Removal of the capillary network on the face. How to get rid of rosacea with modern methods

Every woman, however, like a man, will not be happy when she notices on one not the most beautiful day a vascular network that does not disappear on her face - rosacea. These red streaks on the face are not a disease, as many believe, it is a cosmetic defect, which, however, can ruin our mood along with the appearance.

Still: red spots on the face, a network of red capillaries, acne with a purulent top - not much pleasant ...

However, before you desperately begin to cover this disgrace with creams, disguise it with powder, or use any procedure to remove spider veins, take an interest in the causes of rosacea, it is quite possible that by finding one of them, you will find a solution to your problem.

Causes of dilated vessels on the face - rosacea

  1. First of all, the appearance of rosacea on the face is preceded by problems with blood vessels. In the subcutaneous layer, blood circulation is disturbed, small blood vessels dilate, and areas of red skin appear on the face “on a permanent basis”. Moreover, most often this “beauty” is acquired by the nose, chin and cheeks - the zones most actively exposed to the environment.

Most often, this phenomenon is experienced by people who have thin, dry and sensitive skin to various irritating factors. Although owners of oily, denser skin can also notice single dilated vessels, especially on the wings of their nose.

Therefore, if your blood vessels are weak, fragile and sluggish, have lost their elasticity, the vascular network on the face will not take long.

  1. With improper nutrition, human “weakness” and an unhealthy lifestyle, internal organs begin to suffer, and it’s good if they signal only through this cosmetic problem that something is wrong with your body. And the bad thing is that many often do not pay attention to such signals ...
  2. Endocrine diseases, disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, intestines and liver, hypertension - all these problems can “give a signal” through dilated vessels on the face.

  1. Couperosis can appear with hormonal imbalance, as well as after you have taken hormonal contraceptives.
  2. Active and active lovers need to know that this not only ages and dries out the skin, contributes to the loss of elasticity, but also affects the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the appearance of rosacea. Ogorodnikov often also does not bypass this problem.
  3. Many lovers of staying for a long time, after a while, will be able to notice a network of blood vessels that has appeared on their faces due to excessive exposure to high temperatures. From this, lovers of bathing themselves, and bath attendants, as well as cooks of restaurants and canteens, workers of "hot shops" are not insured.
  4. Not only hot air, but also cold, wind, frost provoke the expansion of capillaries on the face. This affects many merchants and everyone who spends a lot of time in the fresh cold air.
  5. We also will not "discard" the genetic predisposition. If your parents have pronounced rosacea, it is likely that you have inherited this “feature” of the skin ...
  6. It is important for everyone who is fond of various and especially aggressive cosmetic procedures to understand that their skin can become dehydrated, thinner, blood vessels can be injured, and the sensitivity of the skin and capillaries to environmental influences increases.
  7. they probably know that tobacco has a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels (including the smallest capillaries on the face), only they think little about it, dragging on another cigarette ...
  8. Alcohol. Who doesn’t know the puffy-looking face of a “professional” alcohol lover with a pronounced vascular network on the skin? Although "non-professionals" should not be hopeful - even a moderate amount of alcohol often contributes to the appearance of a vascular network on the face.
  9. And a few more reasons for the appearance of rosacea: spicy and too hot food, as well as silicon deficiency.

Silicon - with the help of this mineral, the commands of the brain to expand and narrow reach their intended purpose, that is, the vessels "hear" them. If the body does not receive enough silicon, its place is taken by calcium, which is "deaf" to the commands of the brain. In addition, due to the lack of silicon, the vessels are fragile, brittle, and have lost their elasticity. Here is another significant reason for rosacea.

Based on these 12 reasons, the treatment of rosacea becomes more meaningful. If you find that internal health problems contributed to the appearance of a network of blood vessels on your face, cancel all your cosmetic procedures, they will not bring any effect, you need to get rid of your underlying disease.

5 steps in the treatment of rosacea

  1. Determination of the causes of rosacea and their elimination. In this situation, it is worth contacting several specialists, they will help to understand the reasons.
  2. Change and normalization of nutrition and lifestyle.
  • Remove without regret from your diet spicy, spicy dishes and seasonings, chocolate, canned foods and pickles, foods, alcoholic beverages, including beer, limit yourself to eating fatty foods, cheeses, sour cream and liver.
  • Move a lot, you can do fitness.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid steam rooms or saunas that are too hot, do not take hot showers, and try not to stay in extreme cold for long periods of time.
  1. Taking special preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes aimed at strengthening the vascular walls. Such preparations should contain, C, P, polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega 3 type, silicon. To strengthen the vascular walls and improve the condition of the vessels, you will need: rutin, grape seed oil, collagen, extracts of plants such as echinacea, blueberries, mimosa, chestnut, myrtle.

