The child has a constant temperature of 37. Low-grade fever without symptoms

A high temperature in a child always causes concern in the mother, especially if it lasts for several days or longer. However, a temperature of 37 in a child is not always an indicator of illness when it comes to a newborn baby and infants. In a baby under one year old, a constant temperature can fluctuate from 34.6 to 37.3 degrees without symptoms due to imperfections in the thermoregulation system. Let's consider the question - why can a child have a temperature of 37 for a long time, and what to do to reduce it.

Temperature norm

First, let's find out what is normal for children of different ages. In children up to one year old, a temperature of 37 does not indicate inflammation or hidden illness. During this period, babies may suddenly develop a fever for various reasons:

  • overwork;
  • overheating or heat stroke;
  • reaction to vaccinations;
  • food/chemical allergies;
  • teeth are being cut;
  • massotherapy;
  • other reasons.

In a one-month-old baby, the thermometer may show 38 degrees, and the temperature can change many times during the day. Until the process of thermoregulation improves, the jumps will continue - both at 6 and 8 months.

In older children (after 1.5 - 2 years), a mark of 37 on the thermometer indicates a sluggish process of inflammation, especially if the temperature lasts for a week or more. Scientifically, this temperature is called subfebrile. The reasons may be different, so a consultation with a pediatrician is necessary to determine your health status.

Doctors give the following classification of body temperatures:

  • low - from 35.5 and below;
  • normal - 35.6 to 37;
  • subfebrile - from 37 to 37.9;
  • febrile - from 38 and above.

Sometimes doctors talk about low-grade fever only in relation to the mark of 37.5. Contrary to popular belief, a temperature of 37 degrees, rather than 36.6, is considered normal. This is the indicator that is typical for most cases. The thermometer can fall and rise during the day by 0.5 degrees or by one. The lowest reading occurs in the morning; by evening the norm may deviate by a whole degree.

What is low-grade fever

We can talk about this phenomenon if a child has a temperature of 37 for 2 weeks, up to a month or longer. However, this applies to children for whom the norm is a mark on the thermometer of 36.6. It is worth noting that fever or fever does not rise without a reason. The mother should consult a pediatrician about the child’s condition.

What is the best way to measure a child's temperature? A mercury thermometer is placed in the armpit; in the rectal canal it must be measured with an electronic thermometer. However, the thermometer readings in different parts of the body will differ - you should be aware of this. For example, with a rectal measurement, the reading will be a degree higher than in the armpit.

Important! After the child cries and screams, the thermometer readings will be inaccurate - 0.5 or 1 degree higher. Electronic thermometers often give readings with a large error.

You can also measure the temperature in your mouth (using an electronic thermometer), but the reading will differ by 0.5 degrees compared to the reading in the armpit. Research this issue in detail before you panic.

The causes of low-grade fever can be different:

  • infectious;
  • non-infectious;
  • autoimmune (rare);
  • medicinal.

Important! If a temperature of 37 is not accompanied by pain and malaise, there is no reason to worry.

When should you worry? Low-grade fever can be a consequence of certain pathologies:

  • ENT diseases;
  • carious lesions of teeth;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • the appearance of abscesses after injections.

Low-grade fever without accompanying symptoms of malaise is considered harmless and cannot be treated. A temperature hovering around 37 may be a manifestation of the peculiarities of a child’s body. However, you should not rely on the developmental features of the body - you need to show the baby to a pediatrician and undergo a laboratory examination.

Symptoms of the disease

A completely different picture emerges at a temperature of 37 and a painful condition. This may indicate the following pathologies:

A child may have a temperature of 37.2 for 1 and 4 months after taking antibiotics. This is not considered a pathology and goes away on its own; it may also go away in the third month after healing of the viral disease. Doctors call this condition a “temperature tail.”

If a child has a temperature of 37.5 after completion of treatment, we may be talking about a relapse of the disease - re-infection or the beginning of a complication.

