it, the leaves are tinted.

When embroidering a flower arrangement of roses, quite often the question arises of how to embroider a bud. Today we will look at several types of buds, but first we would like to remind you that for most of the roses that we have already made in our master classes, their central part is formed at the beginning of work. It can also very well act as a bud. Let's show with examples.

And using green ribbon we make a cup for the bud using the Half-loop stitch with an attachment with fixation of the attachment:

The stitch that fixes the Half Loop can be done not just with a Straight Stitch, but with a Twisted Straight Stitch. This stitch will look more like a stem.

This is the little bud we got.

Option 4

And one more bud that will surely not leave you indifferent. To make it, we need a red ribbon 50 mm wide and a green ribbon 20 mm wide.

Cut 4 pieces of 12 cm each from the red ribbon. Scorch the edges with fire.

From one edge of the tape we make a bend about 1 cm wide and secure it with sewing pins.

We bend the corners of the tape as in the photo and secure with pins. We lay a basting stitch along the bottom edge of the tape.

We tighten the basting seam and secure the basting.

There is no need to sew the corners together!

From the remaining pieces of red ribbon we make three more similar petals. We twist one of the petals.

Secure with several stitches using a needle and thread to match the ribbon.

Take the second petal, wrap it around the first piece and secure it with stitches.

We collect the remaining petals in the same way, securing them with stitches.

We cut off the excess tape at the base and securely scorch it with fire.

Now you need to make a cup for the bud. Cut 10 cm from the green ribbon.

Fold it in half, cut out the corners so that it looks like the photo below. We singe along the cuts.