Nutrition for rosacea should also include Jerusalem artichoke, peas, oatmeal and buckwheat, corn, beans - these foods are rich in silicon.

To strengthen blood vessels, eat something from this list every day: tomatoes or spinach, or rose hips, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, cherries or blueberries, chokeberries or sweet peppers, walnuts, currants or oranges. If you eat them with the skin, your body will get more vitamin P.

  1. The use of products that give an anti-couperose effect - masks, creams, serums.
  • Any procedure with a face with enlarged pores should be carried out with caution, gently acting on the skin. Products that contain alcohol, mint, aloe, menthol, cloves, honey or eucalyptus will not work for you. Do not take care of the skin with creams containing fruit acids, as well as film masks.
  • Do not wipe your face - with rosacea it is contraindicated!
  • Use masks containing clay with caution.
  • Apply any product with your fingertips, watching the reaction of your skin.
  • After washing your face, pat it dry with a towel instead of rubbing it.
  • You can make a good choice in favor of collagen masks, they will not only make the skin more elastic, but also remove mimic wrinkles.
  • Use scrubs and peels rarely.
  • With rosacea, give up manual facial cleansing, facial massagers, steam inhalations. But lymphatic drainage massage for the treatment of rosacea is very good - it will reduce the redness of the skin, improve the outflow of blood.
  • Be sure to protect your skin with SPF when you go out in the sun.
  1. Dilated vessels can be removed using procedures: laser therapy, photocoagulation, sclerotherapy, electrocoagulation, ozone therapy.

Treatment of rosacea at home

If you add folk remedies for rosacea to the above tips, you will complement and enhance the effect of the treatment. You can, of course, eliminate visible vessels on your face with a laser, but you still need to strengthen them. If your capillaries are elastic, in good shape, your blood flow will be within the normal range and no nets and redness will appear on the skin. To do this, you can make masks with your own hands, as you can see, the choice is large enough:

Night mask for rosacea

Take in equal proportions: dandelion root, sophora, calendula (flowers) - all in the form of extracts, mix with the same amount of grape seed oil and spread the resulting mask over the entire surface of the face. You can remove excess with a soft cloth.

Day mask against rosacea

Take in equal proportions: cypress seeds, extract of mimosa flowers and blueberries, galangal roots, needle leaves and grape seed oil, mix everything well and apply to the skin. Soak a washcloth in hot water and cover your face with the mask. The mask is washed off with warm water, after which your usual cream is applied to the skin.

These masks should be applied every 2 days for two months in a row.

We make winter masks for rosacea

Mix vegetable oil (, peach, or grape seed oil) with lanolin (everything is taken in 1 tsp), add talc or starch to the mixture in a small amount. Apply the resulting slurry on your face for 15 minutes. It is washed off either with plain warm water or chamomile decoction. These masks should be applied before going outside.

Cooking a mask with raw potatoes from redness of the face

Take 1 raw potato, peel it and chop it with a blender or grate it. Apply the resulting slurry to the skin of the face for 10 minutes. The mask is removed with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

We make masks from fresh berries from the vascular network on the face

1 tsp potato starch is mixed with fresh berries (strawberries, lingonberries, raspberries,). On pre-cleansed skin, the resulting mixture is generously applied for 20 minutes.

Couperose cream at home

There is absolutely no difficulty in preparing such a cream. Even if you do not have a special cream for rosacea, you can take your usual day cream for face skin and pour a well-crushed ascorutin tablet (composed of vitamin C and rutin - vitamin P) into it.

Tonic for every day from dilated vessels on the face

Chamomile (2 tablespoons) is brewed with 500 ml of water, infused, filtered and cooled. Then take two tablets of ascorutin, grind them well and pour into the broth, stir and use the product as a tonic in the morning and evening.

Compresses from rosacea

  • Scald the parsley with boiling water, squeeze the juice out of it and mix it with milk. Soak a piece of gauze in the resulting mixture and apply on the skin of the face for 30 minutes. Every other day, apply such a compress - this will help strengthen small vessels on the skin.
  • Mix 200 ml of boiling water and 3 tbsp. dried chamomile, let the infusion cool and pass it through a strainer or gauze. After wetting a piece of plain cloth in the infusion, apply it on the skin for 10-15 minutes.