Children whose temperature has caused a complication in the form of convulsions need to bring down the fever at around 37.5. There is an intolerance to hyperthermia, to which the body reacts very hard - in these cases, antipyretics are simply necessary at the first manifestations of fever.

How to get rid of fever

Is it necessary to give an antipyretic when the thermometer shows 37.5 - 37.8? If your child is developing normally, it is not recommended to bring down a slight increase in temperature. This is due to the activity of the immune system and the production of interferon: natural processes cannot be disrupted. By giving medicine, you are doing a disservice to the immune system.

Note! Infants up to three months are given antipyretics at 38 degrees and above, all other children have their fever brought down at 39 degrees.

Instead of antipyretic medications for low-grade fever, you need to provide the child with maximum comfort:

  • humidify the room;
  • remove excess clothing (do not wrap it up);
  • give compote or juice (you can’t give raspberries);
  • provide peace.

Remember that young children have undeveloped or poorly developed sweat glands, so they have nothing to sweat with. In this case, raspberry decoction will not help. An older child can be given raspberries, having previously given them enough water to drink so that they have something to sweat with.

If you have hyperthermia, it is forbidden to give raspberries. Firstly, it increases sweating. Secondly, internal heat dries up fluid in the body. If you give your child raspberries, there is a risk of causing dehydration. At a low temperature at the beginning of a cold, you can give raspberries. But if hyperthermia has lasted for a week or two, raspberries will not help.

What medications can children take? Doctors allow only two types of antipyretics - paracetamol-based and ibuprofen-based. Other drugs for hyperthermia should not be given to children: they cause dangerous complications and side effects.

Bottom line

We found out that children have a low temperature for a variety of reasons. It may appear on the first or second day after vaccination, with a mild acute respiratory viral infection and with a latent form of internal inflammatory processes. In infants under two years of age, thermoregulation processes are not balanced, so a slightly elevated temperature does not indicate illness, but an imperfection of the body. Always be guided by the child’s well-being: the first criterion is that he should be cheerful, 2 and that there are no symptoms of disease.

A child’s high body temperature is a kind of protective reaction that allows him to better cope with viruses and various diseases. Parents, having discovered that their baby has a high temperature without any accompanying symptoms, signs of a cold or other diseases, begin to panic. This is especially true for children who cannot yet talk about what exactly bothers them, where and how it hurts. Fever without other symptoms can appear for various reasons, but often only a doctor can determine them after a complete examination of the child.

Most parents in such a situation rush to give their baby an antipyretic drug, without trying to find out what exactly led to the increase in temperature. This behavior is incorrect, since the reaction usually indicates that inside the baby’s body there is a struggle between the immune system and the incoming irritant.

Trying to bring down a child's fever, adults often interfere with the natural defense reaction of the child's body. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine the causes and factors that led to the onset of fever.

Reasons for rising temperature

In children under 5 years of age, body temperature is often slightly elevated for no reason, and its value within 37-37.2 degrees is considered normal. This is due to the fact that in children the natural thermoregulation of the body is not yet sufficiently formed and adjusted, and the lifestyle at this age is always very active.

Parents often observe an increase in their child’s temperature after active games that require considerable physical activity. But as soon as he rests a little, sitting quietly, everything returns to normal.

Teething It can also cause a fever in an infant, sometimes quite severe, while there may be no other symptoms. Only with a detailed examination can you see swelling of the gums and their slight inflammation. During this period, children may become restless and capricious, but if there are no signs of illness, for example, a cold, then no measures need to be taken.

Temperature without other symptoms may appear during normal overheating , which often happens to infants with excessive dressing and wrapping, as well as with insufficient fluid intake, for example, if the baby does not receive additional fluids while feeding on mother's milk.

Due to unsteady natural thermoregulation, a baby can easily overheat if he is in a stuffy room, in the sun, or if he is dressed too warmly (not for the weather). In this case, there are no signs of illness, and it is enough to give the child something to drink, remove excess clothing and transfer him to a cool room so that the baby’s condition returns to normal.

The most common cause of high fever is viral infection , for example, influenza, acute respiratory infections or ARVI. When a fever occurs, there may be no other symptoms. They tend to occur later, usually after a few hours.

After suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, some children still have bacterial infection , in this case, low-grade fever can be observed for a long time, sometimes longer than a month. In order for the baby’s condition to normalize, it is necessary to take a course of vitamin preparations with a general strengthening effect.

Stressful situations , accompanied by strong excitement and anxiety, often lead to the appearance of a high temperature against the background of the complete absence of any signs of a cold or other disease.

The condition has a neurological basis and can often occur in children with congenital or acquired neurological disorders at an early age. Such children require constant monitoring not only by a neurologist, but also by their parents, as well as the implementation of all recommendations of specialists.

Often, a fever without any other symptoms may indicate a serious kidney dysfunction . In this case, there is usually a slight rise in temperature, on average up to 37.5 degrees, but it remains unchanged for a long time, after which sharp jumps up to 39 degrees begin.

If this indicator persists for several days, and there are no signs of illness or a cold, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination using ultrasound diagnostics, which will eliminate the danger to the baby’s health or determine its degree if there is a serious problem and prescribe adequate treatment. A baby in this state must be protected from any worries and worries.

Temperature may also appear as a result, and after a few hours other symptoms should appear, for example, redness of the skin, rash, swelling of tissues. Children with allergies, regardless of the type of allergens that cause the reaction, need constant monitoring by an allergist and systematic treatment with the mandatory elimination of substances that lead to attacks.

Another reason for the appearance of fever in children without accompanying symptoms may be the presence intestinal infection . In this case, the baby’s condition will rapidly deteriorate and after a few hours will be accompanied by lethargy, apathy, general malaise and gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea or vomiting).

The use of expired medications of any type can cause fever in a child, which is gradually supplemented by other symptoms. In case of severe poisoning, the baby will need hospitalization, so it is better to call an ambulance when the first symptoms appear.

It is important to always check the expiration date of any medicine before giving it to your child and avoid medicines not made in a pharmacy.

How to help your baby? Is it necessary to reduce the fever?

Of course, you can relieve a fever that appears without additional symptoms at home by giving your child a dose of an antipyretic drug, but you should resort to such measures only if absolutely necessary. It is important to observe the condition of the baby and its behavior in order to determine the cause.

Often only a qualified specialist can make a correct diagnosis after examination. You should not risk the child’s health and try to establish your own diagnosis, or prescribe treatment yourself.

The appearance of fever is primarily a protective mechanism of the child’s body, since at a body temperature of 38 degrees the reproduction of most types of pathogenic microorganisms slows down. When the threshold of 40 degrees is reached, the reproduction of all bacteria and viruses completely stops.

It is the high temperature that allows the child’s body to cope with the infection. If there are antibiotics among the medications prescribed by the doctor, then it is best to give them to the child during fever, since in this condition the effect of the medication is greatly enhanced.

The heat activates the baby's immune system, stimulates the accelerated production of antibodies to destroy the source of the problem. At the same time, the body also increases the production of interferon, which is necessary to fight many types of viruses, including pathogens of different strains of influenza.

In this condition, the child’s appetite usually decreases, he begins to move less, which allows the body to save a significant amount of energy and direct it to fight the disease.

If you give a child an antipyretic drug, a kind of disruption will occur in the body’s natural protective function, which will lead to a sharp slowdown in the functioning of the immune system and create conditions for the proliferation of pathogens.

Of course, by lowering the fever, parents alleviate the child’s condition for a short time, but all drugs have only a temporary effect and after its end the baby suddenly becomes worse. It is for this reason that experts strongly do not recommend lowering the temperature in children if it does not exceed 38-38.5 degrees.