Infusion from rosacea

Pour in a thermos 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. black chokeberry berries, 2 tbsp. mistletoe leaves and the same number of hawthorn flowers. Let the infusion sit for a while. Use it in 100 ml. three times a day. It will also help strengthen the small vessels in the skin. You can also wipe your face every day with a leaf of aloe - this procedure will enhance the effect.

Do not dismiss the unpleasant vascular network on the face, because this is one of the most painless signals of internal health disorders. They are worth doing if you do not want all your attention to be occupied with the treatment of more serious problems than rosacea after a short time.

Beauty and health to you!


Use facial skin care products containing vitamin PP, vitamin C, vitamin K and ascorbic acid. Such creams strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have a good vasoconstrictor effect. Choose cosmetics that include mountain arnica, Japanese ginkgo, and wild myrtle flowers.

Pay attention to your diet. Try not to eat too fatty, spicy and heavy foods. Eat more parsley, broccoli, citrus fruits, black currants, and buckwheat porridge. Avoid foods and drinks that increase blood pressure (coffee, chocolate, etc.). Get rid of bad habits.

Use folk remedies to get rid of vascular networks. Take an aloe leaf and put it in the refrigerator for a few days. Rub the problem area of ​​the face with a piece of aloe. Before this, it is advisable to cleanse the face with infusion of tea. Repeat this procedure every other day for 2-3 weeks. Or you can use fresh aloe juice. Squeeze out a little juice of this plant and rub it into the skin of the face, paying special attention to the locations of the vascular networks.

Take some fresh parsley, brew it in half a glass of boiling water. After 15-20 minutes, the infusion will brew. Strain it and let it cool down. Then dilute it with an equal amount of milk. With the resulting infusion, you can make compresses, applying them for 30 minutes to problem areas of the face. As a rule, such a popular method helps to get rid of it pretty quickly.

If the above methods did not lead to the desired result, then seek help from specialists: a cosmetologist or surgeon. Photocoagulation and laser sclerotherapy will help to quickly and effectively get rid of the vascular networks without causing any pain to a person. If vessels more than 1 mm wide are affected, then you will need a special procedure - ozone therapy, as a result of which ozone is injected into the dilated vessels.


  • how to remove spider veins on face

Vascular "asterisks" or telangiectasias are caused by varicose veins in the skin. More often this cosmetic defect is localized on the hips and face(usually on the cheeks, bridge of the nose, chin). Among the reasons for the appearance of vascular "asterisks" are obesity, pregnancy, alcohol abuse and prolonged stay in the bath or sauna. Many women mistakenly rely on home remedies and delay going to the clinic. Only laser treatment is really effective.


The principle of laser treatment of vascular defects is based on thermal destruction of the vessel without damage. The most effective laser emits yellow or green light. It is this spectrum that is selectively absorbed by dilated vessels and coagulates them without damaging the epidermis. When processing is carried out with a laser spot or a special scanner. Subsequent scarring of the skin at the site of the procedure is not observed.

There is slight short-term discomfort, so anesthesia is not required. The procedure takes 10-20 minutes. After the treatment at the site of exposure, slight hyperemia, swelling of the face, for which it is necessary to apply ice or a cooling gel. Very rarely, crusts form along the vessel.

Spider veins may reappear after treatment if there is a predisposition to telangiectasias. To prevent relapse, avoid alcohol, vigorous exercise, direct UV exposure, and use sunscreen with SPF 15 for at least 2 weeks. Toilet skin cosmetic . The use of decorative cosmetics is allowed 2-3 days after the procedure.

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Ordinary leeches help well. Unfortunately, recently they are almost impossible to see on the shelves of pharmacies. But if you have such an opportunity, do not miss it. Leeches are the most powerful remedy for getting rid of capillary grids.

Cut off a small leaf of aloe and store it in the refrigerator for several days. Cleanse your face with tea infusion and lubricate problem areas with aloe. After that, apply a nourishing cream. Please note that during the first procedures you may feel a slight burning sensation. This is a normal reaction of your skin. Do this cleanse every other day for three weeks. Use fresh aloe juice. To do this, simply cut off the leaf, squeeze out no more than 10 drops of juice and rub them into the locations grids.