Intense heat can cause the appearance. For a long time there was an opinion that this condition is dangerous for many of the baby’s internal organs, especially the brain.

But as a result of repeated studies, specialists found that there is no danger to the full functioning of the brain and other organs in this case, and convulsions occur as a result of the sudden onset of severe fever and reflex spasm of peripheral vessels in the upper and lower extremities.

It is necessary to lower the temperature in children when they reach 38.5 degrees correctly. You should not immediately give an antipyretic. In this condition, the baby needs plenty of warm drinks, after which he needs to be rubbed with clean water and apply cool compresses to the areas of large vessels.

If possible, you need to transfer the child to a cool room, but without allowing active or sudden movements on his part. Medicines to reduce fever should be used only in cases where the readings on the thermometer exceed 38.8 degrees. In this case, the child should be given an antipyretic and an ambulance should be called.

You will also need to call an ambulance if:

  • severe deterioration of the baby’s condition;
  • continued increase in temperature even after taking an antipyretic drug;
  • the presence of signs of breathing problems and blanching of the skin.
  • Rules of thermometry

    As a rule, these indicators are higher after physical fatigue or against the background of psycho-emotional stress. In children, these factors play an even more significant role. In this regard, they are recommended to carry out thermometry after a certain period of time after a walk, physical exercise and in a calm state. It is not recommended to take measurements immediately after sleep, since the indicators may be underestimated.

    The indication for thermometry should be a change in the child’s behavior. Namely:

    • weakness;
    • malaise;
    • drowsiness;
    • lethargy;
    • poor appetite;
    • tearfulness;
    • irritability.

    If these signs are present and thermometry has been performed, showing that the patient’s body temperature is 37 degrees, it is necessary to correctly interpret these data.

    Causes of hyperthermia

    The most common causes of temperature 37 in a child are the following pathology:

    Among infectious diseases characterized by an increase in body temperature, the most common are colds, spread by airborne droplets and accompanied by the development of catarrhal symptoms (cough, runny nose, sore throat), weakness, and malaise.

    Similar symptoms are characteristic of childhood infectious diseases, but in addition to catarrhal symptoms, they are accompanied by skin manifestations. In this case, the rash may appear along with the first signs of the disease or several days after the development of the disease, as, for example, with measles. The presence of a rash is a pathognomonic symptom. As for the temperature, it can range from 37 to 39 degrees, depending on the severity of the process, the age of the patient, and the presence of concomitant pathology.

    The pediatrician will decide what treatment should be prescribed and what to do if these diseases are accompanied by a child’s temperature of 37.3 degrees. Based on the external signs of the rash, the doctor will be able to diagnose and prescribe the necessary medications. In some cases, these may be antibiotics, as for scarlet fever, for influenza and other infections, antiviral drugs, diseases accompanied by catarrhal symptoms - symptomatic treatment, including antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs in the throat, expectorants.

    In all cases of symptoms of intoxication, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended, which promotes the rapid elimination of viruses and bacteria, and therefore a speedy recovery.

    After a sore throat or severe colds, a child’s temperature of 37 may persist for quite a long time, which is explained by reduced immunity. If such a temperature is not accompanied by a worsening of the condition or the appearance of additional symptoms, then the presence of such a “temperature tail” should not cause concern. Within one to two weeks, temperatures will return to normal.

    If, after an illness, a temperature of 37 in a child is accompanied by the appearance of an additional symptom of cough, then we can assume the development of complications, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. In this case, a repeated consultation with the pediatrician is necessary to adjust the treatment and possibly prescribe antibiotics.

    Long-term symptoms, such as a temperature of 37 in a child for 1 year, can be considered a variant of the hole, but only if they are not accompanied by additional signs. In cases where parents notice rapid fatigue, poor appetite or excessive sweating in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    A temperature of 37 in a child over 3 months old may be a symptom of the following diseases:

    • tuberculosis;
    • viral hepatitis;
    • chronic kidney diseases, hepatobiliary system;
    • oncological pathology;
    • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • systemic lupus erythematosus;
    • autoimmune diseases.