Boil a leaf of white cabbage with boiling water and put in the refrigerator, after placing it in a plastic bag. The next day, wipe the places where the vascular grids vinegar. Wait for the skin to dry and apply a cabbage leaf to it. Bandage tightly. Leave the compress on all night. Repeat the procedure every day until the effect is achieved.

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Remember that by getting rid of the capillary network, you have not eliminated the cause of its appearance. Seek advice from your doctor.


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capillaries on legs or the so-called "asterisks" appear in people for various reasons: these are excessive tanning, frostbite, heredity, alcohol abuse, hormonal disruptions, varicose veins, etc. Regardless of these reasons, get rid of capillaries today it is quite possible, although if the cause of their appearance is not eliminated, they may appear again.

Everyone wants to feel confident in society, look neat and beautiful. But often the appearance is spoiled by highly visible dilated vessels on the face, which can appear as an ugly red mesh, large spots or ulcers. What are these vascular defects and how to get rid of them?

All these unpleasant manifestations indicate that.

There are a lot of skin diseases, as a result of which vascular defects appear on the face, all of them are united by a common name - rosacea. The risk group primarily includes women and those who abuse alcohol.

It is not capable of being fatal, but it delivers a lot of discomfort, especially for girls who want to look perfect. In this regard, ladies often begin to use various advice from acquaintances, which are sometimes meaningless, try to find information in magazines and the Internet, mask defects with the help of cosmetics, without even finding out the true causes of rosacea on the face.

Bad heredity. This disease is called telangiectasia and can be passed from generation to generation. It can occur if one of the parents or grandparents had skin diseases such as rosacea and acrodermatitis.

The disease also often affects the owners of certain professions associated with a sharp change in temperature, these are cooks, janitors, geologists, and builders. In this case, the exacerbation occurs in the cold season.

As a result of stress, emotional shock, excessive love for spicy, as well as too frequent visits to the steam bath. This disease is called rosacea and is perhaps the most unpleasant, manifested by frightening red spots on the face.

At first, rosacea on the face can disguise itself as small acne, which teenagers have during puberty, but then the pustules turn into spots and lead to the fact that you can lose your attractiveness forever.

Benign neoplasms called hemangiomas are most often congenital. The surface is red, protrudes slightly above the skin, which is unlike other manifestations of rosacea. Often such formations behave unpredictably: they can either completely dissolve on their own or grow at a high speed. They are removed with an argon laser.

Localization in one area of ​​\u200b\u200bvessels that are dilated to an abnormal state. This is called a "wine stain" or a flaming nevus. Previously, it was believed that this was not treated, but in our time there will be no trace of such spots, again thanks to the laser.

Taking hormonal drugs can also provoke the appearance of rosacea.

Medical ways to get rid of burst blood vessels on the face:

  • . Damaged blood vessels on the face are removed with a laser, which guarantees complete cleansing of the skin, the absence of recurrence and pain during the procedure.
  • . The essence of the method is the penetration of the laser beam into the vessels with the greatest accumulation of blood and heating them to the gluing temperature. Subsequently, such vessels die.
  • Sclerosis. A certain substance is injected under the skin, which limits access to the main blood flow to the affected vessel.
  • Ozone therapy. The safest method of dealing with diseased vessels, in which the face is chipped with ozone, as a result of which oxidation occurs and the vessel with a defect dies. Plus, this procedure has rejuvenating properties.
  • Byutek technology. The latest of its kind. The affected areas of the skin are treated with an electrolyte gel, then displayed on the screen and exposed to pulsed microcurrents. One of the best procedures, but the price for it is high.

There are also methods for treating blood vessels at home, such as:

  • taking various medications that have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, helping to strengthen them, for example, ascorutin.
  • Regular use of topical ointments, such as Dr. Tuffy.

It is imperative, excluding spicy, seasonings, preservation, to give up caffeine and alcohol, as these products contribute to exacerbations of rosacea.

Folk remedies

In addition to all of the above, it turns out to be effective treatment of blood vessels on the face with folk remedies, using recipes that were known to our grandmothers:

It is very useful for skin rosacea to drink cabbage juice from ordinary white fruits. You can dilute it with carrots to improve the taste.

It is also effective to squeeze the juice from a fresh tomato and treat it with defective skin areas.