    In order not to miss this severe pathology, the child should be examined as having a long-term fever.

    Additional symptoms will help you navigate in the direction of the necessary examination. A temperature of 37 in a 4-month-old child, cough, sweating, and malaise are factors for examining the lungs. A temperature of 37 in a 9-month-old child in combination with dyspeptic disorders, sleep disturbances, irritability, and the presence of skin rashes creates the need to be examined for the presence of helminths or an allergic reaction. Even mild icterus of the sclera in combination with a temperature of 37 in a child under one year old requires a full range of examinations for viral hepatitis or autoimmune diseases.

    Necessary examinations

    At a temperature of 37.5 degrees without symptoms, the examination includes

    • general blood and urine analysis;
    • biochemical blood test (transaminases, bilirubin, sugar, creatinine, urea, total protein and its fractions);
    • blood tests for RW, HIV;
    • stool analysis for worm eggs;
    • fluorography or x-ray examination of the lungs;
    • Ultrasound of internal organs.

    Consultations with related specialists, an ENT doctor, a neurologist, an infectious disease specialist, and an endocrinologist are required. In cases where, during examination by these specialists, any deviations from the norm are identified, it is necessary to carry out examinations prescribed by these doctors. This may be a computed tomography scan, x-ray examination of the paranasal sinuses, examination of cerebral vessels, determination of the level of hormones or glycosylated hemoglobin and others.

    As for the need to correct the condition accompanied by a child, it all depends on its cause. In cases where all the results of the examination were within the age norms, no correction is required. Temperature indicators are regarded as physiological norms. Long-term observation of the child with periodic thermometry is recommended (with the child’s normal behavior, on average, once a month).

    What to do if a child has a temperature of 37.8 degrees depends on the presence of additional symptoms. In this situation, we are talking about the presence of a pathological reaction in the body, and the pediatrician’s task is to correctly diagnose it and prescribe the correct treatment. Colds usually require symptomatic therapy. In case of pathology of the ENT organs, diseases of the respiratory organs, kidneys, antibiotic therapy may also be necessary.

    If a child has a temperature of 37 degrees for a certain time without accompanying symptoms, it is necessary:

    1. Check the serviceability of the measuring device;
    2. Make sure that thermometry is carried out correctly;
    3. Consult your pediatrician for advice.

    anonymous, Female, 27 years old

    Good evening, I am such a suspicious person that I no longer know who to write to, just to have at least some clarity on what is happening. This is our problem, my son is 7 years old, 3 months ago we were in the hospital with an adenoid viral infection, we were treated with the antibiotic Cefogram, after being discharged, the doctor advised him to take some vitamins to strengthen the body, after consulting with friends, I bought him Amvey vitamin C , this company has its own pediatrician, she told me to take half a tablet a day, we took them for 3 months until we got sick again. 2 weeks ago, on the first day, the child’s temperature rose to 38.5, I knocked it down with half of mefinamine, our pediatrician said ARVI, the throat was red, gargled with furacelin, throat spray Inhalipt, and frequent drinking, three days later 37.5, continued treatment, at the end of the week I slept and there was no temperature at all. But from Monday of the next week it rose to 37.5, 37.2, and to this day it remains at 37, not there in the morning, but rises in the evening. She sweats at night, although the room is not hot, there is almost no runny nose, we rinse and drip, there is no cough at all. We went to the doctor yesterday, prescribed Tantum Verde, isoprinosine and efisol, for an appointment on Monday. We took a blood test, and this is what deviated from the norm: ESR -29, leukocytes 12.77, neutrophils (per 100 leukocytes) 66.3, neutrophils (abs.) 8.47, lymphocytes (per 100 leukocytes) 19.3, monocytes (per 100 leukocytes) 11.7, monocytes (abs.) 1.49, eosinophils (per 100 leukocytes) 2.4. I don’t know what to think, I’ve read on the Internet about all such deviations of terrible things, that this is the first time I’m seeking advice from a specialist online, there’s a girl intern in our area, there’s no normal doctor yet, I don’t know what to think, maybe it’s because of the background After the illness, everything went away, either from the vitamins that we took, but there was no obvious allergy to the face, and the child always felt well. What else should we do and what procedures should we undergo? On the eve of the disease, we did an ultrasound of the heart, the doctor said that everything was fine. Can we also do an X-ray of the lungs? What tests should I take to find out what the reason is? Forgive me in advance if it’s too much to say, I just don’t know what to take into account in order to describe everything to you in more detail, and so that you can at least somehow help. Thank you in advance for your help.