Prevention of blood vessels on the face is an extremely important point for those who are prone to rosacea:

  • Such people will have to give up hard scrubs, you can not use lotions and various skin care products that contain alcohol, you will also have to give up menthol and honey in the composition.
  • Do not wash your face with hot or cold water, this can contribute to a sharp expansion of blood vessels. The water should be slightly warmer than room temperature.
  • You will have to forget about steaming and manual massage procedures, but turn to collagen masks and phytotherapeutic procedures.
  • Also useful is the mechanical effect on points with increased biological activity, this is called acupuncture and refers to Tibetan medicine.

No one is safe from rosacea, but with timely diagnosis, innovations in medicine and cosmetology allow you to quickly and painlessly deal with it.

Red vessels on the face: treatment of rosacea

Eliminate the cause of rosacea

Red traces of capillaries on the skin of the face can eventually lead to the formation of spider veins, and then to the appearance of tubercles. Do not worry, it is quite possible to get rid of rosacea, but first you need to find out the cause of its appearance and eliminate it.

Often, the expansion of blood vessels on the face and the appearance of rosacea are associated with sudden changes in temperature, exposure to sunlight, overeating, being overweight, strong prolonged stress, drinking alcohol and smoking. The capillaries burst and red marks remain under the skin. Try to eliminate these causes: watch your diet, give up bad habits, try to overheat less often, use sunscreen, and take care of yourself from stress. This is especially true for people with delicate, sensitive, naturally fair skin that needs careful care.

The appearance of red marks on the face may be associated with chronic diseases of the stomach, liver pathology, a sharp change in hormonal levels, gynecological diseases. In this case, only a doctor will help you remove the stars on your face and improve your health.

Removal of blood vessels on the face: indications and features of the procedure

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How to get rid of red blood vessels on the face at home

One of the best remedies that allows you to remove red marks from dilated blood vessels on your face is an enzyme peel. Usually it is offered in beauty salons, but you can buy the right product and use it yourself at home. Enzyme peeling works very gently, without causing serious damage to the delicate capillaries located close to the surface of the skin, but at the same time it provides deep cleansing and evens out the complexion. The number of procedures depends on the type of skin: for oily skin, repeat the session twice a week, for dry and very sensitive skin - once every ten days.

After cleaning the skin, apply a special oil or cream to the damaged areas.

The ideal option is cosmetics with vitamins K, P and C, as well as grape seed oil.

This is a great way to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and remove redness. You can buy these products at the store or try to make your own.

Broken capillaries on the face look unaesthetic, it is quite difficult to hide these areas with the help of decorative cosmetics. As the disease develops, it turns into a real problem - not only of a physical nature, but also causing psychological discomfort. In addition, such a symptom may indicate the presence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. Find out how to remove capillaries on the face.

Capillaries burst: causes

The disease, which is characterized by the expansion of capillaries, the appearance of vascular networks, is called rosacea. On the face, small vessels are located close to the surface of the skin, so the hemorrhage becomes clearly visible. Most often, the cause of the development of a disease in the face is a hereditary predisposition or age-related changes in the walls of blood vessels. Over time, their elasticity, the ability to respond to external factors, is lost. But even at a young age, burst capillaries on the face can be observed. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • skin injury;
  • a sharp change in temperature: a long stay in the cold or hot dry air, frequent visits to the sauna or bath;
  • hormonal imbalance, including during pregnancy, lactation, menopause, during puberty;
  • prolonged stress and nervous overexcitation;
  • malnutrition and smoking.

Couperosis is more common in women with fair skin. Bursting blood vessels appear on the wings of the nose, forehead, chin and cheeks. An untimely visit to a doctor in case of a broken capillary on the face leads to the rapid spread of the problem, dryness and aging of the skin of the face. From a slight red dot on the skin, a serious disease of the circulatory system can develop.

Preventive measures

Preventing red capillaries on the face is much easier than then dealing with the problem:

  1. First of all, daily skin care is necessary with high-quality, properly selected cosmetics. They should contain the following vitamins: C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, E - promotes the healing of microtraumas and accelerates regeneration, P - protects the skin from negative external factors, K - improves blood circulation in the vessels. Do not injure the skin with a hard towel and aggressive scrubs. Do not use cosmetics containing alcohol and fruit acids.
  2. Are capillaries bursting on your face? Rational proper nutrition contributes to the prevention of the development of the disease. Minimize the consumption of fatty foods, hot spices, coffee, alcohol. Strengthen blood vessels foods such as red fish, walnuts, rose hips, currants, herbs, cabbage, spinach, vegetable oils.
  3. If you are prone to reddening of the skin, use a UV cream in the summer and a protective agent in the cold season.
  4. Do not abuse hot salon procedures: compresses, body wraps, steam baths, etc. It is undesirable for a predisposition to the appearance of a vascular network to visit saunas and baths.
  5. If the prophylaxis was not carried out on time and the capillaries on your face burst, how to get rid of a skin defect? An effective measure to combat rosacea is facial massage, for example, the Japanese practice of Asahi promotes lymphatic drainage, strengthens the muscles and blood vessels of the face. It is not recommended to use ice cubes for massage if the capillary on the face has burst.
  6. Multivitamin complexes will help enrich the body with the necessary elements to improve blood flow and vascular elasticity.

Creams and ointments for rosacea

How to remove capillaries on the face? Unfortunately, the only method of complete elimination of the vascular network and a preventive measure for the re-development of rosacea is the complex treatment of a cardiovascular disease diagnosed by a doctor, which is the root cause of the expansion of capillaries on the face. But modern creams and ointments will help reduce redness and improve the appearance of the skin. They accelerate metabolic and regenerative processes in the skin, which helps to reduce the appearance of the vascular network. These drugs include:

  • heparin ointment;
  • "Ascorutin";
  • "Troxevasin";
  • cream "Aven Dirozeal";
  • "Bioderma Sensibo";
  • medical cosmetics "Lierak".

The result of using the cream for rosacea is clearly shown in the photo.

Gymnastics for the face from the vascular network

A capillary burst on the face - special exercises will help lymphatic drainage, and together with a properly selected cream, they will enrich the skin with nutrients, relieve inflammation and redness of the skin. Perform daily such a gymnastic complex:

  1. Pull out the lips with a tube, hold for 5 seconds.
  2. Yawn wide. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Raise and lower the skin of the cheeks at a fast pace with your palms.
  4. Run the fingers of both hands along the massage lines of the face.
  5. Smile showing your upper teeth.
  6. Inflate and then retract your cheeks.

Couperose laser treatment

Removal of capillaries on the face with a laser is one of the most effective cosmetic methods for treating broken blood vessels. One painless session is enough to “burn” the damaged capillary and make it completely invisible. After the procedure, temporary reddening of the skin in the area of ​​laser treatment is possible. The recovery period includes an individual plan of professional skin care developed by a beautician.


An effective method of treating vascular networks on the face is the photorejuvenation procedure. Its essence lies in the direction of high-intensity light pulses on the affected areas of the skin. Under the action of the rays, coagulation, or "gluing" of blood vessels occurs. After the procedure, the intensity of the manifestation of the disease decreases. And after a few days, the capillaries on the face completely disappear.


The mesotherapy procedure is the introduction of vitamin preparations directly into the affected area of ​​the skin, which help to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation. To achieve the result, you need to take a course of injections, which is usually 10 sessions once a week. Moreover, each procedure includes multiple injections, since it is necessary to inject 3 ml of the drug at 0.2 per injection. The advantage of this method is that in addition to eliminating broken blood vessels, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, skin turgor improves, and a healthy complexion appears.

Folk remedies for broken capillaries

Recipes for homemade masks and lotions based on the medicinal properties of plants will help reduce redness and improve the general condition of the skin of the face. How to remove capillaries on the face with the help of folk remedies? Here are some helpful recipes:

  1. Significantly reduce the manifestation of broken capillaries lotions from medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, string, horse chestnut, yarrow or green tea.
  2. Use cosmetic clay in the form of a face mask. But with rosacea, such a remedy cannot be covered with a film. The warming effect will only worsen the condition of the vessels. Leave the mask in the open air until completely dry, then rinse with warm water.
  3. Various oils improve the condition of blood vessels. Mix a tablespoon of olive, grape, linseed oil with starch or talc until a thick mass forms. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Wash off with a decoction of chamomile.
  4. Effectively copes with redness of the badyaga face. Dilute it with water to a mushy state and use as a face mask.

Both home and hardware methods of treating rosacea will not eradicate the problem, but will only eliminate the symptom in the form of unaesthetic manifestations. For a long-term effect, it is necessary to identify the root cause of the disease using medical diagnostic methods, undergo a course of treatment, and regularly take preventive measures. If even small capillary bruises occur, consult a specialist, as self-treatment can lead to the development of serious disorders of the cardiovascular system of the body.