    Good afternoon, thanks for your answer. We did a general urine test, here are the results, what deviated from the specified norm - the relative density of urine is 1.025, pH 5, bilirubin 17, and everything else was not found and is alone in the preparation. We also did an X-ray, there was also a report of the lungs and heart without any visible pathology. We went to our head of the department, she said to take a urine test, an X-ray, listened to us and looked at our throat, said that everything was fine, without seeing the test results, she prescribed sumamed 250 mg 1 ruble a day for 5 days, I made such conclusions only from the blood results, I did not give the child an antibiotic without them, there is no temperature, only in the evening it rises to 36.9, and after an hour it drops to 36.4. We also have a tooth creeping in below, erupting, I don’t know, maybe it’s raising the temperature a little? Please tell me, based on these results that I provided, should we start taking an antibiotic? Thank you in advance for your time.

    Consultation with a pediatrician on the topic “A 7-year-old child has had a temperature of 37 for a week” is given for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

    About the consultant


    Candidate of Medical Sciences, pediatrician.

    Graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) with honors in the specialty "General Medicine"
    Residency in the specialty "Pediatrics" at the Morozov Children's Clinical Hospital, Children's Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 6, Maternity Hospital No. 8 in Moscow.
    She defended her PhD thesis at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor in two specialties: infectious diseases and clinical immunology and allergology.

    Has more than 15 years of experience as a pediatrician.

    The doctor's professional interests include: caring for children in the first year of life, features of care and feeding; infectious diseases in children, anaplasmosis (in children and adults).

    The child’s temperature was, is and will be a cause of concern for parents. Many mothers are very sensitive to an increase in temperature, starting to worry, panic, or even call an ambulance. As for its high indicators, 99% of mothers have one solution - the use of antipyretics. But what to do when a child’s temperature is 37°C? It is extremely important to take the necessary and, most importantly, correct measures. At the same time, it is important to remain calm and not give in to nervousness. If a child’s temperature is 37°C, then this is not a reason to panic, but a signal that a virus has entered the body. Temperature itself is a very necessary parameter, which clearly shows that health problems have arisen.

    Causes of temperature

    A child's temperature of 37°C should alert parents. If this is a one-time occurrence, then the cause may be the baby’s excessive physical activity during the day. Usually in such cases the temperature rises in the evening. After stress, anxiety or fear, the body can also react with an increase in temperature. In an easily excitable child, after a day full of emotions, the temperature can rise to 37.2-37.5 ° C (stress triggers can be strangers in contact with the baby, loud sounds, bright lights, new experiences after going to public places). Do not forget that fever often accompanies teething and is also a reaction to vaccination. Often, after introducing complementary foods, parents focus on protein nutrition, which, if there is insufficient fluid in the body, can lead to protein fever accompanied by elevated temperature.

    Temperature as a cause for concern

    A cause for concern is a temperature of 37.2 in a child in the morning, accompanied by other symptoms:

    1. A cough at an elevated temperature is an indicator of the presence of an upper respiratory tract infection (whooping cough, false croup, pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis).
    2. A runny nose, headache and temperature of 37.5 in a child indicate the presence of ARVI. In this case, you should not try to bring down the temperature if the child’s well-being can be described as normal.
    3. Abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by fever indicate food poisoning. Under no circumstances should you lower your temperature - the body is fighting the infection. In this case, immediate assistance from a specialist is necessary.
    4. Unstable stool and poor appetite are signals of dysbiosis, when the body increases its temperature due to the absorption of toxins into the blood.
    5. Skin rashes and reddening of the cheeks indicate intolerance to certain foods (diathesis).

    To avoid dehydration, a child with a fever needs to drink more. It is best to give mineral or boiled water, compote, tea. If a child's temperature is 37 °C for a month, parents should be wary: this may be a sign of tuberculosis, iron deficiency anemia, herpes or the presence of a rheumatic process. One should not exclude the individual characteristics of each organism when an elevated temperature is the norm for a baby.

    Fever in a newborn

    When a one-month-old baby has a temperature of 37°C in the absence of other symptoms, there is no reason to panic. Scientists have found that in many newborns this is a completely harmless phenomenon. At this age, temperature jumps from 36.5°C to 37°C are the norm. The system of autonomous thermoregulation is formed up to three months; the baby’s body is just beginning to adapt to new conditions for him, and he is not able to immediately establish a constant body temperature. Sweat glands are underdeveloped, making it difficult for the body to cool itself. After the baby has eaten or cried, the temperature will definitely rise slightly. You should start to worry if the child’s temperature is 37.2 for more than a day against the background of its usual lower values.

    Ways to reduce temperature

    Methods for reducing elevated body temperature in a child are divided into two types: medicinal and non-medicinal. In the first case, you need to carefully consider the need to give your baby antipyretics; consultation with a specialist will also not be superfluous. Medications that are suitable for your baby include ibuprofen or paracetamol (it is better to administer the drugs rectally to avoid the drug affecting the walls of the stomach).

    Non-drug methods include physical cooling. They are welcome if the child’s temperature is 37 °C. The newborn should be undressed, the diaper removed, the chest and back rubbed with vodka and left to lie down for about 10 minutes. However, many mothers and doctors themselves sometimes have a negative attitude towards rubbing their baby with alcohol. Sometimes it is enough to put cold in the armpits, or put a cool compress on the forehead. A child with a fever must be given boiled water if he is bottle-fed. If he receives breast milk, then there is no need to give him water.

    The need to visit a doctor

    If there are no additional symptoms, you do not need to see a doctor in the first two days. It will be difficult for a specialist to make a correct diagnosis. The main thing that parents should do is watch their child. The following information will be very helpful in making a diagnosis:

    • change (or stability) in appetite;
    • behavior change;
    • temperature fluctuations during the day.

    The first days are the incubation period, during which characteristic symptoms appear in the presence of a specific disease.

    On the third or fourth day, if the child still has a temperature of 37°C, it is worth visiting a doctor who will refer the child for blood and urine tests, suspecting a urinary tract infection.

    Is it worth lowering the temperature?

    A child’s temperature of 37.5 does not require forced lowering. At elevated temperatures, the body produces a special protein and a natural antibiotic - interferon, which kills 90% of possible viruses. It is important to remember that interferon is produced only on the third day.

    Adjustments should only be made for individual tolerance to elevated temperatures. If the temperature causes too much discomfort, then, taking into account the relationship between the consequences and possible harm to health, sometimes it can be recommended to lower the child’s temperature.

    Is bed rest necessary?

    When the baby is alert, the presence of a low temperature should not cause a forced change in his active lifestyle. Regardless of whether bed rest is observed or not, the body continues to fight the infection, but forcing a child to bed will definitely have a negative impact on his emotional state, and as you know, positive emotions are the key to a speedy recovery!
